Harmonious Combination

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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Night Time-


October, 2015


finding time to begin the training that he and Daniel had arranged over two

weeks ago, Han arrived in the city of Toronto on the back of his motorcycle; an

imported West Coast American Chopper bike -fast, loud and beautiful. He loved

that motorcycle, loved to feel the wind racing around his head and between his

antlers as he rode down the street to where he was supposed to meet his cousin

to begin their first night of training. Daniel had also promised him his own

uniform for when the training was finished.


had been looking forward to this ever since Daniel had agreed to teach him; to

help him master his powers and to make him into a superhero, just like himself.

Han had been born with a special gift; the power to control and amplify sound.

Over the years he'd practiced with it, and knew the limits of what he was

capable of using it for. He could single out one sound and suppress another, he

could clap his hands to create a concentrated sonic blast to knock people off

of their feet, and he could even amplify the sound waves of the very bike he

was riding on to shatter windows in the vicinity...


that one he actively avoided doing, for obvious reasons.


was ready. All he needed now was just a little tempering of his superpowers, to

learn how best to use them, and the best one to teach him that was someone who

had been practicing with his own powers for almost a decade and a half.


his bike in a hidden place designated by Daniel, Han stepped off and walked

back out to the street, looking around for any sign of his cousin. He stood

there for only moment before he heard a hoof-step. "You're early."

            Han turned to face the voice,

seeing a white and red clad caribou stepping out of the shadows, approaching

him on the street with a long red cape flowing behind him with each step. The

younger caribou chuckled as the Warp approached him, crossing his arms. "For a

guy who dresses like the national flag, you sure are good at hiding."


one sees what they aren't looking for," replied Warp. "Are you ready?"


nodded to him. "I am," he said. "Which way to home base?"


called The Bunker," replied Warp, holding out his hand. "And I never use the

door," he added with a smirk.


took his hand with only a second of thought, and then felt a rush of weightless

as a flash of light enveloped the two bucks, carrying them to places unknown to

Han. He felt gravity return to him in a span of a second, along with a brief

light-headedness that had him struggling to regain his balance, nearly falling

onto his side. He found a table to lean on for support, shaking his head to

clear it.


that was a buzz," he said. "Felt like we flew through space."


get used to it," replied Warp as he reached up with one hand and lifted the

corner of his mask, the whiteness of his fur seemingly retreating into the

mask, replaced by a shade of brown slightly lighter than that of Han's, before he

pulled off his mask fully and uncovered his green eyes.


you're not wearing contacts anymore," said Han.


he replied. "After accidentally sleeping in them I needed to make sure I didn't

do that again, so I replaced them with a pliable lens over the eye sockets."


cringed. "Oh that must've hurt... how'd you get them out without going to an

eye doctor and giving up your big secret?"


support crew," replied Daniel, pointing past Han.


caribou turned to look over his shoulder, and saw a smiling Japanese Weasel

seated in the chair at the desk, who proceeded to wave to him. "Kon'nichiwa, Hania," he said in

greeting. "I am Akechi Akio, it is an honor to meet you."


so you're Akio," returned Han, stepping forward and reaching over the desk to

shake hands with the weasel, who accepted graciously. "Good to finally meet you

in person."


replied Akio. "I am eager to see how your training goes; I even have something

for you to get started." He rolled his chair back and stood up, walking over to

a nearby workbench.


present for me? You shouldn't have," jested Han.


learning what your powers are and how they worked, I had Akio begin working on

a set of tools for you," explained Daniel. "Your costume is still being worked

on but the weapons I had him customize for you should be ready."


had all that done in three weeks?" Han asked, surprised.


have a lot of free time during the day!" Akio called.


least until tomorrow," remarked Daniel.


What about tomorrow?" Han asked.


Halloween," replied Daniel. "All of

the crazies come out on Halloween."


like vampires, zombies and werewolves?" Han asked with an incredulous look and

a wry grin as he met Daniel's gaze.


other things," replied Daniel.


expression fell flat.


assured Daniel. "But I mean it; Halloween does bring out the craziest people; I

guarantee you the police scanner will be buzzing all night long."


rolled his eyes. "Swell... "


that moment, Akio returned, and handed a pair of metal rods over to Han,

rubber-coated handles first. Han took the metal batons, examining them

carefully; each one was approximately thirty inches long, with an

ever-so-slight flare at the tips of them. They were light in his hands, with a

fairly good balance as he gave them a few test swings. He then noticed

something about the knobbed heads of the barons, and held them up to examine it



the backs of each baton was an accessory; metal plates that were not attached

to the weapons themselves, but by tiny, coiled springs from top to bottom. The

little, round plates themselves were short and cone shaped, thin and hollowed

out in the centers, and had a different coloration from the rest of the metal,

which he recognized as brass due to their brighter luster and slightly more

yellow hue that made them stand out from the titanium exteriors of the batons.


he looked at Akio. "What are these little 'disks' on the rods?" He asked.


them together," Akio replied. "But don't use your powers on them in here.."


turned to Daniel, who nodded in reply, before he turned away from both he and

Akio to have plenty of room, holding out the two rods and flipping them around

so that the small disks faced each other, lightly tapping them together before

he spread his arms out wide, and slammed them together harshly, not sure what

would happen. He was rewarded with a satisfying clang that left a resounding

echo through the bunker, so harsh it actually made both Daniel and Akio blink

their eyes and fold their ears until it abated.


nice," said Han.


used miniature versions of cymbals for those," Akio explained. "Just like with

the real thing, you clang them together and you can create a miniature sonic

boom that can irritate sensitive ears. Combining it with your powers..." He let

Han finish.


get a sonic blast," he replied,

holding up the batons again. "I like these. What're they made of? They're oddly



took one of the rods from Han and traced his finger along the rod as he gave Han

the rundown. "Now, inside of these batons is an aluminum rod -the rest of the

item is built around that, like an endo-skeleton," he explained. "The rod

itself is about one inch thick. The high-density rubber that form up the

handles add another half an inch to the density, and absorb impact reducing the

strain on both your hands and the rod itself, so it is unlike to break unless

to somehow catch a .50 bullet with it -though I wouldn't recommend trying it.


the handles up to the heads," he carried on. "You have an exoskeleton of

lightweight titanium, adding another half-inch density for the stems, until you

get to the head here, which is about three inches thick front-to-back. Thanks

to this design the rods weigh only a two pounds each -less than even a katana,

but are as sturdy as the external plating of a tank. They'll do just as well at

blocking weapons as being used for them."


things are made with titanium?" Han asked.


replied Akio. "So are the bracers and greaves in Daniel's suit, as well as his

collapsible staff. Strongest metal known to fur-kind; it seemed like the best



did you guys afford so much of it? That stuff is pricey," inquired Han before

looking around. "On that note how did you make this whole hideout?"


gave a weak smile at that. "My... parents made sure I would live comfortably,"

he replied in a melancholic tone.


sulked, feeling suddenly guilty for asking. "Ah... sorry, cousin."


waved it off. "It's fine," he said in assurance, and quickly changed the

subject. "So, ready for some practice?" He asked.


bet; we doing that here or somewhere else?"


Bunker's too small for training; as good as it is, it's still a little too

confined for anything beyond mission dispatch and being somewhere to catch your

breath," replied Daniel. "We'll have to go somewhere a little more spacious but

no less private for our training."


nodded. "Alright; where were you thinking?"


already took the liberty of setting up a place," replied Daniel. "It's a couple

of teleports away, but it's not too far."


swallowed as he realized that meant teleporting a couple of more times, worried

his stomach might turn in a bad way if they teleported twice in a row. "Okay...

sure we can't just drive?" He asked.


place we're going is inaccessible by car," replied Daniel. "I also don't have a car."

            'Crap,' thought Han, before he nervously

nodded and, tucking his new batons under his arm, he watched as Daniel replaced

his mask, once more turning his fur white as he lay the red mask over his eyes,

and when he reopened them the lenses had turned them gray, giving him his

reputed, 'ghostly' appearance. With that, Daniel held out his hand; Han grasped

it, and prepared himself for another rush.


should make the finishing touches on Han's uniform when you guys get back,"

Akio informed.


Akio; we'll be back in a few hours," said Daniel before he triggered his

powers, and the two disappeared from the Bunker.


nearly vomited as the effects of the second teleportation abated, falling onto

his backside and dropping his batons as his head swooned, holding his head in

his hands in a vain attempt to make it stop spinning. He felt cold grass

underneath him, and could smell the familiar scent of the Great Lake Ontario as

his head finally cleared up enough that his senses were back, and he looked

around, seeing the lake surrounding them on all sides, through a few trees that

ringed the clearing they were in.


clearing was not empty. There were straw dummies covering the western side of

the clearing, four arranged in a row, six in a staggered formation, each one

with cartoonish angry faces drawn on pieces of leather wrapped around their

heads, each one standing at various heights and sizes. In the very center of

the clearing near where they were was a final dummy, made of foam with many

indents and marks that could have only been left by excessive use.


are we?" Han asked. "What is this place?"


little island in the lake," replied Daniel. "Sitting right on the U.S./Canada

border; tiny and ringed with trees. Very isolated, perfect place for training."


cousin; is there anything you don't have?" Han asked asked he surveyed the



would still like a sports car someday, if I ever get my driver's license,"

replied Daniel.


scoffed. "What about a girlfriend or something?" He asked.


appeared in front of Han in a flash of light, looking him right in the eye.

"Don't push your luck, 'cuz," he said, but still had a small smile on his face

to show he was only kidding again. "The training I'm going to give you will

push you far. You're a Park Ranger -a good one." He began to pace slightly as

he continued. "Four years you trained in Policing, Wilderness Survival,

Biology; you can identify edible herbs from toxic ones, you can identify

footprints and recognize animals by the sound of their voice.


you can also," he continued. "Amplify sound, can't you? That's how you knocked

down Ohanzee with a clap of your hands."


shrugged. "Guilty as charged."


far have you tested your limits?" Daniel asked.


sound has a nasty way of drawing attention I've kept it under wraps," replied

Han. "But, I did learn one trick I can do."


that?" Daniel asked.


Han instructed.


ears flicked out, eyes wandering slightly as he listened. "I don't hear..." He

paused. "Anything at all."


was no sound at all, except for his voice, and that of Han, as he tried to pick

up sound from anywhere. The wind was blowing, and he should have heard water

splashing on the shores of the islet, or the leaves rustling in the breeze. But

there was nothing; to test it further, he tapped his hooves together, excepting

to hear the resounding click, but he never heard it no matter how hard he

tapped. He looked at Han, longing for an explanation.


sound is vibration," replied Han, and it was then Daniel noticed a slight echo

as he spoke. "I don't just amplify them, I can suppress them -quite selectively

too, like adjusting the volume on a stereo."


a brisk wind today; how are you suppressing the rustling of the leaves without

affecting the trees in some way?" Daniel asked.


only suppressing about four feet around us; we're in a sort of invisible

bubble," replied Han. "All other soundwaves are locked out, while I'm only

allowing our voices to be heard. We'd actually be a lot louder in this space

but I'm keeping our voices controlled too."


many sounds can you control at once?" Daniel asked.


don't know the exact limit," Han admitted. "But, let's just say I am probably

the only man alive who could make a Rock concert boring."


that, not even The Warp could hold back a laugh. "Oh god, I can almost picture



laughed with him, and soon the two found themselves laughing heartily, until

eventually they stopped, and went back to the matter at hand; Han cancelled his

block on the other sounds, making everything almost deafeningly loud to Daniel

as all sound returned to him all at the same time. He shuddered slightly,

looking at Han. "That doesn't unnerve you at all?" He asked.


sure; total silence would unnerve anybody," replied Han. "That's why I don't

usually do it."


appears we both have an issue with the other's powers," Daniel remarked.


chuckled. "Ironic," he said, before clearing his throat. "So... what's with all

the dummies? You're not here to teach me archery are you?"


chuckled. "Ah... no, I'm not an archer," replied the white-clad caribou. "Those

dummies are actually part of my demonstration, and for practice later."


returned Han, crossing his arms and waiting.


believe," began Daniel. "That a hero's best weapon is neither his or her powers

or martial skills, but a harmonic synchronization of both." He held out his

hands. "A combined power, unique only to them; that is what I created for

myself, and what I made for Whiptail. I call it the Harmonious Combination."


scoffed. "Sounds like a dance duet."


aced the entrance exam test for agility when he joined the Bureau," Daniel

stated. "He is the only new recruit in the entire B.O.S to get a perfect score

on the first try, and they have more than a hundred heroes."


arched an eyebrow. "Your training helped him do that?"


training taught him to combine his mastery of acrobatics and his astounding

agility with his powers," replied Daniel. "And I did the same for myself,

fusing my Teleportation..." He wound up a punch, before vanishing from sight

and appearing next to the foam dummy, which he punched hard enough that the

stomach gained a new, deep indentation in the foam torso; not even a half of

second after Daniel reappeared did he land that punch, and the dummy, despite

its supports being staked into the ground, nearly keeled over from the force of

his punch. "With my Martial prowess."


Han said, eyes wide. "You can actually wind up a punch, teleport, and then

finish it when you reappear?"


momentum; that's about the only thing I can call it," replied Daniel. "I can

have my arm almost completely outstretched before teleporting, and the momentum

my limb has gathered is still there when I reappear; when I teleport into a

strike, my target's down before they even realized someone is attacking them.

Whiptail's strength was his agility, mine is ambush. I use that for when I'm against

a crowd of targets."


these dummies," Han replied, wiggling his finger at the straw targets.



this how you trained originally, before you took on those gangs?"


Although this little islet is a new touch; before converting the bathroom at

the bunker into... well, a bathroom, it was the monitor area, while the main

room was for training, using targets like these ones."


did you change it?"


Akio lives there now."


gawked. "Wait, Akio lives in The Bunker, It's not just his day job

or something?"


looked at his cousin with seriousness on his face. "Akio is in hiding from the

Yakuza, Han," he stated. "I may have stopped their operations here in the city

but some of their loyalist groups are still around -if they ever found out

where Akio was, he'd be in danger. He chose to live in the Bunker, as my

support; he'll still come out sometimes to go for a meal or something but he

doesn't feel safe outside of there anymore."


expression turned to one of sadness and guilt. "I often wonder if I'm not

taking advantage of him... he's a workaholic to be sure, and good at what he

does, but he deserves his own life. I'd send him home to Japan if I thought he

could be safe, but if did that, I might as well be releasing a honeybee into a

nest of yellow jackets."


grimaced at that, seeing the solemnity on his cousin's face even behind his red

mask. "Okay uh, so what are we practicing first?" Han asked, quickly changing

the subject.


blinked at the question before shaking his head, clearing it and getting his

focus back on the task at hand. "Ah, right; sorry. Let's continue," he replied,

before clearing his throat. "First thing we should do is teach you to use those



already have police baton training," Han reminded him.


but how often have you actually needed to use your telescopic baton?"


frowned. "Point taken," he replied.


baton training from cops only focuses on using your dominant hand," Daniel

continued. "You have two of them, which means to start, you need to learn to

fight as well with both hands. Which are you; a right or a left?"



we'll start with going over your technique, to see what you can do," began

Daniel, reaching behind him and pulling a two foot metal rod from the back of

his belt. At the touch of a button, the rod expanded on both ends, forming into

a staff almost three times as large as its base form. "Just use one for now, and

we'll use this round to warm up while I also get a better idea of what your

training has taught you."


nodded, and set down one of his new batons, taking the other in his right hand

and following Daniel over to the safety mats at the corner of their training

site; Daniel removed his cape and hung it over one of the dummies to prevent it

from interfering while he sparred with Han, before standing across from him,

where they both stood in wide-legged stances and were quick to engage each

other, with Daniel acting as the aggressor.

 They went over several techniques Han had been

taught in his training, starting with a defensive technique for an opponent who

was pressuring a baton-wielding cop; Daniel struck at Han repeatedly with his

staff, while the younger caribou strategically positioned his arm not only to

block the staff with each swing, but when the time was right, he turned the

force of Daniel's own blow against him, using the momentum to bring his arm

down quickly to strike Daniel in the leg with the butt of his weapon, following

it up with a belly-tackle that knocked Daniel onto his back.


second technique was a recovery move for when the baton-user was pinned down on

his back by his opponent. Han laid on his back and let Daniel climb onto him,

straddling him in a position that an assailant might take, with the fist raised

ready to strike if he made a mistake, but Han had a good physical memory.

Drawing his baton from the holster on his belt, he adjusted his legs and bucked

his hips forward in one motion to throw Daniel off balance, him to fall

forward, where Han brought the baton back, grasping is head with his other hand

and pulling it against the back of Daniel's ribs -an extremely tender area, or

to the back of the neck to pull his head down and bump his muzzle against the

ground. Both times allowed Han to roll them both over, and their positions were

switched; now Han was on top, and still had his weapon -a perfect position to

land a knockout strike or force a surrender.


were basic but effective techniques; there was parrying, striking, an upper-cut

motion where the wielder could catch the opponent from below. Daniel gave an

approving nod to every technique they practiced, and was glad to know his

cousin remembered his training so well knowing it would make it that much

easier to refine it.


second step was in hand-to-hand, where Han demonstrated how he would handle

being without a weapon; if his opponent attacked with a knife, a baseball bat,

or even just his fists, giving Daniel a demonstration of takedown maneuvers and

pins. However, onto the second round of the practice, suddenly things took a

turn; Daniel went in fighting as he usually did -minus teleporting. With his staff,

he did not just attack with one-end to pressure Han like an angry thug might,

but when Han blocked the first strike, Daniel spun the weapon and landed a

strike with the opposite end of his staff, showing the flaws in the technique.


see, the police are trained mostly for dealing with thugs who might carry a

knife, a bat, a wrench or even a sword, all of which they could handle with

that technique," said Daniel. "However a longer weapon like mine isn't so

easily blocked; take up your other baton, and try using that to block the other

end of my staff when I do that again."


the first few tries, Han was too slow to stop Daniel's under-handed strike, but

eventually he managed to block the staff a few times, each time where he

managed to perform the tackle to bring Daniel down. They practiced this a few

times before moving back on to the unarmed combat, where this time Daniel also

went unarmed, and it became a contest of martial prowess. The advanced

techniques of Daniel's Muai Thai training won out over the police techniques

employed by Han, leaving the younger caribou lying on the mat, feeling sore.


cousin; good thing you're not a bad guy," remarked Han. "Cops wouldn't stand a

chance against you."


is why people like us need to exist," stated Daniel as he helped Han back to

his feet. "When there are villains the police can't handle, it's up to us to

take them down. I've trained hard, but even I have faced opponents who pushed

me to my limit -the foremost being Masaru Kameyama, better known as J?sh?, a

while back. I fought him in two separate rounds, and in a straight-up fight, he

beat me."


you take him down?" Han asked.


I fought him the first time I fought him as an equal and didn't use my powers

against him," replied Daniel. "But the second time, I forced him to fight on my

terms, making full use of my powers and my skills, as I should have been." He

clapped Han on the shoulder. "People like J?sh? force us to fight somewhat

dirty to beat them; he didn't have any sort of superpowers as I did and yet he

was more than capable of killing me if he got the chance. Having powers doesn't

mean we're unbeatable, so if your life is on the line, anything goes, even

mortally wounding your opponent in order to survive; always remember that."


nodded. "Don't have to tell me twice; just because I'm doing this doesn't

necessarily mean I want to die."


returned Daniel. "Alright; let's take a quick break and catch our breath, and

then we'll get to testing your powers."


two caribou males spent the next few hours training, until eventually Daniel

received a call from Akio about a situation in the city, forcing them to return

-he couldn't very well leave Han on the island with no way back in case he was

injured in the field, so they both returned to the Bunker, where Daniel went on

to insist that Han stay there while he dealt with what was going on, much to

the dismay of the younger caribou. It wasn't like Han couldn't handle himself

against a few street punks.


Daniel insisted that they at least wait until Han's costume was finished; Akio

was working on just that when they appeared back in the Bunker -with Han once

more on the verge of losing his lunch when the after-effects reached him, and

Daniel left the Bunker immediately after with another teleport. Finding a chair

and sitting down until his head stopped spinning.


the hell did he ever get used to that?" Han asked the weasel.


asked him that myself once," Akio replied while he worked, placing something

onto the center chest of the suit lain out before him. "We both still wonder

why he doesn't get the sense of vertigo and light-headedness from the

teleportation; it only seems to happen to people he teleports with him."


how do they handle it?"


when he does it they're too afraid to notice," replied Akio.


Han asked, not understanding.


he saves someone from catastrophes; they're usually too afraid to notice the side-effects,"

Akio explained in more detail. "Maybe adrenaline lessens the effects."


I guess that makes sense," Han replied, nodding.


a short moment, Han simply sat in the chair wordlessly before he asked. "Do you

think Daniel didn't take me with him because he thinks I can't handle some



Akio replied plainly. "He didn't take you along because your uniform is not yet

done; gun violence is rare in Canada, but you never know what a street punk

might be hiding in their pocket." He pulled back from the workbench, turning

his chair to face Han. "Safety first I think is the term Canadians use?"


like that," replied Han.


then; this should suffice," said Akio, standing up from the chair and gesturing

to the bench. "Your new uniform is ready."


ears stood out as he heard those words, and in seconds he was rising to his

feet from the chair, slowly crossing the room to the bench where his new

uniform lay splayed out on the metal surface. A full-body suit almost exactly

like Warp's in overall design, baring the cape, and gray instead of white, with

black gloves and calf sleeves, a dark gray mask, and a lighter gray emblem on

the chest. The suit was full-coverage from the neck down, with long sleeves

leading into the gloves, and leggings all the way down to the ankles. The

calf-sleeves stopped just below the knee, a tap of Han's finger revealing the

presence of metal plates in the calf-sleeves and the gloves -titanium greaves

and bracers, Akio clarified.


first Han wondered what the emblem was supposed to be, but after looking at the

many over-lapping threads, he realized that the design looked like a stereo

speaker, the realization of which actually brought a laugh to his lips. The

entire suit was composed of kevlar, including the emblem, which made the chest

of the suit the densest part of the armour besides the gloves. Showing him more

of the suit Akio turned over the upper body piece, showing holsters for his

batons were actually knitted into the fabric, where he could easily reach them.


ahead; try on the mask," said Akio. "I made it just like Daniel's."


reached for the mask, picking it up and examining it with skepticism, suddenly

feeling his mind retreating from the thought of what putting on that mask would

mean. When he adorned that mask, he would still be Hania Tonraq, but he would

be something much more as well; a symbol, and a servant of justice beyond even

his current position. He would be associated with vigilantism, but he would be

bound only by whatever rules he made for himself, with his every action

painting his image in the minds of Canadians who heard of him.


this truly what he wanted, he wondered as he wandered over to a mirror, staring

at his reflection. A young, male caribou buck, early twenties with brown eyes

and chestnut brown fur -quite handsome if he dared say so himself, stood there

with the mask held between his hands, hesitant to proceed as if afraid of what

he would find when that nanite-infused fabric was placed over his eyes. Would

he even recognize himself?


brow furrowed, and he closed his eyes as he turned the mask inside out and

pulled it over his face, adjusting it to fit around his skull, feeling it stop

at his antlers. Fumbling around with the mask he found velcro straps on the

back to fasten together, pressing them with his fingers to flatten them out and

secure it. He heard a light buzzing noise from the mask, followed by a tickling

sensation in his fur that went over his entire body in the span of seconds.

When the sensation abated, he opened his eyes, and stared ahead to a dark face

he barely even recognized as his own.


eyes had turned gray, just like Daniel's when he wore his own mask, but

Daniel's was not designed like Han's. Han had a full mask, covering his whole

face, dark gray in colour with a lighter gray around the mouth that, like the

emblem on the torso piece, looked like a speaker. His fur had become a dark

gray nearly matching the uniform. He held up his hands, seeing the colour

coating had travelled all the way to his fingers, stopping at the hoof-like

fingertips of his hands. Despite the colour change, he felt no different; after

the tingling left by the nanites that had recoloured his fur, he still felt

just like himself, even if he no longer looked so when he checked himself in

the mirror again, scarcely believing it.


shit," he said.


do you think?" Akio asked.


think I'm looking at a rare gray caribou," replied Han, looking at Akio. "This

is just... I don't know how to even describe it; strange, if nothing else." He

snarked as it suddenly dawned on him why Daniel had been The Warp for going on

two years without any concern to anyone finding out who he was. "So this is how

he's done it; why no one has ever made the connection of The Warp being Daniel



what gave him the nickname 'the Ghost of Toronto'," added Akio.


snarked again. "Yeah, that part's extremely clear here," he said before turning

to Akio. "So how about I try on that uniform now?"


later, Han had adorned his new costume, and returned to the mirror to see

himself, posing with his batons in hand and seeing his new look with a sudden

rush of glee, feeling powerful as he studied the way he filled the suit,

hugging his body with mild snugness though without any restriction to his

movement. He changed his pose several times, seeing himself from various

angles, and even did a few practice swings with his batons, all the while

grinning at the new look.


I look badass!" He exclaimed, excitedly. "This is freakin' awesome!"


was almost laughing at the childish glee Han felt as he saw himself in costume

for the first time, before he cleared his throat. "The suit is made of a Kevlar

tri-weave; can stop any small-arms bullet -though watch out for rifles; it'll

protect you pretty well but a straight shot could still get through," he



about knives?" Han asked, looking away from the mirror at the weasel.


stop everything from a stiletto to a butcher knife, but stay mobile if you're

up against a someone using a bowie or a KABAR," explained Akio. "Your mask also

doesn't offer any protection so watch your face or you could lose an eyeball."


cringed. "Nasty thought; thanks."


welcome," Akio returned with a smug grin. "Lastly, you remember those disks on

the back of your clubs; the ones for emitting sound?" Han nodded. "I put

similar ones on the anklets, so that if you're knocked down, you can smack them

together to emit soundwaves to protect yourself."


something out of Wizard of Oz," said Han.


thought of it like that, but I guess so."


returned to looking at himself in the mirror, and suddenly saw the smiling,

red-masked face of his cousin standing behind him. Han started and let out a

yelp before he slowly turned to face Warp with a blank expression -though his

mask hid most of it, leaving only his eyes to be read. "How long you been

standing there?" He asked.


Akio began the knife explanation," replied Warp, peeling off of his own mask

and removing his recoloured disguise.


sure were back sooner than I expected," Han pointed out.


shrugged. "Just a local gang; nobody dangerous," he replied. "Half of them ran,

the other half attacked with their eyes closed. A Karate yellow-belt could've

beaten them."


chuckled. "Wow, sad," he said. "Now I don't feel so bad about missing out."


you didn't miss much," replied Daniel.


nevertheless, can I go on the next one?" Han asked.


on the severity?" Daniel returned. "I'll think about it."


patted Daniel on the shoulder as he walked past. "Come now, Dan; I'm sure he

could handle a few street punks."


only just started his training, Akio," Daniel reminded


been a Park Ranger for a year," Akio countered. "He's a professional."


crossed his arms. "And what about if we run into someone as dangerous as J?sh?,

or one of the major crime factions?"


stepped in between them. "Don't I get a say in this?" He asked. "I know I'm a

rookie, but I can handle myself; I've got superpowers after all."


do I," Daniel reminded. "And I can still get disemboweled like anyone else."


teleport; I create sonic booms by clapping my hands," Han retorted. "I think

there's a big difference between our powers."


I've mastered mine," Daniel replied. "You are still a work in progress."


way we were talking back on the island you sounded like you had absolute faith

in my powers," Han stated.


do have faith in your powers, Han, but we still don't know the extent of your

abilities," Daniel reasoned. "Your fighting skills are not what I question; you

proved you can fight, but using powers isn't the same -for all we know you

could blow over a skyscraper by yelling

at it."


scowled. "Daniel, if I were really capable of that much power..."


The. Point." The elder caribou said with such firmness he actually made Han

feel small. "Until we are sure you've mastered your powers and can fully

control them, there's risk of collateral. I offered to train you and you

accepted; when you chose to undergo my training, you also agreed to follow my

lead. I know you're eager to make a difference -when I found Whiptail he was

the same way, and he almost got himself killed in his recklessness." He put a

hand on Han's shoulder. "So I am asking you, be patient, and trust me."


listened to Daniel's words carefully until he was finished, blinking at him

until he let out a long, drawn-out sigh. "Okay, okay; I get it. Another of

those cliche 'patience' lectures like in a certain sci-fi classic," he said.

"Alright, I'll wait until we've trained for a while."


nodded. "Don't worry, Han; you will get your chance, I promise."


nodded back. "Okay," he said.


looked at Akio briefly, and then back at Han again. "Let's call it a night for

now," he said. "It's a slow evening; I think we can retire early."


stated Akio.


for coffee?" Han offered. "New guy's treat."


all for that," replied Daniel. "But, let's get into something that won't grab

so much attention."


laughed gingerly. "Yeah."



October, 2015


moved slowly as he mimicked Daniel's movements, following them to the best of

his ability as the two masked caribou practiced routines for the second night

in a row. In response to Han having shown Daniel some of his police training

techniques, Daniel had offered to teach him some skills better suited for

offensive combat rather than defensive, and that meant passing on some of his

Muai Thai training to his cousin. Han could already throw a decent punch to

hurt a man, but now Daniel would teach him how to throw a punch that could put

a man on the floor.


stood side-by-side, with Han trying to follow Daniel's movements to the best of

his abilities. Daniel was practical, teaching Han how to do the moves by

guiding him step by step, but Han was nowhere near as fast or precise as his

cousin yet -that would take time. Daniel could teach him the moves, but it

would be up to Han to practice them until, as Daniel put it, every muscle in

his body knew them. Han was allowed to use the training dummy when Daniel

thought he had the grasp of the attacks.


Han performed a straight punch though, Daniel told him to stop. "Try putting

both your shoulder and your hips into the punch; all those muscles working

together will amplify the force of the hit." Concluding the explanation, he

gestured to the training dummy, and allowed Han to resume.


turned to the foam dummy, putting up his fists and standing as Daniel had

instructed him to -left shoulder forward, right shoulder back, since Han

dominantly used his right-hand for attacking even though he was ambidextrous.

He sucked in a breath, and then tried the punch again. Failed. He tried again

and again, until on the sixth punch, he heard Daniel chime with approval, and

the dummy nearly fell back from the force of his fist.


you're getting it," said Daniel. "Now, I know most of the time you will likely

be using your clubs in battle, but keep practicing these fist techniques when

you can; just in case you are ever disarmed."


panted for breath as he listened to his cousin's explanation attentively,

before asking a question of his own. "I'm just wondering, and I know this is

odd for a law enforcement officer to ask," he bean, "but when dealing with

especially dangerous criminals, the kind that would probably never be taken by

the cops alive, what's our policy for that?"


as the police, but without limitations on how much force we can apply," replied

Daniel. "Depending on how dangerous the criminal we are is, we limit ourselves

only to what it takes to bring them down. As with the police, killing is a last

resort -one we need to make sure we follow to the letter. Unless they are

holding a switch that'll cause a bomb to go off in a high populated area, or

something just as severe, we only incapacitate them."


nodded in understanding. "Right," he said, before a thought crossed his mind.

"In this 'Muai Thai' you're teaching me, are there any kicks or something I

could use?"


nodded. "Yes. You remember me telling you about the Flying Knee?" He asked.

"That's one of them, and a personal favorite of mine."


my legs are free more often than my hands, can you teach me some of those?"


looked uncertain as he answered that question. "I can try... but to be honest I

was never very good at the kicks."


don't know them?" Han asked, surprised. "I thought you were a blackbelt?"


corrected Daniel. "And I'm at red, which states I've mastered the techniques

and am one rank below teacher. Though don't mistake that for me being unable to



began Han, "so you aren't very good at the kicks; why?"


don't know; was always just better with my arms," replied Daniel. "I can do the

knee strikes fine and I can still teach you the kicks. Showing them to you will

be a little harder for me, but to properly perform them we'll need to develop

your flexibility a little, so we'll do that while we continue working on the



nodded back, and their practice resumed as before...


the two were having a weapons practice session, staff against twin clubs as

before, when Daniel's cell phone began to ring. The two caribou bucks were

annoyed; the second night in a row their practice had been interrupted, but

Daniel answered the call diligently, retrieving his phone from the nearby

folding table, over which his cape was draped, checking to see who the caller



Akio; must be something going on in the city," he said to Han before he

answered. "Yeah?"


waited, gathering up his belongings as Daniel spoke to Akio, certain that this

was probably an emergency back in town that Daniel would have to respond to. He

had his clubs tucked under his arm and was dabbing his face with a towel when

Daniel hung up the phone and turned to him. "Problems?" He asked.


a standoff at the docks," replied Daniel. "The Desert Moon brought something in

at the docks, and the Yakuza have engaged them -apparently they've claimed that

area as their territory now."


thought you chased off the Yakuza?" Han asked.


thought so too but it seems there's still a splinter group in town -probably

some guys J?sh? brought with him when he came to Canada," replied Daniel as he

raised a hand to run his fingers over his mask. "Well, tonight I finish what I

started, then," he said. "Let's take you back to the Bunker."


wanted to offer to help but he knew Daniel would refuse him if he did, and

simply waited until Daniel put his cape back on and collected his staff before

he took his hand and they teleported back to the Bunker. As usual, Han was left

tipsy and with his head swimming from the act when they reappeared in the Bunker,

and Daniel went to collect some additional gear for the objective.


was typing furiously away at the terminal, the police scanner and radio buzzing

behind him, with rampant chatter about gunshots and even an officer demanding

where their SWAT backup was. "I'm trying to hack into some cameras at the

docks, so I can advise you when you get there," stated Akio. "Looks like you

were right, Daniel; Halloween is a crazy time around here."


wasn't exactly what I had in mind," remarked Daniel, putting his microphone

receiver into his ear. "I'm on my way there now."


careful, cousin," said Han.


Daniel turned to him, he smiled gingerly. "Don't worry; I'll be back soon," he

promised before vanishing in a flash of light."


let out another sigh, disappointed. Akio looked up at him when he heard the

sigh, arching an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you did not offer to accompany him,"

he remarked.


bother? He'd have just said no," Han returned.

            "Hai, most likely," returned the weasel.

"But you can at least watch his progress with me; I've just about got the dock

camera feed."


nodded, and walked around the desk to stand at Akio's side, watching over his

shoulder as images of the docks from multiple views came up, and his eyes

widened as he saw what he soon recognized as one of the docks for the ferry

terminal, seeing the Yakuza gunmen onboard what appeared to be one of the said

ferries, apparently hijacked, and on the pier were men in turbans,

loose-fitting clothes and veils -the Desert Moon gangsters. The two sides were

trading shots, sub-machine guns and AK47's trading a storm of bullets as the

gangs fought over something unknown. Han narrowed his eyes as he studied the

layout of the area, feeling a pang of worry.


a lot of cover there," he said. "If those guys turn their guns on Daniel he may

be in trouble."


to worry; Daniel has battled there many times," he said. "He knows all of the

best locations to set an ambush." Akio pointed at a spot on the screen. "And

look; here comes a police boat. They'll be able to pincer the two gangs from

there, especially if Daniel thins the herd a little."


narrowed his eyes in suspicion, and turned his attention to the police scanner,

adjusting the news radio's volume to listen in on the broadcast, his ears

flicking as he heard a report.

            "Dispatch, dispatch; this is Alpha 1-0-9! We

are still unable to get close to the scene; the firefight is too wild! Where is

our Code 11?!"

            "Alpha 1-0-9, Code 11 is fifteen

minutes away. Do not engage, repeat; do not engage. Keep back until they


            "Dispatch this is Charlie 2-2-4; we

have sighted a police water vehicle approaching the dock; can you confirm

backup on the water?"

            "Charlie 2-2-4, repeat; you have

sighted a Lake Unit?."

            "Affirmative, dispatch."

            "Standby for update."

            Han stiffened

as he heard that last report, and hesitating only a second he turned to Akio.

"Zoom in on that police boat," he said.


looked at him oddly before he did as requested, using a secondary software to

capture an image of the boat and zero in on it; the image was distorted as he

enlarged the image, but it a little retexturing he managed to clear it up

slightly, giving them a view of the boat.


are off," Han remarked.


they're trying to sneak up on them?" Akio suggested.


why does the dispatch not know of them?" Han asked. "Something's not right

here; I think that boat is hijacked."




cares? Warn Daniel; if it's not cops on that boat he won't know they're

coming," replied Han. "Where is he anyway?"


Akio pointed at the screen, or more specifically, at the hijacked ferry, where

The Warp had engaged the Yakuza, going for the gunmen first. He appeared and

disappeared at seemingly random parts of the boat, when in fact it was a

strategic attack, targeting men at one end before going for men at the other

while their backs were turned. To Han, it was aweing to see his cousin in

action, seeing how he flawlessly transferred between targets -even one that

were twenty feet away, and struck them down in seconds.


he shook himself out of his entrancement as Akio tried to call his cousin.

"Warp? Warp, do you hear me?" Akio tried again and again, but the white-clad

caribou one the screen never reacted or replied even when he had ample moments

to do so. "I don't think he can hear me..."


not?" Han asked, worried now.


don't know; his commlink's not receiving," replied Akio.


if to confirm Han's worst fears, the police radio suddenly fizzed again, and

the voice of the dispatcher was once more heard. "Charlie 2-2-4; there are no Lake Patrol units in your vicinity, repeat;

we have no backup on the water. The boat is not one of ours."


eyes of the caribou and the weasel met, gazes filled with horror.


he's going to get caught in crossfire!" Han exclaimed as it became clear that

his cousin was in danger. Suddenly, at that moment, he knew just what he needed

to do. "I'm going down there!"


wait...!" Akio began, but Han silenced him with a hand.


I don't do something, Daniel might be killed!" He protested.


reached across his desk and picked up something, handing it to Han. "At least

take this with you." He said.


looked at the item, seeing a little microphone device that seemed suited to fit

into his ear. "Another receiver?"


so I can keep in contact and advise you," replied Akio. "Just don't go

overboard; you've never faced these kinds of odds before."


I don't, Toronto will be missing its favorite superhero," said Han.


nodded, and motioned for Han to get moving. "You'll find your bike right where

you left it six doors to your left when you get out to the street," he said.


thanked Akio before he put on his mask, and as it coloured his fur he grabbed

his batons and slipped them into the holsters on his back, and ran for the

door, which opened as he approached it -compliments of Akio. He'd never

actually been in the building that The Bunker was beneath, so he had no idea

what to expect when he ran out into the hall, spotting the stairs easily and

striding up the steps to the main floor, where he found himself in what

appeared to have once been a store.


didn't wait to look around though; he went out the front door, sharply turning

left and striding down the street until he found his motorcycle. He jumped on

hurriedly, starting it and gunning the engine, practically flying out onto the

street again and riding as fast as he could for the docks, feeling the wind

rushing around him faster and harder with every shift of the gears to increase

his speed.


let me get there in time!" He said, urgently.



sound of Warp's fist striking the face of the Japanese fox marked the last of

the Yakuza gunmen for him to be concerned with. With that, he turned his

attention to the men on the pier, taking advantage of their brief pause to

teleport over to them as well and appear at the back, where he struck the first

of them on the back of the head, knocking off his turban while simultaneously

rendering him unconscious.


others quickly turned to react; Warp grabbed the two closest and smacked their

heads together, before he teleported directly into the face of the next one and

struck him with his elbow, aiming the strike perfectly. Three remained, and two

of them were still reloading their weapons. Warp targeted the one with the

loaded weapon first, narrowly dodging a spray of bullets as he teleported

behind the man, elbowing him in the back of the head before spinning around,

seizing him by his clothes and hurling him at one of the remaining two men.


were down for the moment, giving Warp the chance to knock out the last male, a

jackal, by leaping towards him, teleporting, and using the carried momentum to

ram his knee into the male jackals's face, sending him the ground howling in

pain as his nose was crushed by the force of Warp's knee. The other two

scurried back to their feet, but knew they had no time to seize their guns.

Both of them brandished wicked Jambiya knives, and the one on the left, a male

cat, charged him.


blocked the slash with his gauntlet, the steel dagger meeting his concealed

Titanium bracer harmlessly, before he seized the man by the wrist with that

same arm, yanked him forward and knee-bombed him in the solar plexus, sending

the cat to the ground gasping for air. The second male, another jackal, rushed

in and swung at Warp repeatedly with his knife, every swing missing as Warp

expertly dodged every slash, catching the fifth swing with his hand before

striking the jackal in the nose. He dropped the knife, stumbling back, but as

he lunged forward, Warp delivered a powerful uppercut to his face that sent the

jackal dropping to the ground with a heavy thud, knocked senseless by the



around, Warp confirmed that he had finished off the last of the hostiles, he

turned his attention back to the boat; he had taken out the gunmen on the top

deck but there were still some Yakuza mobsters on board. Teleporting back to

the deck, he looked around for them, but saw they had ducked for cover for some

reason, as if expecting a shot from somewhere...


he could ponder this, more gunfire erupted from the water; Warp ducked down as

bullets hit the ceiling above him, and he quickly rolled to the side, keeping

low. The shots were coming from the police boat he had vaguely noticed while

fighting the gunmen on the boat, but if it was a police vehicle why were they

shooting already? The Yakuza were no longer firing back and they had given no



a second to listen, he realized quickly that the guns sounded like more AK's.


He cursed, realizing that the police boat must've been hijacked, and was now

occupied by more Desert Moon thugs.


being able to safely look at the boat, he couldn't teleport to it, but just as

he thought he could do just that, a louder gun was being fired, and a storm of

bullets tore into the boat, one of them striking the wall dangerously close to

him. He saw a Yakuza canine stand up and take aim with his gun only to be torn

apart by the storm of bullets when it swept his way. The men on the boat

clearly had something bigger than another AK, and now Warp was in the

suppressive fire; he couldn't focus his thoughts right away because of the hail

of rounds, and was sure he'd be hit before he could teleport.


on the street, the line of police cars could only watch in horror at the

seemingly endless spray of gunfire from the boat, whittling away at the

hijacked ferry. They recognized that it could not be a rifle firing emitting those

barrel flashes -the suspects were in possession of a prohibited light machine

gun; they were not equipped to face such a heavy weapon alone, and they felt



then, the revving of a motorcycle caught the attention of a few officers; they

turned around, and just barely saw an American Chopper come barreling up the

street, avoiding the barricade and speeding along the slope leading down to the

pier, following it before making a sharp right onto the wooden wharf.


that?" A male officer asked.


female officer standing next to him took note that it was another caribou, but

in darker colours; she knew it couldn't be The Warp -especially since she knew

he was out on the hijacked boat already. "I... have no idea," she replied.


sped down the pier, dodging the six unconscious middle-eastern males -no doubt

the work of his cousin, and skidded to a stop at the edge, seeing the gunfire

aimed at the boat. He could only guess that Warp was on board and was the

target of the bullet storm. Pulling his clubs from their holster he stepped off

of his motorbike, letting it drop to its side -limiting himself only to a

cringe as he mentally apologized to his motorcycle- and stepped to the edge.


or never," he said as he turned the clubs around to the proper alignment before

opening his arms, holding his clubs outward and aiming carefully before he

slammed them together, the golf ball-sized disks of brass rebounding and

emitting a powerful sonic blast that, using his powers, he amplified and aimed towards

the boat.


water split as the invisible wave of force travelled across, closing the

distance in an instant and sending the stolen police boat teetering ominously;

the gunfire stopped, and Han was pretty sure that even out on the dark waters,

he'd seen one of the men aboard the boat fall over the side though he could not

hear the sound of the splash over the sonic blast he had just sent at the boat,

reverberating across the water and creating plumes that seemed to go on forever

into the night.


sound emitted by the blast was like the shattering of glass in an endless loop,

but Han's ears felt no pain. More than could be said for the men on the boat

minus the one who had fallen off; they had released their weapons, throwing

hands over their ears and spouting curses as those standing lost their balance

and fell to the deck. Warp, still on the ferry and miraculously having evaded

harm so far, seized the opportunity and teleported to the stolen boat,

appearing above it just as the machine gunner was standing back up, only to

fall victim to a falling elbow strike.


couldn't see it, but he knew his cousin was clobbering the thugs; they were

yelling in terror, spouting curses in their native tongues that were quickly

drowned out by stray gunfire or the resounding noise of bone -or maybe metal

-meeting bone. Soon, an eerie silence fell across the docks. Han didn't like

the quiet, and soon he focused on the sound of Daniel's voice, commanding all

other sounds -the splashing of the waves, the sirens of approaching police

vehicles arriving as backup, and any other chattering nearby.



wasn't a yell, but because it was the only sound he was allowing to be heard it

was much louder than was intended, the younger caribou almost jumped out of his

skin as he suddenly heard his cousin's voice behind him, his heart racing as he

whirled around to face him.


DAMN it, don't do that!"


returned Warp. "I did try to wave to you but then I realized you probably

couldn't see me."


doi; it's night time. I'm not an owl, cousin," returned Han.


actually chuckled at that. "Right," he said, and then beamed as he addressed

his cousin again. "Thank you."


felt the adrenaline from his earlier spook -as well as what was left from his

fear for Daniel's safety, wane away as he heard his costumed cousin thank him.

He stood dumbfounded for a moment before he smiled back, and nodded to Daniel.

"No problem," he said. "We're family, after all, and we take care of each



nodded back to him. "That's right," he said, in an almost melancholic tone,

before turning his gaze over to the ferry as more gunshots were heard; the cops

had come onto the pier, and some of the recovered Yakuza mobsters were back up

and were taking shots at them, driving them back to cover. He turned his gaze

back to Han again. "Shall we?"


grinned, though it was only vaguely visible through his mask, before holding

out his hand. "As a team," he said.


nodded. "A team."


grasped hands, and then Warp teleported them both onto the ferry.


appeared behind the Yakuza gangsters, two of them -a hare and a wolf. A single

smack to the back of the heads sent them reeling, and the two bucks kicked the

guns away, disarming them of their firearms, but not of their backups. The

gangsters sprang back to their feet; one drew a pair of sai and confronted

Warp, while the other drew a katana from the scabbard at his waist, brandishing

it as he glared at Han.


and Han stood back to back, their own weapons readied as they faced their

respective opponents. Han steeled himself for what was to come; this wasn't

some ordinary street punk he was facing now, but a dangerous felon with combat

training of his own. He had only trained shortly with his cousin, so he would be

relying entirely on his police training for this fight. That, and of course his

new tools of the trade.


your guard up," warned Warp. "These guys are quick; don't give them an inch.

Wait for an opening and power on through."


it," replied Han.


sword-wielding hare rushed at Han, bringing his blade up in an overhead slash,

which Han parried with a club, a metal ringing filling the air as the two

handheld weapons met. Warp teleported into the face of the sai-wielding wolf,

elbowing him and sending him stumbling, giving Han more room to work and less

worry about his cousin getting caught by the blade if Han ducked or parried.

The hare rushed at him again, and he watched his movements carefully, blocking

and parrying with his clubs until he found an opportunity to swing at the hare,

narrowly missing him, and bringing his clubs back around to cross-guard against

a horizontal slash, entering a deadlock with the rabbit.


Warp is our enemy," the hare stated, "but we have not seen you before, dark one.

Who are you?"


you know," replied Han with a sly grin. "I'm just here to add a little more VOLUME!" At the word 'volume', Han

amplified his voice, sending it out as a powerful kinetic blast that staggered

the hare and had him clenching his eyes as his ears rang from the shout.


bought himself a second, Han swiftly holstered his clubs, charged forward and

seized the hare by his sword arm, twisting it roughly and forcing him to drop

the blade, before he widened his legs, and twisted as he fell into a rotating

crouch, using centrifugal force to send the rabbit falling to the deck, from

which he climbed onto his back and pinned him down, one arm pulled behind him

and rendering the hare immobile.


looked up and saw that Warp had already dispatched his opponent and as rubbing

the soreness from his knuckles, having finished his target with an uppercut

rather than with his staff, which he pushed back to the collapsed position of a

three foot metal rod and returned it to the holster hidden beneath his cape

before he stepped over to Han.


done," the white-clad caribou complimented.


done yourself; you knocked him clean out," remarked Han.


had lots of practice," returned Warp, slyly, before he stomped his hoof in

front of the hare's face. "Now, you," he said to the downed lapine. "What were

you transporting on this ferry that could have caught the attention of the

Desert Moon in such a way?"


will say nothing to you!" The hare shouted back.



fist hitting the deck just a millimeter from the hare's nose had the eyes of

the Yakuza gangster as round as dinner plates, followed by a glowering stare

from him, those dead-gray eyes enough to send shivers down the hare's back.


don't. Ask. Twice," Warp threatened as he pulled back his fist again...

"Hai! Alright!" The lapine cried out. "I

don't know what was in it, but we were transporting some sort of

metal-reinforced box! I think it contains a wild animal or something; it's been

sedated since we received it! Our orders were to bring it here to Toronto; it

was to be picked up once we docked. But the Desert Moon were here already,

waiting for us."


where was it going?" Han asked.


never told me; they didn't want us to be able to give up the information if we

were captured!"


frowned. "Like now," he said, before looking at Han and nodding to him.


released the rabbits arm, fell forward and put his arm around his throat,

pushing the front of it into the pit of his elbow; the hare gagged and

struggled to break free, with Han whispering 'go to sleep' repeatedly until

finally the hare's eyes rolled back into his head and he fell limp back to the



would have hit him, but that works too," remarked Warp.


cooperated; I decided to be gentle," returned Han. "Although maybe we should

have asked him where the crate was."


would assume," began Warp, pointing down, "on the deck below."


Let's check there. And we better be quick before the cops get down here."


left the unconscious Yakuza gangsters to lie on the deck as the two of them

proceeded to the stairs leading down to the deck below, descending one at a

time with Warp in the lead, in case anymore gangsters remained, waiting in

ambush for when they came down, but all was quiet.


they heard the bang, not a gunshot, but the sound of something heavy hitting

metal. The two bucks glanced at each other warily before both redrew their

weapons and proceeded cautiously into the lower deck. This area had been hit by

the firefight as well, with countless bullets imbedded in various parts of the

deck, with a few dead. In the center of the room was a large box, almost as

large as a compact car, dented visibly from bullets hitting the sides but the

reinforced siding had held up, protecting whatever was in the crate.


that 'whatever' struck the door again, rattling the box and making both Warp

and Han jump, staring at the box in wonder. "What the hell is that?" Han asked.


don't know, but it sounds big," replied Warp.


the Yakuza bring, a freaking rhino?" Han asked.



creature in the crate hit the door again, and this time there was an angry,

chittering growl inside of the crate. A sound that made Warp's ears flick

outward and his eyes widen in horrid realization.


shit." He said. "I know that growl!"



door broke open as the padlock gave way to the strikes, and out of the crate

burst a huge, hairy creature with eyes shining yellow as it turned to face the

two, grinning a mouthful of fangs before it let out a shriek and held out its

arms in fury, displaying long, razor-sharp claws at the end of

disproportionately long limbs.


in the hell...?!" Han began.


Gremlin!" Warp exclaimed before he spun around, seized Han by his arm and

teleported away in the nick of time as the creature pounced at them, missing

them only to go flying over the railing of the boat.


two reappeared on the pier just as the creature fell into the water, and Warp

turned to look in horror as he heard that splash. "Oh no... this just got



want to tell me what the heck THAT was, cousin?" Han asked.


creature a fought a few months ago, and that's all I've got time to say." He

held his staff in both hands. "Things are about to get even worse."


big hairy monster is on that boat; what could be worse than that?" Han asked.


several of them," replied Warp.


arched an eyebrow. "Eh?" He asked.


if cued, there was a splash, and a hand reached over the end of the pier,

lifting the body it belonged to over the side as the Gremlin climbed out of the

water. Two more hands appeared, however, and were followed quickly by two more

Gremlins, all of them as big and ugly as the first, baring mouthfuls of fangs

as they rose from the waves of Lake Ontario, standing on the pier and dripping

wet. As they watched, the center one began to twitch randomly, sputtering as

half of its body seemed to melt and pull away from it. Han felt his stomach

lurch as he watched that half become a glob of goo, splattering to the pier and

breaking away from the half that remained solid, only for that missing half to

reform faster right before his very eyes, leaving the Gremlin whole and



from the glob of goo, which rose up to the height of the other three Gremlins,

a fourth one formed, growing skin, fur, eyeballs and limbs faster than Han

could count to five on one hand, identical to the first in appearance. Now,

four Gremlins stood at the end of the pier, each one as big as the first one,

and leaving onlookers -including the police at the opposite end- bewildered and

disgusted by what they had just seen.


Han said, his ears falling. "This is a problem."


did you see that?" Warp asked.

"I did, Warp; your camera feed is clear. I must say,

that was the most amazing -and grotesque- thing I have ever witnessed."


makes two of us," Han remarked. "How do we beat these things?"

"The clones are unstable; they don't last long. But

whatever you do, do not let the original fall back into the water again or he'll multiply



do we tell the original?" Han asked further.


one on the left there," Warp pointed ahead, at one among the Gremlins that

appeared to be panting for breath. "Cloning tires him, so whichever one seems

fatigued, and probably still a little sedated, is the original. Watch out for

their claws; those things are sharp."




Gremlins shrieked, and dropped to all fours as they charged, faster than Han

believed that creatures of such size should have been capable of moving. Out of

instinct, he held out his batons and smacked them together, directing a sonic

blast towards the Gremlins, the boards of the pier shuddering as the unseen

blast travelled towards them. But when it hit, that is when the two bucks found

another surprise.


clone that took the hit suddenly seemed to melt as the sound struck it,

becoming its gooey state again and spraying all over its comrades and the pier.

The unexpectedness of what happened distracted them for a moment, until the

three Gremlins finished closing the distance and pounced. Warp seized Han

again, teleporting once more, back to the shoreline where there was more open



did you see that?!" Warp asked.

"I did! What did you do?"


hit them with a soundwave attack and it just... splattered!" Warp replied.

"Sound... Sound! The instability; soundwaves

must affect the clones at a molecular level, causing them to destabilize! Han's

the key to beating the Gremlin clones!"


Go figure," remarked Han.


it again!" Warp exclaimed.


looked ahead, seeing the Gremlins were charging at them again. Reacting

quickly, Han once more struck his clubs together again, aiming for one of the

triplets; as with the first, this one turned back to a liquid state and melted

to the ground with a sickening slop. However, Han didn't have time to smack his

clubs together again before the other two were upon them; Warp teleported above

the first Gremlin that charged for him, striking it from overhead as he landed

on its back, but Han was too slow, and was tackled to the ground by the fourth



his clubs as he fell, Han pushed against The Gremlin's face as it tried to bite

him, the horrid, reeking stench of its breath making him want to vomit as it

shrieked in his face. Remembering everything Akio had told him about his suit,

Han struck his ankles together, mentally commanding the soundwaves to emit as a

pulse. He braced himself as he expected the Gremlin on top of him to melt as

the other two had, but it didn't; it was sent flying over his head by the

soundwaves, tumbling through the air before hitting the ground, dazed.


rolled over onto his stomach, quickly noting the lack of destabilization and

realizing it could only mean one thing. "Dan!" Han called out to his cousin,

who was still fighting his target, battering it with his staff as it tried to

claw him. "That one's another clone; the original is over here!"


his clubs, Han waited until his cousin had teleported away before he sprang to

his feet, and struck his clubs together again to deliver the final soundwave

attack to destabilize the last clone. As with the other two, it melted into a

liquid state, splashing to the ground wetly, and leaving the two caribou with

only one to worry about. Warp was already on that one, dodging, ducking and

teleporting out of the path of his claw swipes. It was time for Han to make

like a hero and join him.


charged, running towards the Gremlin as Warp battered it in the head with his

staff, staggering it, and not a second later, Han leapt towards it and

bludgeoned the Gremlin with his baton. Staff, baton, staff, baton; the Gremlin

was caught in the middle of a two-sided beatdown, the cousins standing at its

sides and striking it on the back and front, making him tense up as it tried to

resist the pain. It shrieked, swiping its claws at Han, who ducked under the swipe.

Turning his back to Warp proved to be a mistake as he teleported over him again

and struck him on the top of the head with his staff again, and the battering

onslaught of bludgeons continued.


time, the Gremlin swung its claws at Warp, who teleported backward to escape

from the swipe, and Han rolled out in front of the creature, acting as his

instincts drove him and striking his batons together again, not hard enough to

send the Gremlin flying, else it might go into the lake once more, but enough to

disorient it and make it grab its ears in pain. Warp appeared behind it and

landed on its back, throwing his staff to stick in the sand before performing a

pincer punch to both sides of its head, striking the Gremlin behind the ears.

Its mouth hung open in a silent shriek, until the creature's eyes fell

half-lidded and its body became limp, teetering side-to-side before it finally

fell over, throwing Warp off of its head before it struck the ground with a

long groan.


rolled after striking the ground, and after returning to an upright position,

he stared at the Gremlin for a long moment until he was certain it wasn't

getting back up, and allowed himself to relax. "Happy fucking Halloween," he



let out a breath he didn't even realize he had been holding, and looked at his

cousin, clearly desperate for answers. "Is life always this fun for you?" He



Actually, some days are actually busy," Warp sarcastically replied while

flashing a smirk at his cousin. "Now, let's leave the rest to the police." He

retrieved his staff from where he had thrown it into the sand, looking up at

the cops finally began moving in, SWAT units making a beeline for the ferry

while other officers apprehended the downed Desert Moon members, and the rest

were approaching the Gremlin.


quickly placed his hand on his cousin's shoulder, teleporting back to where Han

had left his motorcycle, where Han lifted it back to its upright position,

climbing on with Daniel sitting on the back, and teleporting again after Han

kick-started the bike. They reappeared on the street ignoring the shouting

officers as Han shifted to first gear and popped a wheelie as they took off,

Warp's cape trailing behind the moving bike as they rode and fled the scene to

return to home base...



was on his feet the moment Warp and Han reappeared in the Bunker, practically

applauding the two as he gleefully stood up and exclaimed. "That was amazing;

you beat the Gremlin!" He said. "And you took on two criminal gangs at the same



two caribou males smiled at Akio's optimism before collapsing into a pair of

chairs to catch their breath; with the adrenaline of their earlier fights, the

aftermath fatigue was starting to set in, leaving the two exhausted and not

wanting to stand up to celebrate with the weasel. Han was the first to reach

behind his head to unfasten the velcro of his mask, pulling it away as his fur

and eyes returned to their normal colours, with Warp not far behind him, his

face returning to that of Daniel Tonraq.


of a first night on the job," Han remarked.


laughed lightly. "Yes," he said. "But you did very good." He looked at his

cousin. "You made good use of both your powers and your martial talents, just

as I aimed to teach you. You've already learned the basics of the Harmonious



You've only been training me for a day," replied Han.


both your skill and your powers are the first step," replied Daniel, sitting up

slightly as he regarded his cousin. "Using them in absolute sync, like you saw

me do, is the second. Third is creating technique specific to yourself; your

training is already past step one. More development will be needed but you may

learn this stuff even quicker than Whiptail did when I taught him. If I didn't

know better, Han," he smiled. "I'd think you were meant for this."


felt honoured by his cousin's words, and a little amazed at himself. His

training had barely begun, and already he was on his way. He raised one of his

hands, looking at it for a moment before turning his gaze to the other, which

held his mask. He looked it in the eye as if the mask were another face,

staring back at him. "I'm going to need a name," he said. "Something that works

for me."


you have in mind?" Daniel asked.


No, that could made to something lewd," remarked Akio. "Pulse? Echo?



perked up, and felt a smile cross his features as the answer seemed to just

dawn on him. "I got it," he said. "I said it before when I was fighting that

sword-swinging bunny. When I told him I was there to turn up the 'volume'."


nodded. "I remember seeing it," he said, and then his gaze trailed off as he

thought back. "Volume..." He smiled. "That's perfect; Volume."


man who controls sound," Akio added, nodding in approval. "Volume is the perfect name!"


nodded in agreement, looking between the two. "Volume it is, then."


then, Volume," said Daniel, standing up from the chair. "You're now on the

path, and the road only gets bumpier from here. You ready for that?"


grinned widely as he too stood up. "Damn rights I am. I've got the power, and

it's time I make use of it."


tomorrow, we resume our training as before," said Daniel. "Warp and Volume, the

defenders of Toronto."


Ghost," added Akio.


chuckled. "Not so sure about 'Ghost', but team, definitely."


felt his heart swelling with pride as he stood with Daniel and Akio -his new

team, and the ones who would guide him to becoming the hero he hoped he could

be. As Daniel had said, he was now on the path, and there was no turning back.

Not that he even considered doing so; he had waited all of his life for this

moment to arrive and he wasn't about to turn it away, not when it was in his

hand. He would see this through, and he would become Volume.


Unknown location, Cairo

Egypt, four days later...


was practically thrown into the chambers of the master as the doors opened; he

stumbled, falling onto his stomach and having the wind knocked out of him as he

hit the floor. He coughed, and looked back at the doors as they slammed shut,

trapping him in the room. He stood up, and took a step towards them, but

stopped; he knew they would not open for him until he was permitted to leave...

assuming he lived long enough to leave.


Afghani Leopard felt his heart racing as he realized his situation. Of course,

he'd known what awaited him when he was summoned back from the west by the

master; commanded to return to face punishment for his failures. But he had

thought he'd be taken to the torturer, not directly to the master himself! And

now he was trapped there, trapped in that room... trapped with him...


a deep, terrifying voice called from the shadows across the room, cast by the

lack of light coming through the windows above where an armoured figure sat.

"You know why you are here, do you not?"


stood frozen for a moment before he felt his knees turn to jelly. He dropped

onto his knees, falling to his belly and grovelling towards the figure in the

shadows, feeling his heart thundering in his chest upon hearing him talk to him. "Y-Yes my lord!" He

replied. "I know that I have failed you...!"


have more than failed me, Etheram,"

returned the master. Etheram heard his master rising from his seat, and merely

knowing that he was approaching had his heart beating even faster, certain that

his death was imminent. "You have cost our cause much with your failures; we

have lost resources, members and valuable assets that could aid in our

objectives, all because you cannot handle a worthless infidel from the west.

You even failed to capture the beast like I told you; we could have used that

creature to topple any who oppose me."


please!" Ethan begged, rising up to look at his master, only to nearly shriek

as he saw the armoured figure was standing right in front of him, looming over

him like a giant, and staring down at him through the empty eyeholes of his

mask-helm that covered his entire face, leaving him impossible to identify.

"I-I-I have tried everything to stop him! But, this caribou -this 'Ghost of

Toronto', he is no mere mortal! He is like you; he...!"


blade appeared from the master's arm, stopping just millimeters from Etheram's

throat and silencing him. Though he could only barely see the eyes of his

master, he knew that he was glaring down at him, and froze, becoming deathly



living being... on this wretched

earth... is like me," he stated in a warning tone as Etheram trembled, certain

that he was about to die at that very moment. "None possess my perception." The

blade pressed against Etheran's chin as if to confirm his fears, and he shut

his eyes, waiting to feel the sting of his master's blade  as he knew he soon would. "However..." the

master stated before he pulled the blade back. "I hear your heart, and I know

it beats only from the terror of what I will do to you for your failure... it

seems that this one is indeed more than my servants can handle."


my lord," returned Etheram. "He appears from flashes of light, and strikes us

down before we even realize he is there. He is like a specter; untouchable."


armoured figure hummed in thought for a few seconds, before he suddenly raised

his arm, and Etheram once more felt certain he was about to be run through,

until the master struck the round with his fist, forcing the extended blade

back to its metallic scabbard, mounted upon the wrist of its wielder. There he

stood, half crouched and completely still until he returned to an upright

position, no longer even looking at Etheram.


'ghost'," he began, "will oppose my rule no longer." He took a step forward;

Etheram tensed, becoming perfectly still, watching with wide orbs as his master

walked around him. "Order my ship to prepare for departure," he commanded as he

stepped towards the door, a metallic clink marking his every footfall, along

with slight rattles from his armour as his arms swayed following every step, "I

will go to Canada, and I will banish this ghost, myself."

            To be continued...

ONS Arc 3 Chapter 6: The Hunter

The Os-Nàdarra Sentinels Arc Three: The Overlords Chapter 6: The Hunter             "Keep moving, honey!" Kim's mother urged as the two vixens, one an adult, the other a pre-teen girl, strode through the woods as fast as they could, daring not look...

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Long Journey

Voyages of the Mara Arc 2: Edge of the Law Chapter 6 (Arc 2 Finale): Long Journey No good deed ever goes unpunished, some say. Usually the ones who say this are the ones doing the bad deeds, the ones who the good people wish to stop. But that...

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Chapter 5: The Queen

The Os-Nàdarra Sentinels Arc Three: The Overlords Chapter 5: The Queen             An imposing figure watched from afar as the small group of anthros, including the troublesome, giant vampire that had arrived to help them, began to depart, loading...

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