Sabhira's Daughter #14
#15 of Tails of the Khajiit
In which bad puns are made in the Sleeping Giant tavern.
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| Muz-Ra continued her story as the four walked into Riverwood and night fell.
"Sorry to interrupt your completely believable and engrossing narrative Red, but I do need to stop by the Sleeping Giant Inn for a minute," Udaran interjected.
"Oh, I'll get something to drink too. Non-alcoholic of course," Kitty piped up.
"And a snack for me," agreed Muz-Ra, "I love to sample the local fare when I'm travelling."
"Ok, but please be quick about it. The sooner we get to the Guardian Stones, the sooner we can rest," Udaran added. | |
| "Damn. I hate having to wait in line for the toilet," said Kitty impatiently waiting in the line.
"Screw this, I'm going to use the Male's room," Muz-Ra said, stepping out of the queue.
Udaran warned, "Those places are always pretty nasty Red."
"Hey, I can pee standing up," Muz-Ra pointed out, "It just takes a bit of practice and good digital dexterity!" | |
| Before too long, the group was again back on the road to Helgen.
"Ok, let's get going," said Udaran, "What took you so long Red?"
"Oh, some of the locals wanted to have a pissing contest. I out-distanced most of them," Muz-Ra replied with a proud smile.
"EWWWW! RED!" squealed both Udaran and Kitty.
"Hey! Considering they'd been drinking all night AND had a few inches head-start on me, I think I represented the female gender rather well!" replied Muz-Ra with a hurt expression. | |
| "So what did you get Red?" asked Kitty.
"Oh, some sort of triangle shaped corn crisps with cheese powder. They call them Dory toes, though they look nothing like toes to me. Here, try one," offered Muz-Ra.
"Maybe it's some type of fish. Fins you know..." Kitty conjectured, looking at the triangle dubiously. "Ooo! They're good!" she concluded after trying one.
"What did you get?" returned Muz-Ra.
"Just a drink. Something they called Cloaca-Koala. But it's pretty good. Wanna sip?" Kitty offered a cup to the Argonian.
"Yuck! Sounds like processed marsupial urine to me," Udaran interjected, overhearing them.
"Mmm! No idea what's in it, but it IS good. Kinda tickles the nose," said Kitty.
I wonder what they feed those Koalas?" Muz-Ra pondered. | |
| "So, shall I carry on with my story Udaran?" asked Muz-Ra after a while.
"Oh, go on. After your performance at the Inn, it can't be THAT bad," Udaran decided.
"Yes, please do! Last I remember you had been knocked unconscious or something!" Kitty reminded everyone. | |
| "I think it was some sort of ward that I'd set off. Regardless, I was knocked out. But somehow I felt myself being lifted and carried from the tower by strong, powerful arms. I was carried to the main keep and laid in a bed of furs. I felt hands pulling and prodding my body but could not quite regain consciousness. Finally I dozed into a fitful sleep. I must have been quite tired because I awoke with a start sometime the next day - knowing I was in a strange room." |
| "Realizing I was no longer naked, I looked down upon my newly acquired clothing. It appeared to be an outfit designed for human domestic servitude, yet sorely lacking in the posterior as a slight breeze made crystal clear! This could have been due to the uniform not accommodating a tailed-body like mine. However, I later came to believe it was due to the peculiar predilection of the Man or Mer I'd soon come to call Master..." |
| "That was when I heard a voice behind me..." |