Fallout Tales of the Wasteland Bitch Part 2

Story by ShadowDrago on SoFurry

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#2 of Fallout Bitch

Find the nearest Gunner and PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE. Because they suck.

For some reason Eve couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust and hate and seriously wanted to punch someone. Filing away the feelings for when they'd be appropriate she considered her options in regards to the barking outside the Vault she'd been born and raised in.

** I say draw her gun and first and then approach cautiously.**

Eve glanced around her again hoping that a gun she'd missed in her long years of exploring the lonely vault would suddenly jump out of hiding at her along with ammo. No such luck only the dilapidated remains of a Mr Handy that used to take care of her, and she'd learned that they where just to well put together to take apart herself, and the bones of one of the vaults original owners.

After some thought Eve picked up one of the femur bones of the corpse, sure it was morbid and would probably break after a few hits but it was better then nothing.

** cautiously Go see what's barking, If the woman is just coming out of a vault I say approach cautiously, **** I also say approach carefully**

Now that her eyes had adjusted to the harsh sunlight streaming into the Vault Eve cautiously approached the open entrance bone raised to strike. She peered out eye's scanning the outside not knowing what to expect. Another bark drew her eyes down to the ground surprised.

Sat staring at her was a dog, a....normal looking dog, she'd been taught what animals looked like in the vault but she'd also been told it was faulty information due to the irradiation. the fact there was just a normal looking dog sniffing at her insistently was....disorientating to say the least.

Doing her best to shrug it off Eve knelt smiling at the creature as she put the bone down. "Hey...Buddy." She patted his head the dog panting happily and jumping up his paws on her knees as he sniffed and licked at her neck. Eve laughed gently pushing him down "Wow your a friendly little guy!" She scratched him under the chin the dog panting tail wagging happily.

Something metal clinked against her nails Eve blinking and pulling down the tag a little to look at it " 'Dogmeat'? Is that your name?" Dogmeat barked happily at the name "Ok then, Dogmeat what you doing out here buddy?" He cocked his head to one side and grabbed her wrist gently in his jaws pulling her lightly. Eve laughed and let him drag her to a small opening, most likely the entrance to his home.

The entrance is small Eve would have to crawl on her hands and knees to get in, and would be filthy when she got out, Dogmeat whined butting her with his head Eve yelping a little when his nose got between her legs lightly shoving the dog off.

What do you do?

Fallout Tales of the Wasteland Bitch Part 3

**Use the Pip-Boy light to see get a better look inside. Use the Pip-Boy light to see get a better look inside then Indulge dogmeat. **** Use pip-boy light to get a better look inside.** Eve hummed trying to peer into the tunnel, Dogmeat whined and...

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Fallout Tales of the Wasteland Bitch Part 1

_Welcome dear Vault Dweller to Vault 75 your new home while you wait out Nuclear Holocaust so that your decendents may reclaim the desolate Wasteland that was once our great country. Please do not worry as you are lead to the Decontamination Units all...

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Slave Maker

Rarity hummed contently to herself her horn glowing a gentle blue as she straightened her manikins content to finish cleaning up and relax for the rest of the night. She paused a package on her table catching her eye the white unicorn unwrapping it...

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