Prisoners of War – Inspecting the Troops

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#11 of Prisoners of War (BDSM/Chastity Themes)

Prisoners of War - Inspecting the Troops


You know the drill, the story written for avatar?user=201438&character=0&clevel=2 1mastermind continues here, for your viewing pleasure! Hopefully you'll keep reading and enjoying, and I look forward to your feedback! Remember that all those votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a good read!


General Rei waited until his charges had finished their showers and the unappealing breakfast that consisted of tasteless compressed carbohydrate preparations and plain water. It was when the mobile service bot had received their leftovers into its maw that the white tiger stepped onto stage, dressed in all-black compression gear, from neck to toe and appearing quite stern when he faced up to his prisoners.

The two nude men noted his arrival but did not move to respond to it otherwise. That prompted the white tiger's words from them.

"You stand in attention and acknowledge the presence of a superior officer when I come into your rooms, is that clear?"

It couldn't have been described as 'snapping' into attention, but it made do for now. it was Sardo who quickly spoke a "yes, shithead!" to go with it as well. Gantan didn't say anything.

"As a new rule, I am overturning yesterday's command to refer to me as 'shithead'," the white tiger noted, "I believe it has served it's purpose. Is that clear, men?"

Their 'yes, sir's were crisp enough for the white tiger's pleasure. His tail made an approving loop at hearing that come off their muzzles. The two did look better, too, when they stood with their backs straight and chins up, shoulders not slung down or otherwise looking like vagabonds. The fact that they were completely naked but for the plastic coverings of their groins was not something the tiger's eye missed, either.

"That's better," said Rei. "It should ring out. To show proper respect and acknowledgement of me."

Their expressions didn't really reflect such highly appreciative feelings of the white tiger in question. Rei did not comment on that. Respect would come with time, he thought. He could not expect it after such a short time, which had also been filled with a great amount of adversity, arguments, and outright punishment of the troublesome pair.

"Did you sleep well?"

Gantan growled.

"It could have been better, sir," Sardo spoke in a tone the white tiger took to much more approvingly. He nodded upon hearing this.

"I can understand that," he said. "It is unfortunate that the circumstances of your rest are not more comfortable at the moment. This cannot be an optimal arrangement."

"It is not, sir," Sardo replied.

"Even the camp was better," Gantan said.

Rei tilted his head in the direction of the lion.

"Is that so, Gantan?" he questioned, arms folded over his chest to appear as imposing as possible. The tiger did manage that, too, considering he was of broader shouldered figure and well muscled, compared to the lion who himself was not a small male by any means. His bulk had simply withered down due to the inactivity that concerned the white tiger host as much as the golden-furred male in question, now eyeing up to the white tiger with clear challenge in his eyes.

"The camp had beds," the lion said.

"I know about the camps," Rei said, ears flicking down, "I know they have rooms filled with bunk beds, four levels high. Rooms packed with men, all queuing up to the soup kitchens or the bathrooms, through the day...nowhere to sit down to eat, nowhere to go, nowhere to have privacy, nothing to do..."

"I don't see any difference to this damn place," the lion sneered.

Rei could see Sardo shoot a concerned look towards the lion. He suspected that the tiger was sure that the lion opening up verbally in such a manner was going to earn them yet another punishment that would reduce their meager comforts even further. The lion still appeared defiant, though, looking up at the General.

"The difference in this place to the prisoner of war internment camp Beta Beta Slash Five Six Oh Three is that here your good behavior can have a true consequence," the General said. "Here, it will actually make your life better, not just less lousy as in the camps. The camps are what they are. They are storage facilities for enemy combatants like you. This is different. Here you make the difference."

Gantan snuffled.

"So far you have only made a negative difference," Rei said, "especially you, Gantan."

"But - "

Rei silenced him with a raised paw.

"You speak up to me, you misbehave, you break the rules," he said. "For that you get punished."

"You call this punishment?" Gantan waved at the plastic covering of his sheath.

Rei shrugged.

"At the camps, you get electric pain zaps for disobedience," the white tiger said. "For offenses such as yours, you would have probably been shocked to the brink of losing bowel control, maybe unconsciousness from the sheer pain experienced."

Gantan sneered. Sardo looked uncomfortable. The General was sure that they had witnessed such things at the camps.

"I do not believe in pain as a tool of discipline," Rei said. "You are soldiers. Would your own superior officers in the Union armed forces inflict pain as a way of discipline?"

His captives remained silent.

"Discomfort perhaps, yes...that is...a well known method, of course," said the General, "discomfort breeds understanding that there are simple ways to avoid such discomfort. It serves as a reminder of what you did and what you should do to avoid the circumstances that cause such things..."

Rei gave them a pointed look.

"Yes, I have inflicted great discomfort on you. I have destroyed your living quarters, taken away your privacy, your modesty and a great deal of your self-determination, including the choice of voiding of your bladders at will without the assistance of your comrade. Somewhat unconventional, but I am sure it will show itself to be effective..."

"It is very uncomfortable, sir," Sardo said.

"Yes," said Rei, "I understand there was an incident regarding your device that caused you some additional discomfort and worry."

Sardo nodded.

"Nothing escapes you, sir," he noted. Gantan let out a huff hearing that. The lion obviously hated the idea of the white tiger watching their every move and witnessing even the most embarrassing moments, such as when they used the bathroom as they were forced to do, under the tiger's devious device.

"Do you consider that you were unharmed by the device closing too quickly?" Rei asked.

"I...I believe so, sir," the tiger replied. "I haven't been experiencing any additional trouble."

"It is none the less a concern," Rei said. "I will have to inspect your devices, to ensure it won't happen again."

"So we're going to be still wearing them?" Gantan yelped.

Rei looked at him sharply.

"You address me properly, or do not speak at all, Gantan."

The lion bit his teeth together.

"Are we required to wear these...devices for much longer, _sir?"_the lion muttered.

"As long as it takes," Rei said.

Gantan obviously wanted to say something, but held it back. The lion certainly didn't look happy with what he'd been told.

"Follow me," the General spoke in his most commanding voice now, "it is time for your exercises for today. No time like the morning to get the blood flowing into your muscles."

"So..._sir..._they're not getting off yet?" Gantan didn't seem too keen on dropping the topic of their continued bondage quite so easily.

Rei shot him an impassive look.

"I already told you, Gantan," the tiger said. "It won't be discussed more now. Follow me."

The two had no choice but to file out behind the swingy-tailed big cat, leaving their cell behind for now.


Hours later, the duo looked ready to topple after another grueling bout with General Rei's arsenal of exercise equipment. The white tiger looked like he enjoyed himself, more than anything else, and despite his sweaty state, barely puffed out a loud breath. The same could not be said of his charges, whom were equally clutching sore sides and breathing so had that they were practically foaming at the muzzle.

"You did good," Rei said.

"Aghhh..." Sardo huffed.

"Shit," Gantan opined.

"It's all about the routine," said Rei, as he fetched himself a cooled bottle of water to drink from, "it is early days yet, of course, and it'll get easier to keep it up. It's the beginning that's difficult."

"Yes...sir," Sardo managed.

"Humph," breathed out Rei, "platitudes don't make muscles grow, though, only hard work. Time to get a good shower, you two. Lunch to be served afterwards!"

"Real food?" Gantan asked hopefully. "Sir?"

"You'll see," the white tiger replied. He began to pull off his shirt while stomping towards the shower.

"Grief!" mumbled Gantan once he considered the tiger to be out of earshot.


Showers and drying later, the trio emerged, with the General in his customary robe and his charges somewhat tousled yet dry, and already eager for the promised lunch. Though they were suspecting that there was a catch to it, as it happened that most things the General spoke of appeared to have, the thought of any food eaten outside the cell felt like a wonderful change.

"I am sure you are hungry, but before that, there is the matter we discussed earlier," Rei announced after giving a visual once-over of the nude, fluffy-furred pair. "I must inspect your devices."

Gantan's ears immediately flattened. Sardo did not appear particularly pleased, either, watching Rei move over to the other side of the room where the massage table was located, its many arms at rest above it.

"You first, Sardo, since you had the unfortunate incident with yours."

Gantan gave the tiger an incredulous look, yet Sardo acknowledged it with little more than a rising of his right brow before he followed on the white tiger over to the massage table.

"Sit down."

The tiger hopped onto the table and sat there, as ordered.

"Spread your legs a little."

"Yes, sir."

Rei flashed him a brief smile before the white tiger reached for Sardo's groin. His fingers made an 'O' that wrapped about the designated part of the plastic device. His other paw caught the enclosed orbs below.

"I must hold in these two places to release it," the white tiger explained quietly.

"Yes, sir," said Sardo.

The hidden seams opened and the General could remove the cage-like device with a relatively simple tug. He placed it down onto the table by the seated tiger while he peered at Sardo's intimate body parts with interest.

"Is there any discomfort?"

"No, sir."

"Pull your skin back and tell me if there is any pain."

Sardo took a hold of himself and pulled on his sheath until the tip of his penis emerged.

"Anything?" Rei asked.

"No, sir."

Rei nodded. He picked the device from where he had left it and looked it, in and out, for a few moments.

"I will put it back on, now. Just sit still."

Sardo offered no complaints nor resistant while the white tiger re-applied the cage onto the tiger's sheath and testicles. It snapped into place and once again adjusted itself to fit the tiger's member perfectly, skin-tight as it was. Now Rei round his fingers about the base and squeezed until the top opened itself, as if the tiger was planning to take a piss.

"Seems to be working perfectly fine," he said.

The white tiger released the hold on the tiger's sheath and watched how the cover slowly slid back into place.

"Yes...I think it's fine. You may stand up. Gantan, it's your turn."

"I haven't had any problems...sir," the lion hurried to say.

"Ever the greater reason to ensure there won't be any later on, either," Rei wouldn't have any such verbal squirming. "Come sit here and we'll do this quickly and easily."

"Sir - "

"It is not up for negotiation," the white tiger said.

The very offish-looking lion stalked over without a further word and flopped onto the massage table. He made a point of turning his head away while the white tiger manipulated the plastic cage surrounding his intimate flesh.

"Hmm...all seems to be in order...pull your skin down...yes...yes, that looks good. Alright. I can put this back in."

The lion growled and tensed even further when he felt the squeeze of the plastic on himself once more, but even Gantan must have decided that for once, arguing with the white tiger would only bring trouble to him.

"There we go...not so bad, was it?" Rei spoke for the lion. Gantan snorted.

"Hmm," said the General. "Perhaps that lunch is now in order?"

"Yes, sir," Sardo said.

"Let's go then," the white tiger said. "We shall have something lovely today, I think, and your hard work this morning has certainly earned you something very delicious."

Prisoners of War – Sleepless

**Prisoners of War - Sleepless** ** ** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** ** ** You know the drill, the story written for [![avatar?user=201438&character=0&clevel=2](

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Substitution - Chapter 8

Substitution - Chapter 8 \* And hence this TF-themed extravaganza continues, as commissioned by [![avatar?user=82690&character=0&clevel=2](

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Prisoners of War – Relaxed

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