More Than You Can Chew - Complete

Story by Cinnamon on SoFurry

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This story was originally posted as a 6-part series. It is presented here in its entirety.

This is one of my harsher vore stories - and that's saying something. You've been warned.


"I still can't believe you eat... Like, people," Keith said, eyes still closed, snuggling his rear up against the lion behind him. It was 11 in the morning, but they had yet to climb out of bed. Richard wrapped an arm around the diminutive shiba inu, nearly covering the teenager's entire body with it alone. He growled, but only inwardly. "I can't believe that after six months you're still bringing it up." Keith giggled. "You just don't seem the type, is all." He wriggled, teasingly. "You've said that before, too," Richard rumbled, chest vibrating against the back of Keith's head. "And I told you before that it's just a matter of nature. You eat hamburgers, right?" "Sure," Keith said. "But that's different. Cows don't talk, they're not smart." "Some of them do. And if you keep doing that, we're never going to get out of bed." Keith giggled again, but ceased his rubbing back against the lion's crotch. "I know that. But nobody makes hamburgers out of them," he said. "They could. How do you know?" Keith shrugged one thin shoulder. "I just do, is all. Why would they? There's plenty of the dumb ones around." Richard sighed. "This was all settled years ago," he said, "and you know it. It's legal for predators to eat what they want, so long as it's for sustenance. You're a predator too, you know." The canine made a face. "I don't want to kill people for my food." He was starting to sound a little indignant. Richard shrugged now, nearly the entire bed shaking. "That's not my point. You could, if you wanted to. And it's not like you're a vegetarian, so I don't wanna hear any moral high talk from you." He gave the canine a squeeze and let him go, climbing out of bed. Nearly eight feet of nude, stocky leonine bulk stood up next to the bed, stretching heavily. A thick salt-and-pepper streaked mane framing his tawny muzzle, shaggy from nearly twelve hours of bed-head, only became more disheveled when he shook it out with a few tosses. He headed into the bathroom. Keith flopped over to his other side to watch, his much smaller frame lost on the feline's enormous bed. Even the pillows were oversized compared to him. "I wasn't trying to scold you," he said defensively. "I was just saying you don't seem the type is all. If I was going to be upset about it I wouldn't keep coming over." Richard didn't answer, already brushing his teeth. Only his lower half was visible, tufted tail dancing around his feet. "I wanna see," Keith said. Richard straightened up, looking around the edge of the door with his brow furrowed. "Whaf?" He still had the toothbrush in his mouth. "I said I wanna see," Keith said, louder. "I want to see it." Richard turned back away, spitting into the sink and rinsing his mouth out with a few sloshes of water before reappearing. "You wanna see what?" "I want to see you eat someone." Richard rolled his eyes, starting to pick up strewn clothes from the night before off the floor. "No, Keith, you don't. You're being foolish." Keith pressed his lips together in annoyance. "Yes, I do. I just said I do. Why would I say I did if I don't?" "Because you still don't believe the guy you've been fucking for the past few months prefers his meals alive and sentient?" Richard threw the clothes in the hamper, hunting around for one missing sock. "I do too!" Keith said, rolling onto his back and looking at the ceiling. "It'd be a weird thing to lie about, anyway. But I've never seen it before, except on TV. I want to see what it's like." Richard let out a grunt. "It's like a trip to McDonald's, only a lot noisier. Get your ass out of bed, it's late. Cody's going to wonder why you aren't home yet." He stood next to the bed, trying to keep from being annoyed. This conversation was already getting old. Keith shrugged. "He's at work already. I told him I had to work all night. Besides." He grinned, rolling over onto his belly and pushing the covers down over his naked rear end. "You like my ass in bed." Richard scowled slightly, looking at the clock. He was supposed to be at work by noon, and he already felt a stirring in his groin. "It's the only place I fit. Get up." Keith giggled, hiking his tail. "C'mere and make me." He bit his lower lip, giving the lion a look they both knew well.

Richard stared for a minute, and glanced at the clock. Fuck it.

They'd met in a coffee shop, last winter. It had been snowing outside and the place was packed, with the only empty seat at the table across from where Richard sat. No one would even consider approaching a feline of his size to ask if he'd share, and besides, it looked as if he barely fit at a table made to accommodate a wide range of body types. No one, that is, except little Keith, who had come fairly bouncing over with a steaming mug, and who didn't even wait for an answer to the question about whether the seat was free or not to plop his rear end down with a sunny smile that seemed like it could melt the snow outside. They'd talked for nearly an hour, or rather, Keith had done most of the talking and Richard had done most of the listening. The lion, a foreman at one of the construction companies nearby; the fox, a college student who came in there almost every day, just not usually in the mornings, or so he said. The dog asked if he was married. Richard held up a paw, bare fingers wiggling. How about you? Keith smiled. No, he said, he had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who had already gone home for Christmas. Richard's eyebrows went up. Really now. Really, Keith said. Richard expressed some doubt about the mechanics of what Keith was suggesting. Keith just smiled, and beckoned the lion with a finger. Richard's enormous shaggy head lowered down, one ear cocked. "I can fit his whole hand," he said.

Thirty minutes later they were back in Richard's apartment, with Keith proving himself to be the sort of young man who doesn't exaggerate.

It turned out Keith had some itches that a 'normal' sized male didn't easily scratch, namely, he liked his ass crammed as full as possible, for as long as possible. That first time, after a few minutes of careful entry Richard hadn't even been particularly gentle, and still the youth was begging for more. By the time it was over the feline had been flat on his back and heaving with pants while Keith was laying there like roadkill, with one paw back and all his fingers stuffed in his slack asshole, fingering himself with cum drooling out past his digits. Their relationship had continued even after the boyfriend (Cody) had returned from Christmas break, their trysts frequent enough that it was surprising they remained clandestine. Even after Richard had told him, unashamedly, about his eating habits, the dog had just shrugged and told him it didn't matter to him. Richard had explained it again, in more detail. "People your size. Like you," Richard said. Keith nodded blearily. They'd been fucking for a few hours straight by that point, the fourth night that week. "Doesn't that bother you?" Keith shook his head, pushing his muzzle up against the crook of the feline's gigantic arm. "Hmm-mm. It's kinda hot." Richard blinked. "Hot?" Keith nodded again, grinning slightly. "Mm-hmm. It makes it more exciting, knowing you could do that to me, but you don't."

Richard had just shaken his head. Kids these days.

They finished with Keith perched on top and Richard lying flat on his back. The lion's cock, thicker than Keith's wrist, was still impaling him to the hilt while he squirmed happily, paws braced on Richard's round gut. Every time he shifted his rear a little dollop of sperm oozed out, sticky on the lion's crotch. "So when do I get to see?" Richard groaned, pushing his head back into the pillow exasperatedly. "Keith. We went over this." Keith hmph'd, rolling his talented hips in just the right way to make the lion go cross-eyed. "No we didn't. At least, we didn't finish. I said I want to watch." "And I said no." The dog grinned teasingly. "You can say no all you want, but you know I always get my way. So we can just skip all the arguing part to where you say yes." Richard's jaw set for a moment, and he lifted his head to give the dog a look. His stomach growled. Keith's grin widened. "See, even your stomach agrees with me. It's two against one." Richard kept looking at him. There was a pause, and he dropped his head back against the pillow with a sigh. "Alright, fine. But YOU have to bring it." Keith cocked his head, straightening up and looking pleased with himself. "See, that was easy. Bring what?" "The meal." Richard put his paws behind his head, popping it up on the pillow. "You want to watch it, you're going to pick who it is." His cock throbbed in the sperm-drenched mess of the dog's bowels. It felt good. Keith's grin faded lightly at the suggestion. "Why?" "Because if you're going to be the one to make me do it in front of you, you're going to be the one who decides who it is," Richard said. Keith wasn't smiling anymore. "Like... Someone I know?" Richard shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me. You can kidnap someone for all I care. Just you have to bring it over." Keith's muzzle lifted. "You think I won't do it?" he asked indignantly. It was Richard's turn to smile, but only slightly. He knew better than to taunt. "I didn't say that. But since you asked, no, I don't think you'll bring someone here, knowing that I'm going to kill them." Keith wasn't really listening, nibbling on his lower lip and looking at the wall behind the lion's head. He appeared conflicted. Richard tapped the dog's thigh, starting to sit up. "Up. I still have to get to work." Keith looked back down, suddenly defiant. "I'll do it." "Keith-" "No, you think I'm too much of a pussy. Like you said, I'm a predator. I'm not scared of nature." Keith's voiced sounded steely, or at least, as steely as it got. Richard sighed and thumped himself back down onto the bed. "All right, Keith, have it your way. You bring a meal here, and I'll eat it in front of you. All right?"

Keith squeezed his rear end, hard, bringing a surprised grunt from the lion. "Deal," he said. "

A few days later, Richard was relaxing shirtless and watching TV when his cell phone rang. From the ringtone, who knew who it was before he picked it up. "Hi cutie," he rumbled into the phone without looking away from the TV. "Hi Richard! It's Keith." He sounded extra-chipper. "Yeah, I know. Did you want to come over?" "Mm-hmm! I need to pick up my coat, I left it there last time." Richard only now really started paying attention to the conversation. "Huh?" The dog left clothes over there all the time, and he'd never asked just to pick them up before. "I need to pick up my coat. Me and my friend are going dancing, and it's cold out." "Oh." Oh. "You, uh, sure about that? It's not that cold, you might just want to go without." He tried to sound pointed. "No, I need it. And besides, I want you to meet him." Richard sat there for a moment, silently. Thinking. The TV droned on in the background. "Richard? You there?" Richard grunted. "Yeah, kid, bring him by. I want to meet him, too." "Oooh, all right! We'll be there in a jif! Bye!"

Richard clicked the phone shut and flipped off the TV. His stomach was already growling.

The door opened with a click, muffled voices suddenly becoming clear "...surrogate dad, sorta. Yoo-hoo, Richard, anyone home?" From the sofa, Richard answered with a hollered, "In the living room, come on in!" In the hallway, the voices were getting louder. "Wow, this place is huge," came a voice in an unfamiliar, fey tone. "Yeah, I told you, he's one of the big ones," Keith's more familiar voice answered. Around the corner they came, Keith first, followed behind by a vulpine of almost the shiba inu's exact build -- They could have been brothers were it not for the species difference. The fox was looking around the oversized apartment and its oversized furnishings, muzzle agape. It didn't close when he saw the towering middled-aged lion getting to his feet and approaching them with his paw out. "Good evening, Keith; young man," he said to the fox, taking his paw as Keith stepped aside and out of the way. Keith smiled brightly. "This is my friend I was telling you about. Stephen, Richard. Richard, Stephen." The fox's paw disappeared inside Richard's loose grip. "Pleased to meet you." Stephen's smile was much more hesitant than the lion's. "Hi, Sir, nice to meet you, um, too." Richard chuckled, shaking his head. "You don't have to call me sir, son, just Richard'll do just fine." Stephen swallowed hard, his arm limp throughout the shake. "Um, thanks. You... I mean, your place is huge!" He was obviously trying not to stare at the lion, embarrassed. Richard chuckled again, the sound deep and rumbling. He looked around. "I suppose it must look like it to you. It's just the right size for me. You boys want anything to drink?" He let go of the fox's paw. The fox looked back over his shoulder at Keith, who nodded with a shrug. He turned back. "Um, sure... Do you have any soda?" Richard winked. "Sure do. You boys sit down, I'll be right back." He headed into the kitchen, returning with a couple of cokes to find them both perched on the sofa. The two of them together could practically fit on one cushion, leaving ample space for the lion to sit down a polite distance away, handing them their sodas and popping the cap off the beer he brought for himself with a claw. "So, Stephen. You and Keith known each other long?" The fox was in mid-sip of his soda, nodding his head before he spoke up. "Mm. Well, just this year. I knew Cody already from high school, and he introduced us. We got paired up in chem class at the beginning of last semester. Richard glanced at Keith. "You two hit it off then, it seems like." Stephen nodded again, appearing to relax with a more genuine smile. "Mm-hmm. Not like that, though, Cody keeps a close eye on him!" He giggled. Keith thumped the other boy on the shoulder. "He does not," he grumbled, sounding embarrassed. Richard grinned with the fox. "I don't know, Keith, you've said he's the jealous type." Stephen laughed. "We used to go out, me and Cody I mean. He is! I'm surprised he's ok with us going out tonight, usually he's all about making sure I don't get too friendly with Keith." Richard looked at Keith as he answered. "I'm a little surprised myself, actually." Stephen nodded more earnestly. "I figure he'll be at the club with a ruler, making sure we don't dance too close." Richard chuckled politely, nodding his head. "Sounds like him. So what're you majoring in?" "Biology. My dad's a molecular biologist, so I've been interested in it since I was really young. He used to buy me chemistry sets and stuff." Richard's eyebrow went up. "Well now. He must be proud of you, then, taking after him like this." Stephen took another swallow of soda, nodding. "Yeah. I still have a lot of school to do, though. I don't think I can call it taking after him until I'm a grad student." Richard looked at Keith. "I think it's safe to say that won't be a problem for you," he said. The fox shrugged, "I guess." Keith sat there, chewing on his lower lip pensively. Richard just nodded, inscrutable. "And what does your mother do?" "Oh, um, she's a schoolteacher," Stephen said. "She was actually my third-grade teacher. It sucked." The lion laughed, a deep, rumbling sound like thunder in the distance. "Oh, I bet it did. I hear parents don't go easy on their kids when they're their teachers." Stephen shook his head emphatically. "Huh-uh, no way. I think the best thing about college is she's not there going over my homework every night." "I'd guess she misses you, though," Richard said, a bit more seriously. "If she was that involved in your education." Stephen shrugged. "I guess. She made sure I got good grades, so I'm thankful for that." Keith was looking more and more uncomfortable by the moment. He was shifting in his seat, chewing his lower lip like he did when he was thinking, and started to speak up. "Hon, we should probably go, the club's gonna open soon." He was talking to the fox, but looking at Richard as he said it. Richard grunted when he glanced at the clock. "Look at the time, I didn't realize it was getting so late." He got to his feet; the other two automatically did the same, Stephen tugging up the front of his pants. "Sorry to keep you boys fmrom your fun, I should probably be getting to bed myself. Keith, I think your jacket's in the hall closet, if you want to grab it." Keith's knees looked a little wobbly. "My... Oh! Yeah, my coat."  He started to head into the hallway as Richard held out his paw towards Stephen again. "Stephen, it was good to meet you." Stephen was smiling. "Thanks for the soda, I really-" Then he gasped. Keith turned around just in time to see Richard's mouth yawning wide, impossibly wide, looking almost as if his jaw must have dislocated. With a squeal the fox tried to jerk back, finding himself held in place by a suddenly crushing grip around his paw. Stephen's expression changed to one of horror as he was faced with the black pit of the feline's maw. He was yanking frantically on his arm in confused panic. "Let me go! What are y-" Whatever else he was going to say dissolved into a muffled scream as the jaws came crashing down over his head, closing over it and his shoulders in one enormous gulp. Flecks of drool soaked wet splotches on his shirt where the lion's lips closed around him, making a poor seal around the youth's chest and upper arms. With his one free paw the fox beat at Richard's chest, feet braced as he still tried to pull himself backwards and away from the predator. Keith, watching from not six feet away, had his knees go out all at once; he looked faint as he collapsed back against the chair behind him. His mouth was hanging open in silent shock, staring with eyes wide as saucers at his friend's panicked struggles to free himself; it was obvious the vulpine didn't even know what was happening. Richard's paws came up to clamp around Stephen, squeezing the fox's upper arms and pinning them to his sides, doing little to stop the flailing but steadying the part of Stephen that was poised outside his black lips. The sounds the fox was making were muffled, becoming abruptly piercing screams when Richard's muzzle opened wide for a moment. It afforded Keith a momentary view of his friend's head, half-wedged into the lion's throat; as he watched, Richard hauled the youth upwards while pushing his open muzzle down. With a sickening wet squelch Stephen's screaming muzzle sank into the elastic opening, dampening again the incoherent cries, and the view disappeared when Richard clamped his jaws back together again, this time around Stephen's chest. The fox was fighting without thinking, feet kicking and stomping on the ground and trying to get enough leverage to pull himself away. All at once Richard straightened up, causing Stephen's feet to kick out forwards and to thump harmlessly into the lion's ankles, then start swinging around madly, trying to find purchase on a ground that he didn't realize was a meter below by now. Keith couldn't make a sound; couldn't even breathe as he stared numbly at what was in front of him. Despite this having been what he brought the fox over for, it was quite another thing to watch him being essentially murdered, slowly, right in front of his eyes. The color was drained from his face and his ears were plastered back against his skull; it wasn't until a few seconds later that he looked down, just for a moment, to see his paw clamped around his hard cock hard enough to make it ache. He didn't even think, looking back up quickly like he was watching a movie he didn't want to miss a part of, he yanked his dick out of his hastily-opened fly and began stroking it, fast and rough, eyes squinting now. Another heavy, ponderous swallow now sank the terrified fox halfway down the lion's throat; hips disappearing inside in a series of short, quick gulps. The lion's already thick neck bulged obscenely, stretched tight enough around the meal to dimly make visible the outline of what was inside. It moved, shifting like a dog playing underneath a bedspread; a moment later and Keith could see the wider part that marked his friend's shoulders sink into the feline's chest. Now only Stephen's legs and tail flailed desperately outside the still gaping wide muzzle, one sneaker flying off to thump into the wall. Nearly five minutes the lion's head had first closed over fox's and he was still fighting every bit as violently as he had at the start. Another swallow, Stephen's legs disappearing to the knees. Now Richard snapped his jaws together, pinning the feet together to keep them from kicking; still they were moving at the ankles, the other shoe dropping off much less spectacularly than the first of its own accord. The lion's usually already formidable gut was swollen from the inside, bulged with the meal that was being forced-fed screaming and crying into it. It looked easy now, comparatively so at least; Richard had one paw resting on his gut as it swelled, taking a few final, heavy swallows that jerked the last of the fox's legs inside past the boundary of the lion's jaws. The last thing Keith saw of Stephen were his friend's feet, still trying to kick but squeezed too tightly together to move much, toes curling. Still very much alive. Richard's muzzle closed and his head tipped back down; it took another swallow or two before his neck was back to its normal breadth. With a grunt he sat down, sprawled out on the sofa, gut resting on his thighs. He looked at Keith. The dog still had his cock in his paw, stroking it slowly in a tight grip. He was staring at Richard, expression one of wide-eyed shock. Richard grinned smugly, working his jaw back and forth once or twice. Keith's voice was a hoarse whisper. "Is... He gone?" Richard shook his head. "You wanna feel?" Keith blinked, surprised. "What?" "C'mere." Keith got to his feet and walked over, woodenly. He stood between the lion's thighs, staring at the round gut in front of him. With a shaking paw he reached out, resting it on the tawny expanse that he only just now realized was moving. Very slightly, but definitely moving. And close enough now, he could hear, dimly, a combination of sounds. Gurgling, and what sounded like muffled, very far away squealing. He could feel it. The motions inside, deadened by the layers of fat, muscle and furry pelt were still obvious as being something inside the lion rather than the lion himself. As his paw rested there he felt them slowing, heard the sounds of the meal within fading away. And less than a minute later, still staring at he lump that had been his friend, he felt the motion stop. Richard said nothing until then, when he belched quietly. His breath smelled of the fox. "Now he is." Keith looked up at Richard's face without saying anything. The lion nodded down towards Keith's erection. "You wanna fuck?" Keith looked down as if just noticing it himself. Maybe he did. "Yeah," he mumbled and looked back up, surprised with himself. "Yeah, I do." Richard hauled his more-prodigous-than-usual bulk to his feet, gut sagging heavily with the digesting meal inside while Keith looked on with the same numb expression. "You're gonna have to be on top," Richard said, him and his gurgling stomach leading the way to the bedroom.


By the next morning, the enormous roundness of the lion's belly had shrunk to what just looked like a slightly larger than would be considered normal beer gut. Richard was on his back, apparently still asleep, while Keith stared. They'd gone at it for two hours straight last night, and Keith still was hard. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," Richard said eventually, eyes still closed. Keith hmph'd, flopping over onto his back, annoyed at being caught. "Sorry. I'm just a little, still... Y'know." Richard grunted, opening his eyes. One paw lay on his stomach. "I know. How're you feeling?" Keith shrugged where he lay. "I'm ok... I just wasn't expecting it to be... Like that." Richard nodded. "Can't say I didn't warn you. It isn't ever graceful, you know? Turns out people start to panic when they think they're being killed, who knew." "Don't joke." Keith pursed his lips. "It's not funny." The lion chuckled, pushing himself to a sitting position and swinging legs as big as tree trunks off the bed. "Maybe not to you. Your little friend freaked out worse than most folks I've had. I thought for awhile I was going to have to cough him back up." He got to his feet, pushing a paw on his belly again as it gurgled audibly. "Uh, 'scuse me." He headed towards the bathroom. Keith lay there watching. "Have you ever?" Richard paused. "Ever what?" "Like... Coughed someone up." Richard gave the dog a strange look. "No." He went into the bathroom.

Keith rolled onto his back, lost in thought.

They didn't speak of the 'encounter' again for a few days after. Cody had been demanding more of Keith's time lately, although nothing out of the ordinary, and Richard was working daily on a job site. Which isn't to say they didn't find time to hook up; Keith snuck away as often as he could for afternoon fuck-sessions in the back of Richard's truck if that's what it took. The short trysts made it difficult to talk, and anyway, the shiba-inu didn't seem much interested in speaking most of the time they were together. Richard obviously thought it best not to bring up the incident with Keith's erstwhile friend, assuming (reasonably) that it had been shocking at best given the canine's lack of experience with such things. Besides, once the dog got talking, it was hard to shut him up. So Richard looked mildly surprised when, during one of their first long evenings together in a week and in the middle of something akin to a blowjob (the lion's cock didn't actually fit in Keith's mouth when fully hard), Keith rested his muzzle on Richard's thigh, alongside the stiff and spit-slick erection, and looked up at him. "So can we do it again sometime?" Richard's brow furrowed. "Do what?" "What... We did, with Stephen." Keith looked away when he said it. "Stephen's dead, Keith," Richard said with a slight quirk to his lips. "We can only do that trick once." Keith looked annoyed, slapping the lion's massive thigh. "Stop making fun of me! I know he's... Gone. But I want to-" He hesitated, chewing his lip for a moment. "I want to see it again." Richard stared down at him for a moment, while the dog looked anywhere but up at the large leonine face. Eventually, when he spoke, it was in an almost scolding tone. "Keith. My dietary habits aren't a magic trick for you to beat off to. Look at me." Keith looked up, lower lip still caught between his teeth. His chin nearly rested on Richard's cock. "Your friend Stephen died screaming. It wasn't quick, it wasn't painless, and he spent the last few moments of his life probably wondering why you weren't helping him. And I remind you it was you who led him to it." The dog frowned, straightening up now from the lion's lap and lifting his chin a little. "Don't lecture me! I know that!" he retorted. "I knew what... What I was doing. What I did. But YOU'RE the one who said it was just nature, a..." He waved his paw back and forth. "Predator... Prey... Thing. Stephen just ended up on the wrong side of it, that's all." He frowned a little. "It didn't have to be a friend of mine, you know. You're the one who said I had to bring them." "I didn't say they had to be a friend," Richard responded mildly. Keith glared. "Well it was! And I'm telling you I want to see it again. So if you're just doing it for nature, or whatever, why can't I watch? You don't have to enjoy it if you don't want to." Richard looked at the dog, levelly, over the rise of a stiff erection that hadn't yet gone down, still spit-slick with the dog's ministrations. He took a breath, letting it out in a steady growl. "You're not going to let this drop, are you?" Keith broke into a self-satisfied grin. "Nope. I told you, I always get what I want." Richard shook his head, reaching down and giving the canine and affectionate scratching along the underside of his jaw. "Can you get Cody to let you spend next weekend away?" Keith cocked his head, still smiling dumbly "Sure. Why?"

The lion chuckled. "Because we're going camping." He slipped his paw around the back of the dog's head, and pushed him back down onto his cock.

Keith sat in the passenger seat of Richard's truck, the window down and road wind ruffling his fur. They were winding their way up a mountain road, slowly, stuck behind a motor home that was taking the corners slow enough to have the lion cursing under his breath. The normal construction tools and rack in the pickup's bed had been replaced with a camper shell, and enough gear for a weekend out at a campground was packed inside a few duffels and totes underneath. Keith was sucking the last of a fast-food soda through a straw, making slurping noises until Richard shot him a warning glance. "Why're we going all the way out here? I hate camping," Keith said sourly, not for the first time. Richard heaved a faintly annoyed sigh. Not for the first time. "Camping's good for you. Build's character. And provides lots of hunting opportunities you don't get in the city." Keith grumbled, slouching in his seat. "We don't need to hunt. I couldn've just brought someone over." "I'm not interested in thinning out your circle of friends, Keith. And besides, it's better to do these sorts of things away from the city. What we're doing is technically legal, but I'd catch hell from the cops if I just started picking people off in my neighborhood. It's just kind of an unspoken rule. Don't shit where you eat." He grinned over at the dog. "Ha ha." The canine popped the top off the cup, tilting it back until a few ice cubes rushed into his mouth. He sucked on them in silence, staring out the window. "Have you done that? Ever, I mean, eaten people in your neighborhood." Richard shrugged, craning his thickset neck to try and look around around the motor home in hopes of passing. "Yeah." Keith looked over at him, surprised. "Really?" The lion nodded, downshifting and pulling out around the lumbering vehicle in front of them. "Sure. Not often, and not for awhile. Neighbors are antsy enough as it is having a guy like me around. But a few times, I was hungry, the chance came around..." He shrugged again. "Just like that?" Keith was sitting up now, curious. He looked like a puppy when he did that. "Like when?" Richard looked askance at him, stern. "Keith..." Keith slouched back down again with a grumble, going back to staring out the window. "Awright, fine. Jeez." He flicked an ice cube out the window. "You're lucky you've got such a nice cock." Richard chuckled. "And you're lucky I like you riding it."

Keith just shrugged carelessly, and went back to crunching ice.

A few hours later and they were sitting in folding chairs (the lion's more than twice as large as Keith's) at the campground, next to a placid lake. Richard with a fishing pole in the water, sprawled lazily in a chair with a cap pulled low over his eyes. Keith was getting increasingly more antsy by the hour. "This is boring! Why do we have to just sit here? It's boring." Richard chuckled easily. "We're fishing, Keith, boring's what fishing is. You wanted to be a predator, this is being one. You could grab a pole if you want and give it a shot, but either way, this is what I'm doing until it gets dark." The campground was an almost-service one, with drive-in spots of packed earth separated by stretches of forest and scrub. A dirt road connecting them led to a cul-de-sac at the end of a few miles' drive, and a water hookup there provided the only amenity. It was rugged enough to draw hikers and bicyclists with tents, but the road access made most of the visitors drive-in, families and couples pitching tents, setting up tables and BBQs for the weekend of 'roughing it'. The spots alongside the lake were the furthest apart, stretched along the water's edge with enough distance for water recreation like what the two of them were doing right now. Further along the coast, as the lake curved inwards, other campers could be seen with most of them doing the same thing. Keith scowled, bare feet swirling in the water. "This isn't what I meant about being a predator." "Oh?" Richard scratched his gut. "What'd you expect we'd be doing? Stalking across a savanna, hunting wild zebras? We let the females do that." He cracked an eye, grinning over at the dog." "No!" Keith retorted with a cute glare. "But I didn't think I'd be sitting next to a stupid lake getting eaten by mosquitoes while you do whatever. Why can't we, y'know... Do something more interesting?" Richard gave his fishing pole a couple of tugs. "I know. Don't worry, you'll be doing some hunting later." Keith looked at him in confusion. "I will?" The lion nodded, reeling back in his line slowly, the ratchet on the reel making a clack-clack-clack sound. "Ayup." He nodded further along the coastline drawing the dog's gaze to where other campers sat along the lake's edge, played in the water, or fished like them. "What does that look like to you?" Keith looked along with him, his head cocked. "Uh... Camping?" Richard chuckled, drawing his hook out of the water with a plop, then throwing it back out again. "More like dinner." Keith looked back at him in confusion. "Really?" Richard nodded, looking out back over the lake again, line bobbing in the water. "Me and my old man used to play this game, back when I was your age. It works like this..."

As Richard explained, Keith brightened visibly.

David Bishop was not, he thought to himself, the kind of guy who allowed himself to be easily seduced, let alone by boys he'd never met before. In fact, besides a few dalliances in college many years ago, the wolf hadn't since so much as seen a man naked outside of a locker room - And even those had been fleeting glances, the furtiveness of them  necessitated by his assurance to himself that it was just normal masculine curiosity. Being happily married with two children, the last thing he expected to be doing while on a camping trip with them was to be following a fetching young canine off into the woods, one he'd barely spoken with next to the lake before being taken by the paw off into the forest. He'd said his name was Keith something-or-other, that he was out here camping alone, in the tone of voice that suggested the youth intended the trip to only start out solitary. He had a not-so-shy and sweet smile that had David breathing hard before they'd gone much further than exchange pleasantries. The wolf had only intended to spend an hour or two relaxing alone on such a warm evening, after the rest of his family had settled down for the night, enjoying the moonlight and quiet of nature at rest. Instead, here he was following behind the canine, arm held up protectively in front of his face to keep unseen branches from hitting him, until they got to a clearing. Here, moonlight penetrated enough for him to see the shiba-inu pause and turn around with that same little smile as before, tail wagging slightly. Hopefully, it looked like. "Wanna just do it here?" Keith spoke quietly; not a whisper, but softly enough. David glanced around, anxious and uncertain. "I... I don't know about this. My wife..." "Shhh," Keith interjected, stepping up close to the other canid. He was shorter but not by much, enough to let him dip his muzzle beneath the wolf's chin and push upwards, arms stealing around his waist. "She's not going to know," he whispered softly, his belly pushed up against the wolf's crotch. "No one will, it's okay." David let out a huff, feeling a shudder go through him. That touch was enough to leave him breathless; this whispering and delicate scent of the canine had his head spinning. He'd always been faithful to his wife despite inevitable temptation over the years; the prospect of violating that now, with another male no less, was as thrilling to him as it was terrible. His cock hardened in his shorts, unbidden, tenting against Keith's belly. "Keith, I'm sorry, I c-can't..." He trailed off. The shiba-inu giggled softly. "Mmmm, yes you can, David," he whispered, one paw coming around to the front to grab at the wolf's erection through the shorts. He cupped it, giving it a hard squeeze and held tightly. Keith was in his element, now. He'd seduced many men before. Admittedly most of them were gay before he ever got to them... but not all. And besides, gay or straight, men were men. "I'll do things I bet she won't..." He let the words trail off, suggestively with another one of those smiles. David let out a rough gasp, tinged with a growl he couldn't control. Seemingly without bidding, his paw came around to the shiba-inu's rear, grabbing tightly onto it and making as if to make a first, blunt claws digging in and bringing a much higher-pitched gasp from the dog. He didn't answer. He didn't have to. Keith disentangled himself from the lupine after planting a kiss on the side of his neck, stepping back. David stood there dumbly, tent in his shorts big enough to make it jut out comically, like a cartoon character with a hardon. Even in just the speckled moonlight, he could see easily from where he stood as Keith stripped off his shirt in one smooth motion, turning around to face away before unfastening the snap on his shorts. It was like a strip show. No, it WAS a strip show, with the cute little dog letting his shorts sag teasingly a moment, just hanging halfway down the cleft of that tight rump, before dropping entirely to pool around his bare feet. It left him naked; beautifully, flawlessly naked. The dog stepped out of them and turned around, false modesty obvious as he covered his crotch with one paw, biting his lower lip with another of those knock-out little smiles. "Your turn." The wolf hesitated just a moment longer, taking a deep breath and setting his jaw. He held it a moment, then let it out in a much deeper, more lustful growl than he'd done before. "Fuck it," he grunted at the end, fumbling with the belt on his own shorts like he'd never tried to undo it before in his life. It was all he was wearing, his shirts soaked through from romping in the lake with his kids earlier in the day, so as soon as he managed to get the belt and fly undone they fell down to leave him nude, thick red erection looking grayish in the moonlight, throbbing heavily between his legs. While he may have felt some hesitation, his body was already responding for him. He stepped out of them, kicking them away, and looked up. Keith was already closer to him, up against a tree, facing away. That rump, the one he'd only gotten a fleeting glimpse of earlier, was on obvious display beneath the turned-up tail, wagging a little as the shiba-inu grinned at him over his shoulder. "Wanna?" was all he said. David growled, low in his throat. Instinct took over where common sense departed and left a space for it. Those times in college had included little beyond a little mutual jack-off and maybe the occasional lick, and the prospect of actually fucking a guy - anyone besides his wife, really - had a thrill going through him he'd not felt in years. He was going to fuck this boy. Right here, in the woods, out in the open, and while on a family vacation. The thought had him nearly staggering as he stepped forward, clutching his erection tightly in one hand, just behind the already-swelling knot. Lining up the tip, the wolf wasted little time in cramming the tapered head in, sinking into warmth and softness with shocking ease. He'd intended to only nudge himself inside, but with the relaxed entrance giving way with a quiet squelch he just kept going, burying himself up to the knot in one smooth, even stroke. Keith gasped, not entirely for effect. Despite being plenty used to a much larger size, David had spent no time in loosening him up, having likely had no experience with males before. The wolf's natural lube was enough to keep it from being outright painful, but Keith had to bite back a whimper in his throat as his asshole spasmed, trying to push back out the thick spire of flesh invading it. "Oh god," he gasped breathily, forehead pushing to the rough bark of the tree trunk to brace himself. David pulled back, slowly, withdrawing a few inches from Keith's rear and jamming it back in with a hearty grunt. Harder this time, and making the youth shake in an involuntary shudder. "You like that?" he whispered quietly, voice lower now than before, muttered into the shiba-inu's ear. Keith nodded frantically. "Nngff... Yeah..." "You want me to... Fuck you, little bitch?" The wolf's growl was guttural, but the hesitation was apparent in his voice. Keith nodded again just as rapidly as before, opening his eyes to look back with one over his shoulder at the leering wolf. What anxiousness had been written across David's face before was gone now, replaced with a look much more feral. Behind the lupine was a shadow, one David didn't see. Keith smiled seductively, pushing his hips back into the wolf's lap. "Call me that again," he murmured. David was the one grinning deliriously now, leaning back to look down at where his cock pulled free from the almost feminine-looking rear end. "Little bitch," he repeated, "I'm gonna make you my little bitch..." He slammed back in, bashing the knot against Keith's asshole, hard enough to make a scuffing sound as their feet slipped in the dirt. Keith groaned, long and low, grinding his hips back against the bulb of flesh. It was only for a moment, though, as David began thrusting, hard and fast, taking ahold of the shiba-inu's hips and steadying him for the onslaught. The sound of crickets and gentle lapping of water at the lake's edge was gradually replaced by the louder and lewder sounds of intercourse, every wet squelch punctuated with a heavy slap of hips on an upturned rear end. David was a little (dimly) surprised; he hadn't expected this to be so easy. The dog's asshole was loose enough for him to slide his dick right in, and even now, only a few minutes into it, he could already feel his knot trying to sink into the relaxed rear entrance. Precum and lube made the going smoother than he would have thought possible, and without meaning to he all at once crammed that knot inside, popping into the spasming entrance. Panicking, he did what would normally have earned him a sharp squeal from his wife; he yanked it right back out again with a pop like a cork shot from a champagne bottle. "Oh shit oh shit, I'm sorry! Are you ok?" He started to pull back completely. Keith quickly reached back, grabbing the wolf's fur on his hips in a tight grip and holding on tight, just before the tapered tip managed to slide free. His teeth clenched, he growled a gasped, "Don't... Stop! It's ok, David, just... Don't stop!" David nodded, rapidly, "Sorry, ok!" Unthinkingly he jammed himself back in, this time the knot sliding in with obscene ease. Loose enough to fit inside, even still that asshole was tight enough to clamp down around the back of his knot, the second time tighter than the first, and he held himself there a moment. Then back out, the sound this time more like a slurp, then back in. "Jesus, kid, you feel so good..." The wolf was banging in earnest now, the pressure around his knot, fleetingly between thrusts now, was enough to have his balls up tight against his crotch. It didn't take much longer, and anyway, what common sense he had remaining was telling him to hurry, to get this over with so he could get back to his wife, his kids, his normal life. Shit, he had to get up to make breakfast in the morning! The thought had the wolf almost laughing to himself; it was all so perverse. His thrusts became shorter, the knot just sliding in and out past the loosened tailhole, slopping precum all over the inside of the canine's ass-cheeks. "Nngff, I'm gonna... Oh shit kid, I'm gonna..." Then, all at once, what felt like a car crashing into them nearly knocked Keith's wind out of him. A weight much heavier than David's smashed him against the tree, lodging the wolf's dick up into his ass where it jumped and twitched in mindless climax, spitting a load up into his bowels in sharp jets. A split-second later came a hot, heavy snort of breath, and the wolf's exclamations of satisfaction were cut off by a wet clop, the sound of wet lips slapping down around furred flesh. Keith's eyes flew open. Pinned against the tree, he couldn't move, but he could see over his shoulder a close-up view of Richard's yellow eyes, staring right into his, wrinkled nose beneath nudged up against the back of his neck - that's what was exhaling the hot, humid breath over him now. The wolf still knotted within him was trapped inside those massive jaws to the upper arms, shoulders and head engulfed inside the maw, paws flailing in confused panic. They weren't even trying to push the jaws off of him, instead finding and bracing against Keith to try and push away, pinned between the dog and the much larger lion and trying to free himself from that first. Before, Keith had witnessed this from across the room. Now, not even inches away, he could hear Richard's deep growling snorted through his oversized nose, muffled by the squirming prey clamped between his jaws. Wet smacks and pops came from the lion's jaws working open and closed, like a snake engulfing a rabbit, using downward pressure to push his muzzle down and suck David inside as he did. Richard's muzzle-bridge pushed harder up against him, grinding almost painfully against his neck, until all at once he pulled away, stepping back to drag the kicking prey with him. For the last time, David's knot popped free of the dog's asshole with a wet squelch, the wolf's legs skidding out from under him forward as he was dragged bodily backwards. It freed Keith from being squashed against the tree, allowing him to half-turn around with his knees shaking to stare in the same wide-eyed shock he'd had barely a week ago when it had been another living, breathing victim caught between the lion's massive jaws. This time there was no muffled screaming; David likely hadn't the faintest idea what was happening to him, too surprised to be truly frightened. His legs kicked frantically for purchase, kicking up dust in the moonlight, and only now did his arms lift to try and dislodge whatever it was clamped around his head. It didn't help. As Keith watched, the wolf's still-hard cock flung semen in arcs into the air from where it bounced and flexed, still unloading the balls' contents. With a surprisingly quiet gulping sound Richard's muzzle pushed downwards, sinking another foot of David's body into the drooling maw. Enormous paws grabbed at, and finally held the wolf's arms, pinning them to his sides and holding them there for another swallow that sank him in to the cum-stained belly, Richard's lips pulling back to expose teeth longer than Keith's fingers pinching together to hold the lupine in place. There was a wet crack, like celery stalks breaking, from somewhere inside the lion's throat as David's body was curled backwards to fit down the narrow passage. And with a ponderous toss of his head Richard lifted the wolf's kicking legs up into the air, displaying the underside of his sagging jaw and the obscene huge bulge in his neck to the fascinated and horrified Keith. As he watched it flexed, a ripple starting just below the jawline traveling down to the chest, and with a sharp jolt David's twisting hips sank into the spread-wide jaws. "Jesus..." Keith whispered, eyes as big as platters as he watched this wolf, this married father he'd been seducing not fifteen minutes ago, was murdered in slow-motion before his eyes. He could hear David's cries now, barely, muted to incoherent sounds by the lion's chest, just loud enough to be heard over the wet sucking of David's body engulfed ever further into the spread muzzle. Richard took a lumbering step forward, two bodies joined together obscenely outlined in the moonlight, and closed a paw around Keith's shoulder. He spun him around, facing the tree again and pushed the dog against it with what was likely for him just a casual pressure, but had the short dog gasping for breath with the pressure on his chest, reflexively squirming to try and push himself away. Squatting, the enormous lion brought his head down closer to the now-frightened Keith's. "Richard, cut it out! What're you- Nngf!" Whatever else Keith was going to say was run over by the heavy choke that exploded from him as the lion's erection, ignored until now, shoved right up against his asshole and inside. Cum and juices from the wolf provided the lubrication, but even being knot-fucked by a full-sized wolf wasn't enough to prepare him for the sudden impalement on Richard's gigantic swollen prick, the fat cockhead stuffing into his bowels where David's had been a moment ago. Keith's jaws crashed shut as he bit back a cry as a stab of pain shot up his spine, centered where the veined length was spearing into him. The lion didn't thrust, not much anyway, not at first. Once he was lodged firmly inside he paused, holding himself there as he directed his attention back to the meal at hand. By the time Keith could see again over his shoulder past the haze of shock and pain from being taken so suddenly, David was gone to the legs, hips bulging the neck while little motions - David's hands - squirmed around alongside. Another gulp, and Keith could feel it. Oh god, he could feel it, a weight growing in the lion's belly, weighing down on his back and pushing him harder up against the bark of the trunk. Richard was bracing himself with his paws further up on the tree, claws sunk into the bark, holding the combined weight of his and David's in a stunning display of strength, and making it so Keith was left to only feel the growing mass of the struggling meal inside Richard's gut. It wasn't just deadweight, it was alive. Unmistakably, sickeningly, fighting for survival alive inside the lion's belly. He stared open-mouthed, the pain in his ass momentarily forgotten as Richard swallowed once, twice... Then closed his jaws around the wolf's feet. The bulge in his neck was less now, but the weight on Keith's back was tremendous, pinning him more firmly than the paw on his neck did. The mass in the lion's gut settled around him; fat, fur and still very much alive lupine molding to his back from his hips to shoulderblades. One more swallow and Keith could hear, clearly, the long exhale Richard gave once his throat was finally clear. Only then did Richard begin to thrust. It was short, shallow and slow, the lion's hips all that was moving, all that COULD move. Braced as he was, his fat stomach draped over the dog underneath, he hunched his hips in even pistoning thrusts, slopping through the semen the wolf had deposited there. The wolf, Keith could hear, that was screaming out his last in the suffocating acids of the lion's belly, likely still unaware of what had just happened to him. "This what you wanted...?" Richard growled thickly, huffing out a heavy breath as he managed to work most of his cock under the dog's tail. Keith nodded dazedly, rapidly, eyes closed tightly now that the visible part of the show, so to speak, was over. The squirming lump against his back was moving faster. A gurgling, churning sound he could feel as much as hear came from the swollen belly that rested against his back. "He's suffocating. Drowning in there," Richard grunted. "He doesn't know it, but he'll be dead... Hrf... Very, very soon... Ngf, oh fuck..." Richard thrust harder now, hunching stocky hips faster. With a choking sound, Richard bit back the roar that tried to tear from his throat, and Keith felt the familiar, liquid pressure of semen gushing into his rear end as the oversized cock throbbed heavily within him. The sensations were almost too much for the dog. That enormous prick lodged in his asshole, crammed so far up into his bowels he felt he might choke on it, the struggling mass of living prey inside the gut pressing down on his back, the liquid gurgling and sloshing...  And while he stood there, knees buckling under the weight  both physical and mental, that struggling faded to nothing. Just like it had before, in the apartment, only this time felt much more exquisitely. There was no announcement, no ceremony, no real moment where it ended. Just frantic fighting for survival, then, slowly... Dead weight. Richard grunted and huffed the end of his orgasm, grinding his hips up against Keith's rear end and using the stretched-open asshole to milk the last of his semen into the stuffed bowels. When he was done, he lingered for only a few moments, pulling back with a long, lewd wet slurping sound after maybe a minute. Semen chased the arm-thick prick out of Keith's rear end, sluicing down in a wet gush onto the forest floor to form a puddle. Keith's legs collapsed underneath him, sinking down against the tree until he was on his knees, then flopped over onto his side and opened his eyes. Above him, silhouetted in the moonlight, Richard stood with a kind of smirk on his muzzle, licking his lips. Beneath that, the now-familiar sight of the lion's enormous gut sagged under the weight inside it, although not so low that the flagging erection still oozing semen couldn't be seen beneath. One paw was underneath the heavy belly, hefting it and the indistinct mass inside. He belched. "I... I can't believe... You did that," Keith gasped after a few moments of panting, wincing as a short stab of pain hit his backside. He sounded awed, voice breathy. "But you got off on it, didn't you?" Richard said quietly, directly. Keith just nodded dumbly. "Get up," Richard growled. "We have to go." Keith just stared for a moment, then struggled to get to his feet. "...Why?" Richard stared at him for a moment. "Because we just killed someone," he grunted shortly. "And unless we want to explain that to whoever comes by, we need to get back to the campsite. His family might come looking for him." Keith just stared at him for a minute, almost in confusion. "Oh." "Come on," Richard said, leaning over to take the shiba-inu by the upper arm and hauled him to his feet. "We're leaving." Keith got to his feet, nodding. "O-ok..." He followed along numbly, stumbling through the underbrush back towards the campsite. Even now, a few feet behind Richard, he could hear the lion's gut starting to gurgle. By the time they got back to the campsite, Keith had mostly recovered, his damp and aching ass the only physical reminder of what had just transpired. Once they'd gotten out of the woods Richard strolled along with only a slightly lumbering gait, the image of feline nonchalance marred only by the heavy gut too large compared to the rest of his frame to look natural. "You want to rinse off down at the lake?" Richard asked. They were sitting on the open bed of the truck now, the dog's legs kicking freely, Richard's planted in the dirt. Neither of them  had bothered to get dressed. Keith shook his head. "No. It's all right." He shifted in his seat, shaking his head. "That was... How did you sneak up on him like that?" Richard yawned, shrugging. "He wasn't paying attention to much else besides your ass." Keith nodded. "Yeah, I guess not. Wow." He kept looking over at the lion's gut. The gurgling sounds were louder now, although not constant. "He got to get off, that's good." "S'pose," Richard grunted absently. "We should get to bed. Get an early start tomorrow, avoid the rush." He crawled back into the truck bed, more than half of it taken up wit his sleeping bag. Keith followed along behind, suddenly very tired. He realized, only now as he climbed into his sleeping bag, that he'd had a hardon ever since he'd been kissing David in the clearing. The next morning... They'd gotten up with the sun; with no curtains in the camper shell of the truck it was their only choice when bright light came lancing in. Keith got up first, followed by a significantly less overweight-looking Richard a few minutes later, yawning wide enough to look like his jaw was dislocating. Keith ignored it, instead looking around with a frown. "We didn't bring a mirror. How am I supposed to brush my fur out? It's all crusty." Richard snorted. "It's camping, Keith, not a beauty salon. Who cares what your fur looks like?" Keith started combing it out with his fingers sticking his tongue out Richard while the lion headed off into the woods. "I do. There's burrs and stuff in it." He looked up. "Hey! Where're you going?" Richard spoke back over his shoulder, not bothering to stop. "Where do you think? Keith wrinkled his nose, turning away. "Oh, yeah. Nevermind," he muttered, digging around in his duffel for a brush and started to drag it through his tangled, crusty fur. He'd managed to get through most of it, resolving to rinse off at the lake before they left, when a voice from behind him made jump. "Hey, mister?" The dog spun around in surprise. From the other side of the campsite had come a young wolf, maybe barely thirteen. He was wearing just a pair of shorts, sandals on his feet. "Oh, uh... Hey." Keith looked closer at the youth. "Who're you?" "Sydney," the wolf said, straightening up and looking defensive. "Who're you?" Keith grinned a little at the pup's tone. "My name's Keith. Isn't it a little early to be up and around?" He glanced around, seeing no one else accompanying the boy. The wolf named Sydney just looked around, too. "I guess. Have you seen my dad?" Keith's grin faltered for a moment, a rush of exhilaration going through him.  "Your... Dad? You don't know where he is?" Sydney nodded, brow furrowed. "Yeah. My mom said we have to look for him. He was camping with us, but he went somewhere last night and now we don't know where he is." Keith pretended to look serious. "Hmm. Well, let's see. What's your... Dad's name?" "Dave," he said matter-of-factly. "But I'm only allowed to call him dad. Mom gets mad if I call him Dave." "Does she?" Keith was struggling not to giggle, the expression tugging at the corner of his muzzle. Rather than feel pity or guilt, he couldn't get out of his head what Richard was probably doing this moment while he talked to the pup. "Well, can't say I've seen him for awhile." Sydney apparently didn't notice the odd reaction or phrasing, taking a look around again. "Ok. Maybe he has?" He pointed to where Richard was approaching back from the woods. Keith turned around, resting a paw on the wolf's shoulder. "Richard! This pup-" He looked back at the lupine. "Uh, Sydney. He's looking for his dad. He was supposed to make breakfast." Richard strolled towards them unhurriedly. "Was he now?" he drawled. "What's your dad look like, sport?" "He's gray, like me," the pup said, holding up one bare arm to demonstrate. He seemed entirely unfazed by the enormous size of the lion, stretching his arm up towards him. "He is, huh?" Richard said, pretending to examine it. "How tall is he?" He glanced around at the otherwise empty campsite. Sydney shrugged. "Um... Taller than me? Not as tall as you though. Taller then him." He thrust a finger towards Keith. Richard crouched down, but looked over the pup's head. "Is that him over there?" He looked pointedly at Keith, who just stared back him. Sydney, though, glanced back over his shoulder. "Wh-Nnggg!" Richard's movement was fluid and effortless, reaching out with both enormous paws and closing them around the wolf's waist, clapping his forearms to his sides. By the time Sydney had gotten his head back around, he was already staring confusedly into the lion's spread-wide jaws. The pup at first didn't make a sound, eyes widening to platters and muzzle falling open in shock, the expression a parody of the much larger leonine yawn right in front of him. A split-second before the jaws crashed down over his thin shoulders a sound started to rise up from his throat, barely a breath of air before enormous teeth clomped down, hard enough to crush it to only a whoof. Keith just took a step back, avoiding the lupine's suddenly swinging legs. Taking a quick look around to make sure they were still alone in the campsite, a grin still played around his muzzle as Richard snapped those enormous jowls around the flailing pup, the already muffled screaming silenced as the youth's head was engulfed in the lion's gullet. A few more gulps hauled the small body in to the waist, the telltale lump already forming in the shaggy, tawny-furred throat. It was much smaller than the one David or Stephen had made, still noticeable as it squirmed and struggled it's way towards Richard's chest. Those little legs kicked and fought, flinging forward and back almost bonelessly as Richard tilted his head back, straightening his neck. One, two, three more swallows each hauled the panicked lupine deeper, until with one last mighty gulp the kicking feet disappeared. From the time they lion had picked the wolf up to when he was licking his lips, stomach bulged faintly with the still-fighting meal inside, it had been less than a minute.  Keith was shaking his head, looking like he was trying not to laugh. Richard took a deep breath, letting it out in a satisfied sigh. Only then did he seem to notice Keith's stunned expression. "What?" Keith's voice was excited. "The way you did that! Just gulped him down like that!" Richard flicked an ear, belching under his breath. His gut was still moving, ever so slightly. "Well yeah. The way you were grinning like that I'm surprised he didn't figure out his dad had been banging you last night. What was I supposed to do?" "No no!" Keith shook his head emphatically. "That was really hot! I'm not bitching!" "Yeah, well, we ain't got time to fuck," Richard grunted. "We gotta hit the road, unless you wanna get stuck behind another motorhome." Keith made a melodramatic 'awww' face. "Can I at least go rinse off? I'm still all yucky from your breakfast's dad." Richard shrugged. "Suit yourself. Wheels up in twenty minutes." As Keith scampered off towards the lake, Richard just shook his head. "Something ain't right with that boy," he muttered under his breath as the struggling in his belly died down. At least he'd get to drive on a full stomach. CHAPTER 3 "You're skipping work to fuck? Again?" Jason's voice was a stage whisper, the back of the kitchen too noisy for anyone to hear us even if he'd been talking normally. I rolled my eyes as I slid out of the way of a delivery guy holding a couple pizza boxes over his head, half-leaning against the wall. "Yeah, so? It's a fucking Tuesday, who's going to care?" "Mr. Stuart, that's who," my best friend said louder, pointing a finger towards the closed office door. "Terry, you're already on his shit list for missing two days last week. What do you think he's going to say if you just take off in the middle of your shift?" I shrugged with a snort. "It's slinging pizzas for fuck's sake, who cares? If he fires me I'll just find another pizza joint and do it there." The other wolf scowled. "Yeah, and then >I< gotta get another job, if we wanna keep working together. What the hell do you expect me to say to him when he asks me where you went?" "Tell him, uh... Tell him I met this really hot guy on the Internet, and I'm gonna go fuck him and his roommate." Jason opened his mouth, but I cut him off. "Bet he won't ask again if you do. Oh, come on Jase, I'm gonna clock out, it ain't like I'm slacking on the job." He closed his mouth with a frustrated growl, glaring. This wasn't the first time we'd had this sort of conversation. "So who is it this time?" I grinned, triumphantly. "His name's, uh... Kevin, or Keith, or something. He hit me up on those boards I was telling you about." "Which one? I think you're on all of them." I punched him in the shoulder. "Fuck you. The one I told you about, for guys who like, uh..." I glanced around before lowering my voice. "Big guys. Preds." Jason's eyes widened. "No shit? So is he a pred? Like a big one, for real?" I shook my head. "Nah, but he says his roommate is. You think I'd hook up with some guy I just met off the Internet, alone,  if he was? I'm stupid. THAT stupid," I hastily amended after Jason gave me a look. His expression was quickly back to one of awe. "No shit... Dude, you gotta tell me about it after! Is he into, y'know..." His voice dropped back to a whisper. "Roleplaying that shit?" I nodded, grinning ear to ear. "Keith-or-Kevin says he is, yeah. Says they do it all the time, and they have guys over all the time to do it." Jason just shook his head. "Damn... Guess I can't blame you. I ain't gonna tell Mr. Stuart that though, I don't care what you say." I laughed, throwing my work baseball cap back on my head. "You gotta make something up then. Otherwise you're gonna have to find another job." It was his turn to punch me this time. "Just fuck off! And don't do nothing I wouldn't do."

I winked, turned, and snuck out the back door after sneaking one last glance at the closed office door.

I'd been bouncing around a few sites online for years now, since when I was living my parents, all of them dealing with 'predators'. It was kind of the secret term they all used for folks who were in the scene of... Well, it's sort of hard to explain. See, I kind of get off on the idea of being eaten. Not REALLY eaten of course - it'd be kind of hard describing this to you right now if that was how it was - but the idea of it. Around here, anthro guys (and girls, for that matter) come in all shapes and sizes, and some of those sizes are big. Really big. I'm not really sure how it worked out like that, but whatever did it, most anthro prey animals were what I guess you would call 'normal' sized, maybe on the short side. So are most predators species, like me. Some other predators, though, I guess they got more of the animal genes than us, and they end up bigger. Seven, eight feet or even taller. I'd seen pictures - a LOT of pictures - of some that looked like they were even taller, although they could be faked, I don't know. So the deal is, us predators, we get to be predators if we want. Even smaller, shorter ones like me. Like, full on killing other people for food. Most of us though, living in civilized society, didn't actually partake. It's kind of frowned upon, the kind of thing where if you indulge too much the cops tend to find a reason to give you a hard time. I heard in some countries it's open season on prey animals, sentient or not, but not here. That doesn't seem like that'd be much fun, anyway. If I'd wanted to indulge my lupine side I'd have to get my meals the old fashioned way, lots of ripping and tearing. I'd seen videos of that, and honestly, they make me want to throw up, just to violent. But I'd also seen lots of videos (underground ones since they're considered a little too risque) of larger predators downing their meals whole. Alive. The first time I saw one, up on some video sharing site, I was probably... I dunno, maybe thirteen? I remember being just enthralled, staring with my muzzle hanging open. I must have replayed that thing about fifty times and beat off every other time, without having the slightest idea why it got me so wound up. I STILL don't know why it does it to me to see that kind of thing - I sure as hell don't have a death wish! I'm not emo, I have a great family, my mom and dad are awesome, I'm paying my own way through school, and while I'm far from the biggest wolf around, I'm not going to claim I have any problem with being referred to as 'cute'. If that's what I am, and it gets me laid, then who am I to complain? So it's not the dying aspect of it that's appealing to me, just the idea of being swallowed, willing or not, that turns my crank. I've read a million stories, probably seen a few hundred videos, pictures, you name it. There's enough of us out there that there's this whole sub-culture, predators who get off on it themselves, but don't like the idea of actually killing people. I mean, it makes sense if you think about it: if there's guys like me out there into the idea of being eaten, it kind of stands to reason that there'd be guys out there into the idea of eating people, even if they don't actually have murderous intent. We meet and chat online, swap stories and ideas, that kind of thing. And just like every sub-culture, it was mostly populated with... Well, I don't really want to call them losers, or wanna-bes, but that's kind of what they are. Guys into chatting about eating but don't actually follow through. Supposed 'predators' who are just my size and want to play at being tough or vicious. I don't really blame them; imagine if I was like some huge predator and had the fantasies I do? They can't help it any more than I could. But that doesn't mean I want to go over to some fat fuck's house and pretend to be getting off on them threatening to devour me when it looks like they'd choke if they tried to swallow a goldfish. Eating a lot of donuts and not exercising doesn't make you a predator. Anyway, I'd been on this particular message board for a few months before I got the first PM from the guy I was telling Jason about. At first, I thought it was just spam, or some asshole fucking with me. Or at best just another one of those douchebag wanna-be's trying to put on an act because he was safely behind the glow of his monitor. KS28: Hey, I saw ur profile. Ur cute! You want to meet a real predator? I got a dozen like this a night on this board, and tonight wasn't really in the mood to entertain another one. This being technically a sex board, there were lots of 'escorts' too, guys who didn't really care about the theme of the site, just were looking for suckers. TL_nyc: Hi. I've met them before. And I don't pay for sex, so forget it. KS28: giggle Don't worry, I'm not a prostitute. I just want to know if you're for real. TL_nyc: Of course I'm for real, I'm talking to you, aren't I? KS28: No, I mean for REAL real.  TL_nyc: Let me guess. You're some giant leopard or something, right? At least six feet tall? Real huge. KS28: U don't have to be a jerk. I'm a dog. Ur profile says u like big cats, my roommates one. Hmm, this was a new strategy. Usually it's the ones who were PMing me who were trying to pass themselves off as predators. Even if they didn't want money, once I got pictures (always an up-angle, looming shot taken with a shitty webcam) it was pretty obvious what they really were. TL_nyc: Oh, it's your roommate, not you. I get it. How much does HE charge? KS28: im not trying to scam u. He's the real deal, we play predator/prey stuff all the time. TL_nyc: Oh yeah? What is he? KS28: Lion 9ft really big That'd be kind of a hard thing to fake, I thought. Even with tricky webcam use. What the hell, I thought. TL_nyc: Pics or it didn't happen. A message transfer window popped up; I accepted it. A few moments later a picture came up on a my screen, a grainy one of a lion standing what looked like almost twice as tall as the shiba inu next to him. It was taken in a bathroom it looked like, in the mirror, the countertop barely at the dog's chest level. It sure as hell didn't look 'shopped. TL_nyc: Whoa are you shitting me? KS28: no. he likes little guys like us. If you want he'll do the whole thing, pretend and everything. I sat back in my chair, feeling a shiver go through me. I was still skeptical; I'd seen faked pictures before. Still... TL_nyc: So how would this work? He'd explained it to me over the course of the next few nights in on and off conversations. Apparently his roommate was, no bullshit, a predator who had given up on actually finishing anyone off years ago. They'd been... He wasn't really clear on this, but he'd implied boyfriend or lover or roommate or all three, for months now. He (KS28) was like me, into roleplaying 'eating' stuff, and apparently despite his reformed ways the lion didn't mind indulging him. Most of the conversations were me asking for details and expecting him to trip up, catching him in a lie, but he seemed legit. TL_nyc: He'll pretend its real and everything? KS28: yep! As real as u want, but not enough to scare if u don't want. Sucks on ur hands or ur head or whatever. tells u he's going to eat u all like that. I swallowed hard, hesitating for a moment with my fingers over the keyboard. I didn't want to push my luck, but still... TL_nyc: Is he... gay? I hadn't actually brought up this kind of thing in our earlier conversations. A lot of predator types, that's ALL they liked, and if you start with the fag shit they get scared off. How about that? They can pretend to kill you, but you wanna beat off while they do it and they get all grossed out. KS28: yep! u can even play with him if u want. he's old though forty or something. My heart was pounding by now, and I felt a flush rising to my cheeks. I'd met plenty of guys, sure, some of them willing to play around with another guy, but none of them what I'd call 'real predators. We'd both roleplay it; they'd pretend to eat me, I'd pretend to be interested. Sometimes it was kind of cool, but it was always plenty fake. I had an idea. TL_nyc: Do you like pizza? KS28: sure why TL_nyc: I work for a pizza place. I could come by and pretend to be a delivery boy. Although the words probably appeared on KS28's screen immediately upon hitting return, it had taken me almost a minute to type that. My hands shook that bad.

KS28: haha ok. u free tues?

In my car, I pulled off the highway thinking to myself, yep, I guess I am. He'd given me directions; they lived out in the suburbs, nowhere near any of our delivery routes, but I had a pizza in the back I'd snuck out along with my naughty self and still wore my uniform. I wasn't actually a delivery guy, but they didn't know that, and anyway, this was all just playing around. They probably didn't even care if I actually worked at a pizza place. The address was in a large apartment complex, one that looked like it catered to bigger types. This was looking more and more promising all the time I thought as I found the right apartment, reaching up to bang on the oversized door, holding the pizza aloft carefully in one paw. It opened. "Hi, I'm Terry, I... Holy shit!" The words popped out of my mouth before I could catch myself. Standing in front of me was the biggest lion I swear I'd ever seen. I had to crane my neck up just to look at his face, his head looking wider than my shoulders (holy crap), and that was without the graying mane surrounding it. He was smiling pleasantly, wearing only a pair of sweat shorts that did a terrible job hiding the bulge in his crotch. Or, frankly, all his other bulges - he was gigantic everywhere! For a guy so obviously in middle-age he was built like a brick shit-house! "'Evening. Bring it on in, I gotta get my wallet." I took a quick look around, nervous that I'd be caught or something. Nobody was around. "We're not supposed to..." I wasn't sure if I was just keeping up the act, or if some primal part of my brain was trying to get me to run for my car. He chuckled easily as a much higher-pitched, fey voice came unseen from inside. "Terry! Get in here, he doesn't bite! Richard, stop looming!" The lion just shrugged and stepped aside. I took a breath, and walked carefully over the threshold, turning sideways to get myself and the pizza past his enormous bulk. "I, uh... Have your pizza..." The lion closed the door behind me. "It's not for me," he rumbled; even as I looked around the oversized apartment I could feel his eyes on me.  An androgynous-looking shiba inu came bouncing around the corner, a smile as wide as his narrow muzzle spreading across it. "Hihi!" He came right up to me and threw his arms around me; I had to drop the pizza onto the kitchen counter next to me to keep from dropping it somewhere less appropriate. "Uh, h-hi!" I kept looking back over my shoulder at the lion. My brain just couldn't wrap itself around the idea of something that large walking and talking, although I suppose I'd seen lots of them in public. It's one thing to catch a glance at one at the mall, it's another to be standing in his kitchen. "Ooh, you really did bring pizza!" Keith giggled, snapping me back to the present. "I figured you were just making that up! Oh! I'm sorry, I'm being rude." He pointed to himself. "I'm Keith. That," he pointed over my shoulder, disentangling himself from me. "is Richard. The one I told you about. See, I told you I wasn't lying!" Now that I could look without having to twist my head backwards I turned around, holding out a shaking paw to Richard. "Hi, I'm... Terry..."  The lion held out his paw, taking mine in his. Now when I say that, let me be clear: He closed his entire paw around mine, reaching almost halfway up my forearm, giving me a gentle squeeze. "Pleased to meet you, Terry. Keith hasn't been able to shut up about you." Keith let out a hmph, stomping his foot and giving Richard a glare that had me giggling in spite of my nervousness. "You shush!" He looked at me. "I just told him I'd been talking to you, and that you were coming over, that's all." Richard just chuckled deeply, letting go of my paw. "Only he told me about a half-dozen times. You want a beer?" "I'm not, ah..." I caught myself. "Sure! Anything's fine." I wasn't lying, my mouth was dry as a bone. Which was sort of funny, given the way I was feeling I'd have expected it to be watering. Richard pulled open the refrigerator while Keith grabbed the pizza box in one hand, and my own in the other, tugging me towards the living room. "Come on in! I'd show you around, but it's not much-" I heard Richard grunt in annoyance from the kitchen. "That's the bedroom in there, the bathroom's there - you saw that in the picture - and here's the living room." "Jeezus, it's fucking huge," I said, looking around. Indeed it was; the ceiling was probably twelve feet high and all the furniture seemed scaled up to match. A giant sofa, oversized and overstuffed reclining chair (the kind I would have expected someone Richard's age to have), all of it made the TV in front look kind of small in comparison. I guess they didn't make those in predator-sizes. The whole place had a kind of comfortable blue collar look to it; not too nice but obviously kept clean. "You guys both live here?" "Sure!" Keith chirped, hopping up (literally) onto the sofa; the pizza went on the coffee table almost too far away to reach; he had to strain to pull a piece out. I pulled my baseball cap off my head and tossed it next to it, climbing up next to him just as Richard came back in carrying a couple of beer bottles. One my sized, one about three times larger; his was already tipped up to his muzzle. I watched his throat work as he took a swallow. Good god. I took a swallow myself, shaking my head. "Y'know, I hope you guys don't think I'm being a dick, but I really didn't expect you to be telling the truth." I looked from Keith to Richard, the size difference so extreme it was almost funny. "I mean, there's a lot of guys on those boards who pretend to be-" I gestured with one paw towards Richard. "Like you. I've never met a real one, not so big." Richard chuckled, lowering his bulk onto the sofa next to me such that I was in between him and Keith (heaven!). "Yeah, Keith was telling me all about it. I haven't used computers too much myself 'cept at work, but I guess there's whole web sites devoted to guys like me. Kind of flattering, y'know? I'm used to folks crossing the street when they see me coming." "I don't blame them!" I blurted, then clopped my mouth shut, abashed. Keith was tittering behind me. "I don't mean... >I< wouldn't, I mean I don't! Just, uh..." I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling foolish. "You're really big," I finished lamely. Richard laughed, slinging an arm up on the back of the sofa. "Yeah, so they tell me." He took another swallow of his beer, the gulping sound unnaturally loud. "And I don't blame 'em either. Not all of them us are nice guys." Keith swallowed his mouthful of pizza and made a raspberry sound with his lips. "YOU'RE not a nice guy either, mister he-won't-shut-up-about-you. And you didn't bring me a beer." "You didn't ask," Richard rumbled lazily, scratching his belly.  Keith stuck his tongue out at the lion, then looked at me. "You wanna piece of pizza?" He grinned. "Even prisoners get a last meal." I felt my stomach turn a flip-flop while Richard chuckled in that deep tone of his. I swallowed. "I'm not... Hungry," I said, truthfully. It wasn't just that I had eaten at work (I had), just right now, pizza was about the furthest thing from my mind. "I'll bet Richard is. Aren't you Richard?" Keith's voice was almost a sing-song. As if on cue I heard a rumbling, gurgling sound, almost too loud to be real. It emanated from Richard's stomach. "You've been promising me dinner all day, 'course I am." "Ok, hold it a minute," I interrupted, speaking just a little too quickly. "I just wanna be really clear here. Keith here said you don't really eat guys, right?" Richard nodded lazily. "That's what he said, yep." "Alright. And he told you that I don't actually WANT you to eat me, right? I mean, not like... For real." "Yep. Said that too." I took a deep breath. "Great, ok. That's all clear. I just didn't want to give you the... Wrong idea. I mean, I know I said I'd pretend to be a delivery boy, and you'd, uh..." I couldn't come up with the words to describe it, a flush rising to my cheeks. I hadn't meant to go down this route, spelling it out. "It's just I got class tomorrow, and my tuition's paid through summer. Be kind of a waste." I forced a grin. Keith tittered again. "Don't be silly! Richard's just a big ol' softie, well, in most places." He nudged me in the shoulder. "We've done this with lots of guys, don't worry. It can be as real as you want. You can beg him to spare you, pretend to be willing, or scared... Though you kinda look a little bit of that already. Whatever you want." I laughed, weakly. "Well what do you expect! I told you I'd played around before, but not with guys like him. Like you!" I finished, looking at Richard, nervously swallowing another mouthful of beer. It helped, I was already feeling a little more relaxed. Richard didn't chuckle this time, just made an 'mmmm' sound. "We don't even have to do any of that roleplaying thing, if you don't want. You want to just explore some?" I bit my lip, brow furrowing. "Explore?" Keith was giggling. "C'mere." With my paw shaking so much it made the beer slosh I put my bottle down on the coffee table. For once, I was glad they made us wear black slacks at work; it hid the bulge swelling in them.  "What am I..." I gulped. "Supposed to do?" Richard grinned expansively, "Already told you, whatever you want. From what Keith was saying, though..." Casually, he hooked a thumb into the waistband of his shorts - the things had to be like size ninety - and pushed them down. Beneath, the biggest, and I mean the biggest, slab of soft flesh I'd seen laid against one thigh. Matte black and uncircumcised, it looked like a length of firehose hanging from a thatch of wiry, tawny fur. "...I figured you could start out down there."  "Oh my god," I whispered under my breath. My 'swelling' hardon became a full-on erection in the space of about one heartbeat; so fast I got light-headed. "Are you... Serious?" I looked back at Keith, who was back to grinning ear-to-ear, then back to Richard. Richard's lap anyway.   He planted both enormous paws on the floor, hauling his hips up enough to slide his shorts down and let them pool around his ankles. The motion made the whole length of his cock roll ponderously forward along his thigh, flopping onto the sofa until he scooped it up in one hand and gave it a squeeze. "Sure am. Besides, sex always makes me hungry." He grinned, with enough teeth to nearly make me piss myself. Keith's snicker sort of ruined the moment, but I didn't care. Never in all my fantasies did I actually believe everything Keith said would be true, and now here they both were... Well, ok, Keith being here wasn't that big a deal to me, but a big-ass gay lion? I didn't need a second, well, third invitation. I didn't even know what to do. Leaning down, I rested one paw on the lion's thigh; it sank a little into the thick pelt before hitting rough-hewn muscle like steel cords beneath the padding. My sensitive canine nose was almost immediately filled with the scent of him, rich and masculine and, yeah, predatory. Lowering my head further, his paw dropped away as my lips came in contact with the expanse of black flesh, kissing it softly. That kiss quickly became an open-mouthed one, my tongue tasting salt as it dragged over the length from about halfway up to where the enormous glans bulged under the cowl of his foreskin, leaving a glossy stripe that looked pitifully narrow on the barrel of that massive dick. The beer must have been doing its job, because I felt my inhibitions slipping away the closer I got to the head, and by the time I spread my jaw and closed it around the gathered 'skin I was moaning. (And I never moaned!) Even soft it was more than a mouthful, my cheeks bulging as I swallowed in the huge girth, sucking it deeper while one paw came up to close around the licked shaft. Gripping it tightly, I peeled back the foreskin by sliding my paw downwards, feeling a heavy surge go through it that came along with a grunt up above. The flavor of it flooded my mouth, bitter and sour and incredible. To a lupine like me, smell and taste are everything, and right now I was fucking swimming in it. A thrill rushed through me as I felt another surge - He was liking it! I mean, I knew I was a good cocksucker - Jason had told me that enough times, and so had plenty of other guys - but this was a PREDATOR I was satisfying. Emboldened, I sucked him in deeper, my lips closing around the crown of his glans as soon as it popped free of the foreskin; a moment later and I had his whole cockhead in my mouth, pulsing and swelling and so real.  "Mmmm, I think our delivery boy likes his tip," Keith said from behind me; I tried to nod but all I managed to do was wiggle it a little. "Let's see what else he likes..." I felt paws on my hips, tugging at my belt. I twisted my hips a little, trying to get my ass more flat on the sofa while Keith unzipped me. I still had my shoes on; I had to kick those off with two soft thumps onto the carpet. I had no problem at all with what Keith was intimating; he was cute as fuck (if a little ditzy), and while my whole fucking world right now was this gigantic leonine carnivore, I never say no to a blowjob. A few more awkward twists of my hips and he had my pants and underwear down, my straining erection popping free. "Oooh! Delivery boy is packing, too," Keith giggled, his paw closing around my length. My leg kicked reflexively; a testament to my canid heritage, bringing a chuckle from both of them.  "Yeah?" Richard said absently after a moment; I glanced up out of the corner of my eye. He wasn't looking at my hips where Keith was busying himself. Instead, he was staring straight down at me with those huge feline eyes, and as I stared back a tongue larger than my whole hand slapped over his muzzle. "Maybe if he does a good job we'll let him go afterwards." He winked, grinning. Melt. As if inspired (as opposed to just entirely enamored with the taste and feel of his cock) I pushed my muzzle downwards. He was already big enough that that didn't work so well; all I managed to do was push the skin of his dick down. He was plugging me tightly enough that I couldn't move much so I pulled back to let some spit collect in my mouth. A LOT of spit. It was easier now; my mouth was doing the watering I'd expected it to earlier. I let a little dribble from my lips, drooling down the length and slickening it with my paw so that when I pushed back down with a muffled 'mmf!' this time it worked, wedging his fattening glans deeper into my overstuffed muzzle. I was so enthralled with what I was doing I didn't even really feel Keith moving around, not until something warm, wet and absolutely exquisite enveloped my prick. Holy jesus but did that feel good, all at once half my cock sliding into the shiba inu's mouth; reflexively I humped forward, cramming another inch or two in. So eager was I that I was a little too enthusiastic myself, trying to take Richard deeper and suddenly choking, my shoulders heaving and my cock jumping in the dog's mouth. "Hrrr, careful there, sport," the lion rumbled, resting a paw lightly on the back of my head. "No need to make your last fuck a painful one." He sounded a little amused. Careful, nothing! This was by far the biggest dick I'd ever seen outside of a horse, and I wasn't about to waste it. I pulled back again, the shaft much thicker than when I started, and began to bob my head. Not that well, I'm afraid, as I was quickly running out of room to do it with, but the paw wrapped halfway (!!) around the shaft helped. More drool leaked from my muzzle, only half on purpose, caught by my fingers and smeared all over the vast expanse of black flesh that squelched around my fingers. And that mouth, the one on my cock, that was just perfect. Slow enough to keep me from getting too eager but fast enough to give me plenty of what I liked, his tongue swirled over the tip, lapping up the precum that I was spurting into his muzzle. The way I was sitting made it so he had to kind of lay over my side to do it, but I didn't mind the awkwardness - Not if it meant getting a blowjob of my own! It also kept one ass-cheek lifted a little, which made it easy for the little scamp to reach beneath. I felt something warm and slick there, too; gooey, and before I could protest a finger - no, two fingers - slipped inside of me. Now, I know it's supposed to be a macho thing for us wolves; we're not supposed to like taking it under the tail. That may be the story I told in the locker room, but truth be told, I loved getting a good hard reaming back there with the right guy. Jase and I had spent plenty of evenings with him unfing away at me, and while he wasn't Richard-sized, he was big enough that I wasn't exactly a virgin back there. So those fingers slid in real easy, lubricated by whatever it was he'd put on them, sinking to the knuckles in my asshole. Keith may not have been my type, but he knew what he was doing, and how was I supposed to complain anyway? Speaking of that... The thick meat in my mouth had started out uncomfortable; by now it was downright aching, my jaw stretched so wide I was afraid I'd dislocate it. It wasn't that I was trying to take that much of it, but the sheer girth of it was making it so I couldn't help but scrape teeth. Richard didn't seem to mind, just growling and huffing every once in awhile and certainly not getting any softer, but this was getting impossible. Reluctantly I pulled off, the glans as big as my fist once it was freed of the constriction of my muzzle exiting with a wet pop. I paused in my worshiping of it to just stare, awe-struck. It was big before; now it no longer looked like a fire hose, instead it was like a black pillar, wider than my wrist and longer than my forearm. I'd seen equines smaller. Keith politely took his muzzle off my dick once I'd released Richard's, sitting back up with a wet smack of his lips. "I warned you," he said with a snigger. He did not, I noticed, pull his fingers out of me though, and I squirmed a little. "Yeah," I breathed, looking up at the taciturn Richard who just winked at me again while I stroked him. My paw couldn't hope to fit around his girth, just holding on to enough of it to roll the foreskin up and down, enjoying the moist sounds of it. This was incredible, and I just sat there, stroking reverently. Then, with all of us sitting there quietly... A tinny, high-pitched version of a rock song started emanating from the puddle of my pants on the floor. The ring tone for my brother (his favorite song) was what broke the silence. "Goddamnit!" I growled, closing my eyes in frustration. "Sorry, uh, I kinda gotta get this." I started to pull away but Richard's paw clapped around mine, holding it against his mammoth dick. Keith got the hint before I did and yanked his fingers out of me, I jumped with a short gasp. "I got it!" he chirped, straining with one foot to curl his toes around the my slacks, snagging them and hauling them up to his lap. I wasn't so encumbered that I couldn't get them myself, but he pulled them out of reach and dug around in one pocket to pull out the blinking, vibrating, and singing ridiculously flip-phone. I was blushing like an idiot, although it's not like it was my fault. Why did he always have to call at the most inopportune times? "Sorry," I mumbled again, and took it when Keith handed it to me. At least, I tried to. Before I got my paw around it, Richard reached over and snatched it up between two fingers, lifting it up out of my reach. I had straightened up in anticipation of giving some lame answer to my brother about what I was doing that wasn't 'blowing a gigantic lion, bro', and I sort of coughed out the beginnings of a protest. What was he- My heart stopped, hell, my brain stopped as Richard looked straight at me. Opening his jaws, only a few inches, I got my first real glimpse past those black lips - shadowed, but still a glimpse at the wet, pink confines of that enormous maw. Without hesitation, and with the damn thing still singing and blinking, he tossed it into his mouth. And swallowed. "Don't worry. You can go get it later," he rumbled. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. I was dumbstruck, staring at him with eyes so big I felt my eyeballs going dry. He didn't just... He COULDN'T... A brief flit of a thought - that I should be pissed off, that was a fucking three hundred dollar phone - came and went in a heartbeat. Because a moment later, his paw closed around the back of my head and hauled me down like I was a toy, with no effort at all, and squashed me up against his heavy gut. His dick smeared past my nose on the way, leaving a wet slick along my cheek before my ear and the rest of the side of my face sank into the layer of fat on his stomach. Wolves have excellent hearing; that's not news to you I'm sure. The all too real gurgling and churning of his belly coming from somewhere deep inside that round gut was all I could hear at first; it'd be disgusting if it wasn't a sound I had beaten off to on numerous occasions; recordings people had made and posted to the message board. Then, just past that blorping and rumbling, I could hear the phone. Still ringing, that stupid song still playing, deadened to almost nothing behind all those layers of meat. He let me go only when it stopped ringing, chuckling as I didn't move at first, laying there. Stunned, I eventually sat up slowly. My head spun, I could barely see I was so exhilarated. I didn't even notice when he slide his giant paw off of mine, lower onto his dick and stroked himself lazily. Keith's giggle from behind me is what snapped me out of it. "You ate my phone," I said, breathing hard. "Yup," Richard said simply. "You're not going to need it anymore, anyway." He smacked his lips. God, every time he said something like that I thought I was going to cum. "You're not done you know," Keith said pointedly from behind me, drawing my attention to him. At some point he'd gotten undressed too, the little dog looking absolutely adorable perched there buck-naked on the couch, as hard as me (although, I'll note, nowhere near as large, heh.).  "You wanna take your shirt off?" Another blush made my face warm. I hadn't realized it, but I was still wearing my uniform shirt, stained here and there with my spit and Richard's precum. "Uh, yeah," I mumbled, still trying to collect my wits, and tugged it off over my head. I was suddenly self-conscious again, leaning forward to down the rest of my beer in one mighty swallow. It gave me an excuse to think for a moment, my mind focused on that image of Richard's muzzle opening, that huge tongue... The way my phone looked so small, like a piece of candy tossed into it. And, most of all, where it was right now. In that churning expanse of the lion's stomach. "Mmmm, nice," Keith said appreciatively, licking his lips with a smirk as he looked me over. I felt bad when I only gave him a quick smile, my eyes mostly glued to that enormous pole between Richard's legs. The lion was still stroking it, slowly, just keeping it hard. "So. What else you wanna do?" Keith asked with a kick of his legs. I thought, or tried to anyway. The sight of Richard's paw massaging that loose-flesh shaft and the memory of the sounds of his stomach had me distracted enough that I'd be surprised if I could remember my own name. I could still taste the flavor of his dick in my muzzle, tongue absently exploring the edges of my gums as I stumbled through my thoughts uselessly. "I, uh... I dunno," I said, forcing my gaze upwards towards Richard's. "Is there anything you want to do? I mean, this is both our fantasy, right?" I smiled weakly. The oversized lion just chuckled that same chuckle of his. "You got a point there, kiddo. Tell you what. How about you just lay back, right where you are." I looked behind me to where Keith was already sliding back. Although only three cushions, the whole couch was large enough that I could almost entirely fit lengthwise on one of them. I started to do as he suggested, although hesitantly, stopping with my arms braced behind me. "Uh... What're you gonna do?" Richard got to his feet, still holding that gigantic ebony dick in one similarly gigantic paw. "Finish you off right now if you don't do as you're told." I almost yipped at that, eyes shooting wide again and my arms collapsing underneath me like sticks to land me flat on my back. This guy was pushing all my buttons! Keith's voice was a sing-song behind me. "You shouldn't have put all that stuff in your proooofile," giggling at the end of it. I looked up over my head in confusion. Sure, I'd put stuff in my profile about what I liked, everyone did, but what was he talking about? Richard's towering form blotting out the light brought my attention back to him, standing over me now; I could see - and feel - as a thick drool of precum oozed from the slit at the head of his dick onto my belly. It didn't seem to be on purpose, just dripped there, giving me just a little more confidence (thought that may have been the beer). He was still getting off on this! Lifting a footpaw that had to be size 20, he stepped over me and turned around. His tail, as thick as my thigh, flipped upwards, revealing a pair of softball nuts and, behind that, the dusky black skin of his asshole. Oh fuck. He wouldn't! "Now, you'd best convince me you're doing you're best back there," Richard rumbled as he lowered down. "Or the next time you visit it it's gonna be going the other direction." And with one paw braced on the back of the sofa he squatted down, lowering his backside right onto my muzzle. One moment I'm staring at it, the next I feel those nuts, as heavy as barbells at the gym, landing on my chest, and the next I've got my lips pushed up against his rear end. "Ahhh, yeah," came the deep, muffled rumble. I took a deep breath, quickly, sucking it in open-mouthed before he planted himself right onto my muzzle. I had, in fact, put that I liked rimming (giving) in my profile, but I didn't actually think I'd ever meet a predator who'd let me - or MAKE me - do it! He didn't stop once he'd gotten low enough for me to reach, either, 'sitting down' slowly until my head was squashed against the sofa and my muzzle was dimpling in the ring of muscle that formed his rear end. That breath is what kept me conscious for the next few seconds as, with blood rushing through my ears, I lapped my tongue over his asshole. The effect was immediate; I could feel the muscles twitch and clench, and wet splat of precum landing on my belly - not mine. His whole redwood-thick body was shifting as he went back to stroking himself, and now that I was licking he stopped his descent, leaving me pinned between the cleft of his rear and the sofa cushion beneath my head. I could feel, but not see, Keith slipping off the cushions behind me. "Mmm, usually his meals end up back there, they don't start there," he whispered to me, a soft thump coming when his feet hit the floor. I couldn't respond, an indistinct mmph all I could manage through my eager licking, lifting both my paws to plant against the backs of his thighs, just bracing myself; I could feel his muscles tensing and twitching, slabs of them pulled taut to hold his immense weight. If he sat, even just lowered his weight a little bit more, he could smother me to death in a matter of seconds if not crush my skull entirely. The thought of that made my cock twitch. I was so caught up in what I was doing that I didn't feel Keith slipping around to my lower body until that wonderful, perfect mouth closed around my dick, this time swallowing it to the root on the very first motion. I couldn't help it; I thrust upwards eagerly until my pelvis thumped against his chin, or his nose, or whatever - I couldn't tell the direction he was facing. He let out a little mmph of his own - like he said, I'm not exactly tiny down there - before the shiba inu started bobbing his head, up and down slowly, slurping away. A few moments later and those fingers - lubricated anew, I noticed - slid back into my rear, easier this time, beginning to pump in and out languidly. I'd managed to get almost all of Richard's ass slick and wet now, the lapping made all the easier by the fact that my mouth was still watering (and I wasn't supposed to be the one expecting a meal!). The constant, relentless pressure of the enormous weight on top of me made it so, whether I wanted to or not, my muzzle was starting to sink into the oversized ring of black skin, dimpling it in before it started to push around my nose. I couldn't breath except through the corners of my snout now, back towards the junction of my jaw, and even that was getting tough as smooth (and mercifully clean) flesh started to encase my head. Gradually I became less interested in Keith's ministrations and more worried about drawing breath, thumping Richard's thigh a couple of times. He didn't respond, or rather, he didn't stop. He could still feel every shuddering clench of his asshole, even more now that my nose was quite literally buried in it, and as I started to struggle he began to stroke himself faster. I felt panic starting to bubble up within me, my chest heaving as I sucked in tiny breaths through the back of my muzzle, and my thumping on his thigh got stronger. Couldn't he feel me whacking on him!? Finally, with a huge wave of relief washing through me, he lifted himself back up. Just enough until my nose slid out of him, and enough to let me catch a breath, and just for a moment before the bastard sat right back down again, catching me in mid-exhale and sealing my snout back inside his asshole. Goddamnit! He was doing this on purpose! Back up again, then down, this time never pulling off all the way, the huge lion fucked himself on my muzzle, slowly, teasingly. Slick drool was smeared all over my muzzle and the first six or seven inches of his rear now, letting him lift and lower himself with ease, all the while stroking himself like he was on a dildo or something. I wasn't panicking now, almost laughing with a kind of maniacal relief. It wasn't funny, but still, the release of tension was enough to bring a surge of excitement and thrill through me, making me hump my hips into Keith's muzzle some more, trying - and failing - to gag him on it again. The three of us were moving, if not as one, at least in some sort of synchronized rhythm, my cock plunging into the dog's sweet mouth, the lion's ass easing up and down over my muzzle while I did my best to keep up the licking (remembering the threat, empty or not), Keith's fingers plunging in and out of my rear end (did he add another one? I couldn't tell), until after what felt like forever both of them pulled off at once; Richard from my snout, and Keith off of my cock, his fingers tugging out of me last. Yep, all three of them. The lion stood up and swung his leg back over my again, grinning toothily down at me past the boom of his dick. I laid there panting, staring up at him with a delirious smile on my muzzle, wiping it off with the back of my paw. It didn't help; I was a slimy mess, my own saliva coating my fur from nose to cheeks. While I watched, he picked up his beer and tipped his muzzle back, taking a swallow from it. Man did I love watching that throat flex. Finished with it, he clopped the bottle down onto the coffee table and sat himself down in his spot before, huffing out a breath. "Now that's what I call a rimjob," he grunted, reaching down and hefting his nuts for a moment; his fingers may have dipped back to his asshole, I don't know. "You did real good, kid." I blushed, struggling to get back up to a sitting position. Keith was on the other side of Richard now, peering around him with that same grin he'd had on his muzzle all night. "Thanks, I, uh... I've had some practice." "I could tell," the lion said, then glanced back at Keith. "Whaddya think? He ready?" "Felt like it!" Keith chirped teasingly. "Ready for... What?" It felt like they were sharing a secret joke I wasn't in on, although not a particularly malicious one from the way they both looked amused. "Rimming wasn't the only thing in your profile," Keith said slyly. "Wanna go for a ride?" He reached over Richard's hip, the tiny little paw resting on the underside of the barrel of the lion's black spike. My ears went straight up, my eyes bugging out. "Are you... No, no way. Seriously? It can't... Can it?" I may have been protesting, but mentally I was running through my toy collection back home. And I don't mean GI Joe. Richard was gigantic, yeah, but remember when I said I like things under my tail? Well, I wasn't lying, but I didn't explain that 'things' included a couple of toys that I hadn't even shown Jason. Toys that didn't look like they'd fit, either. "Sure felt to me like it could," Keith said, encouragingly. "Only one way to find out, right?" "Do you guys...?" Richard just sat there, smiling slightly while Keith nodded. "Yep! All the time, though by now I got plenty of practice. You just have to go slow, that's all. And don't try to take it all!" He made a grimace. "Trust me." I took another look at the lion's maleness. It was far longer than could possibly all fit, yeah, but the girth... I couldn't tell. It might be bigger than my biggest dildo, it might not be... And I knew, absolutely knew, that if I passed up on the chance to try, I'd HATE myself in the morning. I might hate myself for trying it to, but I pushed that thought out of my head. "If I can't fit, can we stop?" I knew that was basically saying yes. Richard let out a heh. "Of course. No reason to make it hurt more than it has to." He gave me another one of those winks, and I felt my heart skip a beat. I could see what Keith saw in him. "Oh, one more thing," Keith said, that sly grin returning. Without another word, he held up a bandana, twisted into an almost-rope. GodDAMNit! Why did I have to put all that stuff in my profile? Just clicking the little box next to 'bondage' seemed so easy and harmless. "Now, wait a minute... Getting fucked by that monster's one thing, but tying me up... You don't expect me to just say yes to it, do you?" I remembered every bit of advice I'd ever heard about meeting people over the internet. NOT getting into a position you can't get out of, on the first date, is probably the number one thing you learn. Or supposed to learn, anyway. "What?" Keith acted like I'd insulted him. "YOU were the one who-" Richard cut him off with a paw around his muzzle, just lightly but holding it shut. "What Keith here is trying to say," he rumbled lazily, "is that whether or not you're tied up doesn't really matter, does it?." He leaned a little closer to me, that terrible grin split wide across his muzzle. "Do you really think you're going to be able to stop me from doing whatever I want?" I leaned back as much as he leaned forward, my view of much of anything else in the room eclipsed by that giant maned visage. He had a point. "You... Have a point," I mumbled. "Great!" Keith barked, jumping off the couch again for the fourth or fifth time tonight - he seemed excited by everything, a little bit annoyingly so, actually - and came around behind me. "Now just get up on your knees and put your paws behind your back, this'll just take a sec." Richard straightened back up. During the entire exchange his erection hadn't flagged, and I stared at it with a whole different perspective now. Before, it was something to just look at, admire, gape at in awe. Now, though, I was contemplating the fact that it was going to be in me. This predator, this huge damned lion, who by his own admission had devoured sentient beings before, was going to fuck me. Maybe even get off in me. I tried to imagine what that'd feel like, that load that looked, by his balls, to be a couple of quarts, gushing into me... Oh man. I couldn't WAIT to tell Jase about this, I thought. Even if it doesn't fit, I'm going to tell him it did. Heh. Keith finished with my wrists; I looked back over my shoulder to see the bandana knotted tightly enough around them to hold as I gave a few experimental tugs. I'm only a little ashamed to admit that the feeling of it had me even harder than I already was. "Not too tight?" he asked cheerfully. "I don't think so." I gave a couple of tugs, sitting back down again onto my ankles. Then, with a yip of surprise, lifted right back up again as Keith's paw slid underneath me to smear a liberal coating of whatever slick goo he'd used before, slathering it over the inside of my ass-cheeks and up into my rear, gracelessly burying a couple of fingers me in. He grinned over my shoulder at Richard. "Can I have a go at him first?" He had both fingers curled up within me, tugging and nearly making me go cross-eyed. Richard snorted. "And get him all loose and ruin it for me? This one's mine." Keith gave a little fake pout. "Aww! Well can I have him afterwards?" "There isn't going to be an afterwards." He was looking at me as he said that, licking his lips with a wet slap. This time, he parted his jaws as he did it, just wide enough for me to get another look inside. "Humf!" Keith flopped back onto the couch, leaving me kneeling there. "You never let me have any fun." Richard just rolled his eyes, while I looked between the two of them. "Uh, so... How is this - woah!" I'd been planning on asking what to do from here; without the use of my arms it seemed like scaling Mt. Richard was going to be an awkward, if not impossible task. I'd gotten no further than the beginning of my question when a pair of gigantic paws closed around my arms and hauled me into the air; swinging me over his lap and, by extension, the enormous length of his dick jutting up from it. I was left staring into his face for a moment, that mirthful grin playing over it, until he lowered me back down. Much more carefully, I might add, than he lifted me, giving me time to settle my knees down on his thighs; they sank into the pelt and fat until they hit the bedrock of muscle underneath, leaving me swaying. "Whoa..." was all I said, again. "Like this," he rumbled. His cock was behind me, bowing forwards to lay against my bound wrists. By adjusting my hands just a little I could close (by some definition of 'close) one paw around half the girth, right behind the head, sliding back the foreskin again and giving it a few awkward strokes. I could feel precum, a lot of it, making the flesh a lot more slippery than my spit had barely an hour ago; more of the stuff drooled down past my paw. He was leaking like a faucet. Truth be told, I was just as excited about being so close to his belly again. Always one for stocky guys, especially stocky predators, ESPECIALLY huge stocky predators, I caught myself more than once looking down at the rise of his gut with no small measure of awe. My phone was in there somewhere, deep beneath the layers of fat and fur and organs, probably digesting away... I wondered if the battery would give him indigestion. Heh. "Lift up a little," he mumbled; I did as he told me, rising as high as I could on my knees. Even then, it wasn't really enough to get his cock to clear the split of my ass; as my tail hiked out of the way he took ahold of his shaft and half-bent it, pushing it like wedging a battery into a remote until the broad, too broad pressure of it slipped through the lube on my ass-cheeks and up against my asshole. Keith's fingers had done some good, loosening me up, but nothing besides my toys back home could prepare me fully for something like this. I was suddenly very scared. "I'm not so sure this is a good idea," I whimpered. I could feel his dick throbbing, flexing against my asshole. he might as well have been pushing a knee up against it from the feel of it. "Shhhh," he rumbled, his voice very, very loud and deep so close to my face now. "You don't want those to be your last words, do you?" I stared at him, silently. My dick was throbbing painfully against my chest. "Kiss me," he growled. "Wh... What?" I'd heard him, but I just didn't comprehend. I could see, out of the corner of my eye, Keith scowling a little. I wondered why. His paws went around my arms and waist again, holding me firmly in place. Not pushing down (not yet, presumably), but steadying me. "I said, kiss me," he growled again, and this time lowered his muzzle to mine. Those lips, those huge, beautiful lips pushed to my own in a shockingly tender kiss, parting maybe only an inch. My eyes drifted closed, slitting first, then completely as a moan escaped my own muzzle as I got my first taste of him there, my first real taste. Reflexively, like I'd kissed a dozen men before, I returned his embrace hotly, pushing my tongue into his mouth as best I could. I could feel it, my muscle slipping past the rim of his lips, delving into the hot cavern. It was like a wave crashing over my brain. My whole body shook, and before I could move he began to push down, increasing the pressure of that mammoth cockhead against my asshole. A small slide as flesh gave way, then another, still not enough to slide inside but enough to wedge him more firmly up against my rear. I was still sure it wouldn't fit, but I didn't care - I was french kissing a real predator! Eagerly I strained upwards, my hips locked in place but my neck and upper body free, mashing my muzzle to his in a sloppy but ultimately eager attempt at showing my enthusiasm, panting through my nose in short, shallow breaths. I wasn't exactly relaxing, something I should have been doing if I wanted that fist-sized knob of flesh at my ass to fit inside, but I didn't care. Neither, apparently, did he. While I was busy making out with him, and him returning it much more slowly and lazily, he pushed down again harder. I felt another shift, and a burning growing in my rear end as the tip started to nudge its way inside me. Part of me was still certain, absolutely, positively certain that there was no way that monster was going to fit inside me. The rest of me didn't care, sagging in his grip, my hips rolling even as the motion made him slide deeper, increasing the burning feeling and ache growing around the base of my spine. Then, all at once, it happened. There was a wet, slurping sound, like a plunger, and I felt the burning at my ass explode into a white-hot lance of pain and the absolutely unmistakable feeling of penetration. His glans had impaled me, stabbing into my guts where it shouldn't possibly have been able to, and mid-kiss I grimaced in sudden agony. I'd felt this before, the first time I tried my toys, but I was in control then - and I'd pulled it out right away. This time I couldn't even move, straining against his grip to try and lift to my full kneeling height again. "Nngff, stop, stop!" I almost shouted, although the sound came out more like "sttttpstp", slurred through beer and lust and pain. "Please, take it out, just... Just for a second, nngff, stop!" He didn't. Honestly, I don't think I expected him to, not by now. They both knew what I liked, and while it may have hurt, I'd have been surprised if my erection HAD gone away now despite the pain. He was in me, hot and hard and alive, a throb bringing another agonized grimace to my muzzle and what felt like a splatter of the precum I'd seen earlier gushing into my rectum. Instead, he did the absolute best thing he could have to shut me up: he opened his mouth. Yeah, I know, I'm a sucker, huh? Here I am, hardly able to see through tear-stained eyes, the feeling like I'm about to be torn in two rushing through my asshole and entire backside, and all it takes is the sight of the inside of a predator's maw to freeze me in place. It wasn't a little this time, oh no - What before had been a brief glimpse of the interior of that enormous maw was now a close-up, full panoramic fucking IMAX view of the inside of his mouth. It was, honestly, larger than I had expected. Yawning so wide I thought his jaw might dislocate, I stared in abject fascination at the vast expanse of wet pink and black mottled flesh that lined his palate and insides of his cheeks, long ropes of drool thicker than my finger hanging down at the back. His teeth were as gigantic as the rest of him; canines (I think that's what they're called on a feline) thicker than two of my middle fingers pressed together and about as long curved inwards at the top and bottom, glistening spires of ivory that towered above the twin parabolas of his teeth, top and bottom. His tongue, a vast pink carpet with darker spots at the back, extended to just rest between those bottom fangs, tiny raspy-looking bumps getting bigger towards the back. And speaking of the back, I could see... Oh christ. I could see it, the black pit of his throat, sagging open as he purposefully relaxed his gullet, the rear of his tongue disappearing down into the darkness. His... Whatever it was, the dangly thing at the back, looked bigger than my thumb, hanging above a chasm larger than I'd ever witnessed in person. A dozen, no, a hundred times I'd had wanna-be predators try to show off their mouths to me, and none of them - not a one - had looked like they could actually devour me. He did. Dimly, I heard Keith say something from behind me. I turned my head a little, eyes glazed. Somewhere, away from my conscious though, my body shuddered as another inch of the lion's dick slid into me; he was slowly impaling me further on his cock. "Wh..." "Go ahead," Keith said again. I looked at Richard's yawn, then back at him. "...What?" He rolled his eyes impatiently. "Put your head in! You wanted to know what it's like, right? It's not just for looking at!" I turned back, staring into it. Richard may have been grinning; I couldn't tell - I was too close up to see any detail, and anyway, his muzzle was held too wide. I didn't think to argue, I didn't think at all... I did what he suggested. Dipping my head inside, I leaned forward while he curled over a bit further. Muzzle first, then my cheeks and eyes, then my ears descended into that gigantic maw. The light from the room disappeared, shadowed by the upper rim of the lion's spread jaws, staring in fascination at that gaping pit of black at the back. That tunnel that others before me had probably stared down, I thought with a shiver. The last thing they'd ever seen. Gently, carefully, I felt his lower jaw lift up against the underside of my head. The angle made it difficult, certainly, but hunching over his belly shoved against my own he was closing his muzzle around my head. Like a lion tamer in a circus is what I imagined it must look like on the outside, my head engulfed to the neck. Hot, fetid and humid breath washed over me as he exhaled purposefully, breathing through his muzzle to gush the breath past the blockage of my skull. My view became more and more indistinct as his jaws closing around me threw the inside of his mouth more into shadow, but I didn't care - I was deep enough now that the tip of my chin was resting on the back of his tongue, such that most of my view was taken up with the perfect blackness of the opening to his gullet. Somewhere from deep in there I heard a rumble, over the rushing sound of air; a wet gurgle much less muffled than when my ear had been shoved to his gut. THIS was it, my brain was saying recklessly. This was the fulfillment of every fucking fantasy I'd ever had. I was getting fucked (ow) by a predator while he had his mouth closed over my head; the sounds, the sight, the smell - sickening though it may be - the feel of it, all of it was ten times more visceral than I could have possibly imagined. Grainy internet videos couldn't do justice to the pure, exquisite reality of the experience. Right now I was the luckiest pred-lover in the whole goddamned world. Good god I wished he would stop fucking me though, or at least, stop trying to get it deeper. I had no idea how much he'd crammed into me, but as the initial shock of the experience began to wane just a bit the burning pain up my spine started to sparkle through, making me wince and clench my jaw in the back of his mouth. I couldn't exactly ask him to, though, not now. I thought I heard Keith say something, but I couldn't make it out. There was nothing but the inside of Richard's muzzle at this point. At the same time, though, that intruder in my rear gave me some confidence. We were, it felt like, fixed in place - he couldn't curl over any further, and he sure as hell wasn't going to let me up from the way his paws were clamped around my waist. So I indulged, a little, foolishly: I pushed up, the few inches I could, nosing my way around the rim of his gullet. It was so loose it didn't even close around me; I had no idea how deep I was in it by now. The feel there was very different; whereas the inside of his mouth was slick but hard along the top and firm on the bottom where his tongue caressed my neck, where my nose pushed now was soft, yielding, and infinitely more slimy. Breathing was difficult, but not as much so as when he was sitting on me since I could inhale when he did and catch a good amount of the air he was breathing in, the rush of it blowing my fur back when he exhaled. How far could I go? I didn't want to gag him, or freak him out - we were just playing at this after all, and I didn't want him to think I was trying to climb into his belly! His grip on me kept me from going too deep though, and he could always pull back if he wanted to, so I pressed my luck a little further. A little more straining - he obliged by leaning just a bit further forward - and I could feel the edges of his throat opening caressing at my cheeks. Oh god, that felt amazing; the sensation of slimy wet muscles twitching around my head now had me almost cumming right there. I wished, for the first time since I'd been kneeling on the sofa, that I'd said no to being tied up so I could at least have jerked off. Where was Keith's mouth now when I needed it, damnit? Oh well, he probably couldn't fit it between my and Richard's stomachs. Then, something happened that definitely was NOT supposed to. I didn't feel it coming, just all of a sudden a rough shove brought a fresh burst of pain from my asshole as Richard hunched upwards, driving another maybe an inch or two of his dick into me. That isn't what I was worried about though, because he sure as hell pushed harder than a few inches; it's just that's as much as my backside would take. The rest of the motion was transmitted to my entire body, and all at once my head sank into his gullet, the walls that had been caressing my cheeks suddenly giving way for a split-second before clamping tightly around my whole skull. A wet sucking sound came with it as he swallowed, and while my head wasn't deep enough for it to be pulled in, I could feel his muscles tugging on me, trying anyway. Breathing was suddenly a LOT harder now that I was this deep, either he was holding his breath or the sudden shock of being pushed so hard and suddenly just made it feel like it to me. I immediately began struggling, pulling at my bonds that didn't feel like they'd give way at all - certainly not with his paws around my upper arms anyway, so I couldn't bend my elbows. "Hey! HEY!" I shouted as hard as I could, the sound not even particularly loud in my own ears given they were squished up against the slick walls of his throat. "Stop it! That's enough!" I wasn't worried he was trying anything funny, I just wasn't sure he realized how suffocating it was in there now. Rather than listen to me, though, he instead gave another shove upwards, this time with both his paws and his hips. Horrifyingly, I felt my shoulders follow the rest of me into his throat, my muzzle straightening out as it was pulled into the tunnel. And this time, when he swallowed, it DID pull me deeper. Muscles feeling like they could crush me if they wanted to squeezed around me, rippled, and with a lurch I was another few inches into him. I didn't give a fuck about the pain in my backside now, it was what was going on up north that had me starting to panic. What the hell did he think he was doing? I felt him moving around, moving ME around, like he was shifting in his seat... And just as suddenly as it had violated me his cock pulled free. Christ, it felt like my insides got sucked out with it, the suction of it was so strong. The pain didn't exactly go away as soon as he'd withdrawn either, throbbing with an ache that felt like it'd last a few days at least. I began to try to reverse direction, bracing my knees against his belly and pushing. If he wasn't going to keep fucking me, then I figured this part of the night was finished; maybe he wanted to cum in my mouth? I wasn't sure if I could blow him again, not at this size, but maybe he'd just ja- He swallowed again. This time it wasn't playful, it wasn't teasing, and it wasn't gentle. Those walls closed in around me again, forming a fur-tight tunnel hard enough to make my ears ring, and the ripple starting at my shoulders and moving downwards in a smooth, organic reflex. At the same time, his paws on my hips lifted me up and shoved me forward with careless brutality. The two actions together had me engulfed to the chest in his throat and to the stomach in his muzzle - I could feel his teeth on my belly, hard and sharp. No. No no no. I began to kick, violently, as panic swept over me. My knees slid away from his belly to dangle in mid-air, giving away the last purchase I had against, well, anything at all, swinging in wide arcs that connected only with my own ankles. I could feel my weight sagging down the underside of his jaws, forming a pocket my chest was resting in in front of the tighter entrance to his gullet that was now somewhere around my midsection. He took a breath; his throat expanded around me as he did, giving me a precious gulp of air. I screamed. Oh god did I scream. I was past begging and way past whimpering, abject terror taking over as the interior sounds of his body became deafening. If he was only trying to scare me, it was working. If he wasn't... That was working, too. His heartbeat was louder than my own in my ears by now, a dull, distant pounding that came along with a rushing sound - blood, being pumped through it. More of that gurgling and rumbling I'd heard earlier emanated from down below, louder when his throat relaxed for another gulp, a belch brought with it the sickening stench of the inside of his gut. Humid and acidic, it burned my lungs when I tried to inhale it, desperate for any chance at air. His throat walls closed around me in what was now a familiar feeling, a cry escaping me as I knew what came immediately after - that horrifying lurch as I was dragged deeper, the wet sucking and slurping sounds of his gullet pulling me reflexively deeper. Whereas before those swallows pulled me in a few inches, now my descent could be measured in feet. The heat of his body was sweltering this deep, I was sweating although everything was too wet and slick for me to feel it, every breath so searing I tried to hold my breath. This couldn't be happening. No please god no, not like this. He promised, he promised he wouldn't do this, that this was all just roleplay. KEITH had told me it was just roleplay! Why wasn't Keith helping me? He had to be seeing this, right? He had to know what was happening! Maybe, if that was true, maybe this WAS all just playing around. Maybe this was just all part of the act; my feet were still outside his mouth, right? Any minute now, I'd feel those big paws, that had shook my hand when I first came in, wrapping around my ankles and yanking me back out. I was still alive; he could just be playing still. Please, oh please just be playing. Please Another swallow, and my lips and nose were mashed up against my teeth as they came in contact with a firm ring of muscle, the weight of my body and pressure of his swallows pushing me hard up against it. It held for only a moment before yielding, opening up with such a wash of fetid, gaseous almost-air that I began to choke immediately, gagging on it as my stomach started to heave. My throat burned from just that one inhale but I still tried to gasp, an involuntary sob wracking through me. This was, undoubtedly, his stomach; all those sounds I'd heard muffled before were now loud and more than anything else disgusting, hot gurgles and sloshing louder than the almost whoopee-cushion blorps and belches. I felt it then - something touching my ankles. Thank god! Oh thank god, I was right. All he wanted to do was give me a taste of it, to let me feel what the inside of his actually gut was like. Come on, pull goddamnit, pull! I wasn't sure how long I could hold out, my throat was on fire! Whatever it was curled around my feet. Wet. Slippery. Muscular. That wasn't his paw. I screamed again, my throat tore with the ragged sound of it, howled into the deadened confines of his belly. My kicking, which had paused while I expectantly waited for him to pull me free, started anew just as I felt his muzzle close around them, sealing them between tongue and palate so firmly I couldn't move. None of me could except my head; even if my arms hadn't been bound I couldn't free them from his throat. He was gulping constantly now, I'd seen this before in videos. Once the predator had his meal all the way in his mouth it went shockingly quickly. Not like a snake, a slow, inexorable devouring. He was chugging me down in a hurry. I tried to fight, I swear I did, my whole body writhing, but gravity was against me now. Even when he just relaxed for a swallow I slid deeper, when he gulped, I was forced past the opening to his gut foot by foot. I tried to inhale to scream again, muzzle wide, when my head pushed through a few wet folds of flesh to be dunked into hot, churning liquid. It ran into my nose and mouth, searing me even when I'd coughed it back out again and tried to expel it all from my mouth. My eyes screwed shut did nothing to keep it from seeping in; it spilled into my ears, my nose, even between my tightly-pressed-together lips. Everywhere it touched it burned agonizingly; I'd have screamed again if I had the air to do it. I hit bottom a few seconds later with another mighty gulp, my feet pressed together in his throat, sinking into putrid folds of slimy flesh. The motion of being crammed into the tight cavern curled me around such that my head came up above the 'water' line after a second, I sputtered and spit out the foul acid, trying to suck in breath through my burning throat. The more he gulped the tighter I was being crammed into the tight confines of his gut; what at first had felt a little bit loose when my head pushed in was now squashing around me on all sides. In my fantasies this would have been a vast, large cavern, full of air and with enough light for me to see by. The reality was infinitely more horrific, so tight I thought the swallows were going to curl me around enough to start breaking bones, pitch-black and virtually airless, my stomach and chest crushed against my thighs so hard that even if there had been oxygen in there I don't think I could have inhaled any. And it was almost deafeningly loud; the sickening sounds of the lion's body all around me, that growling I'd heard before now right in my ears. Digestion. My whole body was on fire; my erection long gone now the acids seeped in through the opening in my sheath, making me try to twist my hips and shy away - my paws were still bound so I couldn't grab it protectively as was my instinct. I couldn't move, not even a wriggle, all my strength fading as the crushing walls of the predator's stomach squeezed me into a fetal ball. I was sobbing openly now, my whole body quivering with it. Why did I let him do this? How could I have been so fucking stupid? Even with Keith there, I should have waited, I should have brought a friend, I should have... I shouldn't have indulged this fucking fantasy.

My feet slid in with the rest of me. I could feel my weight sagging Richard's gut, that gut that just a few minutes ago I was laying against with a big stupid smile on my face. My  mouth opened and closed soundlessly, even my sobs fading to silence when I couldn't inhale to fuel them. It's so dark, I can't breath, oh god I can't breathe anymore. Please, I'm not dead yet, please throw me back up, cut your gut open, I don't care just please let me out! My parents! Jason! Wait, that...! My phone he ate! If I could find my phone, I could call them! Maybe they could come in time maybe they could help me please god please help me someo-

"Took you long enough," Keith said sourly, swinging a leg over Richard's thighs. The lion's erection, that until a few minutes ago had been plugging the wolf's ass, had stayed plenty hard with the dog's stroking, and now that the kicking feet were out of the way, he was climbing on top. Richard belched, scowling. "He was bigger than most, what do you expect? Should I have cut him into little pieces first?" Keith made a face. "Eew, don't be gross." He grinned then, leaning in to kiss alongside Richard's jaw. With a soft, high-pitched gasp he lowered himself down, the already-lubricated dick spreading his practiced backside with enough girth to make him pause for a moment, eyes fluttering closed. His paws went to the lion's gut, resting there where he could feel the dying struggles of the lupine within. He moaned "Ooh, god, he's still kicking." "Tell me about it," Richard grunted, shifting in his seat. "Mmm, when do you think he figured it out?" Keith's eyes were still closed as he began to rock forward and back, working that enormous black spire up into his rear. He was already past the point where Tony... Terry? Whatever, the wolf's asshole had taken it, the flesh bulging at the rim where it was crammed inside. "Don't know. Don't really care," Richard said, slouching back against the sofa, "Ohh, yeah, that's nice..." "Aww. He stopped," Keith mumbled, but his heart wasn't in it. He braced his paws on the lion's shoulders, and began to ride in earnest. CHAPTER 4 "...ecause I thought that's what you wanted!" Keith was saying as he opened the apartment door. Richard followed along behind, a scowl on his muzzle and a puzzled-looking cheetah being dragged along behind by one paw. "Don't give me that, Keith. You don't do anything that doesn't have something in it for you and you know it." Keith whirled around angrily. "That's not true! I do things for you all the time! All kinds of-" he looked at cheetah. "Things. You said we could get together before the weekend! So I thought we could, y'know." He motioned towards the cheetah. "It's not for ME." Richard scowled while the cheetah gave a few experimental tugs at his paw, unable to dislodge it from Richard's grip. "Hey, uh, guys, I don't mean to interrupt, but if you're just going to fight..." "Shut up," Richard growled without looking at him. "Keith, if you want to fuck around like that, you need to tell me, not just assume I'm up for whatever you want whenever you want." "But you usually are!" Keith sounded defensive, and Richard rolled his eyes. "Usually doesn't mean I don't want to be asked. You think this is all just some kind of game we're all supposed to play when you say so? That's not how it works." Keith frowned. "Why're you being such a jerk? I don't have to ask you when I wanna fuck." Richard kicked the door shut, apparently only just now having realized it was still open. The cheetah flinched. "Yes, you do. That's different, that's sex! Of course you ask!" The cheetah looked confused. "Wait, I thought you guys wanted to-" "Shut up!" the other two said simultaneously, glowering at each other. The feline looked surprised, blinking.  Keith opened his mouth to speak, but the lion cut him off. "Listen. If you want me to tell you it's different, then it's different, alright? I'm telling you, don't just show up with some guy in the middle of the day when we're supposed to be going out to eat and expect what you want is gonna happen. It's rude." The shiba inu grumbled, literally making muttering, incoherent sounds under his breath before stamping his foot in frustration. "Nng! Why do you have to be such an asshole!" He whirled around again and stomped into the bathroom melodramatically, like a child being sent to his room. "Do whatever you want!" he shouted over his shoulder and slammed the door. Richard growled to himself. The cheetah spoke up now. "So hey, I don't mean to sound bitchy, but does this mean we're not gonna fuck? Because if not, I have a track meet tomorrow I should probably be training for..." He trailed off pointedly. The lion looked at him as if just remembering he was there. "Yeah, sorry, uh... David, right?" The cheetah nodded. Richard "Yeah, anyway, sorry David. He can be a pain in the ass sometimes. A lot of the time." "He seems like it," the cheetah said, breaking into a grin. "You two been together long? And can I have my paw back?" "Oh. Yeah, sorry." He let the cheetah's paw drop. "We're not together. Not like that anyway." "Oh yeah? Just fuck-buddies?" Richard was still looking at the closed bathroom door, frowning in annoyance. "What? Uh, yeah. Something along those lines." "Huh. If he's such a pain in the ass, why do you keep him around?" The lion just shook his head. "Good question. He's a pretty good fuck, I suppose. And he's cute when he's not being a dumbshit." David chuckled. "Lotsa cute guys around, you don't need to stick with just one." He smiled a little more slyly, tail swishing. "And you don't have to take me back right away y'know, if he's going to be in there awhile." Richard glanced at the bathroom door one more time, harumphing with an annoyed flick of his tail. "Yeah, awright. Take your shoes off though."

The cheetah looked at his feet. "Huh? I'm not-" A shadow fell over him, and when he looked up his scream came too late for anyone to hear it.

The fight 'officially' ended with Keith coming out of the bathroom half an hour later, no longer looking defiant and angry. Richard was sitting in his chair in front of the TV, watching a Nascar race with one paw resting on the oversized rise in his gut.  "I'm sorry," Keith mumbled. It sounded forced. Richard just grunted. "You finish him off?" Richard looked at him with an arched eyebrow. His quiescent stomach was answer enough. Keith lifted his muzzle a little bit, cracking a bit of a smile. "Did he taste good?" Richard, in spite of himself, smiled a little as well. "Good enough. As good as alla 'em." He flicked off the TV. "You can be a real pain in the ass. You know that?" Keith smiled more widely, tail wagging. "Yep, that's what Cody always says."

Richard just rolled his eyes.

That had been three days ago. They'd not seen each other since, but when he showed up at Richard's doorstep on the following Saturday morning Keith seemed to have forgotten all about the fight, flouncing into the place like he always did, like he owned it. "Now remember, no eating! That's not what he's coming here for," Keith stood in front of Richard like a scolding schoolmarm, finger thrust towards him. Richard chuckled, bemusedly, where he sat. "That's the fourth time you've told me that. I'm not stupid, Keith." The shiba inu put his paws on his hips, making it difficult for Richard not to break out laughing. He looked so serious. "No, but you are you. I've known Aaron since we were in grade school, and I don't want you to think I'm bringing him here so you can nosh on him." The lion let his lips stay quirked. "Well, actually, you kind of are. Just not literally." "A three-way isn't the same thing," Keith said with a slight scowl. "And besides, he's going to be nervous enough as it is. You don't need to be showing him your fangs and all that like you do with me!" Richard growled in annoyance. Keith's voice was beginning to take on that grating tone. "I hear you, Keith, I hear you. When is he getting here, anyway?" As if on cue, the doorbell rang. "Remember what I said!" Keith said, and pranced out of the room, leaving the lion to sit down in his chair shaking his head. "Hi Kev!" "Mmm, hey hon," came the shiba inu's familiar voice. "C'mon in!" There was some general conversation, smalltalk on the way, until into the room emerged the dog with a slight, cute-looking coyote following along behind. He was, unsurprisingly, staring around with no small sense of wonder, blinking up at the oversized furnishings. Seeing the lion sitting there brought him up short. "Whoa! You must be Richard!" He didn't hesitate, striding forward and holding his paw out with a broad smile. His voice had a slight southern accent. Richard matched it. "That I am. And you must be Aaron." He didn't get to his feet when he shook, only straightened up in his seat. It still put his enormous, maned head above the canid's. Aaron looked back over his shoulder at the dog, paw still entangled with the feline's. "You weren't kidding, Keith, jeez!" "I told you! Didn't I tell you?" Keith was giggling. "Yeah, you did, but... Damn." He turned back to Richard. "I don't mean to stare or nothin'. Just don't see too many of your type from where I come from. You must be like, what, ten feet tall?" Richard chuckled. "Closer to nine. Thanks though, I'll take that as a compliment." Aaron finally took his paw back. "You should, I meant it like that." He looked back at Keith again. "Cody know?" Keith shook his head with a sly, guilty-looking smile. "Hah! Didn't think so. He'd shit a brick. Probably literally." He took a breath and let it out in a 'well then' sort of sound. "So. Where're you guys taking me? I've been driving in a hot car all day, I'm starving, and I haven't had a drink in like two hours. Maybe three!"

Richard chuckled while Keith seized the coyote's paw. "Ooh, I know just the place! C'mon! Richard, you're driving!" Without waiting for the lion he began pulling Aaron towards the front door.

Aaron was every bit as impressed with Richard's truck, sized up for his enormous bulk, as he was the apartment, chattering the whole way about how he'd seen smaller semi's, he could practically see his house from there, etc. Richard, for the most part, drove along in his usual stoic silence, letting the two longtime friends catch up, chuckling amiably every once in awhile. "You're not taking me to some stupid sports bar like that one in Skokie, are you? You know how much I hate frat boys!" Keith made a 'pth' sound. "Yeah, you hate 'em so much you can't stop blowing them. No, it's not a sports bar! Richard, let's go to that italian place, the one we met that cheetah David at!" "Oh, and who's David?" Aaron asked with a playfully suspicious-sounding curiosity. "No one," Keith said with a giggle.  Richard spoke up before Aaron could follow up. "Sure thing. You like beer, Aaron?" The coyote rolled his eyes. "Do I like beer? Hello, college student! That's like asking a fish if he likes water." Richard held up a paw with a chuckle. "Hey, just askin'. I met a few who don't." Aaron snickered. "They were prolly lying about being in college then. Where I go I think even our mascot drinks." "Yeah? Where do you go?" Richard was pulling off the expressway, into a strip mall parking lot. A large neon sign reading "Giovanni's" hung over one of the cookie-cutter storefronts. "St. Christopher's. I got's me a scholarship. Literature." "You were always such a brain," Keith said gleefully. "Everyone thought you were just a nerd until you opened your mouth." Aaron mock-scowled at him. "Until I opened my mouth..." Keith grinned. "And you either told 'em off or sucked 'em off." Aaron punched him in the arm. "Ixnay on the ojob-blay!" he stage-whispered, pretending to glance over his shoulder towards Richard, who looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Hah! You're not going to offend him. Is he, Richard?" Keith had his arm slung around Aaron's shoulders now, looking past him towards the lion. "Only if he doesn't put his money where his mouth is," Richard said with a wink as he killed the engine. "C'mon. Let's see if we can find another place you can get us kicked out of, Keith."

The two canids were laughing as they climbed out of the truck.

Lunch was uneventful and mostly drunk from beer steins, earning a few dirty looks from the waitress when all they ordered were appetizers. Richard's servings were, as usual, easily two or three times' that of the other two smaller guys, who by their third beers were leaning up against one another and slurring their speech. "Remember... Hrrr, remember that time! When your mom caught us practicing what we saw in that movie!" Keith sounded like he was carefully trying to form words. Aaron barked out a laugh, literally. "Hah! Hell yeah! I thought she was gonna kill us!" Richard tipped his mug back down from his muzzle, belching through his nose. "Don't tell me your mom caught you two 'playing doctor'." Aaron gave a sly grin. "Nah, she never caught us doing that. We'd just seen Jackass, and we were..." He started to laugh. "We were having a r-r-razor-fight. Not like, not, like... Sharp ones, like electric ones! We kept trying to shave each other's f-f-fur off." His voice was stuttering with the giggles. Keith was clutching his sides by now. "And you kept aiming for my head, because I got you on the back of yours that one time, and you wanted to get me back! But you got my ear, and your mom walked in just when it started bleeding." Aaron doubled over in laugher, nodding frantically. "We weren't allowed to hang out for a month!" Richard just shook his head with a chuckle. "Whatever happened to roman candle fights?" They both looked at him blankly, Aaron still beset by giggles. "You know, roman candles? Bottle rockets? Fireworks?" "You had fireworks when you were a kid?" Richard looked surprised. "Yeah, 'course. What, you don't now?" Aaron took a swallow of his drink, shaking his head. "Those've been illegal forever! Man, you're old!" Keith just tittered. Richard harumphed before taking a swallow of beer. "And you two boys could learn a thing or two about how to have fun."

"Ok," said Aaron immediately, like he'd been waiting for it. He raised up a paw to flag down a waitress while still looking at Richard. "So how about you show us?"

Keith was already pulling his shirt off by the time they made it to the bedroom, Aaron following along behind and kicking off his shoes. Richard brought up the rear, still dressed, grinning as he watched the two youths strip. "Wow, if Cody found out, he'd fucking kill you guys, you know that?" Aaron giggled, bending over to push his pants down around his ankles. Richard watched appreciatively from behind, starting to undress himself as he watched. Keith mock-growled. "Which is why you're not gonna tell him! What he doesn't know doesn't hurt him." He shimmied out of his underwear. "You got that right," Aaron said, peeling off his pants entirely. "Plus, then I couldn't fuck you either." Richard had his shirt up over his head much as Keith had a moment ago, so it was with a start of surprise that he felt fingers working on his own pants, pushing them down. By the time he could see again, he looked down to see the coyote perched up on the edge of the bed, tugging down his sweats excitedly. He didn't even bother to make a show of it, pulling down the front to expose the feline's soft, enormous cock, his eyes going wide. "Holy shit," he breathed, shamelessly reaching out to cradle it in one paw, hefting the meaty weight of it. Most of it spilled over his fingers; even when he brought his other paw to it the tawny mass still dangled past the end of his palm, drooping heavily under its own weight. Richard was grinning. Keith knelt behind his friend, grinning like a cheshire cat. "Told you! Ever seen one that big?" Aaron shook his head, staring in reverence. "No, I mean... On bulls maybe, but never a two-legger..." He looked up at Richard. "Can I, um..." Richard chuckled, reaching out to pat the canid on the head. "You pretty much already are, kid. Knock yourself out." Aaron didn't wait for a second invitation. Diving in, he leaned forward and pushed his muzzle up against the furred shaft, moaning quietly to himself. Skinning back the foreskin covering, he opened his mouth wide as it looked like he could and engulfed the slick, exposed head the moment it came into view. It didn't really fit, not more than an inch or two in, but that didn't stop him from holding the swelling length in both paws like directing a hose into his mouth, slurping noisily and trying to gulp down more of it. Richard grunted, heavily, spreading his legs a little bit further as his cock began to fill out. Already it was threatening to push its way deeper into Aaron's muzzle while Keith scooted up closer, watching what was going on with a mischievous grin. With one paw, he reached around to the front of the coyote's crotch, taking ahold of the already full-mast erection jutting up cutely between the narrow thighs, and with the other he took Richard's paw. Arching an eyebrow, the lion let Keith guide it to the back of Aaron's head, smiling up at him and nodding towards it. Richard quirked an ear, shaking his head in an 'I don't understand' gesture. The shiba inu rolled his eyes, exasperated but not really, and gave both the paw and his friend's head a rough shove forward. With a choking sound, a few hugely thick inches of the lion's fleshy cock stabbed further into Aaron's muzzle, bulging the canid's cheeks from within from the meat crammed inside. "He likes it when you do that, go on!" Aaron shook his head, or tried to anyway. But at the same time, his paws never moved from their constant stroking and rubbing over the lion's swollen dick, nor did he make any attempt to pull backwards even as his throat bobbed over and over again in swallows to try and keep from choking. Richard looked from the dog down to Aaron, whose watering eyes stared upwards at him, wide and eager. With a broad, malicious grin the lion closed his paw around the back of the canid's head, palming it like a basketball, and thrust, once. Aaron choked again, at the same time convulsing where he sat. His cock surged, a watery jet of precum spattering the bedsheets.

"Huh," Richard grunted, and did it again.

The blowjob hadn't lasted for more than a few minutes, Richard's cannon of a cock far too large to fit in the coyote's mouth for long. Even then he'd spit it back up only reluctantly, Richard grimacing as the teeth dragged over his sensitive shaft on it's way out, Aaron had spent a good deal longer on licking up and down the shaft, mouthing the head, and hefting the lion's tawny nuts in both paws.  Now the two canids were sprawled over Richard's thighs, one on each side, both with enough room to wrap their paws around the black pillar as far as they could and lap at it, both dragging their long, soft tongues up and down. The whole thing was glossy black, dribbled with spit and precum that was oozing from the head, more than a normal-sized guy might produce in an entire orgasm. Keith was busy mouthing his way up one side, tongue bumping over the ridges the veins made, a happy, half-drunk smile on his muzzle. "So do you guys really fuck?" Aaron asked. Richard chuckled. "Probably not as much as Keith'd like, but yeah." Keith pulled his muzzle off with a hmf. "Don't call me a slut! Oh wait, you didn't." He grinned lopsidedly. "Remember that toy I had? The one I got from the store when we used our fake ID's to convince the guy we were 18?" Aaron shrugged, nuzzling absently along the massive length. "Sure. Wasn't as big as this though!" Keith shook his head. "Nope. But it was practice. You wanna see?" Aaron furrowed his brow. "See what? The toy?" Keith snorted. "No dummy! You wanna see him fuck me?" He was already getting on all fours while Richard, with a shrug, reached over beside the bed for the lube. "What the hell you think?" Aaron said flatly, then paused. "Wait. I don't just have to just watch, do I?" Keith just licked his lips. "Woo hoo! Spitroast!" Aaron climbed over the lion's thigh, rearing up on his knees in front of Keith's muzzle. "Let's see how YOU like it," he mock-growled teasingly, positioning himself in front of the kneeling canid. He leaned forward, clutching his erection in one paw and guiding it towards his friend's muzzle, who opened up willingly. "Don't expect me to be gentle!"

Keith giggled. "Don't worry, I d-mmphph!" His words were cut off by the thick erection slipping fully into his mouth, sliding in to the base with the furry balls against his lower lip as the coyote plunged drunkenly inside the dog's mouth.

Richard was already halfway in him, and Keith was in heaven. On all fours, sandwiched between his best friend and his best lover, he was shoved forward every time the lion hammered home inside him only to be brought up short by his nose crushing against Aaron's pelvis. Well-used to deepthroating the coyote, it still gagged him a little each time it was crammed fully in his mouth, snout burying in the wiry fur at the base of his dick. He sucked for all he was worth, twitching and letting out soft, muffled moans every time Richard got a little bit deeper, stretching him out a little bit more. It was like getting fucked by a horse every time. "Ohh my god, Keith, how come we didn't do this sooner," Aaron gasped, clutching at his friend's head. Keith could feel both paws clamped around his ears, holding on tightly while the coyote thrust. He was watching where Keith's tail was carefully held to the side and up, exposing where the tree trunk-looking length of Richard's cock was squeezed into that too-small an asshole, only just now starting to really piston in and out. "What does it feel like?" he asked Richard, quickly clapping a paw around Keith's head to keep him from pulling off lest he thought the question directed at him. Richard growled through clenched teeth, "Like fuckin' a virgin every time." Aaron began to thrust faster now, his motions becoming erratic. "Gawd, yeah, I bet... I wanna go after, I wanna know what it feels like." He looked down at Keith with a grin. "And maybe next time I'll go first, get you loosened up for him. Aw, man..." The coyote had begun thrusting faster now, carelessly face-fucking the ecstatic-looking Keith. "Mmmff, Keith, I hope you're hungry, 'cuz I'm... Hrf, oh god, I'm gonna cum, Kei-" Richard slammed forward with enough of a piledriver thrust to nearly knock the wind out of Keith while the coyote's words cut off abruptly, shoving forward at the other end and sinking his cock to the hilt in the dog's muzzle. Paws clasped and slapped at Keith's head, clutching at his ears and hair, grabbing onto anything they could find while the cock in Keith's mouth swelled, spurting thick jets of sperm down his eager throat. Aaron always came this hard, Keith was thinking, it was like a seizure as the coyote thrust wildly, spilling sperm down over the dog's chin where it overflowed, most of it ending up gulped down sloppily. At least Richard had the courtesy to stop moving, leaving the dog impaled while he drank down his friend's load, struggling to even keep the canid's erection his mouth with all the movement. It was over before it ended, Aaron's hips jerking back as if his dick was oversensitized, yanking the still-spurting cock from his mouth. Keith pitched forward, face pushed into the bed and coughing wetly while licking cum from his lips. "That was more than you've ever shot, Aaron, I can't believe it." He opened his eyes, straining to look upwards. Aaron's knees were up off the bed now, like he'd stepped off. "I didn't-" His heart stopped. Up above him, his friend's cock was still spurting watery cum over his back, hosing him down. From there down, in fact, was the only part of Aaron still visible, the coyote's entire upper body now a struggling bulge in the lion's throat. What Keith had mistaken for orgasmic thrashing was apparently Aaron fighting for his life, as much the same motions as before now swung the coyote's legs madly in mid-air, his tail thrashing behind. Keith could hear him now, muffled, far-away screaming that got quieter as Richard took a mighty swallow. Aaron's hips disappeared inside. Keith's blood ran cold. "Oh my god, Richard, NO! NO!" He was screaming now, as best he could with his throat raw and still half-clogged with sperm. "Stop it, oh god please, stop!" He coughed and struggled to get up, still impaled on the lion's massive erection nearly to the hilt inside him. Richard didn't. Ignoring both the dog's and the coyote's struggles he reached down with one paw and planted it on the back of Keith's neck, pinning him to the bed with barely the slightest of effort. And while the dog looked on in sickened horror the lion gulped, huge jowls flapping and more of the obviously panicked coyote slipping further in between those gaping jaws. This time, Keith couldn't see inside while it happened, only the underside of the feline's jaw visible, with the obscenely swollen neck beneath, undulating and flexing each time he gulped. Keith was sobbing now, screaming muffled into the bedsheets. "Richard, please Richard, listen to me, he's my friend! Don't, please don't... Oh jesus, please just stop, you have to fucking stop!" He fought viciously, kicking both his legs, planting his paws on the bed and trying to push himself off. He couldn't relax, and it made the enormous dick crammed up his ass hurt fiercely, stirring around inside him in gut-wrenching agony. He ignored it as best he could, singularly focused on trying to get himself out from underneath, to save his confused and terrified friend. He felt something against his back, something that got heavier by the moment... He couldn't see it, but he could feel Richard's gut resting against him, filling out. With Aaron. "Get off of me, you fucking bastard! Stop it! I'm fucking telling you to stop it, no, don't! No, no, no..." The last cry came as Richard swallowed again, Aaron's kicking feet disappearing past the crest of the lion's jaw. Richard's throat sagged with the weight, hanging down slightly as he closed his mouth and gave one more mighty gulp. The bulge slide down, still visibly twitching. Then he was gone. Keith let out an anguished wail, tears making a wet spot on the bed around his head. He was still pleading, almost silently a whispered, "No, no, please no..." as the weight against his back got as heavy as it was going to. He realized, dimly, that he could feel him. Not just the weight, but struggling. He retched, coughing up sperm that bubbled back into his mouth and drooled onto the sheets. He was choking on his own sobbing, coughing, when he felt Richard start to pull back. Huge, thick inches of leonine cock spilled from his rear, eliciting a shudder from him as he felt what he thought was Richard withdrawing from him. He took a shaking breath. "Why, oh god, how could you do-urk!" That breath was knocked out of him as Richard slammed forward, driving his dick home ferociously inside Keith's rear. Still pinning him to the bed, he began to fuck him, in slow, deliberate motions necessitated by the extra couple hundred pounds of still-kicking meat in his gut. "I'm not done yet," the lion growled heavily. "And you're going to listen to me." Keith just sobbed, eyes screwed shut tightly, while Richard lowered his head down. The position made the lion's gut rest more on Keith's back, heavy and alive with motion inside. Panicked, frantic struggling was muffled to just slight wriggling by layers of fat and muscle. "If you ever try to tell me again what I can eat and what I can't, so help me you're going to be the next thing on the menu. You want to... Hrf..." Richard paused for a moment, growling a heavy breath as he gave a few more slow thrusts. "You wanna watch, that's your thing, but don't you think for one goddamned second it's up to you. No one made you bring him here. I sure didn't tell you to. But he was here, and I'm hungry. Was hungry." The struggling in the lion's gut began to die down. Keith retched again through his wracking sobs, more sperm bubbling up out of his mouth in a whitish, foamy drool. "Hrrr, there we go," Richard muttered, his pace beginning to pick up now that the weight in his stomach had settled. He was more careless than usual with his fucking, virtually his entire cock plunging in long, sucking strokes in and out of the faintly struggling canine beneath him. He was holding himself up on both arms, no longer bothering to pin Keith's neck down since the rest of his body was doing the job by now, bracing himself while his lower body hunched in the brutal pistoning and his balls starting to slap against the bed. "P-p-please stop, please spit him out," Keith whimpered pitifully, barely audibly, looking like he was struggling not to gag. "He's gone, Keith," Richard growled, "And I'm just about... Hrrrrr, finished... Aw fuck." With that snarled curse he hunched his hips one last time, nearly hilting himself, his orgasm releasing with a long, drawn-out growl of satisfaction. Thick jets of sperm, each one measurable in cups gushed into the dog's bowels, hard and copious enough to make Keith look like he was going to throw up again as his face contorted into a grimace. A few rough, short jabs brought hitched hiccups from him as his bowels rearrange inside around the throbbing, spitting black pillar, the liquid pressure of all the spunk nearly enough to distend his belly. It was mercifully quick, though, as usual with felines, the thrusting slowing back to the leisurely pace it had been before barely half a minute later. Keith had been fucked by Richard dozens of times now, but never this cruelly, and never against his will. The agony and terror of it was overwhelming him, leaving him splayed out like roadkill while the lion ground out the last of his orgasm with a few merciless rolls of his hips. By now sperm was starting to ooze out of the overstretched ass around the immense plug of Richard's still-dribbling cock, drooling out to leak down Keith's taint and stain the sheets underneath him.  Without warning, Richard pulling with a lewd wet slurp from Keith ass and flopped heavily over onto this back, making the entire bed shake under his weight. Keith lay there flat on his belly, crying softly, twitching in sudden pain when he tried to lift one leg. "Wh... Why did... Did you... Do that..." the dog whimpered softly, eyes red and puffy as he began to try and draw himself up to all fours. He couldn't bear to look at Richard's stomach and the evidence of what had just transpired. "I was hungry," Richard grunted lazily. "And he was stupid enough to hold still long enough." Keith dragged himself off the bed, swaying where he stood. He was silent for a moment, shaking, until all at once exploding ferociously. "FUCK YOU! He was my FUCKING FRIEND, you asshole!" He'd begun to cry again, gathering up his clothes in bunches. "He was my friend and he-" "Yeah, well, he was my dinner." Richard sounded bored. "Fuck you!" Keith screamed again, more ferociously now. "I never want to fucking see you again, you son of a bitch! I hope you fucking DIE!" With that, still sobbing, Keith ran from the room. A moment later, the sound of the front door opened and slamming shut came sharply, hard enough to shake the pictures on the walls. Richard belched, shaking his head and yawning. That had been more fun than he'd expected. CHAPTER 5 Peering out of his car window, the husky scowled to himself. It wasn't enough that he had to be out at night in an unfamiliar neighborhood, squinting to make out the house numbers that seemed to always be shadowed. It had to be raining too, and on one of the coldest nights of the year so far, to boot. Steam kept misting the inside of the windows, forcing him to turn on the air conditioner with the heat up all the way as he crawled the car down the street slow enough to consider turning on his hazards, frustrated drivers swerving around him every feet. This is not what he wanted to be doing tonight. The further into the neighborhood he drove, the larger the buildings got, both the apartments or single-family homes. The cars were larger too, mostly vans or convertibles, too wide for street parking and making the road all the narrower. Alternating his gaze between the scrap of paper he had pinned to the steering beneath his thumb and the side of the road, he finally let out a faint growl of frustrated relief when he saw the number get at least close enough that he could find a place to park. Which took another five minutes of driving in circles, finally ending up wedged between a panel truck and some old soft-top and having to backtrack, shoulders hunched and paws stuffed into his pockets, until he finally found the address.

There was a sureness to his step as he strode up the apartment's sidewalk, hurried by the dampness starting to soak through the top of his hoodie drawn up around his ears. He'd made the decision to come earlier that afternoon, and prided himself on not being the type to second-guess himself even when the task was unpleasant. He took no particular enjoyment in his mission, but it was a mission. And with the dogged determination his kind was known for he found the door he was looking for, walked up to it, and banged it twice with a closed fist.

It had been a long day, and Richard was looking forward to an evening entirely taken up with quiet relaxation. Since Keith's hysterical departure two days ago, the lion had rediscovered the satisfaction - and peace - of coming home after work to an empty apartment, putting his feet up, and watching a game without distraction. Which wasn't to say that the shiba inu's presence wasn't missed; there was something to be said for a eager little thing willing to ride his cock until he was sore as many nights in a row as he could manage. But that youthful enthusiasm brought with it youthful fecklessness and (obviously) erratic behavior that he found he didn't miss in the slightest. Even if Keith hadn't been visiting every night, just the 'threat' of him coming calling had kept Richard more on edge than he'd realized until the reason for it was gone. And at least until he got bored of masturbating, even the sex he was ok without. His paw didn't encourage, then complain about his eating habits. He collapsed heavily into his oversized easy chair with a contented sigh, kicking off the already-unlaced workboots and sagging into the familiar comfort of a seat long since molded to his titanic proportions.  A beer already opened and misted with condensation sat on the coffee table, the bottles of a size only sold in the local, predator-heavy neighborhood stores: More than half a six-pack worth of brew in a bottle that anything smaller than him would need both paws and an XXXL-sized liver to accommodate. In his case it fit just right in his oversized mitt as he lazily lifted it in one paw while the phone disappeared into the other. It took a clawtip to tap the double-sized buttons on it accurately, and even then he misdialed once, prompting a growl under his breath, stab at the hangup button, and starting over again before the ringing started, stopped. "Order for delivery, please. Yeah, 650-555-1274. Yep, that's right. Sure, I'll hold." A swallow of his beer brought the sound of his own throat gulping through the earpiece when the phone's mic picked it up, momentarily muting the hold music - no, advertisement, pitching some new deep-dish offering - coming through the phone.  He was in the middle of another gulp when there came a pounding on his door. Huh. Couldn't be Keith since he had a key, and before that had always preferred to use the doorbell anyway. With a slightly annoyed grunt the lion got to his socked feet, lumbering over to the front door as the thumping came again. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming, hold your horses," he muttered under his breath, cradling the phone against his shoulder and freeing his paw to open the door. He had to look down to see who was standing there, a stoney-faced canine, husky or malamute or something planted on his doorstep. If the canine was surprised to be facing an eight-foot-plus titanic wall of lion he didn't show it; if anything his dark expression he was already wearing deepened the moment the door opened, arms crossed in front of himself. "Are you Richard?" The dog sounded so serious, Richard fought the urge to snicker. Hold not-music still played in his ear. "Yeah?" "I'm Cody. Do you know who I am?" Richard grunted. That explained a few things. "I don't suppose you'd believe me if I said no." He half-leaned against the door, making it creak. "No I fucking wouldn't. We have to talk. I'm coming in." Richard shrugged, stepping aside and giving the canine space to come into the small foyer. "Then I guess you are." As Cody strode past into the apartment, back arrow-straight and face never losing the hardened expression, a voice came back into his ear over the phone.

"Huh?" he mumbled into it, at first uncomprehendingly. "Nah, nevermind. Changed my mind." He hung up, tossed the phone onto the counter with a clatter on the way, and followed the canine into the living room.

Cody got to the living room and briefly considered sitting down, discarding the thought nearly as soon as he had it. He wasn't afraid of the mammoth lion he'd been confronted with when he opened the door - he had, in fact, expected to see someone just like that. Sitting would just give an impression of weakness or calm, and neither of those were what he was aiming to convey right now. It wasn't what he felt right now. He found himself pacing, stalking back and forth in front of the dark TV while he waited to be joined in the living room. There was ample space for it; the apartment and its furnishings were enormous, almost comically outsized. Another good reason not to sit, he thought - it'd make him look smaller. A few moments later, the lion named Richard strolled (as much as something that size could stroll) unhurriedly into the living room, phone having apparently been left behind. He walked with a gait surprising for his size, far from light but well short of lumbering. Even shoeless the lion was easily a head or two taller than he, a hulking beast of a thing with thick swells of muscle packed onto a middle-aged frame that looked entirely comfortable in the jeans and tucked-in flannel shirt, sleeves rolled up and top buttons open to expose a thick ruff of chest fur. Everything about the lion was thick, so far as Cody was concerned right now. Without saying a word, Richard sat down on the couch and remained there, silent, apparently waiting for the dog to say something. Which took awhile, but when he did, it came out as a snarl. "You've been fucking my boyfriend," Cody said. Richard didn't answer immediately, digging a cigar out of the humidor on the coffee table with a maddening nonchalance. Not until he'd finished lighting it, taking a slow drag, and exhaling it upwards did he say anything. "I'm not going to lie to you. I have, yeah," he said agreeably. Cody's nose wrinkled in disgust when the acrid stench of the cigar began to waft across the room. "Do you mind?" he growled, pointing his muzzle distastefully towards the cigar. "It's my house, kid," Richard said. "Did you come over to complain about my stogie, or talk about your boyfriend?" "Fine." Cody fought the urge to shout in response, working the frustration out with a few more paces back and forth, sneakers scuffing on the carpet. Water dribbled from the cuffs of his jeans. "Fine. Yeah, I came here to talk about Keith." He stopped and faced the lion squarely. "Just who do you think you are?" Richard pursed his lips, relaxed. "I'm afraid I can't answer that more than I already have. But I'm no good at twenty questions, so you have something to say I suggest you come out and say it." He took another swallow of his beer, putting a footpaw the size of a large shoebox up on the coffee table. "You know what I mean! You think just because you're some big predator-type you can do whatever you want? Did you think I wouldn't do anything about it?"  Richard bobbed his head a couple of times, slowly, midway through a draw on the cigar. Once again, he took his time in answering, waiting until he was finished to talk through the exhale. "Honestly? I figured you and I would be seeing each other eventually." Cody could feel his hackles up now, prickling against the back of his neck. "Well you had that fucking right!" he snapped. "Did it ever occur to you to think what you might be doing to our relationship? You knew he and I were together, right?" Richard just nodded. This didn't come as a surprise to him, but Cody still found himself again fighting back the urge to start yelling. Instead he just took a breath, let it out, and growled heavily. "So you knew he was cheating on me."  Richard nodded again, this time with a half-shrug, apparently unimpressed. "The way I saw it, that's something between you two. No offense, but he was the one who came to me, hit on me out of the blue. What was I supposed to do?" "Did you ask him if he was with anyone?" Cody asked coldly. "Did you even care?" The big lion heaved a sigh, chest expanding hugely before the air rushed out his nose in something like a snort. "Look. Are you mad at me, or him? Because this sounds like the kind of conversation you should be having with Keith, not me."  The husky opened his mouth to speak, but Richard interrupted him. "Let me ask you something, and I promise you, I'm not trying to piss you off any more than you already are. You guys been going out a few years, yeah?" Cody nodded tautly. "Am I the first? That he's done this kind of thing with, I mean. Whoa now, hold on," Richard said, lifting a paw when the husky's muzzle flew open once again to retort. "I said I'm not trying to piss you off. I'm just asking." Cody threw his arms up in the air angrily. "No!" he nearly shouted. "What do you think I am, stupid? Of course not! Keith's a fucking slut!" Richard's eyebrows went up. The answer seemed to throw him off. "Sorry, what?" "Which part of that did you not understand? The no, the thinking I'm stupid, or Keith's a slut?" Cody asked testily. "I know what he likes, what he does. You think you're so special? I'm the one who's been with him for years! He cheated on me the first month we were together, I caught him getting it in the ass at my birthday party in my parent's backyard shed!" The dog thrust a finger at Richard accusingly. "I've known about you for months. Richard, the big lion with the huge dick who fucks him every damn week." Still clearly flummoxed, Richard blinked a couple of times. "Then... What are you mad at me for?" "Because!" Cody growled. "Because I don't know what it is you did to him, but two days ago he came home in tears. I'm not here because he was cheating on me with you, I'm here because you hurt my boyfriend, and I won't put up with that." Indeed, Keith had been in hysterics nearly the entire day after he had come home two days ago. Cody had never seen him like this, alternating between crying and stomping around the house furiously, ignoring every attempt to get him to explain what was going on. He was a little better the next day but still refused to explain, muttering angrily under his breath and cursing between the more unintelligible sounds, eventually sequestering himself off in his room and refusing to answer with more than a shouted, "Go away!" anytime Cody knocked. Cody had eventually given in and done something he promised himself he'd never do - looked through Keith's messages on his phone, finding a few hurried and cryptic messages about Richard to some of his friends that gave no further clues as to what had happened. It hadn't taken much more hunting to find the lion's address, stored in the contacts list.  "Do you want a beer?" Richard's tone was still mild, and no longer conveyed the confusion it did before. It brought Cody up short for a moment, pausing his fury. "What?" "I asked," Richard said, "If you want a beer. If we're gonna talk, we might as well do it over a beer." Was the lion fucking with him? He didn't sound like it. "No," he said flatly. "I don't drink." Richard shrugged, taking another lazy drag on the cigar. "Alright, suit yourself. At least sit down, you're making me nervous pacing around my place like that." The room had a slight haze to it now; the richness in the air and the warmth contrasting with the freezing rain of the outside had taken some of the fight out of Cody. He considered the offer for a moment, staring down the enormous lion before stalking over to the far side of the sofa, as far away from the other occupant as he could, and climbing up onto it. "That's better." Richard took a swallow of beer, shifting his imposing frame slowly, until he was half-leaning up against the arm of the sofa. He seemed to do nothing in a hurry; Cody had to fight the urge to find the languid grace disarming. "Now let me get this straight. Me giving your boyfriend the high hard one since last Christmas, you're ok with that?" Cody tensed, his stomach bunching up once again. "I didn't say that," he growled tartly, each word like a pointed stick. "I just said I wasn't here to talk about that. And that I've known for awhile." "So." Richard said. "Why didn't you show up sooner?" For the first time since arriving Cody felt an emotion besides anger, taking a deep, shuddering breath and letting it out: Resignation, a small amount of it anyway. "Because Keith is Keith," he said on the exhale. "And if I'd told him I knew, or I came to you and told you to knock it off, I knew it would just a matter of time until he met someone else in a bar or picked them up off the street. At least this way he seemed happy getting it from just one other guy for a change, and it was someone he apparently wasn't interested in a relationship with. If I had to have a boyfriend who slept around, at least it wasn't with someone trying to take him away." "You know," Richard said around the cigar, chewing it to the other side of his muzzle. "That's a little fucked up." "Fuck you!" Cody snarled savagely, aggressive frustration flooding back into him like a scalding liquid. "I told you I'm not stupid! I knew Keith was a... What do you call it, a size queen early on. He loved it when we had sex and I was on top, but it wasn't long before he showed me his toy collection, all these giant things, disgusting horse-molded ones and stuff. And it wasn't too longer after that he wanted more than just my cock inside him. I knew he hung out in places big guys did, and I saw him giving eyes to clydesdales and-" He waved a paw in half-disgust at Richard. "Your kind all the time. What was I supposed to do, break up with him because my dick wasn't big enough?" Richard just gave a non-committal nod, pursing enormous lips for a moment. "So I had to decide if I was willing to stay with him even if I knew I didn't... Measure up, physically. I told myself I'd give it some time, and see if his fetish or whatever it is got in the way, but you know what?" He paused, huffing through his nose.  Richard shook his head. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this. It didn't. Get in the way, I mean. I know he loves me, even if he has a thing for something the size of my arm under his tail. He always came back to me, always told me and showed me he loved me even when I knew he was messing around on me. You might say it's fucked up, but I'll take someone who loves me over someone who just sleeps with me for my physical size any day of the week." Cody looked directly at the lion as he said it. Richard ignored the thinly-veiled jab. "I can't argue with that." "It was fine. WE were fine, until whatever it was you did the other day, and now he's a mess." He leaned forward on the couch, paws balled into fists. "So I'm here to tell you that it's over. I don't know if he's talked to you since then, or if he thinks he's going to. But I'm the one here talking to you now, and I'm telling you. It's over. Whatever it was you did hurt him badly, and that's where I draw the line."  That. That was what he'd been waiting all day to say. It felt even better than he'd expected, righteous indignation taking the place of anger in the pit of his stomach. Richard's lips quirked, something Cody didn't miss it, his eyes narrowing and his ears flattening against his damp skull. "Don't you dare fucking laugh at me. Don't you dare!" "Sorry, I didn't meant to," Richard said, this time with a straight face. "I didn't mean to. That was rude of me." He took another swallow of beer, by the time he was done the half-smile replaced by the stoic expression the he'd had before. "You're goddamned right it was. Not that you seem to care. So do you understand? You and Keith are finished, whatever it was you had." Richard thought about that for a moment, or appeared to anyway. He pursed his lips again around the cigar, puffing absently on it, then slowly bobbed his head. "Mmm... Yes. I think we are, sure." Cody's ears flicked in annoyance for a moment. That wasn't the response he was supposed to get. "It's not your decision. I'm telling you." "I don't know what else you want me to say," Richard said mildly. "I'm agreeing with you." "Fine." More ear-flicking. "What did you do?" This he had been less sure he was going to demand. Part of him wanted to take what he saw as the high road, telling himself it didn't matter; that he didn't want to know. The important things had been said, and whatever had happened was in the past now. At least, that's what he'd thought. But here, facing the less-serious-than-he'd-expected expression on the asshole of a lion's muzzle, he realized he did want to know. He couldn't help Keith if he didn't know what was wrong, and anyway, as long as Richard seemed to be letting him speak his peace... Well, he might as well find out now, and save him possibly another trip over here for another round of shouting once Keith told him. Richard's eyebrow went up. "What?" Cody huffed. "Don't play dumb with me. What did you do to him?" "Why does it matter?" Richard asked. "It matters to me." Richard thought about that a few moments longer, looking at the ceiling, before shrugging. "I suppose you might as well know. You knew Aaron, right?" It was Cody's turn to be brought up short, though he missed the tense of Richard's words. Of course he knew Aaron. They'd met when they were both freshmen; Aaron from down south, Cody from up north. They joked they'd each escaped their rural upbringing to meet in the middle, and had become fast friends that first year. He and Keith still had some classes together, and although Cody saw him a little more rarely now he still considered them close. One of the few friends who seemed to genuinely respect he and Keith as a couple, actually. His brow furrowed in confusion. "Aaron? Sure, but what's he got to do with this?" "Yeah, see, I ate him. And your boyfriend got a little bent out of shape over it, guess he wanted him around." Richard rolled his eyes slightly. The words Cody understood, but not the meaning. He stared blankly at the lion, trying to figure out exactly what he was saying. No comprehension came after long seconds, and when he spoke it was with a hesitant drawl. "You...?" "...Ate him," Richard finished, staring at him levelly. "You know, chomp chomp, gulp. Flushed what was left of him yesterday." He took a drag on the cigar. All the anger drained out of Cody at once, even as his brain struggled to come to terms with what the lion was saying. He couldn't mean... If he meant that, he wouldn't have said it like that. He couldn't mean it like that. He'd just seen Aaron the other day, on the way to class! That was just... More than two days ago. He struggled to speak, voice a croak. His face felt slack. "You... Killed Aaron?" "If you want to be specific about it, yeah. I'm not exactly sure how someone would get eaten and not get killed." Cody opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. It felt like the room was spinning, the faint dizziness he'd already felt in the cloistered warmth of the room building until it felt like he was spinning, clutching at the cushions as if to keep from being thrown off. "...Why...?" he heard himself say, simply because he couldn't think of anything else to. Richard's brow furrowed in his own annoyance. "What is it with you people, always asking that? I was hungry. Why does anybody eat?" "You... Ah..." Cody closed his mouth, swallowing again, his tongue dry. "Aaron's dead?" He still couldn't believe it. It simply couldn't be. Richard snorted. "Mm-hmm. I thought you said you weren't stupid." His chest felt tight, breath coming only labored and when he forced himself to inhale and exhale voluntarily. When his attention wandered he found himself choking, gasping for air. He didn't know what to say. Aaron was dead? And this... Thing, had killed him? Eaten him? He knew that predators did such things, of course, or used to, but that was illegal wasn't it? Wasn't it? More words came unbidden, spoken by a subconscious too focused on the conversation to deal with trivial matters like breathing. "B... But... What does that... Did you tell Keith? Why... Why would you tell him that?" "Oh. I didn't tell him, he was there." Richard was grinning now. Cody's face registered nothing but shock. "He was there!?" The lion took a deep breath, letting it out in a smokey rumble as he nodded. "He was there. It's not for me to say, but that boyfriend of yours, he's a little... Funny in the head, I guess you could say. You were saying he's one of those guys who likes us big folks, but truth is, I think there's a little more to it than that. We started hooking up, he asked me a bunch of questions about us predators' eating habits. All kinds of questions about how, when, why, you know, the whole mechanics of it. Wouldn't leave me alone about it, even when I told him to lay off." Cody started to shake. He felt numb. "So I decided to teach him a lesson. I thought it would be a lesson, anyway. I tell him fine, you bring someone over, I'll eat him. Right there, in front of him. I didn't really want to, but he kept pushing, and finally I figured either he'd get completely freaked out and take off, or he'd get his curiosity satisfied and that'd be the end of it. I sure as hell didn't expect him to like it." "So you... He brought Aaron over, and you-" He didn't want to know, but he couldn't stop himself. The conversation seemed on auto-pilot now. He wanted to scream, to get up and run around, anything but ask for the details he was, apparently, asking for. Richard cut him off with a grunt around the cigar, mid-inhale. "No, no. This was a few months ago by now. Some other guy, don't remember his name. Some fox? I don't remember his name." Cody looked like he was trying to crawl into himself. "Oh god... Stephen." Stephen had disappeared months ago. Just stopped coming to class one day. Cody and Stephen had also been friends; much closer and longer friends than he and Aaron, which is why the disappearance had been particularly confusing. They'd known each other since high school and were thrilled when they were both accepted to the same college, even caravaning to campus together that first fall. People dropped out of school suddenly all the time, sure, but Stephen hadn't even told his friends where he'd gone. The police even came around, asking questions while emphasizing they didn't have any evidence of foul play, reassuring him it was probably just that the fox had given into the wanderlust that youth were prone to and had gone backpacking in Europe or something. Cody had been skeptical, but nothing ever came of it; he'd heard Stephen's parents didn't even know what had happened. Richard's voice shocked him back. "Stephen! Yeah, that was him. Guess you knew him, too. Anyway, so I knock him back, kicking and screaming all the way, and all it seemed to do was drive that Keith of yours wild. He was a little surprised, sure, but I've never seen someone get as into it like that before. For me, it was just dinner, but for him, you'd think I'd pushed all his buttons at once. He was on me like white on rice..." He paused, showing something not quite like remorse. "Oh, sorry. You probably don't want to hear the details. He liked it, how's that?" Cody breathed, "...How many..." This couldn't be happening. He couldn't be having this conversation right now. It wasn't possible. Richard cocked his head. "How many what?" "How many people did he... And you..." "Eat? He didn't eat anyone, just watched. Me, I couldn't say. How many pieces of pizza did you eat in the past few months?" "How could you...? You can't just... Eat people." Cody's voice was barely above a whisper. The words sounded ridiculous even to him. Richard chuckled easily, abjectly horrifying in his nonchalance. "Apparently I can, since I do. You know the laws, or you should anyway. So long as it's for food, it's fair game. No pun intended." "I'm going to be sick," Cody gasped. He was pale, his paws shaking in his lap. "I'm going to be sick. How could Keith... He encouraged you?" "Practically every day. I'd have more of a gut than I already got if I did it every time he demanded it." He slapped his belly with another rueful chuckle. "You're lying. You have to be. Please... T-t-tell me you're lying." "Now think about that for a second. Why would I? You said yourself I'm not trying to steal him away. I'm not. And if you two had gone on to live a long, happy life together that'd have been just fine with me. I've got nothing to gain by making something like that up. Your boyfriend's got a thing for predators, son, and he came calling to me because that's exactly what I am. I think he liked the meals better than the sex." "But... Why didn't he tell me?" Cody's eyes had begun to water, his voice now a sobbing whimper. His stomach was in his throat, choking him. "Mmm. Probably because he figured you'd freak out, like I thought he was going to when he saw it. I don't mind saying, I used to think it was pretty messed up to get off on that kind of thing. For me, it used to be just a meal, maybe a little fun sometimes, but nothing to get off on if you know what I mean." He shrugged enormous shoulders. "He got me into it pretty good though, it'd been awhile since I'd had anything alive and kicking before that fox, and after the first few... Well, I'll be damned if I didn't get into it myself. Maybe not as much as he did, but I can see the appeal of it now, that's for sure." Cody sat there numbly. The sheer lunacy of this conversation was almost enough to make him laugh, the maniacal sensation pulsing through him, there and gone before he could react to it. His thoughts ran in tight little circles like a puppy chasing its tail, forever looping. The lion was lying. But why would he lie? He had not reason to lie, and the facts added up, all except the part about his friends being eaten, and Keith helping. So if he wasn't lying, then Keith had helped kill his friends. But Keith wouldn't do that, so Richard had to be lying! But why would he lie?  Richard's stomach rumbled.  Cody's mind continued for a few more iterations. The lion had no reason to lie, and the facts adde- His brain came to a halt, the feeling like hitting a mental brick wall. Widened eyes slowly refocused on Richard, who was sitting there leisurely, taking another slow draw on the cigar. The husky was suddenly very aware of just how much larger Richard was than he, and that he sat on the side of the couch farthest from the door to the kitchen. His thoughts suddenly came back into sharp focus, so keenly now that it hurt. The color drained from his face. "I... Shouldn't have come," Cody whispered. "You can say that again," Richard said simply. The husky's muzzle moved, lips forming words in soundless, half-started sentences that never made it as far as speaking. He was suddenly very cold now, fur standing on end and tail trying to tuck beneath his rear planted on the sofa. This must how a deer feels, he thought; staring into approaching headlights with all the comprehension necessary to take action but none of the ability to do so. "Are you... Going to..." His voice shook. Richard's great, shaggy head moved up and down once, slowly, in a speculative nod. "Yep. Afraid so." He picked up his beer and took a swallow; massive, stout neck rippling with the gulp. "Wh-" Cody's lips formed the first sound, but it died in his throat. He wasn't stupid. "Please... Please don't." "You know something," Richard said, pausing to puff on the cigar, then tapping it on the edge of a nearby ashtray. "My whole life, ever since I had my first meal - the living kind - I've never, ever told someone I was going to do it. Well, I guess that isn't entirely true, but that pizza boy, he doesn't really count. It never bothered me or anything, just... I don't know. I never really saw the point, figured it'd be more of a hassle to have to fight them over it. My dad used to say, surprise 'em and do it quick, that way you got 'em packed away before they know what hit them. No muss, no fuss." He gestured with the cigar. "You're the first one I've told. You mind my asking you what it's like?" Cody's arms had crept around his chest in a hug, gripping the opposite thin bicep through his hoodie tight enough to dig into the pelt. "I don't... Understand." Richard hesitated, thinking for a moment. "I just mean, what's it like to know you're gong to be a meal. Killed, I guess, if you want to be indelicate." The shaking that had faded a few minutes ago returned with a vengeance. "I'm going to be sick," Cody gasped. This wasn't happening. "Better to do it now than in my mouth, if you don't mind." Richard said easily. "Another reason not to tell you beforehand, I suppose. So that's all? Just nausea?" Cody shook his head slowly, face contorted with fear. "Please... Please don't eat me. I didn't... I'm sorry I yelled at you." Tears welled up in his eyes, one trickling down the side of his muzzle. "I just didn't know that he'd, and you..." "Don't worry about it. Really." Richard waved a paw bigger than the dog's head, dismissively. "Your boyfriend's been cheating on you, it's only natural for you to be pissed at the guy he's cheating on you with. And it's not like I can say I didn't know, pleading ignorance or anything. You had every right to chew me out." "B-but... But then, why, why me...?" Maybe he could negotiate his way out of this, he thought fleetingly. Richard shrugged. "Like I was saying before, you get hungry, you eat. I'm hungry, so I'm going to eat. As for why you..." He grunted. "I'd be lying if I said you were just another convenient meal. I told you Keith's helped me to, I guess you could say, enjoy it on another level nowadays. It's not just eating, it's the, mmm... Thrill of it. And you should take it as a sign of respect," he said, gesturing towards the terrified husky with his cigar. "Obviously I'm not going to now, but I was thinking about trying to convince you if you let me have a go at that pretty little backside of yours I'd let you go, then knocking you back afterwards before you'd come to your senses." He paused. "Don't suppose you'd let me anyway?" Cody sat there, wide-eyed, unresponsive. He couldn't think of what to say to that. He couldn't think of anything right now. Richard chuckled. "Yeah, I didn't think so. Too bad, now I'm wishing I had. Anyway, so why you?" He shifted in his seat, adjusting at his strained crotch absently. "I suppose it's because now I feel like I know you. Keith talks about you quite a bit, you know, and although it may surprise you to hear it, I've been enjoying our talk. When you showed up at the door, you were just talking meat. Now, well... Now you're a person. And if there's one thing Keith's taught me - besides the fact that he knows how to bitch more than anyone I've ever met - it's that this is going to be a hell of a lot more fun now that I have some idea of who you are. That you're anyone at all." Cody shook his head slowly, gaze fixed on Richard. "You... Really, I'm sorry, I am, I really am, please... You can't." He was operating on autopilot now, protesting still only because he didn't know what else to do. "Oh, I sure can." Richard looked at the stub of a cigar between his fingers briefly, then brought it down to the ashtray, stubbing it out with a stab and a few short twists. "In fact, I think-" Something snapped inside Cody. Before he even knew he was doing it he'd launched himself off the couch, muscles sore from being pinched in the same position for so long sending short electric lances of pain up his thighs as he dodged around the coffee table. Blunt claws dug into the carpet the moment he landed, propelling himself sideways - towards the surprised lion, but also the archway out of the living room and the welcoming, warm light from the kitchen on the other side. He'd shouted, or howled, or something - he wasn't sure what, only that he was making some noise while he bolted towards freedom. One step, another, and another, footpaw slipping briefly, a knee banging into the edge of the table and kicking his leg back, knocking him momentarily off-balance. But he was still moving, sprinting now on lithe, muscled legs faster than he ever had in his life. He wasn't looking at Richard, or anything else for that matter, too terrified to focus on anything but escaping the living room, knowing he'd be free just as soon as he- His forward motion came to an abrupt stop as the front of his hoodie bit into his neck so hard it snapped his head forward, a reflexive yelp sounding hoarse through the sudden constriction. Cutting through the panic was the realization that Richard had grabbed his hood or the back of the shirt, his feet sliding out from under him and sending him with painful bang to one knee. Struggling to get back to his feet he mindlessly kept trying to run, twisting and jerking his shoulders side to side in a vain attempt to free himself. Richard was saying something, some growled threat he didn't hear or care about; all that mattered was that he get away. When an arm, thick as his leg, looped around his neck and yanked him back he began to scream, flailing backwards with both arms spinning madly, connecting with dull thuds on packed muscle, the impacts feeling pathetic even to him.  He kept screaming, and swinging, paws going from fists to claws and trying to scratch at the lion's face as the world spun crazily around him. Still acting purely on instinct he dropped all the way to his knees, yanking himself bodily out of both the lion's embrace and his hoodie, yanking frantically on his arms to get them free of the sleeves and bunching his t-shirt underneath up under his armpits. But no sooner had he pulled one arm out, working on the other one, when Richard's arm looped back around his neck, much harder this time, and jerked him backwards; back over the arm of the chair and into the lion's lap and hard enough to almost knock the wind out of him. His legs kicked at the air, straining for purchase back on solid ground while Richard said something else, the sound a deeper rumble this time with his head squashed up against the expanse of tawny-furred chest now. "Whoa now, hold it there, hold up," Richard was saying amidst laughing exasperatedly. Like he was dealing with an unruly child throwing a temper tantrum. Cody could feel himself being manhandled, close enough now that his panicked thrashing had about as much effect as one. "NO! NO, LET ME GO!" he was shrieking at the top of his lungs. "LET ME GO LET ME GO! NO NO NO!" The words slurred into one long stream of nearly incomprehensible screaming, mirroring the thoughts that had similarly jumbled together in his brain; fight, flight, and most of all, terror all piling on top of each other. Cody found himself on his back, neck in the crook of Richard's elbow where he was pinched in place, staring up through blurred vision at the now-scowling lion. Richard's other arm was clamped down around his belly, pushing his lower back into Richard's crotch and leaving the dog's arms free for more ineffectual punching and clawing. One punch hit one finger-wide tooth, inflicting more damage on Cody as than the lion, blood spattering from a cut blotching the tawny fur on Richard's shirt. "Oh, for fuck's sake," Richard muttered under his breath, and as Cody's screaming reached a fever pitch he was surged upwards by the arm beneath his head, towards a maw that was suddenly yawning impossibly wide, drool coating broad white teeth that were bedded in pink flesh darkening to black towards the back of his maw. He could feel it, the hot snort of air expelled sharply, then the cooler inrush that made his ears flap as Richard inhaled. "NO-FUCK-NO-PLEASE-NO-PL-" His words were cut off as his head was pushed violently in between those gaping jaws, crammed to the back so fast he didn't have time to twist his muzzle to the side. All at once his skull was engulfed in sickeningly slimy, wet flesh that clamped down tight to pinch his muzzle shut when it speared into the black pit of the lion's throat. Only for a moment, though, as the opening sagged wide, giving space for his head to thrash, then sealed just as tight further back around his jawline. A writhing muscle pushed against his neck and chest; Richard's tongue as large as a dishtowel slapped against him and guided him back. With both his arms free, Cody still fought for all he was worth. He couldn't punch properly now (not that he could very well before) and he was reduced to alternately beating and grabbing at the sides of Richard's head, the former to try and force the lion to let him out, the latter to try and push himself free as if pulling a fleshy bucket off of his head. Neither worked, as he felt those paws around him shift their grip to around his chest, steadying his torso while the rest of him flailed.  He didn't know what to do. He couldn't breathe now, the lion's throat rippling around his head so hard it made his ears ring. That his struggling might be useless never even occurred to him; his instinctive brain just kept egging him on, refusing to give in to what was rapidly becoming an inescapable truth the longer it went on. He just needed a moment, he thought, a pause in this relentless hell to plan a strategy, grab onto something, anything. His feet still kicked, connecting with what felt like the edge of the coffee table as a sharp sting shot up his leg, numbing it for a moment. Outside the suffocating prison of Richard's throat, the lion shifted his grip again, this time taking ahold of Cody's arms and yanking them off his face as he chomped down, sinking his teeth partway into the husky's chest and lower back. Blood trickled from the wounds and dribbled off his chin, but the desired effect - to hold the thrashing dog in place for a moment - was all that mattered as he pinned the flailing arms to the husky's thin sides. It narrowed the shoulders enough for him to chomp forward again, swallowing at the same time to engulf them in his muzzle, the shifting, squirming bulge that demarcated Cody's head moving further down his gullet. Inside, the sounds of Cody's struggles were replaced by moist stomach noises, saliva squelching past his head and keeping the rippling tube wet and squeezing around him. More dimly he could hear other sounds; the thudding of a heartbeat, muffled growling, and obscenely real squelches and squishes of a living body as heard from the inside with horrifying clarity. He knew he was still screaming, his throat ragged with it, although what little breath he could draw was stiflingly hot and filled his mouth with saliva he coughed back out as best he could. But he couldn't hear himself, flesh sealed tight around his ears in a wet embrace. Nor could he make out distinct inward motion any longer as it felt like everything around him was constantly undulating; it was only because he could feel sharp teeth scraping over his belly and spine that he knew he was still... Sinking.  Wet, rubbery lips slid past his fingers, hands slipping into the same oppressive damp heat in which the rest of his upper body was enveloped. He was dizzy now, punch-drunk on terror and lack of air. His head pounded, or maybe it was Richard's heart or bloodstream, he didn't know. He could barely move save for his legs kicking at nothing; he didn't even know if Richard was holding onto him anymore. Somehow he knew the progress was faster now, every rippling swallow jerking his whole body downwards in a sickening jolt, hips squeezed alarmingly rapidly into the tunnel. This can't be happening this can't be happening this can't be happening kept replaying frantically in Cody's head, as if trying to convince him that reality wasn't. He had plans later tonight! He was supposed to go to work tomorrow! He was still alive, he was aware, how could it possibly be- His head was pushed against something firm but yielding, molding itself around his skull. There's was a momentary pause, then a popping sensation and suddenly his head was in a larger space, pitch black and choking him on acidic air when he tried to gasp. His shoulders hitched against the opening next, before pushing through as well, bringing with them a small sluice of saliva that had been backed up behind the plug of them. Further he descended, his face almost immediately pushing into more slimy flesh, but flesh that wasn't packed with muscle behind, forming a kind of tightening sac around him as more of his body was packed into the cavern.  His next kick banged painfully off something hard; outside, Richard's lower jaw snapped down briefly and brought an annoyed snap around the dog's ankles. His next attempt at a kick was just a squirm, so he bent his knees to try and brace himself, to halt or at least slow the inexorable descent into what he now understood was the lion's gut. The slimy muscle that had been dragging a trail down his body slithered around his feet as the last cool sensation he could feel disappeared. Richard's lips and jaws snapped closed with a wet clop, his cheeks bulging faintly with the meal inside. A heavy swallow, then another one, took care of that. What had been a larger cavity was now stuffed full of wailing canine, whose thrashing finishing the job that Richard's throat had started dragging Cody's legs into the cramped gut with the rest of him. He was curled half into a ball, one arm wedged behind him and his head at a sharp sideways angle; no amount of squirming would free it. Was he upside-down? Did it matter? Yes, it mattered, the way out was where his feet just squeezed through! He had to get his arms free, there was no way he could escape without finding it! Gurgling sounds he hadn't noticed before were louder now, then louder still as he felt a searing hot wetness begin to seep into the crevices between his limbs and the stomach walls; he could feel it creeping along his neck, into his ears, towards his muzzle. He tried to twist again, immobilized despite how slippery everything was, and his next gasp for breath brought fluid instead of air, fluid he coughed back out as it began to burn the sensitive flesh of his mouth.No, not burn. Digest.

His incoherent scream was nothing but a sputtering gurgle muffled to silence by hundreds of pounds of hungry feline. For the husky rational thought was rapidly giving way to asphyxiating dementia as more liquid pooled around his gaping mouth, no amount of yawning and flexing his jaw like a fish trying to survive out of water enough to clear it. His eyes burned, his mouth stung; more of the liquid spilled down his throat when he had no breath left with which to cough. What was going on? Where was he? Why couldn't he breathe? If now all he only could  th e ak eh g-

Long before the thrashing in his belly had begun to fade, Richard had unbuckled his belt, the sheer weight of his gut finishing the job and popping open the buttons on the fly of his jeans. He wasn't surprised by the thick swell of his erection that flopped out, gathering it up in one paw while wiping off his muzzle with the back of the other; he'd been hard throughout. The fight had been more work than he'd expected... But more exciting, too. Almost thrilling.  With a grumble, Richard only now noticed the (thankfully) empty beer bottle that Cody's flailing had knocked to the floor. He didn't bother to try and pick it up, nor did he bother to stuff his erection back into his fly as he groaned to his feet, pushing himself up off the couch. A slight cramp on the way down the hall made it obvious that the meal - Cody - hadn't quite given up yet, although it didn't last - by the time he'd made his way into the kitchen, grabbed the another bottle, and headed back down the hallway to lower himself back into the easy chair, any sensation of motion in his gut was long gone. Replacing it was a quiet gurgling he'd long since come to associate with relaxed, sleepy satisfaction. And, more recently, being horny as hell. "Probably should've fucked you first," he muttered to his stomach, and belched under his breath. Flipping on the TV, he rested a paw on his churning belly.

He figured it'd be about three days, at most, before there was another knock on his door. Well, doorbell anyway.

"Message, one. Sent, Thursday, December eighth at, seven, forty eight, pm. Hi hon. I'm sorry I was so such a prick today, I'm just... Something really bad happened, and I haven't been able to talk about it. I promise I will soon. Can you pick up some coke on the way home from wherever you went? We're out." "Message, two. Sent, Thursday, December eighth at, ten, oh six, pm. Hi, it's me again. Don't worry about picking up the soda, I didn't want to wait, so went to the 7-11 and got some. Call me when you get this." "Message, three. Sent, Thursday, December ninth at, one, sixteen, am. Cody? Are you going to come home tonight? I ordered some pizza, there's some left in the fridge if you want some. I have class in the morning. I'm going to try to go this time, so I'm going to bed. I know you're probably still mad at me, but call me or wake me up when you get home, ok? I'm worried." "Message, four. Sent, Thursday, December ninth at, eight, ten, am. Fine. If you don't want to talk I can't make you, but don't just ignore me. I'm going to see you in Econ at ten anyway, so I don't know what not taking my calls is supposed to accomplish. You don't have to be an asshole about it." "Message, five. Sent, Thursday, December ninth at, twelve, fifty two, pm. Cody? Please don't do this. Just call me and let me know you're ok. Please?" CHAPTER 6 Predators were the easiest ones to fool and the hardest to eat, he mused to himself as he scarfed down the kicking, struggling form of his now - or soon to be - former neighbor. Prey species were difficult to corner, being naturally skittish. Fully aware of the risks of being a potential meal in a world where as much as a quarter of the population could make such out of them would put anyone on the defensive quickly. They tended to stay together in their neighborhoods and work, preferring a life where potential threats are identified by species alone rather than having to gauge the intent of a member of that predatory quarter, and in general, as much as possible avoided putting themselves in situations where escape was impossible. Predator species of any size were a different matter entirely. Of course some of the smaller ones kept to themselves, even living amongst the prey species who knew they were couldn't inflict serious damage - if, say, a skinny little Margay got any ideas about indulging his animalistic side there were any number of nominally prey species that could make quick work of him, technically a predator or no. But it was almost shocking how many of the rest considered themselves immune from any real threat simply by virtue of being meat-eaters. The reasons varied. Some of them seemed to consider it a kind of natural professional courtesy or respect. Some probably thought they could handle themselves against anything - even if some of those anythings might be twice as tall and weigh in at four times heavier. And some of them were likely just flat-out stupid, having made it this far in life (however far that was) without meeting their fate between the jaws of something bigger than them and assuming that meant they were safe forever.  Richard wasn't quite sure where the Okekes - it had taken some time for him to learn how to pronounce their last name correctly - fell on that spectrum, but if he had to guess it was a combination of the first (professional courtesy) and the fourth (stupidity, or maybe better to call it complacency). Both genets who barely scraped five-foot-five at the tops of their ears, they nevertheless took up residence in an apartment complex mostly inhabited by species significantly larger than themselves. Without wanting to arouse suspicion Richard had never asked why, and they'd never volunteered, but they'd been there since before Richard moved in years ago and seemed perfectly happy amongst the (much) larger predators. In fact, Amadi - Mister Okeke - had introduced himself to Richard while the lion was still moving in, offering - jokingly - to help him haul in the lion's enormous furniture and furnishings. It was a few days later that he got to meet Missus Okeke, Marjani, in the laundry room when she'd borrowed some quarter from him. She'd joked that she wouldn't need as many as a larger predator's because their clothes were so much smaller, Richard recalled. Their interaction had been sparse as neighbors in the years since and mostly consisted of discussing the weather, the terrible problem of parking in the apartment complex, and whether or not traffic would be bad that day. That had all changed in the last two months, starting when Richard invited them both over for dinner and drinks one night, an invitation to which Marjani had readily agreed to on both their behalf. The night had gone well, the three had parted on pleasant terms, and after that something more like friendship built between them. RIchard had learned they both moved from their native country - Africa - to the US to avoid persecution they faced as a result of their marriage. Tribal customs were still strong there even in the more cosmopolitan cities, and the clans they'd each come from had been at odds for decades. It was practically a textbook Hatfields-and-McCoys kind of situation, with the two extended families sharing a common border, language, and unbridled hatred for one another. In that environment it was a wonder Amadi and Marjani's relationship had started at all, let alone getting to the point of matrimony. A matrimony both sides violently disagreed with, driving them out of their town and, eventually, from their country. Both of them came from sufficiently affluent and educated families to migrate without too much fuss. Marjani had been a doctor in her town and was slowly working her way through certification to do the same in her new country, while Amadi supported them both through an export brokerage business he'd started in Africa and continued quite successfully now from the other side of the ocean. Richard had asked why, if things were going so well, they stayed in an apartment complex more popular with blue-collar workers Amadi had laughed and said nobody got successful spending money they didn't need to spend - no offense, of course, to Richard's financially requisite reasons for making his home there. None taken, Richard had said. Visits to each other's apartment were a regular event after that, usually a couple of times a week for dinner, movies, or sometimes just conversation. Amadi was fascinated with Richard's job, despite his trying to explain to him that being a foreman wasn't really didn't mean being in charge so much as it meant being something of a goat-herder - a figurative expression he hadn't meant to be taken literally until Marjani had explained that, as it turned out, the comparison was surprisingly apt ("But I bet the goats are less willful than your charges," she'd said).  They wanted kids but hadn't started trying yet. Marjani was afraid all the work for certification was making her fat since she couldn't eat right. Amadi thought she worried too much, and was grateful they could even afford to live in the US with only one of them working. Richard was impressed, too - he said as much to Marjani the night before, shortly before hefting her up, smiling into her bewildered and frightened expression, and swallowed her as easily as she might have swallowed a goldfish. Only, of course, with a significantly longer and more violent struggle in his belly before she'd settled down. It was only after the deed was done that he realized he'd been biding his time, even if he hadn't been consciously aware of it. He'd decided weeks ago that devouring each of them one at a time would be less of a fuss than trying to do both at once, and anyway he was already being a bit cavalier about the whole thing by dining on neighbors. There was no need to complicate things by multiplying the challenge. Said challenge was, of course, finding an opportunity to get them apart long enough that he wouldn't have to pack them both away in short order.  The opportunity had come in the form of Marjani visiting him one Sunday afternoon, knocking on Richard's door and asking if she could come in for awhile. You see, she explained, she was just returning from a conference from out of town and was planning on surprising Amadi that evening with her day-early return. When she'd checked the apartment upon arriving home she found him already gone running errands and, not wanting to ruin the surprise with just a text or phone call, asked if she could spend a few hours with Richard until her husband was home. Of course, had said Richard. He'd spent an hour chatting pleasantries with her, hoping - but not really caring - she didn't notice his slavering. His stomach even rumbled once, eliciting a laugh from Marjani and a promise to bring by leftovers from one of her special meat dishes later (she usually made extra). Eventually he got tired of waiting, offered to show her something or other in the kitchen, and grabbed her once she'd stood up. After that it was, as they say, all over except for the screaming. Monday had come to find Richard glad he'd otherwise fasted - unintentionally, he just had never gotten around to eating before 'lunch' and hadn't had anything after. The bulge in his belly that had been Missus Okeke was mostly gone, and by midmorning his stomach was back to protesting its emptiness. He skipped lunch, opting to work right through it, and returned home from the job site with an appetite at least equal to yesterday's. He didn't bother to even head home first, pulling into his parking spot and heading straight to the Okekes, wondering how he'd be greeted. He was pleased to find no evidence of consternation from Amadi when the genet answered the door, tail lowered and quiescent, ears perked, friendly smile on his muzzle. That smile began to fade when Richard had come in and they had a chance to talk, Amadi explaining that Marjani would be returning from a work trip soon and Richard explaining to him that no, she would not. Richard had to repeat himself a half-dozen times before the shaking genet understood that he wasn't joking, and that Marjani had spent the last terrifying moments of her life suffocating in the lion's gut. Amadi had flung himself at him then, with a fury that even took Richard aback. He wasn't concerned of course - if anything, it made the subsequent effort easier since he didn't have to chase the wailing feline down. Claws as useless as pine needles pricked at his arms while he clomped his muzzle over gnashing teeth and untranslatable cries, fury pivoting to panic by the time he'd gulped down Amadi's shoulders. This one he savored, pausing between gulps to feel the wriggling and twisting prey uselessly trying to escape his muzzle, since he'd regretted not doing it with Marjani yesterday. Meals this small were still something of a novelty to him, and it was pleasant not to have to hurry. Of course, it meant the 'afterglow' didn't last as long - he'd barely slurped his tongue around the feline's feet before he went still - but the act itself was exhilarating.

Richard lumbered home shortly after the meal was finished, having no reason to linger. He knew better than to help himself to any of the late Okeke's possessions - theft could be used as evidence that they'd been devoured for reasons other than simply being food. Not that he expected a visit from law enforcement or anyone else: whenever the pair were noticed missing it would be noted that they chose to live somewhere that carried the risk of exactly this happening, a cursory check would be made to ensure it hadn't included anything illegal like robbery, and that would be - was - it for Mister and Missus Okeke.

A knock came from the half-open door, a moment before it was pushed open. "Professor Duchesne? Are you here?" "Yes Keith, come in, come in." The bespectacled tiger, all eight-plus feet of him, was sitting in his cluttered university office behind a desk piled high with papers and in front of bookshelves with papers piled higher still. He wore slacks, a button-up white shirt complete with bow tie, and his tweed jacket hung on a hanger on a coat rack next to the door Keith was peering in through. On the desk was an etched red plastic nameplate that read "Dr. Elliott Duchesne, Professor of Predator/Prey Sociology". Half of it was obscured under loose leaves of paper. "I'm sorry to bother you." The diminutive shiba inu entered the cloistered office hesitantly, pushing the door shut behind him and making sure it latched before turning to the feline. "Do you have a few minutes?" "Of course, my boy, have a seat," Elliott said, glancing at the clock. "It is technically office hours, after all, for at least a few more minutes. But I don't recall you making an appointment..." "I didn't." Keith said, sitting in one of the oversized wooden chairs and putting his heels on the rung between the front legs while his tail pushed through the slats in the back. "I wasn't sure... Just, since I'm not your student anymore, I wasn't sure if I could." Elliott smiled, leaning back and clasping his paws over his belly. "I consider anyone who's ever been in my class to be my student, Keith. Even if it took a bit of effort for them to pass. Classes going well?" Keith nodded, looking off to the side, at his sneakers, then finally at the tiger. "Yeah. I had a hard time in Economics this last quarter, but Professor Dooley was really understanding. I needed to do some... Extra credit, but it helped." Keith had been Professor Duchesne's student his freshman year in college, in Sociology 101. The class focused mainly on the issues governing predator/prey relationships and their evolution from lawlessness, to legal pressure being brought to bear as a result of some high-profile events involving unwilling meals, and the backpressure by those who rejected fully the very idea of morality in such matters. Many larger species simply didn't feel the need to stop doing what they'd been doing for decades, preying on anything smaller and weaker,  and saw any attempts to do so to be infringement on the natural order of the world. Arguments had gone back and forth for decades, each side claiming the moral high ground with little progress being made past where they were today: Food was food so long as it was only food. It varied a little by state, but even in the most progressive parts of the country it was astonishing what predators could get away with so long as they took no overt satisfaction in it. "Glad to hear it, yes, quite glad indeed. Dooley's spoken quite highly of you, he said you've applied yourself admirably." He picked up a coffee mug, took a sip, and made a face at how tepid it was. Keith smiled wanly. "I was hoping I could talk to you about... Not school," Keith said hesitantly. "But I don't want to bother you..." "Not at all. Grading papers can wait, or at least I can assign my TA to work on them. What can I do for you?" He took another sip of the coffee. It was better than nothing. Keith was staring at his feet again, paws clasping and unclasping in his lap. "I don't know how to explain this," he started, and fell silent. When he started again his voice shook. "Remember a few months ago, back in October, when I didn't come to class for a few weeks?" "I haven't been your teacher for nearly a full year, Keith," Elliott said patiently. "Oh. Yeah, I guess that's right." Fingers entwined around each other, clenched, and let go. "I took some time... I was having some problems with my b-b-boyfriend." Then he looked up, abruptly chastened. "I'm gay. I should have said." Elliott chuckled. "I gathered as much when you propositioned me, Keith. Or had you forgotten?" The shiba's ears went back and his ears blushed pink. "Oh... Yeah. I thought maybe you thought I was, ah, doing that just for a grade." "You were," the tiger said with a reassuring smile. "But it was flattering nonetheless. I can't imagine you're here simply to come out to me, though. If you are you're doing it in quite the wrong order. Typically the seduction comes after." Keith didn't smile, or even look like he wanted to. "Yeah. No." Then, "This is hard." "Take your time." Keith did, while the tiger simply watched him. When he finally did speak it all came spilling out: A lion named Richard, a boyfriend named Cody, a casual friend named Aaron, and things much worse. Infidelity, followed by murder, followed by betrayal all the more horrifying given the circumstances of it all. Strangers brought to the house for the purposes of being devoured, with Keith forced to witness it all. By the end of it the shiba's eyes were watering and his nose ran, prompting Elliott to hand him a box of tissues, frowning. "I don't know," Keith started before his voice quavered and caught again, sniffling before he continued. "I can't prove that he did anything to C-c-cody, but I know, I know he did. I tried to talk to the police but they said they didn't have any leads or even any information about foul play. When I tried to explain to them about Richard they told me they couldn't do anything, even when I... I told them everything I knew. They just didn't care." The last word came out as a wail. "I see," Elliott said, no longer sitting so casually in his chair. "That all sounds terrible, I'm so sorry Keith. But... And I don't mean to be indelicate, but are you sure what happened to Cody is what happened to the... Others?" Keith nodded, wiping at his eyes with the back of one fist. "I know he did. I knew... I know, Richard, and if he got ahold of Cody, he'd... Oh Professor, I never should have done those things, I know I shouldn't have, but I didn't realize... He's dead. I know he is. Just like Aaron and all the others. He did it, he fucking ate them." "But if you and he - this lion, I mean, Richard - were lovers, why would he have tracked down your friends? You say he started with others you knew, this... Stephen? Do you believe he was stalking you?" Keith swallowed hard, giving Elliott a glance before sniffling. "I don't... He must have been. He only told me after, after Aaron, that he'd... I thought Stephen had just left school." Elliott looked astonished. "And the others? The ones you didn't know personally? Why would he tell you about these things? Why didn't you leave?" Keith's voice dropped to a whisper. "I thought... Maybe he was joking. I'd always been curious, and he... He made me watch, Professor. He told me if I ever told anyone I'd be next. I begged him not to, every time I begged him, but he just laughed at me. He told me I was a predator and I should act like one. Like he was. He threatened my friends..." "More than threatened, it sounds like. Oh, I'm sorry, Keith." The shiba was crying again, rubbing at his face to mash at the tears. "I shouldn't have said that. But you're describing it as threats, when it's clear he was making good on at least some of them." Keith nodded. "After Aaron, I... I told him I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't care what he did to me, I couldn't be a part of... What he was doing. I didn't think he'd let me leave. If he hadn't just... Done what he did to Aaron I don't think he would have. Then when he didn't come after me later I thought I'd gotten away, but then Cody didn't come home one night, or the next night, and..." Elliott held up a paw. "There's no need to go into the details again, Keith. I understand. I am so sorry you had to go through... Are going through that. What can I do? I want to help, but I don't know if I can. If what you say is true, that this all happened months ago, and the authorities weren't any help, what can I do? Besides being an ear, which I'm of course happy to provide. But perhaps you might want to speak to a counselor..." He let the sentence dangle. The shiba nodded, shifted in his seat, then shifted again when his tail caught to free it. "I have, a couple of times. I know you're not one, but I want..." He blew his nose, wiping it. "I remember your classes, when you talked about predator and prey relationships, and how backwards all the laws are around this. I even read your paper, that... Friend, thing-" "Friend-of-the-court brief?" Keith nodded. "The case of that fox'taur and the stoat family..." It had been a particularly heinous not-crime. In broad daylight a fox'taur had set upon an entirely family of ermines out for a day of picnicking, in a city park, during a warm fall afternoon. Father and mother he'd devoured first, and when the children tried to get away, he'd chased them down and finished them off while horrified onlookers watched and tried to stop him. The 'taur was charged with assault, murder, disturbing the peace, whatever the prey species prosecutor (a deer?) could throw at him. It had turned into a media circus, and ended with the full acquittal - despite Elliott's impassioned brief on the archaic brutality of the laws governing predator-on-prey (or other predator) crimes, and had reaffirmed the legality of such things, regardless of the exigent circumstances.  Elliott frowned and nodded. "An appalling thing, yes. I'm sorry I couldn't do more." "You tried," Keith said. "I didn't really understand why it was so important at the time, but now I do. And I know you can't... Change things, even if you think  it's wrong, too." "You're right, I can't," Elliott said. "But I thought..." Keith took a deep breath, let it out, and sat up straighter in his chair. "I have to know, Professor. I have to... Tell him I know, and that it's wrong. It won't bring Cody back, but maybe if he understands what it did to me he'll stop. Maybe he'll tell other predators, and maybe they'll stop too." Elliott regarded him for a few moments. "Keith, I'm not sure that's such a good idea," he said eventually. "That's why I'm here!" Keith protested. "If I talked to him alone I'm afraid of what would happen. But if you went with me, and we talked to him somewhere public, he couldn't do anything. Maybe you could talk to him too..." The tiger sat back in his chair again, taking off his spectacles and rubbing the bridge of his muzzle. "Perhaps the authorities-" "I just told you, they won't help!" Keith interrupted in an almost-shout. "If they didn't help me before why would they now? Professor, if I see him again and I'm alone I'm dead. You know that. He might be stalking me right now! He seemed to... Like that, after awhile. Getting to know people first, before he..." He swallowed and sniffed again. "I have to talk to him Professor, I have to. Otherwise Cody died for nothing." "I see." Elliott looked at Keith for long moments, thinking, considering. Keith met his gaze with watery eyes, beseeching, desperate. Finally, he heaved a sigh. "If you feel this is important closure for you, and I can't convince you otherwise... I'm afraid I have little choice but to agree." Keith almost jumped out of his chair, smiling for the first time since he'd come into the office. "Oh, thank you Professor!  The tiger perched his spectacles back on his muzzle bridge, harumphing. "I still believe this to be ill-advised, but you seem set on it, and I can certainly understand why. Now, what is it you propose we do?" Keith looked baffled. "Like I said... Talk to him, and stuff." Elliott nodded, steepling his fingers on the desk. "Agreeing in principle isn't the same thing as having a plan, Keith. You said you'd like to speak to him somewhere public, which I agree would be safest. Do you have any suggestions as to where? Will you call him and invite him?" The shiba inu was back in a frown, sinking back into his chair. "I don't want to call him," he said, sullenly. "Maybe we could... Hey!" "Hmm?" Elliott asked distractedly. "He works, like, construction or something. Couldn't we go to where he works?" "If you know where that is it's certainly a possibility. Do you?" "No," Keith said doubtfully. "I mean... I could probably find out, I guess. I know the company he works for, I think."

"That's certainly a start." Elliott tapped his mouse to wake up his machine, opening a web browser. "Let's get started, then."

"Oh! Mmff, wait... Yeah, don't stop, I- Ow! Wait!" But Richard didn't wait, ramming another six, another eight inches into the fox's upturned rump. Kip was on his back, knees splayed wide as a gymnast's around the lion's driving hips, one arm clutching at Richard's wrist and the other on his lower stomach to feel the the cock inside him moving up and down. Lifting his head, he could see it, an obscene lump sliding beneath the taut outline of his belly, until it rammed in so hard he saw stars and flopped back against the bed. He'd met Richard a week ago from a personals posting, one promising a mind-blowing experience for any small guy willing to try and take him on. Kip had dialed nine of the ten digits multiple times before finally getting up the guts to actually call him, and even then he'd canceled on their first 'date' out of sheer anxiety. When he finally did summon the courage to meet Kip had been awe-struck, staring up at the towering lion (and not-so-up at the lion's jeans and sagging crotch) and having to try to get any words of greeting out.  They'd met at a park, talked, flirted, and eventually ended up in Richard's truck with Kip's muzzle in the lion's musky lap and worshipping his enormous dick, kissing and licking along it since once it was hard that was all he could do without more private circumstances - and a whole lot of lube. It had finished with Richard beating off into Kip's mouth, mashing his muzzle to the swollen glans and firing so much spunk down the fox's throat he'd thought he almost choked on it. Did choke on it, but gulped it down anyway. That was two days ago. Today, Kip had skipped school and texted Richard when his parents left for work, inviting him over for the afternoon with promises of more than just a tongue. The lion had come over within an hour and had to duck his head to even make it in the front door, towering over everything in the house while still managing that feline grace all the way to Kip's bedroom. There, after breaking himself in some while on a few toys he had stashed away while Richard watched, he climbed into the lion's lap, lifted his tail, and took the biggest live cock he'd taken in his life in his overstretched asshole. Richard hadn't been satisfied being ridden, though, and soon enough he had Kip on his back, thighs clenched into two gigantic fists, kneeling at the edge of the bed and still tall enough to drill him into the mattress. With a growl from the lion and a strangled cry from the fox the heavy balls mashed up between his cheeks and the last glorious inch of Richard's cock embedded himself in Kip's bowels. "Can't believe you took the whole thing," Richard rumbled as he began thrusting again, having to hold Kip to the bed now to overcome the sheer friction of flesh-in-flesh.  Kip could only whimper. He was no stranger to a cock up his ass, being a regular in the locker room after class from the first moment he set foot in high school. Two months in to his sophomore  year and he was already known for being the easiest slut around, something he wore as a badge of honor so much that the other kids had given up on teasing him about it - and more than a few taking advantage of it. But even the horse - a senior - that had hammered him in his freshman year had nothing on the hulking lion's equipment, rammed like a wrecking ball up into him. His whole world was the heaving golden expanse of the lion's chest in front of his face and the oversized tool lodged so far up inside him it left him gasping for breath. He came without ever even getting hard, semen forced from the battering of his prostate onto his hunched belly and pattering into his face - he opened his mouth to catch some, tasting salt. Still the bicep-thick (!) length of cock was sawing in and out of him, full strokes now, pulling out until he felt the glans tugging at his ass and ramming back in until the lump in his belly stopped somewhere around his ribcage, so bruisingly hard he wondered dimly if there was any serious damage being done. He didn't even care if it was. Richard buried himself to the balls and stopped again, deep, so deep, Kip's back arching and his toes curling, tail lashing beneath him. "Hey," Richard said, and when Kip didn't reply he said it louder. "Hey." Through watery eyes Kip looked at him, lifting his head and blinking. He'd been so caught up in the afterglow-slash-continuation of his orgasm that he hadn't heard him the first time. "Sorry... Did.. Did I do something wrong, sir?" "Nah." Richard rolled his hips, thrust shallowly. Kip gasped. "I'm gonna eat you." Kip barked out a weak laugh. "You kind of a-a-already are," he wheezed, rolling his own hips even though it hurt. In a good way, an ache that he felt all over his whole body. "I'm serious," Richard said, in an offhanded tone. "When I'm done fucking you, I'm going to eat you." Kip blinked, uncomprehending. "Didn't you hear me?" That ache didn't feel so good anymore, and his orgasm was long gone. "What?" "Jesus, kids these days just don't know how to listen. Which part did you not understand?" "Don't joke," Kip said uncomfortably, trying to inch his way back. It didn't help - between the lion's grip around his thighs and the cock impaling his ass he couldn't do more than squirm. Fear started to gnaw at his belly. The lion was huge everywhere, and those jaws so large... "I'm not joking," Richard growled, and began thrusting again, slowly at first but building back up to the rhythm - and the depth - as before. "I was going to the other day, but I wanted to see if you were telling the truth about how much cock you can take." He grinned cruelly. "I'm glad you were. I haven't had tail like yours in a long time." Kip whimpered, trying harder to squirm away. "You're scaring me." He knew the struggling wouldn't help, but he was hoping Richard would get the hint and stop. "I just wanted to feel what it was like-" "...To get fucked by a guy as big as me. I know." Richard let go of one thigh and planted a paw on Kip's face, mashing him to the bed and pushing a thumb into his parted muzzle. It was huge, bigger than a normal-sized fur's cock, and it silenced whatever he was going to say. Another hard jab of the lion's hips and Kip cried out around it, as much as he could anyway. He was struggling harder now and tried to bite down, but all his teeth found were callous and claw, what pressure he could muster blunted by the fur. The thumb pushed deeper, into his throat, and Kip gagged on it. "Now you know. Hope it was worth it." Dawning horror became terror as the lion's great, shaggy expression betrayed no hint of humor, lips drawing back to show great, spit-slicked fangs in a feral grin that made Kip's blood run cold. The great black spike punching into his guts felt like it was ticking away a countdown timer, all pleasure associated with it gone the more he was forced to stare at those slavering jaws. All at once he tried to spit out the thumb in his mouth, kick the beast off of him, scream, anything - and found it uniformly futile, and anyway he couldn't keep it up for long, not with the relentless piston inside him dictating his breath. Wide, terrified eyes stared into hungry, predatory ones. Kip could feel the orgasm approaching, the way the lion's cock got stiffer inside him and the head bloated, his insides alternately sucked and surging around it with the presssure. Richard's paw pushed down, dragging the fox's muzzle to the side with the claw digging into the soft part of his jaw until he tasted copper when he tried - and failed - to jerk his head away. Down came that huge head, Kip crying out muffledly in a pitched scream, squinting his eyes shut when a long tongue as broad as his neck dragged over his cheek, leaving a slimy trail of spit in its wake. Hot and fetid breath washed over his face, and when he opened one eye - unwillingly - he saw a black pit yawning over him. He tried to scream again, and failed. The lion's climax was worse than violent, a rough spear to his insides so hard he felt his stomach heave and a blossom of dull agony growing as it felt like something gave way. Kip yanked his head side to side, heedless of the tearing at his cheek, and coughed wetly when the first soaking gush of semen fired up into him. Somewhere Richard was snarling and he was squealing through his nose and his belly swelled, from a distinct bulge where the cockhead was to a distended hump, sloshing and swaying back and forth under the continued onslaught. I don't want this anymore please stop no please stop was all he could think. Richard didn't. Collapsing down atop the terrified fox he finally pulled his thumb free, giving Kip a moment's inhale in preparation of screaming before the lion's weight settled down onto him, belly to chest and chest to head, where Kip could hear the thundering heartbeat behind a ribcage as wide as any he'd ever seen. He kicked weakly, tried to squirm away again and gasped in pain when it swirled the invading pillar of flesh still pumping semen into him. It hurt, that much liquid inside him, even when Richard dragged his cock halfway out and just laid there, sputtering the last of his balls' contents into him. He wondered, dimly, if he was going to suffocate like this, smothered to death before the lion could do anything worse. The weight slowly lifted off of him when Richard planted his paws on either side of his head and straightened up, lifting like the sail of some great ship to loom over him, huge and terrible. Kip was whimpering piteously, for what had happened, for what was happening, and for what Richard said was going to happen. "Please," Kip gasped when he could find breath again. He coughed, tasted blood, and hoped it was just from the cuts in his muzzle. His ears were flat back against his skull. "Please, don't..." "Don't what?" Richard was still fucking him lazily, even those short and shallow thrusts enough to make him heave again. Warm wetness spilled from his ass, drooling down to soak the base of his tail. His grin was wide and terrible. "Please d-d-don't," was all he could manage. He couldn't bring himself to say the words, terrified it would make them real. "Don't pull out? Don't tell your parents?" He reached down, planted a paw on the bulging belly, and pushed. Kip groaned as more thick spunk was forced out of him, like water from an overfilled balloon. "You're going to have to be specific." "P-please don't kill me," he breathed, feeling a shudder go through him as he said it. "I'll do anything, anything you want." Every word he had to take a breath to get out, every breath so shallow he could barely say them. "I just wanted to have sex with you..." "You did," Richard said with a leer... And drew his hips back, unreeling so much turgid flesh from his asshole that it felt like half his insides came with it. Semen gushed onto the floor. Mom's going to kill me when she finds that, he thought ludicrously. "But I'll make a deal with you." A faint glimmer of hope, all the dimmer with the pain still suffusing his midsection. "...anything! I'll do anything!" Richard stood up and took him by the shoulders, yanking him upright. His entire body protested in every possible way, from the ache to the lancing pain. His ass felt slack, loose, and ruined. The paws stayed on his shoulders, and he was looking up at the terrible visage and trying not to pee himself. "You start jerking off," Richard said almost amiably, only a hint of panting belying his recent brutal orgasm. "And I'm going to start swallowing. If you can get off before I've got you packed away down here..." He patted his belly, huge and rippling. "I'll spit you back out again. Otherwise, well... You were a good fuck, kid, but you're going to make a better meal. How's that sound?" "What? I don't-" But that was as far as he got before those paws lifted up, Richard's head descended, and he got one mewling, wheezing scream out before the lips closed around his head to seal him in wet darkness. His head fit so easily between those gigantic jaws, everything inside wet and rippling and suffocating, tongue slopping over his chin. It wasn't until the first swallow that Kip's paws flew to his crotch and he fumbled for his flaccid sheath, slimy with cum that wasn't his, at least, not most of it. That swallow pulled his head into the abruptly loose throat a moment before it sealed back down again, pinching his ears to his head and straightening his muzzle like an arrow pointing to the feline's gullet. Summoning every bit of courage and concentration he could, the fox tried to remember the thrill of chatting with the lion through email, meeting him for the first time, getting a first look at that immense dick and a first taste... He began to stiffen. Another swallow pulled him in to the shoulders and he screamed again, expelling what little breath he had left in his lungs. When he tried to suck in another one he got nothing but a mouthful of spit burbling through lips barely spread and clogging his nose. The way his cock got hard like a huge rubber hose filling, the way his cum tasted, feel of his paws on him, the thrill of taking those first few inches.  Kip's slim little  paw slipped off his cock with the next swallow and he spasmed violently, trying to grab it again, missed, tried again, and just managed to get his fist wrapped around it. It was soft again and his fingers pinched and pulled, trying to coax out an erection that just wouldn't come as he felt himself being swung into the air, upright, legs kicking and flailing. No, please, no. Head throbbing with lack of oxygen and his head trapped in a fleshy, undulating tube of rippling muscles, the fox never even thought to try and stop struggling. Panic kept him from thinking straight, or maybe it was he couldn't breathe, but he just needed to keep trying, come on, try, maybe just a little lo- By the time Richard was slurping down Kip's feet and tail the struggling had long since stopped, the young vulpine a leaden weight in his throat and belly. The youth was small enough that it took only a few quick gulps to finish him off, and when he was finished he stood, admiring himself in the mirrored closet door. His belly was swollen, much as Kip's had been, only with something firm enough to show some relief in the distended fur and flesh. Beneath his cock hung heavy and thick, streaked with semen he wiped off with a fistful of already stained bedspread.

He pondered sticking around until one of Kip's parents came home, just to see their reaction. Nah, might as well come back later in the week, he decided. No need to gorge himself on everything at once. The rest of the meal would still be there when he was hungry again.

"Yes, thank you, I appreciate it. You, too." Elliott put his cellular phone away while Keith looked on hopefully. "Well," he said. "I'm not sure it's good news, but I've got an address where your lion fr-" He paused. "Where this Richard fellow is working. It's not far." "Why wouldn't that be good news? Let's go!" Keith was already fiddling with the car door, the handle at chest level for him on a car built for someone more the tiger's size. He seemed equal parts excited and upset, still. Elliott didn't unlock the doors just yet. "Keith, are you sure I can't talk you out of this? We don't know how he's going to react." "Who cares!" Keith thumped the car window angrily. "Maybe he'll be pissed off or scared, whatever, it doesn't matter! You'll be there, what can he do?" The tiger sighed and thumbed the unlock button, holding the door open for Keith and closing it behind him before coming around to the driver's side door to climb in next to him. "Have you heard about this new law they're trying to get passed, Professor?" Keith asked, cold frustration in his voice as they drove. "I suspect I have," Elliott said. "The Prey Safety Act?" "Yes! That one!" Keith grumbled, putting a foot up on the dashboard. "They say it's to make things better, but it won't." Keith was right, it wouldn't. Typical politician doublespeak had given the proposed legislation its name, but the truth was far from what the name implied. Rather than afford prey species any additional protection it codified in law what had until now only been judicial precedence: That predators as well as prey were fair game. In the guise of 'equality' it said that everyone would be treated the same... And thus would be equally at risk of being killed for a meal without repercussions for the killer. In practice the species of the prey never mattered, but now, if the law passed, it would be explicit. Survival of the fittest, or at least, the cruelest. "Keith," Elliott said, "You're... We're fighting an uphill battle here. You may not like it, and it may be morally reprehensible, but the laws are clear and going in the wrong direction. It doesn't matter what they call it. It's just something that's going to have to change one law at a time, including that one if it's ever passed. If it's any consolation, not having it didn't save your... friends, and wouldn't have even if you found a sympathetic prosecutor." He sighed. "I believe it's going to get worse before it gets better." "How could it get any worse," Keith mumbled, reaching up and tugging one ear down before letting it stiffen back up.  "Mmm," Elliott said. "People... People like Richard, they can just kill people, and nobody does anything. I hate it." "I know, Keith," Elliott said. He pulled onto the highway and turned up the air conditioner. "I'm afraid too many years of barbarism and violence take a long time to change, even when modern society is trying to progress past it." Keith thumped the armrest angrily. "Well it should." "Mmm," Elliott said again. They'd been sitting in traffic for awhile when Keith spoke up again. "He swallowed them whole," he said dully, and without looking at Elliott. "Pardon?" "Richard," Keith said. "My friends. He... Swallowed them whole." The tiger looked at him askance. "Keith, there's no need to go into the details." "I want someone to know," he said, hugging one knee to his chest. "I didn't think he could, not at first. I just assumed... I didn't know. But he did. They were still alive..." "That's... My god, Keith, I'm so sorry. I wasn't aware such a thing was possible apart from reptiles. You say he did that more than once?" "With all of them. Stephen, he tried to get away, he fought really hard." Keith gulped, and sounded like he was fighting back tears. "So did Aaron. They were screaming." "Keith," Elliott said firmly. "You shouldn't do this to yourself. I appreciate you... Sharing that with me, but I'm not sure it's healthy for you to dwell on it." "I can't stop thinking of Cody going like that. He must have been so scared." He wiped at his eyes. "Do you think he did?" "I don't know, Keith."

"I do," Keith said, and lapsed into silence. They drove.

"About goddamned time," Richard growled into the headset. "Yeah yeah," came Ethan's voice. The sound was tinny in his earpiece, and he had to adjust it to get it to fit in his too-large ear. "Thanks for covering." "Sure thing," Richard said, sound more grateful than he felt. "She still back there?" "Yeah." A crackle, then some crosstalk. "Yeah." "Cool." Truth was, if it weren't for two things, Richard wouldn't have minded working security at The Black Fox, an after-hours club in the industrial district. The first thing was the hours he had to keep. Between construction work that had him up early in the morning, and throwing out drunks at night he was dead on his feet some days. The second thing was dealing with guys like Ethan. Asshole guys he couldn't take his frustrations out on without stirring up more trouble than he cared to un-stir. But the job had its perks, too. He had to admit he took a certain satisfaction in dealing with the more troublesome of the clientele, and given his size he was usually the one called upon to do it. Other guys, like that akita, they were the ones you brought in when you wanted to calm things down. Richard was the guy you brought in when that didn't work. It was one of the ways he could work off the tension of his day job that wasn't sitting around watching television. And it was usually less work than hunting. Tonight had been slow, and Richard was glad for it. He'd had to fire a couple guys for slacking off which always left him feeling sour - it reflected badly on him even if it wasn't his fault. The worst part of the evening so far had been having to cover for the horndog of a wolf who, as usual, found an excuse to take a little extra time in the back room with one of the cuties who he had hanging off him. Richard had no idea why it was so easy for the prick to get the ladies, but he just seemed to have a knack for it even when he treated them like shit. Maybe that was the trick, he mused. He'd read that somewhere. It sounded like bullshit at the time, but it was hard to argue with success. Stepping back behind the curtain that hid the storage areas next to the bar's unused (for the moment) stage he wrinkled his nose. He'd assumed Ethan had done whatever it was he did in the staff bathroom, but a telltale stench of sweat, cigars and cum - the latter with a telltale puddle in front of some stacked cases of beer - told him the wolf hadn't even gotten that far.  Someone was going to have to clean that up, Richard thought, and it wasn't going to be him. "Um, do you have a t-t-towel?" Richard blinked, squinting into the darkness. The bar wasn't exactly bright but it was darker back here, and it took a moment for his eyes to adjust. Sitting on the beer cases was the little dog-thing he'd seen earlier, the one that had come back here with Ethan. Distracted by the smell he'd already forgotten that Ethan had said she was back here, and examined her up and down as best he could in the dim light. "You're not supposed to be back here," he said She gestured to the curtain. "The other guy took me back here. Ethan." She had shrunk back against the wall the cases we stacked against, staring up at the towering lion. "It sure looks like he did. But you're still not supposed to be here." Now she looked even more anxious. "I'll go, but have you got a towel, or anything?" Richard's eyes adjusted enough to get a better look at her. The dog's face was a mess, streaked with what had to be the load Ethan deposited there. Weird he didn't put it in her. That wasn't like him. She wasn't wearing anything, he realized with a start, and she seemed utterly unashamed of it.  "No," he said. "I don't." She wiped at her muzzle with the back of her paw, squinted, and licked it off. She smiled uncertainly, and looked adorable doing it. Richard glanced back at the curtain, then back at the dog-thing. Ethan would be watching the floor, Emmett the door, and the akita hardly ever came back here. He had too much of a work ethic to slack.  "I'll go," she said. "S-s-sorry." She started to get up, but Richard didn't move. He wasn't blocking her exactly, but his enormous bulk - she couldn't be much taller than four foot nothing - made it hard for her to even stand up without bumping into him.  "You don't have to be in such a hurry," he said, and with one paw thumbed the talk button on his transceiver. "I'm going on break," he said into the mic, but he was looking at the dog while he said it. She wiped her muzzle off again, still with that same hesitant smile, and for a moment he could see, even in the gloom, her eyes flick down to his crotch. He smiled. "You go out there looking like that you're going to have a problem," he said. "Maybe I should help clean you up some." He didn't especially like the idea of lapping up Ethan's sloppy seconds, but there were worse things. Such as letting an opportunity like this slip past him. Her eyes went from him, to his crotch, to the curtain, and back again. "I... Don't think I, we..." He could smell her now, fresh arousal entirely distinct from the stale scent from when he first came in.  "You think I'm going to try to fuck you?" he asked. He wasn't usually this overt when he propositioned someone, preferring to avoid spooking potential partners, but he was thinking back to the success Ethan had. She nodded. "I'd split you in half," he said, flatly. She hesitated, then nodded again. "Could I... Maybe just see it?" She actually reached out towards him with a smile, paw shaking, and rested it on the weight of his package. Richard grunted, and it surged. "Up," he said gruffly. "Right where you are, get on your hands and knees-" the music got louder for a moment, a holler from the crowd outside, and he had to pause to finish the sentence. "And turn around."  Richard didn't think she'd actually do it, not the way she was quaking and staring up at him, and in fact she didn't at first. He growled, the sound vibrating the walls. "I'm not gonna put my dick in you, don't worry. Get up, and turn around. Don't make me tell you again." This time she did, to his surprise. He half-expected her to just piss herself but instead he saw her shiver and hasten to comply, scrabbling her legs underneath her and scooting further up on the stack, putting her at about thigh height for him. She even lifted her tail, looking back at him anxiously over her shoulder, and he could see - even in the dark - that Ethan had done a number on her. It was even more curious the wolf hadn't unloaded in there, but he was glad to see it. He considered making a show of it. But they could be interrupted at any moment, and anyway he wasn't one for ceremony. Sucking in his gut he unbuckled his belt, his jeans loose enough to crumple around his thighs while he was still pulling his underwear out and down over his fattening cock. The dog-thing was watching back over her shoulder, straining to see what she could in the almost-dark, occasionally flicking up to look at him with that same cute little uncertain smile. Those eyes of hers got real wide when the dark length flopped out, and he caught it in one paw, giving it a stroke while aiming it at her. "Wow," she breathed, at least, he assumed she did. He couldn't hear her over the music but her mouth made an 'O'.  Another few strokes while getting a long look at her pert little rump had him stiff. Even at full mast the sheer size dragged it down so he didn't even have to, cradling it in one gigantic paw as he took a step forward. He could see her apprehension grow when he got close, and he didn't blame her - it was wider than her bicep. It probably didn't help that he towered over her, especially now that his knees almost rested against the crates. Crouching, and wrapping one paw around her waist, he steered it towards her pussy. She stiffened and made a twitch like she was going to pull away but didn't, even when he nudged it between her legs, rubbed the fat head against her cunt (she was wet, he could feel it) and pushed. Rather than aim up he let it slide down and forward, using his grip on the barrel to hold it up against her, and rubbed it along her belly from the underside. Her soft fur may not have been as satisfying as her insides might have been, but it was enough to have him growling in the back of his throat, especially when she reached down with one arm and hugged the massive and fleshy barrel against herself. He began to slowly ride her, or rather, moved so she was riding him, like a kid on a rocking horse. She was moaning already, bearing down against him and rolling her hips forward and back, smearing her pussy over the veiny top of his dick as much as she could. Juices slickened him immediately and made it easy to 'dry' fuck her, although there was nothing dry about it, not with how much she was leaking. They did that for awhile, her paw and forearm squeezed around him when he heaved himself forward, lithe fingers squashed against the underside of his cockhead when he pulled back, even nudging it (as far as it would go) up into the folds of his pussy. It wasn't the first time she'd handled something his size, it seemed, or close to it, because she knew just how to make the best use of her body despite her size. Pretty soon he was leaking, leaving a slimy trail on her arm, her belly, her pussy, her thighs. It felt better than he was expecting, even if it wasn't enough stimulation to get himself off. Not in the time they likely had before inevitably being interrupted. Reluctantly - for both of them - he pulled back and away, letting his cock drop to jut out and down from his crotch. She was looking back over her shoulder again, both paws braced on the cases, and she gave her butt a little wiggle. A teasing one. He could hardly believe it. Five minutes ago she was verging on scared and now she was trying to entice him, tail up, fur matted flat with their combined juices. His, viscous and ropey, hers, thin and slick.  He wrapped both paws around her now - he could easily close them around her waist, thumbs touching on top and fingers lacing underneath, and hauled her back to the edge of the crates. Her yelp was swallowed up by the thumping music outside and he enjoyed just holding her there, feeing her shaking and smirking down into her anxious face. Then he lowered his substantial bulk down, resting one knee on the floor and kept the boot planted while his jeans bunched up awkwardly around his treetrunk-girthed thighs. Now she was at about chest height for him, close enough that he could lean down and nose at her tail. His muzzle was bigger than her backside and his head was larger than her slim upper body, something that didn't look lost on her the way she still regarded him warily. Eagerly, but warily. Richard shifted his grip down, bracing her hips now and digging his thumbs into the taut curve of her ass, one on either side. She lowered her chest to the crates obligingly, angling her hips up, and displayed the slit of her pussy to him. It looked so small, too small for him to get a thumb in if he'd tried. But it wasn't impossible to get his tongue in there, up between her legs, so he did. The dog gasped and shuddered around him, letting out a moan he could both hear and feel. With a tongue as thick as her thigh he ate her out, starting out nice and slow by just lapping at her folds, the rough surface making the soft fur on the insides of her thighs get spiky. With his thumbs he pried her ass cheeks apart and at the same time she let her knees slide outwards, giving him better access. She didn't taste too much like the wolf, and even then only at first - within the first few laps she was clean save for her own juices, juices that were flowing freely now as he discovered when his tongue came away slick and wetter than he'd put it in. Delving his muzzle in between her cheeks and his nose to the base of her tail he kissed her from backside to cunt, pushing his tongue against her with enough pressure to spread her soft pussy lips. He'd never done this before to anyone so small and was pleased to find it was working even if he couldn't quite get his tongue into her opening. She didn't seem to mind, moaning again and bucking her hips back into his lips, tail wiggling in what he assumed was what passed for a wag. He kept licking, feeling his cock jump and pulse, and regretted he wasn't going to be able to put it to use any more than he already had. The thing was, the more he licked her the more she drove herself back against him. At first he took it for her trying to get off, but she was intentionally (he assumed) timing it with the working of his jaw, seating herself into the 'kiss' every time he opened his muzzle. It made it harder to lap at her but she didn't seem to mind and he was fine with obliging her, letting his jaws hang open progressively further, and each time he did she shoved herself back with her paws braced on the cases for leverage. Pretty soon she was sitting on his lower jaw, knees drawn up so her thighs would be out of the way. He smiled, even if she couldn't see it. What he'd taken for blind lust was by now obviously something more calculated. She was trying to get her ass into his wide jaws while riding the massive middle part of his tongue, the tip lapping up around her to slap at her lower belly. He was happy to oblige her, driving his tongue forward and up to meet her eager bucking until it became difficult with the angle the two of them were at. So daring a reaction he might not want he tightened his grip around her, hefted her up, and rose to a standing position, head tilted back. She came then, the first time since he's gotten his tongue in there and much to his surprise. The weight of her, light as it was, was still enough to fold her over and sink her backside towards the back of his mouth. Her legs splayed wide, falling off his lower jaw and overhanging his lips and cheeks on either side to support herself and her tail, the cute little puff of it, slide over the ridges of his palate. Juices leaking from her pussy trickled down his throat and he swallowed, pushing the back of his tongue up as he gulped to keep her from sliding deeper. He was still a little unsure of what the dog-thing was trying for when her arms went down and inside his mouth with the rest of her, wrapping around his tongue and pulling it up against her belly in a hug. Drooling, it was wet and slimy and slicked down her fur but she bucked against it anyway, squealing when she came again. That one he thought maybe someone outside could hear, but nobody showed up. Not that he cared too much at this point. Now it was just her legs hooked over his lips and his tongue pressed to the back of his mouth that kept her from slipping any deeper. Well, that and the way she clutched his tongue like a kickboard in a pool, riding it like one too. She said something he couldn't hear over the music and the wet, sloppy sounds from the inside of his mouth, but it sounded pleased. There wasn't much for him to do at this point but let her have her fun. It was the first time he'd had anything willing this deep - well, except for that pizza guy, but he didn't count - and it was a strange feeling. Just standing there, head tilted back at about a forty-five degree angle while the lithe little canine squirmed in his mouth with impatient and delirious delight. All he had to do was hold still but it was apparently enough because she was lost in the moment, rolling her hips and squeezing his tongue, paws sliding up it to hug it to her breasts, down to push it more firmly between her legs. She came, and came again - he could feel her pussy quivering and her whole body twitch every time she did, to say nothing of the soft little mewling cries she made all the while. She was small. Really small. Even folded up like that in his mouth she wasn't much bigger than other things he'd had in there. He let her have her fun for awhile, writhing his tongue in between her legs, teasing her with it by curling it up or pulling it away independent of her grabbing at it. Then, experimentally, he let the back of his throat sag right when she kicked one leg. It was enough to unhook the back of her knees from his cheeks and sucked her down with a jolt, folding her upper body over until her breasts almost touched her thighs. And goddamn if she didn't cum again, hugging his tongue so tight he would have thought she was holding on for dear life if it wasn't for the way she was wriggling. Her head was against his upper teeth now and still she was, it felt like, loving every second of it. She probably thought he was teasing her, he thought, playing at being the hungry predator and she the wriggling prey. As another test he swirled his tongue around, shifting her around in his mouth to one side and then the other with his tongue wedged between her spread thighs. Now she rested on the very back of his tongue, right where it disappeared down into his gullet, and even if it was too wide to really get it up against her pussy she was still squirming around, trying in what seemed like frustration to get that rough surface back where it had been. He tensed the thick muscle, let the back relax, and felt her soft lips against it once again. He waited until another orgasm wracked her before he yawned his jaws wide, as wide as he could, and let his throat and tongue sag to the floor of his muzzle. She slid inside so far her head cleared his teeth and her legs kicked up and stayed there, wedged against his lower jaw. He surprised himself with that - he'd assumed, even as itty-bitty as she was, that he'd never be able to get her down that far in this position. But here he was, the girl's ass wedged in his throat like she was sitting in an innertube - actually in his throat, not just over it - and only her feet and tips of her ears showing. He was judging that last part by feel - he couldn't see over the bridge of his muzzle, and he wished briefly there was a mirror back here. She wasn't cumming anymore, going from taut to slack in his mouth, but he could feel her panting fast and shallow. In the throes of afterglow she was just massaging his tongue, tiny little paws playing over the muscle absently. But when he swallowed - actually swallowed, instead of just letting his throat relax - she tightened up quick, clutching again rather than rubbing his sopping wet tongue. Drool seeped from the underside of his tongue, pooling in the back of his mouth and only leaking a little past where her hips half-sealed his throat. She was sloshing around in it. She was squirming again, but not in orgasm this time. He could feel her, shoulder rolling and hips lifting to try and lift her ass - and lower back, and backs of her thighs - out of his gullet. "Wait," she gasped, but she didn't sound scared or pleading. She sounded like she was just trying to get his attention, as if somehow he'd forgotten what he was doing. Maybe she assumed he was caught up in the moment, or that the gulp had been reflexive with her wedged so far back in his mouth, or that he was just trying not to gag. "I'm stuck... Hang on." In response to her trying to straighten up he closed his jaws, just a little, just enough to fold her over all the way in half. She was a flexible little thing; she was fighting to try to free herself instead of protesting the position, he guessed. His tongue slapped up between her legs and over her face, curling up around the top of her head and slathering over her, getting her nice and slick. He was drooling freely now, saliva coating her head to toe from the way he'd been rolling her around in his mouth.  For a moment he considered the possibility that this wouldn't work. How stupid would it be for him to choke to death on a meal hardly bigger than his leg, or have to go staggering back into the club hoping someone could pull a heimlich maneuver on him? Another swallowed dispelled any concerns about that: easy as anything she slipped into his throat, sinking deeper and bulging out his neck around her body. She didn't scream. He expected her to, but she didn't, not even when her toes slid over his lower lip and kicked against his the inside of his hungry maw. He could still hear soft grunts over the music and maybe a cry of protest here and there but that was all. He paused, right before the point where he wouldn't be able to breath around her, and lifted the back of his tongue to give her something to brace against. Just for a moment he let her think her struggles weren't in vain, working her way a few inches out of his throat, paws reaching out and up and grasping to try to find the corners of his muzzle... Until he relaxed his gullet, relaxed his tongue, sucked and swallowed. For a split second she did scream, or rather, that was as long as he heard it. She was deep enough now in his throat that he could close his mouth, giving her one last view of the dim emergency lighting at the end of the hallway before black lips sealed her in completely. He couldn't quite get his jaws all the way together yet but he did it closed his lips, just to torture her with the utter darkness in the depths of his muzzle. Drool ran back over his tongue and down his throat, into her, past her, slicking the path down, and he thought he might have heard her scream again. Richard couldn't claim it was completely effortless. She fought like the dickens, and while it may have been surprising that he could choke her down at all it still took a fair amount of work, swallowing repeatedly and a lot more often than he had to with most meals. But down she went all the same, the bulge in the top of his neck moving down (he reached up to feel it, tracing his paws over the squirming outline) to his lower neck and no longer a bulge by the time it reached his chest. He was used to a certain rhythm to his meals, the pressure in his throat slowly transitioning to a weight in his stomach, but she was so small and half the length she'd be if he'd taken her head- or feet-first so this time was much more abrupt. It seemed like one moment his gut was its normal paunchy size and the next his belt was too tight with his belly hanging over it, drooping with the weight inside.  Still she fought. He'd gulped down more air than usual with the way he'd devoured her and even though she wasn't as much of a meal as he was used to - more of a snack, really - he could feel his gut sloshing with her struggling. The paw on his neck he shifted to his stomach, hefting it and feeling the muted convulsing with a satisfied smirk on his lips. He belched, quietly through his nose, feeling his stomach seal more tightly. The flailing got stronger, paused, started again... Then stopped completely. He burped one more time, and sighed, sated. Bracing his paw against the crates where to recently the dog-thing had been he gathered up his jeans and underwear, tugged them up, straightening up, and pulled them the rest of the way to seat on his hips beneath his gut. She'd been small enough that they still fit - if poorly - and he lifted his belly out of the way to get his belt buckled. He wiped off his muzzle, clearing it of drool and the late canine's liquor. And none too soon, because a moment later the curtain pulled aside to bathe the hallway in light. The akita stuck his head through, scowling at him. "You still on break? There's some shit going down out here." "Just finishing up," he said.  The akita looked around and wrinkled his nose at the lingering scent of semen. "Fuck, Ethan do his thing back here again?" "I guess," Richard said. "He wanted me to cover for awhile, so probably." "Jesus." The dog shook his head. "Well c'mon. We got work to do."

Richard worked his jaw one side and to the other. "Alright," he said, and followed the akita back out into the club.

Emmett had to yell twice to get Richard's attention, the horse's big booming voice lost in the hammering and crackling of girders being welded together. "Yo! Rich! Couple guys here to see you!" Richard looked back over his shoulder and let out a sigh at what he saw there. The tiger he didn't recognize, but the shiba he did, all too well. "Emmett, keep an eye on things for a few minutes, yeah?" "Whatever you say, boss," the horse said. "You know, if the super finds out you got anyone here..." "Yeah Emmett, I know. Ten minutes." He made his way over to the tiger and shiba, thumbs in the pockets of his low-slung jeans. "You asshole," Keith cried as soon as he got close. He stood there glowering, the tiger behind him looking calm and serious. "Please, Keith," the tiger said. "Mister Lambert? I'm Professor Elliott Duchesne, one of Keith's instructors at the college. Might we have a word?" "Sure," Richard said. "You want to come over to the trailer-" "Why, so you can eat me too?" Keith spat, until the tiger-named-Elliott put his paw on the dog's quaking shoulder. "We'd prefer if it was somewhere a little more public, if you don't mind?" Richard looked around. "This is a job site. You two aren't even supposed to be here." "Surely there's somewhere we could talk?" the tiger said pointedly. Richard grunted. "Alright." He gestured to a spot away from where the active work was going on, a clearing near stacked beams they weren't using just yet. "But make it quick. My lunch break's only half an hour." He grinned right at Keith, who looked ready to explode. "That will do. Thank you." They walked single-file to the spot, Richard first, then the tiger, then the fuming shiba bringing up the rear.  "What can I do for you two?" Richard said once they'd gotten away from the noise, propping a boot up on one of the girders and leaning back against some other ones, crossing his arms over his chest. "Although I think I have a pretty good idea." Elliott opened his mouth, stopped, and looked at Keith. He seemed to be considering something. "Keith, perhaps you-" "I know what you did to Cody you fucking bastard," Keith snarled, the words coming out strung together without pause for breath. "What is it you think I did to your boyfriend that you were cheating on," Richard asked. "You killed him!" "That would be illegal," Richard said mildly. "Murder is still a crime." "I'm afraid you and I both know that to be lamentably false, Mister Lambert," Elliott interjected. "Under particular circumstances." Richard shrugged, considered smiling, didn't. "Okay. That still doesn't explain why you're here." "Because!" Keith shouted, then lowered his voice. "Because you... He was my boyfriend. He left one night and never came home." "Maybe he just got tired of you sleeping around on him." Keith looked ready to leap at him, so much so that Elliott put a steadying paw on his shoulder. Tears were forming in the shiba's eyes. "Mister Lambert, perhaps if you could just be honest for one moment." The tiger - Elliott - had a calm, reassuring voice that made him sound, well, like a professor. "I don't see the point in making this any worse than it has to be." His paw stayed on Keith's shoulder, heavy and huge. "I suppose." He looked at Keith levelly. "Your boyfriend came to see me, a couple nights after you took off in a huff after that whole whatshisname thing." "His name was Aaron! You killed him too!" "Yeah, him. I guess you were pretty upset, so Cody, he came to give me a hard time about it. One thing led to another, and, well." He shrugged. "That's it?" Keith said, teeth still showing in his snarl. "One thing led to another? Like it was a fucking game or something?" Richard grunted. "Shit, kid, what do you want me to say? That the last anyone saw of your boyfriend was what I wiped off my ass after my morning shit? I told you before, I get hungry, I eat. If it'd been you that showed up that night I'd probably be explaining this to Cody instead of you." "Mister Lambert!" the tiger exclaimed. "You bastard," Keith cried, trying and failing to shake Elliott's paw off of his shoulder. He was sobbing now. "How could you?" "Trust me, it wasn't all that hard," Richard said easily, tapping his boot on the edge of the girder to get a glob of mud off. "He was a fighter though, I'll give him that. Almost lost him, too. Lucky for me he was wearing a hoodie. Makes 'em easy to grab." "Auggh!" Keith stomped his foot and twisted it violently. "Shut up, shut up! He didn't do anything to you! He was just trying to defend me!" "That's what I'm trying to explain to you, Keith," Richard said. "I didn't eat him because I was mad at him. Or at you. You think I hunted him down or something? He showed up at my place right around dinnertime, he should have been smarter than that. I wouldn't have ever set eyes on him if he hadn't. You practically delivered him to me, just like you did the other-" "Shut up!" Keith howled again, and the tiger's eyebrows arched. "Don't try to make it my fault! I didn't bring Cody over!" "You did everyone else." "I did not! You threatened me!" Keith looked back over his shoulder quickly at the tiger. "Like I told you, he threatened me." "That's your story now?" Richard said. "Alright, okay, let's go with that. It doesn't matter to me how you justify it, Keith. But you and I both know what happened, and what you thought of it right up until the time I knocked back someone you decided you gave a shit about. You should be - shut up a second." Keith was opening his mouth to yell something, until the tiger squeezed his shoulder. "You should be grateful I let you go. I didn't have to, you know." "I'm supposed to thank you for eating my friends!?" "No, you're supposed to thank me for not eating you. It's not as if I didn't have plenty of chances. I was going to just let you go on with your little perverted life. Hell, you still can. But I'm glad you showed up, because I want to say thanks to you, and not just for keeping me fed for awhile. You taught me just how much goddamned fun it could be." He let his boot slide off the girder. "Now get the hell out of here, you said your peace and I have work to do." Elliott's paws held onto Keith's shoulders from behind, keeping the shiba from lunging at him like it looked like he still wanted to. Richard was turning to go, but something in the tiger's expression gave him pause. He stayed. Keith's expression was cold now. "You're not going to get away with this forever. People like him-" he thumbed back over his shoulder at his teacher. "They know it's not right, and they're going to change things. Like for good, so you won't be able to hurt us anymore." "Is that what you think?" Richard said. The tiger was licking his lips. "Nothing's going to change, Keith. Especially not for you." "It will," Keith shouted furiously. "And I'm going to be right there to see it motherfucker. I'm going to make sure you fucking pay." "I doubt that very much." He looked over the shiba's head. "You wanna do it here? I don't mind." "Do what?" Keith spat. "You think I'm going to have sex with you, after everything you did?" "I suppose," Elliott said. Keith didn't even seem to notice, seething with anger. "Only if you're sure. I wouldn't want to impose." The lion thumbed back over his shoulder, towards the rest of the crew, none of whom were even paying attention to the conversation. "Help yourself. Those guys won't care. I sure don't." "What the fuck are you talking about?" Keith said, but with a hint of uncertainty. He looked back over his shoulder at the tiger, who was smiling genially. "Very well. Oh, I wish I hadn't worn my suit today." "What? Professor, why- ahhhh no!" Keith's scream was cut off when the tiger's jaws clomped down over his head from behind, so far that the lips closed around his shoulders. Drool spilled from the gaping maw to soak the shirt the shiba was wearing a darker blue and both his paws swung up to grab at the Elliott's head, slapping at his cheeks and neck at too sharp an angle to do any harm. Another clop and Keith's thin shoulders disappeared inside, arms pinned to his sides while his forearms kept trying to grab for purchase. Showing surprising strength the tiger braced himself against the stack of girders with one paw, wrapped around Keith's backside with the other and scooping him into the air. He swallowed, his throat bulged, distending with the squirming mass within to drag him down further. Keith's legs bicycle-kicking the air and tail flailing around, bottle-brushed out. Richard just watched with a thumb hooked into his belt, smirking. Elliott didn't make too much of a show of it, tilting his head back and straightening out his neck to make a long, vertical tube from muzzle to gut, tongue squirming between his lower jaw and the shiba's backside to curl around it, dragging tail and hips down between yawning black lips. By the time Keith's thighs had been sucked fully in the yawning maw the tiger's belly was starting to sag and swell, swinging side to side with its contents desperate (and likely confused) struggles. Knees, calves, feet... Then, lowering his head and turning it to the side he rolled his tongue around the insides of his cheeks, paused, and spat, a pair of drool-soaked sneakers tumbled into the dirt. He opened his mouth one more time, a pair of squirming feet visible before a final gulp cleared the tiger's muzzle completely. "Oh my," Elliott said, closing his mouth and belching lightly through his nose when he was finished. The bulge in his stomach shifted and rolled, hanging down over the front of his slacks and threatening to burst his shirt until he quickly undid the lower buttons. "I have to say, that was quite exhilarating." Richard grinned. "I bet. Ever done that before?"  "Of course, but never whole, and not under quite these circumstances. Did you know he brought me here as protection?" He belched again. "Excuse me. He's making quite a ruckus in there. I had no idea they could fight for so long." "Depends on how quick you get 'em down," Richard said with a chuckle. "How come you brought him here?" "He insisted, if you can believe it. Oh, I made a show of trying to talk him out of it, but he was quite determined. And, of course, I thought it rude to steal your dinner. I do appreciate your generosity." Richard kicked the sneakers away, under a pile of construction debris. "No problem." "What was that you were saying before, about him bringing you his friends?" The tiger reached down, undid a couple of belt loops, and tightened it again. The struggling in his striped belly was gone now. "It doesn't matter. You know, I'm a little surprised he thought coming to someone our size would be a good idea." "He was never a very smart student," Elliott said, almost sorrowfully. "About the best I can say about him is he dragged down the bell curve for everyone else. I suppose my position as an advocate for prey's rights might have something to do with it, though." Now it was Richard's turn to arch his eyebrows. "We all have to make a living, and the school would likely take a dim view of my... Hobby, if they knew about it. This way there's no cause for concern for anyone. I don't often get to sample one of my students as a consequence, though. This was a rare treat." He patted his belly. "I'm sorry for troubling you at work." Richard waved a paw. "It's fine. You did me a favor getting rid of him." He stuck out that paw, and the tiger shook it. "Keep fighting the good fight, professor. Give me a call sometime if you ever feel like having a hunting buddy." The tiger steadied himself, taking an experimental step and acclimating himself to the weight in his belly. "I do believe I'll take you up on that. This has been quite the experience. Have a good day, Mister Lambert." When Richard came back to the workstation Emmett was looking at him strangely. "What was all that about?" Richard looked back at the retreating back of the tiger and shrugged. "Nothing. You wanna go get some lunch? I'm starving." "Sure," Emmett said. "Where d'you wanna go?" "There's a school a couple blocks up. They usually start to let out around now." The horse grinned. 

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