At the Arena

Story by DarkCousin on SoFurry

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Not finished but been so long since I uploaded anything

In The Arena

"Fuck, do they have to schedule these games so far from home? We'll be lucky to get home before midnight."

Shauna rolled her eyes, "The other schools in our division are far apart, this isn't like high school Tawna. We're a small school, and the only one our size that has a volleyball team in our half of the state."

The raven-haired girl held up her hand to stop Shauna, "I know, I know, but that doesn't make these long bus rides any more fun."

"We should book a plane!" Athena chimed in, "Travel in style!"

Shauna laughed, "Yeah, like that would ever happen; football gets all the money.. The athletic director would cut off his own balls before he'd spend anymore money on volleyball. "

"I thought Coach Brown already did that," Jasmine Snow whispered to the other girls in the back of the small bus. All ten girls all burst out laughing.

"Hmm, What was that?" Coach Brown called back from the front where she had been speaking to Wendy, the bus driver. The two middle-aged women had much in common, both being mothers and single divorcees and both were trapped on a bus full of very young women. Rumor had it Coach Brown had a relationship with Joseph Rodriguez, the school's Athletic Director. There was no proof and it most likely untrue, but that never stopped the staff and students from talking.

"Nothing, Coach, just girl talk, you know, boyfriends and stuff," Shauna Cox was the natural leader in the group and deflected the inquiry.

"Hmm, sure," Coach rolled her eyes, not believing a word of it, "I'm hearing a lot of whining back there, girls. You should be pumped! We did very well at this tournament! We've earned ourselves a seed in the playoffs! A good seed! C'mon! Golden Eagles!

"Golden Eagles!" The girls roared in unison, even Bus Driver Wendy joined in, an alum of the junior college herself.

"We're thrilled, Coach," Tawna explained, "And excited beyond belief, but we're all tired and a long way from home."

"Yeah," All the girls joined in saying.

"Especially with Brindy snoring in the motel room," Jasmine said with a sly smile.

"For the last time I do not snore!" Brindy barked at her roommate, the tall, thin blonde quite tired herself, "_You_snore like a freaking freight train!"

"I do not!" Now Jasmine became defensive, the pretty brunette had a vain streak and wasn't about to be called a snorer.

_"Please,"_Athena joined in, always eager to get an easy jab at Jasmine, "I could hear you from _my_room, Sabeena and me hardly got a wink."

Jasmine bristled while the other girls chuckled, even Sabeena the quiet, reserved Indian girl Athena shared a room with.

"Shut up!"

Athena opened her mouth to snap back but Shauna stopped her, "Both of you shut up! C'mon guys we're a team, a _good_team, part of that is attitude! We're all tired, but let's not start fights now."

Athena backed off while Jasmine folded her arms and scowled. Beautiful, popular, and born into a wealthy family, she was used to people siding with her and getting her own way. She did not like getting rebuked by the team captain, but instead of arguing, she pulled out her iPhone and started texting one of her boyfriends, informing him of the injustice of it all.

The girls all settled back into their seats, the last of the drama fizzling out, at least for the moment. The darkness outside prevented any sightseeing, so there was little to do but fiddle with phones and make small talk.

"Does anyone else think this bus stinks?" Athena said to no one in particular.

"Literally or figuratively?" Sabeena said to much laughter, even Coach Brown joined in. The English major had scored a win with all but Wendy.

"Well, jeez, we've only got ten smelly girls, and all their smelly gym bags. So it must be the bus that stinks!" She said sardonically.

"Yeesh," Athena said to her roommate and friend, "Guess we're not the only ones that are tired."

"Bethany and Suzanne are already asleep," Shauna said with a yawn, "doesn't sound like a bad idea...."

Before she could finish, there was loud thump that shook the bus, waking everyone, whether asleep or half asleep.

"SHIT!" Wendy swore, grabbing the steering wheel as she tried to regain control of the swerving bus, "We've lost a tire!! Just hold on!"

"Oh shit! Oh shit! This is so not how I want to die!" Jasmine screeched.

"Nobodies dying!" Shauna barked, clutching the seat in front of her; her knuckles white. After some truly terrifying swerves across both lanes of the thankfully quiet highway, Wendy kept true to her training and managed to pull the bus to the shoulder of the highway in one piece. The silence was only broken by the sound of the diesel engine rumbling as if nothing had happened.

Wendy slumped in her seat and tried to catch her breath, "Jesus! I've never lost a front tire before, ha ha, ahhhh. Guess I... I need to get out and change the damn thing, if I can stop shaking."

"I'll help you," Coach Brown said as Wendy shut down the engine and unbuckled her seat belt, "Girls, please stay in here, we don't need anyone wondering off in the dark. This shouldn't take long."

"Gladly," Jasmine said, gazing into her iPhone, letting everyone in cyberspace know about her brief, terrifying ordeal.

"Did anyone else see their life flash before their eyes?" Athena asked the still awkwardly silent bus after a few minutes.

"Please," Jasmine said derisively, "It wasn't that bad. You need to get a life before you see one."

"Oh shut up!" Athena exclaimed back, "I heard you! I saw your face! You were as scared as any of us!"

"'Course I was scared, I'm just not a pussy like you are," Jasmine said, still not looking away form her phone, but a sneer on her face.

"You mother fucking BITCH!!!" Athena launched herself at her teammate.

_"_Get off me whore!" Jasmine snarled as the pair punched and pulled hair, their teammates rushing to pull them apart.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Shauna demanded, her arms around Jasmine's waist and pulling, "Stop it!"

"Tell that bitch to shut her fucking mouth!" Athena screamed while she was held back by Tawna and Bethany.

"_YOU_first, whore!" Jasmine growled and fought against Shauna, Brindy and Suzanne, everyone in the bus yelling at one another and the pair of fighters.

"JUST STOP IT!!!" Shauna roared and finally the struggling stopped when she applied her alpha status, "What the hell has gotten in to you two! Coach is going to kill you for this!"

Once again there was a period of awkward silence before Shauna and everyone else realized something, "Where is Coach? And Wendy?" she said, voicing what everyone was thinking, "They should of heard that from a mile away."

All the players looked at one another, knowing something was wrong, but none were quite sure what to do about it.

"I don't hear them outside," Brindy said timidly, "Shouldn't changing a tire make some sort of noise?"

"Definitely," Shauna said, trying to peer through the windows but it was impossible with the interior lights on; all she saw was her own reflection, "We need to turn these lights off."

"No way I'm going to sit in the dark!" Jasmine snapped, "Fuck that!"

"We can't see through the windows..."

"Then look out the door, genius, if you're so interested," Jasmine said as she sat back down, "They've probably found more help, like a tow truck or something."

"And left without telling us?" Shauna said incredulously, folding her arms, "Not a single vehicle has driven by in either direction."

"Hell, I don't know!" Jasmine was getting nastier, it was obvious she was frightened, "I don't know how those old, fat bitches think! I just know there's no fucking way I'm sitting in the dark. Go figure it out, Captain!"

Shauna resisted the urge to slap Jasmine herself while Athena spoke up, "Don't talk to Shauna that way!"

Jasmine lifted her middle finger in Athena's direction, "Fuck you."

"Why you..." Athena burst out.

"STOP!!! Stop!_We _are not going to go through that again!" Shauna held up her hands, "I'll go have a look, I'm sure every things fine, it'll only take a minute. Try to behave yourselves while I'm gone."

Going to the front of the bus, Shauna, appalled at her teammates behavior, made her way down the stairs to the still open door, and for just moment, enjoyed the cool night air. The air in the bus was stuffy and it indeed smelled like a locker room and the fresh air reminded her just how much it did. Perhaps that what was what Coach Brown and Wendy were doing? Getting some air? They couldn't be blamed for that.

"Coach?" Shauna called out from the bottom step, "Wendy? Is everything okay?"

Nothing, just the quiet night and the sound of the breeze in the trees. Not even the girls on the bus spoke. Had they taken a walk and gotten turned around? Surely they hadn't gone that far, even if they needed to find a place to pee. This was just a rather bland spot along the highway, there really wasn't much of interest other than juniper trees and rocks.

Shauna stepped to the ground and away from the bus. Jasmine's insistence on lighting had made the bus into the perfect beacon, how could they have possibly gotten lost?

"Coach, please! We'd like to get going! The team's getting all anxious, we'd like to get home! Wendy! At least answer me!"

This was feeling creepy now. A general sense of unease came over Shauna, knotting in her stomach. She resisted the urge to run back to the bus, she cursed Jasmine's stupid demand to keep the bus lit. A few moment's darkness was all she needed, but no... of course, she still wouldn't have seen anything and would likely be in the same place she was now. She wished she had asked someone to come with her though. It was unlikely she'd get any volunteers though.

"CoaAHHHH!" Shauna tried calling out again, but was cut off as a bag was pulled over her head, "Wha!! Get it off!"

She fought as she was pulled to the ground from behind, kicking and throwing her elbows behind her when she wasn't trying to pull the bag off.. She connected a few times but her attacker was strong and had the element of surprise. Shauna soon realized they had another weapon as well. The bag had a faint scent to it, sweet and pleasant, almost like roses. Every time she took in air through the fabric, she felt herself becoming drowsier, her ability to use her limbs fading.

"Please..." She squeaked through the bag as she lay on the ground, unable to even lift finger. Shauna felt herself wavering on the edge of consciousness, her final thought before blacking out entirely was simple, I'm going to kill you Jasmine Snow!!


"Heeeee! Pleeeaa eehhehhee"

"Easy girl, that's it, just take it easy."

"Whheeee I-I Nnnoo heeeeee! No Hor... hor... shhesh!"

"Of course you are girl, your a big strong horse, you'll be pulling wagons with your sister in no time, here pretty girl, I brought you an apple."

"No pleeash, hmm... Ap... Apple... no, no... mmmm"

Shauna was convinced she was dreaming until she forcefully opened her eyes and found her vision partially obscured by something... Straw? What the...?

She sat up and shook her head before making another shocking discovery.

"I'm... I'm naked!!!" She squealed, covering her breasts and genitals. Shit, shit, shit, her mind raced, Have... have I been raped?!?! It didn't seem like it, from her own brief investigation, no sore spots or bruises but she still felt violated, and for good reason. Thought of the movie Taken ran through her mind as well as the urban myths about organ harvesting.

She seemed to be in one piece and unmolested but somebody was getting their jollies off on this little game and had done who knows what to her while she was out cold. Why else would they put her in... And just what is this place?

Gazing around her enclosure (for that's what it truly was) Shauna found she was surrounded by burnished wood and blackened steel. The walls were heavy wood planks, worn smooth with decades of use, up to about chest level, above that it was vertical steel bars running up to the ceiling. The only door was much the same, heavily built wood and steel. The floor itself was rough, cold concrete but she had been laying, and now sat upon, a generous pile of relatively soft warm straw, though it poked at her and was tangled in her hair.

"What is this place?" She was confused and terrified. She was unfamiliar with such surroundings, having only seen something similar on TV. A stall? A horse's stall? "Why am I here?! Where are the other girls? Coach?"

"I knew you'd like the apple, that's a good girl," Shauna heard the voice again, clearly not from a dream now, "Your bus driver friend is waiting for you, you're sisters now, big and strong, so you can pull hay wagons filled with little children. Doesn't that sound nice?"


"Bus driver friend? He... he's talking to Coach Brown!" Jumping up, she ran to the front of the stall while still trying to cover her nudity.

"OH! Oh, my god!" She couldn't contain herself when she saw what she had been hearing, she had to hold onto the bars to keep herself upright, "It's... it's not... not POSSIBLE!!!!"

The young man ignored Shauna's interruption, continuing to gently stroke and coax the horse-like animal. He fed her slices of apple, which she seemed to eagerly gobble up with her thick, dexterous lips.

"It can't be real! This isn't happening! It CAN'T BE!!!" Was the only thought Shauna could put together. It was some sort hybrid between human and horse, she still stood upright like a woman, but only just, she looked as if she would fall to all fours at any moment. She stood a great deal taller than the man that held her halter as she balanced on huge rear hooves, her hind quarters massive and muscular, covered in dappled gray fur with a light gray tail swishing just above the floor.

Above her waist was a large, very solid torso, yet the gray fur faded and transitioned to black equine skin, then suddenly became a contrasting pale white human skin. The pendulous breasts were still very human, but were too low on her body for a normal woman. Like her hind quarters, her arms were packed with powerful muscle, her most of her fingers were missing or useless, only the middle toe seemed to have grown, tipped with a heavy gray hoof.

All that was appalling to Shauna's senses, a bizarre break from reality that mortified her mind, yet it was not what gave her pause and nearly sent her to the floor in a terrified faint. It was what topped the long, strong gray maned neck. The creature's face! HER face! Coach Brown's face! NOOO!

Coach Brown's face had indeed changed, much longer, with rubbery thick lips, eyes set further apart and it now wore a strange halter, but there was no doubt in Shauna's mind that she was looking up her revered volleyball coach. It was her face, that was her_body! She was continuing to _change!!!

"This isn't real! This isn't real! THIS ISN'T REAL!!!" Shauna pinched her arm, hard, hard enough to leave a bruise, trying to make the dream end but it would not.

"It's not real! NO! Not happening!"

Even shrieking it out loud did not make reality change. HOW! How was he doing this!!! It just wasn't POSSIBLE!!!

The man continued, not even glancing at Shauna's outburst, instead, he went on, "Yes dear, that's it, gentle now, get down on you hooves, you'll be much more comfortable."

The mare that had been Shauna's volleyball coach began to lower herself, hesitating only for a moment, breathing hard through the exertion of resisting the transformation, fighting to remain in an upright, _human_position. But her was muzzle out, nuzzling the man, searching for another piece of delicious apple.

"Coach!" Shauna screamed and reached through the bars grasping for her mentor, just feet away, "Coach Brown! Adelle!!! Please! Don't listen! You're human! Don't listen to him!!!"

With a _clop_Coach Brown was on all fours and snuffling the man, who smiled as he relented and gave her the rest of the apple. By now the gray fur had spread up and across her shoulders. It ran up her neck and began working down, covering her throat and the area where her breasts had once been.

Adelle Brown's pleasant face kept growing, becoming thicker and heavier, perfectly appropriate for a Percheron mare. All the while the halter she wore seemed to adapt, growing with her by some unknown power. Her new master, a young, handsome man close to Shauna's own age, stroked her new muzzle, coaxing her into her into her new life.

"There you go, good girl, nice girl, so young and strong, you're going to have lots of strong colts and fillies. You'll be a wonderful mother..."

"She's already a mother, you fucking bastard!" Shauna snapped and shook her fist with rage. If only she could get her hands on him!

For the first time the young man seemed to notice Shauna and he looked at her, not with scorn or anger, but he seemed to be accessing her. Shauna tried covering herself more and hid her breasts below the wood planking. But for some reason, she didn't think that was why he was looking at her. His gaze seemed more fitting for a man appraising livestock at auction, rather than one of desire and lust.

"WHY!" She screeched at him, ignoring the more obvious question of how he had done this, "Why are you doing this! She's a human! A person! She has two sons! She didn't want to be a fucking horse!!!"

Adelle huffed, wishing for more apple, before Shauna watched as her former coach and mentor lifted her tail, her black puckered anus opening with a loud fart she began depositing the largest pile of dung Shauna had ever seen. She had to look away, yet the odor still filled her nose.

"Mikalah!" Adelle's captor yelled cheerfully as he continued to stroke his new Percheron mare's still furless muzzle, "Your filly is awake!"

Shauna scowled,"What did he just call me? I'm not a... a what?"

"She is?" A new voice called out with the sound of running foot steps, "Finally! I was getting worried!"

The girl came running to the door of Shauna's cell. She appeared to be close to Shauna's age of 22, perhaps a year or two younger. Her face was gleeful and full of the enthusiasm of youth, hardly what Shauna had been expecting. Still, she had to plead for her release from this hell hole, and perhaps this girl would listen better than the man.

"Hello, girl," The young woman sounded as if she were speaking to a beloved pet rather than a fellow human being, "I've brought you some food."

She held up a large plastic bag filled with slices of carrots and apples. Shauna wanted to slap her pretty face. How dare she speak to her this way?! Whatever they did to Coach would _not_happen to her! She wouldn't let it!!!

"My_name_ is Shauna! Shauna Cox!" Shauna glared at the girl, trying to judge what she was dealing with. Mikalah was pretty, her gentle, kind face framed by dark auburn hair. She wore a denim jacket with the acronym embroidered on the left of the zipper, the letters F.E.C.T.

"Come on, girl, I'm sure you're hungry. Christopher's mares sure were, and Irene's filly... See?" She held up the bag, "Yummy apples and carrots."

Shauna's stomach growled. They did look delicious! NO! There was no way of knowing how they... how they did that to Coach! And Wendy... and Irene's filly, whoever that was. Her heart sank at the thought, the filly was likely one of her teammates. But she must press on if she were to save herself and her friends.

"NO! I'm not hungry you lunatic! Just let me out of here! Give me back my clothes!" Shauna said, looking into the girl's eyes intently, using every bit of her intimidating will. But that intense gaze, one that had worked on her parents, boyfriends, teachers and coaches all her life, just seemed to bounce off this seemingly simple country girl.

"Not going to eat, huh? Well, we'll try later, maybe with some oats and sweet feed," She said, putting the bag down.

Shauna growled, "I'm not a horse you fucking idiot! And I'm never going to be! No matter what you say!"

"Let's see, we'll have to get you fitted for tack, you'll need a halter first, a nice one, for the show, I'm being graded on how good you look. I sure you'll look great when I trot you in!"

"GRRRRR!" Shauna couldn't think of any other rational words. It was like speaking to a brick wall!

"Everything alright Mikalah?" The young man said. He had led Coach Brown from the building while Shauna argued with Mikalah. He now held a bucket that appeared to be full of grooming supplies.

"She's fussy, but she'll settle down, I'm sure. We've seen worse in class, and they trained well eventually. Could you help me get her halter on? I don't want her to bolt," Mikalah asked. She held up a brown leather halter and a matching lead; plain, but well crafted.

"Sure," Christopher said with smile, "Just be careful..."

The latches were opened and the door swung open, but Shauna wasn't sure what to do. She was buck naked and out numbered. She hadn't the slightest idea where she was. Christopher and Mikalah were very careful about slipping in, making sure there was no easy opening for Shauna rush through. The opportunity to escape vanished before it even existed.

The only action she managed to do was cover herself and back in to the corner furthest from them, "Please! Just leave me alone!"

"Eeeeasy, girl," Mikalah spoke softly, "I don't want to hurt you, I just want to put this on you. It won't hurt at all, and then I'll get you some apple."

"No, please!" Shauna turned away and faced the wall, "Just please leave me alone!"

"Eeeeasy girl," Shauna jumped when Mikalah ran her fingers down her back, but found the sensation hard to resist when she found how relaxing it was. It seemed to chase her fears away, sooth her into complying... "That's right just take it easy..."

Shauna relaxed so much she let her arms fall to her sides, the first time since she had woken up. The girl's touch seemed to tingle, softening Shauna's anguished resolve. Her voice seemed to sooth her mind, taking her fears away...

"Now just let me get this on, I promise it won't hurt..." Shauna barely noticed as Mikalah placed the halter over her head. She didn't react until the halter was tightened against the bridge of her nose and jaw.

"Wha!!! NO! Get it off! Get it off!!!" She shrieked and shook her head before pulling and tugging, trying to fight her way into the stall's corner. Shauna grasped at the halter but was horrified to find there were no buckles! No latches, no snaps, nothing but smooth leather and cold steel rings! How did Mikalah get this thing on!

"Whoa! Whoa girl! Easy! That halter's not coming off until we're done..." Mikalah held tight and gave the lead a sharp tug, spinning Shauna around sharply and directly in front of her trainer. Shauna had never felt more humiliated.

Fuck no!_Shauna couldn't believe the amount of control the halter gave Mikalah. She was forced to look at the girl, to quiet down and behave. She was terrified and angry, but Mikalah's control with the halter prevented her from acting out with her emotions. She felt the urge to attack Mikalah, but held back, not from fear, but from_respect. Something she couldn't understand or even to begin to explain. Was it the halter? Was it this strange magic?

"Looks like you have her under control, Mikalah, she's really going to be a beautiful filly," Christopher said, still waiting at the door, "I've really got to get my girls ready to present. And Percheron mares aren't little, ha ha, I've got a lot of work to do."

"Go ahead, you've got a lot of real estate to groom, let me know if you need any help braiding their tails!" Mikalah said with a smile and stroking Shauna's naked side and hip, "We need to get started here."

Shauna tugged at her lead rope again, No... this can't be happening! I won't let it! She can't do this to me!!!

"You'll have to forgive Chris," Mikalah said after her friend left, "he's in the Advanced Placement class. Their assignment is pretty difficult and those mares of his are all he can think about right now," Mikalah sighed, "Unfortunately."

"Seriously?"_Shauna thought with a sneer, _"I don't give a flying fuck about your relationship problems! That's my COACH you're talking about!!!"

"Time for us to get started, that tail of yours should be coming in soon, some walking should encourage it..."

"NO! Please!" Shauna pleaded as the lead was pulled again and she stumbled forward. She grabbed the lead and pulled back, but Mikalah was unperturbed, "Please just let me go! I won't tell anyone! Please! Just let me go home!"

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Mikalah swung the door wide open and pulled Shauna along, the taller, stronger girl resisting, but still following. Out of the cell, they passed the huge pile of Coach's manure, as well as other piles and puddles from other sources, little did Shauna think perhaps they had come from her teammates. Instead, she tried her best to avoid them, desperate to keep her bare feet clean.

Once out in the bright sunlight, Shauna never felt more exposed in her life. She didn't like revealing herself in the locker room let alone outdoors! She panicked and pulled on her lead, forcing Mikalah to stop and regain control.

"Easy! Whoa, gentle now!"

"Ha ha! Problems Mikalah? And late as always, I see," Came a new voice snidely, "Pathetic."

It was enough to get Shauna to stop fighting and look at the new source, some_one_else that had seen her naked and humiliated... "Oh my god!!!! Just how many people are here?!?!"

"Oh, shut up Aubrey, it's not my fault she took forever to wake up. It was your idiot boyfriend that caught her. A senior that can't use basic potions properly?"

"Hey! Derek is an expert! He certainly knows more than you!" The Aubrey girl snapped back, the dirty blonde seemed to have a perpetual sneer on her unpleasant face. But that wasn't what held Shauna's attention.

Aubrey led another from the bus, though she was difficult recognize who at first. Her rump, always plump was huge now, and sported a long flowing tail of light and dark gray, matching her flowing mane along a longer neck. Her displaced brunette hair, already becoming downed out in the silken mane, and her muzzle had grown out just a little, allowed Shauna to realize who it was.

"Jasmine? Oh, my god Jasmine! Oh god!!! I'm so sorry!!!" Shauna cried out, nearly bawling as she went to hug her teammate.

"Wheee whee Shaaa Shaaauna weeee!! Snort!" Jasmine swished her tail and sniffed the air excitedly. Shauna felt the compulsion too and sniffed the air, learning the other mare's scent.

"Come on," Aubrey tugged at Jasmine, "Let's go you stupid thing!"

"Let them reintroduce themselves a little," Mikalah argued, "They need to learn, they're herd animals now. Don't rush them!"

"Fiiine! But I don't want associating with anything that belongs to you," Aubrey rolled her eyes as she loosened her grip on Jasmine. The fillies came close and hugged. It was much more than a hug, as they sniffed one another, each learning the others' scent.

"What.." SNIFF, "AM I..." SNIFF, "DOING!!!" Shauna's mind screamed, yet she continued anyway and enjoying the returned attention from Jasmine, her snuffling and nuzzling. She didn't even notice her nose broadening and the nostrils flaring open.

"Sha... Shauna..." Jasmine whispered as they were close, "I-I don't want to be a horse!!!"

"I know," Shauna answered, clutching Jasmine's mane, "I don't either! We'll get out of here! I promise!"

"Uhn!" Jasmine grunted as she was roughly yanked away by her trainer.

"Daddy only accepts the finest animals on the ranch, we don't want anything to do with your... peasant horse. Come on! That's enough!" Aubrey roughly pulled the fillies apart. Shauna watched as Jasmine followed, her tail still held tall and proud, "She's going to be beautiful..."

"She's such a bitch!" Mikalah snarled about Aubrey, "She certainly doesn't deserve a horse! She only came to Finefield's because her father made her, and he's bloody rich."

Shauna had to agree with Mikalah. She had only spent moments with this girl Aubrey, but she had taken an instant dislike of her. What did she mean _peasant horse?_She hoped she wouldn't be Jasmine's master for very long...

"Master...? What am I thinking?!?!" Shauna chided herself, "She's a human being! She has no master!!!"

"We'd better hurry, sweetie, Ms. Finefield will want to see you in the arena," Mikalah gave the lead a gentle tug and Shauna obediently followed, feeling a slight, but growing appreciation for her own kind, gentle master.

Shauna liked the the arena, it was quiet in here, and it was indoors, away from prying eyes or the hot sun on her pale nude body. Sure there were other people inside, including her teammates (although she was fighting the urge to think of them as "herdmates") and their trainers, but she growing more accustomed to having her naked body for all to see. She no longer bothered to cover herself. Her herd..._team_mates were naked, why not her?

The very soft earth was far nicer on her feet than the concrete and gravel outside, though as she followed Mikalah at brisk pace, she began to stumble frequently. Looking down, Shauna gasped when saw that her feet had begun to change. Her middle toes were rapidly gaining size, pushing their brethren to the sides.

"Please! I-I need to stop!" She pleaded her trainer, I'm going to fall!"

"What's that girl?" Mikalah stopped and stroked Shauna's neck. Shauna lifted her face, enjoying the sensation, Wait, wait! My neck... is it... longer? This isn't right!!!

"Please change me back!" Shauna demanded again, "Change us all back! Please! Just let us go! We won't tell anyone! Just let us go home!"

Shauna braced herself against her trainer as Mikalah lifted one hoof-foot and then the other for inspection, "That's a good girl," Mikalah said as she pulled out a hoof pick and dug out a bit of dirt in Shauna's nascent hoof, "That's it, just rest on me, I've got you."

Shauna looked around while she caught her breath from the brisk run and her outburst. Her friends and teammates were all around her, in various states of transformation, from nearly human, like herself, to trotting on all fours covered in fur. There was her best friend Athena, across the arena now already trotting on all fours, if awkwardly, behind Mikalah's close friend Irene, a curly haired redhead who, to Shauna's relief, was as kind and gentle as her friend.

Athena had already gained much of her sorrel coloration, the fur covered her rump and shoulders. Her mane and tail had filled out beautifully, her neck long and lovely, even if her face looked a bit squashed and inhuman. Shauna had tried talking to her but she could only answer with a nicker and a neigh in the brief period that they had been near each other. Shauna nodded happily when Mikalah told her they could meet later after training.

Brindy stood nearby taking a leak, her bladder much larger now, so the stream was an unnerving torrent. She hadn't changed as much as Athena, she still walked upright like Shauna but her dark-gray tail was prominent and the same dark-gray was pushing it's way through Brindy's blonde hair and had nearly conquered it. Gray ears swiveled above that, as she carefully listened and watched her trainer, a young man Mikalah had called Kyle.

It appeared Brindy had given up on retaining her humanity, instead giving in to the powerful horse thoughts and instincts. She had only whinnied at Shauna, even though she wasn't nearly as far along as Athena or Jasmine, and still should have at least part of her voice left. Shauna felt a mixture of anger and pity towards her friend. Brindy had always leaned on Athena or Shauna in stressful times, "If had been there for her..."

"C'mon girl, let's go get a drink," Mikalah stood up and pocketed the hoof pick. Shauna could only give a sigh of agreement. She was indeed thirsty, tired and sweaty. She had been working as hard she ever had in volleyball or gym class, running with Mikalah, even jumping over the small obstacles she was led to. As much as she hated to admit it, she enjoyed the workout. When she was working hard, all her fears, worries, and troubles vanished, just like when she played volleyball. Only now it was just her and her trainer, which seemed to add another level of peace and contentment.

Until she woke from the seeming hypnosis, breaking into a tirade of curses, screaming demands, and even resorting once again to pleading, something she was loathe to do. Mikalah, however, seemed immune to it all, and was treating her more and more like the filly she wanted Shauna to be. And as much as Shauna tried to resist, tried to deny Mikalah's power, she would fall into the trance, and when she finally managed to reassert her own, human will, she found her body had changed.

First it was the tail. She had panicked when she felt something brushing against her thighs and calves. It shocked her out of trance Mikalah had lulled her into when they had first entered the arena. Mikalah started slowly, warming them both up for the coming training session. Shauna fought and argued until Mikalah reached a speed that made talking, let alone arguing, difficult.

Shauna had to give Mikalah credit, she was in excellent shape, her own body was trained and toned for stamina and strength, but her trainer matched every step and more. Shauna had to focus on her trainer to keep stride and perform properly. The more she did so, more wished to please her kind, gentle master, to preform at her best. Without even realizing it, she began strutting, showing her trainer just how good she was, her tail raised high...

When that tail actually touched the back of her legs, Shauna suddenly snapped out of her trance, her human mind screaming in protest. She stopped suddenly nearly throwing Mikalah on her back when the lead rope went tight. Shauna herself fell into the dirt, only just catching herself with her hands, the light sand sticking all over her sweaty body.

"Stop it!!!" She screamed, tears welling up in her eyes, "Just stop! I don't want this! I don't want to be your fucking horse! STOP!" She grasped the lead rope pulled hard, trying to break Mikalah's grip.

Even then, Mikalah kept her cool, though she was blushing with embarrassment at her filly's sudden outburst. None of the other students had such a willful animal to train, but most seemed to understand. Aubrey sneered wickedly.

"Easy girl! Just relax! Easy!" Mikalah managed to speak softly, but Shauna refused to listen.

"NO! NO I WILL NOT BE TREATED THIS WAY!" Shauna screamed at the top of her lungs, the words reverberating inside the metal structure and the tears falling freely now, "LET ME GO!"

"UP!" Mikalah commanded forcefully, fully aware that everyone in the building was now watching her, "UP, girl, now," She gave a firm pull on the rope, "UP!"

Shauna looked up in shock, no one, had ever spoken to her like that before, not ever her own parents! She stood, feeling both rage and yes, respect for her trainer. Shauna glared at the young woman daring her to command her further. She had never been in a situation such as this, she was losing control, and all her life, Shauna had made certain that she was always in full control.

Mikalah didn't bat an eyelash, "Good girl, now come!" She gave a light tug, but her eyes were firm.

Shauna's mind worked like grinding gears, she wanted to resist, to refuse to even move. But there was another strong force, intangible, that made wish to follow and obey. The respect she felt for Mikalah was growing stronger...

Eventually, the respect for her trainer won out, and she followed, once again being led to a trot, and each time, despite her bet efforts, she slipped into the blissful trance. Whether the enchantment was Mikalah's magic or her own mind receding to animal instincts, Shauna didn't know, but she felt, knew, Mikalah was her owner, trainer, and_protector,_ and Shauna was her beloved loyal horse. Shauna the horse wanted to be the best horse, the champion! She wanted it for herself, but more importantly, she wanted it for her dear, kind owner...

Each time she fought her way out of the fog, out of the humble mind of the mare, she found her body had changed more. First the tail, the stumpy, bony thing quickly filled out, the hair growing out silken and lustrous. She felt some grudging pride, knowing it would soon be beautiful.

The other changes had been less noticeable, at least initially. Her rump swelled with more muscle, becoming so taught the veins began to show. Not in an ugly way, just enough to signal the burgeoning strength and power inside, just as a natural born horse would. The transformation continued down her legs conquering her thighs and, with some embarrassing discomfort, her vulva and anus. Both were now black and she seemed to be in some degree of heat, as she would sometimes feel her hot pink clitoris wink out of lips. Something that she decided was apparently normal for mares.

Mikalah led her to a table set up on the side of the arena where various sports and energy drinks, as well as water were offered. Other sorts of snacks were also available, both of the human and equine variety. Having not eaten at all that day, her stomach twisted with hunger, Shauna decided that if either were offered, she would gladly accept.

"Good girl," Mikalah stroked Shauna's little changed face, "You want a cookie?"

Her trainer held a small round disk, it appeared to be made of compressed oats, but it smelled deliciously of honey. Shauna gobbled it up, not even thinking of using her hands, leaving the tips of Mikalah's finger tips covered in her saliva. Her lips seemed more deft and nimble than ever before, easily grasping treats and fingers,

"Good girl! I bet you're hungry! Here, let's get you some more!" Mikalah wiped her hand on her jeans.

Shauna eagerly accepted three more cookies, several carrots, and a few slices of apples before Mikalah took a anything for herself, an energy bar and a Gatorade. She even held a water bottle to Shauna's lips as the filly gladly slurped. Again, not even thinking of using her hands, perfectly content to have her trainer feed her.

They only stopped when they heard the commotion at the nearby entrance of the arena.

"Get him out of here! This is the mare and filly time slot! No stallions!" Looking over at the yelling girl, Shauna immediately recognized the filly she led. Sabeena! The filly was in a similar state as Shauna, sporting a tail and a large equinesqe rump and legs, but looked otherwise human.

She squealed when the stallion charged at her, a young man with a horse-like face, neck and rump, with hooves on all limbs, but still walking upright. Red brown fur covered his rump, but little else. To Shauna's shock, Sabeena did not run, but rather responded by pulling towards the stallion and presenting herself!!! She lifted her tail and fully exposed herself to the stallion, winking and dripping. Sabeena had always been such a shy, quiet type. Shauna knew for fact she was a virgin as the girl would often come to her team captain for relationship advice.

The stallion reacted immediately to Sabeena's offer, dragging his trainer, his mammoth cock fully erect, the mottled black and pink shaft slapping his thighs and belly. Both Sabeena and the stallion squealed and whinnied. To everyone's shock, the stallion managed to mount Shauna's teammate, burying 18 inches into Sabeena's vagina in an instant. Shauna couldn't make herself look away as her friend lost her virginity to a raging horse cock.

The coupling only lasted a few moments, stallion humping harshly, pulling Sabeena into his crotch with his forelimbs while the smaller filly tried to remain upright, muttering in pleasure and pain. Shauna resisted the feeling of envy, she could feel her own folds warm and moisten, and the twitching of her clit returned. It was clear that Sabeena was suffering some pain, but for the most part she enjoyed having the stallion buried inside her.

The stallion stopped and stiffened as his seed filled the virgin filly before he pulled out, his member already softening and floppy, but the head remained hugely flared. The sticky, off-white cum dripped from his cock and Sabeena's pussy.

"God damn it!" Sabeena's handler cried out as she pulled Sabeena away, "If she's pregnant, so help me..."

"Just relax!" The stallion's trainer shouted back, "We don't know that yet, just let me get this idiot out of here!"

The spent stallion was much easier to control, though he looked back at the filly and mare filled arena with longing. Sabeena nickered as he left at him and Shauna had to fight back her own sense of longing as he left.

"Cripes, I don't think that's ever happened," Mikalah said, a half eaten energy bar still in her hand.

"Oh, it does," The woman behind the refreshments table said, an experienced instructor at the school, "Every so many years, and a lot worse. We've had some terrible fights break out before."

"Stallions?" Mikalah asked, stroking Shauna's neck and side, as if she were reassuring herself. Shauna once again found herself enjoying_the affection, despite her best efforts. She also noticed how much taller than Mikalah she was now, with her longer neck and changing legs. _"I'm so much bigger than this chick! Why don't I just kick her butt and get the hell out of here?!?!"

"Stallions mostly, yes, but mares can get awful nasty when they want to," the woman explained.

"I'm sure my sweet Aspen would never do that!" Mikalah said, now stroking Shauna's face.

"Aspen?" Shauna said and shook her head, _"NO! My name is... Is Shauna..."_she thought, but couldn't bring herself to say it out loud. She wouldn't hurt Mikalah, or run away, she couldn't do that to her. In fact, leaving was beginning to feel scarier than staying. She liked Mikalah, she wanted to be with Mikalah.

Maybe she really was Aspen.

"H-How are they doing it, Shauna?" Tawna said from across the stables, her stall was directly across from Shauna's, "It's not possible!!!"

It was quiet now, their trainer's had groomed, fed, and watered their charges, and had gone to their own beds. The stable was dark, only a few dim security lights and the moon through the skylights provided light. Shauna would to love hit the straw herself, but several of her teammates needed her.

"We're all evidence of just how possible it is, Tawna. You've got a tail, for god's sake. Have you seen Athena and Jasmine?" As a matter of fact, Shauna was stroking Athena's muzzle as she spoke to Tawna. Mikalah and Irene had finagled a way to make sure their stalls were next to one another.

Athena could only whinny and neigh, her body entirely that of a quadruped. The red sorrel fur covered a large portion of her body. Tawna, much to Shauna's exasperation, could still speak easily and was very much still biped. Her trainer appeared to be taking a very non-aggressive approach, she had a black fur covered butt (with accompanying tail) and furry black ears and little else.

"We've got to do_something!"_ Tawna rattled the door of her stall, "Fuck it all! Do something Shauna!"

Shauna was becoming impatient, "What, Tawna! What the hell do you want me to do?! Huh? I'm further towards being a horse than you are! Half our teammates are on hooves and can't talk!"

Shauna wasn't actually sure just who could and could not speak, Jasmine, Athena, and Brindy for sure. Coach and Wendy certainly couldn't. The last she had seen them, they were training with a small cart, Christopher at the reins, exhibiting zero human behavior or looking human in any way, shape, or form. Shara and Candice could speak haltingly, but their muzzles made it difficult to understand them. Suzanne was similar, often breaking into loud whinnies and snorts. Shauna wasn't sure about Sabeena, the girl was in the next stall from Athena, but she would not speak or even look at her teammates, no matter how they tried.

"Oh my god..." Tawna whined, "Have... have given up Shauna? Should we all give up?"

Shauna wasn't sure how to answer. In someways it did seem as if she had given up. She was fighting her trainer less and less. She never resisted being called Aspen, had even begun to enjoy the name. At the same time, she didn't want to give up on her humanity. She certainly didn't want to tell her teammates that she was developing a relationship with her mas... trainer. But she didn't want to deny it either. That seemed unfair to Mikalah.

"Tawna, I-I... don't know... what to do. What... What do we do if we do get out of here? We can't change back... I mean we don't know how!" She caught herself in her last sentence. Can't change back? It almost felt more like won't want to be changed back.

"It's wrong!" She snarled more to herself than anyone. The feelings she was developing for Mikalah were just wrong!

"Do we just... give up?" Tawna said one last time.

"I... don't know what to do," Shauna said before giving a Athena one last scritch and went to her straw pile, "Just go to sleep okay? I'm exhausted."

"Okay," Tawna said quietly, "I... I guess I give up too."

Shauna closed her tear filled eyes, not knowing it was last time either would speak with human words, and waited for dawn to come.

The next day Shauna actually looked forward to training with Mikalah. It would give her a chance to forget her heartbreaking conversation with Tawna, if only for a little while. She knew Tawna and the other girls relied on her, saw her as their leader. She had been since most had joined the team, she had always been their captain. They wanted her to get them out of this.

By now, Shauna wasn't sure she wanted out. As much as she tried to resist, tried to fight the impulses and instincts, she liked Mikalah. She liked to perform well for her trainer. Mikalah seemed to have tapped into Shauna's athletic ego and competitiveness. She wanted to preform, she wanted to be the best! Rather than suppress Shauna's personality, Mikalah encouraged it, directed it in a manner that Shauna could see what they could accomplish as a team.

Mikalah came early in the morning, just before sunrise, speaking sweetly and softly to an already awake and eager Shauna, or Aspen, as she was always called. Irene was came as well, cooing and loving all over Athena, lavishing her with treats before filling her grain bucket, holding it up to Athena's still very short muzzle. Aspen had little reason to be jealous, as Mikalah was giving her much the same treatment. She wasn't sure what Mikalah had done to the oats, but she loved them! Aspen was rather disappointed when they disappeared from her bowl, but at least Mikalah had another cookie for her.

Mikalah took a moment to brush the straw from Aspen's hair, noting the ridge of a mane along the increased length of her long neck. The profile of her filly's face still had not changed much, but she was certain that would change today.

Other students began filing into the stable, waking their fillies and mares and preparing them for the day's training. Most of the girls were past resisting, doing as their trainers wished, arguing little more than an ordinary equine would.

Aspen did not resist as Mikalah placed the strange buckle-less halter around her head. She actually felt happy and proud when her trainer smiled and stroked her shoulder, "Good girl! You are such a good girl, Aspen!"

Mikalah led her out of her stall and together with Irene and Athena (who Irena called Whisper) they went to the arena. Aspen enjoyed walking with her friend, prancing and skipping excitedly as they went.

They quickly got started, but before they even got into a rhythm, Aspen felt more changes flowing through her body. She slowed down, tugging at her lead, seeing more rich golden fur spreading across her heavily muscled legs and up from her hooves, already feeling more confident she sped up once more. Wait til Whisper sees me now!

They made a quick lap of the arena, and then a once again before slowing to a walk, both trainer and filly needing to catch their breath. Aspen felt great, she didn't notice the slow changes overtaking her body. The growth of her rump, the lengthening of her platinum mane and tail, or the dark golden fur spreading from the base of her tail.

With a sudden onslaught, her face felt like she had a bad head cold, with pressure building painfully, until her muzzle pushed out a little, then the pressure would build again... over and over. She whinnied and snorted in fright.

Stumbling, she felt felt her hands cramping, looking down, she could could see through bleary eyes that they too were changing. Her fingers grew, but only the middle fingers seemed to be adding mass, the others thinned, fading into the vestigial finger bones of horses.

"Whee!!!" Aspen squealed in fright. It's happening so fast! I-I should be fighting this!!! I'm Shauna!!! I am not Aspen!!!

Mikalah was quick to calm her filly's fears, speaking softly while stroking her growing neck, "Easy girl! Easy, I'm speeding things up a bit but there no reason to be afraid."

Aspen calmed down quickly. Why am I fighting? WHAT am I fighting... she's nice... I love her... She gives treats... grooms me... loves me...

Mikalah and Aspen continued to walk slowly around the ring. They watched the other fillies. Whisper was doing well, her form and grace perfect as she followed Irene. She was nearly finished now, her sorrel and white fur thickly covering most of her body. Tawna, or Raven, as she was now called, was on all fours now, her trainer beaming with her progress. Her body was mostly nude but for some black fur along her spine, hence her new name, as well as her black mane and tail.

Brindy was near by, fully and entirely a horse. Her master started calling her Tippen and lovingly doted on her as she performed beautifully for him. Sabeena was also on all fours, sporting a coat much like Raven's and nearly as dark. She was looking no worse for wear from the previous day's incident. Aspen wondered how the stallion looked now, she could only imagine he was quite handsome and virile...

Suzanne and Bethany both looked strong and healthy, both being dun colored fillies, or were going to be. Candice was a lithe and beautiful Arab filly, her bay coat glistening from her owner's careful attention and the strong willed Shara Bailey tugged at her lead, her master thankfully patient and kind to his grullo colored charge.

But not all of Aspen's friend's were so lucky to have such gentle, understanding trainers. Aubrey yanked and pulled at Jasmine, yelling more than instructing. The poor filly hung her head and tried to comply, but nothing she did seemed right in her trainer's eyes. She walked as a quadruped, but her gray coat only partially grown. Her still bare skinned withers bore red welts where she had been lashed with the lead rope.

Then as Aspen watched, Aubrey struck Jasmine across the face with the lead rope, then again and again!

"Whee!!!" Jasmine cried out tried to shrink away but Aubrey's onslaught continued. The terrified mare tried pulling away but only enraged her trainer further.

"NAHH! NEIGHHHHHH!!!" Aspen fell to all fours as she tried to run to Jasmine's aid, "Nah heeeeellpp"

"Aspen no! Calm down!" Mikalah was drug behind the furious filly, only stopping feet away from Aubrey by a tall older woman, her powerful glance enough to command Aspen to stop.

"Miss Fairfield!" Mikalah stuttered, "I'm-I'm so sorry, my mare was upset..."

"Yes," The beautiful, but stern looking woman said, "and understandably. What I do not understand, however, is how anyone could treat an animal in such a manner!"

She turned to Aubrey, her eyes burning with disdain, "That sort of behavior, simply not acceptable at this stable! Well, Miss Trotsworth? Do you have any sort of explanation?"

Aubrey paled, Miss Fairfield's punishments were legendary, "I-I-I guess I got frustrated... This horse is such a stupid, stubborn thing..."

Miss Fairfield's glare only became worse, she clutched her riding crop and ground a boot into the dirt, "This is your only warning Miss Trotsworth. Your family's proud history at this school will only take you so far."

Aubrey gulped with relief, "Yes Miss Fairfield, I understand."

Guinevere Fairfield glared at Aubrey a moment longer before spinning on her heel and looking at Aspen and Mikalah spoke, "Miss Young isn't it? Come with me, I'd like to speak to you for a moment."

Mikalah tried to hold back a sneer when Aubrey stuck her tongue out at her, "Yes, Miss Fairfield."

Aspen found her new stance on all fours surprisingly comfortable, though it seemed her forelimbs remained a bit short and awkward. It did, however, put her muzzle closer to Mikalah's treat filled pockets.

Miss Fairfield made the transition somewhat more difficult. She seemed to be analyzing Aspen's every movement; how she walked or even how she swished her tail. It was sometime before she spoke.

"I notice, Miss Young, that your filly is considerably further behind than those of your classmates."

"Y-yes, Miss Fairfield. I-I guess..." Mikalah muttered but tried to speak up, "I guess I'm too softhearted for this. I've been very gentle with her... Too gentle it seems. But I love her, and I can't bring myself to force her. I... I may not be cut out for this kind of work."

Miss Fairfield stopped and ran her hands down Aspen's back, rump, and then down her hind leg. Aspen didn't find the attention particularly pleasant, but tolerated it for Mikalah's sake. The school's headmistress lifted both hooves on Aspen's right side before speaking again.

"Nonsense child, a kind heart is nothing to be ashamed of! Your work may be slower than others, but in many ways it is superior, due in large part I am sure, for your concern for this fine animal's well being. You are fine example of what I'm looking for in a student here. My Great-Grandmother did not have little twats like Trotsworth in mind when she started this school three-hundred years ago."

Mikalah giggled and beamed, "Thank you Miss Fairfield!"

"This lovely filly will score well, I'm sure. I've to spoken with your teachers and instructors and I'd like to ask you something. would you be interested in a position at Fairfield's?" Miss Fairfield spoke as she stroked Aspen's long, but as of yet furless neck. Aspen like her she smelled right. If only she had a treat!

"Oh, Miss Fairfield, I'm... Of course! I'm honored!" Mikalah was blushing.

"There's an opening available in our non-magical riding classes for an instructor's assistant. Working with youngsters for the most part, 8 thru 21. I'm afraid they'll be long hours along with some stall mucking and grooming, but promotions will come. Still interested?"

"Just one question Miss Fairfield," Mikalah said as she held Aspen's growing muzzle.


"Can Aspen be there with me?"

Miss Fairfield smiled, "Part the pay is free broad for your personal horse."

"I'll take it! Thank you Miss Fairfield! Thank you!"

"Excellent! I look forward to welcoming you to the Fairfield's family. Meet me in my office 9AM Monday and can get everything in order. 'Til then and good luck at tonight's show."

Mikalah waited until Miss Fairfield left before squealing with glee and hugging Aspen's neck, 'EEEEE! Oh Aspen this is incredible!!! I never thought I'd get a chance like this! Irene's going to freak! I can't wait to tell her!"

Aspen nuzzled her master. She no longer understood just what was being said, but she knew that Mikalah was happy and that made her happy.

Aspen's body, and those of her former teammates continued to change. They filled out with powerful equine muscle, becoming stronger and faster, becoming more suitable for what their respective owners wished them to do. Jumping, vaulting, racing, and even simple pleasure riding. Thoughts of family, friends, boyfriends and school faded from their minds as they trained, replaced by instincts, new skills and thoughts of stallions and foals.

The changes to Aspen's body reached completion just as the show was about to start, much to Mikalah's relief. Those last moment changes would have gone unnoticed by the layman, but to Mikalah's eyes they were glaring and she was sure they would for the judges as well.

The judging went well. The volleyball team circled the area once, heads and tails held high. Some behaved better than others, but Aspen was perhaps the best, with Whisper a close second. Both wished to please their trainers, of course, but they also wanted to win.

Some of the girls fussed and fidgeted on their leads, other impatiently pawed at the ground. But Aspen and Whisper did their best hold still, holding the perfect pose their trainers taught them.

When the judges came out and ran their hands over the fillies, checking their conformation and the care that their trainers put into creating them. On this, all the trainers scored well. Fairfield's was, after all, one of the top schools in the world.

Finally, satisfied with their observations, the judges asked the trainers to lead their fillies in another circle around the arena before having them line up. The judges walked the line, eyeing the fillies one more time.

At last they stopped, and pulling out the third place ribbon, and asked Irene and Whisper to come forward. Elated, the pair came forward to collect their ribbon.

Sun Rise Massage

Sun Rise Massage The massage parlor was a bit out of the way, but it had an excellent reputation. At least, that was what Allison's quick check on the internet said. A small place, exclusive and a waiting list to get an appointment. So when she...

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Myra’s Tale

This is a spin-off of a previous story, Scarlet & Gold, a.k.a. Cylian. I am sure you can read it independently, but reading the first might help a bit with the nuances. \* \* \* Myra's Tale Snow began drifting against the massive Ponderosa trees and...

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Scarlet & Gold

Scarlet & Gold A cold chill had settled over the land of Kodoch, the icy morning mist swirled around the village. The horses, cows, and pigs huddled under their shelter while the villagers themselves struggled to stay warm in the stone huts, thankful...

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