The White Pill And The Rabbit's Smile

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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A little free story for someone who has done me a number of favors over the year, and most notably, the person who did my business cards and banner for the conventions I deal at, this is a fun and humorous little story for a little foxy, FA: Atimist!

In his request, Atimist the fox is getting ready for a date with a girl that he's met on a reputable online dating website, when his roommate Joshiah offers him a pill, produced by Dover: One that's meant to boost the confidence of even the most timid person! Without hesitation, he takes it, but when unusual things start to happen on his date, he knows just who to blame...but it's already far too late to stop what's begun! Taylor the rabbit can only watch in shock as Atimist, the fox she'd only dreamed of, starts to disappear before her very eyes!

Atimist the fox belongs to FA: Atimist , please don't use him without the proper permissions. I made Taylor the bunny, so...y'know. At least let me figure out her role first!

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

A polo shirt of Georgia red, neatly tucked in, the collar firmly pressed and adjusted.

Black slacks, freshly washed and ironed to remove any sign of a wrinkle, stopping just short of black and red checkered dress socks.

Polished shoes, shining bright in their onyx sheen, giving the wearer a professional look, and, combined with the other pieces, one that fell just short of business casual...perfect for a first date.

All that was missing was a confident smile, and as Atimist looked at his outfit in a full body mirror, making sure that no detail was out of place, confident fangs came clear in a smirk that was just short of cocky.

"Awfully dressy for a blind date, don't you think?"

Dressed rather lax by comparison and eating a prepared ramen noodle bowl in his pajamas, Atimist's roommate, Joshiah, was spying on his foxy friend, as he was wont to do.

It was much easier to do when Atimist left the door open, of course.

"I want to make a good first impression. If I went to the date looking like you..." Atimist paused, pretending to admire the plaid print pajama bottoms and white t-shirt that his friend had been wearing all day, "She'd be calling for the check the second I sat down!"

"Hey now, dude. You're ripping on the guy who's actually had a girlfriend for the last seven years."

"A blind squirrel, am I right?"

Joshiah rolled his eyes and stepped into the bedroom, giving Atimist a once over and nodding in approval. "Well, I'd assume that your date is a blind squirrel, so you shouldn't have much to worry about, but if she can see, I think you'll pass the first inspection."

Brown hair, medium length and usually flowing wild, was combed back neatly for Atimist. The cream of his underbelly was covered up by his dressy clothes, and his outer coat of fur, a tasty shade of tan and peanut butter, was only visible on his paws, and the fuzz upon his muzzle, though there was a slight blush starting to creep through at the compliment.

"I'm glad I have the approval of a straight guy with the fashion sense of a twelve year old," Atimist tried to shrug it off, snickering at his friend as he gave his hair one last quick pat down. "But, I suppose your opinion should be good for something. You've kept a girl like Rose around for that long..."

"I just wish she was here so she could back me up on it, though I wouldn't recommend wearing your old team colors on a first date...try to keep the Bulldog contained, if you know what I mean."

Atimist shrugged. "If she's got no love for the Bulldogs, then I've got no love for her!" he explained, opting to roll up the long sleeves on his dress shirt to the elbow, giving himself a bit more of a casual and relaxed look, hoping to set the proper tone for his date.

"Yeah...I'm sure you'll be singing a different tune when I have to put in earplugs so I can sleep tonight," Joshiah teased, patting Atimist on the shoulder and handing something out to him. "By the by, Dover was here earlier...he said you should take this before you go on your date."

Atimist opened his paw, and a small pill was dropped into it. "...That's only a little sketchy. What is it?"

"Well, Dover said he noticed that you were having a little trouble talking to the ladies. He cooked this up in his lab back home...says that it's a confidence booster."

"And can you vouch for it?"

Joshiah snickered. "Well, it's no Prebudila, but...Dover seems like a trustworthy guy, and you do get just a little nervous around the ladies."

"I'd rather it not be Prebudila, coyofolf..."

"Well, you're in luck, then! Pop that thing before you get going, and I have a feeling your first date will go a lot more smoothly, and if it does, maybe you'll learn to talk to her without it!"

Atimist didn't look too enthused, but the longer that he stared at the pill in his paw, sitting plain and white against his tan fur, the more he thought that it might be a good idea.

"Suppose it couldn't hurt," Atimist agreed, taking the pill out of the bedroom and into the kitchen with him. "Think you can find something else to do this evening in case things go really, really well?"

"You won't even know I'm here," Joshiah said, and the orange stripes upon the black fur of his tail disappeared into his bedroom, hiding a less than innocent smirk as he closed the door behind him.

Holding the fate of his own evening in his paw, Atimist poured himself a small glass of water from the tap, popped the pill into his maw, and gulped the water down, swallowing the pill into his throat and down through his gullet.

...Must be a placebo effect, Atimist thought, But I really do feel more confident already!

With a bright grin, a swishing tail and a swagger in his step, the overconfident fox made his way out the door and to his car, wanting to arrive a few minutes early for the date. He was determined to do everything right, and that meant he could NOT be late.


With all sorts of quick hook-up dating sites popping up on the internet, like Tinder, Grindr and Flirchi, it was hard for anyone to find an online relationship that didn't just revolve around sex, and Atimist was something of a traditional guy; he had the same urges that all males do, but at the end of the day, he was looking for someone that he could hold onto when the sun rose in the morning the day after.

That meant going through more traditional annals, and in this case, there were still a couple of online dating sites that promised long term relationships, instead of one night stands.

In the months leading up to the moment, Atimist had become close with a female on the website that wasn't a fox, like him, but rather, a bunny. He didn't know that his parents would approve, but they weren't near him judge, and just from their conversations online, lasting long into the wee hours of the morning, Atimist felt like she was someone that he could happily spend time with in person, even if they'd never met before. In most of her pictures, there were at least a few females, so he wasn't sure which one was actually her, but given the people that populated the photos, he felt that he was going to happy, whoever it turned out she was.

It was, however, completely nerve-wracking to sit outside of the small cafe that they'd agreed to meet up at, without any real idea who he was looking for.

"'re Atimist, right?"

Lucky for the shy fox, a timid, nervous voice came and found him instead, in the form of a shimmering white coat of fur, covered delicately with a red dress that stopped just below the cut of the knee. A small purse was held between dainty pawtips, black leather, and was held right up to the center of her tummy, just under the cup of her bust, none too modest, and perhaps meant to draw attention. A silver chain necklace, thin and sparkling in the low light of the moon, was adorned with a small, heart-shaped pendant.

All of this, and Atimist could only see her bright, ice blue eyes, and the friendly smile that kept him too nervous to make a sound. Auburn locks of hair that fell down and framed her eyes were casually brushed out of the way of her vision, and for just a moment, Atimist was able to lock eyes with her, completely taking his voice away. A lump filled his throat, and a mild flush took his cheeks as he did his best to smile, hoping and praying that the placebo effect would kick in again, soon.

"Maybe I should try sending you an e-mail and see if that get you to talk," the bunny teased, managing a tiny giggle as she reached out a paw to Atimist. "You weren't kidding; you really are shy!"

Atimist was able to take her paw in his own, doing his best to be delicate in his touch. The soft, smooth white fur that covered her paw down to the pads was so pleasant against his touch that he imagined it to be fragile, giving it a very gentle shake.

"J-j-just a little..."

"Well, you've got no need to be," the female admitted. "You're very cute, Atimist. I'm Taylor...shall we head inside?"

The subtle beams of light from the rising moon gave Taylor an illumination that was absolutely stunning, highlighting the delicate coat of white fur that made her look so bright and pure, she was truly like an angel come to earth.

And somehow, Atimist had a date with her.

_Hey, stupid, hold the door open for her,_Atimist thought, her words only just barely registering, even to his sensitive, vulpine ears. He was still too lost in the moment of Taylor's beauty to form a proper sentence.

"O-of course," Atimist finally sputtered out, doing his best to wear a smile that didn't reek of nerves. "After you!"

Chivalry wasn't entirely dead, and Taylor gave Atimist a happy, genuine smile as the nervous fox held the door open for her. Cold steel felt like ice in Ati's paws, but he ignored the discomfort as he welcomed Taylor into the warm, dark lights of the cafe, overrun with a packed, yet quiet crowd. Voices popped up from each and every booth and table in the small establishment, but none of them were overly loud, even the polite voice of the hostess at the front podium.

"Good evening, folks," said a rather quiet, squeaky voice, belonging to the short, cute mouse that was currently working the podium. "Just the two of you tonight? Would you like a booth, or a table?"

Perhaps the way that Atimist and Taylor were dressed hinted that they would want privacy, and likely weren't meeting anyone. The hostess was observant, at the very least.

"A booth would be lovely," Atimist replied, his voice just a bit more stalwart than it had been outside of the restaurant. Whether it was the pill finally starting to take effect, or just a placebo effect all over again, he wasn't going to question it, and certainly wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Wonderful! Right this way, please," their hostess stepped out from behind the podium and guided them through the small cafe. The style was very post-modern; there was an eloquent mix of polished hardwood on the floor and in the seats, but the use of brushed nickel and steel in their construction, left to shine in the low, soft lights of the establishment, gave a rather inviting and innovative look, one that everyone was trying to capture in their architecture those days. The wood of each booth seat was cut with just the slightest curve, making for a surprisingly comfortable seat, and both Atimist and Taylor sunk right in as they were given their booth. "Were you two looking to have a meal this evening, or will it be strictly drinks?"

"No food for me," Taylor quickly dismissed with a wave of her paw. "I'm trying to watch my weight."

Atimist thought it to be a silly sentiment; Taylor had a perfect figure, in his mind, and had scarcely an extra scrap of fat on her body.

"And you, sir?"

"I'll just start with a glass of red wine...a nice Merlot, if you have one?"

"We certainly do. Would you like a sample, Miss?"

Taylor pondered it for a moment. Though she wasn't nearly as shy or nervous as Atimist, she felt that a drink might help her to loosen up just a little bit more, perhaps to the perfect point for the date to go swimmingly. "Sure," she finally said, "I think I'll have a glass of whatever he's having."

"Excellent choice. A waitress will be by with your drinks momentarily," the hostess explained, before offering a polite smile and returning to her podium. Thanks to the relaxed atmosphere of the cafe and the dimmed lights, it really did feel like Atimist was alone with Taylor, and even if the place had been painfully bright and full of loud, rowdy customers, she was the only one he would have dared to look at.

He just wished that his confidence wasn't so touch and go.

"So..." Taylor muttered, breaking what was going to be a long and drawn out silence, "I know we've talked a lot online, but I feel like I still don't know you as well as I should...tell me a little bit about yourself!"

Her words were timed perfectly to interrupt the waitress as she arrived with a couple glasses of water, and a couple wine flutes, filled with the fruity, dark red liquid that each of the pair wished to try.

"Thanks," Atimist said, smiling and addressing the waitress, before looking back to Taylor. Once again, his confidence flipped a switch on him, and while he felt a little smaller for some reason, his voice felt that much bigger. "I dunno, Taylor...I feel like I've already told you all the interesting stuff there is to know about me!"

"I'm sure there's more to you than just the Georgia Bulldogs," Taylor teased, helping Atimist along in the conversation and wearing a playful smirk at her jesting.

Atimist rolled his eyes. "Just because they're the best team in college football..."

"I wouldn't know," Taylor reminded him with a quick snicker. "I've got a life outside of sports!"

"Well, so do I! I'm an artist, I like hanging out outside and going to parties, I've got a bunch of friends that are just awesome guys to hang out with...what...why is that funny?"

Taylor was giggling all the while, prompting Atimist to tilt his head. "You made yourself seem kinda one-dimensional online, but the fact of the matter is that you're a lot deeper than that, you mind if I call you Ati?"

Atimist shook his head. The ice was thoroughly melted now, and sure enough, he was thanking his lucky stars, and quietly thanking Dover for the pill that he'd been given, as it seemed to be working wonders. "Not one bit. All of my friends do," he pointed out, and despite his intentions to look professional and mature, he couldn't help the slight swish of his tail around the booth behind him. "I'd like to come up with a nickname for you, but...I kinda like calling you Taylor, if that's okay."

"Certainly," Taylor replied, her own cheeks, covered in the softest, most neatly trimmed fur, finally lighting up faintly in a blush of rose pink. "I'm glad I took you up on this invitation,'s to a lovely night ahead of us."

Taylor lifted her glass for a toast, and Atimist quickly picked up on it. His paw trembled just slightly as he took the wine flute, his mind a racing mess as he tried to decide the best way to hold it in order to look fancy. Pawtips curled around the narrow stem of the glass and leaned it forward gently, the flutes meeting each other with an eloquent Ting!

Both the fox and the bunny took a sip, right at the same time...and while Taylor could only feel the slight, pleasant warmth of a fantastic wine coursing down her throat, Atimist felt something a little something different as the alcohol pooled in his stomach from the sip.

There was bubbling.

It was faint enough that he thought he might have a small gas bubble in his stomach, so at first, Atimist did his best to ignore it. He kept a genuinely happy smile on his muzzle as he locked eyes with Taylor again, paralyzed by the stunning, ice blue orbs that he simply couldn't look away from.

"Simply delicious!" Atimist spoke, the very tip of his tongue teasing at his lips to savor the last little bit of the wine that rested there. Taylor giggled at the sight, hiding her smiling lips behind a paw as she did her best to remain rather dainty and professional herself. "I may have to get a second glass!"

Taylor took another sip from her flute, setting the glass back down on the table gently and giving a nod of agreement. "It's got a wonderful balance of fruit on the front of the taste, and just a little bitterness to balance it out. Delightful," she replied, before giving Atimist the quickest of winks. "Not trying to get all liquored up already, are you?"

"Not at all...I'd rather stay as clear of mind as I could. I don't ever want to forget the way you look right now," Atimist admitted, letting perhaps too much of an affectionate phrase pass his lips. It wasn't until he could see the shy blush creeping into Taylor's cheeks once again that he realized he'd gone a little too far, and he quickly pressed the glass up to his lips again...and as he felt the alcohol coursing down his throat again, he felt, once more, like he might be getting smaller.

This time, it wasn't just a feeling of shyness or concern.

"Well, someone is quite the romantic!" Taylor replied, thinking quickly and trying to spare the poor fox his embarrassment. She cared more deeply for him than she was letting on, and she was worried she might be scaring him off as he appeared to slink back in his seat. "I know you said you were a bit of a shorter guy...but don't go shrinking away on me!"

When he sat down, Atimist could easily reach the floor with his feet, but the bubbling in his stomach was only getting worse, and even as he did slink back just a little bit in his seat, it suddenly occurred to him that his paws weren't reaching the floor. The bubbling sensation was spreading throughout his abdomen and starting to creep down to his footpaws, and hidden by it was a slightly different feeling, that of his entire skeletal structure shifting up into his torso. The muscles in his legs were tensing and relaxing rapidly, all without his telling them to, and sure enough, as he glanced under the table, he could see them shortening.

"...Atimist? You drop something?"

"N-no, nothing!" he rapidly replied, smiling nervously again, far more nervously than he had at the start of the night. Even the part of him that was visible above the table was clearly changing; the dress shirt that he'd picked, once form-fitting and tight to his fur like a second skin, was getting progressively baggier, and within moments, Taylor could see it starting to sag on his flesh. "I...I just thought I felt something stuck to my paws! R-really gross, right?"

Taylor often wore her long, pointed ears down for special occasions, or at least left them at a tilt, but this time, she couldn't help her ears perking up high and making her that much taller than her date as he looked him over curiously. "I thought the floor looked pretty clean, honestly," she suggested, before leaning her head under the table as well to look for a stain...and instead, she saw two legs, once almost as long as her own, shrinking back into the body of a fox. "You're really shy, aren't you?"

When she leaned her head back up, Taylor could see that even with his legs retracting, Atimist looked like he was getting shorter, and his shirt was noticeably loose. More nervous than he'd been in years and smiling like a goof, Atimist took another sip of his wine, finishing the flute, without realizing that he was only sealing his own fate in doing so. Tall, pointed ears shrunk down further and further to his head, and in time, his entire skull shrunk around his brain, which did the same. Everything was getting smaller in scale, but, slowly but surely, Atimist was shrinking down to size. He was hardly the size of a teenager when he finished his glass, and Taylor tried to contain her panic as she watched him put his paws up on the table to try and make himself look taller.

"Y-yes...I...I am..."

Taylor's eyes widened in concern, the light reflecting off of her icy blues as Atimist was visibly shrinking now, and more rapidly as things progressed. He tried to be slick about it, pulling his legs up to the seat to stand upright on it and make himself look as tall as he really was, but his head, shoulders and tummy were already the size of a toddler, and there was no way for him to mask the changes any longer. son of a bitch! And helped him! There's no way you didn't know!

Completely riddled with panic and having almost no way to explain things, Atimist tried to bite back his tears as he jumped down out of the booth, now having the form and figure of an adult, all in the body of someone slightly smaller than a newborn. His clothes managed to move with him in a flowing pool of fabric, but Taylor, looking completely shocked and fearful, didn't want to let him get away.

"Atimist, wait! I...I mean, can explain this, right?!" she called out, her voice easily the loudest one in the restaurant and drawing all of the attention to the two of them as she stood up out of the booth, ready to chase after him...but not at all ready for the stabbing bottom of her small heels to land on a pair of dress pants and completely take her footing away. " Woooooooah!"

Despite her usual, flawless grace that evening, Taylor fell backwards, her legs kicking out from under her and leaving her flat upon her back, rubbing her sore bottom as it became very close friends with a hardwood floor, christened by a powerful WHUMP. The sudden rush of the clothes being kicked up by her fall shot a tiny Atimist up into the air, completely nude as not a single scrap of his clothing could fit him any longer. There was a tiny, helpless squeak as Atimist flew through the air, and to him, it felt like he was falling off of a building as he started to descend...but when he landed, and the shrinking finally came to an end, he was surprised to feel not the harshness of the floor or the breaking of his bones against wood, but rather, the soft, cushy sensation of fur surrounding his entire body.

"What...the hell?"

Dizzied by his flight through the air, Atimist thought that maybe he'd landed in a pile of napkins, but all he could see around him was endless fields of white fur, and when he turned around behind him, there were two large, round, and smooth lumps of flesh, as Taylor's already ample bosom looked like literal mountains to the miniature fox.

He was surprised to hear a loud, teasing giggle, and when he whirled back around, he looked to see two giant orbs of ice blue looking down at him, striking panic into his heart...until Taylor spoke to him again.

"If you were that eager to get under my dress, maybe you could have tried asking first..."

Reality was truly setting in for Atimist, at that moment. Dover had dosed him with another one of his crazy pills, and he'd foolishly allowed it to ruin his date with Taylor. The tears that he thought he felt coming on earlier were ready to flow as he looked up at the massive bunny...even though she was smiling down at him.

"I'm sorry about this, Taylor...I didn't want to ruin this date, so I took a little 'confidence booster' from a buddy of mine...go figure, it didn't do what he told me it would..."

"With friends like those..." Taylor trailed off, giving a quick shake of her head. Even though she was flat on her back, the soreness she felt in her rear end was almost completely faded as she looked at the adorable, tiny fox in her cleavage, and she reached out a pawtip to poke his chest. "But you should have told me that you were so nervous, Ati...I would have made arrangements for us to meet a different way, if that would have helped..."

The feeling of the pawtip at his chest was rather comforting, until Atimist realized that he was completely naked. His paws quickly shot over his crotch and his ears flattened all the way back against his head, prompting another giggle from Taylor. "I just...I really wanted to make a good first impression, Taylor..."

"You were!" Taylor pointed out, slowly standing up from the floor. The natural strain of her top kept Atimist pressed to her chest and hidden mostly from view, letting only his head pop out over the top of the fabric. "But, I can't deny thinking that you might be even cuter like this..."


"You were already pretty adorable," Taylor admitted, her cheeks flushing once again as she said so. "But a cute little fox that I can fit in my pocket? What's not to love?" she asked, letting her pawtip scritch through the darker brown of his hair. "I think it's only fair that I give you a second date, Atimist...but...for tonight, we've gotta figure out how to get you bigger again."

Atimist was completely shocked, his eyes widening in a mix of delight and surprise as Taylor kept his tears from ever having to fall. He couldn't believe that this date had been anything but a disaster, and yet, Taylor was completely earnest in her words. Her smile was honest and real, one that came from someone who truly enjoyed being in the presence of another. " buddy Dover probably has a cure lying around somewhere..."

"A cure? That's...not exactly what I meant, Ati."

"Then...what did you...?"

"Let's head on back to my place," Taylor cut him off with a devious grin. "And I'll show you exactly what I mean."

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