CHAPTER 13: Meeting Debt and Honor

Story by silver2075 on SoFurry

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#15 of The Plight of Hunter

Hunter as well as others strive to pay their debts.

CHAPTER 13: Meeting Debt and Honor

Pages 415- 456

"What...? Is? Faline? Arion? Burmese?" Hunter mumbled and groaned as he stirred from his slumber.

"Whoa, there beg fellow. Just lay back down and I will answer any questions I can," Carl instructed as he gently urged Hunter to lie back. "Everyone is fine. You did well. You just need to relax for a few more days, before you can be up biting the heads of any Catain," he teased with a grin.

"I... what?" Hunter replied in his confusion as he rubbed his temples. "Is Sylvy mad at me?" he added with concern.

"No, she is rather concerned about you though. I would let her know you are finally awake, but she needs her rest," Carl replied but could see Hunter's concern. "She has been watching over you since you fell asleep. She tried to lay down with you, but you kept trying to hump her in your sleep. I didn't want you to tear out any of your stitches, so I gave her a strong sedative and made her go get a nap in Tyrell's room," he added with a grin despite his disgust for galactic regulations for pet care. He could have used a dermal regenerator as he had used on the ambassador, with ease except for those archaic regulations, which restricted medical care for lower species.

"Well, you can't blame me for that. She is very... She makes me feel...," Hunter began but couldn't find the words that could express the way he felt.

"I know how you feel about her. There is no need straining your brain," Carl continued to tease the lovesick puppy. "Anyway, how are you feeling? Is there anything I could get you? And there will be none of that for now," he added with a mischievous grin.

"Feel like that time I fell off a cliff," Hunter groaned as he tried to stretch out his aching muscles without even noticing Carl's joke.

"Whoa... whoa... stop doing that. You are going to tear something open," Carl declared quickly.

"I am so stiff. How long have I been laying here?" Hunter inquired as he rubbed his eyes.

"I said there would be none of that," Carl teased but had to laugh as he recognized his humor was lost to Hunter. "You have been here two days," he answered with a shake of his head.

"Two days!" Hunter exclaimed in horror, before he began to shuffle to the side of the bed.

"What in the hell do you think you are doing?" Carl demanded as he began to restrain Hunter. However, he could tell the big man could move him easily if he wanted despite his weakened state.

"I have work to do. I am supposed to be guarding the Ambassador," Hunter complained with a scowl.

"Oh, for the love of Petra... lay down. I will have Rose bring up something light for you to eat," Carl instructed in disbelief as he held Hunter by the shoulders.

"I do feel hungry. I can make it to the kitchen," Hunter declared defiantly as he stood. However, the room seemed to spin. He nearly lost his balance, before he dropped back to the bed. "Wow, it is just like that time I fell from that cliff. It took me for what seemed for ever before I could run again," he added as he tried to stop the room from spinning.

"You will have to tell me that story some time. However, if you promise to stay in that bed, I will go talk to Rose. I am sure the rest will want to hear about the change in your condition as well," Carl proposed with his sternest scowl.

"I will agree... besides it doesn't seem as if I can stand to go anywhere for the time being," Hunter agreed hesitantly. However, he was sure there was something he could do about his condition.

"I will be right back," Carl promised before he darted out the door.

Hunter sat at the edge of the bed as he closed his eyes and began to breathe deep. He continued to breathe deep as he let his mind drift, before he began to focus his thoughts on his aches and pains. Yes, he could feel it begin to work. He could feel the warmth begin to spread through his veins until it felt as if he were on fire.


"Hunter? Hunter?" Carl questioned as he nudged hunter on the shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked with concern.

"I... I must have fallen asleep," Hunter lied as he resumed his normal breathing.

"Rose said she would be...," Carl began until he was interrupted with Rose carrying a huge platter covered with fresh cuts of meat. "Sweet mother of Petra, Rose... I said a light meal," he admonished with a scowl.

"He can eat what he wishes. I will return what he doesn't desire," Rose snapped as she returned the doctor's glare.

"That is fine. Hunter I want you to...," Carl began to instruct but cut off short as he watched the big man swallow whole chunks of raw flesh. "You should...," he tried to continued but he was simply amazed at how fast the pile of meat seemed to disappear. "You are not right," he finally declared as Hunter began to crunch through some bones on the platter. Then it was over. "Do you always eat like that?" he questioned in disbelief.

"Like what?" Hunter asked with a frown. "Is there any other way to eat?" he added as he wondered if his head was functioning less efficient than he had thought.

"Most people chew their food," Carl replied with a shake of his head.

"I chewed," Hunter, replied as he tried to think. He was sure he had chewed. He hadn't swallowed the bones. Maybe he was worse off than he thought. He would concentrate on his head next time. "I think I will get a nap. Rose could you please bring me another plate in a little while?" he asked politely.

"Sure thing," Rose agreed before she kissed the big man on the cheek. "That is from Sylvy. She has been worried sick about you," she added before she left the room.

"What?" Hunter asked once he realized Carl was staring at him.

"You are unlike anything I have ever encountered," Carl replied as he shook his head. "Well, go back to sleep. I will want to change your dressings when you wake," he added before he returned to the chair across the room to catch a few winks for himself.

Hunter lay back on the bed, but kept an eye on Carl. He waited until Carl closed his eyes, before he began once again. He resumed his deep breathing and letting his mind drift in the currents of his surroundings, before he started to focus his thoughts once again.

"Hunter! Hunter!" Carl shouted as he shook the big man.

"What!" Hunter shouted as he nearly jumped to the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" Carl asked with concern as he slashed his light into Hunter's eyes.

"I was sleeping," Hunter lied again.

"Your breathing was odd. Then I couldn't wake you. I was concerned," Carl tried to explain as he continued examine Hunter. Nevertheless, everything seemed normal.

"Did Rose bring more food?" Hunter asked as he wondered how long it had been.

"Not yet, but I suppose I could ask her to bring something up for you," Carl replied as he scratched his head.

"That would be great," Hunter replied as he stood.

"What do you think you are doing?" Carl protested as he stood in front of Hunter.

"I must relieve myself," Hunter replied with a frown.

"Okay, but I want you to hang on to me. I don't want you to fall down," Carl instructed with a frown. He was sure Hunter had difficulty standing straight just... well it had been a little while, but now the man didn't give the slightest indication of disorientation.

"Okay," Hunter agreed with a sigh before he placed a hand on Carl's shoulder to steady himself. "I can handle it from here," he declared once they arrived at the restroom.

"Oh, have we become shy all of a sudden?" Carl, teased with a toothy grin.

"Oh, no... I would love to let you hold it between your lips," Hunter replied with a mischievous grin. "However, this visit will not be that pleasant. You wouldn't enjoy this at all," he added with a chuckle.

"Oh, I see," Carl, replied quickly. "Just be careful," he warned as he watched Hunter move without any stiffness or signs of being imbalanced. "I guess I will go see Rose. It looks as if you are doing better than I ever imagined possible," he added with a frown.

"You are an amazing doctor," Hunter replied before he shut the door.

"Bullshit," Carl grumbled before he turned to find Rose. He was grateful that Hunter was feeling better, but it just wasn't natural to be up and moving around after nearly dying and spending two days in a coma like sleep. Hunter had woken a few times to take a drink and nibble on some meat but the man had been so delirious he couldn't speak. He barely grumbled and groaned at that. Hell, the man hadn't been able to hold his own head up to drink until today. He had considered giving Hunter an IV, but the man thrashed badly at times as he slept. He was afraid Hunter would just rip them out. He was relieved when Hunter had been coaxed to drink water and actually held it down. He didn't have to worry about the man becoming dehydrated. However, getting him to eat had been more difficult. Well, it had until today. How in the hell the man had eaten that, much in one sitting was... "Hunter... you are supposed to take it easy," he complained as Hunter entered the room carrying another platter of fresh meat.

"This is heavy and Rose is such a little thing," Hunter protested with a shrug of his shoulders. "Where are Arion and Burmese?" he asked to change the subject as much as to know where they were.

"They are in the barn," Carl answered reluctantly as he watched Hunter begin to devour his dinner. "Let me start on changing your dressings while you... will you try to eat a little slower. It is disturbing," he finally complained.

"Oh, sorry," Hunter replied with a blink of surprise.

"Hunter...," Carl began hesitantly as he began to remove some of his bandages.

"Yes," Hunter replied before he swallowed another chuck of meat.

"What in the fuck?" Carl questioned as he removed more bandages.

"What?" Hunter replied as he looked at his belly. "What happened to all my fur?" he asked as he wondered how he had not noticed this previously.

"What happened... what happened to your wounds?" Carl continued to question.

"They appear to be healing nicely," Hunter, answered as he ran his hand over his shaved chest. "That looks so weird. I have bald spots everywhere," he continued to complain.

"Healed nicely... They... I wouldn't expect them to look like this for weeks yet," Carl protested as he stood to look at Hunter.

"That Neosporin works wonders sometimes," Hunter suggested quickly.

"Neosporin is something you put on cuts or bug bites, Hunter. This... I didn't use... How in the hell...," Carl stammered in frustration. However, he noticed for the first time Hunter wouldn't meet his eyes. "Hunter, look at me," he demanded as he held Hunter's chin. "You know about this don't you," he asked but only received a reluctant nod. "I know you are different. I was the one who stitched you up. Every bullet that hit your chest deflected off bone or cartilage. You didn't suffer a single wound to a vital organ. The bullets passed through your skin and muscle. I could swear there were a few marks on you that looked like mere grazes. However, the bruising meant there was some force present. I don't need to know how, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me enough to insure my sanity," he begged as he knelt down to gaze into Hunter's eyes.

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger," Hunter, admitted before left his seat at the edge of the bed. He went to the door, and checked the hall before he continued. "I know I heal different than others. I can't control it. However, I can speed it up some if I relax and concentrate on what ails me," he added once he was sure no one else was around.

"How did this happen?" Carl asked curiously.

"I don't know why or how things happen as they do. They just do," Hunter, answered in whispered tones.

"Well, I will go ahead and pull these stitches. It will sting a little. Then I will show you how to replace your bandages. You will want to wear them until the military personnel leave. You have to trust me on this. You do not want them to find out about this. Do you understand? Keep wearing these bandages until they are gone," Carl repeated with a shake of his head. He had no idea what would happen for sure, but he was convinced it would end up with a dissection.


"Halt," the soldier demanded as he stepped in front of the oversize Canis.

"Yes," Hunter replied as he paused in front of the two young Draconis dressed in military apparel. "Would you excuse me?" he asked after waiting for them to move out of the way.

"The Equine are in the barn," the young soldier replied with a scowl.

"Oh, did they commit a crime?" Hunter asked curiously.

"They stuck a uniformed officer," the guard answered as he held his ground.

"Really? You act as if they were lobbing lethal rounds in the direction of a visiting dignitary or something. Maybe you should place that fool in the barn," Hunter snarled at the two young Draconis as he struggled to contain his frustrations.

"Actually, he has been detained as well until the investigation has been completed," the young soldier replied hesitantly.

"Am I under arrest for being shot, while protecting the Ambassador," Hunter questioned with a sigh after he reined in his anger.

"Well, no," the two Draconis replied together.

"Then let me pass. This is still a working ranch and I have duties to attend," Hunter lied with a scowl, which dared any more protests or delays from either soldier.


Arion heard Hunter's voice outside the barn and stood with Burmese to await the great Canis. He wasn't sure what the great Canis wanted with them or the words to express their great shame of failing in their duties. The debt they owed Hunter was more than he could bear. Nevertheless, he would swallow what scant dignity, which remained to request Hunter's assistance for one last deed.

Hunter entered the barn with determination to see his task through. He had to do this. However, he hesitated as he saw the magnificent Equine stand rigid together as they stared at him.

Burmese watched with great sadness as he accepted and faced his shame. To meet the eyes of one as great as this magnificent Canis and superior warrior was nearly beyond his strength. He took reassurance as he stood by his long time mentor as Hunter approached. He waited for Arion to request Hunter's assistance to end their shame. However, he was confused as the great man kneeled before them.

"I am in your debt. I allowed harm come to Faline. I had accepted the responsibility for her safety... and I failed. I owe you more than I have to offer for your assistance in saving her life," Hunter declared as he bowed respectfully before Arion and Burmese.

"We... I...," Arion stammered in his befuddlement.

"I have nothing to offer but myself in repayment of my debt," Hunter continued to offer.

"But...," Burmese protested as he tried to comprehend Hunter's declaration.

"Please allow me this. I don't want to beg," Hunter, continued to plead with a frown. "Thank you," he added when they fell silent and took their silence for their consent, before he reached under Burmese's loincloth to begin to stroke his manhood.

Arion was speechless. He could see the shock on Burmese's face as well. However, how could they deny Hunter's request when they owed him so much already. He tried to give a reassuring nod, but Hunter's strong hand had slid up his loincloth to cup his testicles and it caused him to shudder instead.

Burmese didn't want Hunter to kneel before him. He should kneel before Hunter. Hunter had saved... all thoughts shattered as he felt Hunter's tongue wrap around his testicles before it slid the length of his lengthening flesh. His eyelids fluttered shut as his eyes rolled back in his head, while Hunter sucked his entire length into his mouth. He was not fully erect, but he was growing rapidly now. He nearly pushed Hunter away, but the sensation of that wide tongue on his testicles while his meat pulsed and grew buried in Hunter's warm throat was mind shattering and irresistible. He should have declined Hunter's services, but all he did was moan as he began to caress Hunter's ears. However, he never even recognized his whimpers as Hunter withdrew his wonderful muzzle before he was able to finish.


Hunter was a little concerned as he began to stroke Burmese and then Arion. Burmese wasn't much thicker than he was, but Arion was by far, and his only real experience had been Tyberius, who wasn't as thick or as long as either Arion or Burmese. Tyberius' manhood had a nice tapper to it, unlike these blunt ended cocks. He wasn't even sure if he could take them, as they seemed grow with every stroke and throb. He took a deep breath before he began on Burmese. He ran his tongue from his huge testicles to the tip of his lengthening pole, before he sucked it into his mouth. He nearly gagged as that blunt cock slammed the back of his throat. However, he was determined. If he could not take them as he planned to offer himself, then he would have to finish them in this manner. He had to be prepared for that possibility. However, his eyes closed of their own accord as he forced himself down that long cock until his muzzle rested at Burmese's defined belly. He paused momentarily to flick his tongue out to slather Burmese's testicles, before he began to work his mouth up and down that impossibly long shaft. He could feel it pulse as it grew in his throat. He took a deep breath before he began swallowing Burmese's length as he bottomed out. He was starting to wonder just how much longer could the young equine grow, before he tasted his first spray of that thin fluid, which indicated Burmese was ready for the next step in helping him repay his debt. "I must apologize, Arion. I realize you are senior man, but I am afraid I had to warm up for your thick pole," he admitted bashfully as he turned to Arion and his fully aroused manhood. He stood before he bent over and sucked Arion's cock into his mouth. It took a couple of tries before he was able to get that thick pole to slide down his throat, where he rested. He held his muzzle buried in Arion's groin while he tried to become used to this massive intrusion in his throat. Once he was ready, he began to swallow Arion's flesh. Then he hiked his tail for Burmese and hoped the man knew what was... However, his thoughts shattered as Burmese buried his tongue into his tail hole. Hunter tried to work at a rhythmic pace on Arion's throbbing cock, with his swallows and strokes. However, it was difficult to concentrate as Burmese licked hungrily at his ass. It was all he could do to restrain his whimpers as Burmese abandon tonguing his ass. His fear and concerns returned as he felt the end of Burmese's blunt pole pushing at his saliva slicked tail hole with increasing pressure. A gasp escaped his lips around Arion's thick cock wedged in his throat as Burmese's long pole finally pushed past his tight opening with a groan of pleasure. He could feel Burmese begin his slow controlled thrusts. However, he expected it to be more difficult to accommodate that incredibly long shaft. However, his thoughts turned to concern as he felt Arion's cock swell in his throat as Arion's breaths became heavy and erratic. He was sure Arion would climax soon but that strange pressure at the end of his thick flesh threatened to lodge itself in his throat. He seized Arion's hips and forced that swelling as deep as he could before he began to swallow hard. He would lick his testicles before he swallowed again. He didn't understand why it felt more comfortable with that swelling deep in his gullet, but he didn't have long to ponder it as Arion raised his head while he seized Hunter's head to grind his groin on Hunter's muzzle. Hunter heard Arion let out a shrill whinny as he felt the man's seed begin to spray into his stomach. He did his best to swallow hard and lick as much as he could to prolong the man's pleasure but it ended much quicker than he expected. He could feel Arion's flesh begin to shrink while he panted and petted his head with hands that shook uncontrollably.

"I have never... she never takes... only our tips. No more... than the end," Arion declared as he continued to pant while he tried desperately to regain some composure.

Hunter continued to lick Arion's flesh clean as it retreated to its home. However, his words seemed to ring in his ears. He looked over his shoulder to witness Burmese still thrusting slowly into his ass. He could see the man was only using a third of his incredible length. He nearly laughed as he realized Faline hadn't ever serviced these men properly. He failed to keep his eyes open as he forced himself to thrust back onto Burmese's long pole. He felt Burmese pause in his thrusts, before he pushed back as hard as he could stand. He was panting as Burmese's long pole throbbed deep into his bowels. Then with a final push, he finally felt Burmese's hips on his buttocks. He continued to pant as Burmese resumed his thrusts, but this time it was different. They were no longer the slow controlled thrusts. They were rough, erratic, lustful, and quite truly wonderful. However, it was short lived as he felt that swelling deep within while Burmese's breathing became mere grunts, before he too raised his head to whinny as his climax racked his body. Hunter could feel the strong streams as they coated his bowels. He couldn't resist grinding his hips against Burmese, until he felt his own orgasm build. He could feel Burmese's flesh shrinking rapidly as he desperately sought his own release. He was nearly startled, as the swelling seemed to caress a nerve deep inside him to send him into an intense climax. He heard Burmese whimper as his tail hole squeezed him while he sprayed his seed onto the floor of the barn. He was nearly disappointed as Burmese's shrunken cock slid from his tail hole. However, he knew his responsibility. He turned to clean the man's retreating cock before it could return to its home.

"Hunter... you... you don't... have... ahhh, fuck," Burmese tried to protest until he felt his sensitive flesh begin to respond at Hunter's ministrations. How could he be ready again so soon? He hadn't even... "Aaahhh... fuck... Hunter... You... aaahhh," he continued to ramble as Hunter continued to suck his lengthening cock.


Arion couldn't believe what it had felt like as Hunter had swallowed every drop of his seed he had to offer. However, the sight of Hunter sucking Burmese's thickening cock caused that stirring down below. He was simply amazed his manhood was responding after just finishing deep in Hunter's throat. He stared momentarily as it twitched and throbbed with his every heartbeat. He looked to Hunter and Burmese who was thrusting wildly into Hunter's muzzle. He could hear Hunter's swallows and licks, while he remembered at that miraculous feeling. However, it was the sight of Hunter's slightly red tail hole with just a drop of Burmese's seed leaking from it that broke his mind. He didn't even recall taking his position behind Hunter before he pressed his throbbing and leaking flesh to Hunter's tail hole. He groaned as he slid in easily. His hips bucked and thrust as he fucked Hunter's tight tail hole with no restraint. He plowed into the man as he was meant to breed a mare in season. He was no longer an escort to the ambassador. He was a stud upon the plains of his home world and Hunter was his mare. He buried his thick cock into Hunter's tight hole with every thrust. He relished the sound of Hunter's grunts as he bred his ass. He felt his flesh flare in Hunter's bowels before he filled the man with his seed. He never stopped thrusting as if he could push his seed deeper until he collapsed across Hunter's back.

Hunter began to pant heavily once Burmese's softening pole slid from his sore throat. "Damn... that was... intense," he declared between gulps of air. "Are you okay?" he asked Arion who lay across his back.

"I am...," Arion began as he tried to stand on his shaky legs. However, he was shocked to realize his cock was still in Hunter's leaking tail hole. He stepped back as his flesh slid free to let a river of his and Burmese's seed to flow from Hunter's swollen tail hole.

"I thank you for your help... paying my debt," Hunter declared as he stared at the pool of his seed on the floor between his legs. "However, it seems I may have enjoyed that too much," he added with a frown. It was not supposed to be for his pleasure, but for theirs. "I should find something else... a better way... something more appropriate to show my gratitude," he added with a scratch of his head before his flesh let go of one last small stream of his seed from his dwindled climax causing him to shudder one last time.

"More?" Burmese declared in disbelief.

"For the love of Petra... I cannot do that again. I need a moment," Arion protested as he continued to gasp for his breath.

"I thought something I wouldn't enjoy so much," Hunter mumbled before he knelt to clean Arion's shrunken flesh before there was nothing left to clean.

"No, Hunter... You have done more than you know. I can't ask you to...," Arion protested before he realized he still hadn't asked Hunter for his assistance. "There is something we actually wanted to ask of you," he added hesitantly.

"If it is in my power, ask of it," Hunter replied before he ignored Arion's protests and began licking Arion's flesh as it continued to disappear. Somehow, he felt sad at its departure as it slid back to its home. No, this was to be for them. It was not for his personal pleasure.

"We had decided to ask...," Arion began hesitantly. He had been so sure of his request. However, he did not believe Hunter would see it as he and Burmese did. "We would ask that you end our life," he admitted with a sigh.

"But you can't ask that of me," Hunter protested as he bound to his feet.

"Hunter... you do not see it... Faline will not be pleased with our failure. There are those who do not see it as you do. It was our responsibility to see to her safety. We have done as you have requested. However, it is our view that we are in your debt," Arion tried to explain as he knelt respectfully to Hunter. "There are those of the counsel who will call for us to be disciplined for our lapse. If we had taken, heed of your warnings... They will send us away... we will be dismissed... sent away from her," Burmese struggled to continue explaining as the words once again caused his chest to tighten.

"I can't imagine," Hunter began before he started thinking about it. His thoughts had been of Sylvy's disappointment in his failure. He would rather die than to be separated from her. He hadn't even considered the possibility that there would be those who would blame Arion and Burmese for his lack of judgment. "If and only if you are sent away from her... I will end your suffering. I will make it quick," Hunter vowed with a frown for his dark thoughts. She would not send them away. He would never be expected to fulfill this promise. He was sure others would see it as he did.

"I... we... would greatly appreciate it, friend," Arion declared as he embraced the great Canis.

Hunter returned Arion's embrace awkwardly but he did do it even if it was only briefly before he began to make his way to the door of the barn. However, he hesitated once he was confronted by the two soldiers outside. He thought for a brief moment, until he remembered the information from one of his downloads... On the other hand, did he just access the information? It was getting harder for him to tell the difference. "May I see the charges against Arion and Burmese?" he inquired with a grin.

"Ah, we don't have any charges," one of the guards replied with a frown.

"Is that so?" Hunter replied as he looked at the confused Equine in the barn. "I want you to start patrolling the outer perimeter. You shall run two complete circuits and report back to me," Hunter ordered with a grin.

"They are to stay here," the guard protested.

"They are not charged with any crime. I am the liaison for their security detail. I have the authority to give them orders if it is in the best interest to the party, which I am responsible. Therefore, I have given them orders to check the perimeter. They have been lounging in this barn long enough. It is time for them to get back to work," Hunter snapped at the young Draconis as if he was angry.

"Our orders are to make sure they don't try to go anywhere until the investigation is complete," the soldier argued as he stood a little taller.

"Then join them. I would say four sets of eyes are even better than two," Hunter suggested as he turned to stand toe to toe with the guard as he looked down at him.

"Thank you," Arion replied with a grin as he exited the barn.

"Don't overdo it. You may not be fully recovered from your injuries... Besides, I don't want you to run these two fine young Draconis to death," Hunter urged with a slight chuckle. "Please keep an eye out for any damaged fence while you are out too," he added after a little thought.

"As you wish," Burmese replied with a grin.

"I expect you two to make an effort to maintain an efficient pace," Arion barked at the two young Draconis and took great pleasure in doing so.

Hunter watched Arion and Burmese leave at a brisk trot with their two guardsmen in tow, before he turned towards the house with a satisfied grin. He needed to visit Sylvy before he resumed his duties, but he had time for a quick snack first. Injuries always made him unnaturally hungry. However, he paused half way to the house. He stopped to look around at all the soldiers standing around. He couldn't imagine what a single one of them had been doing. However, he knew what they were doing now. They were staring at him. He found their blank stares unnerving as he wondered what they were thinking, before he resumed his movement. He could contemplate this after he sought out Sylvy.

"Hunter, I must speak with you... privately," Faline declared with a firmness she could not feel once she found him entering the house.

"Will this room suffice?" Hunter offered as he checked the small room off the main entrance and found it unoccupied.

"It will suffice," Faline replied as she approached him once the door was closed.

"What can I do for you?" Hunter inquired with a frown. He should be checking in with Sylvy. Faline could wait... No, he could delay... for a short period.

"I feel I must apologize to you. I erred with my assessment of the danger and it nearly cost your life. I will not doubt your advice again," Faline began confidently. "Now, I would like to discuss your reward for your heroic efforts to ensure my safety, as well as any suggestions as what I should do about Arion and Burmese," she added but her confidence continued to erode as she continued.

"There is no need to reward me for my service. I should have been more vigilant. I will not let my duties lapse again," Hunter began but his thoughts were of Arion and Burmese. Could she really consider sending them away?

"No, I want to reward you," Faline replied as she stepped closer and looked up into his eyes. "I must... you... It is my way," she protested as she struggled with her guilt.

"If you wish, I will request permission from my owner to comply with your wishes," Hunter replied absentmindedly.

"Hunter? What is wrong?" Faline inquired as she began to run her hand along his strong arm.

"I am concerned for Arion and Burmese. I owe them a debt, which I may never be able to repay," Hunter answered as he turned away from her. He needed to think. He couldn't allow her to distract him.

"You owe them...," Faline, questioned skeptically.

"I would have failed in my duties if they had not been there. I barely stood against those who came for you. If they had been joined with those who fought with Arion and Burmese or they had attacked as a unit, we would not be here," Hunter tried to explain.

"Hunter you fought three times the foes they faced. There have been calls to replace them," Faline explained as she tried to rub his back. However, she was startled as he turned on her abruptly.

"It will kill them... I would have to kill them," Hunter's voice trailed off as he protested while his stomach churned.

"That is rather harsh. I don't think that is necessary," Faline declined as she studied the big man. However, her concern turned to panic quickly as she realized he had been serious. "Hunter you can't... I will not allow... You must not harm them. I beg of you. Do not choose that as your punishment for them," Faline protested as she struggled with her tears.

"It will kill them to be separated from you. They care for you more than you can imagine. They have asked... I agreed... I never imagined," Hunter tried to explain despite his pure panic.

"They care for me?" Faline asked as her gaze was drawn towards the barn. She had grown too familiar with her pets, but it wasn't uncommon. "I... would...," she hesitated as she realized she was speechless.

"You must reward them for their efforts. Their grief and fear... I have agreed to end their life if they are sent away from you. I had no idea... I never thought it was a possibility. There has to be a different path," Hunter continued in his panic.

"Thank you, Hunter," Faline declared as she wiped the dampness from her face. "I will... I don't know what to do to repay this debt, but I will try," she swore as she left the room to return to her quarters. She would not send them away. She would... maybe she could convince the counsel to provide her with a Canis like Hunter to supplement her security detail.

Hunter watched Faline depart before he resumed his passage towards Sylvy. However, a large golden Draconis with a rather displeased look was stomping through the house towards him. He glanced at the stairs and wondered if he should just jump to the second floor balcony to avoid...

"You...! Hunter! Halt!" the golden Draconis demanded with a shout.

"I must report to my owner," Hunter protested as he looked longingly at the door to Tyrell's room where he would find Sylvy.

"I need your statements," the golden Draconis declared in a gruff voice.

"I must report to my owner. She must be present before I can give any statement," Hunter answered as he tried to edge around the golden Draconis with the faded colors around his muzzle and sides of his head. It was a strange sight to see. He couldn't help but wonder if this was caused by aging. "I am sure she will want your full report as well, when she meets with you," he added as he continued around him.

"I need your statements before I can finish my report," the golden Draconis snapped in frustration.

"I am sure she will be with you shortly," Hunter lied over his shoulder before he bound up the stairs quickly towards Sylvy. However, he paused briefly before he entered Tyrell's bedroom. He opened the door slowly as to not wake her. He was equally careful to close the door before he crept to where she lay sleeping. He couldn't help his smile as he took in her beauty, before he slid into the bed beside her. He slipped his arm around her and gave her a slight squeeze to relish the feel of her smooth scales and soft flesh in his arms. He breathed in her scent deeply and couldn't recall ever being as happy as he was at this very moment. Nevertheless, he nearly panicked as she shifted her tail. He used his hand to slide her tail back down where he tucked it between them and resumed his holding her, before she raised it once again with a giggle. "I didn't mean to wake you," he apologized as he slid her tail back down so he could hold her without the distraction of her exposed sex.

"You are poking my tail and making my back wet," Sylvy chuckled as she raised her tail and turned her head to look at him over her shoulder with a grin.

"I can't help it, when I find you so beautiful," Hunter replied with a grin and squeeze as he held her tightly.

Sylvy rolled over so she could give him a kiss, but was nearly startled as her tongue slid down his throat. "You have been playing with someone," she accused as she gently pushed him to his back. She was careful not to push on any of his numerous bandages. "Who was it? Was it my tail hole loving father?" she teased as she began to grind her sex across his flat belly.

"I just thanked Arion and Burmese for their help," Hunter answered with a frown.

"Oh, my... you have been playing. I haven't ever had the opportunity to play with Equine cock. You must tell me all about it," she demanded while her tail sought his tight ass. "Oh you bad boy," she giggled as her tail slipped deep into his wet bowels with ease. She withdrew her tail and took a taste. "Did they feel as good as they taste," she continued to question as she licked the tip of her tail clean of the equine semen that she had drawn from his ass.

"It was hard to tell. They were so far down my throat. I didn't get a real good taste, but they are very satisfying," Hunter answered as he whined every time her wet slit slid across his now aching flesh.

"I don't suppose you could arrange it so we could play with them during their visit," Sylvy asked as she slid down him until she could press her muzzle against his tail hole.

"I could... aaahhh... see... I love... uummgg...," Hunter stammered as Sylvy used her long tongue to clean his bowels of Arion and Burmese's seed. He raised his legs to give her better access while he moaned and groaned in ecstasy. "I think Faline desires to play with me," he said once she removed her tongue from his tail hole.

"Oh, does she? She is so small...," Sylvy replied with a frown. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to share Hunter with another female, but she knew she would have to eventually. "I suppose if she would be willing to share Arion and Burmese, I should be willing to share you. You just make sure she understands who you belong to," she demanded before she wrapped her tongue around his huge testicles and stoked his hot shaft with her hand. "You should give her a ride she will not soon forget," she added before she turned on him to press her sex to his muzzle. "Aahhh... damn... I... love...aahhh, aaahhhg," she squealed as his rough tongue pushed her to her climax instantly. She continued to grind her sex across his muzzle while he lapped at her madly. However, once her orgasm subsided she decided to release stream of urine into his mouth. "That is just a reminder to whom you belong... aaahhh," she tried to scold until he forced that rough tongue into her tight and unprepared tail hole. She fell forward to engulf his leaking pole into her mouth. She would show him, he wasn't the only one good with a tongue. However, she nearly gagged as his massive cock began to erupt before she had even touched his glands. She swallowed hard to keep up with all he offered and she didn't let much escape her yearning mouth. "I bet they don't taste as good as you," she swore as she savored a mouthful of his wonderful essence. It took all of her will power to deny his tongue access to her ass, but she did manage to turn on him once again, where she shared his seed with him. She let it drain from her mouth as their tongues mixed their combined flavors, until he used his strong arms to push her down his belly where his still semi-erect member buried deep into her sex.

Hunter watched his beautiful dragoness owner as she impaled herself on his manhood. He noticed his slightly swollen glands distended her, but it was barely noticeable. However, with every throb of his member, it became more noticeable and his admiration of her beauty increased as she continued to grind her hips and squeeze him with her muscles. The fact that he had expected her to be mad at him for his incompetence, instead of this... He must be the luckiest man alive...

"Hunter... Hunter... Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" Sylvy questioned with concern as she began to check his dressings to see if... "What happened to your wounds?" she asked as she peaked under a bandage to find what appeared to be an old scar.

"Wha... why did you stop?" Hunter begged without even realizing she had asked him a question.

"You had this odd look on your face... and kept staring. I thought I broke you," Sylvy teased as she kissed his cheek.

"You are so wonderful," Hunter replied with his dreamy grin.

"There it is again... Are you sure you are okay," Sylvy questioned again before she returned to rocking back and forth on his huge manhood. She was sure he would finish soon. She had already climaxed three times while she rode him. He just couldn't last much longer. If he did, they would have to change positions. Her hips were beginning to cramp.

"I couldn't be better," Hunter replied as he held her gaze.

"Then why do you look silly," Sylvy continued to question as she paused at her grinding.

"I belong to the most beautiful dragoness. I have made a couple friends. I am part of a family. I have means to contribute to my family. I never imagined... you have given me so much. I guess I am happy," Hunter tried to explain, but failed miserably to remove the grin from his face.

"Well, happy or not, I wish you would finish or I will be stuck up here all day," Sylvy whispered in his ear as she hugged her wonderful Canis tight. A slight squeal escaped her lips, as Hunter rolled over on top of her before he began to thrust into her madly. "Aaaahhhgg... aaaahhhggg," she screeched as they both came to their climax together.

Hunter had made sure not to wake Sylvy as he left her sleeping in Tyrell's room. He made his way to the kitchen for the snack he had forgotten about but his stomach evidently hadn't. "Good afternoon, Tyrell," he greeted with his grin.

"Well, you look like you are feeling better," Tyrell replied as he grabbed a cold drink.

"I do feel better... Oh, you should have Rose set out some clean sheets for your room," Hunter suggested as he retrieved his plate.

"Ah... Hunter you didn't. Shouldn't you take a couple days to recoup before doing that in my bed," Tyrell complained with a shake of his head. It just seemed wrong for someone else to befoul his bed. That was his and Rose's place.

"It wasn't my fault," Hunter protested while he tried to remember how it had started.

"I suppose that explains that odd grin, and that... that... what are you doing? Are you trying to hum?" Tyrell questioned at the strange and disturbing growl whimpering noise coming from the big man.

"I... I... don't know. Is humming good or bad?" Hunter replied as he tried to recall what he had been doing.

"Well, it sounds dreadful when you do it. I wouldn't do it or sing unless you are better at singing," Tyrell teased before the turned to leave the kitchen.

"Where is ambassador Faline?" Hunter called to Tyrell. "In mother's office," he heard in reply. He placed a little meat on his platter, before he took a seat at the table and for the first time felt just as comfortable eating there as he did eating in solitude in the barn.


"Come in," Charlet announced with a sigh of frustration.

"I don't mean to interrupt. I just wanted to inform Faline that Sylvy has agreed to allow her request," Hunter replied as he detected the scent of frustration on the air.

"What request is that?" Charlet questioned as she hoped it was not another stroll in the nearby forest.

"Ah, she has requested... ah my company during... for a night," Hunter answered awkwardly as he wondered if this was appropriate to discuss.

"Oh, you are in for a treat. Hunter is rather gifted," Charlet declared with a chuckle as she watched Hunter turn sickly. "Quit being so bashful," she continued to tease the big goof.

"I look forward to putting him through his paces," Faline added to further Hunter's embarrassment once she recognized his blushes, before she began to chuckle in delight at the big man's expense. She needed a laugh. They were still no closer to an agreement than they had ever been.

"Can I ask a question?" Hunter inquired nervously.

"Sure what do you need Hunter," Charlet replied as she struggled to contain her snickers.

"Can either of you think of a reason why those... Catain... it is Catain, right," Hunter began awkwardly and received rather hesitant nods. "Why would they want to attack you? Would these negotiations be important to them?" Hunter replied carefully.

Charlet let out a sigh before she began to discuss the rather touchy subject. "First I don't want you to discuss this outside this room. Is that understood?" she hesitated until she received a nod from Hunter. "We highly doubt if it was in fact the Catain behind the attack. You see the Human species has overrun all three of the Catain colonies. Our intellegance reports speculate the humans have nearly one billion Catain captured at their disposal. I suspect those numbers are grossly exaggerated. Nevertheless, we don't know for sure but we suspect those collars they wore were a means to control those who attacked you. However, we may never know, because there seems to have been a safety built into the device. The collars self destructed before the military could search for any remaining combatants. The things just exploded to ensure no one were captured or interrogated," Charlet tried to explain despite the distasteful subject.

"These humans... they must be very dangerous warriors then?" Hunter questioned more than observed.

"No, it isn't that they are such great warriors. It is that they are rather crafty and never behave as one would expect them," Faline corrected with a frown. This attack would be something a human would think up. Only a human would think disturbing a treaty negotiation by an opportunity assassination, would produce the results they desired. "The Catain are true warrior class species. They are strong, quick, and deadly with their claws. Very few species can survive an encounter with one on their home world or one of their colonies. You see they prefer worlds with thick jungles, which usually promote an abundance of dangerous wild game. They revel in the thrill of the hunt. It makes them very dangerous adversaries. However, the humans didn't follow the Catain into the jungles. They took the colony cities where they could fight the Catain by using long-range weapons, which the Catain shun. Intelligence reports claim the humans still have problems with the odd raid or resistance for those who remain hidden in the jungles, but they continued to run the Catain mines and industry within the cities for their own profit. The Catain fleet has engaged the humans and taken huge losses. It is not because the humans have greater technology or greater skill at fighting. What they do have is vast superior numbers. They seized a good number of the Catain ships at the colony shipyards and ports when the Catain abandon them for the jungles, where they planned to slaughter the humans. Then to make matters worse, by the time the Catain realized the humans had no intention to follow them into the jungles to fight in close quarters, it was too late. They had begun to gather several times to take back their colonies, but the humans simply destroyed them from their low orbit artillery. I fear the Catain home world will fall to the humans next. The humans will simply swarm them and overwhelm them with numbers," Faline admitted with disgust for the human species and their unsatable greed.

"These humans breed by mass quantities then," Hunter asked as he tried to imagine how many it would take to capture a billion of anything. Even a billion ants could kill you. Hell, it was hard for him to fathom the enormity of such a number.

"Their recent population explosion is a mystery. They don't exactly mass reproduce, and their lifespan is not any longer than most of intelligent species. It is a fraction of Draconis lifespan. There are theories but they are no more than theories," Charlet explained as she studied Faline. If the woman knew all of this, then why couldn't she get the woman to take her proposals seriously?

"I can't protect Sylvy or anyone else from this low orbit artillery... can I?" Hunter observed with concern as he began to realize how small he was in a galactic sense.

"No, Hunter... You can't. No one can. Only those with military equipment and huge budgets can protect a planet from any orbital bombardment," Charlet answered as she tried to divide her attention between Hunter and Faline.

"I... Couldn't you help?" Hunter asked as he looked to Faline. He knew it was not his place, but he had to ask. He had to seek any means available to protect his family. It was his duty.

"I... Hunter you don't understand... Neither of you understand," Faline complained with a sigh.

"Please explain it then. I am willing to listen. Just tell me what we need to do. I want this to work," Charlet nearly begged desperately. She had wasted months trying to get an agreement of any kind from her and she would be willing to beg if that was required of her.

"It isn't that my people wouldn't love a beneficial treaty of mutual aid. However, there has been some question as to how much you have to offer," Faline admitted reluctantly as she addressed Charlet's question.

"We have one destroyer and over a thousand fighter ships equipped for defense of this colony. Our close approximation to you will allow even the smallest most agile of our fighter ships the ability to speed to your aid. The sum of our whole fleet is second to only the human fleet. They could come to our aid if we could hold out long enough for them to arrive" Charlet protested in disbelief.

"That is true, and we had estimated your colony fleet at nearly double our own. However, we don't believe the humans would allow it come down to a battle of technology in space. Our major concern is a ground force invasion and to be frank your strength here is quite lacking. We also believe your colony will be the first to be taken by the humans for this fact," Faline explained as she watched to detect any offence taken.

"My intelligence suggests our troop counts are relatively equal," Charlet protested with a frown. Could their intelligence be that far off?

"You refer to uniformed soldiers. However, you are naturally a predator species. You have sharp teeth and claws to tear and shred flesh. You don't know what it is like to be on the galaxies delicacy menu. Every male and female amongst my species takes weapons training before they leave school. Every citizen is required to maintain a weapon for every adult in every household. If we are invaded, we will not suffer the same fate as the Catain without it costing the Human's dearly," Faline continued to explain despite Charlet's shake of her head in denial.

"We too maintain weapons in every household," Charlet corrected with a sigh.

"Those batons... those are designed for close combat. They are meant to disable and stun. The human's will not fight you the way you want them to fight you. They love their long-range energy weapons. They will cut you to shreds with their laser rifles and plasma cannons. Their archaic fire arms will bleed you out before you ever get close enough to hit one of them with those batons," Faline declared and began to see the horror on Charlet's face. "You see it now don't you," she added with a shake of her head. "I would love to agree with you for mutual aid. However, my people believe it will only send our young to die to assist those who refuse to defend themselves. You must start training your civilian population or the humans will overrun you as they have others," she warned with a sigh.

"I can... we can... it would take time," Charlet replied with a shudder for the thought of having those kinds of weapons accessible to everyone.

"If you can define a timeline to establish training and weapons to your population, my people would be glad to join you in any defense from the human advances," Faline agreed with confidence.

"I... I will have to talk to other legislatures. I think I may be able to get the support to provide what you ask," Charlet declared with less confidence than she wished she had. She was sure there would be plenty of opposition to this proposal. However, she couldn't see any other way around it. "And thank you, Hunter," she added with a weak smile for him.

"I didn't do anything. I just asked a couple of questions, because I was thinking about taking Arion and Burmese out for a stroll. I thought we may try to track down a few of those felines," Hunter said with a frown as he wondered how they thought he had done anything helpful.

"They have scanned the forest. There wasn't a single survivor," Charlet said as she wondered if it would even matter. Hell, she didn't even care if Hunter did waste his time. There were too many soldiers lounging around the house for her comfort. She was sure they didn't need his or Arion and Burmese's protection for the time being. "However, if you want to do your own search I have no problem with it. Make sure Sylvy hasn't any other assignments for you first," she instructed with a sigh of resignation.

"I think there is a way to circumvent the sensors. Those Catain didn't register on Arion's device until it was too late. I have come across several small caves in the forest. I think they remained hidden until they were sure they could ambush us," Hunter theorized after a little thought.

"I still don't even know how they knew you would be there," Charlet declared with a frown. Hell, her own people didn't even know Faline had gone into the forest.

"I was thinking about that too. Tyrell has these little cameras hidden everywhere. Could they have had something like that in the air?" Hunter suggested as he wondered if he had a file on that in his head somewhere.

"The use of drones is outdated. Everyone uses satellites now," Faline replied with a grin for his naivety.

"Our security net would prevent any unknown satellite in orbit. Our net defenses are second to none," Charlet boasted proudly.

"That may be true. I know there are those in my military who would love a chance to examine some of that technology. However, they have somehow managed to land all of those Catain on this planet without your net noticing," Faline pointed out with a shudder for how crafty the humans continued to prove.

"I don't even want to consider that," Charlet admitted as she began to punch at her personal device. "I think I have a ton of work to get done if I am going to make these changes that will change our civilization forever," she added with a frown.

"I...or we will leave you to it then," Faline offered as she stood to leave the room. "Hunter if you could escort me back to my quarters, I would like to rest a bit, before you claim your reward," she added with a nasty grin for the large man.

"I will not be able to attend you for a few days, yet. I will want to be fully recovered from my injuries, before I take on the task to satisfy your wishes," Hunter declined while he considered his next proposal.

"Oh, yes we wouldn't want me to break you," Faline chuckled as she wondered if this huge chunk of male was proportionate in all manners. She had past experience with the Canis species and they were lacking in comparison to Arion and Burmese, but none of them had been as large as Hunter is.

"May I ask for Arion and Burmese's assistance to see to your desires? I would hate to leave you wanting, and it could serve to boost their confidence after their last encounter," Hunter suggested carefully.

"You are so modest... it is rather refreshing. I believe your suggestion has merit. Just make sure they are fully recovered from their injuries as well before we commence," Faline instructed as she paused in front of the guest wing of the house.

"Would it be forward of me to request a small kiss," Hunter requested with a grin.

"I don't think I could deny that request if I wanted to after...," Faline began until she was scooped up in his massive arms. She barely recognized her moans as his wide tongue slid down her throat. It took all of her restraint to remain standing once the huge brute set her back to her feet. Damn, she wanted to drop her knees and suck that damn loincloth from him. She wanted to know what he kept hidden from her pleasure. She would...

"I will report my findings when I return," Hunter declared with a satisfied grin, before he left her standing there panting heavily.

Chapter 14: Flash

Chapter 14: Flash Pages 152-157 Chris was hesitant about attending the club again the next day. His asshole was still sore and slightly swollen from his gang rape by the alley cats. He didn't want to risk being paired with a male partner who...

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Chapter 12: Kyra’s Garden

Chapter 12: Kyra's Garden Pages 127-143 Chris woke once more with a sore backside but there was no sign of Hunter. Even the evidence of the previous night's frolic had been cleaned spotless. However, the spot where he guessed his prostate was had...

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CHAPTER 12: A New Occupation

CHAPTER 12: A New Occupation Pages 356-414 "Good morning, Hunter," Charlet greeted as Hunter entered the kitchen. "Oh, good morning honey," she added once she noticed Sylvy behind him. "Good morning," Sylvy replied with a blush. "I will be...

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