Bada-Ping, Bada-Boom

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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This fanfiction of the 2010 cartoon series Pound Puppies is a guilty pleasure. Oh, Agent Ping, your general irritation has won my heart.

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We also just passed $100 dollars per story, which means I'm going to devote time each month creating a potential chapter for my novel, "The World After", about dogs in a post-apocalyptic sci-fantasy modeled after the hit series "A Game of Thrones". The only way to read the unedited chapters in advance is to pledge - all tiers can read it, make suggestions, and speculate about what will happen on my forum!

Special thanks to Guri, Kankuroboa, Nymlus, Percy Rose, Rob Baird, Rokanoss, WolfPrinceKouga, Blake, Silvani and the rest of my beloved patrons for all their love and support!

Lucky still wished he could have brought one of his team with him. The trip to London was a long flight, and he'd have even taking Niblet over silence in the dog crate. What he wouldn't have given to see Cookie next to him, always ready with her reassuring confidence. He couldn't be quite as confident - he'd never been an acting member of the D7 before!

Because General Dolly was on one of her undercover missions, the United States was sending its number 2 agent, Lucky himself. While Shelter 17 had some of the highest adoption rates in the world thanks to Strudel's Free Kid Database machine, no one could match the General's numbers of rescues. She freed hundreds of dogs and puppies from abusive homes every year, relying on the many shelters to find replacement homes.

Lucky didn't know what sort of mission Dolly was on right now, but he knew it must be important to miss the big D7 meeting in London. All six other leaders would be there, Agents Bingo, Todd, Francois, Ping, Dezu, and Pupinski. At least Dolly had made sure to provide Lucky with a breakdown of recent events in the U.S. He felt very much out of his element.

When the plane landed, Lucky was pleasantly surprised to be met on the tarmac before he could be placed on the baggage claim. Every D7 meeting was an opportunity for the host to hold a snazzy party, and it seemed the British Doberman wasn't about to be outdone. Bingo had arranged for several baggage cars to form a circle around Lucky, blocking the meeting from the prying eyes of the humans (who were all pretty busy anyway).

"Agent Lucky, how good to see you again," Bingo grinned, his classy accent warm and inviting. "How was the flight, may I ask?"

Lucky gave a big, long stretch, finding all the formality a little excessive. He just wanted a nice, warm dog bed to lie down and sleep off his jet lag. "Oh, you know - trapped in a tight box in a cold room for seven hours. But I guess you know the feeling?"

Bingo cocked his head. "Oh, no, not especially. I always arrange for a private flight with my person. Still, I trust you are ready for the summit?"

"Never been more nervous in my life," he admitted cheerfully. "Knowing my luck, the seven of us will be on a grand adventure before the conference is over."

Bingo cleared his throat. "Ah, yes. You must get exhausted from all the excitement you Americans get up to at Shelter 17." He'd been involved in several of the more exciting adventures himself.

"Come this way," Bingo added, and Lucky was more than happy to follow the Doberman to his black S.U.V. How on earth did a dog manage to arrange personal car and plane transportation?

The Shelter at Number 11 Downing Street was similarly posh, overlooking St. James Park. How Bingo had arranged for a dog shelter in the middle of Parliament, Lucky would never figure out. The fenced in area was bright and green, at odds with the otherwise damp and depressing London, with a three-story flat for the dogs. Lucky was given a room on the top floor, with a water dish, kibble, and a plush brown-and-red dog bed. With a big yawn, the brown-and-yellow mutt curled up and slept, trying not to worry about the squirming in his belly.

The next day started off bright and early, with each dignitary being introduced to the breakfast hall. Agent Bingo had his team provide wet food from a can, the perfect meal to start the day. Lucky greeted each member of the D7 with an appropriate level of courtesy, though Agent Ping took issue.

"Wow, 'hello'. Is zhat all you got?" the Chinese agent said in only slightly broken English. "I know you a mutt, but I expected mow fum a Woof award recipient." She narrowed her eyes and flattened her short, pointed ears. Lucky had always wondered how a Japanese Akita had ended up in Beijing.

"Nice to see you again, too," Lucky said with a smile. He knew that Agent Ping was good at heart, even if her first impulse was to lift her nose at anyone below her station.

"Yeah, well...fine," she said, flustered.

After breakfast, all seven representatives shuffled into a wide room with a large conference table, and each dog took a set in a rather plush, swivelling chair. If Lucky didn't know any better, he would have felt positively human.

"First order of business, allocating votes, don'tcha know," Agent Todd of Canada started. Normally, General Dolly chaired these events, and Lucky was grateful that he wasn't expected to fill the pink poodle's paws.

One by one, around the table, each member of the D7 reported their numbers. Dezu, of Kenya, started, reciting, "Across Kenya, Nigeria, Souf Afica, Liberia, and Efiopia, two hundwed and firteen dogs rescued, one hundwed and free adopted. Effohts are still being made to intwoduce sheltehs in more countwies."

Agent Ping said, "In the Beijing region alon, we haf rescued tree-hundred and six puppies, and all haf been adopted. In zha rist of China, we haf rescued eighty-siven, and all haf been adopted."

Great Britain has respectable numbers as well. Russia lagged behind nearly as much as Kenya, which wasn't too surprising. There were fewer people, and fewer dogs. But none could match China's numbers - until Lucky, that is.

Lucky cleared his throat nervously, as he said, "Well, according to the numbers I was given by Dolly, across the United States, we rescued five hundred and thirty-three puppies, and as of yesterday, all but twenty were adopted. Heh, I'm sure that number is lower today," he added, knowing that Cookie and Strudel and Squirt were hard at work.

Agent Ping sighed. "Congratulations America. You haf zha most dogs, so you haf zha highest numbus."

Lucky could only shrug. "I just report the numbers I'm told."

The Akita stood up in her chair, grimacing. "Straight from zha hohses mouf, I assume. Council - I moof to staht an investigation of 'zha General' to see if zhese numbus are correct."

Agent Todd jumped in. "I don't know aboot that. It's not like these numbers are very different from before. Dolly is just an excellent agent, don'tcha know."

The french ambassador rolled his eyes.

Agent Ping said, "So what? So zha fraud has been goin on fo a lung time."

"Now just a minute," Lucky interrupted. "I've known Dolly for a long time, and I know that she would never -"

"Agent Lucky," Ping interrupted. "Need I remind you zhat you ah heuh only as a fomality?"

Lucky's fur bristled. "I'm not going to just sit by while you all drag her name in the mud."

Agent Bingo interrupted. "Quiet, please! Agent Ping, you know that this is not the time to be offering votes on investigative committees, and Lucky is not permitted to vote on Dolly's behalf."

Agent Ping rolled her eyes. "I wonder how _she'd_vote."

Bingo barked. "I'm not finished. If you will not follow the rules of order, I will have you removed from the conference room. Are you sure you want to risk that as we allocate voting power?"

Ping glanced away, her ears flattening. "No..." she said, slowly.

Bingo nodded. "Good."

Lucky could hardly believe how much infighting there was. At public events, the D7 must put forward a friendly face, because he felt like a fresh hunk of steak in a room full of...well, dogs. Each representative was awarded voting strength for the year proportional to the number of rescues and adoptions in their member countries, which left the United States on top, with China second, followed closely by Great Britain, Russia, and Canada.

After what seemed like hours of banal planning and useless administrative detail, the meeting finally adjourned for the day, leaving Lucky's head spinning. He had never wanted more to relax in a park than that moment. Looking both ways, he darted across the street to end up in St. James Park, wandering down by the lake to watch the ducks.

"I don't know how she does it!" he exclaimed to himself. If Dolly ever considered retiring and turning the job over to Lucky, he was certain he'd refuse. Nothing was worth the long plane flights just to bicker back and forth, when all anybody wanted was to save puppies. Why did everything turn into a pissing match?

"I do," a voice came from behind him.

Lucky was startled, turning to see the orange-and-white Akita that had started the whole argument. "Agent Ping!" he said, startled.

Tail ever curled on her back, the Chinese dog sat calmly in front of the mottled mutt, as if nothing had happened. "Don' you evuh wonduh how she fines so many dogs to save?"

"No, Agent Ping, I don't," Lucky said firmly. "I've never met a dog who put more of her heart, mind, and soul into puppy rescue, and I doubt anyone ever will."

Ping spat. "Don' lectuah me. No one wants to save puppies moah zhan me."

Lucky blinked. "That's not what I meant. I just meant that Dolly'll do anything it takes."

"How right you are," she replied. "But I don' zhink its her haht, mind, or soul she's using."

Lucky's ears perked up so high, even his drooping ear popped up straight. "What do you mean?"

Agent Ping glanced away. "I zhink its heuh rump."

Lucky's jaw dropped. He let loose a sound that sounded like a balloon deflating, starting at the orange Akita Inu. "Huuuuuuuuu..."

He paused, trying to think what Ping could possibly mean. "How...?"

Finally, upon reconsideration, he stated simply, "What."

Agent Ping rolled her eyes. "You cannot possibly be zhat naif. We get voting rights based on rescued puppies. Wheuh bettuh to fine a lodda puppies but to make zhem youself?"

Lucky blinked. "Let me get this straight. You think that the U.S. rescued five hundred and thirty three puppies last year because Dolly is...adding her own?"

"No, not _all_of zhem," Ping barked. "Obviously. But what about eight to ten, twice a yeuh? Zhat's how she got heh Woof award. She goes on 'secret mission' for tree monz, and she maaaagicly fines a dozen puppies." Agent Ping stood up, ears perked, eyes intent on Lucky. "Frankly I wouldn't be supprised if her _team_helps her. She's running a puppy mill!"

Lucky stood up, staring back. "I think you should leave."

In typical fashion, she did not back down. "You would do well to lissen to yoah supehiuhs. When she bwat you sixty-siven bwown puppies, did she say wheuh she got zhem? Would it interest you to know zhat zha leader of Sheltuh 52 is a Bloodhoun?"

"Agent Ping -" Lucky started again.

"When she was zhere, did she come on to you or to ozzers?"

Lucky blinked. Agent Dolly had been rather a flirt, though Lucky had always assumed that's how she was, or perhaps that she just liked getting guys to do things for her. Squirt and Niblet had been tripping over themselves to get the pink poodle a bowl of water, or kibble, hanging on her every word.

Ping pounced. "Aha! I bet she was in heat, too." She didn't need an answer beyond Lucky's face. "Did you really tun heuh down?"

"It didn't get that far," Lucky admitted. He remembered shortly after they successfully adopted all sixty-seven puppies in a single day that Dolly had been pushing to get Lucky alone, but he'd been too busy worrying about Cookie's feelings to even notice.

"But she would haf," Ping said confidently. "And zhen she'd haf a new batch of puppies fo anozzer unsuspecting Sheltuh."

"No, you don't know that, and I think this insinuation is _really_inappropriate. Now, if you'll excuse me -"

"I won't! I haf ozzer examples."

Lucky growled, something he usually reserved for unruly pups, but now his hackles were raised. "You don't get to come here and call the U.S. representative a lying, cheating, _slut_who cares more about her numbers than the puppy overpopulation problem and expect me to _sit here_and take it. Now if you don't move - I'll _make_you."

Agent Ping closed her mouth, eyes wide. Slowly, she stepped aside, and Lucky brushed past her, tail held level and flat to show his anger.

What had gotten into him? He'd never been so angry, and to a member of the D7! He _knew_Ping was a suspicious, arrogant know-it-all who put down everyone around who wasn't her. But those accusations against Dolly were too much.

Or maybe his reaction was because there felt like there was some truth to her claims. What if those other examples were even more convincing? Dolly _had_come onto him, _while_she was in heat. She had to know what might happen. And while Lucky had turned her down, had the leader of Shelter 52? Shelter 22?

No. He wouldn't believe it. He knew her too well to believe that.

Lucky slept uneasily that night.

The next morning, he was still thinking about Agent Ping's claims, which only distracted him worse during the meeting. He kept fumbling his numbers. If only dogs could read! It had been a pain to remember all those numbers, but it was even harder with his mind so cluttered.

Lucky felt relieved when the day was finally over.

Agent Todd walked over and patted him on the back. "You're doing fine, don'tcha know. We all had jitters the first time."

"Thanks, Todd. But it's really not that. Say, you've known General Dolly for a long time, right?" Lucky asked.

"Oh, just aboot five years now. Why?"

"Did she ever talk to you about her undercover missions?"

The malamute shook his head. "Best Agent in the world, she is. She'll risk anything to save a puppy."

"She never talked about where she got them? The puppies?"

Todd cocked his head. "I never asked. I always figured a puppy saved is a puppy earned, ya know?"

Lucky just nodded, the pit in his stomach getting worse. That evening, he tried to settle down to sleep, early, but his brain kept working. "Shut up, brain!"

It didn't work.

So when there was a knock at the door, Lucky was already awake. "That's strange - it's ten o'clock!"

Lucky padded over to the door and unlatched the doggy door beneath it. An orange paw lifted the flap and none-other than Agent Ping was there. "Lucky? We need to talk."

"I'm done talking to you," Lucky growled.

"No, no, you misunduhstan. I want to apologize."

Lucky blinked. Had he heard her right? He never expected to hear those words coming from the Akita's mouth. "Al...right. Come in."

Her pointed ears were flat as she pushed through the dog door and walked inside the spacious room. Lucky felt like he should say something, but he didn't know what to say. Still, he stammered, "This really isn't -"

"Now you look heuh," she interrupted, turning to face him. "I don' take anyzhing zhat I said before."

"This is your apology!?" Lucky demanded.

"No, stupid. Are _all_Amehicans zhis impatiunt?"

Lucky shut his mouth, but his ears were flat as he listened.

Ping rolled her eyes and started again, "Effryzhing I said was true, but I haf no proof. So I shouldn't haf said anyzhing. I'm sorry."

Lucky raised his tail level again, countering, "You don't have any proof because it isn't true. Agent Dolly would never contribute to pet overpopulation for personal gain."

"Tell zhat to Shelter 34, tree monz aftuh she visited yoah 17," Ping began, noting his furrowed brow. "Tell me it is a coincidence zhat she arrifed wiz sheepadoodle pups."

Lucky dropped his jaw. "You think she mated with_Niblet!?_ Now I know_you're crazy." He couldn't imagine Dolly having any interest in the large, dim-witted English Sheepdog. Sure, he was friendly enough, and he'd certainly shown an interest in _her, but even Lucky could only stand so much of his inane outbursts, and his incredible naivete.

"Zhis is just one of many such coincidences," Ping said. "How many poodle-mixes must she 'save' before you see zha truf?"

Lucky was starting to think the Akita would say _anything_to insult General Dolly. Was that the point of all this? Just to get a few digs in at the American representative? But she'd never shown any reluctance to insult her in front of the council, so why meet Lucky in private? Perhaps she really believed what she was saying.

"You're wrong -"

"I'm sorry," she said again, sighing heavily. "I didn't mean to fight again. You don' know how stressful zhis job can be."

"I'm starting to realize," he said, lowering his tail and smiling.

"No, you aren't," she said. Would she ever agree with him on anything? Agent Ping looked away, took a deep breath and said, "You cannot possibly realize how haad our wuk in China is. And wiz Canada and zha U.K. always siding wiz zha U.S., we _need_moah voting powuh."

Lucky raised an eyebrow. "Hard? You were the only country with one hundred percent adoption rate! That's amazing!"

"We don' even haf to try," she agreed, but without nearly as much excitement. "Zhousands of families are looking for pets; zhey are rich now, and want to show it. We actually get better adoption rates by chaaging moah money zhan less."

"I don't understand," Lucky said.

"Adoption isn't zha pwoblem. It's rescue," she said, her voice trailing off.

"Ping...what do you mean? What's wrong?" he asked, slowly, a pit growing in his stomach just watching her drooping tail and flattened ears. He could even _smell_the despair on her.

She turned back to face him, her eyes wet, eyebrows furrowed, her voice loud and sharp. "It's not a joke!" she yipped, though Lucky had no idea what she was talking about. "I hear it all zha time in zha states. Zhey zhink zhey are funny, but it is not."

"What...what?" Lucky asked, almost in tears himself, looking at the distraught Akita.

"Zha humans in China. Zhey _eat_zhem. We can only rescue so many! We need moah suppoht," she said, staring at Lucky. Water dribbled down her chin. "I still see zhem when I close my eyz."

"Oh my God, Ping...I didn't know," Lucky said, moving closer.

Sniffling, Agent Ping said, "Please excuse me; I shouldn't be clying. Zhis is not like me."

"No, don't," Lucky whimpered. "Don't apologize."

Ping looked up at the yellow mutt, her eyes still glistening, then she leaned in to him and buried her face against his chest, more tears beginning to flow. "Effry day we go to homes, restaurants...even dog farms. We safe some, but zha zhings I've seen -" she sobbed, trailing off.

Lucky put his paw around Agent Ping's next, holding her tightly as she cried. He didn't know what to say, so he didn't. She just cried there while he made comforting sounds, wishing there were something he could do. Still, it felt good to hold her like that. He always liked to be there for his friends. He enjoyed her warmth, and her pleasant scent, focusing on anything that might take his mind off those poor, Chinese puppies.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes, Agent Ping composed herself, gently pushing herself away from him and rubbing her wet eyes with the back of her paws. "I'm sorry you had to see zhat. But now you know zhat I will do whateffer it takes for my people."

"It's okay, Ping. I just wish there were something I could do. I know I would vote with you, but I'm just standing in for Dolly. I could talk to her, if you like."

"You zhink I haffn't tried zhat? Zhey gif us token resouses so zhey feel zhey are doing enough, but zhey won' help me when it huhts zhem. Eefen Agent Pupinski won' help," Ping complained.

Lucky nodded, but said, "Agent Dolly and I go _way_back. She'll listen to me."

"No, she won'," Ping said simply. Ears perking up, she quickly added, "No offense. But trust me. I zhink I know a liddle moah about intuhnational politics."

"I'm still going to talk to her, whenever she gets back. I have to do something," Lucky replied, knowing that the fur beneath his own eyes was nearly as damp as hers.

Ping's eyes popped wide open.

"What is it?" Lucky asked.

"Nozhing, I just..." the Akita said, pausing again.

"Agent Ping..."

She shook her head. "I should go."

"If there's something I can do, Ping, tell me. I would do anything to save those puppies."

"As would I." Agent Ping took a deep breath. "Okay, Agent Lucky. Zhere is somezhing."

"Well, what?"

"Zha only sure way to get moah suppoht is to get moah voting powuh. To do zhat, we need to 'save' moah puppies. You are a mutt, no one will suspect anyzhing. I can' belief I am saying zhis, but...will you bweed me?"

For the third time, Lucky's jaw dropped. "You _have_to be joking."

"I am not."

Lucky took a step back, flattening his ears. "You want me to knowingly break all the rules and defraud the D7 by lying about where your puppies are coming from?"

"Oh, wow. God fobid zha gweat Lucky bweak any rules! Maybe you should ask zha human child you talk to."

Lucky narrowed his eyes - he'd almost been disbarred from the Pound Puppies when the leaders found out he'd talked to his human. "Hey -"

Agent Ping said, "We let you off zha hook because you trust yoah instincts, and you are usually right. You want to do somezhing? Zhis is what you can do. What do yoah instincts say now?"

Lucky took a deep breath, consulting his feelings. What she was asking of him was outrageous. After slamming Dolly for supposedly upping her numbers with her own pups, Agent Ping was asking Lucky to do the same thing! He couldn't possibly!

But she was doing it for the best reasons. His gut scrunched up in a familiar way, whenever an ethical quandary showed up. His eyes were still wrung dry just thinking about the horrors Ping had claimed to see - dogs being killed and eaten by their own humans. If what she was asking could just save a few puppies from that horrible fate, wouldn't it be worth it?

"But the pet population..." he stammered, lost.

Ping scoffed. "What overpopulation? Zhere are one billion people in China. We'f got a queue of tree hundred families waiting for pups."

She was making way too much sense. She couldn't be_right_, could she? Somehow, he felt like maybe the best thing to do _would_be to breed with her. Lucky's throat went dry. He'd never done that - never even considered it! It was against everything he'd ever learned. Well, except when Dolly had come to Shelter 17. Then he'd thought about it. Gulping, he said, "Even if I wanted to, it's not like I can just fly to China whenever I want. It's not like you're..."

That's when the light bulb turned on. His eyes popped open, and it didn't take much reading of Ping's face to get confirmation. "'re already in heat..."

How hadn't he noticed before this? He hadn't detected her scent before at the lake, but now he sniffed, and the sweet scent was filling his room. Of course, Lucky didn't have much experience with the odor, and hers must have crept up on him. No wonder she had felt so comfortable in his arms.

She finally nodded. "I felt it coming on zhis mohning, but I suspected it would be soon. But I don' get to choose when zha D7 meets."

" want" he stammered, taking a step backward.

"Why not?" she asked glibly. "You are heuh and I am heuh. What does yoah gut tell you?"

Lucky could hardly trust his gut at a time like this! "That I should get out of here!" he gasped, honestly.

Agent Ping rolled her eyes. "I am new at zhis. What would Dolly do? Ah, yes." With that, the Akita stood up. Lucky could only watch in horror as the orange and cream canine spun in place. She didn't even need to lift her tail like Dolly did, since it curled up on its own. Lucky was given a face full of Ping's pussy. As if that wasn't enough, she glanced over her shoulder at the mottled mutt and said, "Will you bweak open my fohtune cookie?"

"Buhhh..." His eyes were locked on her pointed spade, clearly puffed up and sticking out of her white fur. He'd only seen one in this state once before, when Dolly had visited; Cookie always stayed home during her heat. With Dolly, he'd been too polite to do more than sneak a glance; now, he had an up-close-and-personal view.

"C'mon Lucky. Don' do it for me, do it for zha Chinese puppies," she urged, her short tail wagging. Her y-shaped folds were quivering in front of him, her scent wafting through the room. The swollen spade glistened in the lamp light, tight and full and warm. Before he could stop himself, his nose was nestled up against her.

"Aaah!" she gasped. "Cold nose, cold nose!" She tried to wriggle away from him, but Lucky followed, sniffing. With a quick lick, Ping froze, her tail held rigidly to the side. Whimpering, the Akita spread her legs.

"Oh my God, Ping..." he panted, getting and even bigger dose of her scent, matched with her spicy flavor. If he was ever going to resist her, that time had passed. "You're delicious."

Ping just grunted, leaning back as he took another lick. "I didn' know it would feel zhis good."

Slurp, slurp, slurp! He guzzled at her, gulping down ever drop he found. She was gasping, getting slicker by the minute, and it wasn't just his saliva doing the trick. "I can't believe we're doing this," he groaned.

"You'uh telling me," she shivered, her rump bouncing up and down. "I never zhought my fust time would be wiz some Amehican mutt."

"Gee, thanks."

"Oh, hush," she chided. "You'uh perfect. No one will know anyzhing. And zha puppies will be somezhing else - wiz youh instincts and my bwilliance..."

Lucky might have been following his instincts, but he definitely wasn't listening to his gut. His stomach was wrenched in knots as he drank her in, knowing full well he shouldn't be doing this. He didn't love Ping. He barely _liked_her. He should be with Cookie! But he couldn't draw himself away from the Akita, and he couldn't leave her empty-handed when she needed help saving puppies in China.

Ping bit her lip, and said, "Come on, get on wiz it. We'uh not on a date!"

"But I -" Lucky started.

"You know what to do, don' you? So _do_it!"

Lucky whined, but did as he was told. Ping spread her legs and held her ground as Lucky steadied himself and leapt onto her back. He was longer than she was (though not thicker) so he got a nice, full view of the back of her head. Despite her apparent confidence, her ears were flat, and she whimpered, "Well...?"

"I really don't think we should be doing this..." he tried, though his legs were shaking with the desire to slam himself up into her. He'd never held another dog like this, and he whimpered at the burning heat he felt against his bright, red tip. He knew exactly what he was rubbing up against, her tight, swollen lips spreading slightly at his touch.

"Oh, poor liddle Lucky," she growled. "Don' know the right zhing to do. Want to go home and cwy about it?"

"Ping..." he said, flattening his ears.

"Nnn," she shivered, her vulva bouncing up and down around his tip. "It's not a big deal. Just hump me already! Just twenty minutes on yoah paht, and you'll save countless puppies. Are yoah _fee fees_moah impohtant zhan zheir lives?"

It all came back to that. Puppies were being killed and eaten, and he'd promised he do _anything_to help. All his concerns - about fraud, about his first time, about following his own father's footsteps as a deadbeat dad...about Cookie - paled in comparison to that. Biting his lip, Lucky did the unthinkable.

He thrust.


"Uhhhnf!" they cried together.

His bony tip speared into the Akita, the soft flesh of his sheath curling away. Suddenly, he felt like Ping was petting him, hard, on every side of his dick. Nothing, not his tongue or his paw, could have prepared him for this feeling. He moaned, barely able to contain himself.

"Finally..." Ping panted, though the edge to her voice was gone. Her ears were flat and her tongue dangled from the side of her mouth as she glanced back, at him. "Oh, God..."

Lucky let his instincts take over, and started pumping back and forth faster and faster, stretching and tugging back and forth in Agent Ping's tight, virgin cavern. The widest part of his dick thudded a few inches inside of her, and he had to shift his hips to get the right angle.

"Zhere!" she moaned, and Lucky jabbed up and into her, pushing past her pelvis. Ping's head popped up, and she_howled_. "I didn' know it would be zhat big!" she yelped, and then she began to whimper and buck her hips up and down. Lucky squeezed down around her hips, holding her in place as he leaned forward.

He went back and forth, and she went up and down, the wet union of their fertile loins blanketed in waves of pure pleasure. For the moment, neither dog could speak, simply grunting, groaning, whining, and panting. Lucky rested his chin on the top of Ping's head, his tongue dangling down and flopping against her forehead. She didn't seem to mind, digging her black claws into the hardwood floor.

Her nails dug deeper as he began to buck faster, filling her to the hilt with his slippery cock. She was shoved forward only to be tugged backward as Lucky had his way with the fluffy Akita. Groaning, she managed to say, ""Yoah getting bigguh!"

She was right. With his hips pressed up against hers, he could feel her tightening around him, but it wasn't _she_who was clenching down harder. His knot was swelling inside her, filling out and twisting her spade into a big, bulging sphere. Now, when he pulled back, she just stretched and held him in, whimpering with each sharp thrust. He was tied now, and there was no going back.

"Nnnng! Don' stop!" she whined.

Lucky wasn't about to. He dug his claws into her belly, jabbing forward and back quickly now, as he could only maneuver a few inches inside her. He grinded his tip against her final line of defenses, knowing all too well what was likely to happen when his yellow-furred balls began to tense.

"Oh, Agent Ping," he gasped, still using her honorific. "This is...great...!"

"Don' get..." she grunted, "...sentimental on me. Just get it _done_alre -"


She stopped mid complaint, drooling on the floor as she squealed beneath him, her pussy squeezing down hard_around Lucky's knot. She slammed her hips up and down, her entire body shuddering in his grasp. He could barely hold on, but for his knot. The thick, orange Akita moaned and _came, milking him hard, and he wasn't about to be stubborn about it.

With a bark, he wriggled deeper, poking his bony tip right up against her uterus before letting loose with a loud, wet_splurt_ of dog cum. Endorphins flooded Lucky's brain, driving him deeper, his balls clenching as he unloaded into his whimpering bitch. Her tongue dangled limply from her mouth and she gazed, glassy-eyed at the floor, panting and pushing back against the 'American mutt'.

"About...time..." she gasped, unconvincingly. Even now, she was moaning and rocking her hips, trying desperately to keep up her hard exterior.

Lucky shifted his hips, realizing he was hopelessly tied to Agent Ping. His knot felt like a bowling ball inside her. With a groan, he said, "That was unbelieveable. I literally cannot believe we just did that," he said, _squeezing_another load into her fertile womb.

"Yeah, well...I guess maybe it wasn't so bad as I expected, coming from you."

Lucky grinned, "I like you, too, Ping."

She rolled her eyes, but didn't contradict him. "Whateffer. Now get off! Yoah too hot!"

He reluctantly dropped off of her, turning around and tugging tightly on her bloated spade. A glance told him that it was really only about the size of a softball, but he wasn't going anywhere soon. "You're stuck with me at least for a little while."

Together, they pretended nothing had happened, through the rest of the week. They went to the meetings, and Ping, of course, kept up berating him and America, though there was a softness to her voice that belied her true feelings.

When the D7 meeting was over, he had one last chance to talk to her, but all she said was, "Don' expect a postcahd or anyzhing."

Lucky tried to get back to work as usual, but he couldn't help but worry about Agent Ping, the Chinese puppies, and whether his litter had even taken with her. Was he a father? Was it all worth it? He had trouble talking to Cookie, because he always felt so guilty, keeping secrets from her and the others.

But a month later, the next D7 was meeting in Kenya. He'd finally started to get over what he'd done, but he found himself in another big conference room, sitting across from Agent Ping. He glanced over her, and she looked a little chunkier than before, but he couldn't really be sure. He was so distracted, he could barely recite the numbers for the month.

This month's meeting was about global security, and Agent Dezu said, apologetically, "I know you'f come a long way, Agent Lucky, but you do not haf da secuwity cleawance for the west of dis meeting."

"Zhen I mof we adjourn for ten minutes, befoh we continue," Agent Ping declared.

"Seconded, dontcha know."

"So be it," Dezu agreed, hitting the gavel.

Ping immediately fell in line beside Lucky, walking with him to his room, where he'd be spending the next few days. "Zhere you are," she said, simply, though they'd just been in a meeting for an hour.

"Good to see you again, too," Lucky said. Now that he was closer, he took a closer look, but still he couldn't say for sure whether she was just thick and fluffy like normal, or thicker and fluffier than before.

Agent Ping rolled her eyes. "Yes, Lucky, I am. I suppose I will haf to send my own representative next monf."

Lucky's voice caught in his throat. Some part of him had hoped their business the month before hadn't taken. Now he knew it had all really happened, and there wasn't any taking it back. "Oh."

"Don' be so dramatic. Zhis was neffer about you and me. You haffen't fohgotten who zhis is for?"

"No, I haven't," Lucky nodded.

"Good. Now, I haf to go to zhis meeting, but I want you to keep zhose puppies in your mind. It was a good zhing, what you did."

Lucky stopped briefly in front of his room, where he'd be exiled for the next day or two. "Why do you care what I think? You already got what you wanted from me."

She cocked her head at him. "Yes. _I_did. Haf a good day."

Lucky wrinkled his brow, confused, but that wasn't the first time the Akita Inu had perplexed him. "Enjoy the meeting," he said, glumly, stepping through the doggy door into his room.

He blinked. There were three dogs in his room. A brightly colored Chow Chow, wrinkled, brown Shar Pei, and a white-furred Xiasi Quan (though he'd never seen that breed before and had no idea what it was).

"Excuse me?" he asked, confused. Then, the scent hit him. His room was _blanketed_in heat. Agent Ping's team, no doubt.

The Shar Pei walked toward him, smiling. Her English wasn't quite as good as Ping's. "Ping don't tell us zhat yoah so cute."

Lucky pushed backwards immediately, only to realize that Agent Ping was pressed up against the doggy door. Her muffled chuckle was not at all encouraging.

"Look, ladies," he stammered, "I can appreciate what you want from me, but I'm really_not comfo - _blurb, brrbbr, gmble..."

The loose-skinned Shar Pei interrupted him with a rather forceful, insistent kiss that caught Lucky off guard. And by the time he'd pulled himself away from her grasp, he glanced down to find the Chow Chow lapping at his sheath, her paw cupping his balls. He glanced to the right, only to find himself face to face with the Xiasi's bouncing, quivering spade, tail raised encouragingly.

"Ladies!" he gasped, trying to push the one guzzling his dick away. "I know you want to help -"

The Shar Pei put a heavy paw on Lucky's sternum, cutting the smaller dog off. "Lucky - we ken do zhis hahd way oh eesy."

Lucky just whimpered.

He could hear Agent Ping walking away, saying, "Haf a good time!"

And he did.


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