Digimon 01 Alternate Episode 1

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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#14 of Digimon

First day in the Digital World.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own digimon; all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective companies. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so please don't try to sue me. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Digimon 01 Alternate Episode 1

Seven children at the camp - Tai, Sora, Matt, Izzy, Mimi, T.K., and Joe - were each given an item that fell from an aurora in the sky, and were all swept off by a wave.

"Ouch, my head, what's this place?" Joe asked briskly. His rubbed his forehead slowly.

"Mimi, you're sitting on Matt's face with your pussy and he can't breathe now," T.K. put in as he stood up slowly.

When Mimi stood up, Matt's nose was bleeding and his groin bulged.

"Mimi, you can continue to sit on my face," Matt droned.

Soon, they were surrounded by some little creatures.

"Welcome to the Digital World," Tentomon said eagerly. "You've been chosen randomly to fight against the Dark Masters."

Agumon turned to Tai, a hopeful expression on his face. "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was, so that I can protect my world," he said.

Tai decided to trust the little cute creature. "Come with me, the time is right, arm in arm we'll win the fight," he replied.

Matt sighed. "As usual, Tai trusted people too easily, I still don't trust these little things. Anyway, I quit, please send me home now," he interrupted.

"Negative, you can only go home after you defeated the Dark Masters because the portal is inside his castle," Gabumon said effusively.

Sora's face began to redden. "This is called kidnapping. You brought us here without our permission and forced us to help you," she replied pompously.

"Sorry, but please help us, we really need you all," Patamon pleaded.

"Next time, I won't touch anything that is falling from the sky!" Mimi exclaimed.

"I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid," Biyomon told Sora.

"Alright guys, go go Digimon Rangers!" Tai announced.

"What the Hell you're talking about?" Matt frowned at his friend. "Are you really Tai?"

Tai grinned. "Digimon Rangers is our team name, I was trying to encourage everyone."

"Tai, you're not our leader, so don't act like a leader. Secondly, we don't need a team name and Digimon Rangers...no offense, very childish. Finally, how are we going to destroy the Dark Masters with these tiny creatures? Do you really think that there is a portal to our world there? What if they destroyed the portal?" T.K. said tartly.

"Let's go to Gennai's house now, he is the one who asked us to summon you," Agumon suggested.

Digital World, the final frontier. These were the adventures of the chosen children and Digimon. Their mission, was to defeat the Dark Masters and protect both worlds. Now they were forced to boldly go where no men has gone before.


Somewhere in the digiworld, the children were walking along the forest. The sun was shining in the cloudless sky and the children were tired and fretful.

"Agumon, can you evolve and carry me? I felt tired and drained," Tai asked slowly.

Agumon shook his head. "I'm too hungry to evolve now," he explained.

"Huh, the one who claimed himself leader is the one who complained first," Matt teased.

"Then can we call a taxi or bus?" Sora said hopefully. "I can't stand the hot weather."

"There're no such things in this world," Gabumon giggled. "We're too small to drive a car."

"So, how long is it going to take for us to get there?" Kari grumbled.

"Not sure, we don't have a watch, but this is the right path," Patamon answered with a smile.

Izzy sighed. "Can we call Gennai and ask him to drive us there?"

Gatomon shook her head. "He is too old to drive a car and he doesn't have a phone, and that place is shielded, can't teleport there," she added.

"So, how the Hell he called you to summon us?" T.K. asked in bewilderment.

"WeChat," Patamon said sheepishly.

Matt checked his Sony Z3. "No WiFi services, no communication signal, we're doomed!" he cried furiously.

"So!" Sora snapped. "Why not teleport us to your hiding place?"

All digimon shrugged and shook their heads.

"This is crazy!" Mimi exclaimed in dismay.

They resumed their march at a quick step. They were silent except for an occasional faint sigh.


"Wait!" Kari exclaimed suddenly and immediately everyone stared at her.

"What's the matter with you? You look pale," Matt said sympathetically.

"I got stomach ache," Kari said uneasily and her face twisted. "I need to dump now."

Gatomon pointed at a fig tree. "You can do your business behind those bush," she suggested.

"Gatomon, kill anyone who try to voyeur!" Kari ordered. And so Gatomon stood at nearby to protect her.

Kari quickly dug a hole - about two feet deep - and started dumping the loads. "Ahh..." she sighed as the dirty things were released from her bowel.

Suddenly, there was a sudden rupture or bursting, as of an automobile tire.

Gatomon lifted up her cat head and saw some evil digimon. "The digimon strikes back!" she exclaimed in surprise.

Kari was scared by the strange noise and almost fell into the hole.

"Kari, hurry," Gatomon frowned. "They're going to attack us!"

Kari knitted her brows. "Okay, I am coming!" she was panic and she forgot what she was doing. She stood up immediately but she tripped. Gatomon was embarrassed for her when she slipped and fell. She was holding her dress while she walked out from the bush, she has not cleaned her anus and washed her hands yet.

"Gatomon, digivolve!" Kari shouted but she could not find her digivice.

The others turned around to see what Kari was doing. They were surprised to see Kari's half-naked body. Each boy quickly covered own nose to prevent blood from coming out. Kari quickly put on her skirt and looked for her digivice.

"Wow! She is beautiful," one of the enemies praised Kari.

"Yea, she's my sister...hey! How dare you look at her! Greymon!" Tai shouted and Greymon deleted the enemy with a huge fireball.

Her pink underwear is prettier and sexier than mine.** Sora thought.**

Her pudenda is so smooth.** Mimi thought.**

Kari and Gatomon were still searching for her digivice. "Please don't tell me that it is inside the pile of shit," Gatomon murmured. Unfortunately Gatomon was right. They saw the digivice on top of Kari's shit.

"Gatomon, can you pick it up?" Kari pleaded.

"Are you nuts? Why don't you pick up yourself? In fact, it is you who dropped it," Gatomon went on. "I'll find something to pick it up or push it away from your shit."

Gatomon found a stick and gently pushed the digivice out from the pile of shit. "Kari, your shit is so nasty, I'm going to die," she stammered. Kari passed another stick to her partner. Gatomon used both sticks to push the digivice to the riverside, she vomited before she began to wash it. Kari took the opportunity to clean herself.

Gatomon used a lot of time to clean the digivice. "Fortunately it is waterproof," she sighed. "Kari, promise me that you'll never dropped it again."

Kari and Gatomon rushed back to their friends, "where are the enemies?" Kari asked nervously.

"All fled," Joe answered with a smile.

"Want an apple?" Matt asked slowly as he passed a red apple to Kari.

The other children and digimon were eating apples which were brought by Tai from home.

"Oops, sorry, I was cleaning my digivice just now," Kari told them what had happen to her digivice, everyone immediately dropped his/her apple on the ground and started to vomit.

"Kari, don't say nasty things while we are eating," Tai gasped and vomited again.

"Sorry, my bad," Kari apologized again.

** "Her shit is indeed very nasty," Gatomon put in and began to tell them how she washed the digivice.**

** They vomited again and could not eat the apple anymore.**

After they rested for a while, they left that place.


"It's already ten A.M, we must find a cafe, luckily our watches still working," Matt looked at his watch and said.

"Hmm," Sora knitted her brows. "We run out of food."

"Hakuna matata, we'll find foods for you." cried Biyomon merrily. And thus, Biyomon, Tentomon, Gatomon and Gabumon walked into the forest to find foods.

"What's hakuna matata?" Kari scratched her head and asked Mimi.

"It means no worry, for the rest of your day," Mimi explained and began to sing that song.

"Let us play UMO while waiting for the foods to come," Izzy suggested and pulled out a deck from his bag, soon they started playing UMO.

After twenty minutes, the digimon returned with foods on their hands/paws.

"What's this?" Tai asked as he picked up something round and black.

"Search me," Gabumon shrugged his shoulders somewhat indecisively.

"YOU DO NOT KNOW? You expect me to eat something unknown?" Tai exploded, he forgot he was the only one who trusted the Digimon.

"We ate many times before but mo man tai," Agumon said, good-humoured.

"Because you're a digimon! By the way, what is mo man tai?" T.K. retorted.

"It means no problem," Biyomon put in.

The children ate the foods carefully. After finished eating, they decided to take a short nap. Suddenly Kari felt like someone was squeezing her internal organs.

Damn! No more tissue papers.** Kari thought.**

"Sora, Mimi, do you have tissue or toilet papers?" Kari whispered.

Sora and Mimi searched for a while and they shook their heads. None of the children brought toilet papers.

"Kari, I got an idea," ventured Gatomon.

"What? Hurry...I can't..." Kari raised her eyebrows quizzically.

"You can use leafs," Gatomon suggested.

"What an absurd suggestion! Ouch! Bring me more leafs...now..." Kari went to a bush and dug a hole again; she started to dump again while Gatomon was collecting leafs.

The other children also getting stomach ache. "Gabumon! Ahhh...the foods...ouch..." Izzy left the group and crawled towards a coconut tree, he was already too painful to walk. Tentomon helped his partner to find some leafs.

"Who said mo man tai!" Tai's temper flared up again.

"Tai, you're the one who said we can trust them!" Matt exclaimed.

"Who said hakuna matata!" Joe growled.

Each of the children found a place to release own tension from stomach. The digimon went out searching for leafs and guarded the area.


After twenty minutes, the children were lying on the ground, grasping for breath.

"I'll never eat the foods in this world again," T.K. said wearily.

"More tired than making love," Izzy panted.

"Kari, you smelled terrible," Gatomon sniffed and shook her head.

"Because I don't have enough leafs," Kari blushed.

"Matt, your legs..." Gabumon trailed off.

"Shut up and give me more leafs!" cried Matt somewhat recklessly.

"Matt, you tripped and fell into your own hole, right?" asked Joe bluntly.

"Not your business!" Matt roared.

"I must bath after I reached the village," Mimi vowed.

"Let's go now," Izzy looked at his watch and said softly.

One hour later, they reached a small village.

"A motel, great!" Mimi exclaimed. "I can take a shower there."

Ten minutes later.

"Guys, we don't have money. Tai, you said that you're our leader, tell us what to do now?" Joe remarked.

"We can't stay here or eat the food without money!" Izzy burst out. "And why still no WiFi services!"

"You summoned us to here and treated us like morons," Sora began to grumbled. "Now we don't have food to eat, no place to stay, no clothes to change and no toilet paper."

Everyone was looking at Tai and his partner.

** Their first day in the Digital World ended here, they would continue their journey to the Gennai's house tomorrow morning.**

** Gennai summoned the children but did not give them money and basic necessities. The road to Gennai's house was still very long.**

The end.

Pinocchio prequel

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Pinocchio prequel** **A teacher found a talking piece of wood and gave it to his poor neighbour,...

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All’s well that ends well

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **All's well that ends well** ...

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The Pain of Renamon

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own digimon; all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective companies. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so...

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