This Little Piggy Rebelled

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#2 of The Ballad of Finchwood Farm

This is the second of four chapters in a sexy Halloween epic based loosely of the big bad wolf and the three little pigs. It is a picture/story series done by myself and RisingDragon commissioned by and starring darkzigi and his three pig girls, Bella, Harper, and Lillian.

There will be four chapters with an image for each, culminating in a big project known as 'The Ballad of Finchwood Farm' our brand new take on the traditional nursery rhyme.

This second chapter stars Bella, the middle of the three sisters as she has her own adventure with Zigi. I wrote a bunch of background material for this chapter and has a lot of music basis to it. Really proud of this one so hope you like it too.

Check out RD's piece that goes with this chapter:

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


The Ballad of Finchwood Farm - Chapter Two - This Little Piggy Rebelled

'When we wrote 'The Wolf Rider' we never meant for it to be anti-establishment, which is why it's quite funny that both the fans and the media would take such a spin on it. I mean, we had tracks like 'F*** the Government', 'Voter List', even little shades of politics in 'Losing Love to Technology' but 'Wolf Rider' has none of that shit in it, it's just about a dude riding a wolf like a horse, like a big ass worg and the dude's some fantasy orc or some crap like that. You know? Sometimes music's just cheap like that.' ~Roger Wellington - Lead Singer of Burnt Bacon, interview taken from Rolling Stones Magazine circa: 2001

"No, that album was complete shit!" a rather gruff looking porcupine girl said as she swigged back some more beer. She had managed to sneak a few beers into the woodworking shop off to the side of the property, close to the house but farther from the barn. There she met up with a few of her friends, shooting the shit as they enjoyed a bit of underage drinking.

"It's not complete shit," Harper added, the punk pig sipping the beer herself, wincing at a taste that was still weird to her, "I mean yes when the bass player left the replacement sorta sucked ass, and they were more modern than their earlier punk roots, but a few of the tracks on there are top notch."

"Sailing on a Signal?" a bat boy chimed in, "Lame, abs-o-lutely, fuckin' lame!"

Harper shrugged, scratching an itch on the shaved part of her hair, "I liked it." As she stretched her neck the lock shaped earring tag shook above the temporary heart tattoo on her cheek. Despite having to fake half the things on her body that fit her punk style her hair was the real deal. The impressive mohawk a decent size, with highlighted tips that contrasted her natural brown with a bright teal. She was currently dressed up as Azula from the show Avatar, wearing an impressive looking uniform that was seemingly built for war. Its aesthetics were fashioned like the rest of the firebending clan, and the fierce look Harper usually wore seemed to almost model the character perfectly.

"Harper here is a bonafide T-focs" the porcupine said, grinning to her friend as she sipped more beer.

Harper gave the girl a queer look as she heard the term that had clearly just been made up, "And just what the hell is a Tea Fox?" she pronounced in closer to her assumption of how it was spelled.

"T-F-O-C-S," the porcupine said one letter at a time, "Too forgiving of crappy songs!"

"Fuck off," Harper growled as she took out her mp3 player, plugging into a little USB speaker as she started a song, "I know you both agree with this one, so you can shut up with that T-focs bullshit!"

Pounding drums echoed in the shop as the first track off the 'Spit-roast EP' started blaring, the lead singer of 'Burnt Bacon' wailing out in his punk voice. 'I hate you, same old truth, fuck me hard and eat my youth, here's your proof, stomp some hooves, fight 'till you break your last tooth!'

All three cubs nodded their heard to the frantic rhythms of the angry pigs, guitar and bass simple but effective as the boar drummer wailed on the drums as if he was slaughtering live cattle. The EP was short but sweet, the 7 tracks only equalling about 15 minutes on a full play through. Harper seemed to out sing her friends with the lyrics of 'Toothbreaker', the little pig thrashing about as she chugged more of the beer. The rowdiness of the cubs continued on with the next two tracks, 'Rape the Reaper' and 'Zip the Lip' stealing most of their energy. The trio settled as the only ballad of the EP began, resuming their conversation during 'Loosing Love to Technology'.

"See why can't 'The Sick Pricks' sound like this?" the porcupine asked as she bobbed her head to the gentle beat of the oddly soothing track.

Harper looked annoyed at the comment, "Ok they had two, two albums recently that aren't up to snuff, at least they play a ton of classics at their shows."

The porcupine nodded, "I guess, who knows maybe third time's the charm, I just hope they stop selling out to their stupid label with this more upbeat shit they've been churning out."

The bat joined in the convo just as soon as 'Drugged Like a Junkie' came on, the usual thrash-punk sound of Burnt Bacon resuming, "See these guys are the real shit!"

Harper smiled as she bobbed her head to the sloppy, but entertaining lyrics of the very B-side track, "Even their lamer songs like this are just great, there will never be punks like these guys again." The conversation continued on through the last couple songs of the album, all three singing along with 'Education for the Weak' and 'I may be a slut, but at least my crotch ain't itching'. It was clear that this music was far too adult for the three cubs, but thanks to the easy downloading of the internet, each had easily found the discography of Burnt Bacon and many other acts with relative ease. As soon as the EP was done Harper started another BB record, bobbing her head until her friends eventually stood up.

"I'm bored," the porcupine groaned, "I think I'll go find some more beer or something."

The bat soon followed her, "Yeah, see ya later Harper."

The pig shrugged as they left, absently saying "See ya" as she sat on the table, sipping the rest of her beer. It was a single bottle, but the brew was messing with her head, the pig slightly dizzy as she felt the goofy state of inebriation filling her. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, enjoying the slow buildup of one of the interlude tracks on the album, as it lead slowly to the beginnings of 'The Wolf Rider'. Harper was so lost in the music that she didn't even hear the door to the shop creek open again. Zigi slowly slinked into the room as the lead singer of Burnt Bacon began his lyrics, 'You can hear it creeping, and I can hear you weeping, the footprints on the dirt, as I'm running towards your skirt, you think your world is safe from me, but as far as I can see, you'll soon run for the ditch, or I'll make you my bitch' Zigi stepped ever closer to the young pig, almost right beside her before her ear began to wiggle. 'Take your wife, run and hide her, she'll soon belong to the wolf rider!'

"Burnt Bacon huh?" Zigi said, holding his paws out as the pig jumped, "Sorry didn't mean to startle you, I'm just a fan of them as well." The wolf was mostly lying, although he had known a few of their songs to be charming he wouldn't really consider himself a full fan.

"Well fuck, don't sneak up on a girl like that!" Harper growled, smacking the wolf's side. She was quiet for a minute until Zigi started singing along, coincidentally lucky enough to have known that song, "At least you have a good taste in music I guess."

Zigi nodded to her, whistling along as he looked at the empty beer bottles in the room, "Having some beer?"

"Yeah..." she looked at him with concerned eyes, "What's it to you?"

The wolf giggled as he took out two more, passing one to her, "'Cause I brought more?"

She took it from him in a huff, twisting the cap off and chugging some down, "Thanks, I guess." She let the song finish in silence, the two simply sipping their beer until the next song started. "What's your favourite BB album?" Harper finally asked, trying her hardest not to sound interested in the wolf.

"'Rapid Rendezvous,'" the wolf said, trying to be as honest as possible, "The song 'Silent Sex' is my favourite track off that album, so sensual, erotic but dangerous, lyrically it's so them, but musically it's a departure, but a welcome one. That album showed the most progression, but managed to still hit home with their old style." 'Thanks Wikipedia' he thought to himself, happy at that moment that he was a bit of a research geek sometimes.

He had to stifle a laugh as he caught a look that seemed uncharacteristic for the pig he had just met, actual excitement shown as she blushed. "Th-that's my favourite too, and I love that song..." she cleared her throat and chugged more beer, regaining her composure, "Small world I guess."

The wolf nodded as he hummed more of the tunes as best he could, eventually offering out his paw, "Name's Zigi."

"Harper," she said as she gave him a quick shake, "Nice to meet an adult around here who isn't annoying."

Zigi laughed, "Yeah, I guess this party is a little dull." He looked over the cute punk, his nose catching the scent that she shared with Bella. The wolf had guessed that they must be sisters, the scent of similarity drawing him to the woodworking shop as his hunger continued to be pushed into overdrive each time another cloud freed more of the moon up. He struggled to keep his subtlety, his urges constantly threatening to undo all the effort he was putting on the young pig. "Wish there was something else we could do?" he thought aloud, watching as the girl gulped down the rest of her beer, her cheeks flushed as she reached a somewhat tipsy state.

Harper nodded as she leaned her head in her cheeks, feeling a tad spacey, "Yeah..."

Zigi hopped up onto the table and shuffled closer, reaching to grab the girl's mp3 player, "May I?"

She let out a little squeak as he got closer, his arm rubbing against hers. Something about him intrigued the hell out of her, there was an air to him, and almost a scent that made her feel funny, and his knowledge of her music made him seem to cool. "S-sure" she whispered as he grabbed her mp3 player, the wolf fiddling for a moment before setting it back down, Harper's ears treated to the gentle opening riffs of 'Silent Sex.'

Zigi moved back to where he had previously been sitting, leaning back comfortably as he watched Harper's body language. There was a single window in the shop and before long a single sliver of the moon had snuck its way through. It was invisible to the naked eye, but Zigi could feel it deep inside, the tension nagging at him, his cock throbbing as precum stained the front of his underwear. He could from the subtle stirs of the pig that she had instinctively caught his scent, the girl at just the age where the first signs of her sexuality would peak through. He was pretty sure he had managed to intrigue her just well enough too, and soon, the musings of Roger Wellington's sick little head would benefit his plan.

'The way you looked that night, damsel to my delight, lean close to the firelight, and whisper, your silent sex to me' Each word was sung with an odd sexy grace that seemed otherwise unheard of in Burnt Bacon, and with the close proximity of Zigi's musk, Harper felt as though Roger's words were being whispered slowly into her ears. She felt herself get wet as the song continued. This had happened before, but never so strong. She could feel her heart pounding and could oddly make out the pace of Zigi's breath as Roger continued, 'I can taste it, but can you take it? 'cause your caress, gets me undressed, my pretty little thing, rest under my wing, and whisper, your silent sex to me'

"This song always does it," Zigi said as he leaned closer, Harper shivering from the touch of his breath as if she had caught a cold, "Doesn't it just get in your blood?"

"Y-yeah it does" Harper whispered breathlessly, getting uncomfortably randy as her musical heroes seemed to act as a devil on her shoulder, whispering to her to flirt with danger as this mysterious wolf seemed to place some sort of spell on her. 'There ain't no greater truth, when I'm inside of you, 'cause one and one makes two,' The pig's head twitched as she felt Zigi's form move closer, their eyes locked like vicious predators as their muzzles approached alarmingly close to one another. 'So what you gonna do? Just whisper, your silent sex to me' Harper's breath filled Zigi's mouth as their lips locked, the pig's eyes closing as she clutched at the adult's chest, her tongue sliding in desperately as she seemed to vent all her preteen frustration in one passionate act of rebellion.

Zigi clutched her firmly as he returned equal passion into the taboo kiss, his paw sliding up the skirt-like flap on her costume and rubbing over her crotch as Roger sang, 'There ain't nothing more scandalous, I told you I was dangerous!' "Stop!" Harper whimpered as she broke the kiss, her cheeks blazing red as she moved his paw away, "Wh-what are you doing?"

"I thought we were gonna fuck," Zigi said in terms she would understand, "Unless, oh you're a virgin, I'm so sorry."

"No!" Harper growled fiercely, "I just wasn't expecting that." She didn't dare admit that she had suffered a moment of shy hesitation.

"Well, I guess I can go find some other-"

"What? I'm not slutty enough for you?!" the pig spat back angrily.

"No you're not slutty," Zigi said, seeing the hurt on Harper's face at the thought of being turned down now, "...but you are beautiful."

Harper got all blushy again as she gulped nervously, trying to keep her nerves from cracking again, "Wh-whatever, this isn't a date."

"What is this then?" Zigi asked with a chuckle.

"We're just fucking around, don't make it weird!"

"Alright," Zigi tried not to chuckle again, unzipping his pants so he could push his throbbing cock through, "Where do you wanna do this then?"

Harper turned to see the gleaming red shaft, her eyes widening like moons as she cried out, "Holy shit!"

The wolf grinned as he squeezed his knot, holding the shaft up as he moved back towards the young punk, "I'll take that as a compliment, you just wanna sit up there?"

"Wh-what are you doing?" she gulped, eyes unable to peel away from the sight of the wolf's manhood.

Zigi grinned as he held back a laugh, "Well most girls start things off with a blowjob... have you not done this before?"

Harper glared up at his eyes again, "I have! Do I look like an innocent little baby to you?!"

"No," Zigi replied, "You just look like you've never seen a dick before."

"I've given head before," Harper lied, her punk music and occasionally sneaky lookups on the internet giving her the terminology, "You're just, really big." She gulped anxiously.

The wolf reached down to pat her head, holding back a scowl as the moonlight poured over him, making him grow all the more impatient, "I'm sure you can handle it."

Harper's breath was staggered and scared as she reached forward, grasping the shaft gently as she muttered inanely, "Wh-whatever, yeah, sure." She gave the tip a sniff as she watched its pre drip down, the scent of it intoxicating her. This was the perfect partner, she had broken her own hymen in experimentation but never with a partner. Boys were so stupid, immature, stubborn, but this a man. The wolf was wild and mysterious and just the right mix of cocky and caring. Although she was not sure just how ready she was to handle the real thing, she refused to look like a fool in front of him.

After the long hesitation, Zigi grabbed the base of his shaft, letting the tip rub against her lips as he teased her, "Are you waiting for an invitation or what?"

Harper's face remained flushed as she grabbed the cock from the wolf, muttering out a growly "Shut up!" before stretching her lips over the tip. She sucked on the head a bit firmly at first but slowly got into a proper rhythm, stroking the wolf's length as she worked more and more of it down her throat. Her saliva trailed down his length and pooled over his knot as she kept working away at it, her free hand tugging the bottom half of her costume down so she could rub a few fingers over her damp slit. Her eyes closed as she swallowed the length down, reaching halfway down before the odd choke or gag would escape her.

She was doing a surprisingly good job, Zigi letting out longing moans as the pig kept gulping and slurping away. His finger ran through her hair, scratching at her scalp gently as he thrust up, watching as the young punk quickly lost herself in the heat of the moment. She moaned out quite audibly every time he would release more pre into her mouth, her tongue running along his length until she finally resurfaced for breath, taking a break as she looked up into the wolf's eyes, "How was that?"

"That was great," the wolf said as he rubbed her chin, watching the confidence return to her face, "Your turn!" As he spoke he pulled her up and dropped her gently onto the table, quickly pulling the rest of costume's lower half off. She said nothing as he spread her legs, the pig looking down with shy eyes as he eyes her wet pussy. He gave it a long smell, sighing contently as he felt a sliver of the relief he had been hoping for. With one long lap he ran his tongue over every inch of her sex, swallowing down her sweet nectar before he dug his slippery muscle in good and deep. Harper made much noise as he drove his tongue in, the deeper he would go the higher pitched her whines would be. He was glad the music was heavier now, the hardcore punk of Burnt Bacon muffling some of the noises that would otherwise be easily heard outside.

"God, that feels crazy!" Harper cried as she grabbed his head, clutching tightly as he thrust his muzzle, tongue plunging in and out as if he was fucking her with his mouth. His muzzle was getting matted rather fast, the pig's juices flowing out as the wolf's technique and pheromones combined to send the young one into an almost feral state of lust. Zigi kept sliding his tongue in, grinning as he realized how deep he could go. He let out a little chuckle, which caused Harper to glare back at him, "What's so funny?"

"You weren't kidding," he replied, sucking on her clit as he slid two fingers insider her, "You really aren't a virgin."

"S-so," the pig blushed, remembering how she had broken her hymen a year back playing with herself too hard, "I told you I've done this before, you calling me a liar?!"

"I didn't say that," Zigi growled, circling his fingers around her insides until she shuddered, "I'm just glad I don't have to teach you how to take me!" Harper looked scared as he slipped his fingers out, sucking them clean as he gripped at the base of his shaft, "Time to really have some fun!" Zigi took his time lining himself up, eyes locked on the pig's as he stared her down in silent domination.

The wait left Harper shaking, her breath nearly stopping by the time Zigi had pressed the pre soaked tip to her slick entrance. She tried to keep her composure as the wolf pressed slowly in, nipping her lip as the stretching began to sting. "G-gentle, please!" Harper whimpered out, clasping her paws over her lips as she realized what had escaped her mouth. Zigi said nothing in reply, able to tell that the pig just kept lying to him. It didn't bother him too much however and he soon slid more of his length into her, gently as she had requested. Harper made a lot of noise as the wolf started thrusting in, sliding in and out at a slow starting pace that caused the young girl to shudder. He was quite thick for her, bigger than any toy she had played with, and although it began to hurt, she did not tell him to slow down as his pace gradually increased.

Oinks and squeals and several resounding moans escaped her lips as he drove into her, her pussy soaked as she reached several flittering moments of short lived ecstasy. She would rub her clit with a few fingers as she had learned on her own, driving even more wild as the wolf pounded in, Harper letting out the loudest yelp as he discovered where her g-spot was. "Ooo, you like that spot huh?" Zigi growled as he kept slamming his cock against it, the pig barely able to speak as she clutched at him. "The other boys not reach there?" he chuckled as he kept pounding away, Harper making a massive outburst of moans and pants as her pussy gushed out fluid in a desperate splash. "You've never that before, have you?" Zigi confirmed as the pig made hungry groans like a lust driven animal, "Do you want more?"

"Yes." It was almost a whisper, the panting pig shaking as the wait for more felt like eternity.

"The hell was that?" the wolf teased, "I want you to tell me what you want!"

"Fuck me Zigi!" she screamed, "Fuck me as hard as you can!"

Zigi's smile turned feral, the moon drunk wolf viscously soaking in the sight of his prey as he slipped out, turning her around, "Ass up Harper!" She did as she was told, seconds later in tears as he pounded back in, the new position making it easier for him to drive down hard against the most sensitive parts. Unbeknownst to both of them, Harper had become more and more submissive as the wolf's pre soaked into her, the power the moon gave over him causing her to fall deep under his commanding spell. "Fuck yeah!" Zigi growled as he slammed over and over, only stopping when he realized the girl's shouts had become a little too shrill, "Y-you ok Harper?"

The girl panted desperately for air, "Y-yeah it's just, t-too sensitive there now."

The wolf slid out of her abused sex as he pat her butt cheeks, playing with the spiral of her tail as he poked the tip at her backside, "Understandable, we'll just move onto this one."

"What?!" the pig squealed, "You're doing what where?!"

"Uhh, you've never done that?" Zigi began a new rouse, "'Cause every punk girl I've ever known loves that kinda thing."

"Well I've done it," Harper lied again, "It's just..."

"You're a 'Becky No Backside'," the wolf quoted another Burnt Bacon song, knowing this one more for its controversy than the music itself, "I get it, it's cool."

The pig was fuming as several lyrics filled her head, Roger forming in her mindscape and screaming right in her face, 'Won't be late, still won't date, all that girl does is mate, but she really ain't my kind of lass, she just won't take it up the ass!' "Well if you're gonna fuck it, just fuck it already!" Harper yelled to Zigi, shooing Roger out of her mind.

The wolf's fangs nearly broke from how hard he was smiling, Zigi muttering "Alright then" as he shoved the first few inches of his throbbing cock up her ass. Harper let out the loudest yelps as she felt the intense, stretching stinging, the pulsing of the wolf's cock igniting the nerves in her backside like fire. "Shit that's tight!" Zigi moaned as he kept thrusting, using all the juices that had slicked over his shaft as lubricant. Her backside hugged the cock tightly, wrapping it in tight, wonderful warmth that drove the wolf wild. "You got a nice ass Harper!" Zigi growled in a deep moan, pounding harder and harder until she started to get used to the heavy rush of stings.

Saliva dropped from the pig's lips in a desperate drool as she was pounded into, her body barely able to accept the rough thrusts that Zigi kept pounding into her. She was still reeling from her previous orgasm, but that somehow helped the anal intrusion to feel oddly good. Each slide into her was tingly and strange, and the idea of the adult pumping into her backside was satisfyingly lewd. "I'm glad you like it" Harper gave the wolf a late reply, slightly out of character for her, the strange rush seeming to bite off her usual edge, "Don't slow down!" The words had left her lips before she even realized she had wanted the request.

The wolf's enticing spell could not be made clearer now, the blank feral glare of Zigi's eyes and the way that Harper would moan, holding her ass up in offering to him a sight almost unbelievable. Zigi fought to hold what little sense he had left, making every effort to keep his knot from plunging deep down dangerously into the young pig. "Yeah, keep that ass up!" he growled, smacking the pig hard on her backside, each cheek given a heavy thud from his palm. Harper only moaned louder, her paws gripping the workbench she lay on desperately as she rode out each thrust of the wolf. Zigi kept pushing into her savagely, over and over as his knot swelled anxiously. With a last ditch effort, he grabbed the base of his knot, keeping it held back as his cock throbbed in a bounce, his seed filling the young pig's rear in heavy splashes.

"Mmm, oh god!" Harper cried out in a long, shaky breath, lying down in a tired slump as the wolf pulled out. His knot stilled pulsed as he shot a few extra strands of cum onto her cheeks, his finger playing with her little corkscrew tail, before stepping back. He looked at her with concern as she lay motionless, for a moment fearing her had actually harmed her. "I don't wanna sound lame or anything," Harper broke the silence, making Zigi feel a little better, "...but I guess you're the best lay I've ever had." Zigi smiled back to her, both focused on the look in each other's eyes, rather than the last chords of the song playing beside them. 'Fight for what you need, eat, then shit, then breed, don't stop 'till you succeed, and get your spirit freed'

The Real Treats

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of 18. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Casey wore the biggest grin as he walked down the sidewalk with his...

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This Little Piggy went Questing

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of 18. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ _"Little pig, little pig, let me come in."_ _"No, no, not by the hair...

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