Tiger and Nub (Gruffy vs. Linkin Monroe)
In bed with Gruffy! O.O! But where's the bed?
Tiger and Nub
Oh boy...this is the first "In Bed with Gruffy" stories, this time featuring Gruffy with
Linkin Monroe - and isn't this an interesting scenario! *chuckle* I hope you like the read, and I look forward to your comments and feedback! Cheers to you all!
The time was past 8 pm, but for the night shift of the campus security team at Taylor University, their working hours were only beginning for now. Their activity was concentrated into a small room on the old red brick main building, stuffed behind various janitorial services that lined the gloomy hallway that led into their workplace. Much of it was filled by the CCTV station's display screens, each of which showed a view from one of the security cameras scattered throughout the premises. If that wasn't enough, a computer screen sitting on a desk showed a mosaic of displays from even more cameras, and they kept changing every few seconds.
Business-like surroundings or not, the room was currently filled with laughter. Two high-backed chairs had been pushed together, and one canine paw held a smartphone on its side so that both occupants of the room had a good view.
"...that's so fucking stupid," the dog said with a big smirk over his cheeky muzzle.
"Yeah," commented the other, a bespectacled tiger, looking down on the screen the dog held tilted for his convenience, "just how many times can you repeat that before it becomes just so stupid you wanna mace your own eyes?"
"JOHN CENA!" the smirking dog yelped along with the exuberant voice on the phone's tinny speaker.
"Oh, God..." the tiger groaned with appropriate affirmative action from his ears.
The Dobie licked his lips and grinned.
"You gotta admit that it was funny at first, Gruff," Linkin suggested. The video had thankfully come to an end now, which only prompted the Dobie to go flicking at the screen with his thumb to find more stupid shit to watch.
"For the first 65 times maybe, but then it really got old," mused his fellow security tiger, whom yawned, stretched his paws up over his head, and grumbled. "Hhmmmrrrrrrr..."
"Bah," the Dobie snorted.
Gruff looked blearily at the camera displays and scratched his muzzle thoughtfully.
"Do you think anything is gonna happen tonight?" he asked. "Anything at all?"
"Hmmm..." Linkin mused, "there's always that dumbass who gets locked in when the doors close."
"Don't see anyone on the screens," Gruff said. the tiger was seesawing from left to right on his swiveling chair by applying a bit of propulsion with one booted foot paw.
"They mostly come at night. Mostly."
Gruff let out a guffaw.
"You had to go there, did you?" the tiger swiped his tail against the backrest of the Dobie's own chair.
Linkin was by now playing with his phone, flipping it back and forth on his paw. The Dobie looked even more bored than the tiger was feeling at the moment, with seconds ticking by ever so slowly.
"Well at least we've got Wi-Fi," Gruff said. "Imagine those poor bastards who were stuck here back when they blocked all the fun sites from the staff computers."
"Must've gone through a lot of Minesweeper and lots of lotion..." the Doberman said.
Gruff chuckled.
"Oh yeah?" the tiger smirked. "Even with all the fun sites off-limits?"
The Dobie rolled about his chair as if he was on a carousel, and flashed another of his signature teasing grins.
"Who needs sites when you got healthy paws and a good imagination?" Linkin offered.
"Hahah," the tiger laughed. This was the kind of banter that usually went on at the early hours of the night when there was literally nothing else to do in the security control room but to talk crap and drink bad-tasting coffee from the maker that was always on in one corner of the room. The little security round every two hours was the only scheduled activity - the rest of the time, they were meant to keep their eyes ready to stand by in case some dumbass decided to do something stupid. The university had a big dumb jock population who were often up to no good, and when a practical joke set the fire alarms blazing, who was going to be the first unto the breach?
"...ever thought about dyeing your furs?"
"...mmmwhat, dude?" Gruff asked.
"You know, maybe something like this?" Link flashed his phone screen towards the tiger again. Gruff leaned forward to take a proper look, and squinted from the effort.
"Whut...you wanna look like Channing Tatum?" the tiger muttered.
Linkin barked out.
"Don't I already do?" the Dobie flexed himself playfully.
The tiger chuffed.
"You may have to work that booty a bit more before you're a Magic Linkin," said Gruff.
The Dobie yelped and barked out, almost theatrically. He stood up and by his chair, all lean, toned doggie, clad in a black T-shirt, black pants and a belt with dangling implements about its circumference - by all means he appeared like a well-fed, working out 20-something guy who didn't usually spend too much time with his butt down on a seat.
"Oh yeah?" the sleek dog questioned .
Linkin turned about and presented that particular side of him - complete with the nub of a tail poking out of a reinforced hole on the rear of his work pants - jammed his paws against his hips and jutted out his rump.
"You think?" the Dobie asked while he leered at the tiger over his shoulder.
Gruff observed the sight of the blatantly displayed rump and made his verdict after a bit of tiger-neck-scruff-scratching.
"You should spare it for swinging on the pole, Link," the tiger said.
The Dobie flicked his tail-nub and spun around on one foot, to face the tiger, with his paws still cockily held on his hips.
"You think I should do that huh?" he said. "Go strut my stuff to some horny chicks?"
He licked his lips with a wet tongue and wriggled his ass from side to side while smirking confidently.
"If you can handle all the groping from their mothers," Gruff observed.
"Eww!" the Dobie chuckled. "I'll only strip to sexy furs..."
"I don't think you can afford to be picky."
Link swung his arm about and smecked a kiss onto one of his biceps.
"With bod like this you can!" he declared.
"Ha ha," the tiger pursed his lips.
"You don't believe?" Linkin sounded doubting.
"Well I guess it would at least be more exciting than this job," Gruff said.
"Hell yeah, maan!" the Dobie grinned. "Better than sitting on our asses here while the most exciting thing is a lost key or some fucktard pouring soap into the fountain. Like that hasn't been done so many times..."
"Only one bad thing about it though," Gruff folded his paws behind his neck and leaned back.
"Besides the gropes and one dollar bills stuffed in my undies being ticklish?" the Dobie leered.
Gruffy shook his head briefly.
"No, if you didn't think about it, that's a night job too."
The Dobie's grin melted away.
"Oh, shit," Linkin said. "That's not cool. But. Maybe...they could do day shows!"
"A matinée striptease from a Dobie..." the tiger commented.
"Smartass," the Dobie huffed.
"Show-off," Gruff said.
"Me?!" Linkin barked out.
"Which one of us did a striptease presentation, huh?" Gruff cocked an ear at his cocky compatriot.
"Oh you're just jealous because nobody wants to see you naked," Linkin proffered.
Gruff shrugged.
"Those who mean it do," the tiger stated relaxedly, tail and ears flicking about for it.
"Oh yeah?" Linkin folded his muscled arms over his chest. "You been getting naked lots lately then have you?"
"Don't mind if I do," the tiger replied. "It's private business."
"Ha!" the Dobie yelped. "If you're getting some, go on and boast about it honestly like a real man, dude!"
Gruff chuckled.
"A tiger doesn't tell," he said.
"Mhhhmhmhmhmhmhmh..." the dog whined, "what's the point to start if you don't deliver?"
"Well I could say the same," said the seesawing feline, "you were posing there all ready to go at it but all I see is a bit of tail."
Linkin's smirk only widened.
"Whut?" the Dobie let out a chuckle. "You don't like da nub?"
Linkin climbed onto his knees on the edge of his seat, facing the tiger by now, of course, and arched his butt out while wagging his docked tail furiously. "Hmmm..:" he rumbled.
Gruff pulled out his own phone and aimed it unhurriedly, until the camera flash went off. Linkin flicked his ears at the sight, though remained at the silly stripper pose on the chair.
"What, taking photos of me now?" Linkin asked.
Gruff spied the Dobie over the phone that he still held in his paw, and gave an innocent wink.
"Isn't it supposed to last longer that way?" the tiger said.
Linkin did a couple of air-humping motions on the chair in the best pole-dancing fashion, and did not forget the all-important wagging either. The dog seemed to be enjoying the physicality of the pose, what it did to his spine while he kept arching his rump out and giving his shoulders a roll.
"And the crowd goooooes wiiiiiiild..."
"You're such a dumbass," Gruff shook his head.
The Dobie just wouldn't stop his nub-wagging.
"Dumb or not, it looks sexy..." Linkin grinned.
"Oh you're just begging for me to say it, aren't you?" Gruff snorted.
"Say whut?" the long pointed Dobie ears were pointed in Gruff's direction like antennas.
"For me...well, or someone to tell you that your ass is the greatest thing in the world," the tiger said.
"Something wrong about dat?" the Dobie challenged.
"Depends," Gruff said, "whether you're all talk or not."
"Go on then," Gruffy planted his paws on the floor and rested his elbows on his knees, following by his chin on his cupping paws. "Prove it."
"Say whut?" even the Dobie's nub flicked questioningly.
"Let's see it," Gruff nodded towards the posing Dobie.
The Dobie looked like his smile could've swallowed the sun.
"So now the tiggy wants to see the butt himself, huh?"
Gruff chuckled.
"Well even I have a limit on when talking about it just becomes a chore and I'd just rather see what the matter is," the striped guy opined. "Just saying."
Linkin let out a victorious whoop.
"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist some Dobie nub," he announced. "Sweet yeeeah..."
"Maybe you should start unbuckling that belt or I'll have to do it myself," Gruff commented.
"Or you'll grab your mace?" Linkin suggested.
Gruff hooked his thumb under his utility belt and grinned.
"I might grab something else," he said. "Chop chop."
Linkin hadn't stopped wagged his tail end during their latest round banter, although his grin had taken onto a more lustrous quality while the tiger issued his ultimatum.
"I wish we were issued with some pawcuffs," the Dobie said.
"Oh yeah?" Gruff chuffed. "You planning to go all BDSM now?"
The Dobie giggled.
"So that I'd jingle a bit when I do this..." he gave his ass one more shake before hopping back onto his footpaws.
"I'm waiting..." Gruff said.
"Guess I gotta make something else jingle..." Linkin said.
Linkin was sure to position himself right for it, because he genuinely wanted to give a fun show of it. He planted his feet apart and tugged his belt open, with the appropriate amount of clinging noise and nonchalant whistling as if he was just about to pop to the john. He gave his shirt a little bit of a yank to make sure that it wasn't falling down to cover anything important, before he gave an all-important look over his shoulder to check up on the tiger. Gruff seemed to be enjoying the show so far, grinning at the Dobie-dog.
"Ready?" Linkin asked.
"Been ready for a bit...in more ways than one," Gruff smiled.
"Kinky," said Linkin, "okay...here we go...dun dun dunnn..."
The black workpants slid down slowly, to reveal the words 'ADRIAN KRISTOFFER' emblazed with golden letters against the dark elasti that soon gave way to black and mahogany fur. Gruff let out an appreciative whistle.
"Nice choice of underwear, I see..."
"Gotta keep the nub free," Link winked when he allowed the pants to fall a bit lower over his buns. The elastic straps were of the same black tone and dived over the curves of his rear onto the actual pouch section that kept his family jewels and tackle in check. Him bending down a little caused his shirt to fall again over his back, but there was still plenty of butt on display for the tiger to oggle at, at his leisure.
"Isn't that the Naughty Boy model?" Gruff observed.
"Someone's in the know!" the Dobie chuckled.
"They have a fun homepage," the tiger said.
"Wish they made a Naughty Dobie range..." Linkin said.
"Planning to apply to model for it?"
"You think i could?" Linkin shook his butt about to get some attention.
Gruff lifted his phone off the desk and pointed it at this colleague.
"Shall I take your application photos right now?"
"Hahal..." Linkin lolled his tongue out of his muzzle and wagged.
"So, what do you say about this then?" Gruff questioned.
The tiger put his phone down, stood up, and unbuckled his own belt and pulled his pants down to reveal the white, meshy bulge of the PIKE jockstrap that hugged his own groin. Linkin's eyes flashed with amusement at the sight of the tiger with his pants down to his knees and standing there like he wasn't just displaying some tiger-bulge and somewhat kinky underway
"No Adrian Kristoffer?" the Dobie grinned. "How come?"
"They're more for pretty boys like you," the tiger winked. "I wear man-stuff."
"Oh right!" Linkin barked out.
Gruff waddled across the room, pants falling even lower so that they were around his knees by the time he reached the Dobie's side. He grabbed the dog's arm and coaxed him to turn about so that they were standing muzzle to muzzle, bulges on display in their jockstrap pouches. Both had quite the dirty grins by now, especially once the tiger reached out to fondle the Dobie's bone through his jock. Link's wagging only intensified from that, and he let out a friendly bark.
"Checking it out for support are you?" Linkin spoke to the tiger groping at his junk.
"Or maybe I just like the feel of a swelling sheath," Gruff replied. "Though I think this one's pretty far gone...getting knotty, huh?"
He gripped that particular part, almost instinctually, and brought a truly lusty groan from the Dobie who gripped the tiger's wrist.
"Easy there, dude!" Link yelped. "That's sensitive, man!"
"I know my way around one of these," the tiger stated smugly.
"Yeah?" Link asked. "Even a big bone like that?"
Gruff slid his fingers higher up along the doggie's shrouded shaft and gave it a more measured squeeze. Link let his tongue loll out again. He wasn't trying to stop the tiger, anyway.
"Especially those," Gruff grinned.
The tiger put his non-fondling paw behind the Dobie's neck and pulled him forward, gently, if firmly. That made for nice contact between muzzles, leading into a kiss the Dobie was prone to make sloppy. Gruff's raspy cat-tongue rubbed against the thick, long doggie one while they swapped spit. Linkin's own paws fell down the tiger's shoulders, down his back and then cupped his rump to pull him close. Their jockstrapped dicks bumped together and made both of them rumble into the kiss. Both had stupid grins on their lips when they parted, paws on each other's asses.
"Someone is into kissing," Linkin noted.
Gruff gave the Dobie's rump a squeeze.
"With a sweetcheeks like you, sure," the tiger said.
Linkin humped himself against the tiger's groin and panted playfully. Gruff gave his butt an extra squeeze.
"Sweet," the Dobie grinned.
The mutual butt-grabbing and humping continued for a few further moments, and they exchanged another long, wet kiss, right there in front of the dull security camera monitors that were certainly not showing the most interesting thing that was currently going on at the university premises.
When the kiss next broke with their need for a breath and a gulp of excessive saliva, Gruff slipped a paw between their bodies.
"How'bout we see the bones," Gruff proposed. "Otherwise one doggie might make a mess of his sexy gear."
"Thought it was the tiggy who's got a hair trigger..." Linkin smirked. His eyes were easily lingering on the bulge in the striped cat's own muscle jock. Gruff noticed the teasing gesture and swiped the dog with his tail.
"Hey!"Linkin yelped.
"Time to see the stripper's pole!" Gruff declared. He didn't ask for any special permissions but went for it instead. He tugged the Dobie's elastic down by the front so that the first hints of red skin peeked out, and then promptly pulled until the jockstrap waistband nudged itself under the dog's nuts and pushed them forward all snugly. The tiger smacked his lips, nose full of fresh musk.
"Hmm...not bad," he commented at the throbbing veiny bone.
Link made his cock bounce with a flex of his pelvic muscles, and gave the tiger a proud look.
"You like?"
"Dogs are fun," the tiger replied, paws still on the canine's sleek hips.
"Especially big bad ones?" the Dobie wagged. "With big nice balls to match.."
"You sure love talking about yourself dontcha?" Gruff chuffed.
"Hey, it made you pull my pants down!" Linkin grinned. "You just couldn't resist finding out what the fuss is all about, dude!"
"So how about you get me out too, or this is gonna become too much of a Dobie sausage fest?" Gruff raised a humorous brow.
"Dobie sausages are awesome," Link wagged his nub and remembered to give the tiger a somewhat rough fondle through the meshy pocket of his jock before he too decided that a bit more exposure was necessary, and pulled the hissing cat's skimpy underwear down. The pointy, barbed dick popped easily into view and gave the doggie something more to smile about.
"Whoot!" the Dobie yelped. "More sausage!"
Gruff tugged on the Dobie's tail nub with his fingers from a well-aimed paw.
"Anything you wanna do with that?" the tiger mused.
"Hhmmm..maybe..." Linkin winked.
Gruff moved forward so that he could inch the distance between them away and grab both of their erections into one fuzzy tiger paw. Link let out a pleased grumble at the feeling of slick, ticklish barbs digging onto his meat, not to mention the warm digits and soft pads that combined to circle loosely about their dicks.
"This good for starters?" said the tiger, and gave a thrust into the heated combination of fingers and man-meat within his grip.
"Hmmmayb - !"
The Dobie's ears flicked with surprise when a tongue invaded his muzzle. Gruff prompted him to step backwards a bit, which caused Linkin to collide with one of the chairs and send it sviwel about on its own. His thighs bumped against the control console for the security cameras, but that only gave him a bit more leverage to hump into the warm cock-fest taking place between their bodies.
Their noises were muffled, coming between the lips that were coming into new, interesting combinations with every kiss. Both horned-up guys thrust eagerly onto one another, their cocks surely enjoying the play. The inevitable pre-cum made it all the more slippery, too and allowed for more exciting rub-de-dub of bare Dobie and tiger flesh together. The doggy knot kept bumping against Gruff's shaft and got a ticklish stroke of barbs in return as well. Each sensation was like a small prickling spark of pleasure that flew through one neural pathway or another and reached into the dog's spine and encouraged even further wagging of his seemingly perpetually pleased tail.
It looked like both of the guys were equally into it, too, humping and bumping together and exchanging toothy grins whenever there was a pause into their making out. Pre-cum made it easy enough, and teasing tiger fingerpads added surprise extra stimulation wherever they happened to fall. Gruff did have one paw to spare, too, and mostly kept it at the Dobie's neck for a comfortable prop to do some more kissing with, although occasionally it dipped down to cop another feel on the Dobie's by all means very nice posterior. Link certainly didn't seem to mind, and returned in kind. He had two paws of his own, after all...ready for action on tiger-butt or any other part of the striped fellow he could find under his paws.
"Hhmmm...nobody better call us right now..." Gruff rumbled hotly.
"Ohhhyeah, let's make this a threesome!" Linkin returned. "The lost professor walks in and whips it out..."
Gruff harrumphed and went for the Dobie's knot with his ever-present fingers.
"I'll have you for this..." he said as a way of a warning before squeezing down.
"Owwww-ohhh!" the Dobie panted and barked and tried to yank his hips away, to no avail. "Owww!"
He almost howled when the big doggie-bone began to throb between their bodies - Gruff's fuzzy belly and his own smooth, and splattered a huge streaming glob of canine cum up towards their muzzles. Link's eyes clamped shut as he was overcome with pleasure from his surprise orgasm, but Gruff kept his right open and observed the sight of further shots being fired by the jerking, straining dick he continued to torture with his fingers. Cum landed onto his wrist and covered his shirt, too, but the mischievous tiger didn't mind. He just kept playing with the Dobie-cock in his paw until Linkin regained some composure, and shot the tiger a dirty look.
"You know dogs, huh?" said the newly orgasmed security Dobie.
"A little bit," said the Gruff, fingers tickling ever so lightly on the underside of the dog's fully engorged knot. Heh."
"Oh hahah, yeah, and what're we gonna do about these huh?" the somewhat breathless dog nodded towards the expanding dark splotches on their duty shirts. "These stink now, hahah."
The tiger's nose was well aware of the deep musk of man-cum that now filled the entire monitor room, but he did not appear displeased. The dog's apparent misgivings only made him smirk more.
"I guess we only have one option now," Gruff said.
"And what would that be, Professor?"
"It's already a mess," Gruff noted, "I guess we can only make it more messier..."
"Oh yeah?" Linkin's previous smug grin started to make a comeback over his muzzle, "you don't say?"
"Hmmm...I might say," the tiger murmured pleasantly, while his paw wandered down the Dobie's rump and gave it a squeeze, "I do say..."
Linkin swiped his nub against the nearby tiger wrist.
"Oh yeah?" the Dobie sounded more challenging now.
"Uh-huh," the tiger flicked an ear at him, and kept up the play over the bare butt.
Link's tall ears gave a rather pointed flick at the gropey tiggy standing in front of him.
"Just because the nub points up doesn't mean that it's an invitation sign, Gruffster," the Dobie said without losing his smirk.
"Ain't it?" Gruff nudged the said nub with his thumb and made it wriggle.
"Bet you hope it would be, though," Linkin winked.
"I have faith in ya," said the tiger," sides...I know juuuust where to scratch..."
He dipped his paw below the Dobie's infamous nub and rubbed on the very sensitive, soft skin on the Doberman's undertail area, between the muscled base of the tail and the forbidden zones even further down. Link's eyes seemed to widen with surprise when he felt the finger poke him, yet his cock gave an extra throb and oozed out another fat glob of thick, white seed when the contact made him pulse again.
Gruff grinned knowingly.
"Somewhere around here, I think."
"You can't prove anything!" Link replied.
The tiger swiped his finger back and forth and applied some extra pressure. Link let out a low huff.
"Damn," the dog hissed.
"The nub doesn't lie," Gruff pursed his lips with satisfaction.
"You planning to do something 'bout it?" Link questioned.
"I will if you bend over this table..." Gruff winked.
Link barked out.
"I don't bend over!" he declared.
Gruff snuffled.
"Well, I guess I could also have you on your back on that table when I go down at you but I dunno if that'd be comfortable at you..." he said. "Might not like all those buttons digging into your ass when it could be something much better..."
Link glanced at the camera control switches spread onto the panels imbedded into the table, and then shrugged.
"Just remember to respect the nub, hookay?" the Dobie demanded.
Gruff gave the dog's hip a slap.
"You won't even know I'm there..." the tiger promised solemnly. Coming from a guy with a boner and pants around his ankles and a dirty grin on his lips while he leered at Dobie cock, he really didn't come off very convincingly. The Dobie wasn't minding that, because he, perhaps somewhat grudgingly, turned around and presented his wagging hindquarters (plus nub!) to the tiger's wandering eye.
"Well I'd rather know!" Link chuckled. "No point to it if you're just gonna look at it..."
Gruff chuffed good-naturedly. He kicked an offensive chair off to one side to give himself a bit more room before getting down onto his knees. That was imperative for the purpose of having himself at a correct height to ogle at Dobie buns and to rub his paws over the mahogany muscle cheeks while the Dobie arched his back out and dipped his muzzle down in a rumble.
Gruff massaged the doggie buns for a few moment, and his smile only got wider. He enjoyed seeing the dog having fun with it, too, which was unmistakable. The view of the sleek, muscled back, the dangling balls and the curious flicks of the ears of the Dobie in front of him were something to behold. He didn't continue it for very long, however, he had other concerns, such as prying the cheeks apart to get a glimpse.
"Hmm...seen much use, has it?" the tiger teased.
Link chortled.
"More lip like that and I'll close the shop for ya," he flicked his nub down indignantly and shuffled from side to side. That only had the effect of waving his ass in the tiger's face, and probably didn't serve to tell him off. Gruffy only laughed merrily as ever.
"Doesn't look like a sausage highway to me..." the tiger commented during his next peek.
"Hey!" Link barked out.
The noise became a kind of a whine soon, since the tiger decided to pick that exact moment for thrusting his muzzle forward and burying his tongue and nosepad into the Dobie's crack. Wet tongue, breath and ticklish whiskers touched sensitive skin and flesh, and made the dog grab the edge of the console.
"Fuck..." Link moaned.
"Feels good huh?" the tiger questioned somewhat superfluously, each word giving forward another pleasurable whisper of breath against his Dobie partner's pucker.
"Slurp", went the tongue as he drew it up and down over the Dobie's cleft. Link's rumbles combiend with the dirty sound of the tongue sliding on the saliva-lubed muscled valley. It was ticklish, it was hot and it was sexy, and made sure that the Dobie's cock had no chance of going down in erection. He was in a clear danger of oozing some extra pre-cum against the buttons controlling the parking lot cameras, too.
Gruff's paws toyed with the Dobie's balls and the small of his back while his muzzle was otherwise occupied with Link's hidden pleasure zones. He didn't even mind the occasional nub-swat against his nosepad while he breathed in Dobie musk straight from the source.
Gruff grabbed the Dobie's richly furred cheeks and fondled then once more.
"I think you're about ready..." he whispered.
He took his time getting up, and laid a trail of kisses starting over one butt cheek and then along the Dobie's prominent spine, and finished on the panting dog's neck.
"Don't go anywhere..." Gruff nudged his dick between the Dobie's cheeks and gave a single hotdogging thrust, all the way to the nub.
"Humph!" Link lolled his tongue out cockily.
Gruff made a brief cock-swaying tour over to his locker on the other side of the room and returned with a small plastic rectangle on his paw. Link noticed it and chuckled.
"Safety first, huh?"
"I'mma responsible cat," Gruff commented when he carefully opened the packet and unrolled the condom upon himself. "Now your turn to spread them...I've got some lube here too."
"Oh yeah?"
Gruff waved the packet in his paw.
"Yep. Or do you want me to go with just a spit and polish?"
"No way in hell," Link growled.
The Dobie swallowed his pride for about fifteen seconds and spred his butt cheeks like an obedient doggy. Gruff tore open the other end of the packet to release the single-use dose of lube onto his fingers which he then brought against the dog's pink furrow. Link let out a couple of grunts when the fingers dwelled some way into him, but the tiger knew that he was going to be happy for it later, with the lube that was being spread.
"Nice and slippery..." the tiger announced while he scissored his fingers against the Dobie's warm, strong walls.
"Not sure what to think about you having a supply of condoms and lube at work," Link commented.
"I work with you, it's just necessary," Gruff wnked before he pulled his fingers out and wiped them against the Dobie's left rump cheek.
"Better grab the table now...gonna need some balance...you're so tall I gotta tiptoe a bit..."
"I'm not gonna sit on it," Link chuckled.
"Don't have to," Gruff prodded the Dobie's butt with his rubbered-up length as he got into position, "I'll just make it go in nice and easy..."
There was enough lube on his fingers so that he could add a bit on a extra glob to what was provided with the condom itself, but then it was just the pointed tip pressing against Dobie-hole, and both furs had to bite their teeth together at the heat they felt.
"Hmmmmm..." Gruff leaned against the Dobie's neck and smacked a kiss there.
"Huhhhhh..." Link huffed.
The tiger managed to negotiate himself through the natural resistance and entered with a plop that was followed by the Dobie's insides squeezing down on him. Now it was Gruff's time to huff at the gnawing sensation and press his muzzle against Link's neck.
"Ngh," said Link.
Condom or not, the tiger's barbs were prominent enough to provide a very special scratching at the Dobie's needy spot where toes just couldn't go, no matter how flexible the feisty Dobie might be. He seemed to have a match in the tiger, who was soon pumping into him slowly, with controlled, deep thrusts that spread his partner open nicely and with ease.
"Hmmmhhhhggh.." Link grunted.
"I like a man who grunts," the tiger commented in a whisper against the dog's sweaty neck.
"Hmnnnm..." Link pushed his butt back against the tiger's groin.
"Hmmmyes..." the tiger showed his approval, and gripped the Dobie's hips more firmly, " like that huh..."
Link didn't reply verbally. Instead he wagged his tail end again and made the tiger let out a surprised yelp.
"Heh..:" the dog chuckled breathily.
Gruff decided that both could play this game. He began to alter his thrusts by adding an occasional jab that was sure to get the dog's prostate on the way in. Link, on the other paw, kept pumping his own hips about as much as the tiger was doing, which mean that pretty soon neither one was quite sure just who was exactly fucking who.
There was enough movement going on that Link's own heavy cock soon was swinging back and forth, slapping both his abs and the console.
"Ugh...damn...hah!" the Dobie kept yelping whenever his sensitive glans swatted against the tabletop, "damn! Huh!"
Gruff let go of the Dobie's hip and grabbed the bouncy doggy-cock instead. Link let out a grunt.
The stroking wasn't quite in synch with their almost aggressive, competitive bump and hump, but it did what it was meant to do, to make the doggie's tongue loll out while he panted and barked with the double pleasures he was experiencing. Gruff pushed himself all the way in on most thrusts and ground his balls against the Dobie's own full pair before he pulled back for another deep visit into the hunky dog's rear.
The whole room was full of their rumbles, grunts and the slap of bodies together. The tiger's tail bounced behind him while he humped the sweaty dog, who definitely took it like a man, arms slung back and head held high while he panted with pleasure and thrust himself back to meet every thrust he got. His buttocks bounced against the tiger's fuzzy lap with enough noise to make their ears flick rapidly.
They went quicker, and they enjoyed every moment, all the way until Gruff pile-drived into the Dobie, and hit max gear on his paw work as well. Link let out a yowl when it got a bit too much for him, but the spray of another load of cum from his hard-working balls seemed to soothe it.
Gruff hunched himself against Link's butt and kept himself fully buried though his own orgasm, his balls drawing snug and his barbed length twitching rapidly while the pulses of cum filled the condom. His teeth gnawed against the Dobie's neck but did not break or bruise the skin. He really left a wet mark there that the Dobie could feel to grow cool when the tiger's breaths started to become deeper and regular after his orgasm was passing.
"Dang...you caught the fire alarms," Gruff noted.
Link glanced down at the console in front of them and saw that his spunk had created splattered spots over the plexiglass shield that covered the buttons that could be used to summon the fire department in an emergency.
"Hahah..." the dog huffed wearily.
Gruff gave the Dobie's cock a fond squeeze, lapped on his neck, and chuckled.
"Fitting,huh?" he grinned. "I got your button and you cummed on the panic button...hahah..."
"Smartass," Linkin chuckled and wagged his nub. '
"I'll get some tissues," Gruff said.
"How romantic!" the Dobie leered.
Gruff spanked the Dobie's butt before he pulled out with a dirty 'shhhhllwop!.
Thank you for reading! I hope you had an interesting time, and I look forward to your feedback! Do remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!