Auxelle's Fight

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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Was a ink commission that I colored up and put a background of. This is a very special story that puts the big wolf at odds that would challenge her freedom to save the only friend she had in the world.

Auxelle's Fight

by Xenny Diemes

A large part of the forest has been set aflame, for an enraged wolf she has more on her mind than just the impending fight for her life, the one in the forest and at home. Launa has really been pushing hard in her training to better use her natural magic other than just a means to hunt. But it's her fighting techniques that the wolf's sense she's been taking it too far on her for no reason. Things have reached a boiling point between her and Andy's mother Angela, who has growing jealous of her being Andy's "pet" ever since she and Launa fell into their lives, things have been both upside down for the two of them. While Andy being just a child reaps the benefits of having a friend like her, all she gets is the fear and uncertainty with living with the knowledge of magic and being a relative to a powerful being. Compared that to her life working a mundane city job would it be any a reason for her to feel this way. In her best effort to show Andy that she is interesting, on his birthday she bought him a drone and two tickets to his favorite rugby team. But when she has everything set up, Auxelle comes in totally disoriented from her latest bout with Launa which left her badly injured and disoriented, Angela tells her to watch out before she stumbles and falls on the table with the drone and cake which launched into the ceiling, destroying it.

Auxelle recovers to see the damage and looks to a tensed-up Angela whose trying really hard not to strangle her even after she is sorry. Instead, Auxelle gets a brutal, heart-breaking tirade that included harsh words of her being better than his own mother and that things would have been better if she was never found by Andrew and just stayed in that alley. Before the first tear can come out, a sudden crash came from Andrew's room and the two ladies rush to find the place in shambles along with a note addressed to Auxelle, Angela's fears were founded and breaks down in tears. Auxelle, furious goes to where the note tells her to go: The Mystic Underworld but before she leaves, the thoughts of what Angela and Launa felt clear to her: They don't want her, she looks to Angela and promises her that when she gets him back, she and Launa will never have to deal with her eve again, but right now she has to focus now on saving the only friend she has in the mortal world and afterwards, fulfilling that wish. Searching far and wide in the deep forest, Auxelle quickly catches Andrew's scent leading all the way to a harsh voice telling her to stay right where she is. In her sights is a frightened but calm Andrew with a large, scarry blade pressed up against his neck, held by a cloaked man who has his sights on her. His tone says more, he doesn't believe it a real Auxellean wolf who he thought were extinct after the Swiftoblin massacre, the rumors of some kept as slaves and guard dogs were true after all.

Auxelle barks down at the cloaked man, demanded to let Andrew go and deal with her. But the cloaked man has other plans, he will let the boy go and back to the mortal world if she beats him in combat as per the rule of the "blood bond." She knows what he is talking about a still unexplained rule among her entire race before the massacre that if an Auxellean wolf is ever defeated, they will serve them for live unless the victor willfully gives it up or dies and they must do whatever they command by the bond which is enforced with the strongest magic imaginable. Hundreds have tried and died brutally and only three have ever survived and the fates of those defeated were forced to do terrible things that solidified her whole race as monsters without conscience. Auxelle offers to give herself up if he lets Andrew go but that earned Andy a small cut on his face by the cloaked man and Auxelle nearly exploded out of her clothes in rage but restrains herself. The cloaked man demands she fights him and earn her servitude or he will kill the boy right in front of her. Auxelle soon takes his offer and gets herself ready to fight, if she can't surrender, she might as well lose. The cloaked man takes off his cloak and reveals himself to be a warrior elf by the name of Uxess. A former High Lord who wants a beast like her to exact his revenge against his former colleagues for expelling him.

It was supposed to be your typical one-on-one fight, but it proved to be far more lopsided than Auxelle has ever experienced. The small and stout elf had more strength and power than the mountain of muscle he's fighting against. Andy can tell that she is holding back on her true abilities but why he couldn't figure out and urges her to fight back. Auxelle does but she takes far more of the hard hits and magical attacks, anything she throws at Uxess, only comes back with brutal retaliation. Andrew begs Uxess to stop and that's where Auxelle confesses that she's half-assedly to lose and the awful truth comes out. All of their times together came at a hard price even up to what Angela said, wishing he never found her, which hurts far more than anything Uxess can give her. If she loses this way, Andrew will be spared from what ever fate she feared would fall on them, Auxelle is willing to sacrifice her own freedom to make her only friend safe. Then came the final blow as she is struck in the chest by a flaming palm attack, sending her crashing through several thick trees and smashing into a rock face before falling flat on the ground. Uxess may have seen through her hesitation but the joy of beating one of the four great powerbeasts is a pleasure. Having a Auxellean under his control will change things for the better, to have real power under his control. He then takes his dagger and makes a small cut on his wrist and then commands Auxelle to give her wrist and whimpers at the cut he gave her, this is what it takes to create the blood bond between the two Andrew begs her not to do this but she has no choice but asks of the child upon his return, is to let his mother and Launa that she's sorry.

An aura of energy explodes from the wounds meeting each other and a blast of energy surrounded the two beings, there was no incantation, no ritual, no sacrifice except for what Auxelle is giving up, this is automatic of that her race carried for thousands of years. Andrew can only look away from the blinding light until it dies. Auxelle has completed her bondage to her new master. Before she can submit, she asks him to let Andrew go but instead Uxess wants to test her loyalty to ensure the strength of the bond. He orders Auxelle to kill the boy. She refuses but the power of the bond is so strong, she has no choice but to do what he says. Thousands of years of ancestrial loyalty outweighs the will of an individual and it has never or can ever be broken. The pounding footsteps come towards Andrew as he looks up with worried eyes at Auxelle who then grabs and picks him up to her level. Uxess then orders her to crush him, slowly. Auxelle still resists and Andrew tells her not to do this and fight it but the bond's grip proved more stronger than the boy's words. Andrew can feel the strong grip getting tighter around him, tears stream own her face as she is forced to o this Andrew struggles to talk as his breath is getting short from the pressure he begins to feel her friend is gone by this monster and is surely going to die. Andrew makes one last plea to fight it and then lets her know that no matter what his mother or Launa think or say, he will always love her. It is at that moment, with close eyes, Auxelle can reminisce, far back into the time she was picked up in the alley in her pup form by a boy who found a cold and lonely creature alone in this world, the world she had no idea of but better than the one she left behind. The rest was history: The night her true form came out, the many mis-adventures they had together here and in the mystic underworld, the many mishaps with magic, her first birthday party and even the first gift of a picture frame of them together with those immortal words: "Best friends forever."

What should have been the sounds of screams, crushed organs and broken bones became the cracks and snaps of broken ropes, followed by the hard thud of a boy falling to the ground and gasping for breath. With no time, Auxelle tells Andrew to run, to run and don't look back. Confused but understanding, he runs deep into the night while Uxess is furious and tries to throw a fire spell at Andrew but Auxelle blocks his attack with her own body. The stinging pain is enough to make her grow and expand her body big enough to truly make her a unstoppable force, but even becoming titanic did not hold a candle to the insurmountable rage the wolf feels for making her do such an act against her friend. Uxess is furious and scared that the bond was perfect, it was supposed to be impossible to defy it. Auxelle does not care and begins to charge at him with full speed. He screams out a fire blast spell to set the forest alight but still comes down at him. He promises to let him go but instead use her to kill him?! That is far from unforgivable and far for any bond to control her, power by the very forest around her, raw, engorged muscle and rage is all it took to give the once powerful elf a total royale of pain and anguish with every kick, every punch, every claw-swipe and every sequence of attack her teacher has endowed her with. Auxelle finishes Uxess with the same attack he used to take her down. Through many trees and smashing into a rock face with more force to explode the rock to pieces. Merging from the rubble a battered, blooded mess, he looks up to the gigantic wolf with fiery, white eyes, and an exposed snarl in her maw. She can see the elf change from menacing monster to cowardice in a single turnaround.

He begged for mercy, not to kill him which in a surprising turn, is what Auxelle did and walks away from him, a gesture in letting him live with the knowledge that he is a failure, as a kidnapper, a High Lord and as a man. As she walks away, she can only remember the face of Andrew crying as he was slowly being crushed in her hands, the same hands she's looking at now and clenched as she shakes. No longer able to hold it, began to fall to her knees and cry to the stars, she may won but it costs her everything, and to Auxelle, Andrew was "everything". And then she hears the sounds of small footsteps filling her ears, she looks up and sees Andrew who hesitates at first but soon runs to Auxelle and hugs around her neck as tight as her small arms can. As if a shock as struck her body, she could not move until the rush of emotion hits her and she hugs back. Auxelle begs for forgiveness for everything but Andrew couldn't bring himself to ever do that, but not for the reasons she assumes. She did not do anything wrong, more than willing to give up everything even for a powerful magical being for someone like him. For all her mishaps and misadventures, her love for him is stronger than anything a blood bond can do. That is why he can not forgive Auxelle, there was never a reason to and is happy to get his friend back.

Uxess shaking with rage with this display and the humiliation that caused his loss with the High Lords comes crawling back again now not even keep a bond with a powerbeast stood as the last straw. He stands up and with both hands in the air, forms a massive ball of energy strong enough to destroy everything for miles. Auxelle covers herself around Andrew as a shield to protect him against the enviable blast. Uxess screams at the wolf letting her know that no matter what, she will always be a monster and an animal. But then Uxess suddenly stops as a long black spike is shot out of his chest, looking down with shock he began to cough up blood. The spike then gets pulled out and just like that, he falls flat and dies. That spike? It was from the end of the axe held by the Warrior Trickster herself. Walking past the corpse who grabs her ankle only ending with a snap of her fingers to set his body on fire. Still holding on to Andrew, she feels the hand of Launa who then reaches out to the wolf with her hand out offering to take the both of them home. She's the reason why Andrew came back after bumping into her.

In the hospital, Angela meets with Andrew waiting with a small bandage on his face and with his "aunt" Jennifer by his side. She is fully relieved that he is safe and sound, Jennifer tells her that what he went through was not serious, at least thanks to her magic and quelled any trauma the boy had experienced. Angela then asks of what happened to Auxelle. What Andrew said was square on the both of them what Auxelle had gone through was the result of her feelings that everything she went through these past days gave her and idea of not wanting to be with Andrew. Angela knows and Launa isn't without blame as well, did not take too long to get shamed and scolded by a child.

Days later...

Auxelle is in her form again, sitting on the couch, by herself at the Van Meels home watching the rugby game and is excited to see her friend Andrew with her mother cheering the team on. In the days that followed, Angela came to regret what she said to Auxelle earlier and is happy she brought her boy safe. Auxelle wanted nothing more for him to be happy just as much as she is with him. She looks to him as a bit of a guide to the mortal world and how it works. But as much as she can, she is only just a friend, not a mother, a job Angela has covered and by extension, with hope, hers as well. As she munches down on a bowl of popcorn, she nearly choked at the surprise visit by Launa who sits in the little space the couch had and wanted to talk. She was "informed" of what Andrew told her about that nights events including her sacrificing her freedom and nearly killing the boy under Uxess' control. Auxelle's ears drop as she is prepared to take whatever punishment she is about to dish out. But instead, Launa asks of how did she broke the blood bond. Looking at her with confusion Launa explains in the world of bondage spells, blood bonds are the strongest and most unbreakable kind. Even the most inept user like Uxess can use it but she is the first not just of her kind but anyone to ever break it and she wants to know why. Her best and only answer is his love for her friend she doesn't know why but the fact she does not want to hurt him is enough not to let the bond have its grip on her and it just broke. Launa was only saying that as to her feline nature of curiosity but it was also to distract Auxelle's fears of her brutality for harming the boy, because she also has something to say as well.

She is sorry...

Launa is sorry for pushing and even hurting her during her training and was never her intent to make her feel that it was a test for her worthiness to the boy, for she loves him too and admittedly she felt threatened as well. Angela and Launa had no reason to make her feel that it was her fault, she should have been family, not competition, a loved one not a rival and only Andrew is the only one who sees through that, to him she is just a big wolf to cuddle and play. Magic was just a side-bonus and learning she didn't crush him into paste proves she is far stronger the trickster previously thought. Auxelle then looks to Launa and asks why did she pushed her hard in training in the first place. Her answer before it spiraled out of control was what happened during the first time they met, when Andrew said it would be like having her all the time. Meaning like having Launa, a big magical woman who can be her friend. In a way, she was fulfilling that promise because befriending such a being comes with many dangers and she wants to prepare her for such. Launa succeeds in making her a capable fighter and magic user but failed miserably in the end. She hopes Auxelle can forgive her and promises to take it easy in their sparring.

Auxelle grabs Launa and shoves her into her great buxom, hugging her in those thick, muscled arms and sealed it all with lick-kiss as a show of her affection and affirmation of forgiveness. Auxelle can finally see everything patched up between the three, Launa will be a better teacher, Andrew can keep her big friend and Angela gains the thing she was fighting with Auxelle over: more time with him. As for the big magical wolf herself? She can now be truly free to have a sense to be more, like family.

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