Part Two - Beach Boys

Story by Wakboth on SoFurry

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#2 of Vietnam '69 - Year of the Cat

Vietnam '69 - Year of the Cat

By Wakboth

Part Two - Beach Boys

The China Beach, properly known as Bai Bien Non Nuoc, was a long, beautiful stretch of beach a few miles south of Da Nang, between the Marble Mountains and the South China Sea. It was where the GIs of Da Nang went for rest and recreation: to drink beer, to have a barbeque, to surf and generally to pretend that they were not in a hostile, war-torn country.

Mabel, Hannah and the two nurses, Rachel and Mary, had no difficulties in getting a ride to the beach. It was already getting dark, but the Marines had rigged up a few electric lights to supplement the BBQ fires.

They were eagerly welcomed by the Marines, a platoon or so; their rest period in Da Nang was near the end, and in a few days they'd leave for a mission in the bush, and they were trying to cram as much fun in the time they had left in the safety of the rear. In addition to the four American girls, there were a few Vietnamese women present; Mabel correctly classified them as hookers at the first glance.

Mabel was quickly surrounded by a gaggle of eager Marines, who hadn't seen any American women except nurses for months, and offered a bottle of "33", a local beer brewed in Da Nang. She took a swig without hesitation; getting drunk might not have been the wisest or most mature choice, but she wasn't in the mood to care about that.

After a couple of more bottles of beer - and a few drags from a joint that one of the Marines had produced - Mabel was actually having a pretty good time. The Marines were a raucous bunch of young men, and their company was just what Mabel needed to keep her mind off of Minh or the way her superiors treated her.

As the evening progressed, the jokes and stories Mabel and her new drinking buddies were swapping were becoming raunchier, and the Marines were more and more openly looking at her body.

When the first one, a sun-bleached fox by the name of Brett, tried to cop a feel, Mabel decided that it was the time to let the situation cool down a bit. "Hey, hey, hey!" she said, deftly swinging her hips and taking her tail out of his reach. "Time for me to go powder my nose," Mabel said with a grin, making the Marines laugh out loud. "Don't drink all the beer before I get back!" she called over her shoulder.

Feeling slightly woozy, she walked across the sand, leaving the lights and the noise of the party behind. The Army authorities had built several latrine sheds along the beach, to help keep it in tolerable condition, and Mabel gratefully took advantage of one of them.

Her business finished, Mabel did not immediately return to the party. Instead, she followed the rising ground away from the beach and onto a small hillock of sand, crowned by tufts of sparse grass. For a moment, she just stood and breathed deeply of the evening air, feeling it clear her head.

Some slight sound or movement caught Mabel's attention and made her look down from the sky. A dark shadow was standing on the hillside, between her and the beach party. She could see his eyes gleam faintly in the starlight as he looked in her direction. As the intruder lit a cigarette, Mabel saw his face in the flash of the lighter: he was one of the Marines, a bobcat called Lynch. "Nice evening," he said, his voice slightly slurred by alcohol. "Wanted some peace and quiet, eh?"

Lynch had been part of the group that had been hanging around Mabel, but he had spoken little; mostly, Mabel had caught him staring at her direction while he smoked. "Yes, I did," Mabel said. "And now I've had enough of it."

As she started back towards the party, Lynch moved in front of her. "Don't be hasty, baby," he said and grinned. "Don't you like my company?"

"Not much," Mabel said, trying to sidestep him but finding Lynch again in front of her. "Step aside and let me go, please," she said, quickly sizing the bobcat up. He was shorter than her, but weighed probably at least as much, and looked pretty muscular. On the other hand, he was drunk and clearly overconfident, unable to think that Mabel would be able to resist him; he'd be due an unpleasant surprise.

Lynch shook his head, still grinning. "What if I don't, baby? What'll you do then?" He obviously was mistaking the annoyance in Mabel's voice as fear, and liking it, like all the bullies everywhere.

Instead of answering, Mabel moved as if to slip around him, then shifted her weight suddenly and went the other way. Unfortunately, Lynch was too drunk to notice the feint, and grabbed her shirt. The buttons strained, then gave up, and she stumbled aside, her shirt suddenly open, revealing her bra-clad breasts.

"I like it when you're playing hard to get," Lynch said, tossing his cigarette aside. "C'mon, baby, let's see those tits!" he said, and took a step towards Mabel, who realized that she was going to end up in a fight. After the meetings with Conrad and Burroughs, she actually welcomed the chance to vent her anger on someone, and Lynch was asking to be trounced.

As she moved into a guard position, Mabel noticed a big shadow, suddenly looming against the starry sky behind Lynch. "Let's not, instead," a new voice said, and a large hand clamped down on the bobcat's shoulder.

"What the fuck?" the bobcat snarled, looking over his shoulder. "Keep your nose out of this, Chump; she's none of your business," he said, but some of the eagerness had gone off of his voice.

"She ain't your business, either," the newcomer, a large bear, said. "Remember those Vietnamese girls? It's their business. Go bother them."

Lynch looked at the bear, then at Mabel, and spat in the sand. "Fuckin' hell," he grumbled. "You're a real fuckin' nurse-boy, aren't you? Fine! I'll go, but don't you think I'll forget, Chump!"

"I won't," the bear answered in even voice. "And I'll keep this in mind as well." He released the bobcat, and gave him a shove; muttering obscenities, Lynch stumbled away. "Sorry about this, ma'am," the bear said, turning towards Mabel. "I should have acted sooner when I noticed Lynch was bothering you."

Mabel's eyes had adapted to the starlight again, and she saw her would-be rescuer clearly for the first time. He was indeed a bear; a very large bear with a broad chest left bare by his open shirt and a placid face that looked like it had been carved from a mountain. "Who the hell are you, and what are you doing, sneaking after me?" she asked, feeling all tense and angry.

"Corpsman Charlie Bedford; Chuck to my friends and Chump to people like Lynch," he answered. "When I noticed Lynch leaving after you, I decided to follow in case I was needed. Seems that I was right."

Mabel narrowed her eyes. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much!" she snapped.

"Beg yer pardon, ma'am, but drunk or not, Lynch's a Marine, and knows how to fight." Chuck said in a patient, reasonable voice that made Mabel see red. She'd had enough of men, alternatively trying to protect her or to take advantage of her!

"You're a Marine, too, and I can kick your ass," Mabel yelled at him, clenching her fists. "Now get the fuck out of my way!" she said, starting after the bobcat, determined to kick his ass without any interference.

Chuck, who knew from experience that Lynch could see better in the dark than a bear, and that the bobcat wouldn't repeat the mistake of allowing Mabel to fight back, reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Listen, you don't... Oooff!"

He staggered back, letting go of her; she had elbowed him hard in the stomach, narrowly missing his solar plexus. "Unhh! That hurt!" Chuck said, not quite comprehending the situation. This wasn't what he'd expected from a woman he'd just saved from a possible rape!

Mabel fell automatically back into the fighting stance. At this point, she was all keyed up and no longer cared whether Chuck had done anything to deserve being beaten up or not; all that mattered was that he was a male and conveniently there. "I'll fucking kill you," she snarled and attacked.

Her first strike was aimed at his head; this time, the big bear managed to roll with the blow, her punch just grazing his muzzle. Mabel followed it with an one-two combo, hitting Chuck painfully on his shoulder, and following it up with a vicious blow at his neck that he just managed to block with his arm.

This was serious, Chuck realized as Mabel tried to kick him in the knee, missing by a fraction of an inch as he stumbled back. They were pretty evenly matched; he was bigger and stronger, but she was better trained, and so full of adrenaline and so mad at him that she wasn't going to stop until one of them went down.

Another hard kick, this time hitting his thigh, made Chuck growl with anger. Enough was enough! Moving quickly for such a big man, he lunged at the enraged she-bear, intending to wrestle her down and pin her to ground until she calmed down. And truth be told, he wasn't very concerned if she was going to get hurt in the process!

Even through the haze of her rage, Mabel realized what Chuck intended; if he got a good grip on her, the fight would essentially be over. She tried to dodge aside, but was a bit too slow; Mabel felt Chuck's hand grabbing at her, and catching a hold of her shirt, just as she swept the legs from under him. There was a sound of tearing cloth, and they went down together.

There was a moment of struggle as the two bears rolled back and forth in the ground, each of them trying to get a good grip of the other, hands tearing at clothes and grabbing at the other's fur. Finally, they ended up with Chuck on top of Mabel, staring down at her. Her shirt was ruined, and the front of her bra had snapped, revealing her heaving breasts; he was panting hard, a trickle of blood flowing from his bruised muzzle.

Looking into each other's eyes, they realized something had changed; anger turning into lust, fired up by their closeness. Reaching above her, Mabel grabbed Chuck's neck and pulled his head down until their lips met; they kissed clumsily as their hands started rowing again on each other's bodies. She lifted her hips, grinding her pelvis against his abdomen; he pushed her thighs apart with his legs, and groped at her exposed chest.

"Fuck me," she murmured, feeling his hard cock press against her body through their clothes. He nodded and started to fumble with his belt.

Impatient, Mabel pushed and twisted under him, making them roll over again. She straddled his hips, hastily tugging her pants down as Chuck got his cock out. He was big, she could see, with close to ten inches of cock ending in a dark, bulbous knob the size and color of a ripe plum.

Spreading her pussy open with her fingers, Mabel lowered herself down on him, gasping with pleasure. He wasn't the biggest guy she'd been with, but definitely one of the largest, which suited Mabel just fine; she liked big guys with big dicks, just as she liked smaller women.

They fucked fast and hard, Mabel riding his strong body, her breasts bouncing with every thrust. She loved the feeling of the bear's cock pushing deep into her and filling her up; she hadn't had sex like this in ages!

It was all too soon that Mabel felt her pleasure starting to build towards an orgasm. She held back as long as she could, but the feeling of his big, hard cock impaling her at her every downward thrust was too much to bear.

Beneath her, Chuck started bucking his hips; he was on the verge of coming, and some remnant of responsibility made him to try pull out before he filled her up with his cum. Mabel did not care, however; her head was swimming and her body burning with desire. She pushed harder down onto him, wanting only to come.

Giving into the inevitable, Chuck resumed thrusting into her. With a long cry of passion, Mabel came, her pussy fluttering around his twitching, throbbing cock as he shot his seed deep into her.

As her orgasm faded into the afterglow, Mabel slumped onto the bear's chest, feeling exhausted after the fight and the sex. For a moment, they just lay there, catching their breath. Finally, Chuck spoke: "What the hell just happened? I don't even know your name!"

Mabel laughed wearily. "I'm Mabel, and we just had some awesome sex," she said. "Sorry about beating you up." She touched one of the bruises on Chuck's shoulder, making the bear wince slightly.

They fell silent again, enjoying each other's warmth. Finally, Chuck spoke again in a more quiet voice. "Okay, Mabel, mind telling me what's eating you?"

Mabel bristled immediately, shaking Chuck's arm from her shoulder where it had been lying. "That is none of your business!" she snapped.

The bear frowned at this. "You started fighting me, and then fucked me," Chuck reminded Mabel. "That kind of makes it my business, too."

Mabel sighed; he had a point, there. "I'm sorry; it's just that I'm fed up with men," she said. "Not you specifically, or even that bastard, Lynch," she quickly amended. "You just happened to be a convenient target." Drawing a deep breath, she started telling him about her job as a military correspondent, and about her problems with her superiors; how Burroughs saw her only as another woman to bed, and how Conrad tried to shelter her, frustrating her in the process.

He listened solemnly, until she had finished. "That's one hell of a bind to be in," Chuck eventually said. "I've seen that kind of thing happen before. I'd offer to beat that lieutenant of yours up to teach him manners, but I don't think you need my help for that."

This made Mabel laugh. "Thanks! You can rough him up once I've finished with him, though."

They got up and started dressing. A quick study told Mabel that her bra could be temporarily fixed with a safety pin; her shirt, however, was done for, with half the buttons missing and one sleeve hanging by a few threads. "Sorry about that," Chuck said, buttoning his pants. "Didn't want to wreck your shirt."

He fell silent, noticing the way Mabel was looking at him and his half-buttoned shirt. "Yer not serious... Damn, you are!" Sighing, he started taking it off. "I swear, I'm gonna find you when we get back from the bush, and get this shirt back."

Mabel grinned. "I'll keep that in mind," she said.

* * *

Mabel's hangover passed quickly; the bruises took longer to fade, and drew many curious looks from Hannah. Eventually, the raccoon broke down and pleaded Mabel to tell her what had happened; Mabel responded with a big, knowing smirk, and refused to give any details.

She wrote down the formal contact report of her meeting with Minh, omitting the part where they had sex, and returned it to Conrad, who told her that he'd take care of Accounting's complaints about the extra two hundred. Mabel found it amusing, in an absurd way, that CIA would begrudge two hundred measly dollars, while the Agency spent millions in Southeast Asia and South America, and the United States itself was embroiled in a major, costly war.

As for Burroughs, he did not approach her before the next editorial meeting, which was a good thing; Mabel was not sure if she could refrain herself from punching the rabbit, if he started making advances to her again.

* * *

The start of the meeting went as she had expected; Burroughs announced the story series they would be running, explained the reason for it, and assigned the first two stories to Katz and the third to Sheppard. Then Burroughs turned to address Mabel, all smiles. "I have another story that's linked to the same overall theme, which I think is perfectly suited for you, Brown."

Suspicious, Mabel listened as Burroughs explained. "It's your basic "hearts and minds" thing; Marines helping a bunch of Vietnamese evacuees by providing them with quarters; they're mostly women, with a few children thrown in, who were displaced when their previous abode was destroyed in an "sweep-and-clear" operation near Hue."

Mabel could hear from Burroughs' voice that the rabbit was enjoying this, but could not see what the catch was. The other correspondents, seated around the table, looked similarly unsure of what was going on. The rabbit turned towards the big map of the northernmost provinces of South Vietnam, hanging on the wall behind him, and tapped his finger on one spot. "They started out from here, in Thung Na," he said, drawing his finger along the map, "And ended up here, in Cao Sai. I think your feminine perspective would be perfectly suited for this job," Burroughs finished, looking at Mabel with a shit-eating grin on his face.

There was a moment's silence; then, one of the other correspondents snickered. Mabel could see the eyes of the other men widen as they, one by one, figured out what Burroughs was talking about. Thung Na... why was that familiar? And Cao Sai...

The realization hit her like a brick. Thung Na had housed one of the most famous brothels in Vietnam, established there during the French conquest in mid-19th century, and destroyed during the last year's Tet Offensive. The hookers of Thung Na had been absorbed as camp followers by the Marine units who had moved into Hue, causing all kinds of discipline problems, until the Corps moved the women to Cao Sai.

She stared at Burroughs, incredulous that he dared to send her out to interview whores. "Of course," Burroughs said smoothly, "if you don't think you're suited for the assignment, I'm sure we can arrange for something else."

Mabel suppressed her violent desire to jump at Burroughs and beat his head against the desk. "No need, sir. I will make the story. After all, I'm a professional; I won't be troubled by a few native hookers," she said in her sweetest voice, but the glare in her eyes spoke volumes of her actual feelings. An awkward silence fell in the room, with the other correspondents looking at Mabel and Burroughs. Katz looked disapproving, and leaned to mutter something into Sheppard's ear.

Burroughs cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Well, that's good. Now, about the award ceremony on Thursday..." he started. Slowly, the meeting got back underway.

* * *

Two days later, Mabel was still angry at Burroughs. The rabbit, who obviously expected Mabel to come and plead with him, had told her that all she had to do was to ask, and he'd be happy to give her a better story. Mabel, showing some of the Brown stubbornness, had told him in turn that she intended to cover the story as well as she could, and that if he thought it was somehow inappropriate, it was his prerogative as her editor and commanding officer to change it.

Neither one had been willing to give in, and so Mabel had packed her gear and had had a trip arranged to Cao Sai the next morning. The evening before she left, however, she returned to Minh, this time on her own initiative instead of on Conrad's orders.

They were sitting, half-dressed, on Minh's bed in the cat's neat little room, at the back of her crowded store, and smoking marijuana cigarettes that some canny entrepreneur was producing down in Saigon and selling to American soldiers.

After Mabel finished her tirade, Minh spoke, looking thoughtful and slightly worried. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked Mabel. "This Burroughs, he's your commanding officer, yes? You're making him look like a fool; he will bear a grudge."

"He's a fool, all right," Mabel said, taking a draw from her cigarette. "Everybody who spends ten minutes with him knows that. What he's really pissed about is that he's not going to get into my pants."

She grinned and petted Minh's head with her free hand. "I bet he'd blow a gasket if he ever learned about you, sweety," she joked. "The guy couldn't live with the knowledge that I'd rather sleep with you than with him."

Minh purred and pressed closer to the bear's body. "I'm glad he doesn't know," she said. "I wouldn't like anyone to know. This is our secret."

"Oh, I know, kitten," Mabel said. "Even my Agency boss, Major Conrad, doesn't know. He thinks we spend all that time talking about photography!"

This made Minh laugh, and they sat in silence for a while. "I think you should make up with Burroughs," she said finally. "Cao Sai, it's far in the field, close to the mountains. It is very dangerous out there; I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

Mabel sighed. "Please, Minh, don't start talking about danger. I'm fed up with all this talk about how everything's too dangerous and how I don't have enough experience! I know you mean well, and I really appreciate it, but I'm going, and that's final."

She stumped her cigarette and kissed the cat's ear. "Besides, I won't be gone long; just a couple of days."

Minh looked doubtful, but dropped the subject. Instead, she returned the kiss. Soon, the bear and the cat were exploring each other's mouths with their tongues, their hands roaming on their bodies, pulling away the clothes that were between them. Finally, Minh broke the kiss and spoke in a low whisper that Mabel found extremely sexy. "I will miss you, Mabel. Please, lay down and I will be good to you."

Mabel did so, resting her head on the large pillow, while Minh straddled her larger body in the sixty-nine position, her sex held tantalizingly before Mabel's face. Laying like this, their height difference was reduced, and Mabel could lick the cat's pussy with little difficulty while Minh was eating her out.

She could feel the cat's fingers run through the fur of her groin, already wet from arousal, and sighed happily. Minh, conscious of the time and aware of her American lover's tastes, did not waste time but rather dove right in. If the feeling of Minh's small, hot and coarse tongue on her breast had been lovely, the sensations it caused when lapping at her cunt were incredible!

Mabel groaned loudly and, thrusting her tongue out, started lapping at the cat's moist cleft. She had been given cunnilingus by many lovers, but none of them, male or female, could eat her out like this! "Ohhhhnnnhh! Yes, yes, that's the spot! Aaaahhh!"

Minh was going in deep, spreading her pussy open with her fingers and pushing her muzzle into the bear. She was alternating between long, leisurely licks and quicker, shorter ones, occasionally wrapping that wonderful tongue into a roll and thrusting it deep into Mabel's cunt.

Just as Mabel was certain she was going to come, Minh pulled her mouth away, and looked back over her shoulder. Her face was a mess, her fur moist with sweat and juices from her chin to her eyes. "You taste very good," she said, licking her lips daintily.

"So... do... you," Mabel panted. "I was so close! Go on, kitten!"

Smiling, Minh obeyed. This time, instead of just using her fingers to merely hold Mabel open for a better access, she was finger-fucking the bear, using her tongue to tease her. The size differences between them allowed Minh to easily slide in first three, then fully four fingers.

"Aaaaungh! Yes, harder!" Mabel cried out, feeling the cat's fingers curl up in her pussy. Minh obliged her, pumping her hand in and out of her, sending waves of pleasure up and down Mabel's body. "Ohmygod! Yeeeeesss! Nnnh! Nnnngggh!"

Mabel had stopped licking at Minh, her head lying back on the pillow and her tongue lolling out. Then the cat latched her mouth on Mabel's clitoris and started to suckle on it like it was a nipple. Mabel started bucking under the cat, her breasts jiggling as she arched her back, lifting Minh up with her as a massive orgasm hit her. "Yeah, yeah, yeeess! Ooohh oohh oh oh oh OOOOHHH!"

Panting hard, she lay back, small aftershocks passing through her body as Minh slowly pulled her fingers out of her body and licked her juices off of them. Minh scooted over and hugged the bear, laying her head on her heaving bosom. "I will miss you, Mabel," the cat said again.

Mabel laughed, exhausted, and wrapped her arm around the cat. "Oh, stop that, you silly kitten! I'm telling you, we'll soon see each other again!"

There was a strange, wistful smile on Minh's face as she spoke, watching the wisps of marijuana smoke curl up from the ashtray. "I know, Mabel. I know..."

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Part One - The Naked Lunch

Vietnam '69 - Year of the Cat By Wakboth Part One - The Naked Lunch * * * It was the June of 1969, and the Summer of Love had come and gone. The Vietnam War was going strong, despite attempts at peace, and there were still almost half a...

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Her Finest Hour-and-a-Half

Her Finest Hour-and-a-Half By Wakboth * * * In the early spring of 1945, the US Army was moving into Germany, and the German Army was not really motivated to fight them. Oh, they fought, but they didn't really have the spirit in them. "Better...

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