The Trip

Story by SoloAvatar on SoFurry

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#2 of Chronicles of Life, Lust, and Love

Chronicles of Life, Lust, and Love: Chapter 2

Sorry for the wait on this chapter. Hopefully it exceeds all your expectations! Again, all feed back is welcome. It ended longer then I had thought, but it seemed appropriate.

I thought when you have a one night stand you wake up the next morning and the fur magically disappeared in the night leaving nothing behind but a memory of the previous nights excursions. Apparently I thought wrong.


"FUCK! FUCK! SHIT! OH MY GOD! FUCK!" was all I heard as the white polar bear jumped out of the bed, tossing me roughly onto the floor as he tried to get his bearings. As my vision cleared I saw the ass of a clearly distraught Jason as he was hopping down the hallway trying to pull his pants up as more strings of profanities left his muzzle. Curious I picked myself off the floor and started walking down the hallway to meet him.

"Hey Jason, where's the fire? It's Saturday and I should still be sleeping" I yawned rubbing my paws over the fur on the back of my head. Watching as he finally got the pants into place and buttoned properly then proceeding to attempt to put his shirt right-side out before dawning it in the same hastily fashion as the pants. The whole scene giving me a slight chuckle as his head poked through with a serious case of bed-fur.

"Shit man, I'm going to be late for work! If I'm late again they are going to fire my ass!" he cried as if it was a matter of life or death. Nodding solemnly, I tilted my head toward my other guest in the guest bedroom wordlessly inquiring about the fate of the individual still sleeping soundly therein.

Jason's eyes grew wide and a look of brief conflict crossed his muzzle. "Sorry dude, I can't take him right now." as he got his shirt properly aligned on his torso then turning towards the door. "I'm really sorry, but he's not that good of a friend that I'd risk my job for." He uttered as he turned the doorknob and opened the door to the brisk morning air. In a last look he mouthed the word "sorry" to me completely devoid of any actual sympathy. I can think of few things that get under my hide worse then an insincere apology. But, before I could reply, the door was slammed shut and I was left standing alone in my hallway.

A moment later I heard his beat up car putter to life and peel out of my driveway. I have to say this was a first in all my experiences of one night stands. At least I got pleasure in knowing he still smelled like cum and sweat from the previous night. I smirked while thinking of his boss's reaction when he would show up to work looking (and smelling) like that.

Swishing my tail back and forth in agitation, I suddenly had that sense travel up my spin that someone was watching me. Slowly turning around I saw an all too hung over husky holding himself up against the guestroom door frame, his knees clearly shaking from the effort. His cloths were all wrinkled and misconstrued from sleeping in the bed all night. His fur on the side of his head slightly matted from drooling while he lay unconscious. His bloodshot eyes attempting to make sense of the situation he so recently found himself in. But odd enough, for some reason he had a grand appearance about him, like a Greek god born in a mortal body. Even in his clearly disheveled state my heart did a strange thing; it started racing, followed by a flushed sensation in my face. Even though I didn't show it, there was just something about him which drew me to him, like a moth to a flame.

Slowly turning around I gave him a big smile and said "Glad to see you're awake. Looks like you had a little too much to drink last night." His eyes following me cautiously his breathing was heavy and labored. I waited for a long moment as his eyes examined me up and down, then seeming to focus lower on my body. I glanced down to realize I hadn't bothered putting cloths on since I had gotten up, my cloths still leaving a trail down the hallway towards my room. It appears this seemed to shock him a bit. I never really thought twice about it since I tend to lounge around naked in the house watching TV or just enjoying the heat on my fur by the fireplace. That being just one of the benefits of living alone, but it appeared my new acquaintance wasn't as thrilled about my nakedness as I was. Perhaps he even may have noticed that I was starting to get hard under continuous stares, my pink tip peaking out of my sheath.

Taking my cue more for his comfort then my own, I walked over to the pants that were removed last night in haste and discarding the underwear then proceeded to slip into the pants even as his cautious eyes seemed to have trouble making out what they were seeing. The pants forming well to the contours of my body until my private parts were tucked away beneath a layer of tight fitting cloth. Swishing my tail to make the final comforting adjustments I turned back to my guest.

"You don't look so good you should probably still be lying down." I said slowly covering the distance towards the husky and I. I hardly had arrived before his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed limply into me, knocking me over. I laid there squirming from being caught unprepared as we became a large lump of fur on the floor. Noticing briefly how soft his fur was, and stopping only briefly as I realized my heart was again racing and my face hot. What was wrong with me? This never happened before. Why was I getting all weird around this guy who I didn't even know?

Pulling myself off the floor I picked up the limp body and dragged him back over to the bed. He weighed quiet a bit, the muscles soft but strong and well proportioned under his cloths. I even felt a case of morning wood trapped and hidden beneath his loose fitting pant. I secretly wanted to take his cloths off to admire his body, but I didn't allow myself that luxury even when I most certainly would have done it on anyone else with a body as hot as his. Instead tucking him under the covers to help subdue the temptation I didn't know why I was fighting. I allowed myself only to run a paw through his head fur which was very soft and rubbed one of his big soft ear, a sigh and whine escaped his muzzle as I released it.

Taking a seat on the side of the bed I was happy just to sit there and watch him sleep. My eyes examining his angelic features while watching him take slow deep breaths and occasionally twitch in his sleeping state. I glanced briefly at the clock its bright red numbers reading that is was only a few minutes past five in the morning. It reminded me at how tired I was still and I lay down on the side of the bed closing my eyes for just a brief amount of rest to get my energy back...

What felt like a moment later, I woke up from a jostle to the bed. Opening my eyes and stretching I realized it was very light outside. How long had I been sleeping? Peering over the clock told me it was just before noon. Turning the other way my eyes fell upon an almost sad and defeated set of eyes staring back at me. Slowly sitting up I gave him a concerned questioning look trying to understand why he could possibly so sad.

"You still don't look to well. Are you feeling any better?" I asked, concern uncommonly deep in my voice. He shook his head and his eyes looked away from me and down at the floor. My mind putting together what was running through his head.

"No one took advantage of you last night if that's what you concerned about." I said. His eyes instantly rising up to mine, you could see the relief washing over his face like water running off his pelt.

"A polar bear by the name of Jason was apparently taking you home before I convinced him to come and yiff me here at my place. We put you in the bed to sober up and when he woke up this morning he ran out the door in a panic about missing work. I take it he isn't much of a friend to just abandon you like that." concern dripping from my voice.

"We should get you something to drink; I bet you're really dehydrated." And in a flash I was up and out of the bed and in the kitchen pulling the hangover cure out of the fridge and pouring some in a glass. Only momentarily noticing all the mats in my chest and stomach fur from the dried cum and sweat. Appearing back in the guest room the husky began sitting up in the bed before I handed the clear liquid to him. He sniffed at it cautiously before taking a drink and cringing at the taste.

"It's pedialyte" I proclaimed. "Doesn't taste very good, but it will take that hangover away really quick. After you finished that glass we will move you up to Gatorade." a smile on my muzzle as I watched him force it down. He took a deep breath and exhaled after having downed the whole amount before turning towards me and saying "Thank you".

I almost melted on the spot, the light German accent in his voice again making my heart race and my knees weak. My mind falling on his every word that followed. "Thanks for taking care of me... I'm Philipp." I almost didn't reply I was so lost was I in the song of his voice.

"Nice to meet you Philipp, my name is Angel" I said extending a paw which he took at once and shook squeezing it firmly before releasing it. His eyes looking me over again making me feel strangely self conscious. "Such a unique name." he said giving me a smile that made me go weak in the knees.

Attempting to remove the attention from me I pushed a suggestion. "If your feeling better we can go get you that Gatorade in the kitchen, maybe some Advil if you need that as well." I said trying to recover from his assault that was affecting me far too much.

Nodding he started to get out of the bed saying "Yes please, that would be wonderful. My head is hurting me something fierce. But may I use your bathroom first?" I almost fell down, having to brace myself against the wall from the complete onslaught of those beautiful words. Matters were not helped by the fact that his shirt was raised up as he climbed out of bed. Exposing the furry muscles that I had felt as I carried him to bed only hours before, my eyes couldn't be removed from his exposed body until he stood up and pulled his shirt down into place. I nodded and pointed towards the attached guest bath which you couldn't have missed, but I pointed anyway still swooning over his entire being. Smiling gratefully he entered the bathroom and closed the door.

I shifted from one foot to the other like a puppy lost without its mother before hastily running to the kitchen to grab him a glass of Gatorade and pain killers. When he came to join me he took a seat on one of the barstools his tail wagging as I handed him the glass and the pain killers.

"So were you celebrating from finishing classes last night too?" I ventured trying desperately hard not sound stupid or to allow that awkward silence to take hold.

Shaking his head he downed the glass in one drink along with the pain killers and set the glass down before replying. Sitting back and thinking before he replied "Yes and no." he said frankly before relaxing a bit. "Yes classes did finish so that was cause for celebration. But... The fur that I was dating had been cheating on me. I went over to surprise them because I finished my final early and found them being yiffed by someone else... In my own bed none-the-less. That was on Wednesday. I've been drunk the rest of the time. I don't even know what day it is." He confessed.

"Saturday" I answered calmly feeling sorry for him "Around noon" trying to lighten his sunken mood.

"Well I'm not sure what I'm going to do next. We shared a house together all year, but now I have no desire to go back there. I guess I should have known they were cheating on me all year. But I thought we were so in love I never even thought it was a possibility." He said leaning his head on the counter and covering his eyes.

Feeling a spark of compassion I responded. "You can stay here for a while if you like. It's just me by myself and obviously I have a room you can stay in."

He looked up at me his eyes half full of tears seeming relieved. "If you don't mind I really would appreciate it."

Smile I brushed at my matted fur. "So long as it's not going to be weird for you since you've seen me naked and all. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but being here by myself gives me some freedoms I've grown accustom to." We both chuckled at the comment.

Wiping the tears out of his eyes with the back of his paw he smiled weakly "You have nothing to be ashamed of with a body like yours. And to rent a house like this one you must be pretty well off." He said gesturing around him to the large scale of the house.

I couldn't believe my ears, he wasn't weirded out by me being gay, seeing me naked, or the dried cum on my still bare chest and abs. "Yeah, I'm pretty well off." I said nonchalantly. "I bought this 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 4000 square foot house before my freshman year of college. Figured I could have some parties, but I really just have been enjoying the privacy." Philipp's eyes growing wide when he realized how big the house actually was. He looked around again at all the comfortable furniture and paintings which I had picked out while decorating my house years ago.

"I have a question for you." I said bluntly. Already knowing the answer from how to skitted the topic of the gender of his previous mate but figuring it would be best to come from his own muzzle. "Are you gay?"

The suddenness of the question seemed to catch him off guard. But then he seemed to find himself and sitting up he nodded his head confidently and said "Yes. I came out when I came here at the beginning of the school year. I'm studying abroad and things are easier here. I'm not sure I can come out to my family, they would be devastated. But so far it's brought me nothing but problems. Obviously the fur I was dating, but everyone else seems to just want to get in my pants. You know what I mean? Like that acquaintance of a polar bear I'm sure was going to take advantage of me because I was so drunk. Sometimes I think they just want me for my body or my accent instead of actually wanting me for me. Does that make sense? I guess I'm trying to find 'love' but it doesn't seem to exist in the gay world."

I was floored, Philipp was pouring his heart out to me and here I was just like every other fur out there that he was describing. I decided I needed to do something to cheer him up, and thinking hard for a moment I had the perfect idea. "I know what you mean, I've never understood love so I have no idea what to tell you on the subject. But it sounds like you need some cheering up. How about we get out of here and enjoy the day outside?"

Looking hopeful he immediately responded with "Sure!" His tail wagging rapidly back and forth "But we should probably get ourselves cleaned up, I reek of cheap beer and you're covered in dried cum." We both looked down at my chest then at each other and broke out laughing because we were so filthy. It felt nice to have the ice finally broken.

Setting him up with a towel and some of my cloths which were large on me but I knew would fit him tightly (If I couldn't see him naked, I was going to see every contour). We both headed off to our rooms to shower. Removing my soiled clothing I had to set the shower to cold to get my hard on to go away. I knew he was going to give me this problem for a while, so I better learn to take a lot of cold showers.

After I was all dressed I put on a designer white button up shirt with a pattern embroidered on the back, followed by a comfortable pair of low rise jeans. I headed out to the kitchen to grab a snack and before long he emerged from the bedroom. Looking over I saw him rolling the long sleeves up to his biceps which filled the sleeve completely. The pants fitting him like a glove, his thighs snuggly but comfortable fitted, and also allowing a clear image of his crouch. (Did I mention I didn't give him any underwear?) He couldn't button the shirt all the way up from his chest being so wide, so he left it open exposing his tight abs and defined chest. His head fur had been done up in a messy way that still fell into his eyes. I swooned and feel into the counter, bruising my side before landing on my tail. "OOFfff!!!" I exclaimed as he rushed over to help me up.

"Are you alright?" he asked with clear concern in his voice as he reached down to help me up. I could feel my heart race again "Holy shit, I didn't think you were that hot." I proclaimed having trouble removing my eyes from his exposed fur.

Philipp chuckled before heading back and sitting on the stool. I gestured at the sandwich on a plate which he quickly devoured. "So what did you have in mind for the day?" he asked.

Leading the way toward the garage I opened the door with Philipp in tow. I pointed at my motorcycle. "Whenever I need to relax I go for a ride. It always helps having the wind in your fur." I smiled opening the garage door then reaching for my spare helmet I handed it to him. He looked reluctantly at it before taking it. My eyes again glancing at his body before having to look away when I felt that familiar twinge of excitement in my pants.

"I've never ridden on a motorcycle before." He confessed his nervousness showing.

"Don't worry, I'll take really good care of us. All you have to do is enjoy the ride." I said as I helped him adjust his helmet to fit before putting mine on. Going over and sitting on the bike I gave it a start and the engine roared to life. Looking at him again to reassure him he came over and sat on the seat behind me, casually resting his paws on my waist. I instant felt myself getting hard again. "Wow" I thought to myself.

Pulling out of the driveway we headed towards the open road, the wind blowing his unbuttoned shirt back. I saw more then one pair of eyes admiring us as we speeded by. Our first direction was due east. The open desert I pushed our speeds past 100mph at times for the thrill, I almost felt bad for Philipp. The only reason I didn't feel bad was because he wrapped his arms around me tightly making his body firmly press against my back as he hung on for dear life.

Eventually turning us around I headed for the beach. When we arrived, the sea was a beautiful aquamarine. Philipp still tightly bound to my torso started to admire the surroundings. He looked out in awe as if seeing the world for the first time. We pulled into a parking lot at a small beach and decided to stretch our legs for a bit. I removed my shirt and left it at the bike, rubbing my bruise which had grown quiet tender. Philipp looked much more relaxed as we padded down to the beach. We both rolled up our jeans before hitting the sand and walked down to the water.

"Feeling better?" I asked hoping desperately that he was.

"Yeah" he replied with his perfect German accent. "It's almost like a dream. Things seemed so bad a few days ago. But right now I am completely at peace." As we walked through the water, playing with the waves.

We headed over to a vacant shady tree and sat down on a log. Turning to me he said out of the blue "How did you know you were gay?"

Thinking for a moment before responding "I'm not sure, I just knew I liked guys as soon as I learned how to masturbate."

"And what about your family, do they know?" he pressed.

"Well..." I said hesitantly. "That's a longer story"

"It looks like we have time" he said smiling at me then moving to straddle the log to face me directly.

Giving a sigh I started to play with my tail as I recalled the painful memory.

And so the story began...


I went to a rich private school with about a thousand students from preschool to 12th grade. I was always a straight A student, not because I didn't want it but because my parents demanded it. They expected me to get into one of the most prestigious Universities in the country. I already knew it didn't matter what my grades were because my family would just buy me access into whatever school they choose for me. Telling me how to live the rest of my life because they thought I couldn't live it without their constant guidance.

My family comes from old money. The family empire of wealth was created many generations ago which I wont get into. But we had the money diversified between hundreds of very profitable companies, as well as the stock market. No one was required to work, and if they did they were given command of one of the companies that my family had complete control over, usually running it into the ground from lack of any experience. Most of the time they simply sat back and worried about where to take the private jet next or argued over the quality of an expensive champagne or other mundane things. I'm not sure where I acquired the open belief that all furs were created equal. It clearly wasn't from my family; they saw themselves as superior to all other races. Even within the feline realm lions were only seen as being body guards, they made the exception with our house manager. It took a lions authority to command the staff of about 150 which maintained the property.

I was born the only son of three. I have two younger sisters, and I knew from an early age that my parents demanded a lot of grandchildren. I never had any interest in girls, but at about thirteen I definitely started getting interested in guys. My parents attempting to constantly lure me into dating a high class pantheress that they hand picked and arranged a "date" for which I never wasted her time or mine by showing up. This drove them insane to no end, but I didn't care. I knew it wasn't for me.

So I tried to stay away from home as often as possible from that early age. I had always been active for years in martial arts which had given me a strong well defined body. It also allowed me a release from my reserved family life style. I was training every chance I could get. I joined the martial arts club at school and also trained at a dojo several times a week. Even going as far as to fight in competitions although I never actually won any. That was the thing about combat, it didn't matter if you were rich or poor only how skilled you were.

As you might guess I never put a paw on a single female, although that didn't stop them from trying. I didn't hook up with another guy until my sophomore year of high school. My first experience was actually with another black panther. He was a geeky frail thing, but I always noticed him staring at me. So one day we started talking and the next thing I knew we were in a car wrapping our muzzles around each others cocks. Now I have nothing against felines, as long as they are debarbed when they are young. I was debarbed which is much more common these days among felines. The male still retains studded bumps but not the hooks that wrack across the flesh. It's beneficial for females to have sex for much longer periods of time without becoming sore. It also helps with anal sex as I learned with that first panther. He was never debarbed and the time I allowed him to mount me, I regretted for about two weeks. I quickly lost interest in bottoming for several years, choosing only to mount my various encounters until my senior year.

Sometime in march of my senior year I hooked up with a handsome "straight" stag who was on the soccer team. We had been showering together and he was taunting me with his cock and ass. Not to mention his musclar legs and flat but attractive chest. So naturally I invited him over to my parent's house and up to my bedroom where as horny teenagers quickly shed all of our cloths and were deep into sucking on our pieces of male cock. Foreplay never crossed my mind that day. It didn't take long before I broke out the lube. Then forcing him down on his back and throwing his legs over my shoulders I started rubbing my cock head against his tight pucker hole. With a series of short thrusts I expertly slide my cock all the way down to the sheath. Letting him rest and adjust from having his tight hole filled to capacity by my feline meat. As I started to fuck him his grunts quickly turned into moans of pleasure. Have you ever noticed how a macho guy will sound like a girl when you fuck them really good? Anyway, our eyes met briefly and the hunter in me took over. While he reached down to start to pleasure himself I quickly forced his hooves above his antlers pinning them against the wall. He was at my mercy as I pounded his ass then leaned in and started kissing him. He struggled under my surefooted authority before giving into me entirely. I fucked him mercilessly while he was unable to pleasure himself. But, he didn't really seem to mind because his ass was being pleasured enough that it almost put him over the edge. After a hot session that was all to short I slammed my dick in all the way and filled his thoroughly worked ass with my hot streams of seed and collapsed onto him panting heavily

After pulling out I didn't get much rest before he decided he wanted a piece of my ass. Almost instantly mounting me from behind which caused a sharp flare of pain in my ass as he forced me down onto my stomach making me his bitch. Looking back at the situation he was actually pretty small for a buck which I'm grateful for since it felt like my insides were being torn apart, mostly from having just orgasmed in him. But after a few minutes I began to give in and once I relaxed the pleasure was indescribable. The angle that he had allowed for constant contact with my prostate which made the nerves of my body twinge in pleasure with ever thrust. Before long I was hard again.

Little did I know that my family was plotting to surprise me with my acceptance letters to the universities that I never knowingly applied to; Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, etc. Even making a big enough deal about it that they got a large part of the staff to join in on the surprise. Well... As you can guess they all busted into my room cheering "congratulations!!!" while I was face down and ass up being pounded by a naked and very horny stag.

Being horribly speciesist my parents had my encounter removed from the property, not even giving him time to get dressed as he was thrown to the curb outside the gate. My parents disowned me as I tried to cover myself and my shame with a blanket my ass feeling empty from the cock that was pleasuring it just moments before. I was then left by myself, alone and ashamed. Night was already set so while the parents were in there room I packed a single bag and left the house forever.

Fortunately they had long ago established a large trust for me which was completely my responsibility on my 18th birthday, which luckily I was(They did try to keep it from my possession in the end, but ultimately failed). And speeding down to the airport in my fathers cherished yellow Ferrari I left it parked in the unloading zone, not caring about what happened to it. Buying the next flight out to the west coast where I had applied secretly to a couple colleges without my parents knowing and as I boarded the plane I hoped that one of them had accepted me.


"So here I am" I said. "Three years later, I bought a house and have all the comforts that I desire. The beginning was hard, but now I actually like being away. Freedom from a smothering family is like a bird flying free from its cage. My parents have never bothered to contact me, which would be an easy matter for them. So I let them live their life and I'll live mine." I wiped my eyes seeing that tears had formed there unknowingly. The sun was beginning to set and as I watched it slowly set behind the horizon I started to cry the memories to painful to bear. The tears rolling down my cheeks in waves, I felt so stupid for doing it in front of someone who I was trying to cheer up. But here I was unable to stop, as I turned away trying to hide my distress.

A moment later Philipp's strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. His hand bringing my head down to his bare chest ever so tenderly. Trying to comfort me in the most sensual of ways as he held me close running his paws through my fur. Telling me "Everything will be ok." And "Let it all out." As he buried his muzzle against my neck.

All I could do was cry, ashamed of myself but not wanting to lose the contact with Philipp and his apparent not wanting to lose contact with me either. We held each other like that until the tears had dried. The next thing I knew the sun had long ago set and the stars had come out before he ever let me go.

Looking up at him as we walked back to the bike I said "Thank you for that". He just gave me that adorable smile and ran his paw against my cheek, not even saying a word. Wrapping his arms around me and snuggling against my back on the way home. We both appeared be find a sense of peace in each others presence.

I had to wonder, what was he doing to me that made me act so strange?

The Beginning

This is my first story so I'm always looking for pointers as to make it easier to read and also make the reader more involved. Any and all comments are welcome! You know that old saying about love finding you when you stop looking for it? Does...

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