Gym Experiences

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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One... two, three. Up went the barbell, and then down it went until it rested on the dragons furred chest. His lungs burned for oxygen, and his arms felt like jelly under the heavy weights' strain. He had considered he may have been overdoing it a bit, but he felt that this was the only way to break the muscle plateau he'd hit earlier that year. Six... seven. Up went the barbell. He had completely zoned out during his focused training, the other gym goers were hardly more than minor distractions at this point.

Of course, he also preferred lifting weights solo, though he didn't mind if someone spotted for him. Today, no one had taken interest in his tan form, nor his absurd weights. He grit his teeth with exertion, as he thrust his arms, and by extension, the barbell up into the air. He'd beat his record if he kept this up. Both record time, and record reps, indeed. Sweat absolutely coated his scales, and soaked his mane, but he'd have it no other way. What was a little sweat when you had records to beat and brag about, anyway? Fifteen, sixteen... His arms buckled a bit, but his grip held strong, shoving the weights higher. He'd get featured just behind the main desk if he could just beat the owners record that week. And a free month pass to boot! His jaw popped a bit as the barbell slowly descended towards his chest. He knew gritting his teeth was a bit damaging to them, but it didn't matter.

"Hrrnnngh." He didn't even vocalize proper words as his arms shuddered from the effort. Just five more, and he'd have his prize. Sweat poured into his eyes, even through the headband he wore, his arms bulged with muscular power, and he grunted out his pain. He was confident, and had trained for quite some time, he was the natural contender for the prize. Well, until his grip slipped.

The barbell came falling down, one arm not nearly enough to keep it from laying on his chest, compressing his lungs.

"Shiiit, guysss." He squeaked out, barely able to form the words with the air being forced out of his lungs. It seemed no one noticed until he tried to roll the weights off of him. After a few moments of this, he felt himself start to pass out. He fought to stay awake, and out of the corner of his vision, he saw a pair of buff wolves rushing to help him out.

And then it all went black.

"_Fuck, I'm dead."_Was his only thought when he finally came back to conscious awareness. Or was he? He tried to open his eyes, but the room he was in was black, and it was a pointless effort. For that moment, anyway. Lights in the ceiling lit up in pairs, extending out of his range of vision. At least that clarified where he was looking. Maybe he came to after closing hours in the gym? He tried to get up, but he realized he was laying on nothing, being suspended by his arms and legs. He craned his rather short neck forward, finally realizing which was was up, and which was down.

Well, this wasn't the gym at all! The room he was in looked as though it were featureless. It was almost featureless, anyway, save for four rather egg-white walls, a chair and... A dragoness? She was in a rather corny leather dominatrix outfit. The material almost shone softly in the light.

"It's about time you got up, I was getting bored." The other person spoke, the tone rather deep for a female.

"You what? I'm not in hell am I?" Ever simplistic with his words, the dragon.

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. And you don't either." She began to stride towards him, her footwear made clear by the constant tap-tapping of the heels against the floor.

"Mind untying me?" He asked, as politely as he could muster.

She laughed.

"No." Her singular answer firm, and unyielding.

"Look, I have things to do, records to beat, and gym passes to earn. I really just want to go out, get back to the gym and... mrphf!" Something was shoved into his muzzle, preventing him from speaking further.

"You talk way too much. I know how we're going to pass the time, and you're probably going to enjoy it."

He struggled against his restraints, and bit into the gag, but try as he might, he couldn't get free, nor loosen it at all. He ceased his futile efforts, and just relaxed there, suspended from the ceiling. She finished cinching the gag shut, and inhaled softly.

"It's been a looong time since I last had company. And you, are going to satisfy an itch of mine." She insinuated, teasing the dragon with her words.

"How the hell did I get here, and what is going on?" He thought, his mind spinning trying to attempt an explanation, any explanation.

He was still fully clothed. Getting out of said clothes might be a bit difficult with the restraints cuffed securely around his ankles and wrists. His tail was even held up with a strap that connected to a collar around his neck. Whoever had restrained him, they certainly had done it properly. Though, what for? He'd have gladly screwed the dragoness senseless himself, no need for any of this equipment.

She wasn't that bad a looker either, the leather outfit she was in accentuating her curves, and leaving little to the imagination. Wide hips, ample cleavage, a nice fac-

"Up here, you pervert!" She snapped.


"You are my plaything for now, not the other way around." She emphasized her possession.

His eyes started to wander again, but not for long. She grabbed him by his chin, and forced him to look straight into her eyes.

"This will be more enjoyable if you just let me enjoy you. All of you." She drew out the words, breathing her hot breath onto his face. Didn't smell bad, a bit... minty perhaps?

Though he couldn't respond properly, it didn't stop him from trying.

"Hrr, wd gllr duh ahnwhoo." The words, naturally, didn't quite come out right.

"It's a gag, dragon. It doesn't let you speak." She giggled a bit, at his flushed face. He just glared back.

She produced a knife from her belt, and his eyes went wide. Just what was she planning on doin- Oh. She was cutting his clothes off of him, piece by piece. He was terrified that her grip would slip, just as his had earlier. However, as she slowly slid the knife in a few precise cuts, no such loss of grip happened. Much to his relief. On the other hand, his shirt was now ruined, and on the floor, leaving his chest mane, and defined muscles exposed to the somewhat chilly air.

"Mmm, you must work out, don't you drake?" The outfit wasn't just for show, she could play the part as well. She traced a finger down his scaled and furred chest, right along the well-defined muscles there. He tried to nod a bit, but she either didn't notice it, or completely disregarded it. She was close enough to his chest that he could feel every hot exhalation, the warm breeze flowing across him. For a near-death situation... this was quite a nice prank to wake up to. Though, he would've preferred her to be in his position at the moment.

She tugged a bit at his chest fur, ruffling it, and running her digits through it. She unsheathed a claw, and poked through it until it hit scale, parting the tuft in two, if only temporarily. He didn't need to see it, to notice she was slowly building a tent in his pants. He felt his girth straining against the denim of his jeans, his preferred workout attire.

"I'd ask you if you preferred males... or females, but you're a bit tied up right now, aren't you?" He groaned out at her horrible joke. He had no doubts that she was female, and her upper anatomy explicitly told him so. Though he couldn't see her lower half, that was conveniently just beyond his sight. He idly wondered just what she was suggesting, but her teasing distracted his mind further from the thought.

Out came the knife again, to cut away the jeans. Once again, her unerring grip both impressed him, and frightened him a bit. Perhaps he'd ask her for tips later on how to handle a barbell? One leg exposed to the cool air, then the other, the pants legs fell to the floor. Leaving him with a pair of impromptu shorts. She was quick to remedy that, however, a few quick slices with the sharp blade let the rest fall to the floor. Though... not all of it. His erection pitched a tent with a small piece of his jeans still covering his loins. Slice, slice, and it was gone, floating to the floor, leaving his entirety revealed to his charming seductress.

"My, my... what have we here..." She let her words spill out of her maw, as she was sizing him up. While he wasn't small by any means, he wasn't a giant in that department. Big enough to please, small enough most didn't have issues fitting it all. The knot, however, was another story. She walked around him, occasionally poking at him with an extended claw. While he wasn't a prime specimen of dragonkind, he was quite good looking. Once again, his mind wandered as to just where he was, and what he was doing. It was almost as if she were psychic, as the moment his attention lapsed on her, she poked him roughly in his armpit.

"Attention on me." She commanded.

She took a moment, standing just behind his head, rubbing the short nubs he'd trimmed his horns down to. While he had to admit it felt nice, it wasn't quite what he was expecting. He whined out his frustrations.

"Hmm, we'll get to that sooon."

He heard noise suspiciously like unzipping, and clothes falling to the ground. And those damned heels being kicked off. Perhaps she was ready to step this up to-

"_What in the actual hell?"_He interrupted his own thoughts, as she poked him in the back of the head. It didn't feel like a finger, either. Surely she wasn't in for some pegging action? He leaned his head back as much as he could with the restraints, and his newest discovery shocked him. That wasn't just a strapon.

"The look on your face is priceless, as is having both sets of anatomy. Very handy, I'd say."

Her pink meat rested just above his shoulder, just barely within his viewing angle. He feared that she might have been referring to herself having more fun than him. He sure hoped not. She once again walked around him, this time lacking the distinct footfalls of high heels. Instead only the soft patter of flesh and scale on the floor was heard now.

"Now... I'm going to adjust some things, and undo your gag. Say nothing, and if I feel any teeth, I may have to forward a forged application to Hell for you. I hear they're hiring anyway."

"Just what was she, and what was this place?" A futile attempt to reason out the situation, but an attempt nonetheless. A quick click, and the gag was roughly yanked out of his mouth. A trail of thick saliva connected the gear, and him for a moment, before being broken. While he wanted to massage his jaw with a paw, they were still restrained. Instead, he moved it around a bit, made possible by the lack of a certain obstructing object. She tossed the gag away, towards a corner unseen by the dragons' eyes.

"I'm going to make those adjustments now... remember what I just said." And with that, he heard a whirring, and suddenly he was upright, and closer to the ground than he previously was. A few of his joints popped with the sudden movement and extra weight. He even felt a bit dizzy at the speed. However, allowing contemplation was not on her agenda for the moment, as she stuffed a finger into his mouth, then another. She coated her fingers in his saliva, before withdrawing them.

She stroked herself, spreading the improvised lube thoroughly on her tool. He was tempted to ask questions, like maybe for some proper lube, but he bit them back for the moment. She ensured to tease him aplenty with it, stroking it mere inches away from his face. He got to see every vein, pore, bump and ridge up close, and with high detail. Soon, it would be in his- Grk!

And just like that, with no warning, she shoved it up to the hilt in his muzzle. She was slightly bigger than he was, it was a rather jaw stretching experience. While he had experimented with other males, none quite had the same girth or... raw enthusiasm. Could also be called rudeness as well, he supposed. She gripped the small nubs he called horns, using them as improvised handlebars. She didn't bother with words, instead letting out a loud moan that reverberated off the walls.

Perhaps he would apply some effort, see where that got him with this female. Maybe she'd undo the restraints?


So she was psychic. Good to know, he supposed. Regardless of her denial of removing his restraints, he began to use his mouth to pleasure her. He had little experience, but he knew what he liked, and if he just applied that to someone else with a rod...

"Yesss." She hissed out her pleasure, gripping his horns so tightly he worried they'd break. He doubted they would, after all, it was just a single dragoness. He suckled on her rod, feeling her essence pool at the back of his throat, before swallowing. He also began to use his tongue to massage the sensitive organ. She hissed again, before squeezing her eyes shut. Certainly the intended effect, and if he were able to smirk, he would have.

Well, until she decided to take things into her own paws and began to muzzlefuck him. So she liked it rough, he mused. He just let her drag his maw across her rod, barely getting a taste of anything she was pumping into him.

"You'll get a taste soon enough." She punctuated her words with thrusts into him. Yup, definitely psychic or talented in reading peoples expressions. Maybe both. He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the bit of time he had before the inevitable. Once again, she didn't bother to warn him at all before she was pumping load after load into his gullet. This time, however, he got a taste of what she was offering when a good deal of it back washed when he couldn't quite gulp it all down. Wasn't bad, again, a bit minty.

She slowed her frantic thrusts, her own knot just outside his muzzle. It might have been rather rough if she had tried to knot his mouth. Though... he was beginning to wonder if he might've liked that.

"We aren't done yet. We have plenty more to go."

He would have feigned a weak "Oh nooo.", but his mouth was a bit occupied. She waited until she softened a bit, before withdrawing from his muzzle. He hung there, as she pondered her next move. It didn't take her long to decide, when she looked down and saw his flagpole pulsing in time with his heartbeat.

"Oh, what have we here? Looks like at least one part of you is more than slightly interested." She teased with her words, as she trailed a claw down his midriff. She continued all the way down, once again parting his chest fur, trailing down his belly, until it rested on the base of his tool. She poked at it, seemingly amused at his reaction. He wasn't expecting her to grip him, and begin to stroke him, however. He leaked at an alarming rate as she stroked him, his eyes screwing shut, and small whimpers of pleasure floating out from his muzzle.

"Pleaaase." He begged.

She stopped. She leaned a par to her ears, acting as though she hadn't heard him.

"What's that, I can't quite hear you?" She said, in a sing-song voice.

"Please let me get off." He begged, his voice cracking.

"Maybe after I have some fun first."

"But you alread-" She placed a digit on his muzzle.

"Don't talk too much, or I'll have to get the gag again." She instructed.

His eyes betrayed his disappointment, his muzzle creasing into a frown. He looked rather crestfallen.

"Soon, though." He perked up a bit, on hearing that.

Once again, there was a slight whirring, and he was repositioned again. This time, he was on his belly. Or rather, would have been were he not hanging, suspended in the air.

"Oh yes, plenty to work with here." He tried to get a view of what was going on behind him, but try as he might, the restraints did their job perfectly. Almost too perfectly, he mused. Maybe he'd ask where she got the equipment. His curiosity was distracted when he felt her warm breath on his backside, flowing across his rump and his hefty sac. Well, he could surmise what she planned to do next. The knowledge didn't help at all when she plunged her tongue into him.

"Gaaaah." He vocalized, barely forming coherent words as he saw stars upon the unexpected rear entry. He had no doubt she would have snickered at him, had she not been tongue-deep in his backside. Soon, though, pain turned to pleasure, and he began to relax around the muscular intruder. He could feel her tongue, scraping along his insides, lining them with saliva for the next step to come. She began to slowly push her tongue into, and out of his poor, soon-to-be-abused ass. The feeling was remarkable for him, he'd have to reconsider his feeling towards play with his rump in the future. Perhaps even reconsider his thoughts about the more masculine sex, even.

While he was deep in his thoughts, she withdrew her tongue with a loud "POP!" from his now well-lubed rear. Once again, she stroked herself for a few moments, and admired her handiwork. While she was doing so, she spoke.

"You may want an explanation for all of this, and you'll get one. Soon. After I get to have my fun first, since I don't really know how long I'll get you for."


"I'll let you talk soon, for now, remain quiet."

He grit his teeth, preparing for his impending impalement on her cock. It came surprisingly slowly, for someone that had taken his maw so roughly. He felt every inch pushing aside his inner walls to make room. He was tight, while not quite a virgin, still quite tight. She forced her way in, while he wasn't resisting, he wasn't relaxing either, and it made it a very pleasurable experience for her. He heard her suck air into her lungs rapidly, almost panting for air. He was about to speak, but she did so first.

"Loosen up a bit." She ordered.

Though he wasn't sure just how he was supposed to do that, he was getting used to the hefty girth being packed inside him. After a few moments, she continued her relentless shove into him, spearing him on her rod. Before she'd fully hilted, however, she drew back. Slowly at that, just long enough the dragon had time to wonder if she was going to thrust back in. He didn't need to wonder for long, as soon she picked up a slow pace, going deeper on each stroke. His own rod begged for attention. It was leaking profusely and puddling on the floor underneath him, she either didn't care, or didn't notice.

Perhaps she was saving his own load for the main finale?


One question answered, and a thousand more rushed into his head. But soon they were dispelled by the realization she'd fully sheathed herself inside his heated depths. He could feel her knot inflating, slowly but surely. She grabbed his hips roughly, claws poking at his scales, and pulled him back onto her with each thrust. The suspension helped to build up a bit of momentum between the two. Before he knew it, the dragons tongue was lolling out of his muzzle like a panting dog. He was enjoying every moment of this rather odd experience.

As he should, with his prostate being hammered with every inwards thrust, his flesh rippling with the heavy impact of the thrusting. He felt her lean down onto his back, the added weight pulling on his limbs. It was a good thing the cuffs were well padded, otherwise it might have hurt a bit. He felt her two ample mounds of cleavage press into his back, smashing into his scales on either side of his mane. As she leaned down, she gained a much better angle to thrust into him with, and continued increasing the pace.

Soon, her hips were almost a blur, pistoning into and out of the poor drake. And the only thing he could do was lay back and enjoy the ride. And a ride it was, the restraints swinging back and forth with each thrust. He felt her knot grinding at his entrance, begging entry. And enter it would, as she speared him on her one last time, knot and all, before unleashing her torrential load inside him. She groaned out, her claws digging into his hips as she continued thrusting. He felt his insides being painted with her seed, and found that he didn't mind it one bit. Enjoyed it even. However, there was one thing that hadn't quite been taken care of yet.

Still jutting out, proud, erect, and not yet tended to, was his own rod. By now, it was quite coated in its' own layer of pre. She seemingly sensed his thoughts, and ran a single digits down its' length.

"Oh wouldn't you like to pop riiiight now?" She teased.

He whined, a high-pitched whine that made him wince. More so considering it came from one of the gyms most masculine drakes.

"Soon." She continued idly stroking it, ensuring she wouldn't lose its' complete attention. She didn't quite wait until her knot was fully deflated, before roughly yanking out of the dragons' abused rump. She walked around, to his front, and kneeled down in front of him. Their eyes met, and she only spoke a single word.


The restraints once again adjusted themselves, this time letting him crash gently to the ground, on his back. Click, click click. Soon, all the restraints were undone, and strewn uselessly on the ground. He reached out a paw to take matters into his own hands, but it was swatted away.

"I'll take care of that, you just sit back and enjoy the ride."

He whined a bit more, but did not speak. He did, however, take a few moments to rub at his wrists and ankles. He'd expected them to be a bit more sore, but he was pleasantly surprised when only a mild tingle was all he felt. She sauntered back around to his front. Surely now she'd solve the one issue that hadn't been tended to? Kneeling down, she looked at him, then his rod, before crawling on all fours until she was over him.

"Time to put the other half to work, I'd say." She leaned back just enough to tease his tip, running it right between her well-formed cheeks. He felt almost ready to pop, but he could delay it, just this once, he hoped. She ground up and down on him, smearing his fluids, and her own all over his rod, preparing it for what was to come. He grit his teeth, and did his best to maintain his composure, reaching hands up to grip her hips. He almost expected her to swat them away, but instead, she allowed it. He gripped her hips heartily, and pulled down. She bit her lip to suppress a gasp as he pierced her. He didn't bother to suppress his own moan.

Her scales felt soft to his touch, but firm enough to grip the skin underneath. And grip it he did, when he pulled her down ever further onto his rod. She slowly slid down on him, spreading her own inner folds apart, a trickling of her own juices flowing down his rod. Each moment was a measure of willpower for him, at any given moment he might pop. She sensed this, and took him in, all the way down to the base. She felt the slowly forming knot pop out of her as she lifted off of him, before crashing back down.

Her own orgasm was close, if only due to all the stimulation her male half had received. She idly toyed with her breasts, pinching at them as she increased the pace. Neither of them would last long, and who knew how long they'd have. She hurried the process along, tightening her inner walls around him, and counter thrusting back towards him when he pulled away. The only noises in the room, were that of two lovers, enjoying each other greatly. She leaned down towards him, tilting her head to the side as they locked maws together in a heated kiss.

They muffled each others moans, and held each other tightly as his long overdue orgasm, hit him unexpectedly, and roughly. He dumped spurt after spurt into her, a seemingly endless firehose swelling her insides with his gooey essence. His knot ensured to lock all of it in, letting not a drop leak out around his rod. They stayed like that for a while, muzzles locked in a heated kiss as he rode out the last of his orgasm, and she finished the last of hers.

It was unexpected when she pulled her maw away from him, only to start speaking.

"So, your explanation was long overdue. You're in Purgatory now, but you are not dead, nor alive at this moment. If you die before coming back to in the real world, then you'd have to have your fate chosen, if you don't though, you could disappear at any moment. But... here, let me show you what happened just after you blacked out."

A screen appeared from seemingly nowhere, playing a special of the drakes' life, just after he blacked out...

"Hey man, that guy is lifting way too much for his frame!" One of the wolves exclaimed, over the normal hustle and bustle of the gym. His friend was the first to notice that he was actually being suffocated by the barbell, which rested on his chest. It took them mere moments to drop what they were doing, and lift the heavy thing off him. While his breathing was fine, it didn't seem that he was all entirely there.

"Wuzzat? Gotta get my record." The dragon got up from his bench, seemingly oblivious as to where the barbell went.

"No man, you need to sit down, you just blacked out."

"Blacked out, huh?" He stood unsteadily.

"Yeah, sit back down."

"Okaaay." As he was sitting down, he missed the bench entirely, and instead fell over and smacked the back of his head on a nearby weight rack.

"Knew it."

"He's out like a light isn't he?"

The other wolf just nodded. Some of the other gym goers looked on in amazement.

"He'll be fine?"

"Yup, less than ten seconds out, aught to be. His head on the other hand..." The wolf was about to wave over a staff member, when another fur burst through the small crowd.

"I'm a doctor, it'll be fine."

And the TV faded to black, like a bad sitcom, framed out of his own life. The dragon really didn't know what to think.

"So your thoughts?" He asked. The dragoness just giggled.

"I'll go with the doctor on this one, and say it'll be fine."

"Hmm..." He didn't know just how to process all this information.

"You'll know when you go back. Might not remember all of this, but this won't be the last time you see me. You've got at least one more scheduled visit for the future."

The dragon released his death grip on her hips, before speaking.

"So, you said Hell was hiring?"

"They never stop. And neither does Heaven or Purgatory, either."

"Sounds like I've got decisions to make when I'm actually dead then, huh." She leaned back a bit, trying to look indignant.

"I thought it was obvious! You'd work here with me." He guffawed loudly at her remark.

"Oh, would you vouch for me to your employer?"

"I'd vouch for you being a good assistant!" She winked at him.

He felt a bit like he was starting to fall, so he hurriedly spoke.

"I think I'm going back to the land of the living now... I'd say I can't wait to meet you again, but when we do, I'm sure it'll be just as fun as this time!" It felt like he was falling through the floor, an odd feeling.

"See you next time, handsome drake!"

Her voice faded off in the distance, and he felt the odd sensation of sinking. The sensation got worse for a moment, and then he was back. He sat, bolt upright on the gym floor, crowd of people around him, and doctor every bit as surprised as he was. The first words that spilled out of the drakes mouth were as eloquent as always.

"Kay, so next time, I'm getting a pair of spotters."

The entire crowd laughed, even the two wolves. The doctor just frowned, shook his head, and recommended a local clinic visit, all fees waived. All was well in the world.

Though... there was still the matter of beating that record.


(Authors' note... Decided to go with something a bit different with this posting. As always, lemme know if you liked it, by faving, commenting, and voting! Thank you for reading.)

Back To Town

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