The celebration Eryn's POW

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#7 of The celebration

The moment of the truth comes for Eryn and she will see, if she can handle the variety and size of the cocks of the men of Little John's. She will have new and amazing experiences during the party.

The day of the party finally comes and Eryn prepares the breakfast. She feels a little anxious while she thinks about what will happen at night. She heats milk, her ears alert her that her children enter in the kitchen.

They greet her while they sit at the table, she greets them and serves two milk cups before sitting beside her sons.

"I got a job with the dressmaker, she is delay with her garments and needs help to finish them. So I accepted to help her today, I will leave after lunch and will return tomorrow morning." Eryn says looking at her two children. They get surprised a little and nod without saying nothing.

"Will you be OK? I do not want problems when I return." Eryn says looking at Arlen and Wilton.

"There is no problem, it will not happen nothing." Wilton says looking at his brother. He nods and looks at his mother just like his brother. Eryn nods and feels that the words of both are sincere, her two children had behaved properly lately.

Eryn uses the morning to clean her home a little and prepare the lunch. She and her two children eat it with pleasure and after that Eryn gets ready to go out.

When she is ready, Eryn says good-bye to her children and she heads toward the sugar house where he would meet with the other girls, the she-wolf gets there around forty five minutes. She knocks at the door and a rabbit opens the door.

She smiles and allows Eryn get in. She says hello smiling and enters in the big house and Eryn sees that girls are reunited there.

"Hi" Antonette says getting close to Eryn and greeting her. Eryn responds content the greeting of her friend.

"Are you anxious?" The lioness asks looking at Eryn. She nods nervously, Eryn expected that it would go out all very well.

"I never made nothing like this in my life, I hope that everything will be ok." Eryn says with a little bit of worry.

"You will do it well, when everything begins it will be easier." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She nods softly while she smiles and feels some emotion at the thought of fucking with several men.

At that moment Ruby gets in the room and girls surround her.

"Well... it is moment of getting ready before going away." The tigress says looking at the girls. They nod and Eryn begins to get undressed with to the other women. When all their clothes are on the floor they in a group head toward a room that is to in the posterior part of the big house.

Eryn and the other women get in a big room where they find a very large tub, the vapor rises from hot water. Girls laugh and they enter in the water to take a bath.

Eryn and Antonette bathe at each other slowly. Eryn hands go over her friend's breasts while Antonette dedicates to wash the tits of the she-wolf. They look at each other and smile smoothly because they know that they should not spend energy.

When both finish the bath they apply on their whole bodies an oil to soften the fur. Ruby and the rest of girls do the same thing before getting dressed again. When all of them are ready, they walk towards the hall where they arrive to midafternoon.

Eryn is standing out of the hall with the other girls, the door is not locked completely so Ruby takes out the padlock out and enters in the hall with the girls. They get to the main room and see that it is almost ready for the celebration.

Ruby and the girls had taken great pains a lot to put everything in order and preparing the place in the previous days.

Eryn and the other girls do the last preparations and for the sunset the chimneys have fire and everything is disposed to begin. Ruby does a grimace to the girls, they get together to her around.

"Now that everything is ready, I just need to say that I hope that they everyone will give their maximum effort and enjoy it." Ruby says looking at the girls. They laugh impishly and Eryn smiles nervously because she feels anxious.

She and the other girls begin to take off their clothes and getting completely naked.

Eryn sits on a table to wait with the other girls, she notices that many of women expect to have an opportunity to fuck with Little John. She also expects it, but her thoughts are interrupted when she listens some steps in the corridor.

All girls stand up and they place themselves in position just when the doors open and Little John with his men enter in the place. Eryn feels uncomfortable noticing that men begin to look at her and the girls with desire.

Their looks go over the naked bodies. The she-wolf sees that many of them already have erections. They undress rapidly.

Men begin to look for a place in the tables, Eryn smiles smoothly when Little John passes in front of her, the bear smiles at her softly. Eryn get uncomfortable a little when some men sit on her table.

The she-wolf looks as Deanna gets out of the kitchen and she gets close to the place where Little John is.

This is the girl's first time, Eryn and the multitude gathers around the table where Little John and Deanna are.

The bear rapidly begins his work with the girl, Eryn looks at what happens attentively.

She gets surprised and startles when somebody embraces her from behind and catches her breasts. Eryn sees the two hands covered of black fur, the two hands begin to knead and squeeze her tits slowly.

Eryn moans and sees on her right shoulder, she sees that a black young wolf is behind her. He smiles on her smoothly while he continues caressing the breasts of the she-wolf. Eryn feels that the wolf's hard penis is on her buttocks.

For the size, Eryn deduces that it is a big penis. The wolf behind her rubs his penis on her ass slowly, some spurts of precum stain her back. Eryn hears the groan of pain of Deanna when she loses her virginity.

The she-wolf sees that Little John finally stops after having penetrated completely to the girl. He begins to move inside her, Eryn feels that the tip of the penis is between her thighs.

The wolf behind her begins to move slowly and the penis caresses the tights and vulva of Eryn. She hears the pant of the wolf on her right ear, her breasts are pinched with more force.

The wolf twists her nipples and these harden rapidly, Eryn takes down her hand slowly and seizes the penis of the wolf, he gets surprised and he does not move. The she-wolf opens her thighs lightly and directs the penis until the tip is introduced among her vaginal lips.

A groan of pleasure slips from the mouth of Eryn when the wolf pushes and the member that enters in his body until the knot is between her thighs. The wolf begins to pump his penis in her, the spurts of precum spatter the inside of the vagina of Eryn.

She pants and moans feeling that the hard shaft moves in and out of her vagina, a real penis is incredible for her, Eryn sees to his around and notices that other women being well-thumbed. Many of men are caressing some of women, other ones are giving them oral sex.

Eryn feels that the penis enters and gets out of her vagina rapidly while she continues enjoying the spectacle that increases her desire, their the vagina releases more juices that get wet the knot. The wolf behind her squeezes her tits with more force while he pants with pleasure.

The wolf begins to push his knot against the opening of Eryn, and she feels the pressure in her wet slit while the wolf increases the force of his pushes.

Eryn moans with pain when her opening stretches and the knot enters in her vagina. The wolf pants and increases the velocity of his pushes, the she-wolf pants and growls of pleasure. She sees that the ass of Little John moves with more speed while the gazelle moans.

The saliva of the wolf falls on the shoulder and the breasts of Eryn, she feels that her nipples are twisted with more force and the pleasure in her body increases.

To her around some heavy breathing intensifies. Eryn sees that Little John growls with pleasure.

Just at that moment the wolf behind her growls with force and in the same time that he squeezes her breasts with force.

Eryn opens her mouth and moans with pleasure when semen spurts hit her vagina walls, the woman shakes while her body feels the orgasm. The seed floods her vagina while she sees as the gazelle gives oral sex to Little John.

The she-wolf pants feeling weak, her juices accumulate in her vagina while they mix with the semen of the wolf that holds her.

He moans smoothly while he squeezes softly Eryn's teats. She feels that her nipples are twisted in the meantime she sees Little John's and the Deanna's spectacle, the knot slowly loses its size.

By the time Little John shoots his semen in the anus of the gazelle, the wolf's penis slides out of the vagina of Eryn. She feels that semen drips from her crotch, semen threads down by her thighs.

Men around Eryn give to Little John many exclamations of support while he moves between her men. Eryn looks at it a moment before he feels two hands on her shoulders, she turns over and that two men look at her smiling, both have her penises in their hands.

They are two tigers in good shape.

Eryn kneels down ahead of them and begins to caress both men's penises, the hand of the she-wolf moves of back and forward to masturbate them. She looks with surprise and attention the form of both penises that almost have the same size.

They have barbs while the penis gets thick from the tip to the base. Barbs give her a strange sensation when her hand moves in the penis.

"Could you give your names?" Eryn asks while she masturbates them slowly.

"He is Gregory and I am Dyson." The right tiger says pointing at his friend with his thumb. Eryn smiles and takes Dyson's penis in her mouth.

She begins to suck smoothly, its taste is good. She even masturbates the other tiger. The precum falls on her tongue while she moves her head and his lips touch the penis base. Eryn perceives the feline precum different taste clearly.

Dyson growls and Eryn moans with pleasure while the woman pleasures him with her mouth, he closes his eyes enjoying experience.

The saliva of the she-wolf drips of the hard shaft until she takes it out and puts her attention in the other penis, the she-wolf begins to lick the white balls of the tiger. Eryn with her tongue raises every one of orbs while she masturbates Dyson.

The two friend growl softly by the pleasure that they receive of the she-wolf, she releases Gregory's cock, the saliva drips of the shaft and barbs. Eryn masturbates men slowly while she looks at them.

"At the same time?" Dyson asks looking at his friend. He smiles smoothly and nods while he looks at Eryn.

She opens her eyes with a little bit of surprise and only can smile while she stands up at the same time that he continues masturbating at the two tigers.

They grab the tits of the she-wolf and squeeze them smoothly. Dyson and his friend have fun while they twist the nipples of the she-wolf. Eryn moans with pleasure when a hand gets inside between her thighs and caresses her vulva.

Her clitoris is stimulated and by the palm of the hand, his juices drip abundantly. The she-wolf moans with force when two fingers enter in her vagina.

She sees that Gregory smiles at her while he looks at her and she licks her mouth. Dyson moves and climbs on the table to lean backwards on it. The tiger has his cock in his hand while he looks at the she-wolf, Eryn says absolutely nothing and moves to climb on the table too.

Eryn feels that her juices are dripping while she positions herself on the crotch of the tigress, he moves his hand and her penis tip moves in her vulva and it gets inside between her vaginal lips. The she-wolf sits and closes her eyes when the member begins to enter in her vagina.

She feels as the shaft slowly stretches her vaginal walls, barbs dive in her vaginal walls and they stimulate them when they stretch the soft walls the moment that the cock continuous entering in her. Her vulva touches the base of the penis of the tiger.

Eryn begins to move slowly, she moans feeling that the penis barbs stimulates her vaginal walls of a unique way, the tip of each barb pricks her provinces pleasantly in each motion.

Dyson's hands take their tits, the tiger squeezes them with pleasure, and Dyson feels the heat of the breasts of Eryn while she continues moving. A growl of pleasure escapes of the mouth of Eryn when he feels a lick on her posterior hole.

She looks over her shoulder while she moans with pleasure, the she-wolf sees that Gregory is eating her ass of slow way. The tiger uses his hand to spread the gluteuses of Eryn while his tongue moves up and down in the crack of the she-wolf.

He gets wet the little hole with his saliva, Eryn moans while her tail moves with pleasure. She moans with pain and pleasure when her nipples are twisted by the fingers of the Dyson. The she-wolf closes her eyes while it keeps bouncing her ass.

To her around moans and pant of pleasure are heard, Eryn sees that one of the girls is riding a rhinos' enormous member. The hard shaft stretches the female's pink opening.

Eryn stops and she reclines forward when he feels that Gregory places himself in position. The tiger has his member in his hand while he uses his other hand to keep the buttocks of the she-wolf separate and aim his hard member.

He sees the posterior Eryn' hole is shining, she feels that the feline penis tip touches her posterior opening. Gregory pushes his penis and closes his eyes when the internal heat hedges the tip, he holds Eryn's hips and pushes sinking more of his hard meat.

Eryn moans when barbs move slowly inside her rectum, each one of them barbs her anal walls and she gets inside the cracks that there in them. Feeling is unique for the she-wolf.

Gregory and Dyson look at each other and nod at the moment that they begin to move inside Eryn. She moans and closes her eyes while she hears that the two tigers growl and fuck her with force, the two penises enter and get out rapidly out of their two tunnels.

Eryn is trapped between the two muscular bodies of the two tigers, while a penis enters the other one gets out. The she-wolf places its left nipple on the mouth and Dyson, he begins to suck it smoothly and with pleasure while he sees that her friend moans.

Gregory's hips hit with force the buttocks of Eryn, the sphincter moves on the barbs of the penis and Eryn enjoys it a lot. She pants and moans while her two passages are stimulated with each push of the two tigers.

Eryn sees that in the other table her friend Antonette is being taken by two young wolves that pant and moan of pleasure.

The roars of both tigers increase just like the heavy breathing of pleasure of Eryn. The she-wolf feels that her juices increase rapidly until she suddenly listens Dyson's growl of pleasure below her.

Eryn closes her eyes when the penis in her vagina throbs with force and semen spurts hit the vaginal sensitive and wet walls. Immediately the body of the lioness shakes feeling an orgasm, in seconds after other semen spurts cover her anal walls and a growl of pleasure of Gregory is heard.

The cracks of Eryn is filled with sticky and warm semen, the lion's crotch presses the women's gluteuses with force while he seeks to deposit more of his seed in the posterior passage.

Barbs dive deeper inside in the walls. Eryn she feels pain and pleasure that mingle to intensify her pleasure.

The two lions push deeper inside their penises and release more cum in the body of the she-wolf. Eryn does not move while her body remains inert trapped between the bodies of both lions, they do not move too for some time.

The she-wolf moans when Gregory moves, the female feels that barbs move and they get inside the cracks that are filled this with semen, Gregory slowly takes out his cock. Semen begins to be dripping from the anus of Eryn.

Gregory gives some squeezed to Eryn buttocks before moving, the she-wolf gets up and moans when Dyson's barbs rub on her vaginal walls before the penis appears from her inside. Eryn feels that semen drips from her vulva.

Dyson gets up and smile at Eryn.

"That was good, do not get surprised if we look for you again." Dyson says looking at his friend. Gregory nods and catches his penis moving it smoothly. The she-wolf smiles smoothly while he sees that the other ones to his around.

She suddenly listens to the little campaign and turns her head to see Little John. Everybody else stop activity and see as Little John raises a cup of wine and give some some words for the multitude.

They respond content and drink before continuing with the fun. Eryn gets surprised when a Saint Bernard catches her and pulls her toward him. The dog is sitting on a bench reclining his back on the border the table.

The dog obliges Eryn to sit on her crotch. Eryn feels the sheath and the balls of the dog pressing her ass.

"I am sorry the brusqueness, but he could not wait for having you." The dog says with a thick voice at the same time that he embraces the she-wolf from behind and he takes Eryn's breasts with his two hands.

"It is ok sir. What's your name?" Eryn asks while she begins to move her rear end slowly and to rub it against the crotch of the dog. The female feels the heat that emits the long fur that covers the body of the dog.

"My name is Alton Dickens." The dog says while he twists the nipples of the she-wolf. Eryn moans with pleasure and feels that the tip of the penis of the dog touches her straight gluteus.

"I hope that I will provide you the pleasure that you require." Eryn says while she moves her ass slowly and the dog's penis begins to grow up rapidly. Some spurts of precum get her back wet while she moves her tail slowly and the tip rubs the dog's chin.

She feels as the dog he sniffs her neck smoothly, Alton gets excited perceiving the aroma of the fur of Eryn.

He feels that the soft fur caresses his cock while the female still rubs herself against him.

Eryn stops when the knot of the dog gets out of his sheath, she moves her hand to place it behind her body and catching the hard penis. The dog moans when Eryn begins to explore his hard cock with her hand.

Her hand moves up and down around the thick canine member, she feels that the precum slips over her hand at the same time that the dog moans with pleasure. Eryn stops after some minutes and introduces her hand between her legs.

She catches the swollen cock and points it down, she feels that the tip spreads her vaginal lips and covers them with precum. Eryn moans when she takes down her ass and the hard shaft slides in her vagina, Alton moans when the vaginal walls of the she-wolf wrap his cock.

The hard meat fills to Eryn slowly until just the knot is out of her body caressing her vulva. The female's ass begins to move slowly, Eryn and the man moan with pleasure in the meantime to their around the men and women moan of pleasure.

The little spurts of precum splash Eryn's vaginal walls, she moves slowly and opens her eyes when she feels a motion. The she-wolf opens her eyes and sees at her right, she sees that Hadley is fucking with a cougar.

She bounces her ass rapidly on the crotch of the cougar that moans of pleasure, the lioness moans with pleasure and her tits bounce uncontrollably. The lioness looks at Eryn and smiles at her smoothly.

"It is incredible, isn't it?" Hadley says looking at Eryn. She nods while it continues moving and feeling that her breasts are stimulated.

"I never fucked with a feline before, but having two penises was incredible." Eryn says moaning and moving her ass. She feels that the hard cock soaked in juices in and out of her vagina, Alton's growling of pleasure fills her ears.

"I know, but if you ride an equine you are going to see stars." Hadley says looking at Eryn. The two females laugh and moan while they are fuck. Eryn sees that a tiger gets close to her.

Eryn closes her hand around the shaft of the cat and she begins to masturbate him. The tigress moans and growls of pleasure.

"Do you want to join the fun, Travis?" Alton asks while he squeezes Eryn's tits.

"Of course, we always share everything." Travis responds looking at his friend while he feels that Eryn's hand moves on his penis slowly. The little spurts of precum spatter the stomach of the she-wolf.

"Can we have fun together?" Alton asks nuzzling the right ear of Eryn smoothly.

"I am to your complete disposition." Eryn responds looking at Travis, he smiles smoothly and takes the hand of Eryn to help you to get up. Eryn gets up and feels that the hard cock slowly gets out of her body.

Alton's penis is completely covered with juices and shines softly. Eryn takes the hands of both men and smiles while they lead her to a mattress that is near. Travis kisses Eryn and touches her tits enjoying them.

She responds to the kiss while he feels that Alton's hands squeeze her buttocks. The dog enjoys the firmness of both round and attractive cheeks.

"Now I want your ass." Alton says whispering in the left ear of the she-wolf while he rubs his penis between the buttocks of Eryn. Travis and Eryn finish the kiss when they notice that Alton leans backwards on the mattress.

He holds his penis, Eryn positions herself on the dog and she turns over sitting on the crotch of the man, she feels that the canine member's tip gets between her buttocks and caresses her anus.

Alton spreads the buttocks of the she-wolf with his hands and with his right hand he aims his penis at the little hole in the crack. Eryn takes down her ass and moans with pain when the tip presses her anus. The precum covers the small hole of Eryn.

The she-wolf moans when the tip enters in posterior passage, Alton's hands take Eryn's hips and pulls her down. The dog moans feeling as his member is surrounded by the entrails the she-wolf, she feels that her anal walls stretches around the shaft that slowly enters in his posterior tunnel.

Eryn stops when the knot gets between her buttocks, she begins to move slowly while she opens her mouth to receive Travis's penis. He moans when the woman begins to give him oral sex.

Eryn perceives the taste of the meat, the little spurts of precum splash her palate, and barbs are stimulated by the tongue of Eryn. The hand of the she-wolf stimulates the white testicles of the tiger.

Alton begins to move and to fuck the she-wolf's anus, she moans feeling that the penis enters and gets out of her rectum while she continues sucking. Eryn takes out the penis from her mouth and licks the tip slowly savoring the precum.

The tiger moans with pleasure and has his closed eyes, he feels as the she-wolf squeezes and caresses his balls smoothly with a hand. Eryn's sphincter moves with each push of Alton and the knot that gets in the crack in each occasion.

Eryn releases Travis's cock and slowly she leans on Alton, she opens her legs for the tiger, he does not think it twice and he kneels down between the legs of the she-wolf. Travis has his penis in his hand and he aims it down to the woman's pink slit.

He closes his eyes when his penis divides the lips of the vulva and enters in Eryn, his penis is wrapped by the soft vaginal walls. Eryn closes her eyes and enjoys penetration, the spurts of feline precum one more time sprinkle her inside.

Eryn's vulva touches the base of the penis of Travis, he begins to move and to fuck the she-wolf, and Eryn opens her mouth and utters a groan of pleasure when Alton also begins to move in her anus. The two penises enter and get out of their body rapidly.

She feels that the two friends mark the rhythm of their motions, so this is not certainly the first time that they make this. Travis closes his mouth around the right nipple of Eryn and begins to suck it with pleasure.

This increases the pleasure of the she-wolf, Eryn permits that the two men take her the way they want it.

Alton holds Eryn's hips and pushes his knot. The eyes of the she-wolf open completely when the knot begins to press her sphincter with force.

Alton growls and pushes with more determination, Travis pushes with more force his penis in the vagina of Eryn to help his friend. Eryn shrieks with pain when her sphincter opens with a little explosive sound around the knot of Alton.

The tunnels of Eryn are completely filled with hard flesh, she pants and moans when Alton begins to fuck her again. Travis also begins to move, he feels as the penis of his friend moves in the anus of the she-wolf.

Alton moans while he moves his ass, the posterior passage is very tight and hot. Eryn looks to Travis and both are kissing passionately for some moments, her tongues fight while the two males continue moving in the woman.

Travis breaks off the kiss and again concentrates on sucking Eryn's teats, he bites his left nipple. The she-wolf growls and moans with pleasure while he sees the hall's roof, both penises give her an incredible pleasure, the heavy breathing of Eryn accelerate while she feels that her pleasure intensifies because she is about to come to the maximum point of pleasure.

The woman's body becomes taut suddenly and Eryn howls when she feels an intense orgasm, his vagina walls squeeze with more force Travis's penis, he clenches his teeth when his penis begins shooting semen inside Eryn.

In the anus of Eryn also there is an explosion of seed when the anal spasms increment Alton's pleasure. He growls and clenches his teeth while his semen deluges the rectum with the she-wolf and covers his penis.

Three remain quiet while they pant rapidly, Eryn's tongue hangs from her mouth while she is lost in pleasure. She almost reacts and moans smoothly the moment that Travis moves and takes out his cock.

Semen drips from the vulva of Eryn, she looks at the roof until he feels motion on her, and Eryn recognizes the same black wolf that had fucked her before, the wolf makes a grimace when he kneels down on her chest.

The hands of the wolf take Eryn's teats and close them around his cock, he begins to move and moan with pleasure. Eryn sees as the shaft of the wolf appears and disappears between her breasts, the knot touches her breasts each time the penis tip appears and releases little jets of precum on the neck of Eryn.

She moans when the man twists his nipples lightly, Eryn takes her teats and closes them with more force around the penis. The man reclines his hands to the mattress and increases the velocity of his pushes.

The hard meat moves between the two tits with more speed and a powerful semen spurts suddenly is shoot out of the tip and hits Eryn's chin, she releases her breast and the wolf moves his hips.

The seed fall on the face of Eryn, she opens her mouth and enjoys the taste of some spurts that fall on her tongue. The she-wolf closes her left eye when semen falls on it, the wolf catches cock and shakes it to get rid of last former drops, and he gets up and disappear between the multitudes that moans of pleasure.

Eryn expects some minutes before trying separate of Alton, he moans just like her. The she-wolf growls with pain while she raises her ass leaning her hands and feet in the mattress. Alton moans feeling that his own ass is on the air until Eryn's sphincter suddenly opens and the penis slips out of her.

The body of the dog falls on the bed and moans when Eryn's lips close around his member, Alton sees that the female sucks his member smoothly. She perceives the taste of semen and the meat of the St Bernard.

After some moments she stops and lets that the erection of the dog escapes of her mouth. Alton smiles at Eryn, she smiles at him while they hear that Little John declares a pause for dinner.

Eryn cleans her face and enjoys the rests of semen on it.

The she-wolf stands up and she meets with the other girls and men to enjoy food. She sits at the table in between two dogs, Eryn feels weird eating naked next to several strangers.

She eats with pleasure and feels a hand between her thighs, she looks at the dog that it is next to her at her right. He smiles on her and begin to caress the she-wolf's slit, Eryn opens her legs a little and takes the penis of the dog in her hand.

The female begins to move her hand of on the swollen shaft, she feels the hardness of the member before placing her hand on the penis of the dog at her left. Eryn smiles smoothly seeing that the dog chokes a little when she begins to stimulate him.

Eryn eats slowly while she caresses both cocks from time to time while she eats. The she-wolf is the first in finishing its dinner and she dedicates herself completely to masturbate the males that moan smoothly just like other dinner guests that he enjoys of the soft caresses of the females to their around. When dinner finishes all of them take a time to rest before resuming the fun.

Eryn is sitting on a bench when a deer comes closer and takes her by the hand to get her up, he smiles on her before placing her hands in her shoulders and to force her to kneel down before him. The she-wolf sees the brown big testicles and the sheath.

She grabs the balls and begins to massage them slowly, her hand squeezes them smoothly and pulls them while the deer looks at her. He is a strong guy and a muscular body. With your other hand she begins to give pulls the sheath of slow way.

In a few moments the penis tip appears and Eryn begins to lick the two balls of slow way, she licks them smoothly while she sees the deer that looks at her attentively and smiles. The she-wolf gets surprised a little seeing the deer's long shaft.

It is not thick, but long, Eryn closes her hand around the cock and she begins to masturbate the man.

The deer moans while Eryn's hand moves slowly, some drops of precum fall from the tip to the floor. The she-wolf aims the penis toward her face and opens her mouth, she closes her mouth around the hard meat.

Eryn slowly sucks the penis, the taste is pleasant and softer than the member of a wolf and another animal. The little spurts of precum fall on her tongue while the deer moans of pleasure.

He pushes his penis and Eryn opens her eyes with surprise when the member enters in her throat, the deer pushes her hips and his sheath touches the lips of the she-wolf. She does not have the problem in taking the cock, but Eryn gets surprised feeling that one half as her esophagus is full with the member of the deer.

The man begins to move his hips and fuck the she-wolf's mouth, Eryn caresses and stimulates the balls, and she squeezes them smoothly while she sees as the deer has his closed eyes while he moans with pleasure.

The lips of the she-wolf are hit time after time by the crotch of the deer until he stops and releases his cum.

Eryn gets surprised a little, but she does move while the watery seed passes to her stomach.

After some moments he the deer opens his eyes and smiles while he pants completely satisfied. The man after some moments withdraws his penis of the mouth, when the tip slips of the lips of Eryn, she stands up and licks her mouth savoring the last drops of seed.

She notices that a great multitude agglutinates around the chair of Little John. Eryn feels curiosity for this reason and she gets close to the place. She opens her eyes wide when he sees that Faron is giving oral sex to Little John.

Eryn had never seen a man giving oral sex to another one, this seems somewhat incredible for her, she looks at the scene in silence while she feels that her vulva gets wet with her juices due to the spectacle that becomes more incredible when the great bear begins to fuck the cat.

She sees that Little John moans and growls of pleasure while he pumps his cock in the tight ass of the cat.

Eryn is looking at the spectacle with attention and she gets startled when two hands rest in her shoulders.

The woman looks back and sees that Antonette is behind her smiling smoothly.

"It is time of our number." Antonette says looking at Eryn. She opens her eyes with surprise and nods in silence. The two women move away from the multitude and enter in the kitchen to get ready.

"We will use this tonight." Antonette says seizing a little sack and introducing her hand in it. She looks for something and pulls it to extract it, Eryn's eyes open when he sees a new toy that she never saw before.

It is an iron toy, the tips had the form of the head of a penis, and it is thick like the penis of Little John. It is hold in place in the center of a triangle of leather and from this triangle get out some leather straps.

"In this way we will have fun at the same time." The lioness says smiling mischievously at Eryn. She smiles and nods thinking that it will be somewhat interesting to use this toy.

Antonette places the toy on the sack before taking the hand of Eryn and getting out of the kitchen, they pass near the group that continues seeing as Little John fucks Faron. Eryn and her friend position themselves close to the central table while they expect that the host of the party finish fucking at the other man.

The she-wolf feels nervous while he sees that the other men give their boss backup exclamations. Eryn and Antonette suddenly listen to Little John's growl of pleasure when he empties his balls inside the anus of the cat.

Men applaud in the meantime they see that Little John takes out his cock, with difficulty Eryn sees that the captain turns over Faron and penetrates him to fuck him it. Ruby is close to Little John, she chats with him for some moments before the tigress directs her look toward Eryn and Antonette.

Eryn sees that her friend nods and she looks at Ruby. The tigress nods and smiles before bend over and whispering in the ear of the bear. The eyes of the bear open completely and nods with enthusiasm.

Little John takes the little campaign and moves it, men that are around Faron stop and turn his heads over to direct their looks to the Lord of these lands.

"Well, some moments ago I was informed that there will be a special spectacle for you, so enjoy it." Little John says looking at his men and making a grimace toward the place where the two women were.

Eryn and Antonette feel that all looks rest on them the moment that men turn over. They move to surround the central table and as a consequence to the two women. They look at each other a moment and climb on the table.

Both position face to face and Eryn is the first in moving, she leans forward and introduces Antonette's left- nipple in her mouth, the she-wolf begins to suck it smoothly while their other hand takes the other tit.

Eryn caresses and presses the lionesses' right breast smoothly, the nipple hardens in the meantime she even continuous sucking the other nipple. The she-wolf makes it out of slow way while she enjoys the taste until she releases it of way slowly.

A thick and long saliva thread ranges from the nipple of Antonette to the mouth of the she-wolf, and this time her friend is who sucks her straight nipple. Eryn moans and holds Antonette's head against her body.

The tongue of the lioness hits her nipple, Eryn sees that all men look at her and Antonette with complete attention. The she-wolf closes her eyes and moans smoothly feeling that her juices begin to be dripping of her crotch.

Antonette stops and releases Eryn's nipple, she sees that her friend sees to her, both look at each other and bring closer her snouts to join her mouths and close her eyes at the moment that both begin to be kissing passionately.

Their breasts press to each other while their saliva gets wet their lips until they break off the kiss slowly and smile. Silence is total and alone some occasional moan is heard, Antonette pushes the she-wolf softly.

Eryn leans back on the table, she opens her legs largely while her friend pushes her thighs to separate them.

Antonette sees the she-wolf's pink slit, it is shining and rests of semen drain from inside.

The lioness leans forward and sniffs the swollen vulva of Eryn, the aroma is delicious as soon as Antonette begins to lick the other female's slit smoothly. Eryn moans and pants with pleasure every time that the tongue moves on her vulva.

Antonette's tongue separates the vaginal lips and touches the sensitive clitoris and of the she-wolf, Eryn shakes with pleasure and sees that all men around the table are observing the spectacle.

Eryn moans with pleasure when Antonette's tongue penetrates in her, the lioness moves her tongue caressing the vaginal walls, the encouragement makes that more juices drip on the table.

The lioness's hot respiration touches Eryn's clitoris, she squeezes her tits and twist her nipples while he moans with pleasure, Antonette stops for a moment and he moves to place herself in position of 69 with her friend.

Eryn observes the vulva of the lioness that is on her face, she sees that this swollen and wet.

The she-wolf raises her head and begins to lick the slit of slow way, Eryn enjoys the taste of her friend while she moans of pleasure. Antonette feels as the tongue in her vulva he moves slowly.

A groan of pleasure escapes of the lips of the lioness when the other woman's tongue enters in her vagina, the vaginal walls are caressed. Eryn has her lips glued to the woman's vulva while she continues eating it.

Juices get wet Eryn's lips and drip in the mouth of the she-wolf, juices are savored and swallowed by the woman. Eryn's hands spread the buttocks of the lioness in order that men have a look of the hole in the middle of the firm buttocks of her friend.

The two women lick and give mutual pleasure while some males moan and masturbate, Eryn sucks Antonette's clitoris smoothly. She hears that her friend moans of pleasure, Antonette puts two fingers into the vagina of the she-wolf and begins to move them.

Eryn moans and closes her eyes when both fingers moves in her slit, both moves in and out stimulating and caressing her vaginal walls. Antonette moves her ass lightly while her moans mixes in with the moans of Eryn.

The she-wolf feels that her pleasure becomes intense at every moment, Antonette also feels the same way, and she stops and turns over seeing her friend. The lioness smiles smoothly and kisses the other woman of impassioned way.

Eryn responds the kiss and her saliva mixes to the saliva of Antonette, she moves her body and her breasts caress Eryn's tits. Her nipples harden more and both separate their mouths, the she-wolf feels that her clitoris is touched by the pubic hair of the lioness.

Antonette moves and crosses her legs with the legs of Eryn, their vulvas touch each other and the two women begin moving. They moan and pant while their slits rub mutually increasing their pleasure.

Juices combine and drip on the surface of the table getting wet the two pairs of buttocks. Eryn moans and pants while she moves her hips, her clitoris touches Antonette's clitoris and she moans. The she-wolf sees that men to his around look at them with complete attention.

Antonette has her closed eyes while she enjoys the moment, her sensitive clitoris sends waves of pleasure to her brain. The lioness opens her eyes and continues moving her hips, she sees Eryn and makes a grimace.

Eryn understands and slowly stops her motions until they get up. Eryn moves to take the little sack and opens it to introduce her hand in it and takes out the double ended strapon.

A lot of eyes around open completely seeing the toy, Eryn smiles smoothly and moans when he slips one of the extremes of the toy in her vagina and ties the straps around her hips while her friend leans back backwards at the table and opens her legs.

Eryn finishes tying the straps and she positions herself between the legs of the lioness, the she-wolf grabs the toy and aims it down to the swollen and sensitive slit, the tip divides the vaginal lips. Antonette moans and shakes when the cold toy enters in her pussy.

The she-wolf pushes her hips slowly and closes her eyes feeling as the toy in her own vagina moves and stimulates her vaginal walls. In a few moments later Antonette feels that her vagina is full.

She and Eryn look at each other, the she-wolf begins to move and fuck the lioness in front of all presents, Eryn moans and pants with pleasure, and she closes her mouth around the right nipple. The nipple in her mouth is hard.

The other hand of the she-wolf takes the free tit, Antonette moans with pleasure feeling that the iron penis enters and gets out of her vagina, her nipples are stimulated and she gets a great pleasure. The ass of Eryn moves up and down.

She and Antonette moan with pleasure, the toy inside Eryn moves achieving that the she-wolf shakes lightly, her hips move circularly and her friend moans of pleasure when the toy tip touches sensitive parts in her inside.

The two women are kissing smoothly a moment and Eryn suddenly hears that somebody requests to her that she fucks Antonette's ass.

"Do we make it?" Eryn asks smoothly while she sees her friend. She smiles impishly and nods. The she-wolf stops and he gets up, she moves her hips back and the toy slides out of the pink grotto of her friend.

The toy is shining with the juices of Antonette, she gets up and turns over exposing her ass to the she-wolf.

Antonette moves her ass suggestively and Eryn places herself in position, with her hand he aims the toy and the tip gets inside between the buttocks of her companion of spectacle.

Antonette moans when the toy begins to press her sphincter, the lioness closes her eyes and clenches her teeth when her posterior hole opens and the false penis begins to slide in her posterior passage.

Eryn keeps her buttocks spread while she continues pushing, the she-wolf sees that the toy disappears slowly. Antonette moans when her friend holds her hips and she begins to fuck her with force and velocity.

The two women moan of pleasure in the meantime men to their around look at them with desire and they get closer to see much better what happens, many of them masturbate rapidly. Eryn feels that the toy in her vagina moves and stimulates her inside, her juices oozes by their opening.

Antonette for her part enjoys the sensation, she feels that her tits rock on the air. Her buttocks are hit with each drive of her friend, juices drip from the pink opening of the lioness and form a puddle on the surface of the table.

Eryn moves while he sees as the gluteuses of the lioness shake with each push, the she-wolf pumps rapidly while she moans with pleasure, she leans upon her friend obliging her to lean upon her chest at the table.

The superior part of the back of Antonette is pressed by the breasts of the she-wolf, the moans of both women intensifies in the meantime their pussies release more juices as the climax gets close to the two women.

Eryn's fast respiration fills Antonette's ear, she moans of pleasure while she has closed eyes, the toy's tip touches the bottom of her rectum with each push. The two women moan with more intensity until Antonette moans with force and her body shakes when she comes to an orgasm.

Eryn gives two pushes more before joining her moans and growling of pleasure to the ones of her friend.

She pushes with force while her juices flow out of her vagina. The she-wolf has closed eyes while she lies on her friend.

Both breathe agitatedly while they listen to whistles and Eryn feel as some semen spurts fall on her back and buttocks. The she-wolf breathes agitatedly just like Antonette, while both smile soft and wearily.

Eryn gets up slowly and takes out the toy from the ass of her friend, the she-wolf sees that the hole in middle the buttocks of Antonette is lightly open. The lioness turns over and smiles at Eryn, she also smiles.

Antonette helps Eryn to take off the strapon and to leave it on the table. When both come down from the table and their feet touch the carpet they are surrounded by several men that want to have fun with them.

Eryn sees that her friend is rapidly surrounded by three men, the she-wolf gets startled when somebody raises her and he lays her on her shoulder. A zebra is who charges her, Eryn laughs seeing that her friend is carried over a rhinoceros toward another sector, he with other two men.

Antonette and Eryn look at each other laugh while they exchange grimaces. The she-wolf loses sight of her friend when she and men disappear in middle the multitude. Suddenly the man that charges to Eryn takes her and he places her standing on a mattress.

She looks to the guy, and he smiles on her and it does you a friendly face, Eryn sees that there is another zebra at his side. The look of the low she-wolf moves on the bodies of both men that are in good shape.

Eryn swallows with difficulty when she sees the two penises hanging between the legs both men, they are large and thick members. The rounded tip attracts the attention of the she-wolf, thick drops of precum ooze of the openings.

"Will you be able to handle them, prettiness?" The right zebra asks smiling and taking his member to shake it smoothly. The drop of precum flies through the air and falls on the feet of Eryn.

Eryn swallows hard and nods slowly while she feels worried and excited. The she-wolf gets close to them and begins to caress the two hard shafts, she cannot close her hands completely around them.

"My name is Elwin." The zebra in the right side says looking at Eryn at the moment of beginning to squeeze and exploring the she-wolf's left tit. Eryn feels as the big hand squeezes her breast its chest delicately.

"Mine is Irwin." The other man says looking at the she-wolf. Eryn takes down her hands and takes the two zebras' sacks. Balls are big and heavy, Eryn caresses them with the palm of her hands of delicate way.

Eryn caresses her two penises softly and she leans forward and begins to lick the rounded head slowly of the penis, the taste is unlike the other penises that she had tasted that night.

Her tongue moves and passes on the opening, Eryn savors the zebra's precum while she feels that two hands on her ass. She sees over her shoulder and she realizes that Irwin is behind her.

He kneads and squeezes the woman's buttocks smoothly. Eryn licks the entire length of the swollen hard shaft, she perceives the taste of meat while he thinks that this penis is the biggest until now.

Her hand caresses the two big balls of the equine, they are hot and heavy. Elwin moans smoothly while he sees that his member rests on the shoulder of Eryn. The she-wolf caresses his balls while she licks the cock.

Behind Eryn, Irwin spreads the buttocks from the she-wolf and see the hole between the buttocks of the she-wolf. The zebra releases the two buttocks and he leans forward.

Eryn moans when he feels a long and strong lick through her slit, the saliva covers it. Eryn feels as the man behind her separates his legs and begins to lick her vulva slowly.

Irwin's hot respiration touches the buttocks of the she-wolf and stirs the fur. Eryn moans with pleasure every time that the tongue touches her clitoris getting it wet in saliva. Eryn begins to lick the two testicles that are in front of her face.

The aroma is intense and fills his nose. The she-wolf enjoys it completely and her body fills with desire, her eyes close and she shakes when the zebra's tongue tip divides her vaginal lips.

Irwin pushes his tongue with force and without a lot of effort enter in the she-wolf, his tongue is squeezed by the soft and tight canal. Juices surround his tongue completely and he enjoys it completely, his member hardens more.

Elwin for his part enjoys the mouth of the female on his scrotum, he sees that the skin of his balls contracts every time that Eryn releases it again and again. She licks the halfback line in the black sack, Elwin rubs his crotch against the face of the woman.

Eryn closes her eyes and moans while he has a good time too, besides her pleasure intensifies feeling that the tip moves deeply in her vagina. She feels that the tip touches the entrance of her cervix, no tongue got that far before.

Irwin has his mouth closed around the vulva of the female, his tongue moves in different directions exploring the woman's inside. He stops and takes out his tongue to stand up, he catches his penis and begins to rub it on the vulva.

Eryn feels as the hard tool caresses her vagina slowly, she opens her mouth largely and closes it around the tip of the equine penis of Elwin. The zebra neighs smoothly and moans with pleasure when the she-wolf begins to suck his penis.

She feels as her mouth is full with hard meat, the precum drips from of the opening and falls on her tongue.

The rubbing on her vulva stops and Eryn feels that her vulva is cover by the tip of the penis of the zebra.

A big drop of precum gets the vaginal lips wet, Irwin holds Eryn's hips and begins to push her penis against the opening. Eryn sucks and frowns feeling the pressure on her slit, the rounded head is big and she considers that maybe it would not enter.

The growling of pain are calmed by the penis of the other zebra, Elwin feels that his penis tip touches the entrance of the throat of Eryn. She suddenly growls with pain and opens her eyes completely when her pink opening stretches.

She moans of pain to feel that the equine member enters in her vagina, her vagina walls stretches to its maximum around the hard shaft. Some tears escape of the eyes of the she-wolf while she feels a great pain.

Irwin neighs with pleasure, his penis is squeezed with force by the vagina of the female. His penis slowly enters in Eryn while she does not move. The spurts of precum hit the entrance of her throat and she chokes at times.

The penis in her vagina begins to move slowly, Eryn moans feeling that each part of his vagina is touched and the rounded head touches the entrance of her cervix repeatedly. The she-wolf sucks the limb in her mouth with difficulty.

She with a hand caresses Elwin's testicles, he enjoys them completely. The saliva covers his hard cock and it slides to his balls. The she-wolf's mouth is little and teeth dive in his meat.

Irwin pumps with force, for him the she-wolf's vagina is very tight. Juices cover his penis and spurts of precum cover the vaginal walls mixing with the juices and facilitating penetration.

Eryn feels that her tits rock back and forward with force with each push. Her eyes open when the tip of the penis stretches the entrance of her cervix, she moans with pain when the zebra pushes his shaft.

"Did you enter to the bottom?" Elwin asks smiling and looking at his friend. He nods and pushes with more force, Eryn moans of pain to feel the pressure in that part of her vagina, she feels as the spurts of precum spatter the bottom of her cervix directly.

Irwin pushes with more force and a choked cry slips from the mouth of Eryn when she feels that the entrance of her cervix opens and the penis enters. Eryn gets trembles while some weeps drip of her cheeks, she feels that the canal opens largely as if she was giving birth again.

Elwin moans with a little bit of pain feeling that the woman's teeth dive deeper inside in his penis, he smiles seeing that Eryn shakes while he moans with pain. Irwin pushes slowly while he has a nice time.

The tip of the penis of Elwin touches the entrance of the throat of the she-wolf, the zebra holds Eryn's shoulders and moves his hips back and forth and the tip touches the entrance of the throat repeatedly.

The spurts of precum spatter the entrance, Eryn moans every time that the penis tip touches her uterus bottom. Elwin looks at his friend and nods smoothly at the moment that he catches Eryn's shoulders.

She opens her eyes with surprise when the penis tip enters in her throat stretching the walls of it, she suffocates when both males push their hips. Eryn opens her eyes when her feet rise up on the air some centimeters.

The precum slides through her throat while Eryn gets shakes with a little bit of despair feeling that air begins to disappear in her lungs, the two zebras withdraw their penises and Eryn takes a breath when the penis leaves her throat.

She breathes agitatedly taking a breath while she rubs her throat some moments before the two men repeat the operation, but this time the she-wolf is prepared. She feels as her body is raising on the air like a pig being cooked to the fire.

Irwin and Elwin repeat this a couple of times, and after do it Elwin takes out his cock of the mouth of Eryn, the saliva drips abundantly in long threads. Eryn takes a breath once before beginning to lick the male's two dark and big testicles.

"Get her ready." Elwin says taking a bowl and passing it on to his friend. Irwin puts two fingers into the bowl and picks up oil.

Eryn shakes lightly when the cold oil touches her anus, Irwin's fingers move by the crack of ass. The fingertip index caresses her sphincter of way slowly, Irwin continues moving her hips and fucking the she-wolf's pussy.

She moans when the forefinger enters in her anus, her sphincter is stretched with calm and slowness. The she-wolf sucks the zebra's right testicle. Her lips suck it softly and Eryn's new groan escapes of her mouth when two fingers enter in her ass.

Irwin moves his fingers of way circles and opens them, he smiles when realizes that the woman's hole is still relaxed. Irwin's fingers open Eryn's sphincter, she shakes when the cold oil is poured right into the inside of her posterior hole.

"It is moment of continuing." Irwin says looking at the other zebra. He nods and takes out his penis of the mouth of Eryn. She moans when the penis of Irwin slips out of her vagina, she feels that her opening is stretched.

The she-wolf does not resist when Elwin turns her over, she sees that the other zebra is leant on the mattress holding his member. Irwin opens the legs of the she-wolf and takes down Eryn's body, to charge her and position the she-wolf over the cock of his friend. Eryn moans when the large and thick member again slides in her vagina.

The she-wolf clenches her teeth when the penis opens her cervix and goes up to the bottom of uterus. She reclines her hands to the chest of the zebra. She begins to move slowly and to moan feeling that her vagina is completely filled.

Some moments later Elwin stops her and the female sees behind her. Eryn looks with surprise as oil drips from the hard member of Elwin, the zebra positions himself behind her and spreads Eryn's buttocks.

She reclines forward and her tits touch Irwin's chest, Eryn swallows hard and when the tip of the member of Elwin touches her sphincter. Elwin begins to push his penis while he holds Eryn's hips with his big hands.

The she-wolf moans with pain feeling the great pressure on her posterior hole, Elwin neighs with distaste and despair. He increases the force of his push and the eyes of Eryn open the moment that she lets off a big groan of pain.

Her sphincter opens and closes around the rounded tip of the equine penis, she has the open mouth feeling as the tick member slides to the bottom of her rectum. Eryn can say absolutely nothing feeling completely full.

The two zebras begin to move inside the female. Eryn closes her eyes feeling such, unusual and incredible pleasure, each part of her rectum and her vagina are touched while both men fuck her with force.

Elwin moans with pleasure, he can hardly ever enjoy the tight anus of a female because they fear his member's size. The spurts of their precum spatter the walls the rectum every time that the penis moves back and forward.

Irwin pumps with force, the pressure on his penis increases due to the other member in the rectum of the she-wolf. The tip repeatedly hits the bottom of the uterus of Eryn splashing it and increasing the pleasure in the body of Eryn.

She moans feeling that her breast rock uncontrollably by the strong pushes of both men, she has her eyes closed while she pants rapidly. Something suddenly enters her mouth.

Eryn opens her eyes and only sees with stomach while a knot hits her lips again and again, the she-wolf closes her eyes again and begins to suck with pleasure and speed. The little spurts of salty precum fall on her tongue.

The she-wolf feels that the thick lips of Irwin close around her left nipple and he begins to suck with pleasure. Eryn is delighted to be completely busy by the three males, the pleasure in her body grows every time that the members in her tunnels touch their bottoms.

The minutes pass fast for Eryn until her body no longer can resist more and the she-wolf come to her orgasm. She listens the neighs of pleasure under and behind her, her eyes open when two powerful sperm spurts hit the bottom of her tunnels.

She feels as each part of her rectum is filled, each crack is flooded with the sticky substance. Eryn trembles feeling as spurts hits her uterus bottom and her vagina fills completely, semen drips from her opening.

Irwin and his friend have closed eyes while they ejaculate inside the she-wolf. Eryn moans with pleasure and feels the knot hits her lips one more time and one spurt of seed hits the entrance of her throat.

She hears that the man in front of her growls with pleasure in the meantime he releases his seed. Eryn swallows and enjoys the taste of the hot semen. She does not move while the two zebras continue ejaculating in her body.

Semen runs out slowly and Irwin and Elwin pant heavily, Eryn permits that the penis in his mouth slides out. A white and thick semen thread ranges from her lips to the tip of the penis that is in front of her face.

The thread breaks when the man moves and he goes away. Eryn moans when Elwin takes his cock, she feels as semen drips from her dilated posterior hole. The quantity is big, Elwin helps her to standing up and the member in her vagina slides out.

From her pink dilated opening semen also drips on the bedspread. Eryn sits on the mattress and breathes agitatedly recovering from the orgasm, she sees two small brooks of semen between her legs.

"Thank you lady, that was incredible." Irwin says looking at Eryn. She nods thinking the same thing, Eryn never thought that she would be able to take so big cocks. The she-wolf does not move while she sees like the orgy continues.

She closes her eyes some moments and recovers forces while her ears perceives the growling and moans of pleasure to her around. Eryn opens her eyes when she feels a big hand on her shoulder, she turns over and opens her eyes when she sees an elephant behind her.

He is tall and strong like the ones of his type, the eyes of the she-wolf open completely seeing the tool that is between the legs of the man. The member this flaccid, but even it is impressive.

"My lady I saw as you took my two friends, so I want to see, if I can get the same pleasure." The man says looking at Eryn. She looks at with the open eyes at his crotch, balls are big and very heavy.

"I... will try... What's your name and do you desire something special?" Eryn asks looking at the elephant.

"My name is Bill Dwight and I love that a girl eats my ass." The elephant says looking at Eryn smiling smoothly. The she-wolf gets surprised and nods while he licks his mouth. This would be the first time that she would make this at night and she would do it well.

The man smiles and he places himself in position in front of Eryn, she sees the ass directly in front of her face, and the two big balls are hanging between the legs of the man. The she-wolf crawls a little and introduces her snout between the buttocks of the elephant.

Eryn sniffs and the man trembles lightly feeling Eryn's hot respiration on her hole.

The aroma is different and she begins to lick the crack slowly up and down, the man moans with pleasure every time that Eryn's tongue touches his sphincter. Bill has his closed eyes while his hole gets wet in saliva.

He enjoys this unique pleasure a lot, the tip moves on her hole circularly while Eryn struggles for her work, she uses his hands to separate buttocks and to see anus directly.

She does not stop while she listens to the strong growling of pleasure of the man, the saliva slides through the crack and it gets lost between the legs of the man. The she-wolf pushes her tongue and this is suddenly enter in the anus of Bill.

Eryn feels that her tongue is squeezed with force and the man moans noisily, Eryn's tongue moves inside the posterior passage and the saliva covers the anal walls. Bill feels as his penis hardens between his legs and the precum begins to drip from the opening of his penis.

The moans of the elephant grow in intensity and he suddenly moves and the tongue of Eryn leaves the posterior hole, she sees that the man turns over confronting her. The woman's eyes open completely when she sees the erect cock.

It is not so long like the penises of the zebras, but it is very thick. A drop of precum shines in the tip, the she-wolf swallows hard and it comes closer a little at the same time that she opens her mouth largely.

Eryn's lips surround the tip of the head with difficulty and she begins to suck smoothly, she feels the taste of the different precum to the one of other species. Substance is sticky and thick, Eryn sucks and tries to put a little more the cock into her mouth achieving it with difficulty.

Bill moans with pleasure and he uses his trunk to begin to explore the woman's body slowly, Eryn feels as the trunk moves on her back slowly and goes up to her buttocks. Both are caressed softly by some moments before the trunk moved back to the neck of the she-wolf.

Eryn feels as the man caresses her neck before taking down his trunk and caressing the breasts. Bill presses the tits with his trunk feeling the firmness of both tits, Eryn moans and closes her eyes when his nipples are pinched smoothly.

She continues sucking and feeling that her breasts are explored by some moments more until Bill stops. He again caresses Eryn's back, she seizes with her hand the balls by the man and begins to stimulate them.

Both testicles are weigh and the skin that covers them is thick. Eryn feels that she has pain in her jaw and takes out the penis of her mouth. She moans with a little bit of pain before beginning to lick the head of the penis, she licks the opening.

His eyes open when she feels that the trunk's tip gets between her legs and it touches her vulva, Bill caresses the slit before pushing his trunk with force. Eryn takes a breath when she feels that the trunk enters in her pussy.

She moans and pants with pleasure feeling as the parts of her vagina are touched by the flexible organ that moves inside her. Bill has a good time making this and exploring the inside of the females that he is going to fuck.

He perceives the wet inside of the canal, Eryn moans and shakes with pleasure by this strange and incredible sensation. Her juices increase getting wet the trunk of the man. The trunk tip touches the entrance of her cervix.

Bill perceives it and he decides to stop because is evident that the woman is shaking, she is going to have an orgasm.

Eryn shakes when the trunk slides out of her vagina, she pants rapidly while he feels as a drop of precum falls on her snout. The she-wolf looks up and sees that Bill has a bowl in his hand.

He passes her the bowl and Eryn sees that the inside is oil-filled, she introduces her hand and collects the oil from her hand. Eryn swallows with difficulty when it begins to apply the oil on the thick member.

In her inside Eryn begs that the man did not fuck her anus, she could not resist it because her little hole not is not ready yet. After some moments the penis is completely oil-covered and two drops drip from the tip of the shaft.

Bill moves his forefinger in circles on the air suggesting Eryn that should turn over, she nods and slowly she turns over. When Eryn is in position she takes the bowl and pick up more oil to apply it to her vulva.

She stops when feels as the elephant positions himself behind her, the big hand of the man rests in her buttocks. The she-wolf shakes when he squeezes her cheeks, but she calms down a little when the penis tip touches her vulva.

Bill holds Eryn's hips with a hand and begins to push, the she-wolf moans with pain when the shaft thick tip presses her pink slit. She moans of pain while the elephant increases pressure.

Eryn's eyes open completely and clenches her teeth when her opening opens and a part of the tip enters in her vagina. Bill feels this and with his two hands hold Eryn's hips at the same time that he pushes his cock.

Eryn clenches her teeth and tears gush out of her eyes when the penis begins to enter in her pussy, the cock slowly enters in her; her vagina is stretched at maximum.

Bill moans feeling as his member enters in the tight hole, the vaginal walls caress his cock. Eryn pants rapidly while her vagina opens, she gets surprised when the tip touches the entrance of her cervix, and her vagina is completely full of hard meat.

Bill begins to pump, he closes his eyes and enjoys the inside of Eryn. She moans and pants with pleasure feeling as the thick member moves in and out of her vagina rapidly. The penis tip hits the entrance of her cervix.

The spurts of precum cover the vaginal walls of the she-wolf, her breasts wobble on the air with every powerful push of the man, she feels as the trunk caresses her buttocks and next it gets in her crack.

Eryn shakes when her hole is caressed softly while the trunk moves up and down slowly. The tip suddenly begins to press her sphincter, the she-wolf gets surprised when the trunk invades her posterior tunnel.

She moans and pants with more pleasure, her hole is explored slowly. It is like having two penises in her at the same time. Bill feels as the sphincter of the woman moves on her trunk, he takes the opportunity to caress his penis through the thin membrane that divides both tunnels.

The trunk moves back and forth increasing her pleasure, Eryn moans and her juices increase, they drip from her vulva on the bedspread. The she-wolf sees to his around and smiles seeing that her friend Antonette achieved to keep her wish.

To several meters of her, Antonette is being fucked by Little John. The bear pumps his penis while Antonette is on his elbows and knees. Eryn closes her eyes while she is fuck with force.

The pleasure in his two tunnels full her body completely.

She hears that Bill's moans become stronger, Eryn suddenly feels as a powerful semen jet hits her uterus bottom. This triggers the orgasm in the she-wolf that shakes and that goes out of control.

Eryn feels as her uterus and her vagina fill up completely with semen that oozes of her opening and begins to drip abundantly on the bedspread. Bill holds the hips while he continues ejaculating.

When the flow of semen stops, Bill withdraws his cock slowly until the tip leaves the vagina. Eryn pants while she has her body reclined forward and her rear end raising on the air, the trunk slips out of her ass.

Bill gives the thanks for this moment before getting up and walking away, Eryn introduces her hand between her thighs and examines her vulva by touch. She gets surprised when he perceives the dilatation of her pink opening, Eryn feels a bit of pride and she feels content of having been capable to take such a thick cock.

She knows that the following hours would be very interesting.

Little John, Marian, Robin Hood © Disney.

Eryn, Garret** , Arlen, Wilton, **** Faron Troy and Ruby, Deanna, Hadley, Dottie Delaney, Deryck Crawford, Antonette, Bill Dwight, Irwin, Elwin, Travis, Alton Dickens, Gregory, Dyson Millie and Lily **** are my characters.**

Writen by Janus Oberoth

Problems ahead

One hour later, the family finish the dinner, Ashley and Kip rest in the meantime they see as their cubs are playing. Madyson leaps over her brothers and knocks them down without a lot of effort. Ashley laughs smoothly just like Kip. He moves his tail...

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

A naughty show

It was a quiet day in the farm, Captain, Duchess and Princess chatted in the stable. Heat outside is intense, so the three decided to spend the time in their favorite place in these occasions. All of them are almost inseparable in these occasions...

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