Incest Story: Birthday Spankings are Overdone

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by SilverFox442 during the incest stream, we have a little story of birthday humpings between brother and sister. Enjoy.

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Birthday Spankings Are Overdone for SilverFox442 by Draconicon

"Matt! Come on in."

He smiled as he stepped past his sister, kicking off his shoes by the front door as she closed it behind him. Veronica smiled at him, and turned around, waving for him to follow.

"Come on, I'll get you something to drink."

"Sure, sounds good."

The two foxes walked down the short hallway towards the kitchen, past several deflating balloons and bedraggled-looking streamers. Matt shook his head at them, moving a few of them out of the way as he joined Veronica in the kitchen. She was already getting a couple of glasses down, and looked back at him with a smile.

"So, what's your poison?"

"Uh, a little wine's good, if you got it."

"Too many; I swear, that was half the presents this year. Let's pop one open and get rid of a little bit."

"Heh, knowing you, you'll have more than a little."

"You mean you hope I do."

He laughed as he took his glass, even though he blushed just a bit at the truth of that. It didn't go unnoticed, either, and Veronica pointed at him with a knowing smirk.

"Just remember, I wasn't drunk the first time...and I don't really have to be drunk for another."

They'd gotten through about half of the bottle before Matt finally put his glass down, shaking his head as Veronica reached for the bottle again.

"Uh-uh. Ain't more. I've gotta get home still."

"Heh, so soon? I thought you'd stick around. Lightweight."

Matt rolled his eyes, but it was kinda true. He usually didn't have that much, and Veronica still looked like she was completely in control of herself. Whereas he...well, he was wobbling a bit more than he really meant to, and he had to really focus to keep himself sitting up straight. He wasn't good to drive, that was for sure.

"I wasn't leaving yet. Just...need to let it go by a bit."

"Heh, well, I know one way we could do that."


"Mmmhmm, and you could give me my birthday gift at the same time."

He smiled, already knowing what she meant, and not at all opposed. Veronica, slightly rounder vixen that she was, grinned at him as she got up from her stool and pulled herself up on one of the counters in the kitchen. Her skirt splayed out wide, and as she pulled on it, he could just make out the hint of the black panties she wore.

"Mmmph. I haven't had a view like that for a while."

"Heh, you should visit more often, Matt. Your sister does miss you a lot when you stay away."

"Yeah, well...You should be alone more often."

"Promises, promises. Come here."

She held out her arms, and he nearly leaped into them, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her close. As she wrapped her arms around him as well, he pushed forward, nearly pushing her down onto the counter. He moaned as he kissed her, feeling her push back, her arms keeping him from pulling back as she held him down against her. He could feel her legs spreading wider and wider, and her breasts pressed up against his chest.

He pulled back, gasping for air when she let go of him, and saw a look in her eyes that he hadn't seen for a while. That same fire from when they lost their virginities to each other was in her eyes right then and there, and Matt knew that he wasn't getting out of the house without giving her another blast from the past.

Her heels clunking into his back as she locked her legs around him was all he needed to confirm that, and he groaned as she pulled him against her, feeling her grinding against his crotch a few times before he returned the favor.

"Fine, fine...I guess I can give you one more."

"Heh, just one more? Matt, come on, you can do more for your sister on her birthday, can't you?"

"Fine, fine...I'll do as much as I can."

She licked his nose and smiled.

"Good boy."

As if reliving the memory from long ago, Matt reached down beneath his sister's skirt, fumbling around until he found the edge of her panties. He dragged them down slowly, forcing Veronica to pull her legs out from around him and up in the air before he could get them off. He couldn't help himself, and leaned in, giving the crotch a small sniff before he could stop himself. Veronica chuckled, but his cock throbbed all the same as he set the underwear down.

"Remembering old times, Matt?"

"A little."

"They were good..." She grinned, wrapping her legs around him. "But this better be better. After all, it's my birthday."

"It will."

He undid his zipper, taking his time so that she could hear it. As the sound went on, Veronica's smile got bigger and bigger, and he swore she looked almost hungry for what she was going to get. Regardless, he fished out his cock without any hurry, trying to make it last, however hard that was with his sister shimmying up against him and grinding her bare crotch against his emerging cock. The simple touch was enough to get him going, and it was only the hand between him and her, undoing his pants, that kept him from grinding and humping back.

As soon as that was out of the way, he leaned over her, his hands on the counter as she pushed herself up against him. She felt so wet, so eager, that he couldn't help but groan in anticipation of how it would feel to be inside of her again. The humans before had been good; his other relations had been nice. But this was the first time that he would be inside an adult fox in a very long time, and he wondered how it would compare.

She reminded him, pulling him in with a single tug of her legs. Matt moaned out to the heavens as he slid inside, her pussy just a bit loose, but all the wetter and slicker for it. It slammed in without the slightest bit of resistance, and she squelched under him as he bottomed out inside of her. He moaned heavily at the feeling, and immediately started pulling back, only to slam in again when she squeezed down with her legs.

"Don't you dare go slow. I want it hard, right from the start."

"Of course."

He started humping her as hard and fast as he remembered doing before, his cock plunging deep inside of her with each thrust. Her hands grabbed him as she moaned, squeezing at his shoulders, at his arms, as he took her for his own pleasure. He panted and growled as he slammed inside of her again and again, and she slid up and down on the polished counter from the force of his thrusts, several times almost falling off.

Back and forth, back and forth they went, and Matt panted happily as he was reminded why it felt so good with his own species. So wet, so hot, so very, very eager. Veronica leaned up to kiss him several times, and one of her breasts had already popped out of her dress in her excitement. She didn't bother to put it back in, and neither did he.

He growled as he leaned over her further, nipping at her neck as he started getting harder and harder, his cock feeling like it was swelling. The knot must have started growing, he realized, particularly as he was having a harder time pushing all the way into her. The need to have her, the need to fill her, was so strong that he started pulling her back against his knot, holding her in place so that he could fuck her deep her, fill her fuller.

"Yes, yes! That's it...take me...fill me...knot me!"

Those were the words that he'd been hoping to hear as he had her, and hearing her say that she wanted the knot drove him on further and faster. He bit down on her neck, just hard enough to keep her in place as he slammed his knot against her pussy, battering against it with each successive thrust. A bit slipped in each time, but not enough to hold it in place. Again and again he went at it, each time getting a bit more inside, until -


They both moaned at the top of their lungs, and he felt her cum around his cock, her pussy squeezing and milking at him as she squirmed and flailed beneath him. It was more than enough to push him over the edge, and he slammed against her, his balls drawing up as he filled her to the brim with his seed, so much so that a little bit of it spilled out around his knot. Probably because she was a little bit looser than his other partners.

They collapsed together, and Veronica smiled at him, giving him a little lick on the cheek before pulling her head back.

"Mmmm, that's the best one I've had in a long time. Goes to show that family knows you best, huh?"

"Heh, yeah."

He nodded, smiling as he laid beside her. His knot was holding him stuck fast, but it would go down before too much longer. Then she would probably want a second round...and he wasn't opposed to that.

He reached for his glass, but she grabbed him before he could grab it. Matt blinked, turning to look at her.


"You're not drinking until you give me another two loads."

"Wha -"

"I want to make sure that you're too plastered to leave before morning."

She pulled him down into another kiss, and pushed him back enough that he was on his feet. Before he knew it, she was in his arms, her legs around his waist, and he was carrying her towards another room.

I forgot how insatiable she is, he thought as he wobbled his way towards the living room before falling on the couch. Must be where Jenny gets it from...

The End

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