A New Life Chapter 1 (Featuring Wolfie Steel)

Story by Res Eden on SoFurry

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Thank you to the very few people who are actually enjoying my stories. Unforunately, I could not continue the Caught! series due to emotional problems, but I will gladly make another series for my few fans.

And in this series, we have a special guest! Please welcome Wolfie Steel!

The punch connected and the fox flew backwards against the wall. 'What did I do to deserve this?' the fox asked himself. A smack against his cheek sent him to the dirty ground of the alleyway. 'It wasn't my fault my parents passed away!' He began crying, mixing the dirt and trash on the ground with his tears.

The horse that stood above him looked down at the fox. "When are you going to learn that you NEVER sneak money from me?" he yelled at his helpless fox. "This is the ninth time you've tried doing this to me! I own you! Do NOT disobey me again or I will make sure to kill you!" The horse walked away, leaving the fox on the ground.

That's where the fox fell asleep.

"Eat your food honey!" his mom told the one year old cub. He picked up a handful of the mashed potatoes and slammed it against his face, giggling. "Adagio, you silly little fox. You shouldn't play with your food," she said wiping his face clean.

"Go, son, go!" his father cried to him. Adagio was running down the soccer field with the ball at his feet. He kicked and scored the goal at the last second of the game, beating the other team by one point. "That's my son!" he cheered.

Adagio was crying. He was 12. He was at his parents' funeral. A hand was placed on his shoulder. It was a horse. "Come with me," the horse told him, "I can take care of you." Adagio followed the horse out of the ceremony.

Adagio opened his tear-filled eyes. He was back to reality, and still on the rock hard ground in broad daylight. He was 17 now. It had been five years since the horse, named Tyro, took him from the church and started prostituting Adagio as his pimp.

He was only prostituted out to other males, causing him over time to learn to like it and learn he was gay.

He had to pick himself up, but the punch Tyro blew to him drained all of his strength. He knew he had to stop taking money from him, but a 30% profit from each client was too little. He needed more money.

All he could do was lie there.

It was about 2 hours before someone noticed him in the alley and ran down to pick him up. "Are you alright?" the man asked. The fox couldn't move any part of his body except look up at this stranger with his crystal blue eyes. The wolf could see the pain and helplessness in the fox's eyes.

'Under normal circumstances I wouldn't be allowed to do this, but I'm on vacation, and this fox needs my help,' the wolf thought. He picked up the fox in his arms and walked farther into the alley to avoid any spectators. He got to his car with Adagio and placed him lying on the back seat.

He walked to the front seat and drove off to his private vacation house. His job as an assassin/bodyguard for Vinnie Van Daz had paid off enough so that he could afford most of the things he wanted. When they arrived at his house, Wolfie took Adagio out of the back seat and walked inside.

They arrived in the main room where Wolfie set Adagio down on the couch. He went upstairs to get his first aid kit from the bathroom and came back down to find Adagio sitting up and looking around at his new surroundings. You could tell he was overwhelmed from the size of his eyes and the way he folded his ears back against his head.

Adagio spotted Wolfie and jumped a little out of fright. "Where am I?" asked Adagio.

"You are at my private house. I hope it's not too elegant for your taste," Wolfie smiled, "Let me check on those wounds of yours. It seems you got beat up pretty badly." Adagio looked down at the ground and nodded. "May I ask what happened?"

"You wouldn't want to know...," Adagio said sadly.

Wolfie sat down next to Adagio and started treating his wounds. Adagio winced in a little pain as he put some alcohol on his cuts to clean them. "You are my guest," Wolfie said in a gentler voice, "And therefore, I only wish to help you. Did someone do this to you?"

Adagio hesitated for a moment. He knew if he told this stranger the truth, two things would happen: one, this wolf would reject him and throw him back out on the streets, and two, Tyro would pulverize him. "I fell!" the Adagio said suddenly.

"Why would I not want to know that?" asked Wolfie.

Adagio began to panic again and asked, "How did you get all of this stuff?"

Wolfie smiled and realized the fox didn't want to tell him the truth. "I am an assassin/bodyguard. I can't tell you for whom, but I'm sure you can tell that I'm very successful at what I do."

Adagio's eyes widened again. He was talking to an bodyguard! No! Forget the bodyguard part! This wolf was an assassin! 'What if Tyro hired him to kill me!?' Adagio thought to himself.

"Uh!" the fox began panicking again, "I really have to go!" He stood up and started rushing to the door.

Wolfie chased after him and grabbed Adagio's arm. "But I'm not even finished cleaning your cuts. What if they're infected? Please, stay for a little bit longer," he offered.

Adagio started crying and pulling against Wolfie's grip. "Please! Let me go!" he cried.

"Wait! What's the matter?" The wolf let go slowly so as not to let Adagio fall. The fox rushed to the door but tripped over the small rug in front of it.

He turned and looked at Wolfie. "Please don't kill me!" he begged.

"What are you talking about?"

"You were hired by Tyro! I know you were!"

"Who's Tyro?"

"You know who he is!"

"Look, I think you need a little sleep," Wolfie said taking a step forward. Adagio jumped at the wolf's movement and cried even harder.

"Please don't hurt me!"

"I would never hurt a guest of mine," said Wolfie holding out his hand to Adagio. Adagio looked at his hand and started to control his crying.

"So Tyro didn't hire you?" he asked.

"On my honor, I swear to you I don't know any Tyro," said Wolfie smiling. Adagio took his hand, and Wolfie helped him up to his feet. "I'll show you to one of the guest rooms. You look worn out," he said.

"Yeah..." Adagio said, "I could really use a rest right about now."

Thanks to Wolfie Steel for allowing me to use his character in my new series! I hope you will all enjoy it! Please rate and comment, and if you love it enough, fave it!

A New Life Chapter 2 (Featuring Wolfie Steel)

Please welcome back our special guest, Wolfie Steel! Adagio passed out on the bed he was given upstairs. The day had been too long and harsh for him and he didn't know if he could take anymore. He dreamt again. 'What did I do to deserve...

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Caught! Chapter 3

Byron woke up lying on the floor. He noticed his head was wet and he sat up quickly. He looked down and saw the carpet where his head was lying was soaked. It was his tears. He got up and ran to the bathroom, still naked, and got a towel. He...

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Caught! Chapter 2

Byron found himself sweating as he awoke from his nightmare. He got out of bed and went into the shower. He couldn't get the note out of his head. 'What does he want?' he thought to himself. He got out of the shower and ran to his room where he...

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