Canine Divine

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#7 of The Shepsisters & Yote

It's a special coyote's birthday, but what will his crazed blonde beau have in store with him? Knowing the Shepsisters, it's never what he expects!

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Happy birthday to D.C. Yote!

More femdom! Yes, I do miss writing this so often but I have to diversify. I'm sure some will be happy to see this being posted though! ;)

Always a blast to write about my favourite 'yote and crazy canine. ^^

Characters (c) Daniel Yote

Story (c) Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)

Canine Divine

Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe) for D.C. Yote

Happy birthday!

D.C. Yote heaved a sigh as he padded into the hallway of the townhouse, which was one of many abodes that he could call home, though each and every one held a different appeal. The life of an assassin was far from safe and he did his best to ensure his steps could not be traced when he moved about. He did not possess each home for long, but moved from place to place, always watchful and waiting for the game to change. The coyote shrugged off his black leather jacket and hung it carefully from the hooks behind the door, stepping out of his boots with care so as not to knock them against the skirting board of the narrow hallway.

Dora may be sleeping. His date. Or, more accurately, the canine was dating him. She always took control.

His tail wagged, the creamier hair on the underside brushing against the back of his legs. His meeting with Dora, who could now be said to be his girlfriend (as peculiar as that notion was), had been...non-conventional. To be specific, they met when he had tried to assassinate a target she was set to protect. It had ended with the German Shepherd and her sister toying with him for hours on end, forcing him to orgasm again and again until he begged for mercy. They liked to toy with those they caught. It was so much more entertaining to them than a mercy killing when blood was entirely unnecessary.

Dan shivered at the memory as he slipped into the living room, finding nothing out of place. His eyes scanned the prim navy sofa and the large yet portable flat screen television set in the corner of the room, books strategically arranged on a built in bookshelf to give the appearance that a different fur lived there. It was both his home and not his home, at least to an observant eye.

The coyote sighed. Maybe if he gave up his profession, one day, he could have a home that looked like a home.

The floorboards above his head creaked and Dan's ears pricked, eyes travelling towards the ceiling. A slow smile spread across his lips, tugging them up into a traditional coyote smirk.

Thing is, he still knew that it was not possessions that made a home. What truly mattered was who he was with.

Putting his training to good use, the coyote crept up the stairs, easing forward on the bare pads of his paws in order to make the least noise possible. It was a tricky endeavour, given the age of the building, but he found himself successfully crouched on the top landing, ears pricked and heart racing with false adrenaline. There was a reason he loved his work, though he preferred slipping behind sweeter prey with the scent of perfume tickling his nose.

The bedroom door was set ajar and he darted inside, a wide white grin struck across his muzzle. Wouldn't Dora be surprised!

To his disappointment, however, the German Shepherd was nowhere to be seen. The bed sheets rumpled up on the side that she preferred to sleep, betraying her absence, and the window was open on the other side of the room, letting the breeze inside. He looked from left to right, eyes peeled for the smallest of movements. Surely the canine was just hiding in a corner waiting to pounce upon him? Yet no giggles were forthcoming, no wrapping of paws around his chest from behind, no sweetheart wanting to prove, yet again, that she was lighter of paw and keener of ear than he.

"Dora?" He asked the empty room, tail and ears drooping.

The wind gusted through the open window, playing with the curtain so that it strung itself out sideways like a flag. He patted down the crimson cloth, deflated, and closed the window to keep out the chill. Dora had not told him she was leaving. Why?

Dan leaned upon the window sill, looking out over the city that was not home, lights too bright and too harsh on his eyes. Muscles tensed beneath fur and he clenched his teeth together hard enough to make his jaw ache. He pretended that his eyes were not watering, squeezed tightly shut against the onslaught of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him. He did not know what he had expected when returning. Well, he had expected Dora to still be in bed, relaxing after her last job, but of course she would have left. She would not have wanted to spend his birthday with him. Just like all the others before her. Other 'dates'.

No! He warded off the negative thoughts with a snarl, snapping and chasing them from his mind in a shower of black, ghost-like shapes whipping around mental corners too swiftly for the eye to catch every minute nuance of motion. It was only a day and Dora probably had not even known about it. It was silly to think of such a thing as birthdays at his age. The days of expecting presents as a cub were long behind and the coyote straightened, composing himself with a wry smile. He'd speak to Dora later and all would be well again, he was sure of it.

Turning about, he almost leapt out of his skin as the dog in question stood close enough for her canine whiskers to tickle his fur, blonde bangs cut across her forehead in a sharp, stylish jaunt. Dora smiled and winked.


Yote swore and stumbled, scrambling back for space, heart hammering against his ribcage. The canine would take years off his life if she kept up tricks like that! Dan trembled and rubbed his forehead, annoyed to find it clammy with sweat. As if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, Dora pulled his muzzle down to hers, trapping his lips in a deep, dominant kiss. And, as swiftly as he had been shocked, the coyote melted in her arms, tail blurred by the ferocity of its wag.

When she broke the kiss, Dora's blue eyes were cool and collected. He chanced that a flicker of warmth shone within, hidden so deeply that even those who knew her well would not see unless they knew where to look. That warmth was for him.

It seemed that there was more than one thing for him that night as Dora had dressed for the occasion and more. Clad in a stunning pink corset with black detailing, it highlighted her fur perfectly, tan and brown accentuated by the tone of her fit, functional body. Her long legs were clad in black fishnet stockings to compliment the look and a fair of dangerously high stiletto heels put her taller that her coyote. He whimpered and rested his paws on her waist, unable to resist trailing his eyes lower to her black lace underwear, the finest that money could buy and perfectly hugging the curve of her muscled buttocks.

Dora cupped his muzzle.

"Happy birthday, little coyote."

"You remembered?"

He blushed and ducked his muzzle down to his chest, chin grazing his work shirt in a short bristle of hair.

"Of course I remembered," she said. "Did you believe you would go without a little something...special tonight, my coyote?"

A loop of leather slipped over his throat and the coyote tried to look at it as Dora fastened it at the back of his neck, a heavy tag hanging down from his throat. The German Shepherd frowned and bopped him on the nose with enough force to make him yelp, remembering his place.

"Be still."

"Sorry...Mistress," Yote said quietly, the title still bringing a shiver of warmth to his mind.

When she was done, the canine turned her submissive to face the full length mirror on the back of the door. A dark brown leather collar encircled his neck, subtle pink thread woven throughout to complete the design: a personal 'Dora' touch. On the metal tag was simply a date and it took the coyote no time at all to recall that it depicted their first date. He should know it well enough - it was engrained in his mind forever. The gesture was shockingly sweet and Dan struggled for words, muzzle heating up so viciously that he feared his fur would spontaneously burst into flames.


"Don't say anything, Yote." Dora's eyes twinkled, no hint of shyness gracing her muzzle; it was far from her style. "Simply enjoy. We have come a long way from you attempting to thwart our plans... And never succeeding."

"I sometimes almost succeeded," he grumbled, tugging lightly at the collar to better feel the weight of it settled around his neck. "It wasn't always that bad, I'm good at what I do."

She considered him carefully, paws on her hips.

"That you are, but not as good as my sister and I am. The Shepsisters shall never be bested."

The German Shepherd inhaled deeply, crossing her arms across her chest as her gaze hardened, taking on a steely edge that Dan was all too familiar with. If only it did not make his heart sing so sweetly.

"Get on the bed."

"Moving a little quick tonight now, aren't we?" Familiarity made him bold and the coyote grinned. "Can't you take time for me this time? After all, it is my birthday."

The canine's eyes narrowed and she placed a paw with deliberate slowness on his chest, right where she could feel his heart pounding. Her little coyote was sly but not so bold after all after the right look from her. Dora tilted her head to the left, tail swaying gently.

"Absolutely right, darling, we will take time for you."

She stepped away from him, posing with her paws held high over her head as if to show off her body. He whined softly, eyes roaming the body that had dominated him so many times, pinned him into the bed while she took everything she pleased and more, teasing her toy with pain and pleasure. Once she claimed his undivided attention, Dora smirked and snapped her fingers.

"Get on the bed."

He obeyed without thinking, even though the command was a simple repeat, and sat on the edge of the bed before conscious thought caught up with him. Yote frowned, brow furrowing: was he tricked so easily? Giggling, Dora collected a riding crop from behind the door, running it over her opposite palm. As a hunting whip, it was smooth, black leather and tipped with a vicious flap. Under normal usage, it would be utilised to make a stubborn steed gee on with a gentle tickle but Dora had far better plans for such an implement. No, she was far more suited to the hearty slap and howl of crop and hounds thundering across the common at full pelt, huntsmen crying as they chased the scent trail.

"Poor coyote," she murred, unbuttoning his shirt. "You do not have to think around me. Just obey. It is so much easier to give in than to fight. Let go."

Yote shivered. Obeying was easier. All he had to do was listen and act, no more than that. Dora knew what was best for him and exactly what would please her. Bobbing his muzzle, he looked up at her through lowered lashes, paws curling into the bed sheets to restrain himself. He was not to touch unless directed. It was one of Dora's most torturous games with which to torment him.

The German Shepherd laid him back on the bed and tapped the crop beneath his muzzle, forcing him to expose the lighter curve of his throat. His heartbeat quickened and the coyote lay perfectly still as she stripped him, breath catching in his throat. Her blue eyes held his fiercely, trailing the crop down his bare chest and teasing the tip around each nipple in turn. His claws drove holes through the bed sheets and he groaned, clenching his teeth together as his shaft hardened, unable to resist her delectable kind of charm. Daniel shook his head. Whatever did this canine do to him? He could almost say that he was...

No. Not yet. Daniel squirmed and whimpered as she dragged his trousers down his legs, dress slacks dropping to the floor, forgotten. He kicked the fabric free of his paws and moaned as she climbed on to his lap, grinding her pussy sensually over his cock, which stood up hard and to attention, swollen with blood. He half-raised his paws from the bed, stopping himself halfway through the motion. Dora raised an eyebrow, lips twitching at the scent of rebellion.

Grasping his paws, she yanked them over his head, stretching him out on the bed like an offering. His shirt still hung over his arms and shoulders, though his chest was open to abuse, and Dora smirked, using her weight and strength to pin his wrists down to the mattress. It did not take brute strength to restrain her coyote, only a sense of subtlety.

"You want me."

There was no question, only statement. Ducking her muzzle, she lapped lightly over his nipples, letting him taste pleasure if but for a second. Her teeth clamped down a second later, drawing a burst of blood and pain from the sensitive flesh. Pinned, Yote bucked and arched, struggling away from the pain, and Dora licked the blood from her muzzle, a red splash across her tongue. Nibbling around the edge of each nipple, pert and protruding through his tan, groomed fur, she shuddered, grinding her pussy over his hard on.

Her wetness seeped through her underwear, the lace doing nothing to hide her arousal. Dora dug her nails into his wrists, showing off her strength, and locked her muzzle with his, dominating him through the kiss. Tongues battled for supremacy but Dora's easily won, driving his hips into the bed and letting passion run amok. There was a certain sense of familiarity in the 'yote, but the taste of blood and his lips on hers set her alight inside.

She sat up suddenly, eyes smouldering. Yote swallowed hard, breathless from the kiss, and wondered just what he had gotten himself into. And would he change it if he could?

No, that was a stupid question indeed.


The German Shepherd darted away, leaving his paws free. Her own paws were so light upon the carpet that she may as well have been a ghost for all the noise she made. Digging in the top drawer of the dresser beside the window, Dora retrieved a length of rope and hauled the coyote bodily to his hind paws. The bedroom was well equipped for their particular activities and she casually looped the rope through an O-ring set into the lower ceiling - a small setback of the townhouse that occasionally proved useful. The two free ends of the rope were quickly knotted around his wrists and the knots tucked away from mischievous fingers, though it was a sure thing that the coyote would not escape even if he wanted to, as Dora wanted him to be restrained. He would always do what his mistress wanted. It was why she had so much fun in making him squirm, rising to greater heights every time they were together.

Otherwise...where was the fun? Dora smirked behind his back, watching Dan spread his hind paws for balance, shirt draping over his muscled back. She tapped the crop against the flat of her paw and tore the shirt from his back, leaving but strips hanging from his shoulders. He shuddered at the raw stripping, cock drooling a string of clear pre cum so that it hung from the tip of his cock, the line only broken by the jerking of his body.

"Ten strikes should begin."

The metal tag hung heavily against his collarbone and he looked back over his shoulder in time for the first blow, catching him on his left buttock. She put the full strength of her arm into the swing and he howled, dancing from hind paw to paw. Pain lanced through his hide and Dan bit his lip hard so that he did not burst into swearing, tail quivering and trying to press down to protect his vulnerable rump. The only blessing of the pain was that it overruled the hurt from his poor abused nipple. Inwardly he cursed, berating himself for raising his paws on the bed. He should have known better.

But maybe...just maybe...he wanted it. Even if he would not admit it out loud.

The strikes came again and again. The coyote lost count, cock throbbing. He leaned forward, letting the rope take his weight a little more as he bore the pain, ears slanting back against his skull. As she covered his buttocks in practiced, defined whips, Dan swiftly realised through a haze of erotic, warming pain that she had struck him far more than ten times. Accusingly, he stood up straight and whipped his head around, eyes narrowing as she pressed the flap of the whip to his balls, squeezing them up against his body. He gulped but held his stance, requesting an explanation with his downward slanted gaze. It was difficult to demand anything of the German Shepherd. He doubted that he ever had.

"Oh, my poor 'yote," she laughed, an unhinged cackle edging her tone. "Did you really think that ten meant ten? You have much more to go through tonight."

She flicked the leathery flap more gently at his balls, startling him into a yelp. Though it did not hurt, he leapt and fought for balance, teetering at the very extent of the rope. Dora paced around him in a circle, studying her victim from every possible angle. Her paw slipped into her underwear and teased her clit between two fingers, a low moan escaping her painted lips. Breathlessly, he watched her every move, only responding when her paw landed on his shaft, stroking the length.

"So hard..." She murmured. "You almost seem like you're enjoying it. Are you?"

He gritted his teeth and turned away. However, his Dora was not having any of that. Grabbing his muzzle, she dragged him back to face her and slapped him, hard.


His eyes watered from the blow and he licked his lips, flushing at how his cock throbbed. Why did something so wrong have to feel so right? He could not have imagined doing the things he willingly took from Dora with any of the other furs he had ever been with - in a relationship, that is. The German Shepherd's fingers curled around his snout, lips quirking in a crazed smile.

Yote whimpered, eyes closing. The burn from his rump was unbearable.

"It hurts..."

Her eyes narrowed, grip tightening.

"That was not the question."

He squirmed and shifted his weight, striving to evade the lingering pain that would not fade. He wagered that he would have welts showing through his fur for days. He would not be able to sit down at fucking all! Yet Dan knew it would only serve as a reminder of his mistress and the control she held over him, her power and thrilling domination. Dora dropped her paw to his balls and squeezed, slowly increasing the pressure, demanding an answer. He panted open-mouthed and slumped forward.


She released his orbs, giggling at his sigh of relief, palpable in the air. Oh, it was so much fun to abuse him! To drive her coyote mad with desire!

"Now, was that so difficult?"

He wanted to say yes but held his tongue. It was just as well that he did as she retreated to the drawer of treasures - her favourite drawer for what it held within but not the only location for their toys and devices - to fetch a ball gag. Slotting it into his gaping muzzle, she pushed it over his tongue and forced his jaw wider. The buckle slotted neatly into place at the back of his head and she smiled at her handiwork, moving his muzzle from left to right to better admire him.

She stroked the coyote's length slowly, revelling in how he thrust into her touch. It only took the lightest stroke from her nails to make him whimper, body convulsing, subject to her whims and desires. Dan shook his head, the gag keeping him quiet so that she could toy with him without complaint or undue noise. She grasped his length and murred, feeling him throb and pulse under her palm.

Nipping the coyote's neck, Dora teased her powerful jaws around his throat, closing them as if to snap shut around his neck. His eyes widened and he shuddered bodily, tail curled against his leg. She released him with a wicked giggle, wiping off the pre cum from her paw on to his lower stomach, using his fur as a towel. Throat working and damp from her saliva, Yote whined, the sound plaintive in the relative quiet.

"So needy, my pup..." She whispered, licking the spot on his throat where his pulse fluttered like the wings of a moth. "How many of these strokes do you think it will take? I rather like beating you. Perhaps I should do it again. Show all of your colleagues back at the agency what you do in your free time."

She dragged her nails over the welts on his rear and he twisted.

"The welts will last for weeks."

Giggling at her ploy, the cruel canine pumped her paw along his length, the coyote already terribly close to orgasm. Punishment or pain play had always come with a leading edge of pleasing Dora in the past - he had never explored it for his own arousal. His toes curled against the carpet and he lifted his tail willingly, a note that did not go unnoticed by his mistress. She bared her teeth in a feral grin and twisted his nipple between two fingers, continuing to stoke as he inhaled sharply, small, curved nostrils flaring.

The coyote fought to restrain himself but the pleasure was too great. Pain heightened his senses and set his nerves on fire so that time seemed to speed up, moments flitting by too swiftly to take full notice of. His heartbeat pounded in his ears and he groaned around the gag, thrusting into Dora's paw. She squeezed, the pace of her strokes increasing until he imagined he could be thrusting into her pussy, feeling her hot tightness enveloping his length. But he would only ever get to do that if she allowed. And then he would not be allowed to cum.

Besides, he thought through a gaze of lust, arms thrumming with a light ache from his position. What did it matter if he ejaculated or not? It was all for his mistress' pleasure and that was the most important thing by far. Though the coyote could hope against hope that he would be allowed, that she would show him some scrap of mercy, just maybe. Meeting Dora's eyes, he perked his ears and she inclined her muzzle gracefully just the once: it was all that was needed.

"Cum for me."

Yote's eyes widened and he bucked madly, rolling his head back as he reached climax with a shuddering suppressed howl. He arched, standing up on his toes and bowing his back, cock spurting thick ropes that should not have been natural. Waves of ecstasy rolled through the coyote, one after the other threatening to overwhelm him as her paw worked, sensation strengthening to the point of sensitivity. He trembled, only held somewhat upright by the rope around his wrists. She had not let him cum in weeks! Or had it been months? Oh, what did it matter? His mistress let him orgasm!

The streak of cum evidenced his climax on the carpet and Dora took her cum smeared paw from his cock only to wipe if off on his nose and muzzle. The stench of his own cum brought Yote back to his senses and he scrambled for his paws, standing upright. The crop had been forgotten in the moment and Dora's eyes sought it out, fire raging in her loins. It was all well and good to work herself up but when did a German Shepherd have her writhing orgasm? She would have her coyote make good on that.

She winked.

"Oh, Yote, my innocent pup." Dora grinned, retrieving the crop from where it had, passing it between her paws. "You are so easy to control. Yet you never, ever bore me."

He blushed. It was the highest compliment she had ever given him. Granted, it was a little hard to think with her paw stroking down his chest, fingertips questing out his nipples. The only question was whether they would bring him pleasure or pain this time. Her actions alone would tell and he leaned his head into the crook of her neck as she stepped closer, gazing up adoringly at his mistress. He was the luckiest coyote in the world. And her next words confirmed that and more.

"Let us see how many orgasms I can get out of you tonight."

She licked her lips, studying the line of his body as her paw dipped between her thighs. Groaning, Dan bit into the ball gag and watched her through lidded eyes, the scent of her arousal making him dizzy with need. He had never wanted another fur as much as he desired her and yet she held him back, controlling him with the flick of her paw and slant of her gaze. The German Shepherd panted, threw her head back and arched to thrust her hips forward in open display. Locking her gaze with the coyote's, she traced the curve of her lips with the very tip of her tongue, pink against the crimson of her lipstick.

"We may even have to keep going until morning and beyond. I do hope you are up to the challenge."

First Times & Heat Rhymes, Part Two

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First Times & Heat Rhymes, Part One

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**Dancing** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)_ I had not had the pocket money to afford a new pair of stockings for the dance on Thursday night. Soldiers were home on leave from war - a terrible affair - and all were out for a good time....

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