Wolf Riding (written by Cheetahs)

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Just what is a mare to expect when she returns home from the stables?

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--- Cheetahs half of our trade. Not written by me, before anyone says anything!

Fun trade - cheers! :)

Characters (c) Amethyst & Razak respectively

Story (c) Cheetahs / Aryn Storm

Wolf Riding

Written by Cheetahs (Aryn Storm) for Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)

Trade story

She found him sprawled on the sofa, an elegant smile plastered upon his face as he toyed with the buttons on the remote control.

Her dear Raz, oblivious to her arrival.

Amethyst watched him a few seconds longer, her eyes gliding from his striking dark eyes to the pleasant shapes rippling underneath the white fur of his chest. He must have worked out as well, for muscles bulged underneath the layers of blue fur lining along his limbs and ribs. His azure coat melted into the white of his chest, his taut pecks and prominent six pack a most pleasant sight to behold. They showed he didn't laze around after all. Maybe he even cooked something.

She knocked on the door to grab his attention, and the blue wolf paused whatever he watched in the blink of an eye. He rolled to his feet in an instant, his baggy trousers as unkempt as his ruffled violet hair.

"What were you watching?" She asked as his eyes met hers.


How cute. A compliment!

Amethyst entered the living room to take a peek at the sixty inch wide screen TV. It really was her!

"I dug them up while you were away, riding. They had no labels on them, so I wanted to sort them out."

Where did he even find those DVDs? She looked so young back then, her slender constitution in perfect harmony with the black mare she rode.

"That's Rebecca," she said with a hushed tone. "It must've been more than three years since I last rode her. She always had quite the temper."

"Not around you," Raz pointed out, grabbing the TV remote to resume the video. "The camera work is a bit shaky, but I bet you were her most elegant rider."

It wasn't as shaky as Raz made it sound. Or maybe it was the nostalgia that suddenly gripped Amethyst's very being with its tender claws. Rebecca... What an amazing horse.

"You got something in your..."

Amethyst shuddered back to awareness, focus drifting to Raz who now stood right in front of her, close enough to smell his alluring cologne. She tilted her head to the side to allow his stretched hand to grab something lodged between her locks.

A strand of hay.

"Can't get enough of Cas apparently. Is that why you're late?"

"She's a darling and she always wins. I raced Matt up a hill while he rode Deon."

Even Raz raised an eyebrow in thought.

"Yep. Brushing her mane and giving her a carrot is a small price to pay to see that smug smile wiped off Matt's face."

"Well, I don't want to get between you girls. You already know that."

Raz paused to remove two other hay strands from her hair and then inched forward to give her a kiss. Amethyst swung her head to the side to evade his muzzle, her cheeks aflame from the most pleasant surprise that had waited for her back home. Her old DVD collection, sorted out. Raz, watching them - watching her! - instead of one of his movies. This, coupled with the thrilling riding session, left Amethyst desiring for something more than just a plain kiss, and Raz' meek, pleading smile reinforced her conviction.

"Bedroom, one minute. Move it or lose it."

"Yes, Mistress," Raz said before striding out of the living room, a spring in his step.

Good pup.

She poured herself a glass of water, downed it in three gulps, returning to the living room to scout for something more comfortable than her jodhpurs. When she couldn't find anything on the 'chair', filled to the brim with random clothes, she tidied her hair a little and walked towards the bedroom at a snail's pace. The thought of letting Raz simmer excited her, more than the prospect of finding him naked. Stripping before she ordered was blatant disregard and she had just the right way to handle such situations.

"Missed me pup?"

She strolled into their bedroom, a medium sized room with plenty of space, a closet in the corner, and a chest of drawers on the right equipped with specialized items to fit every mood of hers. Razak jumped to his feet, nodding and licking his muzzle in anticipation.

"Of course, Mistress."

"Then why are you still dressed?"

He began rolling his trousers down his muscular thighs, much too slowly.

"Faster," Amethyst urged.

He kicked them aside and grabbed his boxers by their seams.

"Faster!" The mare demanded.

Razak slipped out of them in the same instant, his manhood already erect and tensing with longing.

"Well, at least you've done something right."

Amethyst ran a finger over her lips as she took in his white shaft. His two furred orbs hung underneath it, the ripe fruits heavy with desire. Amethyst liked them this way. Perhaps too much. Her lewd smile took Razak aback, even more so than the bit of rope she grabbed from the first drawer.

"Do we really need that, Mistress?"

"I don't know," the mare said, fondling the silken rope between her fingers. "Will you behave this time?"

"I always do."

Just what she wanted to hear.

"Get in the bed. Now. And toss aside the blankets. We don't need them."

He hurled them aside in his rush to heed her command, the visible excitement within his wagging tail and perked ears sending a warm shudder through Amethyst's frame. Fiery tingles raced through her limbs, converging upon her groin, stoking her desire.

"Now lie on your back. Yes, that's perfect," Amethyst said once he brought his hands across the back of his head to assume a comfortable and laid back position, completely exposed to her whims. His cock softened a little, but Amethyst's wink made him gulp hard and watch her with utmost interest as she switched the bit of rope to her mouth to free her hands.

That done, she grabbed her shirt from its bottom seams and pulled it up, wiggling her bare, shapely torso for him.

"You like what you see, pup?"

Razak nodded, his ears erect, just like his member.

"Do you want more?"

"More is always good, Mistress."

Amethyst removed her jodhpurs, slow and careful, throwing him the occasional side glance that got his blood boiling and his member tensing up, rock hard from the various scenarios he conceived within his mind. Her panties followed suit, the mare lowering them in one broad, swift push, a little giddy and more than impatient to get this started. She had a fire within her, a burning craving that leaked past her delicate folds, the translucent arousal making her puffy lips glisten in the faint amber light of their dormitory.

"Legs tucked. Give me some room to move, you horny little puppy."

Razak complied right away, his breath hitching in his throat as Amethyst clambered into the bed, one knee on each side of him. She began shuffling, ever so slowly, towards him, holding Razak's gaze.

"Eyes up here pup."

"Y-yes mistress," he stammered.

Although he tried his best to keep his gaze from wandering to her thighs, the wolf couldn't help from sneaking a peek when she reached his groin, her drenched folds barely an inch from his member.

Amethyst challenged him with a salacious smile.

"Oh, puppy wants some love, does he?"

"It's all I crave, Mistress."

Her features hardened in an instant. She grabbed the bit of rope from her mouth and whipped it across his exposed abs, drawing a yelp out of Razak.

"Too bad you got impatient."

She whipped him again, and again, the rope too soft to cause more than a bothersome sting. Yet it got the job done. It got Razak to squirm and his arms to reach towards her, defiant in their intent to make her stop. Amethyst grabbed his wrists, clutching them so tight Razak snarled in surprise.

"In a feisty mood, I see. Very well. You shall be handled accordingly."

His ears drooped for a moment as Amethyst shuffled past his cock, making sure to allow her inner thigh to brush against his shaft. His blood engorged tip kissed her wet lips, giving Razak a taste of what he just missed because of his lack of patience.

"Whatever my mistress wishes," he muttered, the fight leaving his arms.

Amethyst grabbed the rope in her mouth to free her hands. Just because her pup tended to get ahead of himself at times, that didn't mean he was completely hopeless. To encourage him, she allowed her fingers to sink into the fur of his chest, her palms sliding up and around, feeling the taut shapes and curves of his beautiful body. He was hers. All of him. To do with him as she pleased. And right now, that muzzle of his seemed awfully enticing. Amethyst continued her knee shuffle until she reached his head, her folds inches from his ebony nose.

"You will take it slow. Reign in your urges, and I may yet reward you."

Without giving him the chance to reply, Amethyst lowered her hips upon his face, pressing her nethers against his muzzle, gasping from the caress of his warm nose along her puffy lips.

"That's good pup. No tongue yet. Show me what a good dog you are, and all of the tricks you've learned."

Amethyst pressed her hands upon his chest, closing her eyes while his big, broad hands cupped her petite breasts, holding them in a tight yet snug embrace. A soft moan broke through her lips when he began rounding her nipples with two fingers, rubbing them with sluggish strokes at first to ease the mare into it.

While his pads treated her nipples to a most arousing caress, his nose began rubbing against her folds, shifting along them ever so slowly, gliding over to her clit to give it a soft nudge. A jolt of elation rushed through Amethyst, nails biting into Raz' hide.

"Good. That's good. Keep going, pup," she said, voice low and shuddering.

His thumbs added to the index fingers that traced the shape of her nipples, squeezing them between his pads just enough to elicit a pleasured yelp from Amethyst. Her hips bucked from the sudden pressure, shoving her pussy against Raz' lips.

"Enough foreplay. Get to work, pup."

She kept her eyes closed, the gentle strokes of her mate slow and reassuring. He knew each part of her body intimately, and he didn't dare step outside the prerequisite boundaries, even though his thighs shifted ever so often, his lust welling within that tight boner of his.

Amethyst put his pleasure at the back of her mind and focused on her own. A wolf's tongue was a real treat to a mare, after all. Long, smooth, and surprisingly dexterous, it flowed across her lips, collecting the arousal coating them and slurping it with gusto. A shudder rocked her being, her eyes snapping open to notice his wide, pleading gaze.

"There's obvious desperation in your slurps, my slutty puppy. You want me. More than anything."

He tried a nod, but Amethyst pressed her groin tighter against his face to remind him of his current duty.

Raz was more than happy to oblige. After brushing his tongue a couple more time over her folds, he parted her dainty entrance fast and strong, pushing all the way into her.

The sudden penetration urged the mare's jaw to drop, a drawn-out moan bursting from her throat. Her back arched, and her nails dug deeper into Razak's tight pecks to brace against the wave of pleasure that washed through her.

"Yes... That's it. Eat me out as if your life depends upon it."

Razak took her command to heart, his paws freezing upon her breasts as his focus shifted to pleasuring his mistress by way of tongue. That blissfully tight appendage slipped inside her, then pushed its way all the way through, swirling and wriggling within her depths to stimulate every inch of her shuddering insides.

Caught in the fetters of pure pleasure, Amethyst grabbed Razak's forearms, pinning them down in an arch above his head, holding them in a steely grip that meant business. Her puppy had the habit of sneaking a hand past her thighs every now and then to stroke himself. This time, he needed - no, he had to be stopped from touching himself. In bed, she made the rules, and no matter how his hips squirmed and his torso rocked, Amethyst's grip persisted.

"You're...uff...doing great mpffff. Faster now. Harder. Faster!"

Her raised voice sent a jolt through Razak, awakening his earnest desire to please his mistress. Fast and deep strokes replaced the slow and tantalizing ones, the wolf snaking his tongue in and out of her crevice with such speed that Amethyst's head became light and her muscles weak from the pleasure that flooded her senses.

She started to hump his muzzle in unison with his strokes, her moans joining his rough growls in a pleasant cacophony. The abrupt shoves of her hips against her slutty mate's muzzle brought a deep and potent satisfaction to Amethyst, each thrust forcing Razak's tongue deeper and deeper.

"Now the clit," she huffed. "Suck it like you mean it, slut."

She slapped him across the cheek to get her point across, and the wolf obeyed, his tongue retreating from her depths to allow his lips to engulf her swollen button.

The moment it happened, Amethyst swung her head back, the thrusts of her hips picking up as her climax loomed closer and closer. Razak's previous ministrations rendered her clit overly sensitive, and the wolf sure knew how to carry his mistress to her highest peak. His lips held her clit in place while his tongue tip nudged it and teased it with erratic strokes, each more fulfilling than the last.

"Now switch...hngghhh...fill me pup...ufff...and get your fill of me in return."

After giving her clit one final lick, Razak plunged his tongue back inside her, the tightness so snug and reassuring that Amethyst couldn't last, even if she wanted.

The fire welled within her groin dispersed into a swarm of tingles, so intense, her frame stiffened in an instant. Her cries climbed to the highest possible pitch, and, when the pleasure became too overwhelming, Amethyst gave in with a loud, shuddering cry, shoving her pussy against Razak's muzzle as her walls shuddered with elation.

Razak's tongue swirled within her, teasing her overly sensitive walls, coaxing fresh waves of juices out of her with every shiver that rocked her being. Her hungry pup slurped it all down, licking her puffy folds clean before retreating an inch or two away to pant with obvious need.

Amethyst exhaled audibly, sitting upon Razak's chest as she waited for her breath to recover. The overpowering orgasm left her drained, weak, her gaze hazy, her head still light from its sheer intensity.

"You did great," she said to her pup as he began squirming with obvious desire.

The paw she rested over his chest allowed her to feel his pounding heart. Over it were his tight muscles, every fiber of his body high strung, ready for his own release. It brought a grin to Amethyst's face, to see him so eager, and the way his tongue kept dashing across his whiskers to wipe off every droplet of her juices stirred her heart. She leaned forward to plant a kiss upon the tip of his nose, his whimper music to her ears.

"Maybe next time, pup," she said as she ruffled his hair.

His mouth opened, but no sound came out. Nevertheless, Amethyst spat the rope she held between her teeth on his chest, grabbed it, and bound his wrists with a double knot to keep his hands secured above his head.

"Your time will come," Amethyst said, emphasizing the last word.

The way his ears thrust to the side in veiled submission was too precious. Besides, anticipation only served to build up the pleasure, and seeing her puppy squirm and grind his thighs upon one another made her wish to ride his muzzle again, if only to see if he managed to last long enough without spilling his pent-up passion for her.

As she clambered out of the bed, Amethyst noticed his full mast. Pre coated the entirety of his head and dribbled down his shaft and along his balls, the wolf's desire for her so obvious she smirked against her will.

"I'll go prepare us something to eat. Don't do anything stupid while I'm away, pup. You know what insubordinate dogs get."

With that, she turned her back to him and strode out of the room, the tingles within her groin so prominent she already began to create various scenarios within her mind. Give him much needed relief, or put his endurance to the test?

The thought made her giggle and pick up her pace, all too eager to put her plans in motion.

Spotted Firsts

**Spotted Firsts** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe) for Cheetahs (Aryn Storm)_ _Trade story_ Aryn sat on the doorstep to the mansion, whole body quivering as he shook his head vehemently, unwilling to take a single step further into the...

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**Lust** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)_ The raven sprawled atop a pile of plush cushions in her chambers, feathers splayed across the colours of the rainbow. The flickering warmth of the fire tickled her feathers and she moaned, though not...

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Tick Tock

**Tick Tock** _Written by Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)_ She woke in a sudden gasping of scrambling bed sheets. Heart pounding in her chest, breath was abruptly difficult to grasp, slipping through her fingers like the sleep she had lost and night...

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