
Story by B3atFr3ak on SoFurry

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#14 of Champion of the Universe

Hey! 2 chapters in one week! I'm on fire! Lol. I hope you enjoy and forgive me for my mistakes. Review if you can!

Eone groaned as he sat up. The smell of fresh air wafted into his nostrils. The scent of the Yarwil trees tickling his nose. That was unexpected. His eyes shot open as took his surroundings.

"This is impossible." he said to himself in disbelief.

He was back home, in his room, amongst the Yarwil forest of Valrax. His circular room, made of the finest metal found on Valrax, was there. His simple bed, his ornate chest, down to the plain, metal walls. Everything was there.


He got up out of bed and look around. Nothing seemed out of place. It was just as he left it before he got abducted. How could he be back home? He was competing in the Tournament not to long ago and now here he was, safe and sound.

"Come back to bed Eone." a familiar sultry voice said.

Eone snapped his head around and was startled to see a female of his kind in bed. She was primarily light blue with a navy blue underbelly. Her horns curled backward instead of laying sideways along her ears like his were. The 2 sets of lines that ran parallel to her underbelly were a bit thinner than his-the outside ones were green while the inner ones were red. Her eyes were heterochromic as well; starting blue near the pupil and fading to yellow.

"Ldria?" Eone asked skeptically.

"The one and only." Ldria smiled. While doing so she stretched her wings and yawned, the sheet covering her slipping off. Eone gazed at all her luscious curves and tail. He wanted to look away but he couldn't help it. If it was one thing he missed about her, it was that body of hers.

"What's the matter Eone? Is there something you like?" Ldria smirked.

Before he could answer, his surroundings melted away. His environment melted into a darker atmosphere. His breathing hitched. The crunching of the leaves below his feet bringing back terrible memories. He remembered this all too well. He didn't want to remember this.

To confirm his horror, the bring Yarwil tree, looming ominously over him was to his left, as it once was that horrible night. It's golden trunk and brown leaves seemingly swaying in the darkness. It felt like it was mocking him. It felt just like that before.

Eone roared in surprise as he was grabbed roughly by the wings and horns. Before he could call out, his muzzle was snapped shut forcibly. It was then bound by cloth, followed by his wings, arms, and legs. Eone thrashed and squirmed, trying to get away from his captors. That resulted in 3 firm kick to the stomach and back.

Eone choked out a groan. His restrained muzzle not allowing a single noise to be uttered. No sooner than that, he was blindfolded. Eone was scared. He didn't know what was going to happen.

"Not like last time, please." Eone thought.

All he could do now was rely on his ears and nose to tell him where he was and where he was going. Although, he had feeling he knew. He didn't want to be right. He prayed he was wrong.

Just like last time, he was lifted from the ground. With no ground beneath him, he lost his sense of balance. He was at the mercy of his captors. He whimpered. His body swung slightly whenever they changed directions. All Eone could smell was something burnt. It got stronger and stronger every second. He couldn't hear much at first either. Only the flaps of his captors' wings and the howling of the wind. That changed when he heard the clanging of metal and incoherent voices.The chatter got loud as they reached their destination.

Eone grunted as hit the ground hard. He didn't have time to recover as he was roughly picked up and dragged forward. He heard shouts and yells. They were loud before, but now, it was ringing in his ears.

Left. Right. Another left. Two more rights. Up a flight a stairs. Two metal doors slid open before he was thrown inside. Eone was airborne for half a second before he crashed on the ground. His face kissing the floor as he skid across before finally coming to a stop. He could only grunt his pain.

He tried to sit up but was slammed back down to the floor by a large hand. It held his face sideways as the rest of his body was held down. A growing pressure formed on his chest and legs, immobilizing him completely. His felt a sawing motion on his muzzle, hands and legs. Cold metal licked his extremities for a moment before he felt his binds snapped free. He still couldn't move around. The pressure keeping him secure.

He was flipped onto his back, his wings twisting uncomfortably. He winced in pain. His nerves dancing along his wings. Before he could cry out, his throat was constricted tightly by a foot. His breathing came in labored, short breaths as he started to choke. His legs and hands were suddenly freed and they wrapped around the foot holding his throat down. He tried in vain to lift it, but the force pressing down was too strong.

His blindfold was removed and his gaze met his captor. This Valraxian was big and menacing. His scales were a sickly green and seemed to get darker along his hands, legs, and wings. He was bulky and had a barrel for a chest. His underbelly was a rust orange and his parallel lines were black and grey-inside and outside respectively. His horns were dull. Once a shiny silver, they were now a gloomy grey after years of neglect. They folded behind his ears. One of which looked shredded. His eyes were hardened. They were red near the pupil and faded to purple along the outside. Eone knew this guy was bad news, as well as the 2 others that stood behind him. They didn't look any better than he did. Eone just wished he didn't have to relive this memory. This horrible nightmare.

"Now listen here and l listen good whelp. This is how it's gonna go down. You are gonna fight. You are gonna fight well and make me money. If you do good, you won't be punished. If you do really good, you might actually go free. If you do bad, well..." his captor pressed down harder on Eone's throat. Eone was breathing harder, which was difficult with his restricted windpipe. He felt like he was about to blackout.

"Do you understand?" his captor asked.

With the little energy he had, Eone feebly nodded.

"Good. Wise answer, pet" his captor grinned before releasing his foot.

Immediately Eone grasped his throat and coughed roughly. His vision cleared as oxygen passed through his brain and filled his body. Suddenly the two behind his captor rushed him and picked him up easily. He was almost lifted off the ground as his wings and arms were pinned behind him.

"My name is Rillen. I am your master now and you shall address me as such. Do you understand, pet?"

Eone's eyes darted around anxiously, hesitant to answer. His silence was met with a swift punch to the gut. Eone choked on his breath as his stomach was immediately knotted. He hung his head in pain, grimacing immensely. His maw was directed upward and he met the intense gaze of Rillen.

"Hm. I expected more obedience out of you, pet. But I don't mind beating it into you." And with that, another punch sank into his stomach. The force stronger than the previous one. Eone's stomach contracted in waves of pain, trying to recover from such a blow.

"Now let's try again. Do. You. Understand. Me?" Rillen reiterated slowly. Eone didn't hesitate this time. He nodded his head weakly.


With a snap of his fingers, Rillen's henchmen dragged him towards the edge of the room and toward another pair of doors. The roaring of people was beyond loud. Eone looked at the door, scared out of his mind.

"Now get in there and win!" Rillen growled, pushing Eone through the doors. When Eone was through, the doors were immediately locked behind him. He turned back around and shook the door handles, growling in frustration that they were locked.

He turned around and gazed at the long corridor that opened further to the ring he knew all too well.

"Not this again. Anything but this!" Eone said to himself. The opening seemed to get closer and closer. Eone tried to press back as hard as he could but couldn't escape his fate.

The next thing he knew, he was in the center of the ring, amidst a crowd of bloodthirsty people. They were pumping their firsts and roaring with excitement, anxiously awaiting the fight to happen. Eone glanced around, looking at each and every face in the crowd, protected by the metal cage separating the spectators from the duelers. They didn't care that he could die at any moment. They only cared about who won. He stopped when he saw a familiar face in the crowd. It was Chris, and he was the only one that wasn't partaking the in the animalistic jeers. He seemed concerned, almost worried that Eone was in the ring. But why was he here? Why was he in his head? Chris abruptly stood up and shouted something at him. His voice obviously drowned among the rest of the crowd, but he followed Chris' arm and turned just in time to meet an incoming fist.

Eone's muzzle scrunched up in pain as the fist slammed into him and sent him flying across the ring. He skidded across the dirt as he looked up and was shocked to see his opponent. The first opponent he ever faced in the Rings of Raashnok. A sickly yellow Valraxian with tired eyes and a wide frame, going by the name of Rix, rushed him.

Eone didn't have much time to think as his opponent jumped into the air and directed his fall right towards him. Luckily Eone rolled quickly to the right and barely missed impact. He swiftly got to his feet and dashed away, using his wings as a boost. The crowd booing at his cowardice, cursing and spewing negative remarks.

He looked back at Chris and was surprised to see he was gone. Only an empty seat remained. That didn't stop Rix from sinking his claws into Eone's side, gliding through his scales like butter. Eone screamed as he felt his side open up and river of his blue blood pour out. He fell down immediately, only for Rix to climb on top of him and wrap his claws around his head.

Eone snarled and snapped his jaws but to no effect. Rix had his head firmly within his claws. The last thing Eone saw was Rix smiling before covering his eyes with his claws. Eone knew something was wrong when that happened. Eone did that to Rix. It didn't happen the other way around.

"Stop!" Eone cried out. As if that was going to happen. In fact, it made Rix apply pressure to his eyes, straining his orbs immensely. Eone screamed in agony as the pressure increased exponentially. He felt his eyes flatten and eventually burst under the pressure.

Incoherent screams erupted from Eone's maw as he no longer could see. All he felt in his eyes was a sharp, burning pain. It stung the corners of his eye sockets and only worsened from there. His screams were silenced when Rix shifted his hands around his neck and with a quick twist, ended his pain.


Eone gasped loudly, sitting up while taking deep breaths of air. His chest heaved greatly as it worked overtime to calm his throbbing heart. Sweat glistened his forehead as he recovered from that horrible nightmare. After a couple of moments, Eone sighed.

"It wasn't real. It isn't real." He kept telling himself that over and over until after 5 minutes, he was calm.

"What the hell happened? I won that match. Why did he win?" Eone asked himself. He shuddered as he remembered the past. How he was forced to fight in those disgusting matches. How he had to kill his kind all for sport. It was a sick tradition, that was practiced back in the olden days and was outlawed currently. However, that never stopped the Rings of Raashnok. It was too good a sport, as some deemed it.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Eone turned his head to the left and was surprised to see Ldria in his bed, again.


Eone was frustrated. What the hell was going on? Awhile ago, he was fighting in that awful Tournament. Now, he was somehow experiencing his life all over again. Something was off. This couldn't be real. But that pain he felt surely was.

"Are you okay?" Ldria asked again. She sat up and caressed his arm. Naturally Eone pulled away. She shouldn't have been here. She was out of his life for good. But it seems she wasn't out of his mind yet.

"No. I'm not okay."

"Are you having nightmares again. About...those times?"

Eone looked away. She always knew what he was thinking.

"Yes Ldria."

She wormed her way closer to him. She nuzzled his neck in sympathy.

"Well I won't press you about it. I can't fathom the struggle you went through because of that." Ldria explained as she ran a claw lightly between his wings, tracing his scars.

"But know that I will be here if you ever want to to talk. Know that you can confide in me. Know that you can trust me." Ldria said as she traced further down his back. The numerous scars he obtained from the Rings a constant reminder of his past.

He gazed into her blue eyes. She gazed back into his. Oh how he missed those eyes. Despite all that she did to him, he still missed her. He missed the way she comforted him, annoyed him, made his heart swell, made his heart break...All those emotions were coming back to him.

His muzzle rushed forward and crashed against hers. His tongue brushing along her teeth as they began to make out. She moaned as she opened her mouth slightly, inviting him in. She pulled him down on top of her, pressing their bodies together tightly.

Eone had no qualms. He immediately thrusted his tongue into her awaiting mouth and twisted it along hers. She reciprocated just as eagerly. Both appendages battling for dominance. He missed this. He needed this. Of course, like always, she won. Her tongue wrapping around his.

"She was always the better one at oral" Eone thought to himself.

He smirked as he tore away from her. Ldria's tongue licking around her muzzle as she gazed lustfully at her mate. His eyes returned her desire equally. He never broke his gaze as he licked his way down her chest, underbelly, and eventually to her flower.

She was already wet. He inhaled deeply and the rich aroma of her arousal seeped into his nose, imbedding firmly into his brain.

He spread her legs apart and kissed along the outside of her vent. Ldria squirmed and moaned in frustration. He kissed the top of her vagina before working his way down, lightly brushing his lips against her outer lips. He felt some moisture around his lips and grinned. She always get wetter with foreplay. Then again, what female didn't?

He extended his tongue and grazed her outer lips with his appendage. That earned him a moan. He repeated the process and was rewarded with another one. He kept up the work, lapping at her vent hungrily. His heartbeat started to quicken.

"Would you stop teasing me an-"

Her complaint was interrupted by a high-pitched shriek as Eone shot his tongue in as deep as he could into her sopping tunnel. She grasped the sheets tightly as Eone's tongue penetrated her deeply.

"Yes!" Ldria hissed.

He retracted his tongue a bit before thrusting it a bit further. That caused her to squeal in pleasure. Her arousal overwhelmed Eone's senses, causing him to snarl with carnal desire. His length started to protrude from his slit. In mere moments, it was standing at its full length of 11 inches.

Eone regretfully pulled away and started stroking his dragonhood, looking at Ldria hungrily. The female smirked and spread her legs wider, rubbing her pussy.

"What are you waiting for?" Ldria asked in sultry voice.

He moved forward but stopped abruptly. Part of his surroundings were fuzzy and changed. Splotches of grey rock appeared in his vision and seemed to blend into his room.

"What are you waiting for? Stop teasing me!" Ldria said impatiently. Squirming in anticipation. She seemed oblivious to the surroundings. She didn't noticed when it changed back.

He shook his head and leaned forward, the tip of his length grazing her folds. Ldria licked her muzzle in anticipation. Without a second thought, he sank the first two inches into her. Ldria moaned loudly and clenched around his invading flesh. Eone growled lowly. She was always tight. Again, this time out of the corners of his eye, the walls morphed into jagged rocks. The only thing that didn't really change was the bed; it was still there.

Eone looked down and gazed at her. She was wet and ready to mate. But why was she here? That shouldn't have happened. She shouldn't be here. She was long gone and he was participating in the Tournament.

"The Tournament." Eone whispered incoherently.

It dawned on him how surreal his surroundings were. He remembered it now. He was fighting in the Tournament. He survived three rounds already and currently in the fourth round. He made an alliance with the human male, Chris. He was a weird alien, but unexpectedly useful. He proved his strength left and right and Eone believed he was going to be one of the finalists at the end. He just hoped he didn't have to go against him. He wasn't so sure that he could call him a friend, but he certainly wasn't an enemy. Even though all the others were technically his enemies.

"Eone you better fuck me now before I pin you down and ride you myself!" Ldria snarled. She was ansty. She wanted to be pleasured, not teased.

His settings phased back to normal. Again, nothing seemed out of place. That confused Eone. He was certain he was experiencing some type of illusion, but was stumped as to why he couldn't break it. A firm squeeze broke his train of thought. He moaned in pleasure as his cock was hugged tightly by Ldria's soft walls.

"Please, just fuck me! I'll do whatever, I just need to cum!" Ldria cried out in desperation, wrapping her claws around his neck and pulling him close. He, in turn, sank in another couple of inches. They both voiced their pleasure. Eone's nerves were dancing. He looked around and was surprised to see the rocks appear again. He couldn't help as he thrust again instinctively. Pleasure enveloped his cock and he noticed that the rocks got a little bit clearer. Puzzled, he thrusted again. Two moans ensued and his surroundings changed over so slightly.

Eone looked down at the helpless form of Ldria, trying to adjust to his length. He was halfway in her and she felt wonderfully moist. He pulled out and sawed his meat back in, adding two more inches. He repeated the process until he had a gentle rhythm going. Ldria was groaning and moaning like a Valraxian in estrus. He gazed back up and was relieved to see that more than half of his surroundings were rock.

"So pleasure breaks it." Eone said to himself.

"What?" Ldria asked breathlessly.

Eone looked down and grinned evilly. He couldn't be more happier that she was there. Before she could ask again, Eone pulled back and slammed into her. His hips meeting hers with a wet slap.

She shrieked in pleasure. "Yes! Fuck me!"

Eone was too happy to oblige. He would drag out his length from her dripping folds before ramming it all in. Hitting her fully before tugging it out until only the head remained, before shoving it back in. He started off slow but eventually pounded her with all he had. Squelches and smacks of flesh filled the air. Eone even made out with her, hoping that that would do the trick. He gazed around and noticed that only the bed remained from his illusion.

He felt his groin tighten. He felt like his crotch was on fire. He was losing his tempo. His thrusts became erratic and felt his pleasure increase exponentially. He was gonna cum. Eone gazed down and noticed Ldria wasn't doing any better. Her screams of lust fueled his drive. He felt his knot at the base of his cock swell and smack the outside of her vent. He had no time. He had tie her. He need to break free of his trance. He grinded his bulb of flesh into her, snarling when her pussy refused to accommodate.

"You are gonna...have to do...better than that." Ldria panted.

Eone growled in frustration. He didn't have time to play around. With small roar, he sank his teeth into her shoulder and gave a mighty thrust. He was happy to feel his dragonhood squeeze past and sink snugly into her passage. Not a moment later Ldria roared with passion as she spasmed around Eone's cock, washing it with her juices. Her ensuing contractions milked Eone for all he was worth and a second later he shot load after load of seed into her. His pleasure almost consumed him. Before it got a chance to do so, he woke up.


Eone fluttered his eyes open. He sat up and looked around. Two others were barely moving and conscious while the other 5 were limp. The pleasure from the dream still fresh on his mind. And when he tried to shift, he stopped as he felt his length rub against his kilt uncomfortably. He looked down and was a bit embarrassed that he was sporting an erection during the game. But he figured that was better than staying in a never-ending dream.

He pushed his dick sideways until it rested securely under the top of his kilt. In that position, it wouldn't chafe or get in the way. Eone sat there for a bit, shocked that getting horny actually snapped him out of the trance.

He sighed when he remembered what he went through. Those were dark times. Times he didn't want to relive. He would've kept sulking if he didn't notice his vision getting hazy and felt his arms tingle. Eone shook his head and though some quick, pleasureable scenes. He exhaled a sigh of relief as his senses returned back to normal.

"Think sexy." He told himself. And with that he stood up and looked around, trying to find his ally.

Chris was not too far from him. He was lying still about fifteen feet away from him. It looked like Chris was moving but very, very slowly. His eyes were nearly shut and Eone thought he heard a groan. He rushed over there and kneeled near him.

"Think sexy Chris! Think sexy. That will work!"

He got no response from Chris. It seemed like he heard him but it didn't register in his mind. He kept on reiterating it louder and louder until Chris tilted his head a bit. He didn't understand him. That was a good sign! He was able to perceive his heed.

"Think about sex. Mating. Anything that will get you aroused!"

"Sexy sexy?

"Yes sexy. Anything like that. It will clear your mind and not be susceptible to the effects of the gas."

Eone at this point prayed Chris would understand him. He had to win. He didn't want die on this ship. He wanted to return back to his normal life. But he also didn't want Chris to die. Somehow, he was going to work this out.


Everything was hazy. It was all a blur. It was dark. That's all Chris could described his surroundings when he woke up, a slight headache making him groan. He blinked once, twice, before his world started to focus. He noticed the blue glow of the...

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"Is that it?", Tallula whispered. "Obviously you meat sack!", Kagoro shot back quietly. "Oh would you shut it you overgrown bug!", Chris whispered harshly. "What did you-" Everyone stopped suddenly, too focused on the...

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It all happened so quickly. Once loaded onto the ship, the zoomed off to their next planet. 40 minutes of dead silence later and they landed gently. Chris was surprised that he didn't get motion sickness all throughout this endeavor in space. He knew...

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