Tension Tamer

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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So. Hi there. Are you one of the people that really liked my The New Tribe series of stories? Chances are then that you're familiar with the Nakeletori wolf tribe, and Korvin in particular. Even when I wrote him I could see the potential for some little escapades of his own, and so here he is!

Before you start, this is a story that precedes the events of First Contact. I'm not planning on doing any more stories in this setting, but there's always the chance of it. Lemme know what more you want to see, and I don't mind giving it a shot if I have the time. For now though, it's time you saw what kinda stuff Korvin gets up to! Hope you enjoy!

  • Faora, of the Tail's Rise

Tension Tamer

The Season of Renewal. That's what the Nakeletori wolf tribe called the time where the land recovered from the chill snows and prepared for the harsh, heated days to come. It was a time for the lands to be replenished, for the hunts to begin anew, and for new life to be created. It was a time of passion and romance.

It was a time when one particular Nakeletori wolf regarded the village around him in a whole new light. Named Korvin of the Howling Moon and the youngest of his surviving brothers, he had his reasons to view his fellow tribemates differently than he otherwise would. On some level, there were fantastic opportunities for one such as him. On another, he needed to be much more careful. It was one thing to be suspected and somewhat outcast, but it was quite another to be found guilty of his crimes. His interests were, to put it simply, hazardous to his health.

The youngest and shortest of his remaining family, Korvin's deep blue eyes scanned over the street beyond his brother's hut. The sun had barely begun its ascent into the heavens, but the day was already old for the Nakeletori. Hunting parties had already been dispatched, traders from the Virilo coyotes to the north and the Linorika tigers to the east had begun their treks home, and his brothers had feasted and left. The eldest of his brothers, Vorja, had begun his search for a mate. His other brother, Rijaan, had left the tribe for a few weeks. Korvin had not seen him in several days, and while he knew Rijaan was a strong and capable hunter, he knew well the threats that lay nearby. Dangerous draconic creatures of darkness and evil preyed upon wanderers to the west, and Korvin prayed to the gods that Rijaan was safe from their terrible claws.

That left the youngest brother all by himself. There was no hunt for him that day, and the thought of seeking out a female for himself awoke not even the slightest tingle of want from his malehood. His deep grey fur shimmered in the dawn light as he shifted before the window, and an idle paw dropped to his lap. Korvin's fingers slipped under the thin loincloth his people wore and rubbed gently at his sheath as he surveyed the streets around him. A thin smile began to spread across his lips. Already rejections were beginning in town, and tempers would flare if those males were unable to find relief. Korvin had no time for any of those in the town then, though. There was too much risk involved, at least for then. Perhaps when they grew more desperate, he could offer them some relief.

The females of his tribe were few, and many Nakeletori males sought them during the season of renewal. Mating instincts ignited, and the need to breed the next generation of capable hunters came into the forefront of everyone's mind. Everyone's, save for Korvin. The young hunter looked forward to the season more for the frustrated males who were unable to court the females of their desire, than for the females themselves. Those males were the ones his eyes searched for. He looked for the poor wolves who could not find a female interested in them, and he sought out those whose frustration reached the breaking point. Someone had to help them through such a difficult season. That someone was him, and a couple others that felt as he did. For the moment it was too risky to offer it to those males though, and there was a much safer way to sate his desires.

Korvin smiled wider as he slipped away from the window and left his brother's hut. Oh, he knew the laws of the Nakeletori very well. He knew the punishment for any male who lay with another male was harsh. Beneath the fur of his back, Korvin still bore the scars from the flogging he'd received when he'd been discovered once before. He'd been young and reckless, and punished harshly by the whip when his partner's family had exposed them. Still, it wasn't like Korvin to let anything stop him from getting what he wanted. His people thought he had reformed his dishonourable ways. He had simply learned to be smarter about those he ‘associated' with.

Word had come from one of those males he associated with the day before, to meet him in a few days time just beyond the borders of the village. Korvin had tried not to allow his eagerness to shine through then, but as that day had grown old he had found his thoughts grew ever more tantalizing. Visions in his mind of what he would do tempted and teased him, and as he strode down the main street of his village, Korvin felt that little tingle of desire surge through his sheath. It was a tingle that no male in his village was to feel but from the thought of a willing female. Somehow, that only made the sensation stronger to Korvin, and he knew he could not wait a few more days to feel that male's rut. He needed someone immediately.

It was simple enough to slip out of the village unnoticed. All Nakeletori could stalk the most stealthy of prey, but Korvin knew how to conceal himself even from his fellow wolves. He learned all that they did, and forbidden desire drove him to be ever more cautious as he slipped further from his home. The forests around the village were extensive, but the river that led to the waterfall to the north concealed a small cavern. Korvin had not himself excavated the cavern, but he had heard the rumours as to its origin.

It was said that the first Nakeletori male to turn from a female's touch had fled to the river and driven himself beneath its surging flow, to hide from his terrible shame. While none of the ‘normal' Nakeletori had ever found the hidden den, at some point in time another similar-minded male had uncovered it. The location had been passed down as the most secret of knowledge to any males who might feel as they did, and the cavern was known as a haven from Nakeletori persecution. Some of the ‘normal' Nakeletori had begun to call the male-inclined wolves the ‘Waterborn,' and said that they could survive to practice their forbidden acts in an underwater world separate from reality. Korvin often chuckled when he heard the story told. It was superstition and nothing more; the reality of the den was so much simpler, if one knew where to look.

In the few minutes it took Korvin to make his way to the river, he carefully backed over his own trail several times to lead others astray. The wolf ducked over the river a few times and crossed his path several more times, before finally he began to wade through the water's edge towards the waterfall. The road of the water as it crashed to the river far below drowned out Korvin's sloshed footsteps, and the soaked wolf made his way right up to the edge of the falls. For a brief moment he looked down over it and admired the way that the water became nothing more than a mist as it impacted the rocks below. A simple misstep was all it would take to pull Korvin from the slow water on the river's edge into the rapids that would hurl him over the edge.

Carefully he backtracked a few steps along the river and smiled tightly to himself. He took one long, deep breath and threw himself forward to dive beneath the surprisingly deep river's surface. Immediately there was the tug of the rapids all over Korvin's body, but the wolf didn't struggle. Instead he pushed himself down harder, his arms and legs straining and kicking for depth as he pushed himself towards the river's bed. In moments the edge of the waterfall came upon Korvin, and the wolf could see through the bubbles just how close he was to being thrown to a very long drop.

Just before he slipped over the edge though, the Nakeletori reached out with one paw and grasped tightly at one large, rocky outcrop that jutted out from the river bed. He held on tightly against the flow of the river and the tug of the waterfall, and ever so slowly Korvin pulled himself down towards the outcrop. Powerful lupine muscles drew him past it and back from the edge of the falls, and the wolf smiled as he ducked down beneath the river bed. The little tunnel concealed by the outcropping was barely wide enough for his body to travel through, but Korvin wriggled his way down and along it.

As his lungs began to burn for air, the wolf came to a sharp, upward bend in the passage and quickly drove himself into a much wider tunnel. A final strong push of his legs drove him upwards again, and he took a deep breath of air as he felt himself break the water's surface. The cavern was massive, as if the inside of a well-sized hill had been carved out entirely from the inside. Great spires of stone jutted from the walls, the floor and the ceiling, and sunshine shone down from far above through tiny cracks in the stone. Bioluminescent moss sparkled in the dim light of the cavern and shed a soft, blue light across everything within it. Furs and rugs were scattered about to present some comfort, and a small fireplace was set into one of the walls. Korvin wondered why no Nakeletori had ever discovered the smoke from it, but he had simply been told that the waterfalls masked such detection.

His arrival within the cavern was not unnoticed. Six lupine heads turned to face Korvin as he broke the surface of the underground pool, easily wide and deep enough to accommodate several Nakeletori at the same time. The other wolves in the cavern watched Korvin only long enough to determine that he was no threat, before they turned their attention back to whatever had held it before his arrival. Three of the six resumed their conversation, one of the wolves continued to paint markings and symbols across the walls, and the remaining two huddled closer together as they held one another. In the air was the powerful scent of male musk and rut; a common enough scent in the cavern for sure, but it was strong enough in Korvin's nostrils that the wolf suspected the cuddling couple had only recently had a little fun of their own.

As the young wolf pulled himself from the pool, he reached out to grasp a hold of a length of cloth set atop a stone ledge nearby. He vigorously began to run it over his body with one paw even as the other unfastened his soaked loincloth. He tossed the garment aside and worked at towelling his legs off as the soaked piece of clothing came to rest near the softly crackling flames. Korvin began to follow after it, continuing to dry himself as he moved towards the warmth of the cavern's fireplace.

He glanced up as he finished one of his footpaws and found his muzzle level with the bare crotch of one of the room's other occupants. Immediately his ears flattened back and a blush coloured his cheeks beneath his fur, and Korvin glanced up with a furtive smile. He instantly recognized the older, larger male above him as Nyrek, one of the three that had been engaged in conversation when he'd entered. "Well," Korvin said softly as he let his eyes and smile drift right back down to what lay right before his nose, "This is particularly unsubtle of you."

"I was not the one to move right into it," Nyrek replied, his voice deep and quiet as he smirked back down at Korvin. "And we all know what tends to happen with you around, my boy. Makelari and Suschek told us to expect you, though they are the ones who've already had their fun for the moment." The older wolf's eyes narrowed a little as he folded his arms and smiled wider. "They, along with Nikaran there, wish you not to disturb them this morning. Nikaran especially; he wishes to focus on his art for now."

Briefly, Korvin glanced over at the lupine working away on the walls. The male there, Nikaran, met his gaze and offered the younger wolf a soft nod before he turned back to his work. "Then they will have their peace from me," Korvin replied with a widening smile of his own. "And yet you speak nothing of yourself, or your companions. Am I to assume that time might find some of you under my tail? Dare I hope?"

A snort of amusement drew Korvin's attention back to the others that had sat with Nyrek, and immediately the young male's eyes widened. It dawned on him that while he recognized the males once he was closer to them, neither of the other two wolves were ones that he had ever seen in the den before. That was not to say that he had not seen them about town; he knew both very well. One was the dark-furred and often-quiet Tiviar; a friend of Korvin's own older brother Vorja and a male whom Korvin had been glad to assist the previous mating season. Tiviar had repeatedly found no success with females, and Korvin remembered with great relish how the other male had vented his needs in his very receptive body in the previous two mating seasons.

The other though was of considerably more surprise to Korvin. The white-furred wolf sat with his arms folded and his head tilted up expectantly. "Derrin?" Korvin asked as his eyes flicked between the white wolf and Nyrek. As he saw the white wolf nod and smile wider, Korvin could only chuckle and dart over to wrap his arms around him. "Oh, Rijaan and Vorja would never be seen dead with another male! How did you come to follow in your brother's footsteps, hmm?"

At those words, Derrin glanced briefly at Nyrek before he turned his gaze back to Korvin. There was no mistaking the blush present beneath those white-furred cheeks as he looked upon his older brother. "Oh, we have always known of our respective... interests," he said with a quiet chuckle. "And since we always hunted and trained together, no one thought twice when we would slip away together..." The white wolf shrugged and smiled a little wider.

Korvin glanced over at Nyrek with a wide smile of his own. White fur was a rare thing amongst the Nakeletori; certainly it was a detriment to the hunt during the warmer months, but it was a desirable trait during harsh, icy days filled with snow and frost. When food was scarce, those were the wolves that brought back food for all. They were highly honoured in Nakeletori society. On a more basic and lustful level, Korvin had always wanted to take one. He doubted it was any different from another Nakeletori, but they were exotic enough to be much more desirable. "How very lucky for you," he finally replied with a smile, as he moved to sit between Derrin and the fireplace. "I cannot imagine my brothers being so open with me. A pity, really."

Almost immediately, Korvin felt a soft arm wrap around his damp middle. He glanced down at the white fur that covered it and then looked back over his shoulder as Derrin drew himself close in behind him. "Oh, we are very lucky," he said as he leaned over Korvin's shoulder with a smile. "You see, Nyrek there has told me much of you and your... eagerness, so to speak. I was wondering if, perhaps, you might be so eager to help me with the not-inconsiderable problem I seem to have here."

Deep in his sheath, Korvin felt his malehood begin to stir. An eager smile spread itself across his face before he managed to restrain it, and the wolf's eyebrows lifted slightly. He opened his mouth to speak, to ask the obvious question, but his words were stolen by a simple touch from the male behind him. The familiar warm prodding under his tail was immediately recognized as the grinding of Derrin's malehood, and on cue Korvin felt his tail immediately lift up high. Instead of words, a quiet murr of woken desire slipped free from the bonds of his muzzle, and his lips curled into a wide smile.

For a few moments, Korvin simply enjoyed the feel of the white wolf's arm squeezing gently around his middle, as the embrace drew him back against that length of hot flesh. He felt it grind into his bare fur and down under his tail, rubbing back and forth along the cleft of his rump as he moaned softly despite himself. Korvin hung his head down and closed his eyes as his own tip emerged from his sheath. The ebon length pushed up into the air, his malehood the same colour as that of his brothers; Korvin couldn't help but sneak a couple glances in on Rijaan and Vorja from time to time.

He whimpered softly as he felt the warmth against his backside withdrawn and, with a moment's effort, turned his head back to Derrin. Korvin's gaze was met by the sight of the white wolf and his brother embracing, their muzzles pressed together in a soft canine kiss. Caught in the sight as he was, repeated motion caught in the corner of his eye drew Korvin's gaze downwards. The motion came from Nyrek's paw, slick with oils obviously poured from the jar held in his other paw, as it moved rapidly back and forth along his brother's length. At the sight Korvin felt his malehood pulse and grow harder still; part of his increased need was from seeing the older brother assisting his younger, and part was from the knowledge that Derrin's oil-slicked shaft would most likely be going into him.

That knowledge proved to be correct moments later, as Nyrek guided the tip of his younger brother's malehood back down and against Korvin's backside. Korvin closed his eyes again as he turned his head forward once more, and his footpaws shuffled slowly apart as he worked to spread his legs wide for the male behind him. He needn't have bothered, what with Nyrek there; the older wolf knew very, very well exactly where the mark was. With a groan of want, Korvin pushed back and felt the tip of Derrin's oiled length slip easily up into the snug confines of his tailhole, squeezed tightly by the eager wolf's inner muscles.

As Derrin sank himself deeper into Korvin's body inch by pleasurable inch, the sound of footsteps before Korvin drew his eyes open again. He blushed brightly as his gaze focused on the silent Tiviar; the dark-furred lupine stood tall before Korvin with his arms folded. The wolf's shaft pulsed in the warm air of the cavern, and Korvin watched a little bead of pre form at the tip of the crimson length as he felt Derrin thrust forward hard and hilt himself.

Almost immediately, Korvin's muzzle opened wide as he moaned deeply. Tiviar's paw shot out with the reflexes of a coiled serpent and grasped a hold of that opened muzzle to hold it that way. The moan turned into a whimper as Korvin's eyes shot up and down along Tiviar's body, flicking between throbbing malehood and predatory grin. Even as Derrin ground his hips against Korvin's rump, Tiviar's grip forced him to lower his head towards the ground. Korvin dropped down before the dominant wolf as he was pushed to his paws and knees, and as he lifted his head again he was greeted by the sight of that red length of flesh.

No command was needed or given; Korvin simply leaned forward and began to lap along the offered malehood. He knew better than to be told, and the others who visited the den knew better than to ask him. His body belonged to any male who wanted it, regardless of where, when or how. As he took Tiviar's length into his muzzle and began to suckle on it gently, the taste set another deep moan rumbling in his throat. Disgraceful, Vorja said of the habit of sleeping with another male. Abominable, the laws of the Nakeletori said of the same. Even females who engaged with more than one male were shamed. And yet, there was no shame or disgrace on Korvin's face as Derrin began to thrust slowly into his backside, the thrusts enough to rock his muzzle forward and along Tiviar's malehood. There was a filled muzzle, and lips curled back in an eager, hungry smile. There was want and desire. Korvin felt no shame as his body was ‘defiled;' only a pity that so few would know the pleasure he felt.

As he closed his eyes and laid his ears back, Korvin drowned out his senses to focus on the sensations before him. While the sounds and sights of the cavern faded from his awareness, the wolf felt the gentle but firm thrusts of Derrin so much more strongly. Each one spread him wide and deep around the white wolf's shaft; longer than his brother's if not quite as thick. He used that firm momentum to push himself forward as he lapped and suckled from the tip to the base of Tiviar's length. The texture of the length in his muzzle played across his tongue like water along the river, surging back and forth as it teased Korvin with its taste. That taste compounded with a trickle of pre, the slick fluids tickling his tongue as he twisted his muzzle and sought to draw out still more.

Korvin's footpaws slid slowly across the rocky ground as his legs spread wider for Derrin. The white wolf's hips pushed forward steadily as his paws squeezed tightly at Korvin's sides, his grip pulling the grey-furred lupine back into his every thrust. A shiver played through Korvin's body as he felt one of those paws slip down to his tail, and he moaned deeply as Derrin's touch feathered over it for a brief moment before it squeezed tightly at the base. His muzzle parted wider around Tiviar's length and his eyes opened just in time to see the older wolf above him thrust down into him. He watched as several inches of thick, canine shaft vanished into his muzzle all at once, and he shuddered anew as he felt the back of his throat painted with a quick spurt of Tiviar's pre.

A second pair of paws drifted down to stroke and rub over Korvin's side, just after a peculiar grinding sound reached his ears from beneath him. His eyes opened once more to the sight of Nyrek beneath him. The older wolf lay on his back beneath Korvin, and his paws rubbed and stroked slowly up and down along the grey-furred lupine's sides as he grinned up at Korvin's malehood-stretched muzzle. "Mmrrr. Quite the view from here, Derrin," Nyrek said as his smile widened further. "How does it look to you?"

"Like he needs more," came Derrin's reply moments later, punctuated by a sharp groan of pleasure as Korvin squeezed himself down tightly around the white wolf's length. Beneath the fur of his cheeks, Korvin felt his skin flush from Derrin's words. Despite the depth that the young male behind him reached with every thrust, Korvin couldn't help but be distracted by the girthy length of flesh that abused his muzzle. He moaned his assent to Derrin as his eyes drifted from Nyrek's face to Tiviar's shaft, the better to watch that thick malehood pump between his lips.

His hungry slurping drowned out Nyrek's response, but Korvin was able to make out a cheeky note in the older wolf's voice. Still he kept his eyes focused on the sight before him; he revelled in the view of Tiviar's orbs as they hung low and full beneath his sheath. The thought that Tiviar must not have relieved himself in some time filled Korvin's head, and he moaned anew. The sound was cut off by a hard thrust from Derrin, the white-furred wolf's hips slamming hard enough against Korvin's backside to drive him down firmly along Tiviar's length again.

As he felt himself pulled back onto Derrin's shaft again, Korvin's eyes widened. Nyrek's grip on his sides grew tighter as he felt a second hard malehood press up and against him. The tip of the older lupine's length dragged from the base of Korvin's already swollen knot down and over his grey sheath, tucked neatly beneath his own swaying orbs before it ground up against his rump. Derrin seemed to shove Korvin's rump forward and hard, and the force of the push drove him once more down onto Tiviar's shaft. He swallowed around his overfilled mouth as he felt Nyrek's tip slide up and right against his stretched entrance, and suddenly Korvin knew exactly what the older wolf must have told his brother.

A split second later, Korvin was pulled back from Tiviar's malehood just as hard. The thick length slipped from between Korvin's lips as he felt Nyrek's oiled shaft slide up and inside him, pushing past his tailring as both brothers hilted their lengths inside his body. Korvin hissed out a quick gasp at the sudden, burning pain of being spread so wide, but that sound quickly faded into an eager moan of pleasure as his experienced body swiftly adjusted to the stretched forced upon it. He squeezed down tightly on both Nyrek and Derrin as they ground into his rump, and after a moment to adjust to the feelings sparkling along his nerves Korvin reached up with one shaky paw to draw Tiviar close again.

Korvin's legs shook and shuddered as the brothers began to thrust inside him, even as he hungrily dove his muzzle down over Tiviar's length once again. His eyelids fluttered closed as he released a muffled moan around the thick spear of flesh pumped between his lips, and a shiver ran from the top of Korvin's head to the tip of his tail as he felt both Derrin and Nyrek move in concert. Their bodies moved together, linked by a blood bond as they shared the eager wolf beneath them. It was all Korvin could do to keep from losing all of his control; the rocky floor beneath him was soaked with musky pools of his pre that only grew larger and thicker as his body was used.

As the twin malehoods stretched him wide and deep, Korvin gave himself purely over to the feelings that coursed through his body. The dampness of his fur faded from his awareness, as did the sound of the other Nakeletori in the cavern. His nostrils filled with the scent of rut and need, both his own and that of the virile males around him. His ears twitched with the sound of his own sloppy, hungry slurping around Tiviar's malehood as it mixed with the wet slaps of Derrin's hips against Korvin's backside. The wordless grunts and moans of both Tiviar and the brothers set Korvin's body shuddering, and he bucked his hips back hard into Derrin and Nyrek's synchronised thrusts harder.

The burn of his inner muscles at being stretched around both lengths only drove the eager wolf on harder. Korvin squeezed himself tightly down around the shafts embedded in his backside as they drove into him, working his muscles to draw them deeper still into his depths. His tongue lashed up and down along Tiviar's length, and the taste of the wolf's pre as it drooled out over his tongue only added to Korvin's desperation. Unabashed need welled up inside him as the larger males around him took his body for their pleasure; the need to satisfy them and feel their seed spilled inside his body took over. Control and reason fled him; pleasure was all that mattered, and he was there to provide it for the needy males around him.

There was no shame to be felt as Korvin pushed his muzzle up and down faster along Tiviar's length. His lips parted around the big male's knot and his tongue lapped eagerly over it, savouring the taste of the sensitive flesh. His legs only spread wider as he felt Derrin and Nyrek thrust harder up inside him, his inner muscles squeezing down tighter around them as he fought to coax them into their climax. His ears twitched as he heard Tiviar groan above him, and Korvin focused his every effort on the length of lupine flesh pumping his mouth.

He immediately enjoyed the fruits of his redirected efforts. Even as the brothers continued to abuse his well-bred tailhole with every buck of their hips, Tivar's malehood pulsed and throbbed between Korvin's lips. His knot swelled quickly, and the dribble of pre from Tiviar's tip became a veritable stream across Korvin's tongue. He lapped it up eagerly and swallowed it right away, the taste renewed moments later with a fresh trickle seeking to satiate his hunger. His hunger was insatiable though, and Korvin bobbed his head back and forth harder and faster, taking Tivar's length deep into his muzzle and swallowing down around the tip. His lips bumped hard against that thick knot as the male above him moaned. Even the burn of his stretched tailhole and the pleasure of being so deeply, completely rutted faded from Korvin's mind as he lost himself in Tiviar's taste, scent, sound and feel.

It was the stroke that did it in the end; the lift of Korvin's paw up to cup and squeeze gently at Tiviar's full orbs even as he balanced himself on his other paw. That stroke and squeeze caught Tiviar's breath in his throat, and Korvin began to pull off the thick malehood even before it began to throb. His lips sealed around the tip as his tongue lolled out, his whole body shuddering from top to toe once more as he dragged his tongue firmly up along the sides of the dark-furred wolf's length. His lips sealed tightly around Tiviar's flesh as it began to pulse hard, and the pleasureful cry of the wolf echoed in the cavern as the first jet of his seed shot up against the roof of Korvin's mouth.

Dimly, Korvin became aware of the slowing of the thrusts into his rump, but his awareness of it was washed away with the second spurt of Tiviar's seed. He moaned softly through the flood of the big male's essence, every single spurt caught across his tongue and swallowed hungrily down. He lifted his head up and back as he shifted his paw up, grasping a tight hold of Tiviar's knot and squeezing down around it. Korvin was rewarded with the sound of the male's moans become howls of relief as his fingers formed an imitation tie, and a series of hard, long shots from Tiviar's tip painted Korvin's grey muzzle with streaks of white. His muzzle opened to catch as much of Tiviar's seed as he could as his fingers wrung every last drop he could out of the bigger wolf's malehood, and his lips were smeared with the sticky fluid as he pushed himself back down around that thick girth once more. Any shame he might have felt at being painted with the seed of the male who had just bred his mouth was overwhelmed entirely by pleasure, and instead pride sang through his whole body as he savoured the taste of Tiviar's seed.

That taste strong in his muzzle, Korvin became slowly aware again of Derrin and Nyrek behind him. Their thrusts remained slower than they had been, and it didn't take long for Korvin to discover why. He felt them fall out of synch with each other as Tiviar's malehood slipped from his lips, and a deep moan emerged from Korvin's muzzle as he felt both Derrin and Nyrek begin to alternate their thrusts. When one brother drew back, the other would push smoothly back inside him. The feel of one knot and then the other push against his stretched and abused tailring was telling enough for Korvin; both brothers were close. He could feel it in the way their paws clutched at his sides and his hips, and in the sound of their pants for breath. Their bodies trembled for release as much as his did, but Korvin focused his attention on them. The ache of his malehood could wait; he wasn't there to be tended to. He was there to be used.

And yet, despite the urge to push back hard and take both of the brother's malehoods into his body once again, reality sank in far deeper. His body was already stretched to its limits; Korvin whimpered as he understood that he could not take both Derrin and Nyrek's knots. The whimper became a grunt of pleasure as his malehood jumped, the grind of Nyrek's tip over that spot deep inside his body sending a wave of pleasure through him. Korvin's hips rolled slowly back into the thrusts of the brothers, as he inhaled deeply. The scent of Tivar's seed splattered across his face filled his nostrils and he moaned with renewed desire. He might not be able to take both of them to the end, but Korvin was determined to take at least one.

Close as they were, the brothers seemed to understand perfectly well what was going on in Korvin's mind. Even as Korvin closed his eyes and focused on the delicious feel of both lengths of hot flesh in his backside, the two brothers exchanged glances. A wordless agreement was struck even as their moans and grunts of pleasure mingled with those of the eager lupine beneath them. Once more their thrusts sped up again, slowly at first but with rapidly increasing vigour. The breaths of all three males came quicker as Derrin and Nyrek hammered themselves into Korvin's body, and Korvin himself shook and shuddered with pleasure each time he felt one of the brothers sheath themselves inside his body.

It was all he lived for during the mating season; the feel of his body as it was filled up by the thrust of another male. To feel the pulse of that male's flesh as it was slammed into him, to know that male's seed had flowed into his body, was magical to Korvin. Every thrust was one of need and desperation, driven by the instinctual need to breed his partner. He moaned deeper and squeezed his eyes shut as the thought amplified the sensations he felt as he was taken. That was his everything in those moments; he was theirs, to be taken and bred and seeded and filled as much as they needed. All their need, all their heat and desire and want was driven into Korvin's body with each and every thrust they made, and the young wolf needed it almost more than the air he breathed.

Korvin's whole body shook and shuddered, and a whimper was stripped from his muzzle as he felt one of the brothers draw back and out of him entirely. He slumped forward and groaned, whimpering again as he glanced back over his shoulder. His inner muscles clamped down as hard as they could around Derrin's malehood as he watched the white wolf continue to pound away at his loosened backside, but Nyrek was nowhere to be seen. Korvin's view became hazy as he felt Derrin's knot pop inside him, only to be pulled out again by the force of the younger brother's thrusts. He shook anew as that knot pushed in and pulled out again, drawn by the force of the panting white wolf's thrusts.

Nyrek suddenly appeared to Korvin's vision once more, and the young wolf's ears laid back as they burned with his blush. Even as his whole body was jarred with the force of Derrin's thrusts, Korvin could only watch on through pleasure-addled eyes as Nyrek slipped up behind his younger brother and wrapped his arms tightly around him. A quick, sharp thrust made by Derrin matched the widening of the white wolf's eyes, and Korvin knew in a heartbeat that Nyrek had just pressed himself inside his younger brother. The knowledge and the sight mixed with the hundreds of other sensations and feelings that coursed through Korvin's mind, and they emerged only in the form of a deeper, louder moan of want and pleasure.

Korvin recognized the shift in Derrin's moans. They became shorter and sharper, like his own. The way he felt the white wolf's malehood twitch and throb as it was sheathed in him again and again echoed the way his own length felt. That sensation, inimitable and unmatchable, came only from being filled by another male. Derrin ceased to thrust for himself as Korvin ground himself back onto the younger brother's knot. Nyrek's thrusts came harder and faster, and they drove Derrin's body forward. The older brother took his younger sibling with enough vigour to drive Derrin's length back and forth, and Korvin squeezed down tightly around him as he shivered with need.

The young wolf felt his need fulfilled as Derrin's fingertips squeezed down hard on his hips. Back and forth the white lupine ground his hips, at once pushing himself back into Nyrek's thrusts and drawing back from Korvin's rump, only to slam himself in again. His thrusts became harder still as he feverishly worked himself into the wolf beneath him, and Korvin pushed himself back into every thrust as hard as he could. It took only a moment for Derrin's growl of want transmute into a cry of pleasure, and the white wolf slammed himself to the hilt inside Korvin's backside as the first pulse of his seed was planted deep in the grey wolf's body.

Korvin's moans of pleasure were almost muted by the sound of Derrin's cries. When Nyrek joined his brother a moment later, Korvin didn't even care anymore. His malehood throbbed hard as it stood painfully erect, but not a single drop of seed dribbled from his pre-soaked tip. The puddle beneath him grew no larger as he ground himself back firmly into Derrin's hips, keeping the spurting lupine shaft in his backside entrenched as deeply as possible. He squeezed down as hard as he could, eager to milk every last drop out of the male behind him as he shivered and shook on the edge of his own control. He cared little for the ache in his loins, as the sense of pride inside him swelled large. Derrin's pleasure was overwhelming, and it had been Korvin to coax the male's precious seed out. The very essence of the wolf behind him was inside Korvin, and he could do little more than shiver at the thrill that ran through him.

The knowledge that Derrin's older brother's howls signaled the peak of his own pleasure only sent a renewed pulse bliss through Korvin's fogged senses. Even as Derrin drained himself into Korvin, Korvin knew that Nyrek had begun to fill his younger sibling up with his seed. The bond of their blood was met with the bond of their bodies, and as he heard them moan and roar together in pleasure, Korvin could feel no more blessed than he did at being taken by the both of them.

His purpose served, Korvin laid his head down gently on the pre-soaked ground beneath him. His rump remained lifted, tail curled up and over his back as he panted heavily for breath. Behind him, the cries of the brothers slowly tapered off, leaving the cavern awash with the sound of panting and the overwhelmingly strong aroma of male sex. It seemed to Korvin that the world outside the den hardly existed in those moments; all that mattered to him was the length of flesh tied loosely to his backside, the male it was attached to, and the others that were present around him. His eyelids fluttered open as he groaned quietly, contently, and looked around.

Korvin's ears laid back against his head once more and his cheeks burned with a blush as he spotted Makelari and Suschek on the other side of the cavern. Suschek sat firmly impaled in his mate's lap, and Makelari's paw ran rapidly up and down over Suscheck's malehood as they looked on. Nearer to himself was Nikaran, and the artistic male seemed to have abandoned his painting at the show that had played out so noisily around him. On his knees was Tiviar, and the big, black-furred male's muzzle was filled to the brim with Nikaran's length. The sight set a fresh pulse along Korvin's malehood, and a thick spurt of pre added to the mess beneath him as he glanced back over his shoulder.

Derrin and Nyrek had embraced awkwardly, considering their stuck positions. They nuzzled gently back against each other as their tongues met in soft laps, and Korvin smiled as he laid his head back down with a satisfied murr. His eyes closed as he focused on the feelings that tingled across his own malehood. He knew he hadn't reached his climax. He didn't care to; not just yet, at least. The sound of Nikaran's distant groan as Tiviar lapped over his length was enough evidence that the cavern would still see considerable use as the day wore on, and Korvin smiled wider.

Why would he need his release just then? There was a whole day's worth of pleasure to be had, and a whole den filled with needy males. No, his time would come, but not yet. Others were still in need of his body, and he was all too happy to provide it. "Come over here," he called out as he opened his eyes and lifted his head, smiling at Makelari and Suschek. "No need to make a mess all the way over there. Let me lend a muzzle in place of that paw..."

I know I said Korvin's a little slut, but he really is, heh... and I love it. He's so much better a tension tamer than any tea, heh heh. Hopefully you lot loved him, too! Still don't know exactly how much more of this setting I'm going to write in, but we'll see as time goes on, shall we?

I am always happy and eager for comments, scores, favs and the like! Let me know if you enjoyed the story! Obligatory "I came!" comments very welcome! Show some love if you liked the tail and the tale, and criticism also eagerly lapped up. Lemme know what you thought!

And for the writers out there, my usual OBLIGATORY LINK WITH CAPSLOCK for my journals. I'm trying to show you guys how to handle some of the more frustrating sides of writing, and my advice might just be good for you! So go on, check it out, now! If you suffer writer's block, or need motivation, there's something there for you!

Again, hope you all enjoyed! Take care, furballs; until next time!

Slaved To Heat

It's time for some more smutty goodness by yours truly! Just a little short thing this time though; no real story to keep you from your butt-stuffingly delicious fun. Lightly based on certain abnormal summer days that get to me, though considerably...

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Song of the River

Nope! No. Definitely not. This's not an April Fools joke on my part. I've not written any M/F stuff in a long time, so those that tune in to my usual M/M dealings should hush up a bit. I'm not mucking about! Of course, AFTER this I'm probably going...

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Breeder's Den

Oh, deary deary my. Here we are again! CRAZY week this week, so I didn't quite get the story finished by the time I wanted to. But it's still here, it's still done! Huzzah and jubilation! Final part of The New Tribe here for you. Now, normally I...

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