Emerald Knight vs. Night Glare

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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A collaborative story I did with sarahdeschain on FA who was kind enough to assist me in introducing another of my newest characters.

While out on patrol in El Torres, Emerald Knight encounters a theft taking place at a local jewelry store, and when she investigates, she encounters the wandering bandit, Night Glare, who treads on a fine line between good and evil, doing what she wants when she wants and owing allegiance to no one...

Night Glare's biography soon to follow

Emerald Knight belongs to sarahdeschain

-El Torres, night time, unknown date-

 A burglar alarm could be heard from the

street, echoing from the busted window of a closed jewelry store in the

downtown area of El Torres, glass scattered all about the street, and a sign

reading of a special on diamonds that had once been on the windowsill was now

lying on the sidewalk, with a hole in the middle left most likely by a knife.

The sound reached the ears of Emerald Knight, who was patrolling the streets

from the rooftops when her keen ears caught the buzz of the burglar alarm.


had been heading back to HQ planning to call it a night before she heard the

alarm go off nearby, and rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Really? Okay...wrap

up the robbery and then head back so i can catch some sleep," she said with a

sigh as she decided to put her old skills to work and quietly approach the

scene until she could get a look at the situation.


stood on a roof overlooking the store, seeing the broken window, down to which

she descended, noticing the sign that had been left on the sidewalk on account

of the break-in. "A diamond sale? Huh, that's surprising." as she

looked inside through the broken window.

Inside, she saw a winged figure dressed in leather clothes

standing by the jewellry display cases, sweeping a taloned hand through the

jewelry cases to collect a handful of diamond-imbedded rings and necklaces,

chuckling confidently to themselves as they spoke to themselves. "This

should keep me going for a while." Their voice was rather feminine; apparently

a female avian was the culprit of this robbery.

She rolled her eyes again and elegantly entered through the

shattered window, being mindful of the glass. Once she was inside she

positioned herself behind the Avian and then spoke. "I don't think this jewelry

story is twenty four seven miss, so I'm afraid you'll have to leave those and

pay for them in the morning...along with this window." adding a slight

chuckle towards the end.

The avian froze, and slowly turned to look over her shoulder,

shifting her wing a little so she could see past it. When she was seen in full,

Emerald Knight saw that the avian was in fact a great horned owl; she didn't

have any outstanding features except for a pair of dark goggles over her eyes,

hiding them behind the material of the eyewear. "Well, well, well; was

starting to wonder if there even were any heroes in this town that might show

up," she remarked, spinning a ring around her finger as she looked over

her would-be captor, arching an eyebrow. "So what do they call you; the

Green Vixen?"

The Vixen frowned. "Actually, the name's Emerald Knight.

And what do they call you; the Engineer?" She retorted as she shifted her

pose in case the owl tried anything funny or if she tried to make a move.

"Either way, how 'bout showing some wisdom like most owls and put the

jewels back where they belong. I'm not really in the mood to go into a brawl,"

she reasoned as Emerald kept her gaze focused on her potential opponent.

"Unfortunate; I came to town looking for

excitement," the owl said, mockingly, but didn't lower the jewelry.

"And to answer your other question," she said as she raised her other

hand to her goggles, lifting them to reveal that she'd closed the lids of her

large eyes. "I'm called..." Her eyes opened, and Emerald Knight was

given quite a shock, as she saw the eyes of this owlette were solid red, like

blood; no pupils, whites, or iris' -just red. "Night Glare." And at

that, her eyes suddenly glowed brightly, becoming a red-white as illuminated

her features. "You might want to duck."

Emerald Knights Expression shifted to one of shock as Night

Glare revealed her eyes. "Well that's...disturbing... Wait, why

would..." she trailed off as they started to glow. "Oooh..."

Reacting quickly, she opted to make a roll behind one of the

counters to avoid what ever was about to happen. She was just in time to

narrowly evade a pair of bright red-white beams that exploded from the owlette's

eyes, racing across the store and blowing a hole into the wall where the door

had been seconds earlier; the beams emitted a rather frightening sound as they

erupted, like a cross between a crackle of electricity, and a loud hum, like

nothing Emerald had ever heard before. The blast resulted in a large explosion

as pieces of the store front were sent all across the street; an impressive

display of power by someone who, at first, had appeared completely ordinary.

"You know you're really making this a rough night for

me," Emerald Knight called as she positioned herself to not only see what

the attack could do but also to quickly move to a another position ether in

close or new cover depending on the Avian's next move.

Night Glare glanced over at where she had heard Emerald

Knight's voice, laughing heartily. "Rough nights are what I do best,

sister," she said. "If they were always easy, they wouldn't be any

fun!" And with that, she ran for the door, charging outside before making

a sharp right and heading up the street, still carrying the stolen jewelry in

her clenched hand.

Emerald Knight poked her head out, seeing that the owlette

had vacated the premises with the stolen property. She sighed "Why do they

always run?" She asked as she easily vaulted over the counter and out the

door after the Owlette.

The Vixen was quick to pick up her trailed and follow after

her even though the Avian had a head start over her. Putting her own reflexes

to the test to try and keep up with her. It wasn't hard for her to gain some

ground on her; everyone knew most avians were not sprinters, they were fliers.

The air was their territory but the ground advantage belonged to land-based

folks like herself.

"You're not the only one with glowing eyes, girl,"

Emerald called as her eyes started to glow a bright greenish white as a green hard

light wall appeared just a bit ahead of Night Glare, blocking her path.


Night Glare squawked before she skidded to a stop just short of running smack

into the wall. Reacting quickly, she made a left to head down another street

before opening her wings.

Emerald Knight knew that she only held her edge while Night

Glare was on the ground; if that owl were allowed to take off and managed to

get high enough, there'd be no catching her. "Oooh no you don't!" She

declared, and began to focus.

It took Emerald Knight a moment to refocus dissipating the

wall from before to form a chain link like cage around them, forcing Night

Glare to stop and preventing her from taking flight to make her getaway.

"Sorry but like you said wouldn't be fun if it was that easy, right?"

Emerald smirked though now she had to make sure to keep up her concentration

not to loose the construct.


Glare examined the energy cage around her with a curious look, testing one of

the 'bars' with a touch of her finger. The cage held just as firm as the real

thing, to which Emerald Knight smirked at if only to hide the fact she herself

felt the touch as Night Glare tested the cage, not wanting to make the owl

aware of that fact though.

"Hmm... impressive cage," she said, looking at

Emerald Knight with a sly smirk. "But how will it react to

Microwaves?" Her eyes glowed again as her gaze shifted to a hard stare, flexing

the muscles around them.


thank you I -wait microwaves?" Emerald Knight asked, concerned.

And with that, Night Glare turned her gaze up, aiming right

at the bars as once more, she discharged the powerful beams from her eyes. As

the beams hit the cage, though it didn't shatter it did quickly dissipate as

Emerald Knight buckled over as if she was the one hit instead. Luckily for her

she only felt the kinetic force of the hit and not the radiation, if the owl

was speaking the truth and emitting Microwaves from those beams. Though it took

her a moment to recover from the shock.

"Uh well that... That uh, was a thing..." She said.

 Night Glare chuckled

as she saw the vixen fall when the cage was gone. "Well, isn't that

interesting?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Don't think that will give you an edge; I'm not that

easy to deal with." Emerald Knight warned, her own eyes still glowing as

she stared down the owl.

"Neither am I," returned Night Glare, setting down

the bag of jewelry. "But, clearly if I try to fly again, you'll just put

another cage over me, so this is about to get..." she reached into her

jacket with both hands, drawing forth a pair of bowie knives.

"Messy." She twirled one of them in her hand to an inverted grip,

adopting a sideways stance with both blades raised. "Try to keep this

entertaining; I'm starting to get some high hopes."

            (Play 'Last Man Standing' by


            (Yes I know they're both women; if

you think you can choose a better song, try me)

Emerald Knight smirked as she got up to her feet again.

"Oh trust me." She retorted as she formed a pair of green bladed

constructs over her silver arm bands. "I will keep things


"Ha!" Night Glare shouted, lunging forward and

making a stab with her main-hand knife, going for her stomach first. Emerald

Knight quickly blocked the lunge with her energy blades which did hold up

against the steel of Night Glares knives, but Emerald Knight cringed as the

blades met, still feeling the impact of the blade if not its sharp bite, but

this time she held both the constructs and her ground against the attack, not

backing down.

"My turn," she said as she willed the blade on her

left arm band to shift over her hand to form a punching glove long enough to

swing a left hook at the left side of Night Glares abdomen.

Night Glare jumped back to avoid the swing, feeling the draft

of the giant energy glove as it passed before she arched an eyebrow. "Well

if that's not the strangest thing I've seen this week," she remarked

before she widened her eyes, which once more glowed as she fired another pair

of beams at Emerald Knight.

The vixen quickly rolled to the right to avoid the blast from

Night Glares eyes, hearing them strike the ground behind her with an electronic

fix and the sound of asphalt fragments hitting the street. "Not as strange

as your laser beam eyes...okay maybe just as strange." She commented as

she then had the glove shift to form what looked like a blaster from a video

game while she then combined the knife construct on her other armband to form a

handle. "Sometimes this is just fun," she remarked with a smirk as

she fired green energy projectiles the size of tennis balls at Night Glare

which weren't fatal but packed a strong kinetic force with each hit.

 The owl managed to

evade the first two, but the third one struck her square in the chest, making

her gasp as she stumbled back a few steps, followed by a forth that nearly sent

her off of her feet as it hit her shoulder and rebounded into her wing.

"Ow..." She said, rubbing her chest over a vest of body armour hidden

under her jacket. "Gotta love kevlar," she said.

Emerald Knight quickly strode up standing over her. "So

interesting enough for you?" she grinned as she had her current constructs

shift apart again to form a pair of glowing gloves which she had ready to shift

if needed. "Ready to call it and turn yourself in?" She added with a

bit of a chuckle.

 Night Glare chuckled.

"Not even close," she said, resuming her previous stance.

"Canadians are a tenacious bunch; don't you know?" She said before

she lunged forward again, attacking with a series of knife-swipes, first a stab

of her main, followed by a left-hook slash with the inverted knife, which she

flipped around after and unleashed six consecutive slashes, each one aimed at a

different spot on Emerald Knight's body.

Emeralds eyes went wide as she reflexively brought her arms

up and formed a shield construct to protect her from the several hits that

Night Glare attempted. After the assault was over Emerald Knight quivered as

the back lash of her power kicked in. "Well that... still... hurt..."

Night Glare narrowed her eyes as she saw Emerald Knight cringe,

tilting her head curiously. "What's up with you? If I didn't know better

I..." She paused, eyes widening slightly, followed by a grin. "So...

that green energy isn't some 'shield' you can shape; you actually still feel

every hit." She chuckled, before her eyes glowed again and she fired her

beams once more, using a left-to-right sweeping motion this time.


crap." Emerald Knight muttered as she quickly tried to dodge the beams

keeping her shield up in case she needed the extra hit. Though she knew that if

she was was hit it would still suck ether way. At the same time she formed a

second construct in the shape of a Nerf dart and threw it at Night Glare

towards her collar bone back a smaller punch than the spheres from earlier. But

they were enough.

The owl stumbled, sending her beams straight up into the sky

as she was knocked onto her back, landing directly in the light of a lamp post

as she stopped firing. She suddenly squawked and rolled out of the light before

getting up on her knees, shaking her head. "Dammit," she cursed

before returning fully to her feet, still carrying both of her knives.

"Pretty tricky."

 Although Emerald

Knight was panting she gave a curious look as she witnessed Night Glares dismay

from the light post. She then let her shield dissipate and reformed the knives

from before. "Thanks... hmm let me guess; not a fan of bright lights

right? Heh that mean you explode or melt like the gremlins do in that film when

exposed to sunlight?" She chuckled as she got herself ready for the next


"You wish it

were that easy," retorted Night Glare before she hurled one of her knives

at Emerald, followed by charging at her while she was focused on the knife, and

using her now bare fist to deliver a powerful right hook towards her face.

Emerald Knight was quick to deflect the knife coming at her

knocking it off towards her left and was ready to block the other knife.

Instead Emerald Knight was caught by surprise with Night Glares swing and

stumbled back a bit before regaining her composure. But in that instant, Night

Glare took advantage of the opening left, and managed to slash her across the

stomach with her other knife; a fairly shallow cut, however, drawing some

blood, but doing little more.

Emerald Knight yelped as she stepped back her left hand checking

the wound inflicted. "Aww man you know how long it'll take to fix

that?" as she formed another boxing glove and motioned to swing but

instead the glove shot off like a spring to hit her.

Night Glare barely ducked under the extending glove, watching

it fly over her head. "Whoa! Hey, what are you, a clown?" She asked

before she fired her beams again.

Emerald Knight quickly dodged the beams cringing at the added

stress from the cut. "Mo what are you a light show?" She chuckled

before suddenly having an idea. "Besides if you want something funny or

cartoony then..." She held up her hands as the glow of her eyes grew

brighter, "How's this?" She asked as a green anvil construct formed

above Night Glares position... and fell.

 Night Glare dove

forward, tucking in her wings and rolling to narrowly avoid the attack, but as

she uncurled, she found herself standing rather close to Emerald Knight... and

completely wide-open.

"Hello." Emerald Knight grinned as she formed a

pair of gloves and swung at Night Glares head while she had the opening.

Night Glare took a hit square across the face, yelping in

pain and reeling from the force of the strike, falling onto her side and

dropping her remaining knife in the process. She glared at Emerald Knight with

one eye, firing another beam, but it was a feinted shot, lancing past her,

before she sprang at her with a straight punch. Emerald Knight dodged the beam

but was surprised by the punch and yelped as she was knocked off her feet with

Night Glare's sudden swing.

"Ow." She groaned as she started to sit up getting to a

knee. "Well this has been certainly fun," she admitted, looking at her


 "Has been? Are

you giving up?" Night Glare asked, keeping her fists raised and those

destructive eyes of hers fixed on the vixen, ready to fire if she tried


 Emerald Knight

chuckled. "Oh no; it takes a lot for me to give up..." She returned as her

eyes glowed brilliantly as she kept her position. "But I gotta say you

have given me quite a run here. Might just be I went into this tired

already?" She asked as she chuckled, mostly trying to keep the owls

attention on her.

 Night Glare narrowed

her eyes. "Did I hit you too hard or something?" She asked, confused.

"You're acting weird."

 Emerald Knight smiled,

laughing a bit. "Aww did you just admit to caring if I was ok?" as

her eyes continued to glow.

 "Okay, I've heard

enough of this," returned Night Glare as her eyes started to glow again.

"At least I got my work out tonight, but it's done now; seeya on the other

side, English." She prepared her beams again, fixing her gaze on Emerald

as he prepared her most powerful blast yet...

"Yeah, yeah, just uh, one more thing." Emerald

Knight said.


As Emerald Knight answered, her grin was diabolical. "You're

about to miss your train."

"What train..." A train whistle went off, coming from behind

her; she looked over her shoulder as a construct in the form of a old

locomotive engine had been building up and formed just to the right of Night Glare,

even having the sounds of an actual train as it charged towards her.


gotta be kidding me..." Night Glare said in a low whisper. She tried to

avoid the hit by flying upward, but she was too slow, and was launched skyward

as it struck her, sending her flying up onto the roof of the nearest building.

As she flew, the owlette was hollering out in surprise until she vanished from

sight, followed by a crash.

Emerald Knight had only made the train fast enough to knock

out, not kill, but when Night Glare's feet were off the ground, the results

were... unexpected. "Huh," she said, arching an eyebrow. "Well, wasn't

trying for the team rocket effect..." she sighed as she pulled herself to

her feet. "Well least the jewels were left behind so I can at least return

those...although I should go check on her."

Emerald Knight first walked over to secure the bag of

jewelry, before she used a fire access to proceed up to the building Night Glare

flew over, wondering if she landed on it. A collapsed air conditioner served as

her answer, indicating a body had fallen onto it and caved it in. However, in

the time she'd taken to get up there, Night Glare had vanished. Although it was

possible she couldn't have gotten far after taking the hit she had, the owlette

was still nowhere in sight...

 Emerald Knight sighed

as her old spy instincts kicked in as she looked down into the vent and

carefully examined the air duct beneath the conditioner system.But it was

empty; Night Glare hadn't escaped through the duct; more than likely she'd

taken to the air while Emerald Knight had been climbing the fire escape and

couldn't see her.

"At least I got the stolen goods back..." she said

to herself with a light sigh as she decided to head back to the shop; trying to

catch an Avian in flight would be fruitless for her since she really couldn't

fly. So instead she left to go return the stolen diamonds.

Unknown to the vixen however as she descended to the street

below, the owlette had actually not gone far; she had only jumped to the

neighboring building and hidden herself behind the ledge where Emerald Knight

couldn't spot her. When she was gone, Night Glare turned over and sat up,

shuffling about until she propped herself up against the wall and let out a

sigh before pulling down her goggles. She reached into her pocket, producing a

single gold ring with a diamond in the top; the only thing she'd managed to

keep with her after being caught, while the rest was on its way back to the

jewelry store, which would not probably be watched over the next several


It'd be enough to last her if she sold this ring; fuel for

her car and a few meals, but it wouldn't be for very long, and it was still a

little disappointing that she'd lost. "Well, that didn't go according to plan,"

she said. "'Grab some diamonds; they always sell easily'. Apparently that fence

forgot that there are superheroes around here." She shrugged and stood up,

pocketing the ring again. "Oh well; at least I can't say my first visit to El

Torres was boring."

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