Who's Eating Jerinoh.

Story by theonehowl on SoFurry

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#3 of What Happens After.....

Must be 18 or older to view this. Enjoy. * * *

Jerinoh threw down the hard-wood chair violently. He was steaming off his temper in his dining hall. He was about to sit in the head chair at the end of the long table until his thoughts once again, as they did so many times before, went back to thinking of how Drusilla was able to evade his efforts. And it was very difficult to press up against her and still remain visibly strong. He was even slightly surprised at himself to put up such a good show. And it was all the more enraging as he tried so hard and no rewards were to be had out of the visit. There still was the pleasing reward to see her so flustered. He wasn't blind, he saw that he did beat down her barriers. There was progress. But he didn't want progress, he wanted to achieve his goal finally for good. He wanted her... He needed to take out everything that was built up inside. After seeing her...just..just seeing her wonderful body. And being around and feeling that strong arua....It was too much. She was powerful, he could feel it deep inside her. But she had to grasp it and he wasn't sure how to show her or if he should show her. If he did, then he would most likely be her's. Every devil had a special talent, a power that showed why they had the positioin they had in hell. Jerinoh's was his eyes. They possesed anyone that was weak enough to look into them and fall to their persuasive and hypnotic pressure. Not only could they make any slave submit to him...they also maigically could alter anyone from a distance which grew with his own power. He growled out loud just thinking about how much more powerful she could be and was jealous. It also frightened him to the edge of panic to think about whenever she would actually find and discover it. He calmed himself...he had to. This always happened after every encounter they had. He wanted it to end, he wanted it to end sooo badly. His desire grew as he thought about her breasts. Ever since he met her, they were something he wanted to have. He never sneaked a touch though, no matter how hard it was. And it was hard. Especially when he had the chance when he advanced on her unsuspectingly. He couldn't let himself have them until he was sure she was completely under his power. He knew if he laid one finger on the soft flesh, he would lose himself and probably do whatever it takes to completely have them. He couldn't fight her to get her body. She was more skilled in weaponry and battle tactics than he was. Which was why she kept her territory from the more powerful devils. No one messed with her because they would lose too much to get it and it wasn't worth it, especially since he would pounce on the chance of a weakened kingdom of hell. His thoughts came back to the dining hall. His slaves were sitting in their chairs. They sat in chairs because they were is closest and most adoring lovers, opposed to sitting on the floor. Yes, they weren't as much as slaves as they were lovers. The table wasn't long. It seated only about a dozen people all around and one chair at the end for him. The other end was empty, he wished for a chair to be there. He wanted Drusilla at the other end, bound to a large chair, being tended to by a few slaves, teased and pleasured as he watched and ate. He closed his eyes and smiled at the delicious thought. He was now hungry...food hungry and sexually hungry. "EAT!," he said, his loud and stern voice echoing through the stone room. They did obey their master. There were slave cats on the table. They were laying down, with food plates on their stomachs. Males and females were mixed in all around the table. Some slaves would want a different gender and the slave in front would pick up its plate, get on his knees, and move away on all fours with its plate on its back. A slave asked for a desert. The female kitten did the routine and walked towards one end, getting caressed from someone here and there. She jumped down and went to the kitchen to get what the food requested. This was a cat slave's high degree in training. Some were experts, Jerinoh needed them and couldn't spare them to any other pleasure. So sometimes the training would become their permanent occupation in Jerinoh's part of hell. Jerinoh snacked on chicken breasts, the real coocked food. Although, he had snacked on a chicken's breasts. He thought back and wondered where she was. He shrugged as he couldn't remember. There were just so many, but he was responsible enough to remember most. The cat in front of him was a shemale. His hand dipped their fingers into her pussy, making her shudder violently. She had been in training for a few years now. She was getting better. It took all two of three years for her not to shudder to his pleasuring touch. He talked over the feasting noises. "Mmm.." he caressed on her legs, which hung off the end of the table at the joint of her knees. "Remember when you would just shudder so violently at this kind of touch." She breathed, feeling hot and almost out of control as her master spoke to her. It was so hot and personally intimate. "Y..Yess.." she whispered. His hand went up and caressed over her erect cock. A shudder shot through her and the food on the plate jiggled like her furry breasts. He caught the lovely movement in the corner of his eye. His hands reached up and began softly stroking over them with his palms. Her erection stiffened up to the attention. He smiled, feeling better now. "Does my little kitty like my hands?" "Y..YESS, master." Her voice was so innocent. He saw her pussy flowing with juices. He leaned foward and breathed a hot breath on her shaft. She gasped and made a stuttering moan. Precum began to flow out of her shaft like a steady stream. His tongue flicked out and licked at it. He sucked in some of the juices. He had some carrots. He pushed one against the flowing cock and got it well covered. "Look at me my sweet pussy.." She obeyed, pulling her head up, watching her master move the carrot covered in her juices close to his mouth. He opened his mouth, exposing his sharp teeth showingly. He bit down and "mmm"ed out loud as he chewed and swallowed his cum carrot. "Mmm...tasty.." He grinned so much with evil painting over it. He enjoyed it as the cat girl eye's rolled up into her head and she fainted, cum gushing out of her shaft and pussy. She came and fainted. Jerinoh loved it. He laughed deeply to himself as he finsihed his food and sucked off her juices from each part. He licked his lips and wiped with his napkin. He excused himself from the table as he walked away and to the stairs up to his bedchamber. Jerinoh's room had a moat around his bed. Black marble lined the pool's floor and orca males guarded their master loyaly. The water had a green tint to it. It kinda looked like coolaid. He knew what the water really was though. He decided to have a little more fun before going to sleep that night. He walked towards the large moat. It was about twelve feet away from the stone island that his bed rested on. He stood at the edge waiting. A black whale furry came up out of the water. "Master, how may I serve?" He bowed his head. "Take me to bed." "Yes, Master." The whale turned and layed into the water, exposing his back to the water surface. The other male came to his aid as he put his hands underneath him and provided support. Jerinoh walked on to the males back and they floated across to his bed. Jerinoh stepped off and went and layed on his large,lovely bed. It was red like his fur, only darker. He layed on his side, his hand propping up his head, tail swishing back and forth behind him. He was a little hard and wanted to get even harder. "Bring in someone..." He said it loud enough for anyone to hear outside his open door. A fox was pushed into the room by a large reptilian, armored creature. It's skin was a very dark grey. "Leave him and shut the door." The armored lizard through the little fox in and quickly shut the door. The fox was trembling. He was a new one. Jerinoh knew just by the uneasy look in his eyes. He was confused and scared. He laughed deeply as he gave his orders to his whales. "Play with the fox, Derril and Gozz." Derril and Gozz were close to the same except a few white spots off. He, like Drusilla, was lucky to come across twins. So many slaves get dropped in his lap, it's so great to bag a pair of twins. They obeyed him. Gozz, the one with the white, blunt nose, floated to the edge near the fox. The fox took a few steps back to the door. "Where ya' going'," Gozz asked. The fox didn't answer, just stared at both of the water mammals. "Come on... we just want to play....." The fox finally spoke up. "I-I-I know what...what you people do..." The orcas smiled. "Oooh, and what is that?" The fox backed up more. "Things...bad and perverted things...." Jerinoh wanted the fox to fall to the whims of his orca pets. "You.." was all Jerinoh said. The fox looked to the red wolf and saw in his eyes. That was a mistake. The fox felt himself gaze into those dark eyes. The black orbs sucked him. His mind went blank and all he could feel was himself blink. As soon as his lids went back to their normal place, he was standing at the edge of the moat. His breath went fast. "What just happened.." he said, scared by his confusing situation. Gozz reached up with a wet hand and rubbed the fox's ankle in a comforting manner. "Shhh, it's okay. Just sit down and stick these little feet of yours in here." Both hands began rubbing his feet as he mentioned it. When he stopped, the fox felt an ache in is feet that made it feel like he had been standing up for a month. He nodded, giving in to the ache. He moved down and sat, his legs covered in the green water, looking black because of the marble underneath. His legs felt absolutely blissful. They were almost numb and were tingly in a good way, not in the really annoying way like if you would wake up in the morning. It was a tingling that spoke to him, telling him to feel good. And he did. Gozz rubbed his hands over the submerged legs. Fox couldn't help but to close his eyes as he felt the sensational rubbing. There was something he couldn't quite remember, something important. This shouldn't feel good, he shouldn't just feel good like this. Gozz pulled his hands out of the water and rubbed up the fox's thighs, to his hips, and the over his chest. The fox shiverred violently and let out a small whimper. Jerinoh smiled as he enjoyed the show. He bored his eyes into the fox. The fox was so weak, he didn't have to look into his eyes to use his powers. The little fox suddenly said out loud, "Touch my cock, please." He blushed deeply as he covered his mouth with wide eyes. "Happy to oblige." Gozz said. His watery hand caressed against his sheath, getting it wet. The fox started to breath faster and deeper. "Tell me..what's your name.." The fox tilted his head back, feeling the same feeling that his legs felt now inside and all over his sheath. "Alex." "Hmhmhm...Alex...how does it feel?" Alex continued breathing letting a pause in the conversation stay in between the wettining of his sheath. "Good....really, really good." "You'll feel a lot better if you come into the water with us." Alex started shaking his head, suddenly remembering what he was supposed to be doing. He should be running. He got up quickly, throwing off Gozz's grabbing hands. The fox stumbled back and fell back, hardly able to walk on his legs. Gozz dipped down under water and then jumped out with a splash, landing to tower over Alex. He moved down to pull Alex towards the pool. The fox made weak struggles. Gozz's snout got close to Alex's face and then suddenly squirted out some green water into the fox's face. Alex felt the world spin as his face became slightly numb. His head lolled around and then fell back. The orca caressed his wet hands against the fox's chest and then pressed his warm wet body up against Alex. The fox's fur was almost completely matted by the dampness the under-water-creature carried on his slick body. Alex was pulled closer, laying next to the pool's edge. Derril went up and squirted some more water into his face, assisting his brother like a good teammate. The fox moaned out loud as his head rolled back and forth. Jerinoh poked a finger into his own sheath and felt himself rising out again. As his soft shaft came out of it's hiding place, he held it in his hand and stroked slowly as he watched the show. The orcas kept squirting until the fox's face was drenched. Gozz petted the fox's matted fur. He leaned over again and took some more water in his mouth. His brother Derril spoke to the fox softly, "Drink." Gozz leaned foward and kissed Alex deeply, his thick tongue pushing the water into his mouth. The fox drank the water. His struggle was over after an orgasm flooded and washed through his body, his dick becoming completely hard and then coming instantly. Both the whales smiled and laughed amusingly. "Again, brother." Gozz went down to the water and scooped more into his mouth. "Drink." Another watery kiss was planted on Alex. Then another shudder indicating the fox being washed out. "I think he's done." Gozz pulled away and went back into the water. "Alex?...ohh, Alex.." Derril cooed to the fox. "Can you hear me?" The fox barely nodded, his head fully numbed. "Good, listen to my voice and only understand that you will listen and obey it." THe fox looked drunk by the sensations. "Come into the water...Just roll over and drown yourself, but you won't be harmed. Instead, you will drown in pleasure.....and complete obedience." Alex nodded as his head kept rolling back and forth, like he was trying to just pick it up. "Now, come into the water.." Alex knew if he went it there, he would never come back. He would give himself completely up and still his body was ever so slowly rolling. It took about five seconds to make a full roll. He needed one more to fall into the water that would take him forever. Completely. He fell splashing into the water. Alex felt himself sinking deep. He didn't know where he was, he was just flowing in a mindless bliss. His head was light, as if his mind would flow away from his body to the surface. He felt someone touch him, hold him. Then he felt a strong, passionate tongue dive into his muzzle. Alex returned the affectionate kiss. He didn't feel anything except the tingly numbness and the tongue and caresses. Gozz was having fun under water with His Alex. He was also feeding air to the little land animal. Derril came down and started pressing his body from behind, rubbing and squeezing Alex's ass cheeks. Alex internally rolled in the wonderful affection they gave him. He felt so wanted and loved. Gozz moved up. His snout reached, just touching the surface enough to breath, staying mostly under water. His pushed his cock agaist Alex's mouth. The fox took it in, not knowing anything else to do. He sucked and felt juices and air mixed together. Gozz's cock had been transformed after he looked up into Master Jerinoh's eyes. Alex sucked on air and slightly salty juices eagerly and adored every gulp he took. He swallowed on, feeling wonderfully full. He started to feel the attention from behind starting to increase. He felt hard, caressing hands rubbing all over his back. He started feeling a hard whale cock sitting in between his crack. Out of nowhere Alex felt the hard whale cock thrust into him. He threw his head back in the water, almost losing the air-giving cock in his mouth. He continued to moan and suck down the air juices. The whales fucked Alex on and on. Twenty minutes passed on, fucking Alex in his mouth and ass. The twins humped in unition, giving their final long and violent thrusts. They came at the same time, trained by their master to do so. It turned them on when he would watch them jack off and cum and moan and scream for pleasure at exactly the same time. Alex felt himself floating on a high cloud of pleasure. It felt even better as he floated in the water as well, still sucking down the now more abundent juices for air. The cock was pulled from Alex's mouth and then from his ass. He felt himself being pulled up to the surface, like a rag doll. Jerinoh looked on to the fox and smiled as he witnessed everything through the clear green water. He spoke to him. "I want you to sleep at the foot of my bed from now on." Jerinoh's eyes bore into Alex's soul and he felt himself just changing to follow whatever this wolf told him. It was like he was being reprogrammed to where everything he was told was becoming a normal and usual part of his life. Now Alex felt like laying down in front of the bed, as if it was something he always did. "And I want you to drink out of my moat everyday and be a plaything for my little guards here." Alex gasped as one of them touched him in response to that last command. "Understand?" Alex nodded. "Good..." Jerinoh moved back and layed down. "Now..get out of the water and come here..." he pointed down to the ground next to his large bed. Alex got out, water spilling off his fur. He did as he was told. Jerinoh moved his paw in front of the little fox. "Close your eyes, you don't want them to get burned." He did. A great, sudden rush of hot air flew at him and then was gone, and so was the cooling, wet water. "Now get up here and suck me off until I cum." The now-dry fox did without hesitation. Alex slid his muzzle over Jerinoh's hard cock and sucked eagerly and slowly and hard. Jerinoh layed back and thought about Drusilla. He closed his eyes and pretended it was her. He went into his fantasy. She was giving herself fully to him, giving her obedience to his every whim. His hand reached out and pushed down her head. Her tongue was good, but not as skilled as he knows she really is. "Suck better, your tongue's much better than that. Suck like you mean it." Alex did as he was told. "Ooh...yeah..that's better." His hips slowly moved up into His drusilla's mouth. "Oooh, ooh, Drusilla..." Alex paid no mind to his master's private personal fantasies. "YeS!...I own you...you'll be mine...you and your territory....I'll make you mine and then you'll use your power...for me..Yeesssss..." His hips thrusted foward as the fox sucked him closer to orgasm. Jerinoh clawed down the fox's head as he began cumming in his mouth. The fox sucked harder. A minute of cumming lasted, he finished letting his semen go into the fox's mouth. Jerinoh relaxed as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. "MMmmm...good slave..Now keep going..." Alex thought he was finished... "Master...how many times would you like to cum?" Jerinoh laughed out loud, making Alex flinch in surprise to the unsuspecting outburst. "Hmhmhm...you are a cutey.." Jerinoh caressed lovingly on the fox's furry cheek. "I make my bed slaves suck me all night. I sleep better if I orgasm through the night. I don't sleep without any pleasure. Now...enough talking out of turn for you. Suck." Alex's eyes went wide when he found this out about his master. Then they hooded over as he obeyed, obeying like it was completely nautrual to. All through the night he sucked his master. Jerinoh slept for hours, the fox staying awake because he had to obey his master. Alex sucked down every time his master came. Inside, Alex was puzzled at how astonishing his wolf master was. His master was amazing. The candles had much earlier been put out by the accurate shots of the whale's squirting technique. Jerinoh woke up in the middle of his sleeping. He couldn't stand it. He had to have some kind of alliance. He couldn't sleep knowing all his work was for nothing. "Stop." Alex pulled away, wiping his cum-covered chin. He smiled at the obedient newcomer. "You're very good...a few years and you'll be done with this training..." He loved talking to his slaves like this. It was just so full-filling and personal. "Now go to sleep, only at the end of my bed." The little fox nodded and went to sleep at the end like he was told. Jerinoh walked through his castle, hearing the quiet moans and heavy breathings of slaves scattered through countless rooms. He went down stairs and outside and called for his griffin. His loyal pet came to him. He mounted her and rode to Drusilla's castle. He landed on top of her castle. He stood and looked at the dragons for a little bit and admired her style. He moved on and went to her bedchamber. Yeah, there were guards, but he only had to take one look at them and they were on the floor masturbating forever or until he came back and said stop. He slammed open the door and saw her snuggling up with a white mouse. She woke up to his racket. "What the Hell are you doing here?!" She looked pissed and he knew she would be hard to seduce right now. He could still see her fustration from before. "I have a different offer...." She closed her eyes, looking even more frustrated. "Don't you have slaves to attend to, don't you have to work? Why are you bothering me?" She spoke as she got up, wearing her sheer robe. It was open and it only went over her nipples, leaving everything between open for the imagination. "Because.." He went up to her, his hands wanting to reach out and grab and try to take her like he did last time, but he wasn't ready and practiced for this right now. He couldn't trust himself. He resisted, putting his hands to his sides. "Because I really do desire you...but...if I can't have you...I want us to be at least allies. I want you. It's a good enough reason for my neighbor to be my ally....." He was desperate to just even share her territory. He wanted to know if he was actually wasting his time trying to accomplish this, wasting his time tryinig to get her...Would it matter? He desired her since he met her...A good century and now his impatience was getting the better of him......


Enter Drusilla

Dark-reds, blacks and purples littered Drusilla's chambers in a mess that looked very elegant. The bat mistress laid naked on her plush large bed, that reflected the darkness that made her a devil in the sector of hell. Two large vixen slaves...

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White Cat Master

As Dan starred up at the ceiling blankly, he couldn't remember what had happened the other night. He tried to remember harder, and harder, but it was never hard enough. He usually had a nice, long bath to get his mind back on track, but he felt too...

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Pets: Chapter3

Even after Dice passed out after the long day of sucking, his dreams were filled with the same, humiliating task. All he could think about was sucking on that bat's cock flesh. The warm soft feeling of its hard erection in his mouth, squirting another...

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