An untrustworthy pair: Ripper and Swift

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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Swift the tigress is one of the few people Ripper the wolverine won't eat, and the pair of lovers sometimes go hunting together. It's not good to get caught up in their roleplays, not good at all.

The pictures that accompany this don't have quite the same plot as the story, but the coarse details are the same. Tigress, wolverine and very unlucky wolf. 83

An untrustworthy pair: Ripper and Swift By Strega

There were at least two feral wolverines who frequented the Swamp, and the common wisdom was you'd much rather run into the bigger one. Oh, either one of them might eat you, but the 900-pound one was at least reasonably nice about it. He wasn't a sadist, never forced sex on people, and was even pleasant to snuggle with if he wasn't hungry. More than one person climbed into his furry lap, learned interesting things about giant wolverine genitalia - or even just napped on his shaggy back - and then was allowed to leave uneaten.

The smaller one was far less friendly. He was the one prone to dig his fangs into a woman's scruff, or a man's if no woman was available, drag them around until they were too tired to resist, then enthusiastically rape them. Afterwards, or sometimes even during the violent bout of sex would come the creak and pop of unhinging jaws, and eventually a contented belch as his latest victim squirmed futilely for escape from his belly.

Yes, Labrus, if not hungry, could be a friendly oaf of a wolverine, but if Ripper got ahold of you your day was never going to end well.

Curiously enough both of the the beasts had companions. Labrus was often accompanied by Suzyanne the skunkette, who when not happily being humped by her lover was a predator in her own right. She'd been trying to teach her friend to be more aggressive and thankfully it hadn't taken. Labrus didn't like drama and Suzy just had to come to terms with the fact that this wolverine did things his own way.

Ripper needed no convincing to be nasty and his companion was as dangerous as he was. She was also pretty and not too dangerous looking. There's a word for people like that in the Swamp: Bait.

Tigane was his name, a wolf-man, or wolven, or any of half a dozen other species-names depending on which world he was from. Black of fur and amber of eye he was slender and strong and far from home. People came to the Swamp from many worlds, usually without knowing how they got here, and quite a few of them never left. In his torn shirt and shorts he huddled in the undergrowth and tried to ignore the horrible things happening closer to the lagoon.

The great shark was back and was already bloody-fanged after a meal, while a long snakey, furry blue creatures had wrapped itself around a black griffon, squeezed until the lion-bird was too weak to resist, and was slowly swallowing her still-living meal whole.

Tigane shivered as he looked away and caught sight of another person similarly hiding in the undergrowth. It was a tigress half a foot shorter than his own six-foot height, discounting their upright ears.

He'd only been here a few days and already knew it wasn't wise to approach people, but it got lonely hiding under a bush all day. The urge to talk to someone, anyone built until you either went crazy or gave in. Wincing at the twinge from an ankle strained running from the griffon now being swallowed by the skunk-snake, he rose to his feet and approached the tigress.

Her head snapped around as soon as he moved and sharp claws unsheathed as she backed up against a tree. Her eyes went back and forth as she tried to keep both the predators near the lagoon and himself in view. Tigane showed her the palms of his hands and tried to look small and harmless.

"I won't hurt you," he growled, and she looked him up and down, taking in the ragged clothing and the half-healed scratches. Finally she seemed to relax, at least enough to let him within easy speaking distance.

"You too, huh," she purred. "You went for a walk and ended up here."

"Yeah." With a sigh Tigane sat on the grass and crossed his legs. Though he was only ten feet away it'd take him a moment to rise from that position and she took this as an excuse to come a little closer. Still not within reach, which was just as well. He didn't know her enough to trust her, either.

"What a horrible place," he growled. He gestured at the lashing tail and kicking legs of the griffon. The blue skunk-snake had the beast half swallowed and kept a thick constricting coil wrapped around the meaty lion thighs so she could feed with little risk. Even from here they could see her masturbating the griffon as she ate him.

Both their eyes went wide as a flick of pink tongue shot down from a tree and adhered to the furry shoulder of a goat-man. With a startled bleat he was lifted out of sight and a moment later the leaves shook with a belch.

"Oh gods, what's that now? A man-eating tree?"

The tigress shrugged. The crowd at the lagoon paid little attention to the goat-man's fate. An extremely large and extremely fat raccoon in shorts had shown up and was, transparently to Tigane's eye, trying to look peaceful and harmless in order to lure someone within reach.

"I saw it before," she purred. "It's like a big anteater. Pulls people into its snout and swallows them whole, coughs up armor or clothing or whatnot later. It doesn't move much, so just look up before you wander under a tree."

He was enjoying their little talk. It didn't hurt that she was easy on the eyes. She was of the clothing optional mindset, or had lost her own, and her sleekly muscular body was covered only with orange, black and cream fur. She had the look of a huntress and he had already decided this was as close as he wanted to get. He was bigger than she was but he didn't trust that to protect him if he let his mind wander to romantic encounters with hot tigresses. It was dangerous enough just talking to someone around here without getting distracted by -

Her sudden look of terror was all the warning he had as the beast burst out of the undergrowth behind him. It must have crept up soft-footed until close enough to strike and the tigress fell back with a shriek as he was bowled over. A heavy paw clubbed down atop his spine and Tigane coughed, the wind driven from his lungs.

He was helpless for a moment and in that moment fanged jaws closed around his feet. He had lost his shoes in the muck the day he wandered into this hellish place and he felt his padded feet scrape past the side teeth as the monster thrust its head forward. Slick wetness squeezed his feet and he knew exactly what was going to happen next yet couldn't stop it. A strong muscular tongue gave his feet a push and he scrabbled helplessly at the grass as his feet were sucked into a hungry gullet.

"Damn!" He looked back over his shoulder and saw a bearish beast swallowing up his calves. In an instant he recognized the huge wolverine he'd seen stalking a foxwoman yesterday. The hapless fox had been pinned to the ground, raped and then swallowed whole. This time the beast had eschewed the sodomy and gone right to the eating.

He clawed at the ground as it swallowed again, and the wet clench of its throat muscles sucked him in past the knees. The slimy flesh gripped his legs too tightly to pull back out even between gulps and as he scrabbled helplessly at the grass it took half his thighs. The wolverine was little more than twice his size but as it stepped forward it was gulping him down with no apparent effort.

"Let go, let go!" the tigress cried, and he saw he'd grabbed her tail in his effort to escape. "It'll get me too!"

Cursing, Tigane let go the furry tail and bent at the waist, slamming his elbow into the horrible thing's skull. The wolverine lurched forward just as he moved and his rump and tail-root slipped past the jagged fangs into its gullet. The grip of jaws around his waist made it hard to bend and he barely brushed the side of its head with his desperate strike.

The tigress scrambled away from them and he saw the struggle had carried them through the undergrowth into a pocket of brush too dense to push through. The tigress ended up with her back to a tree staring in horror as Tigane gave up trying to hit the wolverine and instead tried to push himself back up out of its jaws.

With a surge of terror-fueled strength he got one hand on its snout and another on its its chin and for a moment not only stopped it feeding, but pulled inches of himself back out. The sucking wetness of its gullet relinquished his legs with the utmost reluctance, like pulling out of the quicksandy swamp muck, but as he grunted and pushed there was an instant of hope.

Then the wolverine flipped a paw adroitly atop the hand on its snout and pulled it into its jaws. Tigane swore as it did the same to the other hand, moving with frightening intelligence and speed, and before he could extract his hands it swallowed powerfully. The strong tongue gave his belly a push and Tigane yelped in fear as he went to the armpits in its jaws.

"Grab my head! Pull me out!" The tigress just shook her head and tried to burrow into the bark of the tree. The wolverine tossed him upward, thrusting its muzzle forward, and Tigane's feet slipped through a fleshy ring of muscle and squeezed into its stomach.

There was hot muck in its gut that sloshed and clutched at his feet. What felt like softened bones scraped his paws and Tigane knew his feet were squelching through the mostly digested remains of the fox-woman the wolverine had swallowed yesterday. He didn't want to end like that and squirmed with all his might, but with a second toss of its head he was in it to the neck. One more gulp and down he would go and with his arms pinned at his sides there wasn't a single thing he could do to save himself.

As he lay in its throat waiting for the gulp that would condemn him to a gurgling caustic end the wolverine stepped forward. Unwilling to risk the beast's sharp claws the tigress all but climbed the tree she was backed against and only stopped when Tigane's nose sank spongily into the soft fur and flesh of her groin. The wolverine had shoved Tigane's him right against her sex.

The tigress let out a startled yelp as the beast mashed them together and Tigane sucked in a breath through a nose suddenly full of pussy.

"I, I think he wants you to lick me," the tigress said, and yelped again as a sharp-clawed paw blocked her attempt to slip to one side.

"Why would I -", Tigane began, and suddenly the wolverine's throat clenched down. As the fangs scraping his chin slid forward and the beast tensed for the final gulp he cried out "All right, all right!"

Backed against the tree there was nowhere for the tigress to go but Tigane was startled when she reacted to the first touch of his tongue by thrusting herself forward. His broad canine tongue was well suited to the task and the cat-woman was wet almost instantly.

She must suspect that if the wolverine followed through and swallowed him she would be next on the menu but with pulse racing from fear the transition to lust wasn't that hard to grasp. Even he even felt a slight stiffness coming on himself, pressed against his shorts and through that against the muscular wetness of the wolverine's throat. She was beautiful and in other circumstances he wouldn't have to be forced to treat her well.

The harder he licked the more the tigress thrust herself against his muzzle, first purring and then yowling her lust until she grabbed his ears and used them as handles to grind herself against his chin. His nose was full of her wet scent but even better, the wolverine let her pull him a few inches out. His feet were still in the squelching goo that used to be a foxgirl but another tug or two and stomach acids wouldn't be burning his pawpads.

Her engorged clit almost put his eye out as with a long yowling cry she came. All he could see was her groin and her taste filled his mouth as with a last few licks he drove her over the edge.

When she finally quieted she stood looking down at him, grinning sharp-fanged past her breasts. "Good wolf," she purred. "Very good." With that she knelt and kissed him on the nose.

Tigane shook his head as much as the wolverine's jaws would allow. His sheath was stiff against his belly but he was still in the beast's gullet, albeit not quite as deeply as a while before.

"I don't understand," he said, for the wolverine just sat there with him mostly swallowed and the tigress no longer showed any fear.

"I'm Swift," she purred, and reached past his cheek to pet the wolverine. "This is Ripper. He does sometimes spit, if I ask very nicely. Me though, I always swallow."

Tigane's eyes went wide as she yawned, and before he could utter even one word of protest her jaws had taken in his muzzle. Fangs scraped up over his forehead and beneath his chin and his nose sank into a slimy gullet as the wolverine twitched, gagged - and began to throw him up out of itself and right into the waiting maw of the tigress.

They'd been working together the whole time! With a despairing cry he began to struggle once more, but his entire head was in her cheeks now and with a gulp she swallowed him to the neck. Her throat was tighter than the wolverine's but as it coughed him back up there was nowhere for him to go but into the depths of this second gullet, and with his arms pinned to his sides by the first predator he was helpless to keep the second from working her jaws over his shoulders. The tigress had her fingers dug into the beast's shaggy fur, locking them together, and each inch of him that emerged from the wolverine was swallowed up by her greedy maw.

He was bigger than she was and tried to fight, and the pop of stretching muscles and tendon as her jaws strained wide showed that this was no easy feat of swallowing. Yet the slick chute of wolverine throat had compressed him neatly and coated him with lubricating mucus that let him slide into the tigress's gullet despite the resistance of her expanding ribcage. When her fangs got past his shoulders she swallowed powerfully and his muzzle and face slipped past another of those fleshy valves and into the wet folds of her stomach. Unlike the wolverine's this one wasn't full of half digested fox but it stank of previous meals, cat, deer, rat, what was probably a skunk and yes, of wolf. It was his own wet fur he smelled and though he squirmed with all his might another gulp forced his shoulders in after.

Already the tigress was bloated, belly lumpy and grotesque, but her jaws had reached his waist and she showed no signs of stopping. He could still taste her pussy past the stink of the stomach that would consume him and he cursed the moment he'd trusted her enough to approach. Only now did he remember hearing about this pair - the wolverine and the tigress. He'd thought they meant a feral-type cat, but of course it had ended up being her. "They can't be trusted," someone by the lagoon had said, "Unless you trust them to send you on a short trip through someone's guts."

Tigane kicked and squirmed and whined as the wolverine coughed him up and the tigress swallowed him down, the long tube of two gullets meeting at their muzzles. Only there was there the touch of air and his saliva-sodden fur appeared there from one throat only to disappear into another as the tigress tore his clothes away in strips. She must be one of the ones who couldn't digest fabric but she could surely digest him and paused only briefly to strip him as she ate.

As the tigress got her jaws around his rump and swallowed it down his hands were free for a moment, clenching and gripping at nothing in the space between the two mouths. Before he could get a grip on either lower jaw the two gullets spasmed again, one retching him up and the other sucking him in, and he was to his knees in the tigress.

Curling up in the stomach Tigane could only kick futilely as his feet were pulled dripping from the wolverine's jaws. The vast bulge of tigress belly flattened against the ground, squeezing him cruelly, and with a lurch of her jaws his feet were between her fangs.

"I shouldn't have trusted her," Tigane whined, and tried to kick. The long struggle and hot innards he'd been in for fifteen minutes had weakened him too much and he managed only a feeble push of his toes against the roof of her mouth before the mercilessly predatory cat finished him off.

He'd been swallowed, coughed up and swallowed again and this time he knew he wasn't coming back up. The tigress got his toes to the back of her mouth, squeezed her jaws shut around them and with a last powerful contraction of her throat he was sliding into her stomach. He was half again her weight but she sprawled out with a purr as her pelt stretched around her meal. For half a minute she arched and shifted, letting him slip limply around the elastic confines of her stomach until he was curled in a tight ball. Already the thick fluids coating the walls of her gut had replaced the saliva that had lubricated him for swallowing and the stinging pain of his nose and pawpads was spreading to a more general pain as her acids soaked his fur.

All he could do was whimper and squirm and wonder what the small, rhythmic motion she was making meant.

Ripper's foot-long cock was fully unsheathed now, thick and black and stiff as an iron bar. He'd been hard even as he coughed the meal up into her jaws and now he got his reward for being generous. Swift's raspy feline tongue slipped along it from balls to tip and salty precum tickled her taste buds. She was too full to easily move now but it had been simple for him to step up over here, almost mounting her mouth to let her tongue get at him.

She could have taken it into her throat without even unhinging her jaws, though it was thick as her wrist, but he had other ideas. As her tongue teased him his was lapping at her sex as well, and with the first of what would be many belches Swift rolled over onto the bulge of swallowed wolf. She had never learned his name and now she never would, unless the Swamp reformed him and they met again, but that was fine. All she needed from him right now was the cushion she rested on as Ripper stepped up behind her.

In the sloshing dark and acid of her stomach Tigane whined and pumped his cock. The stroke of her slick throat against his sheath had stiffened him once more and the stinging juices of her belly were an excellent lubricant. He'd have one last moment of pleasure before being slowly reduced to a coughed-up black furball, fat on her flanks and a pile of tigress droppings.

Suddenly a grunt was forced out of him as a great weight pressed the tigress down and something like twin pillars squeezed him from each side. The predatory cat wrapped around him let out a long excited yowl as it happened and Tigane's eyes went wide. Only an inch of flesh separated him from the long thick cock as the feral beast mounted the tigress and began to hump.

Through the brush Swift watched the griffon's hindpaws taken into the long maw of the blue skunk-snake, and the slow progress of the enormous bulge down toward the midsection and stomach. Soon the blue thing would slither off to digest its meal. It almost made her envious; she'd find it hard to stand, much less walk with half again her weight in wolf bloating her belly.

But that was all right. She had come on the tongue of the doomed wolf and soon she'd come again, spitted on the heavy cock of her feral lover. Inside her she felt the movements as the wolf jacked himself off, desperate and horny, and the growls exhaled into her nape told her Ripper would soon finish, too. Afterwards she'd climb on the wolverine's back and ride off to a quieter place where they'd keep at until they were too tired to continue. Both were well fed and full of energy and wolverines sometimes fucked for an hour or more before they finally came. Everyone won when they played these little games.

Well, almost everyone. Swift belched up a throatful of air swallowed with her meal as the wolf spasmed and stilled. Their little toys didn't fare as well as they did. Still she grinned as the wolverine took her scruff in his fangs and thrust them both toward orgasm. There'd always be more toys to play with, delicious and entertaining toys, even if each could only be played with once.

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