CANIDITY: Chapter Four

Story by ColinLeighton on SoFurry

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Some answers are revealed...


I smelled and heard the visitor long before I saw him.

It was difficult to say how long I hid under the desk; it could have been minutes, or hours. I was losing my ability to tell time, at least I no longer had any concept of what time it was, beyond that it was getting dark outside, which indicated evening. The pain had faded, but my mood had not improved. I was frightened, confused, and disorientated.

During my time there I had heard cars go down the street frequently, a sound which was progressively becoming a source of anxiety for me, but all had just driven by in one direction or another. Another car....I could hear the distinctive sound of the engine slowing down, then that of tires rolling slowly on pavement as the vehicle pulled into my driveway. The engine shut off, the car door opened, and was followed by the sound of boots stepping out onto the concrete. The car door closed.

Like a deer caught in headlights, I didn't know what to do. I had not scheduled any visitors, nor was it likely any of my friends would come over this hour without talking to me first. I tensed as I listened to the footfalls coming closer and closer, up the walk, up my steps. No one could see me like this, not when I was hardly recognisable. Humans are perked ears twitched as I heard the person rap their first on the door. The fur on the back of my neck and on my shoulders was suddenly standing on end.

I listened, tense and tight, for a moment. "Jürgen?" There was a pause. "Jürgen, this is Rolf Scharnhorst. Are you home?"

Rolf? Rolf here? But he said he wouldn't be able to meet with me until Sunday! It does sound like his voice, but still....I hesitated, torn between the inclination to go to the door and meet him, risking censor and horror in the hope for possible sympathy, or remaining where I was, hoping Rolf, or whoever he was, would go away.

There was another knock. "Jürgen?"

I held my breath,

I heard the doorknob twist, then open. I had forgotten to lock it.

The sound of a closing door echoed lowly throughout the silent house as Rolf closed it. My tail slunk between my legs as I crouched under the desk, hoping Rolf wouldn't discover me, but prepared to defend myself if possible. My fangs felt particularly deadly against my lip as I hoped I wouldn't have to use them.

There was a sharp intake of breath as Rolf walked into the kitchen, then apparently paused. "Oh, fuck. Jürgen?" I heard him walk towards the living room. "Jürgen, this is Rolf, your friend. I can understand why you might be hiding right now, but you can trust me. I promise."

I hardly dared to breath as he walked into the living room. I could not see him, because the sofa was blocking my view, but I could smell him, and that was enough. Human...danger...

My position under the desk was not a comfortable one, but even after Rolf had gone into the bedroom, still calling for me, I dared not move, hoping he'd give up and leave. I didn't feel like any new changes were coming on, but nonetheless I was afraid one might happen, and then as the pain gripped my skull I'd cry out and be discovered.

As it was, Rolf walked out of the bedroom, came over to assure himself I wasn't hiding behind the sofa, and saw me. I could see his legs now, clan in jeans. "Oh, Jürgen." Seconds later his head and torso appeared as he crouched down, a few feet away from me. "Oh, thank god you haven't changed all the way yet. When I saw the scattered food in the kitchen I got worried you were one of the faster cases."

A very low growl, just a warning, flowed naturally from my muzzle. Stay away. I lifted my lip a little for emphasis, baring my fangs.

Rolf didn't even flinch. Instead, he crouched down lower, as if trying to make himself small, speaking very calmly and slowly. "Jürgen. Jürgen, listen to me. It's me, Rolf. I'm your friend, we met at ERT's lab, remember?" Slowly he held a hand out - okay, no, he wasn't holding it out, he was extending it out palm down, fingers curved a little. "Easy, there."

Nervously I leaned forward a little and sniffed his hand. _Human...male...early 30s...healthy...friendly..._I sniffed it again, and then, for the first time, allowed my tail to come out from between my legs. The fur on my beck and shoulders settled down. Calmness settled in. "Rolf..." I croaked, the words sounding foreign, like someone else's. "What's happening to me?"

A smile broke out across his face almost immediately. "Oh, I'm glad you've still got your voice yet. I was a bit worried..." he paused. "I'll explain in a little bit. First, you need to come out from under that desk. How long have you been hiding there?"

"I don't know really...I came under here after the last change." Stiffly I extracted myself from under the desk, extending my cramped muscles and limps to free them of the gripping stiffness, then sat in front of Rolf. I could tell he was looking me over.

"You've got nice black fur. Mind if I look you over?" Slowly I nodded, and he brushed back some of the fur on my shoulder to see the lighter-coloured undercoat beneath it. "You look healthy, too, that's good. Good teeth, coming in nicely...muzzle about two-thirds developed. Tail maybe half-grown..." He smiled at me. "You may not realise it, but you're starting to look real nice, bud."

One of my ears twitched. I didn't really know how to have this conversation; speech, both the mental and the physical forming of the words, did not come as easily for me as it once had. "I don't know," I said. "I was happy earlier but then my head started changing and hurt really bad."

"I'm sorry to hear that. The skull usually is the most painful place to change, I'm afraid." Rather carefully, as if he was still slightly nervous I'd bite him, he reached up to touch one of my ears, rubbing it in a circular motion between two of his fingers. It was a surprisingly addicting feeling, causing me to tilt my head into his fingers. "How are you feeling now?"

Hungry... "I haven't eaten anything for a while." I paused, trying to form the thoughts. Why do communicative thoughts prove so hard to voice now? "I kind of feel like my body is moving towards some kind of destination; these changes are all going to stop when it gets there. I'm...I'm kind of looking forward to that."

Rolf smiled. "I'm glad to hear that - for many people that's what it's like, too. In any case, I'm here to help you along. I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner, it's really quite unfortunate you had to be alone during the first few days. From now on though, I'll be here. I'll take good care of you, okay?" He was looking me straight in the face through all of this, speaking very clearly and calmly, and suddenly I felt a burst of thanks. Springing forward I leaned up and licked the started man on the face, leaving a sloppy kiss on his chin, then licking enthusiastically around his mouth. My tail wagged fast, and at the same time, my cock began to harden.

My friend let me lick him for a moment before pushing me back. "Okay Jürgen, that's good," he laughed. "I'm glad you're happy to see me." He ruffled the fur on the top of my head with a hand, stroking the top of my head in a motion I found addicting. "Now, I've got to get a bag out of my car - I suspected I knew what had happened, so I brought a few things for you. You mentioned you were hungry, right?"

"Woof, yes I am," I barked. My tail wagged harder.

"Okay then, you be a good boy and wait here and I'll go get the bag. When you've eaten I'll tell you what's happened to you." He ruffled my head-fur again. "Alright? Stay, now." He got up and went out back through the kitchen, and I followed, walking awkwardly on account of my hunched back and paw-like feet. In the kitchen I paused to sniff the two pans of food stiff sitting on the stove from the day before, and the mound of containers and packages laying in front of the refrigerator. None inspired interest, so I wandered back to the living room.

To my horror, I spotted my shorts and boxers laying on the floor where I had discarded them earlier when inspecting my ass. Rolf had just seen me naked?! And when I was sporting an erection, too. My tail began to slide between my legs again as I swiftly tugged the two garments up to cover my genitals and ass. The bulge presented by my large cock and balls was rather obvious, but my shorts were not very tight-fitting so they mostly hid it.

When Rolf got back I waited for him to come into the living room, which he did, carrying a duffle bag, which he tossed on the sofa, a smaller cloth bag, and a paper grocery sack. As he walked up to me my tail wagged again, and inspired, I got up on all fours and thrust my nose into his crotch, sniffing deeply. Underneath the denim I felt a slight movement. I memorised his scent, committing it to memory under several crucial categories: of food..

Then, of course, I realised what I was doing, and shock shot through me. I backed up as quickly as I had moved forward, my tail between my legs, my ears flat. I was sniffing his junk, what's he going to think of me... "Rolf, I'm so sorry-" I started to stammer. He held up a hand.

"No, Jürgen, don't apologise. That's perfectly normal, buddy." He sat on the sofa and took a wrapped package out of the grocery bag. "It's good for you to get to know my scent well, so you can find me if we get separated." As he talked he continued unwrapping the package, gradually revealing a mass of long, rather thin steaks. "Since I suspected I'd find you something like this, I decided to bring you a snack. Still hungry?"

My embarrassment faded almost as fast as it had come, as I mused...why not sniff his junk...that's where much of the scent's a good way to get to know him. Ears alert, tail wagging, I approached him, sniffing at the package. It smelled delicious, sweet fresh steaks. I licked my chops, my mouth watering. "Please."

Rolf grinned. "I love this stage - you're so cute and innocent. Here. These are loin steaks, I think you'll like them." Peeling the top steak off the mass, he held it out to me, hanging from two fingers.

As soon as it neared my muzzle my head darted forward in a quick motion, seized it, and gulped it down in several quick chomping bites. Swallowing it in one mouthful, I licked my lips and then looked at him expectantly. More please.

He laughed. "I really love this, watching you take to your new role. You're quite endearing, you know that, boy?" he held out another steak, which I grabbed and devoured as quickly as the first. It was good meat, raw and bloody, and I didn't take my eyes off the package, just in case he tried to get sneaky and deny me the entire thing. My tail was swishing lightly, happy to be in Rolf's presence, and moreover I could feel my hard shaft throbbing in my shorts. Need sex...again...often...I really didn't mind my increased libido at all; I rather liked being hard all the time, it just meant I was always wanting to hump something, or to be humped myself. I wasn't sure in this case if Rolf was responsible for inspiring this latest surge of horniness or if it were merely another result of the changes, but in either case, I welcomed it.

I ate every steak in the package, licking my chops and savouring the taste of blood on my tongue, then sniffing Rolf's hands for possible remnants. Rolf stroked the top of my head as I licked his other hand a few times. "Good boy, Jürgen! I can see I don't need to worry about your appetite." He glanced me over. "At this rate you're going to be done in two or three days."

My tail wagged at the attention to my head. "Thanks for the steaks," I said finally. He had talked to me off and on the whole time he was feeding me, but I kind of tuned him out after a minute, my focus entirely on the steak. Now my hunger was sated, and I could give him a little attention - though my throbbing dick was still a distraction. It was hidden within my shorts, but a part of me wished he would notice it.

"Of course." Standing up, he sat on the sofa, and motioned for me to come closer, I sad on the floor by the edge of it, while he continued to stroke my head. "Now do you want to know what's been happening to you?"

Do I....yes of course I do...only now listening to him talk about it seemed rather less important in comparison with possibilities of sex, more food, or exploring new scents. Nonetheless, I nodded. "Tell me, Rolf."

"Very well, here goes. Remember when I was telling you about the discovery Ana Belmont made?" I nodded. "Well, she figured out a way to manipulate DNA and trick an entire organism into rewriting its own DNA, reprograming it as another organism. That's an extremely reduced version of the process, as it is, but I suspect your lupine brain wouldn't be able to relate to anything further in detail. The Belmonts shared their findings with a few select individuals, and as a result, ERT was founded as a means of implementing the new technology. From then on, ERT labs around the world - we have them in northern Europe, in Africa, and have one under construction in Mexico as well - have collected people in despair - the homeless, or the impoverished, as in Africa - and had them reprogramed as various species of endangered canines - wolves, or African wild dogs, for example. Afterwards the resulting animals were released in areas in which their natural populations were either rare or entirely vanished."

As he talked I tried to resist the temptation to hump into my shorts, even if just lightly. I kept smelling my own arousal, and was further turned on by it, and as for Rolf, while what he was saying seemed interesting, and important, my mind kept wandering off. Could Rolf and I ever have sex? I wondered if he too had that odd scent patch near his hole. Maybe if he takes his pants off I can sniff his butt and find out...

Thoughts of this only made me want to sniff my own rear again, but Rolf was still talking. "Later we started doing other animals - we do a fair number of German shepherd dogs for the military, and recently started doing endangered striped hyenas to be released in Africa. It's all very hush-hush, if the media or the public found out about our programs we'd be on trial under the UN, and the government people we've been working with would disappear and pretend never to have known us. That is why when we had a few people who'd already been injected with the serum get loose within the complex, and try taking measures against us, it set off a great deal of panic."

My attention was jerked back. "The day I was there? So it was an act of sabotage, then?"

"Indeed it was. Now, yes, we do take people often against their will and essentially turn them into animals, which if you think about it in the wrong way makes us sound like very horrible people. I'm sure in some people's eyes we would be. But once the change is initiated, there almost always comes a point when the person wants it. Oftentimes these individuals have not lived happy lives, and becoming something else frees them, in a sense, from the troubles of their previous existence. I like to think that we are helping them, moreso than harming them."

I considered this. "What exactly happened at the lab?" I tried, mostly successfully, to ignore my erection, though my mind insisted: need sex.

He grinned. "I'm getting to that. We've been experimenting with a new variety of the virus that was designed to be passed on via contamination; by breathing it through the air, or by being in contact with someone in the early infection stage - that's the days of sickness, three typically, you experienced at the beginning. We have not perfected that strain of the virus yet, but unfortunately when those guys got loose they smashed some vials of it, it got into the air, and a bunch of people who weren't intended to end up with fur and a tail, now are."

I looked up, momentarily forgetting my cock. "And I..."

"You're becoming a wolf, Jürgen. A very nice specimen of a black male wolf."

A wolf. A wolf. Slowly my mind ran through all the things that had happened to me....growing fur...fangs, a muzzle...triangular ears...a tail...all the pieces fell together, and suddenly I felt like an idiot. How did I not realise this sooner? It seems so obvious now.... "I feel so dumb," I remarked. 'Look at me, that I'm becoming a wolf is plainly obvious. And yet until you told me I had no idea what was happening to me."

"No, no Jürgen, you're not dumb," Rolf shook his head, petting me again. "This is the same reason I wonder how much of what I'm telling you you'll actually understand, because you've got to realise it's not just your body that's changing. Your mind is too - I can tell just from watching you that your mind is already partly changed to that of a wolf. The difference is that while you can look at your body and notice the changes, you can't do that with your mind; the change sneaks in and seems natural, so you don't even notice it. Wolf minds work differently in some ways than humans; a wolf is not going to look at himself and think 'I'm turning into this.' You didn't figure it out only because you aren't a human anymore, you're fast becoming a wolf."

I considered this. "Will I loose all my human mind?" Strangely, the thought did not frighten me much. In fact, none of it did; I was a wolf, I already felt like a wolf. Really even thinking about that I was turning into a wolf seemed unimportant in comparison with other things I could be focused on.

"You'll still have your human intelligence, but it won't play as much role as before, only on occasion, probably, will you use it much. You're a wolf, so you will have a wolf mind, and your wolf instincts will take precedence over the lingering human intelligence. Because you'll be interested in wolf things, you won't have any interest or concern for most of the things you were concerned with as a human, so those things merely won't ever appear in your mind. Your job, your career, your car - anything of that sort, you will forget about since a wolf has no need or interest for such things."

My cock throbbed as I tried to process what he was saying. He says I'm going to forget some aspects of my life...but which ones?_Like so many other times recently, I vaguely remembered having a job, a place I'd gone every day to do some task or other for which I'd been....paid, but now I felt no inclination to ever return there. I had worked for money, but why did I need money? I could think of nothing I wanted to spend it on, but moreover, the thought of work and money bored me, I considered it for only a moment before dismissing the thought altogether. _There were much more important things to do with my time; hunting, marking my territory, playing...

Somewhere out of this musing my mind cleared and a question did arise in my mind: "how long will be it be until I'm done changing?" I asked gravely, looking up at Rolf again. "Until I'm a wolf?" Memory flashed of every change I'd undergone in the past few days, of what I had looked like before my body started recreating itself, and a shiver of fear ran through me as the realisation of loss and anguish over what I was losing: my humanity. Just as scary was the recollection of some of my thoughts from earlier that day; why, I hadn't been able to focus long enough to read a book, god, I had actually questioned why I'd wanted to be a writer. My ambitions and dreams were vanishing, waning, and from what Rolf said, soon they'd be gone. I could feel my mind, or a part of it, warring against me; now the wolf mind seemed dominant, urging me to embrace the change, embrace my new life, and trying to obliterate what resistance remained. Should I resist?

Rolf's careful fingers caressed the top of my head again, and I gave a low growl of pleasure and nuzzled my head against his hand. Love being petted...want more... "Just a few days left now, I think," he was saying. "Till your body finishes up, that is. You're already a wolf, Jürgen. You just have some lingering human physical traits." His fingers started scratching around the base of my ears; I closed my eyes and revelled in the attention. "I'll stay with you, of course - really it's a shame you're alone. Normally we have multiple individuals of the same species change together, so you can start interacting in a pack setting the way you're supposed to, but in your case we'll have to get by with just me."

His next action was so abrupt and unexpected that I was taken completely off-guard and shocked into instant submission. One instant he was talking softly and clearly while petting me, and then he leapt off the couch, knocking me onto my side. I had no time before he wrestled me down, seizing my neck in one hand while forcing my muzzle to the carpet with the other. My tail was plastered against my crotch, my ears laid flat against my head, as Rolf leaned down and put his face a mere centimetre from mine. "I am the alpha," he snarled ferociously. "You will submit to me. Do you understand?"

I trembled in submission, swallowing nervously. Submit...he's dominant over me...make him realise that... "I understand, alpha," I whimpered. "I submit to you." I watched him from the corner of my eye, seeing the bared teeth, the fierce expression, the overwhelming mark of dominance. Don't want to make him mad...but this is good...need a pack to survive...

Still holding down my muzzle, he turned my head so we were eye to eye, forcing me to meet his eyes. I tried looking away. "No, don't you look away, now. I want you looking in my eyes so I know you know your place. I am the alpha. You are the beta. I repeat: I am the alpha." I stared at him with very wide eyes, ears flatter than ever, my heart pounding. Don't make him mad... He held the stare for a few moments, then slowly released his hold on my muzzle, and begin sitting up, letting me move again. Have to show him I respect and honour him as alpha! As soon as he had sat him I pulled myself to my hands and knees and began licking him sweetly all over the mouth and chin, my tail wagging friendlily, ears down in a submissive position. I wanted to show how him how glad I was he was there, how much I appreciated his help, how content I was to submit to him.

His stony dominance melted, and he laughed. "Good boy, Jürgen," he tried to say as I continued licking him enthusiastically, fidgeting back and forth on my paw-like hands. My entire rear end was wagging, tail and ass both, frantic to show my affection for my alpha. He's a human...not a wolf...but he's dominant and shows affection for me...wants to take care of me...Finally I ceased my licking as he gently pushed me back. "Good boy, that's enough now. I apologise for the sudden dominance but I've learned it's good to establish the ranking early." He rubbed my ear again. "Now that you understand what you are, I've got something for you."

A surprise? My tail wagged. "I love surprises," I said simply, sitting back on my haunches, a more comfortable position now that I was hunchbacked. My ears perked as I watched him digging in the cloth bag he'd placed on the sofa. The object he extracted was circular with a small plastic or metallic box on the side, from which an antenna protruded - a collar, of some sort.

"Once you're in the wild we'll want to keep track of where you are, and besides, if you get out here in the city I'll want to find you quickly," he told me, holding the collar out for me to sniff. It was made of leather and smelled of chemicals and people. "This is a tracking collar; you'll be wearing one from now on. I'll have to adjust it a few times as the muscles your neck continue growing, but still I think it's best we get it on you now, just to be safe."

"But I don't need a collar," I protested, holding up a hand, "What if someone saw me?" I glanced uncertainly at the offending object, watching Rolf undo the buckle and reach to fasten it around my neck.

The smooth leather felt constricting against the fur and muscle of my neck, though not necessarily unpleasant. "It doesn't matter if anyone sees you," he told me, smiling. "Many wolves wear tracking collars. Like I said, it's how we keep pace on your movements. You don't want to live in this house forever, do you?"

I looked around the structure that had been my home. He was right, it didn't necessarily feel quite right anymore, but still... "I don't know."

"You won't ever be entirely happy here, and living in a city is dangerous for a wolf. You'll be released in your natural environment later, I think you'll be very content there." I felt the buckle slide into place, the leather tightening just a little as he fastened it. "There. Hey, don't look so put upon. You'll get used to it." He smirked. "At least in your case I didn't have to use a sedative to get it on. I carry a few with me just as a precaution."

I only half heard him. He'd mentioned living in the wild, did I want that? Fresh air...thick forest to disappear into...miles of wilderness...moss and tree roots beneath my people. It did appeal, if I thought about it; so much that the thought, and the sudden longing it inspired, made me whine. Rolf was right, the house wasn't right; there were too many cars and people nearby, and too few natural scents. Plus, if I was honest with myself, I wanted to be near other wolves.

He must have interpreted my whine as being a response to the collar. "Oh, don't whine, Jürgen." He scratched under the remains of my chin. "Soon you'll be so used to the collar you'll forget it's there."

This did not seem particularly convincing, but since scratching at the collar failed to get it off my neck, and I could not bite it, I decided to leave it be. By that point it was past dark, later in the evening, and suddenly I found myself yawning. Getting up from my place by the sofa, I stretched, pushing my rump up in the air, arching my back, and bracing with my paws in the most drawn-out stretch I could muster, tail high, back tingling. I then shook myself, and yawned again.

"I think wolfy is tired," Rolf observed, rubbing his eyes. "And for that matter, so am I. We'd probably better be thinking about getting some rest soon, you're going to keep needing quite a bit of it to help your body process and recover from the changes it's undergoing."

Yawning a third time, I nodded - in the aftermath of the snack, Rolf's telling of what was happening to me, and his display of dominance, I was beginning to feel rather sleepy. I did not, however, want Rolf to leave. "I don't have a spare bed but you can sleep on the sofa," I offered. "Please don't go.." I wagged my tail, my ears quivering, putting on what I hoped was a cute expression.

"You sure are becoming a cute pup," Rolf remarked, standing up and patting me. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I think I have tonight's sleeping arrangements figured out. Why don't you go get ready for bed now?"

Get ready for bed. It sounded like the right thing to do. "Okay," I agreed, rising shakily on my hind feet, now almost completely reduced to paws, and walking erratically in the direction of my bedroom. It was getting harder to remain upright, but I did my best to keep my posture, even though with my hunched back and digitigrade legs I almost certainly looked ridiculous.

Once in the bathroom I studied my face while brushing my teeth, appreciating the now-prominent muzzle, the ears almost entirely migrated to the top of my head, the general reshaping my skull was undergoing. It looked like a horrible concoction of wolf and human head blended together, in a mess of partly developed fur and darkening bare skin, in which human eyes looked increasingly out of place. Seeing it gave me an unexplainable longing to have those human features vanish, wanting to see what my head would look like when the change was completely and I had the head of a wolf.

Brushing teeth took twice as long when you have long fangs - they were still growing, albeit slowly, it seemed, but eventually I finished, then glanced at the shower. I could wash, but my fur is going to take a long time to it will dry my fur out...and wash out my scent. It was this last detail that convinced me I did not want a shower; why risk deluding my natural musk? I was beginning to notice my scent more and more, and not only the strong one from under my tail; there was also just the scent of me, found all over my body, a sensual blueprint of the wolf I was becoming. It was my identifier, the scent other wolves would know me by. Losing it would render me unfindable - it was not worth it.

When I came out of the bathroom, Rolf was sitting on the edge of my bed. "I'm going to get a shower if you don't mind, then crash." He rubbed his forehead. "It's been a long day..."

"There's a shower in the other bathroom..."

"Yeah, but it's just easier to be near the bedroom," he replied. "No need to walk through the house to get to bed."

I frowned, confused. "Wait, you're not planning to sleep in my bed, are you?" Sure enough, he'd taken of his jacket and laid it on the bed, next to his duffle bag.

"Of course, why not?"

"But it's my bed..."

He grinned, then his expression became more serious. "Wolves don't sleep in beds, Jürgen. I brought one for you, though."

I followed his gaze to something I hadn't noticed that was now laying beside the bed: a very large round dog-bed. "Got it at Petco before I came over here," he continued. "I had to get the extra-large Great Dane size, figured that was the closest they'd have to what a wolf would require. Go on now, try it out."

Dropping to my knees, I sniffed the fabric of the bed suspiciously, catching the scents of various animals and people, presumably collected during its time at the petstore. "I have to sleep here?" It did not necessarily look uncomfortable, but I wasn't used to sleeping on the floor. He is the alpha, though...and I admit a bed doesn't really seem like a natural place to sleep anyway..

Without replying immediately he walked over and got down on his knees, patting the bed with his hand. "Try it out, boy. I think you'll like it. This is all for you."

He's talking to me like a dog...why.... And yet obeying him seemed the only right thing to do, I wanted to obey him, felt compelled to do so. Of course, he's my alpha..._Without further hesitation I crawled onto the bed, turned around once, then laid down and tried as best I could to curl up. My spine had not changed enough yet to accomplish that completely, and my torso was still too human to be able to form my body into a ball while slumbering, but I was nonetheless able to fit entirely into the bed. _Pretty comfortable...I blinked, and yawned again. Sleepy....

"Good boy, Jürgen." Rolf rubbed my ears again, causing me to lift my head. "You go to sleep now. I'm going to get a shower and then get to bed myself. And if you start changing again, I'll be right here to support you through it, okay?"

I licked his hand. "Goodnight, thank you."

"Good wolf." He nodded at my shorts, the same shorts which were still stained and smelling of my cum. "Tomorrow we've got to get you out of those. But for now, sleep." He got up and went into the bathroom.

I licked my chops a few times, shifted a little, and settled. Safe...warm...content.....

CANIDITY: Chapter Three

CANIDITY A serial story by Colin Leighton CHAPTER THREE [day six] When I awoke, I was in agony. My face was swelling, straining, bursting, coming apart. At first it was so incredibly awful that I tore at it with my hands, prying at it with my...

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CANIDITY: Chapter Two

Candity A serial story by Colin Leighton CHAPTER TWO [day two] The next morning I woke with what had to be the worst case of stomach flu I had ever experienced. I'd felt fine when going to bed the night before, but somewhere after 3am (I...

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CANIDITY: Chapter One

CANIDITY A serial story by Colin Leighton CHAPTER ONE [the day before] Wiser men than I have written that one ought not to judge a book by its cover, or to gage an individual's value entirely by one's first impression of them. Now I don't mean...

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