The Alleyway

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DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depicted in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

Slut Training Chapter 1

The Alleyway

An Ageplay/BDSM Story by Starring: Kaitlin & Erebus

Kaitlin Starpack headed home from the mall, taking her usual shortcut through the back alleys of downtown, the young wolf clad in a short skirt and tight white shirt. Dark grey fur covered her body under the clothes, and black hair hung down her back to her waist. Bright blue eyes paid no attention to anything around her as she scrolled through her phone, looking for music to listen to on her way home. Headphones covered her ears, and soon, faint music could be heard coming from them. Music that added a bounce to her steps as she moved, her pawfalls silent in the alley.

Erebus watched her approaching him in the shadows. She walked this path everyday with her damn skirt and those tight ass shirts, it drove him wild with desire. Where did she get off dressing like that, her small breasts jiggling with each step, sexy fur all over her. She'd learn today, you don't tease humans and get away with it, if she wanted to be an animal in a human world, he'd fuck her like an animal. He crouched behind some boxes she would be reaching soon, camera in hand, ready to capture her descent from an innocent girl into his personal toy. He brushed his hair out of the way, his black cargo pants and shirt helping him blend in, thank goodness he was brown or she may have noticed.

The preteen wolfess paused as the music switched to a song she loved, 'Stamp on the Ground' by Italobrothers, and she started dancing in the alley, moving to the music, jumping and swaying, lost in the music. She was unaware of the male watching her, as she normally was. Only instead of the normal view he got watching her, today he was getting more bouncing breasts as she jumped to the music, and her skirt lifted, revealing her skimpy underwear. Her eyes were closed as she bounced and jumped and danced past the boxes he was behind, her tail flicking behind her and the lower curves of her ass were on display.

He licked his lips expectantly when she started bouncing, her underwear! What a slut she was, he thought of all the things he had planned as she passed him, his hand reaching out to her throat before he stood and slammed her against the wall, a malicious look on his face. Almost like a man that was long past gone. His free hand flew to his pocket and flicked a sharp knife with a smooth red handle open, he tore through her shirt and bra while his mouth began to maul her small breasts.

She yelped as she was slammed into the wall, her head hitting the bricks rather hard. Her vision blurred as he held her against the wall with his hand around her throat, efectively silencing her before she could scream for help. She felt the cool air brushing against her chest suddenly, then her breasts were getting slobbered on and bitten. She hit him, trying to make him stop, her hands hitting his shoulders and upper back. "Stop," she growled out, her words coming out choked and muffled by the hand around her throat.

"Shut up slut, you're finally getting what's coming to you after all these months of fucking teasing me," he yelled back, lifting her skirt and lowering his face to inhale her essence. Such innocence that would soon be ruined. his fingers wrapped around her panties and yanked down, sliding them off in one go. He stuffed the panties into her mouth so she would shut up and began to undo his pants.

Kaitlin struggled against the wall, trying to free herself from his grip, giving another yelp as he yanked her panties off her and shoved them into her maw, silencing her further. She lifted her paw to her muzzle, intending on ripping her panties from her maw as he was distracted by unfastening his pants. As she grabbed her panties, she brought her knee up, aiming for what he was freeing from that swatch of fabric.

A cute attempt, he thought, moving backwards to avoid her knee and connecting his fist with her stomach. "Oh she's got some fight left in her does she. That'll make a good video." he motioned towards the camera on the other side of the alley, watching both of them. "I'm gonna transform you today little Kaitlin." His free hand came up and slapped her twice across her face, reddening her cheeks before he was between her legs, trying to slip into her purity.

The wolfess grunted as his fist met her stomach, nearly doubling over before he slapped her across the cheek and backhanded her across the other. She wasn't able to close her legs before he was between them, his cock aiming for her entrance. She shifted her body, trying to deny him from entering her virgin tunnel. There wasn't enough room for her to get past him, to escape his intentions. She growled and snarled at him, snapping her fangs at him, trying to run him off that way.

He grinned, watching this animal try to fight him off, how pathetic she was. He saw some rope near them and grabbed it, setting her down to tie her wrists behind her back, slapping her harder so she wouldn't notice. Once he finished he lifted her by her legs and positioned his cock over her tiny slit, and let go from two feet up. His aim was true as he felt her tight cunt envelope him and her hymen tear as he ripped through her body.

She screamed in pain as he dropped her onto his cock, that hard flesh driving into her virgin tunnel and right through her hymen. She struggled, trying to free her paws to hit him, to drive him away, but she couldn't free them. And all her struggling did was make her shift against him, twisting and grinding against his cock. All she could do was kick him, maybe even get her hindclaws into his legs and hurt him. So that was her next option, kicking him and using her claws, trying to rake them over his legs, while still snapping at him, trying to bite him.

Erebus lifted her legs in his arms and fucked half his length into her virgin walls, flexing his cock, feeling a tightness he didn't know existed, knowing he was reshaping her body with every thrust. As he fucked her he needed to go deeper, he walked over to the boxes as he raped her, leaning down until her back was on the concrete. His pumps became vicious, trying to tear her, trying to destroy her, so no one could have her besides him ever. Soon he slipped more into her and felt himself pushing against her cervix. "You're so small, i'm going to have to resize you Kaitlin, beg me not to, beg into the camera and maybe I won't break your body and turn you into a little cum dumpster for me."

Kaitlin growled at him, her upper lip curling back to bare her fangs at him in a snarl. "Go fuck yourself, asshole!" Her arms were between her back and the concrete, getting scraped by the harsh 'bedding' as he raped her, his thrusts vicious as he drove deeper into her. She howled in pain as he battered himself against her cervix, threatening to tear it open and enter her innermost depths. She twisted and struggled under him, trying to throw him off and get free.

He threw a punch into her jaw, connecting hard. "Shut up you fucking slut, get ready for some real pain!" He grunted and gave a final shove with all his weight behind it, hearing the crack, knowing he had done it, he broke her. And he didn't stop. His thrusts were more energetic now, his entire length could finally barrel into her sweet pussy, he thought his cock would pop off with how tight she was but it didn't, and he felt himself starting to swell. "You've had your period little girl, that means you're about to get pregnant with a human child," he laughed. He looked and saw the hurt in her eyes and began slapping her harder than he ever had, his hands got sore but he never stopped, she needed to feel this pain.

She yelped as he punched her, stars flashing around her head from the blow. Another howl tore from her as he slammed into her, tearing her cervix open and driving all the way into her. Tears slid from her eyes as he drove his full length into her tunnel, ripping her innocence from her in more ways than one. She blinked fast, trying to hide the tears, the hurt, but apparently failed as he started slapping her around, not giving her a chance to growl or snarl or show her defiance to him as he raped her, and threatened to impregnate her.

He grabbed the camera and aimed it at her face, zoomed out enough so both of them were in the frame. "Say hi to mom and dad Kaitlin" he said sarcastically waving at the camera before a serious look overtook him, he slowed his thrusts and made a deranged face as he flattened himself against her, feeling himself pushing the limits of her womb as he moaned into her ear, his orgasm taking hold and spurt after hot spurt filled her with nowhere to go, as his cock had effectively plugged her pussy up. "Give birth to my seed ya little slut, this is what you were made for and i'll make sure you fulfill your purpose."

The wolfess shuddered under him as she felt heat spreading inside her as he came, hot semen filling her womb, the tadpole-like cells eager to find her eggs and work their way in. She refused to give in to anything he wanted from her, and she glared at him, despite her face hurting from his repeated slapping. Hatred fill her blue eyes as she stared at him, and as he leaned closer to her, she took advantage of the opportunity and turned her head fast, biting him hard.

Erebus yelled out and pulled back, a fury in his eyes as he began raining punches down on her body, then catching her in the temple with a strong right. "I'm not done with you yet, but we can't do the rest here..." He grabbed her neck and squeezed hard, waiting for her consciousness to fade from her.

Kaitlin howled as he started punching her, her body flinching with every blow. Then he caught her in the temple and her world started spinning. Before she could shake off the feeling, his hands were wrapped around her throat again, choking her, strangling the air trying to enter her lungs and after a couple minutes, she went limp under him.

He felt her body finally give way and lifted her, his cock still hard within her, as he walked into the building next to them, his warehouse. They could have plenty of privacy in here. He brought her up the stairs to a room with a bench and a pole and bent her over it, locking her legs in and cuffing her to the pole. Phase one of her transformation was complete.

The Shower

DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might...

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Double Stuffed Loli

DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might...

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Tali's Arrival

DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might...

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