an equine embrace

Story by hawaiianstile on SoFurry

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It was finally that day, Brock was celebrating his 18th birthday with some friends at the mall. He was a large equine boy, a spotted mustang. He was on the high school wrestling team and loved it, and as a result of his tireless training he was a strong young horse. He was especially training hard for his senior year in high school, hoping to impress some scout and get a scholarship. Unfortunately he was so busy training and keeping his grades up he had little time for fun or girls. Which only made his birthday even better, no training and no school, just a free day of fun.

After watching a movie his friends and him were sitting on some benches chick spotting. It was a small group, just him and his two buddies, a weasel named Jack and an ocelot named Jose. "look at her tail, I wana get a paw under that" Jose said as a cute young vixen passed by.

"Please, as long as your sitting next to me no girl will even notice your punk ass" Jack laughed.

"Burnage" Brock said still laughing at Jacks statement.

"Your mom didn't mind too much last night slinky boy" Jose replied with a laugh,

"He got you on that one Jack" Brock said trying not to laugh too loud.

"Slinky boy, call that an insult? And shut up Brock, he's just jealous weasels are more flexible than cats" Jack said in his defense. But Brock wasn't listening, his eyes were glued to the hind quarters of a sweet little equine female as she past by them.

Jack and Jose watched also and as she past from eye sight they encouraged Brock, "Come on dude go and try talking to her" jack said,

"Yeah man, grow some nads and catch that girl" Jose added. Brock wanted to at least try but he was inexperienced with girls, he would shoulder toss any man without a second thought but trying to talk to a cute girl scared him to death. Jose was trying to push Brock off the bench to go after the girl but the horse was as solid as a rock, "Go after her you big bitch" Jose said.

"He wont go" Jack sighed, then a thin smile spread on his weasely features "But maybe she will come to him".

Brock went wide eyed "Don't you do it". Jack chuckled then went in the direction that the girl had gone with Brock calling behind him "Awww YOU ASS HOLE. He wont really do it will he Jose".

Jack caught up to the equine, she was looking at CDs at the music store. She was a beautiful thing, a 14 year old brown furred thoroughbred in a tank top and short shorts. "Hey, hello" jack said to her with his most winning face,

"Oh, hi?" the girl replied.

"Sorry to bother you but my friend, he was the big horse on the bench with us, anyway he wanted to know if you wanted to hang out, but he's such a wuss, said he didn't have it in him to talk to a girl that cute".

the girl chuckled, "Well I guess I could go say hi",

Jack pulled her along "Well we better hurry, he may try to esca-I mean uh leave".

Brock was still on the bench with Jose getting worried, "He should be back already if it was a joke, no way he's that uncool".

Jose was laughing "I think he totally did it, you know how weasels are, they do crazy shit like that. Hah there they are",

Brock repeated ominously "They?".

the girl walked over with Jack and he introduced Brock, "This is Brock, and this is.. Well I didn't actually get your name did I".

the girl offered Brock her hand smiling sweetly "I'm Amethyst, I know its weird just call me Amy",

Brock was blushing and fighting to keep his voice steady "I think it's a beautiful name".

Jack tugged Jose's tail "Dude! Look at those girls giving us the eye, we should go",

Jose looked "I don't see an-OW" he was cut short as Jack tugged his tail again

"We - should - go" he repeated with emphasis.

Jose realized what Jack meant and laughed "Ohhhh, yeah they are giving us a look huh, lets get out of here. Check you later Brock, happy birthday dude". and they were gone.

"Oh its your birthday?" Amy asked,

"Yeah, just turned 18" Brock answered.

Amy had to admit he was a fine looking stud. Soft clean fur, strong and muscular, and yet so sweet and innocent looking. "Well lets go hang" Amy said pulling Brock up onto his hooves and pulling him away.

They had spent the whole day together, getting to know each other and finding out they liked each other a lot more than they thought, and that they had a lot in common. They had left the mall in Brock's car and made their way to her house. Brock parked and Amy got out "Come on Brock, nobodies home so don't worry" this statement only worried Brock even more but he got out and followed, enchanted by the sweet horse.

She ran up the stairs feeling excited that she would have a cute older horse in her room. Brock paused at the stairs still unsure it was real but he kept going, his hooves clopping on each step as he went. He entered Amy's room and sat with her on the bed. She leaned on him and nuzzled his cheek. Brock nuzzled her back and gathered the courage to place a hand on her thigh. She looked down at it and kissed his cheek showing her approval.

Brock turned to her, he had finally given in to his emotions and kissed Amy passionately, leaning into her as she lay back on her bed. She looked into his eyes smiling, he smiled back at her getting up as he started pulling off his shirt. Amy looked hungrily at his ropey muscles as his shirt came off, she blushed as her panties dampened. She wanted to start taking off her cloths but she wasn't about to miss the show. He undid his pants and dropped them to the floor, his underwear followed. Amy's eyes traveled from his blushing face to his huge equine cock as it grew.

She got up and started taking off her cloths, "Your so beautiful" Brock said to her as her shirt and bra came off, exposing two firm tits, perfectly sized to fit Brock's cupped hands. She took off her shorts and her panties, tossing them at Brock who laughed as they bounced off his chest and to the floor. He looked long at her sweet pussy, the fur around it short but matted from her sexual excitement. She got down on her knees and took his throbbing penis in her two hands rubbing it furiously. Brock moaned slightly and laid his hands on her head, pushing it gently towards his massive cock. Amy closed her eyes and opened her mouth resisting against his pushing hands but slowly letting his cock slide into her mouth.

She closed her mouth around his dick, and started sucking as he thrusted in slow calculated motions, not wanting to injure her by pushing too far. She was moaning as she sucked, and looked up at him with a mouth full of his dick. Brock pulled his cock out of her mouth lifting it and pushing forward till his balls were pressing her lips. She opened up sucking them into her mouth. Her nose was filled with his musky sent, and it only made her even wetter. She sloshed them around, his balls rolling about in her mouth as his cock lay on her face.

She let his nuts drop from her mouth, dripping with her saliva, and smiled up at him. He smiled back at her as she got up and laid on her bed, her legs spread and her pussy opening like a blooming flower. He got close to her and poised his cock at her pussy hole,

"I'm kinda nervous Brock, I never went any further than just sucking before" she said shyly,

Brock smiled disarmingly dawn at her "Hah well to tell the truth I never had sex before either, but I will go slowly for you". with that he slowly started forcing his cock into Amy's pussy, she winced and Brock stopped "Are you OK? Did I hurt you, should we stop?" he asked frantically,

Amy smiled "No no, it hurts a bit but it feels good to in a way, I want you to keep going Brock, please".

Brock went back to forcing his cock into Amy, she was wincing and panting as his huge equine cock stretched her virgin pussy. After a bit of pushing and a lot of pain his head finally got in to Amy's pussy, she yipped and grunted in response to the intrusion on her insides. Brock paused a bit and continued pushing. With a long pained moan Amy took in his whole cock "Uuuuughhhhh".

Brock started to thrust, slowly at first but he was feeling a pleasure he never knew before, he was finding it increasingly hard to keep his thrusts in check, wanting to cut loose and push with all he had. Amy was moaning louder now as the huge cock traveled in and out of her "Brock, its ughhh OK. D-don't hold baaack ughh". Brock grunted as he let loose, driving his enormous dick into Amy's pussy. He was getting deep due to his strong wrestlers back making every thrust so powerful Amy felt like she was being hit by a bulldozer. She was screaming loudly in a blinding mix of pleasure and pain as Brock's cock reached places inside her that she had never though anyone could.

She screamed louder as she felt her pussy contract, and in a series of vaginal convulsions she came. Her eyes had clouded over and she was lost in a world of ecstasy. Brock drove doggedly on, his training as a wrestler gifting him with enough stamina to thrust with a constant speed and strength. Amy yelled out as she came again, she was a rag doll, completely powerless in Brock's strong and unrelenting embrace. She could only take it, impossible to stop him physically and unable to gather herself up enough to produce even a single word between her cries of unsurpassed pleasure.

Brock plowed his way through one of Amy's orgasms after another, his balls slapping wetly against her ass hole as he ravaged her. Finally he felt the cum welling up in his genitals. He pushed a few more hard thrusts and yelled out as he came. His leg twitched as he shot his pent up load of cum into Amy's punished pussy. She yelled a final time through clenched teeth as she cringed, she felt the searing heat of Brock's sperm as it invaded her uterus. It wasn't long before his cock had finished shooting but it felt like an eternity to the both of them, for a time it seemed as if they were floating in an endless void. After taking in all the thick fluid Brock's cock gave her, Amy fell back completely drained and exhausted. Brock pulled out making Amy cringe again as her pussy hole was freed, a thick flow of sperm escaped her body as she lay back panting. Brock laid with her. "I- I think I love you Amy" he said to the young equine.

She looked at him through half shut eyes and managed to whisper " you too" before she passed out, sleeping in a calm she hoped would never end.

The end

yiff in Hawai'i

IMPORTANT: I wanted to make this as real as possible, im so sick of the BS "Hawaiian" stories I always hear. My characters are speaking pidgin, the Hawaiian accent. This is how we talk, I hope you guys can understand it. ENJOY XD OK this is my...

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