Like father, like son, part 5

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#5 of Like father, Like son

Charon has one nasty surprise

Charon's head was still ringing when Rogul dropped him off home. It was a beautiful, bright, day; and it made his eyes hurt. Closing them helped with the pain a little, but then the world started spinning. He had no idea how much he'd ended up drinking, or what had been in the drinks that had been passed around during the party, but it had been good stuff.

After the game the Academy had thrown the team a victory party. That had been a respectable affair; the coach and some of their teachers had given speeches. They had been fed really good meat and then there was a band.

Of course the organizers didn't take into account that after such a game the players weren't really interested in just dancing with their dates. Or maybe they did, and they kept the party restrained so it wouldn't happen on the academy grounds. Within minutes of the music starting Charon, Azras and half a dozen other couples were in cars driving to the woods outside the city.

They found themselves in a clearing, around a bonfire; they was screaming and running around; some of the males recreated the better plays of the game. Someone passed around drinks and one of them found its way in Charon's hand; one sip told him there was alcohol in it. He didn't normally drink and for a moment he thought about putting it down, but then he threw caution to the wind and downed it.

They'd won the championship he was entitled to do some celebrating so he'd have one or two. From that point on the night became fuzzy. There had been more shouting, running, drinking, and sex. He could still smell Azras all over himself; he smelled nice.

He fumbled with his keys but managed to unlock the door. Inside the light wasn't so bright and his eyes thanked him for it. He slowly walked to the kitchen, where he found his father eating. "Whoa," he said at the sight of the older tiger, and moaned in pain at how loud his voice was. He looked at him again while the ringing diminished. He had multiple cuts and moved his right arm with deliberate slowness. "Had a bad hunt?" he whispered.

"Something like that," Harstall replied with a chuckle, a little too loudly for Charon's liking.

His father limped to the sink to fill a glass with water and brought it to him. "Here, drink up. The headache is because you're dehydrated." He sniffed his son. "You had fun at he party I smell."

"Yeah," he said before taking a sip, and then downing the whole glass. He hadn't realized how thirsty he was. "Well, I'm pretty sure I did. I don't remember all of it."

Harstall refilled his son's glass. "Alcohol does that. How much did you have?"

Charon stopped himself before he shrugged; his head was in enough pain already. "I don't know. More than I was planning on, drinks just kept appearing in my hands." He lowered his head, "I'm sorry."

Harstall squeezed his shoulder. "Hey, it's ok. You're entitled to cut loose once in a while."

Charon placed a hand over his father's and smiled at him. "Thanks dad. I think I'm going to go sleep this off now."

Harstall kissed the top of his son's head. "Ok. Feel free to clean out the cooler when you get up. I'm buying some more meat on the way back tonight.

Charon made a face at the thought of there being more synthetic meat in the cooler, but didn't say anything as he stood.

* * * * *

The Academy gave the team a rest day after the game, but then it was back to studying. And a week after their victory they were back on the field preparing for next year's championship; life falling back into its normal schedule.

Charon and Azras even got into another argument over using protection the first night they were able to make time for each other, it seemed to surprise her, but Charon still wouldn't budge so again she relented.

The feeling of normalcy lasted until practice a few weeks later. Charon noticed he empty seat in the stand as he walked on the field. He grabbed Rogul by the arm. "Where's Azras?"

"She said she was going to the clinic."

Charon stopped moving, forcing the other male to stop too. "What? Why?"

The panther shrugged. "I don't know, but she smelled a little off."

"And you didn't ask?"

"Hey, I'm just her brother, it's not like she'd tell me anything."

Charon cursed and ran back to the locker room. He checked his pad, she hadn't sent a message. It was probably nothing then, he told himself, she would have let him know if it was something major. He looked at the pad again. Unless she didn't want to worry him. He started sending her a message to find out, but changed his mind.

He changed out of his practice clothes. She would have gone to the closest clinic, so he was going to meet her there. He cursed, he didn't care how minor the problem was, she should have told him, how could he be there for her if she didn't let him know something was wrong.

He went through Rogul's locker for his car keys and then ran out to the parking lot. He jumped into it and started it.

He stalled it.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He wasn't going to do her any good if he wrapped himself a lamp post on the way there. He wasn't experienced enough with driving yet that he could take it for granted.

When his hand stopped shaking he started the car again and eased it out of the parking spot. It took him fifteen minutes to make it to the clinic, fifteen long minutes he spent fighting his nerves.

He ran inside the clinic and scanned the waiting room, two terriers with a cub, an elephant, a hippopotamus and a calico. No Azras. He turned to the gazelle behind the counter.

"I'm looking for a black pantheress named Azras," he said hurrily, "I think she came here"

She looked at him with a bored expression. "What's your relation to the female?" her tone matched her face.

"I'm her lover. Is she here?"

"She went in about ten minutes ago, the medic should be done with her shortly."

"What's wrong with her?"

The receptionist checked her screen. "Nothing's wrong sir, it's a simple procedure."

"What procedure? Look, I just found out she came here; she didn't tell me. I'm just trying to find out what's going on before I freak out even more."

The gazelle smiled and place a hand over his. "Terminations are very routine; there's nothing to worry about."

"Termination? What . . ." A door opened and he turned by reflex. Azras was coming out of the medic's office. She was talking with him, a lean equine, smiling. She had a hand over her stomach. He looked from the hand to her face as the word 'termination' kept resonating in his head. He went cold inside.

"Charon? What are you doing here?" She asked him as she joined him by the counter.

He continued staring at her. She'd . . .. His lips contorted themselves into a snarl. How could she have done that to him? He grabbed her arm and dragged her outside "How could you!" he growled as he sent her against Rogul's car.

"Charon, please calm down." She tried to put her hand on his arm but he batted it away.

"Who's was it?" he snapped.


"You told me I was the only one. Even when I said I'd be ok if you saw other males you told me you didn't need anyone else since you had me. What are you? A queen? How many others were there? Did you get off lying to me?"

"Char," she pleaded, "it isn't what you think. It was yours."

He took a step back in surprise, and then grabbed her by the arms "Don't lie to me! I've used protection every time!"

She looked away. "Not at the party," she said weakly.

"What?" He let her go in shock. He had a scent memory of moving against her, but there weren't any details attached to it, but he remembered something from the next day. "You're lying. I found the ripped wrapper in my pockets the day after."

"You wanted to use one, you even took it out, but I convinced you we didn't need it."

He looked at her slack jaw. "What?"

She pressed herself against him and looked at him lovingly. "Charon, you should have seen your expression as we made love. You kept saying over and over that you'd never felt anything so good."

His eyes narrowed as she talked and he felt his fist start to ball into fists, but before the urge to hit her over took him he pushed her away. He got in the car and left with squealing tires.

How could she have done that to him? He ground his teeth together. Why had she done that when he'd made it perfectly clear how he felt about it? What they'd had was enough, the risk of . . .

He slammed on the breaks to avoid hitting the car that had just appeared out of the side road. He panted heavily and his body shook as he watched the other driver mouth profanities to him before pulling away.

Charon stayed there, the shaking persisting. She had killed his cub. He put his face in his hand and tears flowed. What kind of person was she that she could just end a new life; a life that he'd never get to know now.

Eventually the tears slowed enough that he was able to drive again. He focused on that to avoid being overwhelmed by how he felt and somehow managed to get the car back to the Academy.

* * * * *

Harstall yawned as he walked in. The day had been much too long. New job site, new contractor; most of it had been spent being told how to do his job, as if he hadn't been doing it for over twenty years.

He walked through the darkened house, the only light came from the upstairs bathroom; Charon had probably forgotten to turn it off when he went to bed. In the kitchen he put the packages of meat in the cooler, placing them behind what was left of the synthetic meat and the bottles of blood in the door.

Closing the door he thought he'd heard some sniffling. He listened and it came again, from upstairs. "Charon?" he called, as he looked up the stairs. He thought he heard some shuffling so he went up.

The sound came from the bathroom. He stopped in the doorway in shock at what he saw. Charon was huddled in a corner of the shower, his fur had dried matted. He rushed to him, noticing the wet clothes on the floor of the shower.

"Charon, what's wrong?"

The younger tiger looked up at him with bloodshot eyes. "Her scent won't leave me. Why can't I get rid of it? I scrubbed and scrubbed, but it just won't wash away."

Harstall crouched in front of his son. "Whose scent?"

"How could she do it? Did she think I wouldn't care?" He paused and started crying. "I'm never going to know now."

Harstall was at a loss as to what was happening with his son. He took him in his arm and lifted him. "I don't know," he said quietly as he brought him to his bedroom. He laid him down on the bed and pulled the covers over him.

He went downstairs to send Charon's advisor a message to let him know he wouldn't be at the academy because he was sick and then came back up. He undressed and slipped in the bed with his son.

* * * * *

When Harstall woke up Charon was still sleeping so he quietly got out of bed and went downstairs, grabbing a pair of exercise pants on the way out. He ate still trying to figure out what had happened to put Charon in such a state.

When he'd gotten into bed Charon had tossed and turned until he'd put an arm over his son. Then Charon had quieted down, pressed himself back against his father and fallen asleep.

Harstall was starting to wash his dishes when he heard Charon get out of bed. A moment later he was coming down the stairs.

"Morning," Harstall said looking over his shoulder. "Slept well?"

"Yeah, I did." Charon's fur was all over the place, and he wasn't wearing anything.

Harstall looked back in the sink and focused on his dishes. He was a little surprised when Charon wrapped his arms around him and rested his head on the back of his neck, but just smiled a little and enjoyed the closeness.

He tilted an ear when he noticed that Charon was breathing in his scent deeply, trying to figure what he was up to. When he started caressing his chest and stomach, and well as grinding against him, it became apparent.

Harstall quickly spun in place and grabbed his son by the shoulder and moved him to arms length. He had time to notice that Charon was hard before looking him in the eyes. He could see pain and anger in them.

"What's going on?"

"She used me, dad. She used me."

"Who used you?" he asked, still confused.

"Azras," Charon spat out the name, and then forced himself forward to kiss his father.

Harstall was totally surprised by the action, and then started responding to it, his son was a very good kisser. He closed his eyes and summoned all the willpower he could to force him away again.

"Don't do this," His father implored, "you two had a spat, you'll work things out. Don't come to me just because you're angry at her. You're going to regret it."

Charon looked at him steadily. "I am angry at her, but this isn't a spat. She killed my cub.

"She what? You told me that you were using protection."

"I was, but she tricked me at the party. When she became pregnant because of it she had it killed." Tears stared flowing. "I can't get her scent off me, and when I smell her I remember what she did, and then that she killed my cub." He was sobbing now. "I wasn't ready to be a father, dad. But I would have taken cared of it. I would have been a good father."

Harstall pulled his son in a tight hug. Seeing him like this hurt him, and made him angry at the pantheress that had done that to him, but he pushed that aside, he would find time later to work that off. Right now his son needed comforting. "It's going to be ok," he whispered. "I'm here and everything's going to be ok."

"I want to forget," Charon said between sob. "I want you to help me erase her scent from me."

His father pulled away and looked at him. "I can't. It isn't . . ."

"Please, dad," Charon pleaded quietly, "I don't know what I'm going to do if I have to keep remembering."

Harstall couldn't stand to look at the depth of the pain in his son's eyes. He held him tightly. "Anything for you, anything."

Charon nuzzled his neck and then licked it, before licking his way along the side of his father's muzzle. When their lips touched Charon kissed him with passion, and Harstall responded in kind, unleashing the passion he had been keeping in check these last few weeks.

They moaned, they groaned, they sighed. Their tongues played together and their hands explored each other's backs. They rubbed their bodies and ground their groins together.

Charon's hands moved down and slipped under the elastic band of his father's pants. He squeezed the ass and forced their bodies tighter. Harstall moaned and shivered as he felt his son's cock rub against his. The hands moved from the back to the front and the older tiger climbed on tip toes when one of them closed around his balls and gave a firm squeeze.

Harstall pushed his son away gently. "Careful there, I don't know about yours, but these are sensitive." He licked Charon's nose when his balls were freed. "Why don't we move this to a more appropriate place?"

Charon yelped in surprise when Harstall picked him up and cradled him against his chest. He sighed and rested his head against his father's shoulders.

In his bedroom Harstall gently lowered his son on the large bed and then quickly removed the exercise pants. He stood in front of Charon, looking down at him, admiring his body.

"How do you want to do this?" Harstall asked.

Charon opened his mouth, but nothing came out. His eyes showed a need that he didn't know how to express.

Harstall crouched before him and took both of his hands in his. "Do you remember who was on top when you and her," Harstall hesitated, trying to find a way to say it that wouldn't bring back too much, "did it?"

Charon looked away. "I was," he whispered, his ears burning with shame.

Harstall took hold of his son's chin and gently turned his head so they could look at each other. He licked the tears he saw falling. "It's not your fault. You were used. You have nothing to feel ashamed about."

"I can't help it. Every time I remember that's how I feel."

"Then we're going to change that." Harstall climbed on the bed and lay on his back. He lifted his knees and spread his legs before extending his hand to his son. "Take me." He couldn't know if this was going to work. All he could do was hope.

Charon took the hand and moved between his father's legs. "Are you sure?" He asked his voice and hand trembling.

Harstall nodded. "I want to give you something else to remember instead of what she did to you."

Charon nodded and slowly moved over his father. He tentatively pressed his lips against his and kissed him. It didn't take long for Charon to regain his confidence and the kiss became passionate.

Harstall moaned in it and wrapped his arms around his son. Moments later Charon started grinding against him. At first it was slow, but as he felt his son become hard the thrusting picked up speed.

Charon broke the kiss to reposition himself and Harstall handed him the bottle of lube he always kept on the nightstand. Charon poured a generous amount in his hand and stroked himself, before smearing some of his father's hole. He pressed a finger in and Harstall's head went back with a delighted groan.

He felt the finger being pulled out and Charon move. Before he could miss it he felt something else press against his opening. Charon pushed in slowly with a low moan. Harstall matched it as he felt his son's cock stretch him.

As he pushed in Charon hooked his arms under Harstall's knees and lifted them so that once he had fully impaled him his father's ass was lifted.

Harstall grabbed his son's by the back of the head and pulled him in a deep kiss.

When they separated Charon started slowly fucking his father. He kept his eyes open, looking at his father's body the entire time.

Harstall ran his hands over his son's chiseled chest, moaning almost constantly from the sensation of the shaft moving inside him. He let him continue for a few minutes before he started needed something more.

He moved his legs down and wrapped them around Charon's waist and forced him to pick up the pace. His cock jumped as Charon cock bottomed out, sending a string if precum in the air.

Charon looked at the pool of precum on his father's stomach and rubbed his hand in it. Still thrusting as Harstall directed and brought his hand to his nose and sniffed it. He narrowed his eyes and smiled. He fucked his father even harder as he wrapped his slick hand around his cock and started jerking him off.

Harstall scrunched his eyes shut with a yell as the sensations from both sides assaulted him. He tried to hold out. He wanted to make this last for much longer, but his son's hand on his cock as he pounded his ass was just too much.

He roared and bucked, his cock jumping in his son's hand. Charon stopped moving during his father's orgasm, keeping a hand over his cock to prevent the cum from flying and the other under to catch it dribbling down. When both hands were full he brought them to his nose to smell them, relishing the scent, before spreading the cum over is chest.

Harstall watched him do it while he caught his breath. He helped him by scooping some of the excess cum on his stomach and rubbing it in Charon's belly fur. When there wasn't any cum left and Charon's front was mostly covered Harstall gave him a reminder that he still had something to do by tightening his legs and forcing him in.

Charon didn't need any more encouragement. He went back to fucking his father hard and fast, pistonning in and out, a hungry look on his face. Within a minute he started rumbling, mouth drawn in a grimace. A moment later he let out a roar that put Harstall's to shame and buried himself as deep as he could. For the next while his only movements were the shuddering caused by his orgasm.

Harstall moaned when Charon finally filled him, the sensation making his cock harden partially. He held his son inside him until Charon couldn't even stand and crumbled over him. He held him close, mourning the empty feeling he felt inside him

Harstall nuzzled son for a moment and then frown. He sniffed deep in the fur and growled. There was someone else's scent in there; someone female. He rolled Charon off him and then straddled him.

Charon looked at his father surprised at the action and a little worried at the angry look on his face. Before he could do anything Harstall started rubbing his cheek against the side of his son's face.

Harstall proceeded to do that over his entire body, first sniffing a patch of fur and then rubbing his cheek against it. He did that until he couldn't smell her anywhere on his son.

When he was finished Charon was on his stomach sighing contently. Harstall looked up from the foot he'd just done to see the inside of his son's legs making a path to the one spot he hadn't done. He hadn't bothered with it in he hadn't smelled her there, but now that he was looking at it, under a tail that was lifted invitingly, it was easy to tell himself that he shouldn't take a chance.

He crawled up between Charon's legs until his cold nose made contact with the pucker. Charon jumped a little at the contact and then moaned when Harstall started rimming him with abandon

"Dad," Charon called after a few minutes of that. "Dad, stop and fuck me."

Harstall looked up to see his son looking at him over his shoulder. "Are you sure?"

Charon nodded eagerly.

Harstall smiled wide and grabbed the lube off the bed. He was hard again as he climbed over his son. He lubed himself and then Charon's ass, making him moan when he inserted a finger.

Harstall then positioned himself, placing the head of his cock against Charon's pucker and pushed. As he pushed in he laid down over his son so that once in was completely hilted he was lying on top of him, nuzzling the back of his neck.

Harstall fucked his son languidly. Charon was in not position to make him go faster and he wanted to enjoy the sensation of his cock moving in and out of his son for as long as he could.

He was licking the back of his son's neck when he realized that he wasn't fucking him anymore. He was making love to him. The realization made his breath catch and the next thing he knew he was about to cum.

He bit down on Charon's neck and gave a few last thrust before burying himself as deep as he could. He held on to Charon tightly as his balls emptied themselves, each jet making his body shudder.

When he was able to breathe again he gently pulled out of his son. He rolled off him and onto his back. He was panting a little and his eyes were getting heaving when Charon snuggled up to him.

Harstall put an arm under his son's neck and Charon rested his head on his father's chest.

Harstall kissed the top of Charon's head. "I love you," he said before closing his eyes.

Like father, like son, part 4

Charon was tired when he got home. These last few days had been brutal. With only two days before the championship the coach had them practice even harder, and longer. He chuckled slightly, if he wasn't careful none of them would have the energy...

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werewolf, part 19

Denis sat huddled in a corner of his room. He'd spent the last two days liked that, knees bent to his chest, arms around them. He hadn't eaten, slept only in fits; he'd even managed to ignore his horniness. All he could do was relive those last...

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werewolf, part 18

Denis sat at the back of the subway, watching the people move around. Over the last year that had become one of his favorite pastime. Not watching them specifically, but looking at the guys, evaluating which one of them he'd be interested in bedding....

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