The celebration

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#5 of The celebration

Finally the great night is here. Little John and his men will have a night that no one of them will forget.

On the next day Little John wakes up feeling the daylight that touches his face, he stretches his body beneath bedspreads and each muscle wakes up and it fills up on blood. The bear lets off a sigh of satisfaction.

He still is naked under the blankets. Little John remembers what happened last night and his chance meeting with Ruth.

"Maybe I am a true pervert." Little John thinks smiling and thinking that his sex life is the most unusual.

Everything had become in one descending spiral of sex since the moment that he had fucked and gotten his own mother pregnant, neither talking about Alana and the loss of his anal virginity with his own father.

Those experiences had guided him and now he had sunken his penis in the anus of the wife of his best friend, his penis had broken his friend's tight anus in addition to have the approval of Marian.

At this point he almost fucks the whole family of Skippy, he had gotten pregnant to the daughter and the mother and fucking Skippy without feeling guilty in addition to have perverted all of them to fall into a behavior that minimally would be considered a scandal.

But after all, he is the lord of these lands and the only problem for which his mind should get worried it is if he could continue with this rate sexual when years fall on his shoulders.

A good way of dying for him will be cumming inside a soft and warm pussy vagina.

His thoughts are interrupted when he hears that somebody knocks at the door smoothly. Little John covers himself up better when the door opens and the head of Matilde appears. She laughs smoothly and runs before jumping in the bed.

Little John catches his bedspreads the best that he can to avoid that the girl uncovers him completely.

"Mister Little John, my mother told me to wake you up because breakfast is ready." Matilde says laughing animatedly.

"Well, tell your mother that you did it very well." Little John says smiling and trying feigning spontaneity. He sighs calmly when the girl nods and he gets down of the bed to run out of the room.

"Have care and do not run." Little John shouts in order that Matilde hears him. He expects a moment before beginning to get dressed again. He knows that today it will be the great night for the celebration, so the bear decides to relax completely.

Little John goes down to the kitchen and eats his breakfast.

After the breakfast Little John is in the stone tube with the family, Skippy and Matilde and Dana play around in water.

Marian and Ruth talk about different things and they wink at Little John more than once, the bear smiles at the two women. Tonight he would be very busy in other issues and he will not be able to fuck the two women.

While the sun is going down, Little John is the top of a tower from where he can see that a great multitude meeting close to the forest. The bear smiles while he knows that he should prepare to go out of his home and meeting with his men.

Little John goes to his bedroom and he gets dressed with a simpler clothing. He goes down to the kitchen where he finds Skippy helping Marian and his mother in preparing dinner.

"Well, it is time for me to leave." Little John says while he gets close to the two women and kisses them on their cheek at the same time that he embraces them.

"Can I go with you?" Skippy asks with emotion and some hope. He by chance had listened of the celebration and the experience would be somewhat incredible for him.

"I am sorry boy, but I need you here because I am sure that your mom and Marian want to have his own celebration." Little John says looking at Skippy and giving him some friendly pats on the back of the boy.

Little John smiles when he sees that the two women wink at Skippy. The boy opens his eyes noticing this and jumps with happiness while Marian and Ruth laugh softly just like Little John.

"And I do not want you to come closer at no time. Do you understand it?" Little John says looking at the boy with hardness. Skippy nods and Little John stirs the boy's hair.

The bear says good-bye one more time before walking by the main patio and going out his home by the front door. The two guards greet him while he walks on the drawbridge, Little John nods to the two men.

He walks toward the forest and in a few minutes he meets with the captain and his men. They greet him and greet to Little John. The sun gets completely there in the horizon and the moon illuminates the place tenuously.

"Well... as I promised, tonight all of you will have a fun that you never will forget." Little John says looking at his men. They burst with joy in exclamations and the bear does not get surprised by the emotion of his men.

"But first, it will be two simple rules: The first is that what happens here, here stays; I do not want hear rumors about what will happen here, neither references to the girls that participate. All this will be a secret and I will hang from the arms to the first one that talks or give some problems to the girls right after this night." Little John says looking at men, they agree while they make funny grimaces.

"The second thing is that I want not see any of you drunk completely and cause problems to the girls." Little John says looking at his men.

"You already listened to our Lord, I do not want a problematic man here. I will handle of him personally, he will return to his house complete naked." The captain says looking at his men.

The group included Little John laugh for the funny idea to see one of them running naked while he covers the crotch with the hands. Little John raises his right hand and his men calm down.

"Well... it is enough and we should not let the girls waiting." Little John says looking at his men. They again give exclamations of excitation, Little John and the group begin to move, they head toward the hall.

As they come closer they can see the light that goes out by the large windows. Little John gets in front of the front door and he pushes it. The door opens completely, Little John does a grimace and the group enters in the corridor.

Men pile up in the corridor, they get to the second door and Little John looks over his left shoulder and sees that his men are anxious and they rub their hands.

Little John places his hands on the door and pushes it with force, the door opens completely with a single push of the bear. He and his men enter in the hall that is completely changed from the last visit of Little John.

The two chimneys in the sides of the hall are on and the fire that warms up the place completely. The roof is adorned with long tapes of many colored, tapes swing between the pieces of timber that are framework of the roof.

There is several mattresses on the floor, they are close the tables. Each one has pillows and bedspreads, Ruby had apparently brought many of the mattresses and materials of the brothel.

There are some barrels piled up in the sides of the living room, ready to be used and in order that men served themselves the beer. In the tables are there the cups for beer, but what more attention brought are is the completely naked women next to the tables.

They are distributed equally in each table, girls laugh impishly and they wink at Little John and the other ones.

"You did a great work." Little John placing on his hand the shoulder of Faron, he gets startled and surprised by the words of the bear. He wishes to give more credit to the man in order that he be more respected by the soldiers.

They also congratulate the man. Faron smiles smoothly.

"My Lord, we were waiting for you and your men." Ruby says while she comes closer from the right side of the hall. The gaze of the men are in the tigress.

She stops in front of Little John and smiles seductively. The woman begins to unbutton Little John's clothing and undress him. Around two minutes later the bear is completely naked in front of the woman.

Little John smiles and look over his shoulders to see his men, they rapidly take off their clothes and leave them on the floor. Ruby takes the right hand of Little John and guides him toward the center of the hall while the rest of men rapidly chooses a table where sitting.

While walk Little John sees that Eryn is standing next to one of the tables. Both look at each other and the she-wolf smiles shamefacedly being completely naked there among so many men, Little John nods in silence and smiles.

Ruby stops in front of a table that is in the center of the living room.

"To begin with this great night, I think that you should be the first one to open the celebration with something special." Ruby says while she smiles and next looks at the two doors that are in the bottom of the hall, to the main chair.

The tigress nods and a woman opens the right door, Little John looks at the door with attention and he sees that a young gazelle walks through the door. She is thin and young, the girl gets close to him while the rest of men also look at her.

The gazelle feels ashamed while she walks until she is close to Ruby and Little John.

"Ella is Deanna... she is new working with us and expected that you may give her one pleasant first time." Ruby says while she looks at Little John and the gazelle. The girl has a lower stature than Little John, he sees that the black eyes of the girl demonstrate a little bit of fear.

"Do you want to make this?" Little John says looking at the girl. He does not wish to coerce nobody to have sex with him, less in a first time.

"Yes... I did not expect that my first man would be our Lord, thanks to your works my family can have an easier life." Deanna says while she smiles with some shame.

Little John takes the gazelle by the hips and gets her up on the table that is right behind her. Deanna leans back while Little John climbs on top of the table and he places himself between the legs of the girl in the meantime his men cheer him.

Little John looks as white short fur surrounds the vulva, he places his head between the tights of the girl. Little John takes out his tongue and licks the girl's clitoris, she moans and shakes when she feels the first sexual experience with a man.

The tongue of the bear moves up and down slowly on the pink slit, the taste is pleasant and delicious. He uses his fingers to open the vaginal lips and begin to lick and stimulate the inside.

Deanna moans and closes her eyes feeling as the tongue stimulates the walls of her vagina, she fails to pay attention to men to her around, they masturbate slowly in the meantime they see the initial show.

Little John uses his thumb and index to twist clitoris and to achieve that the girl moans and shrieks with pleasure. She pushes her head back while she squeezes her breasts, juices surround the tongue of the bear.

Little John's penis is hanging between his legs while the precum drips from the tip and forms a transparent puddle on the surface of the table. The gazelle moans with more force and suddenly a shout of pleasure of Deanna fills the hall while she shakes feeling a strong orgasm.

Little John's mouth gets wet with juice that gets out of the vagina, he feels content while he licks the pink slit of slow way. The bear listens to some moans to his around and he sees that some girls are caressing the genitals of his men, the girls are behind the men and some woman kiss their necks from back while they masturbate at the men slowly.

Little John moves back and he cleans his mouth with his arm, he looks at his men, and they encourage him to continue. He makes a grimace while he gets comfortable and his penis head touches the girl's vulva.

The precum wets the vaginal lips while he caresses the vulva with the tip of the penis slowly.

Some moments later Little John stops and pushes his penis against the pink opening, the vaginal lips open and they surround a part of the head of his cock. Little John pushes a little more and his penis sinks in the gazelle.

She moans with bother when her vaginal walls stretch around the member of the bear. It is thick and it slowly enters in her, Little John sees that his penis disappears in the soft and wet cave, his penis head touches the virginal membrane of the girl.

He moves to position himself much better on the girl in the meantime his penis still is in her.

"Are you sure about this? We can stop." Little John says looking at the girl. She looks at him and nods smoothly.

"I am here to please you my Lord, please make with me what you want. Show me know I must please you completely." Deanna says looking at Little John. He nods and raises his ass in the meantime everyone at his around look at him with attention.

Little John kisses the girl at the same time that he pushes his hips. Deanna's eyes open completely when her virgin barrier is tear with force. Her groan of pain is calmed by Little John's mouth. He feels the little stream of blood dripping of the vaginal opening.

He sees that tears drop from the eyes of the gazelle, the bear breaks off the kiss and smiles at the girl.

"Now everything will be better." Little John says before closing his lips in the right nipple, he takes the other breast with the left hand. He begins to move his hips up and down.

The breasts of the gazelle are not big, but it does not matter because they are still desirable. Little John sucks and bites the nipple while his penis move in and out of the tight pussy, he pumps up slowly listening the moans of the girl in addition to the cheers of his men.

Deanna moans and pants, she feels pleasure while she is fucked in front of so many men.

She smiles when he sees that her boss smiles at her. The tigress looks at the spectacle while her hand moves up and down on the member of a young dog that encourages Little John.

The bear does not stop while his penis in and out of the amazing passage, the girl's vaginal walls squeezes his penis with force. The spurts of precum mix with the juices that drip from the opening.

Each strong push of Little John makes the woman moans with pleasure feeling that her vagina is completely overrun of hard meat. Little John opens his mouth and releases the nipple that is covered with saliva.

He licks the left nipple before beginning to suck it, the bear feels content when the girl closes her legs around his body. Deanna's arms closes around his neck, she has her closed eyes while he continues moving.

The juices increase around his penis while he increases the pace of his pushes. The pleasure of both grows, Little John stops and growls with force at the moment that he releases his seed inside the girl.

Semen sprinkles the vaginal walls for the first time in the life of Deanna, she moans and holds Little John's head against her breasts. The female moans of pleasure while cum oozes of her vagina and drips on the table.

Little John does not move while he breathes agitatedly perceiving the aroma of the fur of the gazelle.

Deanna pants and releases the head of the bear, Little John gets up while his chest fills up with air and deflates while he breathes agitatedly.

He sees that his penis still is in the vagina from where the white semen drips. His men burst into cheering by the great show.

"Fuck her ass too." Says a voice that goes out from among public.

"Do you want it?" Little John asks looking at Deanna. The gazelle breathes agitatedly and nods lightly.

Little John's hands take the hands of the girl and he helps her to kneel down, Deanna leans forward and she closes her mouth around the shaft of the bear.

Little John closes his eyes and moans feeling as the girl begins to suck his penis of slow way.

Deanna sucks perceiving the taste of her juices and the semen of her lord, Little John's penis is thick and it fills her mouth while it recovers its hardness. Little John holds the nape of the neck of the gazelle and he begins to move his hips.

He feels that his penis slides in the throat of the girl, she gets surprised and feels some pain.

Ruby had trained her to give a deep throat, but it is still somewhat uncomfortable for her, the spurts of precum spatter the walls of her throat. The taste of the hard cock is delicious while the base of the penis hits her lips repeatedly.

Little John pants with pleasure while his penis gets harder at every moment, he stops Deanna and takes out his penis. The member slips out of the mouth, the bear smiles at the girl and she smiles smoothly.

"How do want that I fuck her?" Little John asks looking at his men.

"Doggy style!" The captain shouts with emotion. The rest of men backs him up, Little John smiles and he makes the girl a grimace. She nods and swallows with difficulty at the moment that she turns over and lifts her tail up.

Deanna leans forward while Little John feels anxious to fuck that virgin ass.

He catches his penis and aims it down, his penis head touches the woman's sphincter. Little John grabs the hips of the gazelle and he pushes his cock. Deanna moans with pain and pants while she feels the pressure of the tip in her hole.

Deanna sees that Ruby makes a grimace, the gazelle closes her eyes to try relaxing and leave that the bear penetrates her. Little John pushes with more force and he feels that the sphincter opens and his penis head slides in the inside.

He listens to the groan of pain of Deanna, she has her closed eyes while she moans feeling a great pain in her rectum. Little John feels as the entrails of the gazelle squeeze his penis with force, he holds the girl's buttocks and squeezes them feeling their firmness.

The bear begins to push his penis slowly, he closes his eyes enjoying the internal heat of the female. His penis stretches the anal walls that adapt themselves to its thickness, Deanna moans while the member invades her rectum.

Around of them, the men look at what happens with enthusiasm, some of them have his hands in the crotches of women. They caress the vulvas of the girls, juices begin to drip.

Little John's groin touches Deanna's buttocks, she moans when he begins to fuck her slowly, Little John moans while his hips move. The girl has a tight, too tight ass; the anal walls are sprinkled with precum in each push.

Deanna begins to moan with pleasure, she feels as the thick member stimulates her entrails of a unique way.

The woman introduces her hand between her thighs and she begins to masturbate, the palm of her hand moves on her clitoris.

Little John expedites his pushes moaning of pleasure, he pumps with force and his balls hit the fingers of the woman. The bear spanks the right cheek of Deanna and his men cheer him.

The pushes of the bear are strong and fast while he growls.

His hips hit the firm buttocks, he moves his hands grab the tits, and he squeezes them and twists the nipples. Deanna moans with pleasure and pain while the hands of the bear cover her breasts.

She does not have big tits, but her body is thin and desirable. She moans with pleasure while she thinks that Ruby had warned her, Little John is a big guy and fucks with hardness like all the carnivores.

Little John moans with more force and his pleasure grows rapidly, Deanna's moans also intensify. The bear does one last push and he growls when his semen spurts are shoot out again of the tip and cum bathe the entrails of the gazelle.

Deanna's body shakes when the anal pleasure and his masturbation comes to a combined climax. Her hand gets wet with her juices and they drip on the surface of the table in the meantime Little John even fucks her fast.

He has his closed eyes feeling the anal spasms around his shaft. Little John moans when he takes out his penis slowly, he gives a final pull and his penis head slides outside. Deanna pants while he feels that semen drips from her dilated posterior hole.

Little John holds her and turns her over. He positions himself on her to see her directly and kisses her for some moments.

"That one was a great service for your first time, behave like this with the rest of my men." Little John says while he looks at the gazelle. He gets up and helps the girl to get up while his men burst into ovations by the great show.

Little John comes down from the table and walks toward in the restroom to wash up, he receives exclamations of approval of their man that congratulate him. The bear smiles content by the support, but it was not nothing special, he only made what he had to make.

He sees over his shoulder, Little John notices that one of his men already is placing himself between the legs of Deanna. The bear smiles and gets close to toe door next to right chimney, the heat of the fire warms up his fur.

Little John opens his door and goes out to the exterior of the hall, he steps on the green grass below his feet.

Again but he is naked out-of-doors, he enters in the restroom and washes his cock to be ready for the next round.

He gets out of the restroom while the drops of water drips from his penis for some moments, Little John permits that the soft breeze dries his cock. After some moments he again enters in the hall and observes that the fun already began.

A lot of women already are having sex with his men, some of woman are on their knees ahead of the men, and the girls are giving them oral sex. The bear sits on his chair and he gets comfortable to see the orgy that develops in front of him.

Between the multitudes Little John notices that Eryn is close to two men, she gives them oral sex at the same time. To some meters of her, the captain is kissing to Ruby passionately.

Little John makes a grimace noticing that it seems there is something between both. They break off the kiss and walk toward the kitchen passing close to Little John. Ruby winks at him while she indicating the barrels.

Little John nods understanding that, he had ordered it, the special powders of Ruth be mixed with wine.

His penis begins to harden slowly when seeing to everyone having sex, he notices that a lioness that gets close to him with a cup of wine.

She has some big and succulent breasts crowned with two pink and thick nipples. The woman moves her sidewise tail, she smiles while she bends over lightly to offer the cup to Little John.

"I hope that you are enjoying my lord... my name is Hadley." She says passing on to the cup to Little John.

He smiles and takes a sip, he takes a sip with slowness while he enjoys it.

"Can I do something for you, my lord?" Hadley says smiling.

"I need a good blowjob." Little John says looking at the lioness. She nods and kneel in front of Little John.

The lioness smiles seeing the large and thick member of the bear. She begins to lick the balls of the bear of in a soft way, her tongue moves up and down on the furry sack. Hadley purrs while she moves her tail slowly.

Little John enjoys the sight and smiles smoothly. The lioness closes her mouth around the right testicle and sucks it smoothly. She does for some moments and releases the ball after some minutes, she does the same thing with the other one, Little John moans feeling that the teeth of the lioness nails in his skin smoothly.

Hadley sucks the other testicle with slowness and pleasure, she uses her hand to caress the bear's hard shaft.

Her hand moves on the swollen member, she with her forefinger caresses the penis tip. The precum wets her finger, the woman takes down her finger and puts it into his mouth to suck it and savoring the precum.

Little John moans and closes his eyes when the lioness begins to lick his cock from the base, the tongue wets his skin while it moves up. The woman's lips close around the head of the penis.

The tongue whirls on the glans, Hadley moves his head further down and begins to move her head in the hard member of the bear. Little John takes a new sip of wine in the meantime he sees to the woman, she knows very well what he makes.

Her saliva slides on his cock and to Little John's balls. The lioness takes Little John's testicles and she stimulates them slowly, her hand presses them soft and pleasantly. Hadley takes down more his head and the member slides in her throat.

Little John moans while he feels as the lips of the woman touch his penis base, she keeps herself in the same position without feeling some bother. Hadley had sucked a lot of penises in her life, and this does not give her any problems.

She moves her head back and moves it slowly feeling that the precum falls on her tongue. The woman looks up to see Little John, he looks at her and smiles before moaning again.

Hadley feels content seeing that her lord enjoys of her mouth, she takes out the penis from her mouth and licks it slowly. The member shines by the saliva that covers it, the tongue licks the middle line of the sack of the bear.

"My lord...Can you move forward a little?" Hadley asks purring smoothly and smiling at the bear. Little John smiles and permits that his body slide a little more forward, the woman smiles and places her hands on buttocks of Little John.

She spreads them and she licks her mouth.

"Oh my lord... it looks delicious." She says seeing the posterior hole of Little John. He smiles and does a grimace when she introduces her snout in between his buttocks. Little John moans when the tongue touches his anus, Hadley's tongue touches his hole slowly.

The lioness eats the bear's anus slowly she looks as her lord is moaning of pleasure. She with her hand masturbates the bear with slowness. Little John moans softly and sees that by the left door the captain and Ruby get out.

They are taking of the hands, the captain winks at Little John. He smiles and sees that the couple separates, Ruby seizes the hands by two men and guides them to the bed. Little John sees as Hadley looks him in the eye.

The lioness moves her tongue tip on his hole, pleasure is unique for Little John. The saliva drips from his crack toward the floor, Hadley has a good time of what she makes with her tongue. They pay her to satisfy men and this is something that she knew that it had effect in many of them.

The precum drips from the head of the penis of Little John, the slippery liquid slides on the hand of the lioness.

"You do it well, but I believe that these tits should be used too." Little John says moaning and looking at the woman. She stops and gives two licks more at the bear's crack, he takes his previous position and sees that the lioness takes her breasts.

Hadley wraps the hard penis up with her breasts, she begins to move them up and down, Little John moans with pleasure feeling the softness of the tits of the woman, and his penis head disappears and reappears.

The bear smiles at lioness, she feels as the spurts of precum wets her chin and breasts. Little John takes a look at his men. They all are involved in the orgy, many of them enjoy a same woman in a gangbang.

"Let's see if that vagina is as good as this tits." Little John says looking at Hadley with a smile.

The woman smiles and releases her breasts that open and the bear's member hits his belly. Hadley stands up and she places over the thighs of the bear. Hadley smiles while she takes Little John's penis before beginning to sit.

A groan of pleasure escapes of the mouth of Little John when his penis enters in the vagina of the lioness.

Her member slides without difficulty in the soft and wet passage of the woman, Hadley releases the cock and continues taking down her ass.

The hard shaft distends her vaginal walls, a bear's penis is always one of the biggest and more pleasurable to take. Her buttocks touches Little John's thighs, she places her hands on the shoulders of Little John and she begins to ride him.

He moans and closes his eyes feeling that his penis enters and gets out of that pink grotto, the lioness moans and growls of pleasure. The spurts of precum sprinkle the vaginal walls. Hadley moves her hips circularly and Little John moans with a more force.

Little John's hands takes the breasts that bounce, he squeezes them feeling their softness and firmness. He leans lightly forward and Little John closes his mouth around the left nipple.

He sucks with pleasure and bites the nipple, his other hand twists the other nipple in different directions.

Hadley moans with more force while she moves her ass up and down, her juices drip and get wet the bear's two testicles.

"Your member is one the biggest that I have felt." The lioness says while she pants and moans with pleasure.

She feels as her breast gets wet with the saliva of the bear, he moves his tongue in the nipple of slow way.

"These tits are between the best that I have sucked." Little John says at the moment of releasing nipple and seeing the woman. Hadley smiles and closes her eyes while she continues moving, Little John pays attention to the other nipple.

His hands seize the buttocks of the lioness and he squeezes them feeling their firmness, with his fingers he begins to caress the lioness's crack. Hadley trembles when fingers caress her anus delicately.

The bear pushes his fingers, the lioness lets out a groan of pleasure off when fingers begin to move inside and out of her anus. That increases her pleasure, Little John's pleasure also increases rapidly.

He releases the nipple and growls when semen are shoot out of his member. Hadley moans and shrieks of pleasure when her vaginal walls are sprinkled with sperm. Little John closes his eyes feeling that the woman shakes with pleasure and her vagina squeezes his penis with more force when she has an orgasm.

Hadley leans her head on the right shoulder of Little John.

"That was..." She says panting rapidly while she recovers.

"Incredible" Little John says smiling at the woman. She smiles while she feels that semen drips from her vagina. After some minutes Hadley gets up and he kneels in front of Little John to clean his cock.

He feels that the tongue of the lioness moves on his erect penis. Hadley finishes the cleaning and she gets up to join the rest of women.

Little John breathes with a little bit of fatigue, Ruth's dust already is doing affection. The bear serves itself more wine and stretches his hand to take one little bell and use it. All moans and the motion stop.

"As the celebration had begun, the only think that I need to say is: enjoy it completely." Little John says raising the cup. His men also raise their cups and drink the wine while Little John does the same thing.

Men finishes drinking the wine and they resume the fun.

A half-hour later Little John stops the celebration and makes that the food is served. That permits that girls have a break and also eat something and share sometime with the men. Little John feels comfortable sharing and eating naked with his men, his suspicions about the captain and Ruby are confirmed when he sees them sit side by side and behaving affectionately to each other.

All of them rest after eating a good food, girls keep on caressing the men. Little John also enjoys the caresses of the women, they give him oral sex in group.

When the fun starts again he sits on her chair to see what happens.

Little John notices that Faron comes closer a little, but he seems to doubt and he decides to turn over. The bear makes a grimace and he gets up to position himself behind the cat and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Eh Faron, take a cup with me." Little John looking at the cat. The white cat looks with surprise at the bear, Faron nods and takes a stool. Little John notices that Faron already is feeling some effects of wine, so he decides to have his attention put in him to avoid problems.

Little John sits on his chair and he serves himself a cup of wine, Faron places the stool next to the chair and he sits to share a cup with the boss.

"Well... What seems to you the celebration?" Little John asks reclining his right arm to the arm of the chair while he looks at his men.

"It is a great celebration, sir" Faron says drinking with some nervousness.

"Yes, I just know that this is a night that no one of us will forget." Little John says while he makes a grimace and looks at the other man. He nods and takes a sip again, Little John notices that the look of the cat is on his flaccid penis.

"How many girls did you fuck until now?" Little John asks whispering in the cat's ear. He opens his eyes with surprise.

"Well... just to one rabbit." Faron responds nervously and shame. Little John laughs softly.

"Just one?" Little John asks hitting the cat's shoulder. He does not respond while he takes a new sip of wine.

"Look Faron, I can be an absent-minded guy sometimes, but I know that there is something in your mind. I am not a guy that makes decapitate a man without a good reason, so you can speak with freedom." Little John says looking at the cat.

Faron feels uncomfortable, he takes another sip of wine.

"My lord...I want to do something." Faron says nervously.

"What it is? If you want two women or looking for a companion for double penetrate one there is not problems. I did it sometimes and I can give you a hand." Little John says shaking Faron's shoulder in a friendly way.

"Ehhh... the truth is that... I want to suck your cock, my lord." Faron says swallowing hard while he looks down and even holds the cup of wine between his hands. Little John really gets surprised by the words of Faron.

"Do you really want to do it?" Little John asks while he looks at the cat.

"Yes... I wanted to come to fuck with the girls because... well the men always count me their sexual adventures and they could not believe that I not have a sexual adventure to count. I mean the captain and men were always having fun telling their stories and in a way they implied to me that I am in the other side." Faron says with discomfort.

"And are you...?" Little John asks looking at Faron.

"Yes, I refused to show it... you know that in a lot of places it is prohibited. But the captain and his men never treated me badly in spite of having suspicions." Faron says looking at Little John with discomfort.

Little John makes a friendly grimace to support to the cat.

"I do not have problem with that, it is not important for me, if he is one good person. As I said before... I did put you in charge of the financial matters because you are good in that and until now you have not failed, so you do not worry for a bad reaction from me about this matter." Little John says doing a friendly grimace at the cat.

Faron smiles and also makes a grimace feeling relief that his boss did not have problems with his election.

"Well... you can proceed if you desire, it will not be the first time that I receive oral sex of a man or fuck his ass." Little John says winking an eye to the cat. Faron gets surprised and looks at Little John.

The bear makes one move and points his crotch with his right hand, Faron looks at the erect cock between the legs of the bear. The white cat takes the last sip of wine before getting up and position himself in front of Little John.

Little John opens his legs wide and he sees that Faron kneels down between them. The cat closes his right hand around the shaft, his hand closes completely with difficulty. The hardness and the aroma of the cock makes that his own penis gets hard.

The hand of the cat begins to move up and down on the cock of the bear, it is big and desirable. Faron brings closer the penis tip to his mouth and he closes his lips with difficulty around the tip of the penis of Little John.

He closes his eyes and moans when Faron's little mouth closes around the head of his penis. Little John feels as the tongue moves on the tip of his penis, Faron moves his head taking more of the member in his mouth.

Little John moans while the cat begins to shake his head, his penis enters and goes out to of the mouth.

Faron savors the spurts of precum that fall on her tongue, the bear's thick precum is delicious for him.

The tip of the penis of Little John touches the entrance of the throat of Faron repeatly, Little John places his hand behind the head of the cat and pushes it toward his crotch, Faron's eyes open completely when the member enters in his throat.

He looks at Little John, the bear smiles at him at the moment of releasing the cat's head. The cat feels that his throat is full of the hard erection. He moves his head and the saliva drips of the member of Little John.

The eyes of the bear are closed while he enjoys oral sex, he opens his eyes some moments after and he notices that some of his men surround him while they see what happens. Faron takes out the penis from his mouth and dedicates himself to lick Little John's balls.

The tongue of the cat is little compared with the testicles of the bear, Faron licks the middle line before biting the right testicle skin and pulling it. Little John growls while he feels that the sharp teeth nails in the skin of his scrotum in a pleasurable way.

Little John sees that the captain masturbates slowly while he sees what is happening. The bear and the captain exchange looks and do some funny faces. Faron continues sucking the balls before putting the cock into his mouth again.

The cat enjoys the taste of meat and the precum, in spite of the fact that he sees men to his around, Faron does not pay attention to them. With his hand he massages and squeezes the testicles, he had put attention in organ of his boss when all of he got undressed.

Faron takes out the penis from his mouth and dedicates himself to suck the penis head, Little John moans while the tongue of the cat picks up his precum.

The pleasure of the bear increases with each lick of the cat, Little John takes the head of the cat and he growls when he shoots his cum. Faron gets surprised when the semen floods his mouth completely.

The thick semen almost drowns him, Faron swallows with difficulty while he feels as his boss's big hands holds his head with force. A little bit of Little John's semen oozes by the blowholes of the cat.

Faron tries to cough, but Little John's grasp makes it difficult. When his balls cut the supply of semen, Little John releases the head of the cat and sees that his penis slips outside of Faron's mouth.

Semen drips of his member and from the chin of the cat, the mouth is completely stained in cum.

"Well...let's take this to the next level." Little John proposes looking at Faron. He opens his eyes and doubts a moment before nodding. Little John does him a grimace to indicate a table that is ahead of them.

The group of men clears the way for the cat that does not pay attention to them, he leans on a table forward while he raises his ass. Little John smiles and he stands up, he gives some steps to position himself behind the cat.

Faron moves his tail aside slowly.

Little John divides the white buttocks and he laughs content seeing the cat's pink tiny hole, this is going to be great for him. He puts two fingers into his mouth and he sucks them slowly, when they are wet in saliva Little John takes them out.

He uses his wet fingers begin to caress the cat's anus, Faron moans and pants when the forefinger and the middle finger of the bear caress his hole, Little John pushes his fingers and Faron moans when both fingers enters in his rectum.

"He is tight." Little John says feeling that the man's anus squeezes his fingers with force. The bear opens his fingers and moves them in different directions, his men are around him, and they observe everything with attention.

After some moments Little John takes out his fingers and spits saliva to his hand, he scatters it to his member. His own semen makes that his member is lubricated and ready, Little John gets comfortable and aims his cock.

The tip touches the cat's anus covering it completely. Little John's big hands hold Faron's hips, the bear pushes his penis with force against the hole of the cat. Faron blurts a scream of pain and he nails his claws on the table when the penis tip enters in his rectum.

Little John moans with pleasure and surprise, the cat's anus squeezes his penis head of painful way. The hips of the bear moves and the penis enters slowly enters the rectum of the cat, Faron moans and clenches his teeth with force feeling a burning and intense pain in his anus.

This is not his first time in the anal sex, but he had never fucked with somebody with the size of the member of Little John. The hard shaft slowly enters in the posterior passage of Faron, the anal walls conform to the mold to the thickness of the erection of the bear.

After some moments the penis tip touches the bottom of the anus of the cat, he opens his eyes with surprise when feels completely full by the first time in his life. Little John does a face to his men and they smile while they nod.

Little John begins to move and fuck his person in charge of finance, Faron moans and pants with pleasure feeling that the big member moves in and out of his anus stimulating each part of his rectum. The spurts of precum sprinkles his bowels.

The cat's penis is completely erect and it hangs below his body, the penis rocks countlessly on the air. Little John's heavy balls hit the white testicles of the other man that is being fuck.

Faron's anal walls give him a great pleasure, Little John pumps up with force and speed inside the anus of the cat. Faron moans and pants with pleasure, this is somewhat incredible because he did not think that he could take such a thick cock.

His desire for this member have grown since he saw as the bear had fucked the virgin gazelle.

Little John's and Faron's growling fills the living room in the meantime most of presents sees them fucking, many of women also see it with interest because this is not seen every day. Little John's pushes grow in velocity and force.

Faron growls feeling that his pleasure increases, his prostate is stimulated with each push of his boss. Little John suddenly stops and growls with force releasing his semen inside Faron, the powerful spurts hits the anal walls of the cat.

He meows and nails down his claws to the table while pleasure fills his body, Faron quivers and has his closed eyes while his penis releases thin semen spurts that fall on the carpeted floor.

Little John clenches his teeth feeling that the anal walls squeezes with more force his penis, semen oozes of the inside of the anus of the cat and drips covering the white feline orbs.

Little John slowly takes out his penis that slips out of the anus of the cat, he does not get surprised seeing the dilated hole. He clearly sees the inside of the rectum of Faron, he pants while he feels that semen is dripping of his abused hole.

Faron gets surprised when somebody turns it over and he leans him backwards, he is sees as the captain is between his legs, he is moving his hand on his canine swollen penis.

"Did you see it? You just needed to admit it." The captain says doing a grimace to Faron while men laugh.

Little John rolls his eyes and he laughs seeing that the captain pushes his penis in Faron and he begins to fuck him.

The bear again sits on his chair.

"I did not know that have that kind of likes, my Lord." Ruby says getting close to Little John and leaning softly on the shoulder of the bear.

"An ass is an ass." Little John says looking at the tigress. She laughs impishly and does a grimace to two women that get close to him. One of them holds a bowl with water and the other female has a soap.

Both smile when they kneel in front of Little John and diligently wash his penis, Little John permits that they continue while he enjoys the hands moving on his cock. When they finish with it, they dry it.

Little John relaxes for about twenty minutes while his men have fun. All of them stop when there is a show, Little John gets surprised when he sees that Eryn and another woman have sex in a table while the multitude acclaims them.

Eryn is who fucks the other woman with a strapon. The spectacle is incredible for Little John, he caressed his penis slowly while he sees the spectacle, after around twenty minutes the show finishes and all men applaud while Eryn and her friend come down of the table.

Little John sees that the two women are rapidly surrounded by men that they want to fuck them, meanwhile the rest of his men again begin having fun while they are horny due the spectacle.

The bear also seeks to have fun with somebody and he puts his interest in Golden retriever female dog, she has a good pair of tits and a thin figure, his eyes are blue and they show a brilliance of intelligence.

Little John gets close to the female dog and he gets surprised when a Rhino also gets close to the female.

Little John recognizes the man, he is one of his most feared soldiers due to his size. His name is Deryck Crawford, in the attack to the thieves' band, he had stood out when he liquidated to a lot of thieves.

Although a rhino charging against you with a two-edged axe is an image that instills a lot of fear.

"Uh I am sorry my Lord. I thought that she was alone." The rhino says with surprise and discomfort.

"I can handle you two of course, if our lord agrees." The female dog says smiling softly and looking at Little John.

"There is no problem, I did not expect that I could take a beautiful girl for myself alone." Little John says looking at the female dog and later to the rhino. He gets surprised and he shrugs his shoulders feeling more content.

"My name is Dottie Delaney." The woman says smiling smoothly while she takes Little John's and Derick's penises and she begins to caress them. Little John swallows hard seeing the Rhinos' cock.

It is big, a lot bigger than his, it is thick like a completely hard arm. The two balls are big too. Little John feels himself content with his member's size, but he knows that he is not the only one with a big cock.

Dottie kneels down and she closes her mouth around the member of Deryck, the female dog's mouth opens in an incredible way to place a part of the penis in her mouth. Dottie sucks the penis head using her tongue to collect the great quantity of precum.

She moves her head trying to take more of the penis in her mouth while she uses her hand to masturbate to Little John. He looks with amazement as the female dog takes that thick cock in her mouth, the rhino moves his ears because he is enjoying the sensation.

Deryck feels as the tongue's tip penetrates into his penis. Little John places his hand on the left breast of Dottie. He feels its firmness and has a good time.

The female dog savors the precum in her mouth, it is a taste that she enjoys, and the seed of these men are unique just like their members. The female dog sees that the man moans with force until she stops and opens her mouth in order that the member slips outside.

From the head saliva drip toward the floor. Dottie makes a grimace and smiles before putting Little John's penis into her mouth.

The bear moans and closes his eyes while the woman sucks his cock, she moves her mouth slowly feeling as the precum drips on her tongue. Little John moans when his shaft enters in the throat of the female dog, she has his lips glued to the base of the penis of the bear.

Little John moans with pleasure, Dottie takes out the penis of her mouth and she licks it completely, she sucks the balls of the bear with pleasure. She kisses the two hairy orbs and sucks them before releasing them again and repeating the movement.

"I think that somebody else deserves a good sucking on his balls." Little John says doing a face to the female dog. Dottie looks at him and smiled seductively while she moves her tail, she releases Little John's penis and puts her attention in the testicles of the rhino.

Dottie licks the wrinkled and thick skin of the man's big balls, Deryck smiles and feels that the female bites his balls playfully. It is a most pleasurable feeling than painful, the skin is thick and he does not have problems with the canine teeth of the female dog.

"Which hole do you want to fuck?" Little John asks placing his right hand on the shoulder of Deryck.

"Which one do you want, my lord?" Deryck asks looking at Little John. He thinks it for a moment, after few seconds he smiles.

"I want a pussy." Little John responds looking at the other man. Deryck nods and he gets excited with the idea of fucking an ass.

"Well... I can take big boys, but why don't I eat your ass while our lord prepare me? Claro if you do not care, my Lord" Dottie says looking at Little John with attention and the gaze of a puppy pleading.

Deryck also looks at Little John.

"That ass must be used for all the night, so I do not have problems with help you." Little John says looking at Dottie with a smile. Dottie takes the hand of the big guy and she leads him to the table.

Dottie looks over her shoulder and with her hand she points at the wall that is behind her. Little John sees where the woman is pointing, he sees several big earthen bowls in addition to other ones smaller next to them.

A growl of pleasure escapes of the mouth of Deryck at the same time that Little John gets close to the bowls, he looks inside and sees that there is a shining substance. Little John introduces his hand and with the fingers he touches it, it is a slippery substance.

Little John realizes that it is a kind of oil, Little John is takes one of the smaller earthen bowls and he uses it to extract oil.

Deryck moans of pleasure feeling that Dottie's rough tongue moves up and down in his crack, the female massages his two heavy testicles. Dottie enjoys the taste, it is not somewhat new and for many of her customers this one is her best talent in the bed.

She closes her mouth around the anus of the rhino and pushing her tongue. The eyes of the man open when the tongue penetrates into his rectum.

While Dottie begins to move her tongue, she feels that the left hand of Little John rests on her buttock. He is on his knees behind her while he spreads the gluteus to see the female's brown hole.

Dottie quivers and moans when Little John's tongue touches her anus, he licks the female dog's anus slowly, his tongue slowly wets that little hole. Little John listens the pant of the rhino while the female gives him oral sex

He feels that his penis is sucked by the female while she uses her hands to squeeze and stimulate the man's big balls. Dottie moves her head only achieving putting a part of the penis into her mouth, she savors the precum that drips on her tongue.

Little John's licks stop and he puts his hand into the bowl and soaks his forefinger in oil. He takes out and introduces it between the buttocks of Dottie, the bear caresses the woman's anus a moment and he pushes his finger.

The woman shakes when the finger slides without difficulty in her anus, the woman closes her eyes while she continues moving her head. Little John does not get surprised seeing that his finger moves so easily in the rectum of the female.

He moves his finger circularly and he realizes that the female dog's sphincter is accustomed to the anal sex.

Little John puts his hand into the bowl and soaks three fingers in the slippery substance, he pushes them against the little hole.

Fingers sink in the anus of the woman without difficulty, Dottie moans when the three fingers move in her rectum stretching her sphincter. Dottie takes out Deryck's penis from her mouth and she licks it completely from the swollen tip.

The rhino moans with pleasure feeling that the woman's tongue moves on his member, she moves her tongue on the head of his penis covering it with saliva. He closes his eyes and the woman begins to masturbate him slowly using her two hands.

Little John has fun with the anus of Dottie, he moves his three fingers without difficulty inside the female, he feels that his member hardens when an idea comes to his mind. It is something that he never tried before.

The bear puts his hand into the bowl and covers it in oil completely, Little John takes out his hand and oil drips of it.

With care the bear puts three fingers into the relaxed anus of the woman, he moves them a while before adding another finger more. He does not get surprised when she receives his fourth finger without difficulty, Dottie moans of pleasure.

She moves her ass slowly and closes her sphincter squeezes with force around the fingers of Little John.

He takes this like an invitation and he pushes his hand against the hole, the bear opens his eyes when his hand gets in the anus the female dog without a lot of resistance.

Dottie moans and opens her eyes at the same time that she lets out a groan of pain when her sphincter opens around the hand. She feels as the hand of the bear is in her rectum expanding her anal walls.

Little John feels the heat of the entrails of the female dog, the feeling is strange and more precum drips of his penis. Dottie takes down her snout and introduces it between the buttocks of Deryck, she licks the anus at the same time that she moves her tail on the head of Little John.

He begins to move his hand in the rectum of the female, Dottie moans of pleasure, she stops after some minutes and pushes her forefinger in the rhino's ass, Deryck opens his eyes and growls when the fingertip touches his prostate

Deryck feels that his penis hardens more and the precum drips in more abundance slipping on the length of his member to his balls. Dottie licks the precum following the whitish trail to the tip.

Little John meanwhile moves his hand inside and out, the anal walls of the female dog moves around his hand. The internal heat of the entrails is intense while the female's sphincter moves on his wrist.

Some minutes later Little John stops and takes out his hand with care, Dottie stands up when the hand of the bear gets out of her anus. Little John sees that the female's anus is completely dilated.

Dottie moves her tail and she climbs on the table, the female stand up on the crotch of the rhino and she turns over giving her back to Deryck. He looks at that the woman while she sits, the big man uses his hand to aim his cock.

Little John masturbates with the free hand of oil, he looks as the tip of the member of Deryck touches the stretched hole of Dottie. She moans when he takes down more her hips and the penis's thick head enters in her anus.

Deryck moans with pleasure when the woman's entrails surround his penis, Dottie moans while she takes down her ass. Little John had fortunately prepared her or this would be difficult, taking a cock so thick is difficult.

Little John looks as the member slides in the anus of the female dog, but only half enters in the female dog.

Dottie begins to move slowly for some minutes, Deryck moans and pants with pleasure feeling as the anal walls caress his hard shaft.

The tits of the female dog bounces while she moans, the thick member moves the sphincter of the female moves on the shaft of the rhino. Dottie sees that Little John is masturbating, so she leans backwards upon Deryck and opens her legs largely

The female dog uses her forefingers and her fingers to spread her vagina lips.

Dottie looks at Little John and she licks her mouth. The bear does not expect more and gets on the table to position himself on the woman, he grabs his penis and he aims it at the female's vulva, the woman moans when the bear's penis enters in her vagina.

Little John moans feeling that the vaginal walls surround his cock completely, he looks at Deryck and side by side begin to move in the woman. Dottie moans with pleasure when both penises stimulate her two tunnels.

Both are big and offer her a great pleasure. Deryck moans while he pumps his penis in the female dog, his penis tip hits the bottom of the anus of Dottie repeatedly. Little John pumps up with force, he gets surprised because the tunnel is too tight due to the extra pressure that provides Deryck's shaft.

The bear closes his mouth around the right nipple and begins to suck it while his other hand stimulates the other breast. Dottie moans of pleasure while both men fuck her, she feels that her left nipple is twisted pleasantly.

Deryck's pushes are strong and lift up Dottie's body lightly and Little John. He gets surprised a little, but he continues fucking the woman. Dottie wraps her arms and legs up around Little John.

He moans enjoying softness and wetness of the cave of the love of the woman, his growling mixes with Deryck's strong growling. He pumps up with more force inside the rectum of the Golden Retriever female dog, the precum of both men spatters the walls of her two tunnels.

The rhinos is the first one to release his semen inside the anus, he growls while he holds with force the female's hips. The posterior tunnel gets flooded with thick and hot seed, Little John feels the pressure of the spurts through the thin membrane that divides both tunnels.

The bear gives two pushes more and releases his own cum, Little John growls while he has eyes closed, Dottie moans of pleasure at the same time that his body arches, the warm semen floods her two tunnels.

Her claws nails in the back of Little John, the semen spurts that sprinkle her vagina and her anus take her to the orgasm. Semen oozes of her two openings and they mix in the table surface.

The vaginal walls and anal walls contract with more force around the cocks and the two men enjoy it while they continue ejaculating. Little John breathes agitatedly and he gets up to position to stand up, he feels that his member slips out of the vagina of Dottie.

She continues to be reclining backwards on Deryck. He from behind takes the tits and resume his pushes, Dottie's body bounces again and again while Little John observes everything with surprise until he feels a hand on his shoulder.

He sees at Ruby that is at his right, she holds the bowl with water. Little John washes his hands completely.

"Did you get surprised with Dottie's flexibility?" Ruby asks looking at Little John. He nods while he finishes washing his hands.

"Well, some girls have special tricks and this is one of Dottie's, when the big boys want anal sex, they go with her because she is the best handling large-sized cocks." Ruby says looking at Little John.

"And you?" Little John asks smiling at the tigress.

"I can make it, but I am out of practice." Ruby responds smiling softly. Little John laughs before two Siamese cats take his hands and they lead him toward a mattress.

He gets carried away tamely until they stop at the feet of the mattress. One of them kneels down before him and closes her tits around his member, she begins to move her breasts up and down. Little John moans when the other female kneels down behind him and she begins to lick his crack slowly.

The bear growls feeling the licks on his anus in addition to the two tits that move around his shaft, the soft fur the breasts caress his cock. The precum oozes of the opening of his penis.

The female looks at him and purrs smoothly while she moves her tits, Little John closes his eyes when the tongue of the other cat enters in his ass. He moans feeling that the tongue touches the walls of his rectum.

From behind a hand takes his balls and stimulates them with care. Pleasure the pleasure fills completely the body of the bear, he moans and pants while he closes his eyes and he concentrates on what he feels.

The two Siamese females suddenly stop. They lean him in bed before they lean next to him in each side of Little John's body.

"Our names are Millie and Lily." The right female says purring.

"We will give you a good time, my Lord." Lily says purring. Females take down their bodies and they begin to give him oral sex. Little John moans and closes his eyes feeling that the rough tongues of the two sisters moves on his penis.

Millie and Lily licks the penis head slowly, one of them digs smoothly her teeth the cock of Little John while the other one licks the precum of the opening. The bear moans of pleasure while both girls serve him.

Little John sees that Lily licks his balls slowly, she bites them smoothly and pulls of them, the other female dedicates herself to lick his cock completely, she puts it into her mouth and sucks. The bear moans and pants with pleasure, his eyes close when his penis enters in the throat of the female.

Millie moves her head and the penis moves inside and out of her throat, her whiskers caress the chest the stomach of Little John. He has a good time and sees that at his side Faron is riding a zebra's penis.

Little John smiles and dedicates himself to enjoy his own situation, the two sister stop and after some moments Lily positions herself on his crotch, the female purrs while she rubs her vulva in the hard shaft of Little John.

He feels that juices drip on his penis, Millie takes his penis and aims it, and Lily moves down her hips and Little John moans when his penis enters in the vagina of the Siamese cat. It is very tight and soft, the female begins to ride him slowly with pleasure.

The ass of Lily moves up and down on the penis of Little John. He has his closed eyes until he feels something on his lips.

He opens his mouth and sees that Millie's crotch is on his face.

"Please my lord..." She asks purring. Little John smiles and begins to lick the female's vulva. She moans and meows with pleasure, Little John with her hands seizes the tits of the woman and squeezes them.

He pushes his tongue and moves it inside the female cat. Little John feels content because the night promises much.

In the next morning Little John wakes up slowly, he moves his hand on his face while he moans with bother when the rays of the sun touch his face. The bear blinks repeatedly while he listens some moans to his around.

He is in a mattress with two females, a rabbit and a lioness. They have his penis between his hands.

Little John smiles seeing that his penis is erect, after fucking so many women the last night, his member still wants action.

Little John stands up and stretches his body. He sees that at other side of the hall there are two women that continue riding two rhinos. Little John walks on the hall seeing that most of his men still are asleep next to some women.

A smile appears in the face of the Little John when he sees that Faron is sleeping on a table with the ass hanging from the border of it. Little John sees that semen is dripping from the crack of the cat, he moves in the place and finds Eryn sleeping backwards on another table.

She has her open legs so Little John does not thinks it a lot and she positions himself between the legs of the she-wolf. He catches his penis and aims before pushing it, he moans when his penis is enveloped in by the soft vagina the she-wolf.

There is semen inside the she-wolf, but that does not matter to Little John when he begins to pump his penis. He places his hands on the breasts of Eryn and squeezes them smoothly with pleasure, the eyes of the she-wolf blinks when she wakes up.

"Ohh, my Lord... fuck me please." Eryn he says closing her legs around Little John. He continues pumping inside the woman. Eryn moans feeling that her vaginal walls are caressed by the member of the bear.

Little John moves while his precum mixes with the juice and the rests of semen in the inside of the female.

The bear leans forward and begins to suck Eryn's left breast.

She gives herself entirely to pleasure, each strong push of the bear makes her back rubs with the wood of the table. The minutes pass, in the meantime men and women to his around begin to wake up due to the growling of Little John and the moans of Eryn.

Little John finally cannot resist more and he clenches his teeth when he releases his sperm in the vagina of Eryn. The body of the she-wolf convulses when the semen spurts hit her vagina walls and they trigger the orgasm in her.

Little John feels that the vaginal walls of the she-wolf squeezes his penis with force. He does not move while he continues ejaculating in Eryn. She breathes agitatedly feeling as sperm floods her vagina.

When semen runs out, Little John takes out his penis and he helps the woman to stand up.

"Did you enjoy the last night?" Little John asks while he smiles and breathes rapidly.

"A lot... I never imagined myself making these things with several men." Eryn responds looking at Little John. He smiles smoothly knowing that the woman had enjoyed completely the celebration.

After some minutes everyone is completely wake up, women help men to get dressed in the meantime Ruby and her girls still are naked. They are grateful to the girls and Little John for the great night of fun.

Little John gets close to the Captain and puts his hand on the shoulder of his man.

"I noticed that you and Ruby had spent much time together. There is something between you two?" Little John asks smiling.

"Yeah... we have a history... I... well when I was a teenage..." The captain says with discomfort.

"It is ok. I also started at that age." Little John says winking an eye to his captain. He gets surprised and smiles. The captain and his men say goodbye to the girls, the captain kisses passionately to Ruby, all the men left the hall leaving alone to Little John and the girls.

The women begin to get dressed and help Little John to get dressed too, but before that the bear gets surprised when everyone of them give a kiss to the head of his penis. Little John thanks to the girls by their performance.

"I will take two days to rest and after that I will go to pay the rest of money and to see as take all this to your brothel." Little John says to Ruby. She nods smiling, Ruby and the girls say good-bye and they leave the place, but Eryn stays behind because Little John asks for it.

He enters in the kitchen and introduces his hand below the stove, he grasps a little bag and takes it out. He returns to the hall and places the bag on the hands of Eryn.

"It is for you and your family." Little John says looking at the she-wolf. She opens the little sack and her eyes get open wide seeing a great quantity of money.

"Thank you." Eryn says with emotion seeing the large sum of money. Little John smiles seeing that the woman is content.

"Please when you desire you can come to mi home. I always will be willing to give you a great time of pleasure... when you and how you want." Eryn says looking at Little John completely happy. He nods and she says good-bye before leaving the hall.

Little John stretches his body once before doing an inspection in the place. He smiles softly remembering what happened the previous night, after around fifteen minutes he gets out of the hall and closes the door with the padlock.

He breathes deeply before returning to his home to rest and replacing his strength.

Little John, Marian © Disney.

Eryn, Garret** , Arlen, Wilton, **** Faron Troy and Ruby, Deanna, Hadley, Dottie Delaney, Deryck Crawford, Millie and Lily **** are my characters**

Writen by Janus Oberoth

Mating season: Kate and Humphrey

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