Approaching the Tiger

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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#2 of Reader's Choice

Approaching the Tiger

You pad across the floor to the high table just to the right of the counter. The tiger sitting there still reading his book is in a light blue buttoned shirt with a stiff collar. The sleeves cover his arms all the way down to the wrists, but you can see the faint outline of a bracelet against his right paw. The small bit of it that's visible as he rests it on the table makes you suspect it's a rainbow colored pride bracelet.

The novel in his left paw is a paperback with several dogeared creases in the corners. The pages are slightly yellow with age, and the way he holds it his paw covers the title and most of the cover. From what you can see of it, it doesn't look like anything you're familiar with.

You clear your throat and the tiger looks up at you. His golden eyes don't convey annoyance, per se, but it looks like he'd be content to sit alone with his book. Pushing down the lingering feeling that you might have made a mistake, you introduce yourself then ask, "Do you mind if I join you?"

"No," he replies and looks you over briefly. "My name is Malcolm. Pleasure to meet you," he says and looks back at his book.

You ease the tall stool out from the table across from him and sit down. "I don't remember seeing you in here before," you comment as you settle in.

"I come in after work sometimes," he replies. "It's a nice way to unwind after crunching numbers all day."

"I see," you pause as you try to get a better look at the concealed bracelet under his right cuff. "You're an accountant?"

"Business analyst. I work a few doors down," he says and looks from his book then raises an eyebrow. "You're not going to order anything?"

You decided to strike up a friendly conversation.

The Reader's Choice

**The Reader's Choice** by Mog Moogle and the Readers ^.^ The cool metal of on the frame of the glass door radiates to your paw pad as you push it open and step inside. Your nostrils are greeted with an olfactory overload of ground coffee beans...

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