Trade: To the Darkest Places

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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Wolfie is abducted and taken to a dungeon by a well over obsessed fan striving to be his lover after the death of his beloved wife. As he continues to repel her advances he is forced to deal with continuous torture, harsh mental abuse, and even the loss of himself. Will he prevail? Will Wolfie come out of this and escape from the dungeons that house him? Find out.

This story is a milestone for me, it really has to be. Not only is it the first time I've ever been contacted by someone popular I also did the entire thing in single night. Starting at around 4:30-ish AM and then continuing until just before 12 that afternoon which blows my old record of 4k words out of the water with this 8k word story. Despite fighting my body's need to pass out on several occassions I've managed to get everything written, run my spell check, and have it posted up. I hope that you like the story Wolfie, it was an absolute thrill to write. I do love me some character stories after all.

Wolfie (c) wolfiecanem

All other characters are products of this story.

Captured With Kisses

The deep sound of his own voice slowly stirred the bunnywolf leaving him to easily shift his body in place. His figure beginning to finally wake again and while that very muscular body of his adjusted he could feel his arms suspended to the side, a pull to draw them down where they should be left him in pain with what he could only imagine were some kind of needles or nails coming to cut into his flesh and drive a harsh gasp from his very lungs. If the sound of his own voice hadn't woken him up fully then the feeling of pain leaving to the crimson fluid running down over his bulging muscles would. Eyes shot open instantly, working to focus on what was around him, but the more he looked the more he realized that the only thing around him was a pitch darkness leaving the only light coming into this room to pass between three bars that shined down over his face, catching his eyes. Again his arms moved to adjust to the binds, and again they'd feel those cutting spikes seem to drive into his flesh. Even now this hybrid species couldn't remember how he got here, what had happened to place him in this position where he could feel a cold stone floor against his knees with a fully nude body, but answers would come in time when he noticed the sight of movement outside of the bars at their distance away from him. These bars of light that passed between the bars of metal vanished to the side and in their place the doorway would be opened and the illumination of florescent overhead fixtures would flicker on with their almost unnatural buzzing tone.

It was the first time that he'd been able to look around after waking up only minutes ago but even then he this bunnywolf could see nothing of interest, his ears folded back on his head and only perked up once again when those eyes were once again drawn in front of him to the sight of that doorway. Now standing in front of it was a dark figure of a luscious being, her steps taking her figure closer to him, driving her to approach this lupine-canine with the gentle and kind look that wrapped her beautiful face, even those lips pouted with their most kissable of texture and this gave the man resting here every single reason to believe that she was here for one of two reasons. Either this woman, this busty and astounding vulpine who's body faded into the light from the silhouette that she'd left behind her at that doorway, was here to free him, to get him out of this place, or she was the one that had placed him here. Those eyes had to narrow at her, he didn't know her, didn't know which side she was on in this sudden abduction, but if past experience had taught this half-canine anything it was that he should expect the worse. Even in the light her fur was as black as raven's feathers, her tail coming to bush out just as her vulpine species said it should and leaving only her finger tips and the very tip of her tail to rest in a stark white, but the blue piercing eyes were among the greatest of her weapons, able to lock on, to focus, and to penetrate a man down to his very core to win their favor. Such a ploy may work on others, but as she brought herself closer towards him, her hand gripping the bottom of his chin, it was clear that her tactic did not work on those far more gay than bi.


Even without being able to control him with a glance that simple smile wrapped over her lips, happy that she wasn't disappointed by such a simple tactic working on such an amazing creature that she'd kept her gaze on for so many years now. If he'd fallen into her affection that easily then it very well might have been a disappointment to her, but now she could learn him, study him, and overtime learn to break this half-bunny for the sake of earning herself the love that she'd seen shared with another.

"Hello Wolfie," her voice was soft, warm, and tempered the ear to the sound of obvious intention, almost speaking in a whisper while she looked over that amazing figure once again, "You're probably wondering what you were brought here." He could only sit there on his knees while she spoke to him, but even that left him only listening for more, "I've had my eyes on you for a long time, you see. I have a heart that throbs to be with you. Ever sense I first saw you, I've wanted you. Wolfie.. Look at us.. We should be together."

"So you tied me up?| The question came across easily, criticizing the tactic used to keep him here, to bind him in place so that she could tell him that she loved him. It was suspect at best but still it was hard to have a well developed figure like his own and not draw these kinds of attentions.

"Just.. Just a precaution. Once you're mine of course you can be about as you please." Her body stepped in closer towards him, her hands lifting slowly in order to wrap around the back of his very strong neck and press her massive fox breasts against his figure with an almost purr resting across her lips, "Be my Wolfie. You're old wife is a cherished memory, but together we can make new ones. All you have to do is give yourself to me."

Those half-canine eyes narrowed at the mention of his late wife, the sound of someone speaking out about her driving him to grit his teeth and provide a deep toned growl of warning, one that this dark vulpine wasn't likely to get from the sound of it, "Not interested."

Her expression changed instantly, at first she was kind, happy, pleasant, and adoring that amazing body with her own, but when he spoke so bluntly to her that false expression faded and her nose slowly curled into her own growl, that crystal blue gaze of hers falling into a glare at him from such a direct refusal of her good faith. It was him that didn't know what he was missing, it was him that would be left to the side lines, and it was him that would ignored in this dark pit of a dungeon. No, ignoring him was too good, she'd give him attention, she'd provide all of the attention that this bunnywolf could handle, and in the end he would be begging to belong to her. With a harsh snarl over her lips that dark hand with white finger tips reached up slowly to take hold of the wire that wrapped his arm from one side to the other, passing behind his back just to make sure that it was all one solid piece. The long draw of her hand downward would pull at his arms, drawing them harder against the barbs that existed along this wire and forcing them to cut even further into this flesh all that much deeper and tighter, driving a deep growl from his body while the pain created an effect in him that forced those already massive sized muscles about his body to swell, grow, strengthen against those binds and push against them, forcing those barbs down deeper.

"That's fine, you can be a challenge, Wolfie." Her body quickly tried to calm down about the painfully violent outburst that just rose up out of her, even now trying to gain his favor by lightly patting his massively muscular chest against her grip, "You see... I like challenges and you will be mine. I'm going to make sure of that."

When she walked away the movement of her steps were clearly exaggerated, swaying those hips wide so that her bushy black tail would whip from one side to the next as she posed that large, perfectly heart shaped vulpine rear in every single step that she managed to make. Only the slight smile that ran over her lips to look back at him and make sure that he was watching her walk away would fade her smile into a grin before her body faded out of that door once again, speaking with the guard in a single solitary word that rang clearly all the way into this room, the obvious tone that of a seductive call to make the word sound in a way that may even cause him to decide upon enjoying it's implication. Those long lupine ears lifted at the tone of it, the very single word that drew his breath from his body in a deep and long pant of anticipation. "Torture", was what she said, and while they moved in, rushing at this bunny wolf his eyes widened while his strong, muscle displayed body arched to the sight of those coming after him, drawing his eyes between all of them while those anticipations of pleasure coming out of this quickly leaving his expectation.


The feeling of those long wooden rods cracking against his figure drove the bunnywolf to arch his back, calling out loudly from the stinging pressure of the hard impact delivered. Eyes clenched down, and while his massively muscular body tensed up under the pain the movement of those muscles came to swell in place, growing as veins coursed from the buff figure of his body, pulsating while his heart beat a mile a minute. Every time his figure was able to relax, every time he was able to lower himself down the sudden and immediate sting returned in another direction, forcing him to tense up again, forcing those muscles to grow while he called in his deep and loud voice. The impacts, the building of his figure, even that thick dick started to swell just from that alone, those heavy balls dragging the floor behind his knees to touch on the cold stones, and even as his body shivered thanks to yet another hard impact and the loud cracking sound echoing down the halls, his voice was clearly in competition with the sound of the beating itself. There was no remorse, though, his head was lifted, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his massive dick drooled down onto that floor, creating what would clearly going to end up being an obvious and amazing puddle of bunnywolf cream as if leaving it as a trademark of him having been here. The easy sound of the chuckling torturers showed that they were enjoying the display of his body, the amazing figure that was presented before them. Their own strong figures not nearly as well developed as Wolfie, but clearly trained in his likeness in hopes of even them one day possibly being able to enjoy the feeling of that affectionate muscle monster aiming to share his love with them in a far more sensual way.

It was hard to tell their faces, their species, through the dark hoods that they wore, but that well defined figure of their muscular bodies came in closer, looking finally drop those rods while one of them came to take hold of the bunnywolf's hips, feeling over the muscular rump as if inspecting it and then with raw strength alone the snort that came from the nostrils of the horned creature who's face worked so hard to no avail at hiding his bovine species would take a firm grasp of the hips themselves only for the purpose of lifting that muscular rump along the length of his already very hard and throbbing bull meat. The coaxing was enough and while that strong rear ran along the length of that swollen member it was only a matter of time before the bunnywolf felt himself being spread, his voice coming through in a deep growl, a heavy snarl that left the top of his body pulling against those restraints, feeling their barbs cutting into him deeper which only drove that growing muscular build more. His eyes turned back over his shoulder, about to protest, about to speak up but when his head was gripped by another creature the only thing that his mouth managed to do was be filled with another cream covered meaty shaft. The flavor of it driving his eyes backwards in his skull, the scent that came off of the potent male forcing him to breath in long draws just for the sake of absorbing that scent as much as he was able to. One thrust would force his body forward, driving his mouth around the base of that dick and then the thrust from those other hips would drive the bunnywolf back against the bulls hard shaft, driving it deeply into his body while he protests fell on a muffled call of a deafening pleasure. Taken, used, and as their bodies claimed this half-canine his driving body continued to be put to the test as their joyous dicking only grew rougher.

Escape to Hell

The two rejoiced easily between each other, leaving Wolfie to hang there from his arms, his lips drooling the flavor of cum just as his rear continued to drip free from the hard usage he'd just been given. Heavy pants, were what was left of that cum splattered floor, his body working to recover while his strong and muscular body was well swollen from that latest torture session. The fact that they'd ended meant that they must be expecting their mistress to return and if things continued like this then there was no way for him to continue to promise that he wouldn't give into her. This bunnywolf needed to escape, needed to get out of here and as the guards were leaving he permitted himself to recover just long enough until the door closed once again. Their shuffled dialogue failing to catch on his ears as their voices mixed with the sound of their own echoes, laughing, talking, cheering one another on for their activities with this half-lupine. Their joy would have to be short lived, though, where Wolfie was not going to simply remain here and wait for his next session, as nice as he'd later admit that they were.

The barbs from the wire cut into his flesh once again, drawing a hard and deep cry of a howl from his quickly swelling body that only forced the barbs in deeper, but as his strength built his body pulled against the line, tensing hard against it while his arms worked to snarl through the pain and those heavily muscular chest and arms drew the wire taunt, pulling at it with a heavy and hard force that would leave the wire itself groaning and straining against the figure of power that it was attempting to contest with. In time as this strength built in on itself, as it grow against the line that groaning stopped and then in a single loud pop calling out across the room that wire gave way, allowing the bleeding and torn muscular arms of this bunnywolf to win over it and snap the cord in half in order to free himself finally from this torturing restraint, his body moving to finally lift back to his feet once again and towards the door. Now was his chance, now as the time when he could get out of this place. The sound of the guards voices were already faded away from his door and easily as he slid that door open rabbit ears poked out from the sliding steel door as his eyes soon followed and his body would afterward, drawing his way into this hallway in order to begin his quick rush with that massive figure, trying to keep himself as unnoticeable as possible despite his absolutely handsome size. What remained of the wire that wrapped his arms was pealed away, leaving only bleeding holes where the barbs used to be, but such wounds would heal over time, what was more important right now was his escape from this horrid place.


While Wolfie rushed through these halls, it came quickly to his attention that he didn't understand the layout of this place, but one thing was quite obvious regarding any escape attempt, the fact that if he stayed wandering the hallways then this creature was going to find himself running into a patrol. The bunnywolf needed to get out of the hallway soon, and while he turned his eyes around the corner to spot a door, those same eyes would turn back behind him with the ears perking at the sound of shuffled feet and soft talking. This drove his massive sized body into the direction of that door, forcing him through it and quickly closing that door behind him with an easy and long sigh over his lips. It would take the half-canine time to figure out what room he was in, but as he turned his gaze into this room it was clear by the vanity mirror, the ornate dresser, and even that luscious bed that he was standing in the room of quite obviously the same dark vulpine that had located him, kidnapped him, and had him tortured. If anything Wolfie needed to leave this room, but as he felt a sudden movement his side the strong and muscular body jerked away from it, seeing the metal coil lash at the floor, a machine for subduing, but while he focused his attention on this one the other quickly whipped down across his torso, wrapping his waist which caused those hands to quickly grab at it, trying to peal it from his figure only to have both of those hands quickly bound and pulled up straight over his head. As he fought against this new restraint the sight of the dark vixen stepping from the shadows of her room gave a long toothy grin against the display of the handsome figure that had decided to venture into her room and even as she stepped closer and her once again felt over his strong and powerful chest, allowing his throbbing heart beat to crash against her palm while she nearly cooed at the feeling of it.

"So you've finally come to me, have you Wolfie?" She asked fully believing that he had rushed this direction on purpose, the confident smile that ran over that dark face locking onto his muscular body with those crystal blue eyes.

This bunnywolf wasn't about to lead the girl on, he wasn't going to tell her what she wanted to hear because he had no intention of losing himself to her, or even alluding her to the thought that he might be. Even while he narrowed his gaze to the sight of her the massive half-canine continued to try and struggle at pulling his arms free from the steel tendrils that now trapped him, each one as thick as his own leg. "I made a wrong turn. I would never come to see you." He answered in the most cold and truthful way possible.


The answer drew her anger out once more, she didn't like him denying her and it hurt even more that he'd managed his way into her own room just to do it. She was in her domain, her sanctuary and here this hybrid was looking to insult here here as well. In the dungeons it was expected, the deep cold environment had caused many heart ache, but here she found it simply unacceptable that he would still act in this way. As she stomped her way towards her those white toes tapped her claws against the stone floor, and with a single swipe of her hand she'd bring the stinging pain across his face, glaring down at the bunnywolf in a rage that was only really matchable by himself. Her breath was heated, her eyes almost a flame with the sight of this obstinate half-canine that simply kept refusing her so often. She was beautiful, she knew she was beautiful, so the problem wasn't with her, it couldn't be, but it couldn't be with Wolfie either, he was far too perfect to have anything even remotely close to resembling flaws. No, the problem was the taint left from his late wife, even after death she still clung to his heart in the deepest of controlling ways. The very thought of this driving her further into the depths of her hatred for this woman.

"You will learn to love me, Wolfie, you will. Just like you loved.... Her. I will not be denied by you." She'd say mostly out of anger, jealousy, and near unbridled hatred, "You'll see. I'll show you that I'm every much the lover she ever could have hoped to be, and you will love me... You'll love me MORE than you did her, because I'm better, I've wanted you longer, wanted you more. I'm the one that's deserving of you! You will see!"

Her movement away from him was only temporary, turning towards her dresser easily and pulling the top drawer, the hands reaching inside to obtain something while she smiled back at him softly. This girl had confidence she knew that she could win him over if she could simply prove herself to him and what she pulled free was a long black cylinder of an object with two metal prongs rising out from the tip, a handle at the other end with a clearly marked red button. As she moved back towards the bunnywolf with it that movement of an easy and well developed smile that ran across her face drove the deep and full bodied kiss to pass over his lips, a kiss that he didn't return nor wanted as the very flavor of her, the texture of her skin across his forcing his very stomach to churn, tighten, feeling a level of sickness rising over him as that harsh treatment only really just started. She wasn't going to get the results that she wanted from a kiss, and the dark vulpine had already anticipated that, she knew very well that he wasn't going to give up what he had to her easily. Normally a kiss was a way of getting someone aroused, it was a way of forcing someone to grow stiff or wet because it was the bodies response to the action that signaled that sex was coming, something that fell more into instinct than any real society, but this bunnywolf wasn't giving in, he wasn't providing her what she wanted and so she pressed that long shaft down against Wolfie's own shaft and with a push of a red button the harsh volts coursed through his lower body and forced a loud and painful cry of absolute pain and agony from that hybrid creature. His breath panting, the veins in his dick pulsating in time with his rushing heart beat, but even if her kisses didn't signal for him to grow hard that shocking stick certainly did and with an easy smile it was finally time for this raven black fox to prove herself.

Her movement was easy, fluid, her hands gripping that monster sized shaft of his and while she looked him directly in the eyes his head turned away in shame, in disgust, and soon he felt the wetness of her dripping nether start to wrap around his dick, first starting in small motions but then sinking lower and lower until she was practically sitting in his lap with his towering cock penetrating her body in what she would be calling passion. The movement of her hips rising up, and then falling again, planting that pert rump down onto his thighs even while her hand continued to wrap around the back of his head, her breath already in a bated pant and her shifting movements aiming to drive him further along her hungry cunny. That riding motion, her dominating of his figure continued on even with her large and plump breasts crushing down into his chest once more so that she could kiss against his jawline, seeking affection from him, looking for the attention and love that she was so desperate to seek even while she started gritting her teeth, her ears folding back and with her slowing motions she came to nearly sit on his lap now and allowing that cock to vanish behind her black fur. She didn't understand, she was tight, she was trained to stay that way, her body was amazing, and even while she took him there was still no reaction from this half-lupine that she could judge if he was enjoying himself. No, how could she forget? He might not be enjoying this as much as other activities, after all he was gay.

The bright smile returned to her lips while she quickly lifted herself from his shaft, allowing it to flop down between his knees while she darted towards her drawer once again, pulling some clothing out only to drop it to the floor before finally uncovering the purple plastic device shaped and molded into the figure and design of a nicely hefty cock. Her fingers taking hold of the straps that it was attached to and quickly stepping into them to prepare herself for what she had to hope he'd really like. Her motions, her movements coming to take hold of those hips, gripping them just like a certain bovine had earlier, and while she leaned him forward she easily whispered into his ear that he'd love this, that he'd see now that she was perfect for him. As she lined that bit of plastic up against his already loosened rear she forced it in, not even waiting a second or giving him time to really register what was happening back there only because she was in a hurry to get him to love her. He finally reacted, though, those ears folded back, that head leaning upward, and the hard grunt of his voice displaying fully that she her penetration of his body was something that he would actually draw some reaction to. The more she pushed, though, the quieter that he got, his lower region growing more stretched, finding the dildo to be something that worked well, but he could grow used to over time. As she continued to push and impact his strong and muscular rump with the spreading of that faux cock her ears once again folded back, seeing that she was losing him once again. In time he didn't react at all and her hips pulled back away from him, gripping the strap on and tearing it off of her body to throw it down into the ground itself. The hard growls that she'd give to him showed that she was frustrated and tired of failing with what she considered to be her true mate.

"Guards!" She called, waiting a few seconds before a few of them came rushing in and looking at the trapped muscle bound beast that was tied up in her tentacle machine, keeping him perfectly still. "Take him back to his room. He still needs more persuasion to learn to love me... But he will. He will learn... In time."

Fallen Graces

No longer was he bound with barb wire, it was proven that such a thing simply would not do for this bunnywolf, as he had been captured once again his new bindings were made up of the thickest chains that they could locate. This hands wrapping around a single link while the cuffs that fastened his arms to the side, spread wide like an eagle as he felt the tight force of these bindings doing much better at keeping him held in place instead of permitting this half-canine to have any chance eat all of forcing his way out of this. The swollen and bulked up muscles of his body shown well with his attempts to do just that, but even he was finding it hard to be able to do such a thing. This left Wolfie with a deep growl in the back of his throat, tired of this place, tired of these people and ready to finally get way from it so that he could once again be free. Veins about his body made sure to display themselves in the most beautiful nature, displaying those muscles all the more as they throbbed and lined the outside of the hulkish figure while he struggled to try and bring his arms back to his sides to no avail at all. If he was to be trapped here then he could handle that until he managed to get free, but as more of those hooded beasts came at him this bunnywolf knew what was coming, he had already experienced their brand of torture before and knew that he was about to be forced to withstand it once more.

This time these guards, soldiers, minions, whatever they were to be called, where coming towards him with more than just rods, they were approaching with many tiny tools that were clearly there for the sake of making this half-bunny scream in pain, and possibly pleasure, the sight of them making him snarl louder, narrowing his gaze, watching them, waiting to see which of them would have the bravery to approach him first, but not a single one of them shown any fear for this bunnywolf at all, coming in close quickly, and as the first pair moved to the side in order to pull a rod of iron from the glowing hot coals and revealing the smoking bright red and yellow glow of heated metal that was turned and brought towards him. Wolfie made a new found attempt to struggle free, even trying to get back up to his feet, but there was no time for him to do anything as he soon screamed out in pain while his flesh sizzled with the tips of those pokers passing through his thin and well maintained coat of fur that drove him to lean his head back with a loud cry of heated rage. The feeling of those muscles swelling more, growing, buffing out while the anger through his body drove him, pushed him, made him bigger, fuller. The cuffs of that binding growing far tighter around his wrist and while he snarled out he'd turn his gaze towards those coming in to harm him.

Their bodies took his, bashing his back, his front, his sides with their rods once more, water even thrown down at his feet, drawing his attention downward before those rods were forced down into the water, the red button on them pushed with an easy chuckle of delight while the power from each prod would course out through the water itself in order to electrocute the beast all at once, his body tensing, his figure convulsing in the terrible electric current that passed through him and drove him further into that hate filled rage. Barking, snapping at them all, and even jerking against the restraints that were put in place to hold him in place, the hard pulling showing that the more they did this the further he'd go into his blind rage, but they weren't going to stop, not yet, there was still so much fun to be had with this big half-wolf.

Their hands finally moved to him, dropping the physical torture and chuckling out easily across his body in order to grip him in place, taking hold of his hips from one side and then the other. A strong set of pecs crushed against his own, the smile that came across the lips of whatever creature this one left him feeling that hand taking hold of that very hotly pulsating dick that had responded so well to the torture at this point that it even looked like they wouldn't need to do much to get him to release. This one had a plan for the massive pup, though, the sight of that thick dick in his hand would be presented to his own, not even comparable in size to Wolfie's massive girth, but that was just perfect when he'd move his own stick dick in order to press against the half-canine's head, driving the tip of that dick directly across the rounded head of that flaccid vein covered bit of delicious man meat. While Wolfie was left moaning to this sudden attention his breath easily panted to it and while his hips were gripped from behind this bunnywolf would feel the pressure from both ends before he finally found himself spread wide open both in the front and the back, eyes widened when he suddenly felt the presence of a nicely stiffened dick driving it's way down his cock, passing along the cum-tube in order to deliver itself and spread that bunnywolf dick in brilliant design. The feeling of it driving Wolfie to shiver at the force even as he was once again taken from behind, but the tension caused by that frontal penetration was more than enough to lock that rear cock in place. Arms hanging high to the sides and his body quivering at the feeling it wasn't long before this bunnywolf finally felt the sensation of this man releasing hot and bubbling cum down the length of that urethra in order to lean his head back when Wolfie felt his balls starting to expand with the sudden new gathering of cum meant to be released quickly.

They weren't done with this half-canine, however, once that person pulled free from that dick fucking his body was forced to bend down, hands taking hold of his large pecs, his strong chest and easily rubbing it as he moaned out deeply and slowly shook his head, a silent begging for this not to happen, not wanting to deal with the consequences of such a thing, but these torturers were not about to listen to this and while he was kept on his knees those gathering of dicks were touched on his nipples, driving him into a panic that there was no escape from this time, his body feeling those large and thick cocks press at they tips of his nipples and with an loud call of pain and drool from the corner of this bunnywolf's mouth the final feeling of those male nipples being spread around the tightness of those pecs made him finally roar out, a nicely designed fucking, but even as they thrusted those pecs only, not just in muscle mass like the rest of the body, but also in roundness, fullness, they were swelling like breasts set to fill with cum from his balls, a trait entirely unique to his family alone. They more they thrusted the bigger that chest grew and while veins started to rise from the flesh of the violated man-tits it wasn't until these two minions decided to release, pouring their hot and creamy seed into the those already large pecs and forcing the bunnywolf's head to hang low in complete and total defeat. The snarl across his lips were constant, ready to end all of this, but by now it was too late, this damage had been done and now they would need to deal with him handling them. Already that cum was mixing with his own, combining into new lifeforms in his chest, and while his figure shook his eyes locked onto these people, glaring at them in only the most dangerous of ways.


The dark vulpine once again returns, seeing the devastation caused by her orders and could only smile to it. With Wolfie's head hanging low and her easy footsteps bringing her sexy body towards him the hulkishly muscular massive beast of a half-canine would find his hair gripped and his head pulled back to fully expose the line of sight directly into those crystal blue eyes. Her soft smile rolling across her lips as she had to giggle to the sight of such a strong and power creature brought down before her, by her own orders. After what he'd been putting her through today she was going to make sure that he absolutely suffered for his words, for his spurning her away without even giving her the least bit of a chance to prove herself. When this girl spoke into his face, that clear smile was always evident.

"So, Wolfie, have you decided to love me yet?" The question came through easily enough, though, she didn't mind teasing this giant hunk of meat for a bit.

Wolfie couldn't answer, not yet, not while his body had just been taken, used, and violated in the harshest of ways that one could manage, those pecs were designed to hold young for those that he loved, could grow passionate with, but as they were forced into him the only thing that this half-wolf was able to do was shiver at the sight of her, his massive chest swollen and used, veins even passing over it to express the strain that it was having while the leaking of her minion's cum was draining down to puddle across the floor. When he saw her, though, he snarled darkly, finished with their games, his muscles grew one last time, his body intensifying and his strength building as he jerked and pulled against the thick chains. They continued to hold strong, but as he twisted them, jerked at them, and pulled hard they still remained tight and forced him back into his knelt position.

This dark fox had to smile at him while she ran her fingers over his chin, the confident smirk that passed over her lips helped to show just how comfortable she really was with this situation. "You can't break those, nobody can." The quick gasp from her voice suddenly reminded the vulpine that she had something to tell him. "OH! I wanted to tell you that the last remains of that bitch that stole you away from me have been found. I'm sending out my men to seek and capture your triplets so that they can be brought here. I'm guessing that if we keep torturing you then you'll stay strong like the perfect creature you are, but if we start to torture them... Weill... You'll likely give us more obedience."

Her dark giggle folded his ears back while she turned away from him, moving to step back the way that she came, if she couldn't have him willingly then she had no problem using this bunnywolf's very family to start one of her own with him. It was a horrifying tactic, yes, but one that worked and one that she was more than happy to employ if it meant getting the man of her dreams to cherish her the way that she did him. All she was looking for was a chance to prove herself, and if he wasn't going to give that to her then she would take away what he held most dear until he did. This vulpine had no mercy, had no remorse, and she would do anything to be with him, be anything he needed her to be in order to feel the powerful love of this amazing being on his knees in front of her.

Raging of the Hybrid

If it was just him trying to escape then he would probably be here forever, but in hearing that this dark fox was going after his children, the last remaining evidence of his love for that beautiful and amazing mate that he held so close to him for so long, it was the driving point that he needed to manage those chains. His body bulking up even further, reaching a new maximum point where his muscles would grow, swell, and climb their way into a loud and thunderous roar that shook the entire complex. As his arms moved in a fast and hard jerk against those chains that failed to give, but the shackles themselves did, his quick slamming motion shattered the rings that were around his wrist, and drawing the wide eyed attention of all of the people around him. Already they moved in to try and subdue the massive monster, but with a fast swing of his arm many would be flung across the room towards the many bits of electrical equipment in order to shatter and crush those items without a care about them. That bovine came in behind him, trying to take hold of that body, if anything he wanted to give the mistress long enough to get away, but this failed openly when Wolfie reached his hand around behind his body to grip hold of the bovine and crush him quickly into the now broken floor. The deep groan of pain that coursed through that bovine body was nothing, though, compared to what was about to happen. The feeling of that leg being lifted, held up in the air for the sake of hugging it close to that incredibly muscular form just for the purpose of the half-canine to thrust that heavy and thick cock deep within the confines of that body, pushing it in and pulling it out, turning this bull into a cow in a matter of seconds while he called out, cried loudly, and moaned in an open call of instant submission from being filled so deeply so quickly. That pain and pleasure that coursed through this bull drive his eyes into the back of his head, near passing out right at the start with his body bucking and drawing across the cold floor over and over again. If the pleasuring wasn't bad enough, that throbbing and meaty bull cock pulsated, shook, and with one last hard and full bodied thrust directly into her awaiting rump the bone would feel his thick and hefty seed erupt from his body like a firework that would then come crashing down back into his own body.

The bull was out cold, his figure was left unconscious, but breathing even if barely, those eyes still rolled, his breath attempting to catch up with his heart beat but doing little to be able to. The bovine wasn't even the worst thing he was going to be doing all day, it wasn't the most horrifying action at all for those that had been torturing this beast, many already fleeing, getting away from him and the building if it meant to avoid him, but deep down in their minds each of them knew that someone like that, a half-canine warrior like this doesn't simply stop hunting when they've been wronged the way that Wolfie had. This bunny wolf wasn't yet focused on the too many of those people, no, there was at least one person here that he wanted to give his undivided attention to, someone that had been begging for it this entire time. With himself moving to crash through the room, his powerful fists smashed easily into the computers, the floor, and even the wall to make room for them, to present the sight of this dark girl in front of him, and for the first time since he'd joined this building the bunnywolf could release a very well deserved grin that wrapped around his lips like a jester. They'd had their fun, and now it was time for him to have his.


As those eyes rested immediately on the dark vulpine her ears folded back, her steps easy and slow as she moved towards him. It pained her to see him in the state that they'd driven him to, the feat of rage that she'd caused in him and while she slowly lifted a hand to easily press it against his very swollen pecs, feeling the veins that passed in front and the continued swelling of the children that were already forming there within his muscles her voice sounded in a soft coo, working to try and sooth this beast and end his rampage. What she did here was assume that she had some level of relationship with him already, her yearning to be with him blinding her to the reality of the danger that she was in, but that blindness would quickly leave her, eyes opened wide when a hand came to wrap around her throat and lift her clearly off of her feet. Wolfie swung her fast and hard about the room, but it wasn't until her back finally connected against a wall that she'd bark out to him, her tail folded up between her legs and her hands gripping at his wrist to try and pry his grip away from her. To do such a thing was a fool's request, though, and while she was forced to hang there her beautiful and naked body would be on full display to him.

She had been wanting him this entire time, wanting his cum, wanting his love, and if that's what he wanted then that's exactly what he was going to give her. The movement of his thick monster sized dick came to rest in his hand, throbbing hard at the feeling and need of release. She had her needs for him, and he had his own needs as well, but as he watched her the only thing that came to mind was to make her suffer, and to finally give her what she's wanted this entire time. When the head of that dick was presented to her face she looked on at it, slowly and sluggishly moving to reach her tongue out, wondering if this was what he wanted her to do, but as he started to stroke himself it became obvious that she wasn't supposed to do anything, the head of that dick pressing well against her face and driving that snout right into his already used urethra. The feeling of his hand forcing itself up and down the length of that shaft drove him to grunt out easily to her. Normally he could go for days, but here, he wanted this over with and they've been working hard to build him up all day, his balls were hanging, his dick was huge and in need of release. With a grit of his teeth one final time this bunnywolf would let out a loud and long howl into the air, leaning his head back in an amazing wave of hot seed to gush hard and long from that head, splattering her well in the face with thick washes after thick washes of his own personal white cream. Her body grew excited instantly by this, the scent the smell, the feeling of his heated cum splashing across her face in continuous waves, but the longer she was there the more that this girl quickly realized the simple fact that he wasn't stopping, and the other simple fact that she needed to breath. Her black face covered in white turned to the side, the other side, up, down, any direction to try and get some fresh air, but there was nothing, no break. Her lungs burned and her hands once again lifted to punch at the sides of his cock, trying to find any level of freedom from this, but the more she struggled the weaker she got, her mind in a daze, and finally that last gripping claw dropped from the side of that dick while bubbles rose from the pile of cum that made up her head leaving this half-wolf to simply drop the black fox down onto the ground and continuing on his way to freedom from this place. After all, who was going to stop him after that display? Who was going to stand in his way and tell him that he couldn't leave now? He doubted that anyone would and after having taken out someone that had been torturing him in the name of love he felt remarkably better. The rage of this bunnywolf had been calmed for now, but there was no clue as to when such a force might be released again on this world, either for war or for peace.


Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 2

**Uninvited Tournament 2** "Ha!" The rude burst of faux laugh poured out over the crowd while they moved to spread like the red sea, parting away from the white tigress that stood there with her arms crossed and a roll over her eyes. Her laugh was...

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Commission: Sperm War

**Scientist Story** The prick of the needle, the push of the plunger, and the fluid that existed within that cylinder was slowly pumped into the hole made in the skin, parting the fur out of the way and leaving the metal tip to be removed just as the...

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Commission: Heads of Cerberus Chapter 2

**No Sleep for the Watchmen** Clicking within the dark room sounded easily from the door itself leading into it, the soft metal on metal noises picking up into the dark space just before the sound of the lock turning to release the latch with a loud...

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