Warm Friends Chapter 7

Story by rargh on SoFurry

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#7 of Warm Friends

As I broke away from the kiss, I knew there was no doubt everyone in the room understood our relationship. "Does that answer your question?" I said, trying my best to sound sarcastic.

I then realized that Henry, during the kiss, had squeezed his way through the crowd of students. As he wound up for the punch, I tried moving Roger out of the way, but I was far too late. With a loud thud, his fist connected with Roger's head, and Roger's head knocked right into my jaw. Ouch! I could feel a strong pain radiating up my jaw line. What concerned me more, however, was how I'd felt Roger go limp in my arms, and I quickly looked to Henry with anger.

"You fucking asshole!" I shouted--somewhat slurring my words. I quickly moved Roger off to the side to shield him from any more attacks. Unfortunately, it was looking like Henry wasn't the only one who I was going to have to fight off. "Stay back!" I snapped at them, curling my lip. I quickly scanned my surroundings and found that--while there were some hybrids that seemed ready to fight--there definitely weren't enough to stop as many humans as were responding. I switched tactics then. "Roger didn't mean to..." as one of the guys grabbed Henry's arm, though, I trailed off and stared on in disbelief.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Henry tried to move his arm, but the kid who'd grabbed him wouldn't let it budge. The kid didn't answer him, but looked to me instead.

"Make sure he's okay." The kid gestured to Roger, and gave his undivided attention to keeping an already screaming Henry from moving an inch, shrugging it off when an equine's fist stopped mere inches from his face.

Scared that he might just be lying, trying to get me off my guard, I hesitantly set Roger down on the ground. When I took a good look at him, I let my ears fall and couldn't help but tuck my tail between my legs.

This was stupid! We could have avoided this if I could just practice a little self-restraint. Now, it looked like Roger might not wake up, and I frankly didn't know what to do. I pulled out my cell and quickly dialed 911. Not bothering to bring it to my ear--since I could generally hear it anyways, I'd set my phone to a sort of partial speaker mode--but the fight was getting loud, so I quickly fumbled with the phone till it was back to normal and put the receiver near my mouth. "Come on... come on..." I coaxed the person on the other end to answer, but it seemed no one was picking up. Since when was 911 ever busy!

"Hello," a lady picked up, "nine-one-one, where is your emergency?"

"Uh..." my brain suddenly froze.

"Grayson High School!" Jessica butted in on our conversation.

The lady hesitated, letting off a sigh. "And what is wrong?"

"There's a kid here who's unconscious. He was hit in the head, hard."

"One second..." the lady said. There was audible tapping on a keyboard then she spoke once more. "I'm going to transfer you to a medical professional. Due to weather, we cannot get anyone to you until later notice."

Suddenly, the sound cut off, then it was replaced by a man's voice. "Hello, this is Jordan. What is your problem?"

"My friend's unconscious."

"Do you know what caused them to enter this state?" The man's voice was irritatingly calm.

"He was hit in the head."

"And how long ago was this?"

"A... a minute or two ago?" I looked to Jessica for confirmation. She nodded, and I reconfirmed what I'd said.

Just then, Henry spoke up again. To be honest, I was surprised that the other's had kept him quiet so long. "Serves that dog-lovin' bitch anyway!" he shouted.

"Who is that?" Jordan asked.

"That would be the guy who hit my friend." I answered him calmly, trying to cover the receiver and turning away from Josh for a second, only to be startled by a girl's voice behind me.

"He's awake!" I turned to see that Felia had shouted the remark.

"I'm sorry, but did someone just say that he was awake?" Jordan questioned hopefully.

"Yes," I answered.

"Can he speak right now?"

"I don't know. Give me a few seconds." I looked down at him with Felia, worried for him.

As Roger's eyes fluttered open, they quickly widened at the sight of Felia. "Where's Brance?" he asked worriedly. Oddly enough, I felt happy that I was the first one he cared to check up on.

"I'm here," I answered as gently as I could.

"What happened?" Roger looked to me for an answer, but Felia was the one to give it.

"Henry hit you."

"Where is...?" Roger was cut off as Henry once again acted up.

Looking over, I could see that it had taken a few guys to hold him down. Two were humans and one was a hybrid. It looked like Mr. Charac had arrived, and he was shooing off the kids holding Henry down.

"I can take it from here, I assure you," the teacher said with a hint of anger.

Looking uncertain, the students let Henry go. When he tried to bolt, Charac took hold of his arm, immobilizing him. "What the heck is going on?"

"That little faggot got what he deserved! That's what."

"Be quiet!" Charac looked over to me, and a bit of worry entered his eyes. Seemingly, though, he decided he had better matters to attend to. "You, explain what happened please." He looked to one of the human students who had been holding him down.

As the student related a story to Charac, I turned my attention back to Roger and the man on the other end of the phone.

"What's going on!?" The man on the other end was now yelling.

"Sorry, a teacher came."

"Well, pu-" suddenly, the call dropped.

"Fuck!" I hurriedly redialed 911, but all I got was a busy signal and an annoying message that my phone service wasn't good.

"What's wrong?" Jessica looked over my shoulder.

"The call dropped!" I looked down to Roger with pain in my eyes. "Looks like we're on our own," I said.

"Well, what do we do then?" Felia's question was simple enough, but I was lost. Thinking back on some of my dad's lessons, I tried to remember what he'd said about concussions. It certainly didn't seem that Roger was bleeding externally, but it was entirely possible he'd been hurt internally.

Trying to be gentle, I lifted his head up off the ground to look at the back, where he'd been hit. I stopped as Roger grunted unhappily. Apparently I hadn't been careful enough; unfortunately, I still needed to check him, so I apologized and continued to examining his head. It looked like there might be a good bruise, but otherwise, there seemed to be no discernible worrying signs. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"Like crap." His response was strong.

"Does anything seem wrong? Are you feeling unbalanced?"

"No, just a bit out of it."

Trying to remember what else I could check, I couldn't think of anything. That was when Gary showed up.

"Is he okay, Brance?" he asked.

"As far as I can tell, but 911 didn't work, and I'm no professional."

"Really? 911's not working?" Gary paused for a moment, apparently very concerned, "Well, as long as he's okay, you wanna tell me what happened from your viewpoint?" He reached down with a claw to help me up.

"Do I have to?" I replied, grabbing the extended claw to accept the offer.

"Yes." His answer was more sighed than said.

Once I was on my feet, he walked towards the edge of the hall. I looked back down at Roger, with Felia still near him, and seeing that he was already starting to talk to Felia, I continued towards Garry, noticing that the area was already clearing out of students.

"So, what caused Henry to attack?" the question came as soon as I drew near.

"Roger and I kissed. That's all."

"So there was nothing else? No threats, no jokes, nothing?"

"No, just a kiss." I looked up to Gary to ask if that was all, but seeing his focus somewhere behind me, I turned to figure out what interested him so.

To my surprise, Roger was making out with Felia, or maybe it was Felia with Roger? Either way, I hadn't expected him to warm up so quickly to the idea of others.

Gary slowly walked the distance to them and made to interrupt their little session. "Used to our culture already, I see," he spoke quietly down to the pair, startling them.

"Maybe not completely," I could see Roger's lips unsuccessfully trying to form a smile as he spoke to the hawk above him, "but I understand the concept."

Gary laughed. "It's okay," he said cheerily. "No shame in it, boy."

"Did you like it?" Felia asked, drawing my attention back to her.

I watched my boyfriend drift off into thought. "Not really," he answered after a few moments. I could smell his fear as he spoke.

When she walked away, surprisingly calm, and furthermore not letting off any scents, Roger looked to me questioningly "Was she-?" he began.

"No," I answered, guessing his intended question, "I didn't pick up on anything."


"Let's go introduce you to my friends, no need to keep on that topic."

"But, Felia's a good friend; I don't want to hurt her." I looked closely at him when he said that. His scent indicated that he was indeed scared, but I figured he'd never be as sure as I was. Felia definitely hadn't been angry, and I just wanted to make my little human feel better now.

"Oh, come on," I made sure to sound completely in charge, "she'll be around later, at least, I think." I reached down a paw, and when he grabbed it, pulled him up to hold him completely in my arms.

"For heck's sake, ya sentient furball, I can walk on my own!" He tried to push away from me, but it was no trouble keeping a hold on him. After a while, when we were near the classroom, he finally surrendered. "Fine, have it your way. Just means I get to be lazier." This last bit muttered more than said. As Gary opened the door, I thought of one thing I wanted to say in private. I leaned in and whispered "Thank you, love," rubbing against his face with the side of my jaw. I loved the feel of his smooth skin against me: It was almost cool to the touch and I enjoyed the way it rubbed my fur.

When we entered the room, there were a couple of cheers from the other hybrids. I strode in holding Roger as if he were treasure.

"Is he okay?" Gunner ran up to us hopefully. As I sniffed the air, I could barely keep a frown off my face. Gunner seemed very interested in Roger--to put it lightly--and not just because he was worried about his safety.

"Yes," Roger answered, oblivious to Gunner's intentions, "except for this oaf who won't let me down."

"Good job, pal," Gunner didn't pay any heed to Roger's answer, and patted me on the back as I was setting Roger down on his feet. When I saw that Roger could stand without too much wobble, I finally released a sigh. Good, he's okay. I looked back to Gunner. Now to make sure Gunner's okay.

"So, about tonight," I quickly placed a paw on Gunner's shoulder and began leading him away, making sure to shut him up a moment longer with a kiss. Not that the kiss was only intended to keep him quiet. I have to admit that I'd always felt some level of attraction to Gunner.

Behind us, I could tell that Roger was struggling to deal with it, but as we moved further away, I could overhear Jessica's excited voice. It seemed that she might take his attention away from us for at least a while. I made a mental note to thank he later, whether she intended to help or not.

"So..." I broke the kiss with Gunner.

"It has been way too long since we've done that." Gunner made sure to keep me quiet a moment longer by joining his lips once more with mine. My attention off my boyfriend for the moment, I got more into it. Roger was a great kisser, but he couldn't be as strong of one as Gunner or I. While I got to stick my tongue practically down his throat, he could reciprocate anywhere near as well. Gunner--on the other hand--could do so with ease. I loved feeling his tongue tickle near the back of my mouth, and practically fought with his to see who would get to explore more of the other's mouth.

When we broke once more, I spoke quickly to make sure I'd say what I needed. "Gunner, I know you like Roger, but if you want to do stuff with him, it'll have to wait. I mean, he did just get knocked out, and I don't know how open he's willing to be with another guy yet."

"But, he seemed to like it when I kissed him."

"Yeah, not at first, though."

"Come on, man, you know this may be my only chance to do that, though. When else will there be enough time or a good enough place to do it?"

"Gunner, I know you have a thing for humans, and Roger does seem to be your type," I paused to think about how perfectly true that was. Roger may not have noticed it, but he indeed had a thing for being the submissive one. I liked that in him, to be honest. Before I could continue, though, Gunner interrupted me with his own retort.

"He is submissive? Come on, Fireside. Please, let me try. He doesn't seem to be hurt too badly." He held his paws out to me in a begging gesture. Oh man, I could smell his arousal big time.

"I don't wanna leave him alone with you yet, he's probably not ready to do those kinds of things with someone else."

"Then why not be there?"

I paused as I seriously considered what he'd said. "You mean, a threesome?"


I gave a moment's more thought; Roger _had_taken everything exceedingly well. Maybe he'd be better off being thrown headlong into it. Heck, maybe he would like it. Nonetheless, it would be difficult to convince him to try.

"Maybe I could give it a chance, but you'll have to let me talk to him first, in private."

"The storage room then?"

Surprised by how eager he was, I couldn't immediately answer. When he was about to speak, though, I caught myself. "Yes. Come a little while after we leave. I'll see what he thinks of it first, and if he doesn't want to, I expect you to leave us to it."


"And please be careful not to hurt him yourself."

"I will." His smile, however, said otherwise.

"Gunner, be serious, or I won't let you near him. At least not for a long time."

Warm Friends Chapter 8

"For heck's sake, ya sentient furball, I can walk on my own!" I tried to push away from Brance as he picked me up, but he somehow kept a hold on me. Soon, I gave up. "Fine, have it your way. Just means I get to be lazier." I looked ahead to see Mr....

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Warm Friends Chapter 6

"I can't believe it!" Henry finally pieced together the puzzle (for him, but what do you expect from a dolt). "Roger's a fag, and he's even slept with a filthy fuckin' dog. Why would you guys help him hide that? He shouldn't even be around us normal...

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Warm Friends Chapter 5

"Gryetta!" Mrs. Haig scolded the young wolf. "How dare you swear?" "But-" "No buts missy!" "Mom," Brance butted in calmly, "I think this is one time when that's not the important part." Mrs. Haig sighed. "I guess," she said hesitantly. "Crap is a...

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