Experiment 11236.5578

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#4 of ACS


Location 06.47

Experiment 11236.5578

Senior Rese...


Location 06.47

Experiment 11236.5578

Senior Researcher 02316.2


***ERROR 371.45***


Rsh 02316.2, redesignated TS 02316.2


Name: Dr. Alex Tergin

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 1978-02-17

Race: Caucasian

Weight: ~80 kg

Height: ~1.85m

Volunteer: N/A

Allergies: N/A





Level One BioHazard Testing Facility


2009-01-29 16:17Z T0000.00 Experiment starts.

T+0000.37 Subject enters testing area.


[ACS Testing Facility 06, Lab 47, Observation Room]

The first inkling Mike had that something was wrong was when he walked into the lab and found Alex sitting in the testing area.

He blinked.

Alex was naked.

Mike hit the "talk" button on the intercom. "Alex? Did you get into the pear schnapps again last night? Wander into the lab after hours and somehow lock yourself into a class one BioHazard test room? Please say yes."

"On the contrary," said Alex, his voice tinny through the speaker underneath the observation window. He pointed at the table in the lab, despite not actually being able to see it. Mike picked up the few sheets of paper.

"This looks like a will."

"And so it is. You can have legal take a look at it. It doesn't implicate the company in anything."

"Very funny Alex. Open the door."

"Did you know that in some cultures the moon was associated with rabbits and madness? Not so much with wolves. That means a were-*rabbit* is more likely than a were-*wolf*. Have the boys look into that."

"Alex, open the door!"

"It started after the last experiment. I got cut by the plexiglass. Tests came back clean, but the 'Unconventional Contaminants' guy is still on vacation. And I've been having these weird thoughts lately."

"So you're a Kinsey 2. That doesn't mean you have to lock yourself into a testing room." Mike knew he wouldn't have much of a chance at shaking the solid steel airlock door off its hinges, but he had a good try at it anyway.

"Best case scenario, I sit here for twelve hours, nothing happens. I come out, I get sent to counselling, get tested, possibly fired, and nobody gets hurt. Worst case, I change, break out, and help Ess-"

"Don't say it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I help 'Nathan Nine' take over the earth, reducing all life to rut."

"That's nice. Open the door."

"It wouldn't be a very good biohazard door if it opened from the inside, would it? No, I locked it with a code before I came in. I won't give that code to you until I'm far gone, and even then the lead researcher has to declare the experiment over first."

"Isn't that you?"

"Not anymore."

Mike felt a brief spurt of hope. The next rank down was *him*â€"

"I switched it to Chief Kenlin."

"Why?" Mike gave up messing with the door, and slumped against the wall.

"Because you'd say it was over just to get me out, and I can't risk the Lab like that."

"Wait, are you saying you have a thing for me?"

"No. I still owe you twenty bucks. I figure not turning you into a rabbit hermaphrodite will about make us even."

He paused. "Ah, subject is experiencing discomfort. Sensation of heat centered on erogenous zones."


T+00012.05 Air sample collected.


[ACS Testing Facility 06, Lab 25, Processing]

"Rick!" Thompson called.

Fajihed Rickman paused on his way to the vending machine. "What is it? I'm on my lunch break."

"It'll only take a second. Remember how the test subject escaped from that thing with the egg two days ago?"

"And how Containment/Retrieval contained and retrieved her? Why are you keeping me from my Big Mac and health drink?"

"It, not her. These are the blood samples of all the people who were in the observation room, whether they were visibly hurt or not. We already tested them for all known pathogens, and the Unconventional testing guy got held up by a storm in Dallas."

"So why am I not antioxidizing myself right now?"

"Dude, those drinks are a ripoff."

"Answer the question, Thompson. I'm hungry."

"Right. Well, I carried it through the break room this morning."


Thompson swiveled back towards his computer and Alt+Tabbed to the camera footage. It was him, carrying some test tubes in a rack. As he walked past the room's grandfather clock, the pendulum stopped moving normally and pressed up against the glass.

"Wait," said Rick. "Isn't that the clock with the pendulum with the negative magical polarity?"

"Yep. It was obviously being attracted to one of the samples." On the screen, Thompson had stopped moving and stared at the clock. "Fast forward through several hours of testing and math, and two samples had more than a negligible reaction." He bought up a graph, with two large spikes. "One is Dr. Alex Tergin, sitting-or possibly humping-in the testing area of Lab 47 right now." This one"-he pointed to a much larger spike-"is Dean Biers, who's supposed to be at home."

The two men stared at each other.

"Shouldn't you call CoRe?" Rickman said slowly.

"Oh, I did," Thompson said cheerfully. "Five minutes before you walked by. They're sending a team over right now. I just wanted someone besides them to know how *awesome* I am."


T+0025.48 Subject begins to become aroused.

T+0025.53 Subject: "Subject begins to become aroused."

T+0026.05 Subject reaches full arousal.

T+0026.07 Subject: "Subject is fully aroused."

T+0026.17 Subject: "Subject feels compulsion to masturbate."

T+0026.22 Air sample collected.


[Haddock Apartments, Apt. 2S]

Sheldon Cahill rolled over and looked at his clock. Nine thirty-three. Good thing he didn't have to go into the lab for another six hours.

"Dean!" he called.

"Yo!" his roommate responded.

"Remember the rabbit?"

"The freaky one that came flying at me through a pane of glass? No, not really. Why do you ask?"

"Okay, I was thinking last night, and I wondered what the point of it would be."

"Dude, it was in the jungle." Sheldon heard the sound of water running. "He Who Wai-"

"Don't say it!"

"Fine, the 'Shadow-dude' might've hoped some native Cambodian dude or chick would've picked it up, stuck it in their harbls, and then infected the rest of their tribe."

"In 1964? The government would've investigated."

"Who said that's when they sent it through?" The sound of brushing. "Ih mif'b been deh fouh cehthuies."

"Fine. 'Double-N' sent it so it would infect the world and make way for his arrival. Except he put it out in the jungle where no one ever found it until the mid-60s."

Dean spit into the sink. "Right. Like an a bomb. Except with dongs."

Sheldon shook his head. "You're thinking Halo, not Starcraft. Unless your situation is really bad, it's better to deploy a lot of low level units than your expensive supersoldier. Unless the Shadow-thingie was just testing to see what he could get through. I mean, he's had at least forty-four whole years to experiment."

Dean came in with towel around waist, toothbrush in hand, Colgate foam around his mouth. "Closer to forty-five. So, what you're saying is, he'd Zerg Rush. Kekekeke."

"Right." Sheldon said, as Dean crossed the room. There was an awkward silence.

Sheldon cleared his throat. "Dude, you're kinda staring."

Dean suddenly dropped the towel and toothbrush and dropped onto the bed, pinning is roommate in what Sheldon could've sworn was a variant of The People's Elbow. Except this one somehow pinned his legs and arms *and* covered his mouth. Naturally, he struggled. Something rubbed against his leg, where Dean was sitting, and he paused. Yes, there were testicles, but also something that felt like...folds...


Sheldon tried to scream.

"So," Dean said, as the angles of his face grew slightly softer, a little more feminine. "Tell me more."


[ACS Testing Facility 06, Lab 47, Observation Room]

"So you're *not* gonna get him out of there?" Mike yelled.

CoRe Chief Kenlin might've been carved from stone. "Son, ah don't think you undahstand the threat yo' li'l boyfriend in there poses to this faciliteh."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Don't listen to him." Alex yelled. "We're having a spring wedding."

Kenlin glanced at the intercom. "Is this thing on?"

"N-no," Mike's face was scruched up in confusion. "Well, we're receiving, but not transmitting. I don't know how heâ€"

"I'm an excellent listener. A very good listener," Alex said, in a downright *eerie* Rain Man impression. "And I'm getting bettARGH! ARGH! WHAT!? What just happened to me!"

Mike tabbed the intercom. "We lost you there for a second buddy. Just...be cool."

"I can hear it, Mikey." Alex's face had become pale and drawn. "It's *winning*. I've been trying to fight it, but nothing works."

"Dead kittens? Margaret Thatcher?"

Alex did something that looked like a smile. "I'm scared. I'm scared." His hands crept toward his lap. "And I don't think I can stop it."


T+0048.22 Air sample collected.

T+0048.31 Cracks and pops audible. Subject's feet appear to be reshaping.

T+0048.52 Subject: "My-ah-SUBJECT's penis seems to be shrinking."

T+0048.58 Subject reaches for perenium with free hand.

T+0049.02 Subject: "Subject feels tenderness in per-pur-behind his balls but before his butt. Butt. Butt. Putt putt. Subject feels ache in lower abdomen and lower legs. Suspect growth of female genetalia and reproductive organs, reshaping of feet into those of an anthromorphic rabbit, like Test Subject-Test Subject..."

T+0049.37 Subject: "I can't remember. I CAN'T REMEMBER! It's all going sideways slideways like the lights the pretty lights the pretty promise the pretty words-"

T+0050.05 Subject: "Subject's balls appear to be changing shape."


[Haddock Apartments, Apt. 2S]

By this point, the foam had dried on Dean's lips, giving him something of the look of a mad dog. His voice gave the lie to this, his calm voice. In-control voice. Madness just below the surface.

"Dude, it's better, it's so, so much better." Dean said. He was visibly changed now, and still going. Anyone joining them at this juncture would think that Sheldon was being held down by some sort of pre-op transsexual.

Which, technically, was the truth.

"Why aren't you like the other one?" Sheldon whispered. Dean had done something to his pressure points, and now he couldn't even talk. Which meant he couldn't call for help.

"Because I'm *special*." Dean had hit the sweet spot for androgyny now, and he waved his dick in his roommate's face. "Girlbits and boybits. Look! Look at how special I am-no! NO! You are *not* puking." He-or she-reached around her roommate's head and pressed something on the back of his neck. The nausea instantly subsided. Dean pulled her roommate to her nearly-vestigial breast. "Thirsty?"

Sheldon tried to headbutt her.

"Oh, you naughty, naughty *boy*!"

"Listen. Listen," Sheldon gasped. "Just let me go. Just let me go, alright? I won't tell anyone. I'll just, I'll just

(fade away)

leave, alright? I won't tell anyone. Just let me go. Please. Please let me go."

Dean, or whatever she was, considered this for a few seconds.

"You lie," she said, and it was a high, cold voice. "I shall make you speak only truth. Not with your tongue, but with your very flesh."


T+0102.15 Subject: "Subject-"

T+0102.18 Subject's eyes defocus.

T+0102.20 Subject: "Subject's line. Subject lying. Subject lion subject line subject loan subject learns. Oh yes. She learns."

T+0102.32 Subject blinks, shakes head, and looks at observation pane. Subject's eyes are focused.

T+0102.35 Subject: "Mikey...tell my Dad...tell him he was right. He'll know."

T+0102.39 Subject uses back of hand to wipe tears off.

T+0102.44 Subject: "He'll know."


[ACS Testing Facility 06, Lab 47, Observation Room]

"Coffee?" asked Kenlin.

"You're offering me coffee from my own coffee machine? It's, what, eleven?" Despite his words, Mike yawned.

"Coffee with Scotch?"

"Oh. Yes, please."

"I take mine with Jack Daniels'," Alex contributed. "Takes the edge off in the mornin's."

They ignored it, and sipped in silence.

"You know about Biers?"


"Have you sent someone to check out his apartment?"

"Yeah, they're on their way now."

Inside the testing area, Alex pricked up his ears. Literally.


[Haddock Apartments, Apt. 2S]

Dean stopped, and seemed to be listening to something. "Your hounds approach. I must be quick."

Sheldon finally figured out the difference between the Dean listening to the voices, and the average crazy hobo. The hobo never stopped and listened, never changed timbre and cadence and tone.

Dean had defeated all of Sheldon's efforts to escape or get up so far, with a minimal amount of effort. Given that some of his moves had been repeated, it seemed like he had knowledge of some sort of wrestling-based martial art. Like judo. But with rape.

"To know He Who Waits in Shadow is to know truth," Dean started to trace something on Sheldon's forehead. Sheldon felt a sudden sense of...*displacement*, like something was being taken away. Then he saw the faint glow on Dean's hands reflected in the mirror, and understood-

"Stop *screaming*," Dean said mildly as he completed his first rune.


T+0105.12 Air sample collected.

T+0105.23 Runes begin appearing on subject's arms.

T+0105.54 Fur has reached subject's crotch.

T+0106.37 Subject reclines.

T+0106.42 Subject's labia visible. Runes visible on labia. Subject's penis seems to roughly occupy the position of the clitoris. Subject's penis is now no more than approximately two inches long.

T+0107.13 Subject's breasts cease development.

T+0107.28 Subject begins to grow secondary pair of breasts.


[Haddock Apartments, Apt. 2S]

"Can I tell you a secret?" Dean asked.

Sheldon didn't object. It was doubtful he even heard, being mostly concerned with his tongue turning into a dick, along with other alterations, not all of them dick-related. Dean didn't even have to restrain him now, and she leaned over and whispered into the last remnants of his ear. "I was already changed."

The hideous abomination his roommate was becoming began to weep. White, and thick, and sticky.

Dean's head bobbed up and down. "It's true. He Who Waits In Shadow sent one of his servants to me, and they asked nicely, and I said yes. I agreed to undergo the Walk of the Seven Bandits, the Dance of the Bear, and, I dunno, a coupla others that don't even have names in English."

She stared at her hand. "It was worth it, I think. I can't change shape as much as, ahem, my retarded little brothers, but I can do magic, and isn't that what counts?"

"No," whispered Sheldon's original mouth.

Dean raised his eyebrows. "Can I tell you another secret?"

Sheldon's right eye was mostly gone now. That was okay. He had a spare. A few dozen spares, in fact, in places they were never intended to. He also had breasts, though he lacked the faculties to enjoy them adequately. Like hands. Or muscles. Dean leaned close to him and whispered again.

"Earlier? I was using *your* toothbrush."

Several of Sheldon's penises suddenly jerked, spewing a clear, waterlike liquid. Dean watched the tears land on the mass of flesh before him with satisfaction. His brow suddenly wrinkled in mock concern. "Wait, if your harbls and eyes are all mixed up-" She grabbed the nearest breast and squeezed, then licked the resulting fluid off her hand.

"Ah. Lemonade." Her hand came back from the nearest vagina all white. "Just as I suspected. Milk." A sly, conspiator's wink. "I don't *want* to know where fudge is made."

(I'm sorry,) Sheldon said, in a rumbling whisper, like someone had turned the bass up to eleven. It came from all his mouths at once. (I should have...listened...to Mom.)

"That's right, you should've." Dean grabbed one of Sheldon's jackets out of the closet.

(He will...use you up.)

Dean paused. "Pardon me, oracle?"

(You are disposable.) And then there was something like laughter.

"No. That's impossible. You're not done yet. You're all turned-about, ol' buddy!" Dean slapped Sheldon in the approximate location of his back. "I'd better go get a *doctor*!" She stood up and crossed the room, pausing by the door to the hall to pick up something off the table.

"Dibs on your iPhone," she said, and left.


T+0119.28 Subject's penis has vanished entirely.

T+0119.54 Subject seems to be experiencing difficulty self-stimulating.

T+0120.32 Subject's penis seems to have become clitoris.

T+0120.37 Subject: "The access code is-is-is-sis-IS, uh, 00042. Let me out! I'm all better now! Let me OUT!"

T+0120.52 Subject attempts to self-stimulate using wall.

T+0120.54 Subject: "I'M OKAY! I look different, but it's still ME in here! Let me OUT!"


[ACS Testing Facility 06, Lab 47, Observation Room]

"What a mess," Mike muttered as he looked through the observation pane.

"I'll say," agreed Kenlin. "Y'all are gonna hafta boil everything in there. Steam, disinfectant...salt. Maybe some holy water."

A schlicking sound came from the room.

"I meant the situation."

"That ain't looking so good either."

"You know, if I hadn't gotten one of those green tea energy drinks, I might've been able to stop him."

Kenlin looked askance. Mike pointed at the bottle on the table. "I checked the logs. I would've gotten here fifty seconds earlier if I hadn't been trying to antioxidize."

"Then," Kenlin observed softly, "everyone in this room woulda ended up like that. We mighta lost the lab."

The noise got faster.


"Well, not *me*."

Mike smiled as he rested his forehead against the plexiglass. "I just wish I could've...done som-"

Something collided with the glass, and Mike jerked back, nearly falling. The creature formerly known as Alex had thrown itself at the place where Mike had been, and was now pressing itself against the window, staring at him with naked hunger. It thrust its hips at the windowframe, blocking the light like some sort of spider.

Kenlin knelt. It followed him, staring into his eyes, at his crotch, and Mike thought of vampires.

"Subject's penis and glans have entirely disappeared." Kenlin noted, with almost no trace of an accent. Not for the first time, Mike wondered how much of his colleague was an act. "Entirely female, this time." He turned toward Mike. "That seem right to you?"

"Roughly consistent," said the researcher. There was no dignified way to pick yourself up from a fall.

"Consistent with *what*, doctor?" Accent was back. "My boys need to know what we're facin' he-"

His cell phone beeped. He ripped it off his belt, glanced at the screen, flipped it open. "What've ya got?"

"Sir," said Parkman, "It's...not good. Sending photos."

Five seconds later, Kenlin blinked, and handed the phone to Mike.

"Are those pictures?" said the not-Alex. "I wanna see!"



TS 02316.2, redesignated ARF 401142.431


Name: Answers to "Alex Tergin". States that it has another name, but refuses to divulge it.

Gender: Female

Acquired: 2008-01-29

Weight: Approximately 81 kg

Height: Approximately 1.62m

Subject appears to be a female human-Lapin hybrid. It is covered in white fur, and has red eyes. It has no trouble communicating using standard North American English, and a small amount of Spanish, consistent with that of Test Subject 02316.2. Spanish proficiency matches that of TS 02316.2 at time of High School graduation, accounting for several years of decay.

Subject is apparently extremely fertile in a female capacity. Subject has retained no trace of male reproductive organs or reproductive capacity.

Subject's heart generally beats somewhere between 72 bpm and 130bpm. Its internal anatomy is arranged in a fashion resembling both rabbits and humans, including reproductive organs. Subject seems to have two pairs of breasts arranged vertically. Upper pair is a "C" cup, under the American bra sizing system, while the lower pair is a "B" cup under the same system.

Subject has also undergone significant hormonal changes, with several unknown chemicals in their body, being emitted by previously unknown glands. Subject also has significantly altered pheromone production; any sentient being within inhalation finds it, at minimum, mildly attractive. This effect is consistent as low as five parts per ten thousand. Subject cannot control this effect at will, and only proximity intensifies the effect. Robotic handling and/or BioHazard Level One recommended.

Subject seems content to meditate all day if allowed, usually in the "Lotus" position of Buddhism. Has made no attempts to escape, obeying the directions of CoRe and research personnel. Occasionally asks to see "brother" and "sister". Subject seems to prefer portion of cell closest to ARF 401136.325. (Similar behavior observed in ARF 401136.325.)

Interviews attached. There has been difficulty performing an MRI, due to machinery not being designed to fit a rabbit-human hybrid.






Recommend stepping up to Level One BioHazard for any further experiments and containment of/involving ARF 401142.431 and any byproducts thereof.

Recommend further investigation of the link between ARF 401142.431, ARF 401131.325, ARF 401136.325 and the being codenamed "Nathan Nine".

Suspect connection with incident described in CoRe report 4517.5493.


Artifact 401231.705

Based on The SCP Foundation. ARF 401231.705 Name: Vandeilla Alencar Gender: N/A Date of Acquisition: 2009-04-12 13:01Z Sentience: N/A Weight: ~113g each Height: ~15cm each Volume: 2 litres On 2009-04-08, we received a report...

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Artifact 401211.312

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