Trouble In Suburbia

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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Just what kind of trouble can a dragon get himself into on a fine summer evening?

It wasn't that pleasant of an afternoon, the sky was overcast, and it had just finished dropping a few thousand gallons of water on this particular section of earth. The ground was soggy, and rain had collected in puddles along the small rise.

Didn't matter though, Yahn was used to the rain anyhow. He stretched out his tail, breaking the clump of detritus that had formed on him during his nap. Feeling the moist soil fall off of him, he barely stifled a yawn as he stretched himself out on the ground. It most certainly felt good to have a short nap every once in a little while, even if you woke up a bit dirty afterward. His body made its protest as flesh and sinew was pulled taut, then relaxed as his joints settled into their proper places once more.

The sun began to peek out from between the gloomy clouds that hovered over the land, revealing the glistening rain suspended from each blade of grass. Yahn shook the majority of the dirt, sticks, and leaves off of him vigorously, revealing his shining scales that almost glowed in the gentle afternoon sunlight. Smooth sea blue scales, all across his body, interrupted only by splotches of foam-colored scale adorned his hide.

Plodding slowly, Yahn wondered idly at just what kind of trouble he could get himself into for his evening entertainment. He slow plod broke into a walk, then into a run. The treeline disappeared behind him, and soon he was tearing into the soft sod of a small hill. Whatever he saw from the top of the hill would probably be worth his time, and might even serve as his entertainment for the eve. He relished the feel of the soft dirt crumpling underpaw, leaving indentations of his paws to be filled by the runoff from the earlier rain. He was panting by the top of the hill, but the sight was worth it.

There was a small town, and closest to him was a bit of modern suburbia. It had been a while since he last checked in with society, maybe twenty or thirty years? What could have possibly changed? Either way, he had his sights set on one not too distinct home. That one there would be his amusement for the evening.

Of course, he had a while to wait yet, and a wonderful afternoon breeze to enjoy. But something was bothering him, other than his recent exertion. He rolled onto his back, tucking his wings close to him so as to not crush them too badly. Oh. He'd completely forgotten about the one thing that was always awake before he was. It was jutting out from between his hind legs, a pink spire of dragonhood, as it were. An enjoyable use of his spare time, for that moment. Perhaps he'd sunbathe afterward.

Seeing as staring at it wouldn't do him any good, Yahn craned his neck forward to sniff at his aroused love rod. Inhaling the deep, heady scent, he sighed as he scrunched himself up slightly to acquire easier access to his target. He exhaled gently over his tool, enjoying the soft sensation of air flowing around it. Yahn felt another part of his body shifting, slowly waking up as his arousal built further, until it finally popped free of its confines. A fleshy, green tendril slowly snaked into his field of view, then another as the other half of his biology slowly warmed up to the situation. Being half-plant had its advantages, to be sure, but none were nearly as nice as having as many extra limbs as you could think up uses for. Each prehensile enough to manipulate objects, and soft enough to provide pleasure. Adaptable to almost any situation, even.

Yahn set them to work stroking the tender flesh that housed his balls, tugging on it, gently stretching the skin. He snaked out a tongue to run along his tip, collecting the small droplet of essence that had pooled there. Soon, there would be more to collect, much more. He grunted slightly as he mismanaged his tentacles slightly and tugged a bit too much on himself. Having extra limbs to coordinate could be a pawful, and he'd not mastered it just yet. For now, he kissed his tip, before slowly engulfing his rod in the warm confines of his maw. He swiped his tongue across his ridges, running it between them, giving them a liberal coating of saliva.

He slowly began to increase his pace, beginning to buck his hips into himself, making wet schlorping sounds as he pulled out, before plunging back in. He moved a pair of his tentacles down, lower towards his tail, feeling the warm fluids they oozed drizzling across his scaled backside. He groaned out around himself, as they began swirling and massaging around his back entrance, slowly coating the entire area in a liberal application of natural lubricant. His knot was beginning to form now, slowly inflating until it was visibly thicker than the rest of his shaft. By now, his rod was visibly coated in a slick layer of spittle, making the experience all the more pleasurable.

Feeling himself begin to relax, he probed his rear entrance gently. The once-taut flesh began to part easily, the fleshy tendril slowly beginning to penetrate him. He was breathing irregularly now, with sharp gasps of air through his nostrils, his chest heaving with every breath. He was close, so very close, almost to his peak. Feeling his cum factories churn in their pouch, he drilled into himself even further with his tendril, letting the other tentacle slowly dip into him. The pleasure was almost enough to send him over the edge... just a bit more.

Yahn clamped down on himself, suckling on his own rod, moaning around it as both fleshy tendrils plunged their way further into him. Spreading him ever wider, the duo of tentacles embedded in him began their own orgasm, even as he felt himself begin to clamp down around them. The stimulation was too much, and Yahn saw stars as he felt his breeding tool begin to pulse with his seed. He cleared his throat, waiting for the inevitable surge to come.

And come it did, flowing from a pent-up source straight into his waiting maw. Burst after burst, he savored every drop, feeling his balls empty their load directly into his gullet. He couldn't gulp all of it down though, and pulled off of himself, yielding a healthy coating of dragon essence all over his muzzle. His eyes unfocused for a minute as he rode out the rest of his orgasm, feeling the last few spurts weakly spray against his chest and belly. He relaxed and laid back against the soft grass, feeling a few joints pop back into their proper alignment. Letting his neck lay flat against the ground, he enjoyed the upside-down view of the world a while. The afterglow was intense, causing Yahns' muscles to slowly uncoil and relax.

Yahn grinned after his fun, a toothy smile with an almost too-perfect set of teeth. Yes, that had been just as fun as he remembered. And the afterglow was nice as well, almost as nice as this particular patch of grass he was on. A nap wouldn't hurt, surely a few minutes of rest wouldn't interrupt anything. He let out a breathy gust of air as he rolled over onto his stomach. Stretching out his wings, he curled up like a cat, before letting his eyelids slowly slide closed. The sun always made him feel warm and cozy, just comforting enough to let him fall into an easy sleep. Soon, the only things making noise on this patch of damp earth were the birds, and a snoring dragon.

The clacking and scratching of silverware against ceramic was heard as two furs are eating dinner. The room is somewhat dim, lit by candlelight and natural light pouring in through a window, casting illumination upon their still-steaming meal. The silver-maned wolf pipes up first, after chewing a bit of meat.

"This meal is delicious, did you use a recipe from that cookbook?" His fellow diners' tail twitches, then relaxes a bit.

"No, actually, I got this one from an online forum, it seems to have turned out rather well." The beginnings of a smile pull at the edge of his maw.

"Definitely much better than before, your cooking skills are improving."

"Thanks Ayus, I had something in mind for later..."

"Oh? Does it involve the bedroom, or the kitchen table - oh! Maybe the couch this time!"

" I was thinking more bedroom than either of those two, but, maybe if we have a round two, or three, or four..." They both laughed a bit, the hyenas cackle almost a harmony to the wolfs rough, barking laugh. They raised their mugs in a rough toast. "For now, we should dine, to good company, and to better friends!"

The clang of the mugs resonated for a moment from the tiled floor, then the din of scraping silverware and the shuffling of dishes continued. Both furs launched themselves into the home-cooked meal with eager gusto, letting not a crumb go to waste. The evening news droned on in another room in the home, before switching to another channel to record a show.

They both leaned back in their chairs, picking at their teeth with toothpicks, cleaning the last remnants of the meal. Everything was plucked clean, not a single dish remained after the onslaught of consumption.

"So, how about that downpour earlier? Probably would've cut the TV feed if we were still using satellite." The hyena leaned forward a bit, showcasing his maw brimming with teeth.

He steepled his paw-digits, and thought a moment before answering. "It was a nice shower, yeah. Plants will probably not need watering for a few days, I'd think."

"Eh, probably. What's been up with the seeds failing in those planters out back, though? Thought the soil report said it was some really fertile dirt on our property."

"I really don't know, I did some searching on the 'net and not much turned up. Other people in our area are reporting great hauls this season and last, with similar nutrient and mineral balance."

"Hmm, maybe we could ask a few houses down if we could have some of their dirt to have a look-see this next year."

"Might be an idea, yeah..." He trailed off, mind lost in thought.

They both relaxed a bit while waiting for their bodies to process the meal. After a while, they collected the dishes, and loaded them into the dishwasher. As Ayus was loading the last few dishes in, he heard footfall closing in on him. "Hey Dominee, could yo-" He yelped as his request was cut short at his companion whisking him off his feet.

"You asked for something?" He had the widest grin Ayus had ever seen on his muzzle.

"Oh you, it can wait until later I think." The hyena snuggled up against his wolfs' chest.

"To the bedroom it is then!" They both giggled a bit as Dominee made a show of getting them there, almost tripping over various pieces of furniture. He shoved the bedroom door open with a footpaw, before gently tossing Ayus onto the bed.

"Excited today, are we?" he quipped, unamused at the sudden feeling of gliding through the air.

"Actually, I've got some various... things I want you to take a look at and tell me which is the most sexy."

Ayus chuckled at his mates suggestion, before nodding. "Sure thing, let's make it fun!" Dominee disappeared a few minutes, and Ayus vaguely wondered just what he had gotten himself into.

He gasped when Dominee reentered the room, wearing nothing but a set of lace trunks.

Yahn felt a gentle breeze flow across him, softly rousing him from his sleep. He was slightly alarmed that he had slept in longer than he had intended, and now it was evening. He uncurled himself from the ball of scales he was neatly folded into as he yawned. He looked himself over a bit, though even with his earlier fun, he was presentable enough for the entertainment he had in mind for the evening. The sun was rapidly falling towards the horizon as he made his way towards the house he had designated earlier.

As he got closer, he noticed that the driveways of most of the other homes were empty, no people or cars in sight.

"Maybe it's a new area and that one is the first to be rented out..." Yahn thought.

He was making good time, though a slight layer of sweat was building up on his hide, and he didn't want to bother with flying, especially not with such a short distance. It took a while to get enough altitude to avoid objects, and a decently sized area in order to land. Not to mention with Yahns' almost asleep mind, that would be an awful idea. Either way, Yahn didn't need to be fully awake to plod towards his goal, feeling the cool evening breeze flow across and underneath his scales.

It was a nice house, as he could see more detail in it as he approached it, not too large, a nice fence around, no doubt to keep nosy neighbors out, or any animals in. "_Ooh, a gardening enthusiast."_Yahn grinned a bit as he panted for air. He could work with that, maybe leave them a parting gift... something to help their plants grow. His grin quickly turned to a frown as he saw the yellow, wilted leaves and discolored spots on the plants. He'd have to fix that before his fun could really begin.

As he came up to the domicile, he saw just how tall the privacy fence was. A bit overkill for most things and purposes, but just tall enough to conceal a smaller dragon like himself. Yahn gave himself a moment to recuperate from the long jog to the place, and a quick stretch. He mentally prepared to leap over the fence, eyeballing just how large of a build-up he'd need. He backed up enough to get a running start and....-

He scrabbled his way over the top of the fence, leaving deep claw gouges in the side of the fence, before losing his balance and tumbling into the back yard. _"Quiet dragon... no such thing!"_Yahn mentally chastised himself. A quick check to make sure nothing was broken, Yahn peered under his wings. _"Nothing broken... that I can see."_He walked a few paces away from the interior side of the fence, and examined the damage to the fence. Some of the claw gouges had punctured all the way through to the other side of the fence, letting the sunset poke through a dozen small holes.

Yahn sighed, he'd have to make up for it somehow. He noticed a slight glimmering on the ground... it was a few of his scales! They must've been old scales, as he barely noticed them popping off. "I have just the thing for those plants and this soil _,__ oh yes..."_ He picked them up in his maw, taking care to not damage them any more than they'd been already. He steered clear of any other furniture he could destroy, it simply wouldn't do to break anything else today.

_"And one there... and another there, break one in two to put in those small planters, toss the rest throughout the area... there!"_Yahn grinned, these plants just needed a bit of magic, and broken scales were the perfect thing to provide it. The soil had long since had its magic fade, but the undercurrent was there, it just needed a small jump start. Yahn heard a thump from inside the house, and lowered himself to the ground. He didn't want to be seen just yet.

Carefully slinking underneath windows, crawling with his belly to the ground, Yahn carefully maneuvered his way around the house. It took a bit of doing, but eventually he found the window he wanted to look in through.

"Just where did you find these, some of these aren't even clothes!"

Yahn perked up his ears, unless he was talking to himself, there were clearly two furs home. And that meant double the fun.

"That's the whole point, they're not clothes, they're lingerie!"

Yahn slowly brought himself up until he could peer in through the window. The two furs were clearly distracted and getting ready to have a bit of fun. "Looks like the party has already started, I wonder if I can sit here and wa-"

They were both looking at him. Yahn blushed and managed a weak, half-hearted wave. One of the furs came over and opened the window. Yahn tried to sputter out an explanation.

"I...came over and saw your plants needed some help and I kinda fixed them, and I-"

"You're not planning on leaving are you?" The wolf was grinning.

"Uh... no." Yahn wasn't usually in this situation.

"Good, because you're helping with this, we'll be out in a moment." He shut the window with an audible crack as the window frame struck the sill. Yahn slinked towards the back yard again, contemplating what he had gotten himself into this time.

All for the sake of some entertainment.

But Yahn had an idea.

"So, what're we gonna do with him, chase him off or something?" Ayus quipped.

Dominee closed the blinds, obscuring the outside world from view. "Actually, I was thinking of adding another person to our fun."

Ayus had to do a double-take on what his partner said. "A threesome, with a dragon. You serious?"

"Yeah, why not?" Dominee had that same smile from earlier.

"He's a little bit too big, no?" Ayus raised an eyebrow, curious as to what was planned now.

"Not for what I have planned."

Yahn heard the couple conversing clearly as he rounded the corner of the house. He may not have ears, but he could hear well enough to pick out what they were saying.

"Let's not keep him waiting, then." The bed creaked heavily as Ayus got up.

When the pair had finally navigated their way through the home, they could see the dragon waiting patiently at their back door, a smug grin plastered across his face. Ayus was the first to the door. He opened it, the door gliding outwards easily. Dominee was the first out, gesturing widely with his paws as he greeted the dragon.

"I'd ask what brought you to our part of the neighborhood, but it seems quite obvious at this point. You were clearly casing the place to rob it." Ayus chuckled as he stepped outside.

"Yeah, because a dragon could clearly fit inside the house without breaking everything." His voice oozing with sarcasm.

Yahn was taken aback at the accusation, craning his head back defensively. "What reason would I have to steal your valuables? I don't even like electronics, or furniture. "

"Admittedly, it's rather odd you'd be snooping around during late evening like this, but dragons are curious and enjoy shiny things, right?" Ayus rolled his eyes.

"I just wanted to fix your plants." Yahn puffed indignantly.

"There's nothing wrong with the plants, though." Dominee noted.

"Actually, that's not entirely true..." Ayus sighed.

"Doesn't matter, these will grow just fine now." Yahn quipped.

Dominee walked toward the dragon. "How did you even get in here. Wait a minute-Oh." He looked past the dragon to the damaged fence.

"Sorry." Yahn whined, a high pitch overtaking his voice.

A breathy sigh overtook the pair. "Another thing to fix, I suppose. Not what we came out here for though." Ayus grinned.

Yahn could smell their irritation rising, even over the lust that was heavy on the evening air.

"Yeah, we can talk about that other stuff later. You were peeping in as we were starting to have fun, and now you're going to help us with that." Dominee raised a paw to cup his chin pensively.

"Okay then-" Ayus burst out in a fit of laughter.

"You two are acting so serious, the tension is almost tangible here!" Ayus shut the house door, then strode towards the drake.

Dominee pouted, "We were getting ready to talk fun stuff, with-what's your name?"

Yahn puffed himself up, while his tail twitched. "Yahn."

Ayus smiled "Yahn, huh. Ever had any fun with male dragons before?"

"Uh...maybe a few times." He blushed a bit, his emerald scales turning a lighter hue.

"Good, now roll over." Yahn complied, revealing his soft underbelly, an intricate network of scales bared to the gentle evening sunlight.

"Hmm, decisions, decisions." Dominee pensively examined the dragon, eyes flowing along the dragons sleek body. The lust was thick on the air now, the lot of them all thinking about what was to happen next. Ayus felt himself becoming aroused by the situation, a drake all to themselves meant a whole lot of activities were open to them. His partner still mulling over the situation, lost in thought, Ayus stroked a paw along the dragons flank. Feeling up the dragon, feeling his smooth, shiny scales allow his paw to slide gently across them.

"I know what I want." Ayus allowed himself a grin. He knelt down on one knee as he began to press at the dragons scales, kneading his way ever lower.


Ayus ignored his housemates comment as he felt the dragons muscles relaxing under his touch, it was empowering to feel such a large creature yielding to his paw. He felt down towards the dragons lower body, the dragons leg muscles twitching and his toes curling. Dominee moved towards the dragon as Ayus gently rubbed the dragons upper legs. Yahn laid his head back on the soft grass, enjoying the gentle ministrations of the hyena. He felt himself becoming more aroused, his sheath slowly thickening with his body responding to the care lavished upon him. Dominee let himself laugh softly, such an easily distracted creature this dragon was.

Yahn felt a soft grip wrap around his sheath as the massage continued. Dominee softly began to stroke the dragons rod as he wondered what it'd taste like. Ayus shifted his focus, he had another target to consider, rather than getting the dragon to relax. Yahn gasped as he felt the soft pawpads begin to knead his tailbase. Dominee wrapped another paw around the dragons tool, beginning a slow stroking motion as he felt the blood rush towards it. The dragons eyes slid shut for a moment, taking pleasure in the pair pampering him with attention.

Dominee brought himself closer to the dragon, leaning over his warm body to inhale the dragons heady scent. He inhaled deeply, letting the scent burn itself into his mind. He needed more. He stroked a bit more quickly as he planted a kiss on the tip. Yahn felt his tail pop as the hyena found a particularly tense joint on his tail. He gasped as his rod was partially engulfed by the wolf. Dominee wanted more of the dragons taste, and he knew just how to extract it, and to give the dragon some pleasure while he was at it.

Ayus had other plans, though.

He worked his way back up his tail, back towards the dragons backside. Oh yes, he aught to be very well relaxed by now. Pressing on the dragons scales was an odd feeling, the scales themselves pushed down, but they were flexible enough that he could press on small sections of skin underneath, and underlying that, the muscles underneath his skin. He could feel the muscles unwinding as he slid his paws back towards his tailbase. Bringing his nose in, he snuffled at the dragons backside, inhaling his masculine scent. He lashed his tongue out, dragging it along the dragons rear entrance. Yahn gasped as he picked his head up off the ground.

When he had craned himself back toward the pair, it was quite the sight, a hyena under his tail, and the wolf bobbing his head between his legs. Yahn wasn't the kind to ignore the pleasure of his partners, however. The wolf gasped as the dragon picked his legs up and angled him onto his chest. Dominee was uneasy as he felt the dragon placed his paws on his behind. Any concerns he had melted away as he felt the paws kneading his backside and tailbase. Dominee had built up a light sheen on his fur, and the dragons fleshy rod, which was by now almost at full mast.

The dragon breathed softly on the wolf, the damp moisture almost clinging to the air. He licked his chops as he gently grasped the wolfs tail and pulled it away from hiding Yahns' target. Before Dominee could notice, Yahn snaked out his serpentine tongue to lash out at his fleshy pucker. Dominee gagged a moment as he felt the dragons wet tongue snake along his rump, and down through his crack. Yahn felt the flesh yield easily as his fleshy probe dipped into the wolf. Ayus saw the opportunity and began to thrust his tongue against the dragons rear entrance. Yahn felt his flesh yield, even as the wolf atop him felt his own.

The only sounds disturbing the quiet evening suburbia were the sound of the trio of lovers, enjoying each others embrace.

Yahn began to press his tongue into the soft flesh before him, feeling the inner walls nudged away, parting to make room for his thick tongue. Drawing it out slowly, he felt the wolf lean back onto his muzzle, in a vain attempt to keep the appendage inside him. The dragon obliged as he thrust his tongue back inside him, feeling his walls try to hold him inside. The wolf redoubled his efforts, even as he moaned out around the dragons breeding tool. Ayus was digging into the dragons tunnel now, feeling his scaly rear clamp down around his tongue. It must have been quite the sensation, to disturb him so.

Dominee felt himself being spread wider and wider by the dragons tunneling tongue, the slick probe stretching him open. His breath was growing ragged, the sheer pleasure bringing a haze over his thoughts. He forced himself deeper onto the dragon, stretching his throat wider as the spittle-slicked organ slid inside him, then popped free as he took a moment to gather his breath. His fur glistening in the late evening sun, he hadn't noticed he was leaking pre all over the dragon, his own rod demanding attention.

Yahn felt his tongue growing tired, and felt that the wolf was as prepped as he was going to get. Withdrawing his tongue with a wet pop, he nudged his partners body around until he got the hint. He felt the wolf turn around and then he was looking into the wolfs eyes. He had clear sky blue eyes, the fairest the dragon had seen in some time. Dominee teased the dragon with his rear, rubbing himself against the dragon. He took the rod in one hand and guided it towards his very well lubricated pucker, until he was sitting atop it, gently pressing onto it. Yahn gripped his hips and leaned forward, breathing in the hefty scent of the wolfs tool.

He snaked his tongue around it as he slowly slipped into him. Feeling the wolfs body stretch out around him, he latched onto the wolf with eager gusto, trapping the wolfs rod inside his maws wet confines. Dominee gripped the dragons horns, a handy grip on him, pulling him onto his organ further. Yahn pulled him down slowly, spearing through his flesh gently. Even with preparation, it took a great deal of Yahns' will to not blow his load right then and there, he was so tight. He had experience in these things, but it wasn't often that he was plowing something smaller than himself. Dominee gasped as he felt the dragon bobbing on him, slowly polishing his tool as his own slipped into him.

The dragon felt Ayus withdraw himself from the dragons rear, only to feel a familiar pressure prodding against his rear entrance. The hyena wasn't going to let himself miss any of the fun, pressing himself into the dragons soft flesh. Yahn felt his inner walls part around the hyena, parting his innards around him. Dominee was slowly building up a rhythm with Yahn, sliding off his rod, only to throw himself back down to penetrate himself once more. He held his head back as he was breathing heavily, gasping for air, a difficult thing with all the stimulation he was receiving.

Yahn curled his tail around towards the hyenas back, nudging him to push deeper into the dragon. The hyena took the hint, and renewed his assault on the dragon, gripping his legs to allow him better leverage to thrust inside him, before tugging himself back out. The wet sounds of the drake both penetrating, and being penetrated, as well as the couple panting heavily were all that was heard for a time.

The wolf grunted with exertion as the dragons balls slapped against his rear, they had built up a quick tempo now. They both were climbing towards their peaks, and Ayus was close behind. The dragon adjusted his angle on the wolf, clamping down just enough to provide extra stimulation to pull him over the edge more quickly. He felt the familiar sensation of himself tensing up, and pressure build as he gripped the wolfs ass, and began to more roughly yank him onto his rod. He felt the wolf clamp down on his, his walls tightening up as Yahn felt the wolf tighten his hold on the dragons horns. Yanking Yahn onto him, he felt his lower body begin to relax, as his orgasm began. He felt it wash over him, breaking like an oceans tide, flooding the dragons maw with seed.

Yahn gulped it all down, enjoying the taste, as he began to feel his own peak nearly pop. Ayus pile-driving himself into the dragon was enough to drag the dragon over the edge. Yahn pulled the wolf onto his throbbing rod, pulling his legs apart just enough to take him to the hilt. Dominee felt the dragon pulse inside him, before feeling the sensation of his inner walls being painted white with seed. Even with the dragon hilted inside him, plugging him like a cork, some still leaked out around the dragons spraying flesh plug.

Ayus was not one to be outdone, and slammed himself home one last time inside the dragon, before he too, had began pumping seed into the dragon, whitewashing the dragons love tunnel. Yahn pulled himself off of the wolfs still pumping breeding tool, enjoying the feeling of the rest spraying onto his muzzle. It added white stripes to the coloring already there, as the dragon felt himself slowly coming to a trickle inside the wolf. The wolf slowly rubbed his slightly distended belly, enjoying the feeling of being stuffed so fully. The dragon felt the hyenas seed sloshing inside him, as he too, rode out the last moments of his orgasm. The trio of impromptu lovers breathed heavily, feeling the glistening sweat and other fluids coating their bodies.

Dominee let himself flop down onto the dragon, listening to his chest heave up and down in its endless quest for oxygen. The steady thumping of the dragons massive heart.

"That was pretty good, huh Dominee?" Ayus poked fun at him.

Dominee could only give a weak thumbs up before letting his arm flop back down.


They laid there a while, recuperating after their intense lovemaking, soaking in the evening suns' gentle rays. A messy pile of scales and fur, no doubt. Dominee felt the dragon pop out of him, a warm flow of seed spilling out before his body closed itself up. Ayus leaned back onto his forepaws to support himself as his rod retreated out of the dragons rump.

Ayus spoke first, "That was fun, but we should really get cleaned up."

Dominee could only dismount the dragons chest and flop onto the ground, the soft grass yielding as he collected himself. He stumbled to his feet, then toward the house, casting a glance back towards the dragon. He was still zoned out, no doubt reveling in the soft afterglow yet. The pair walked bow-legged towards the door, until their ears perked up as they heard a gentle rustling.

"Hey, Ayus, you hear that?" Dominee cocked his head to the side, wondering if perhaps some cum got in his ear.

"Hear what? All I'm hearing out here is the wind and Yahn." Ayus quipped.

"He's still out of it, can't be him." Dominee shrugged as he pulled the door open.

"I am not done with you two just yet." They looked back to see Yahn with a devious grin on his muzzle.

Ayus groaned,"Maybe we can have another roll in the hay later, we're a bit tuckered out as it is right now, Yahn."

Yahn chuckled, a hearty laugh. "That's perfectly alright, you won't even need to stand up with what I have in store for the both of you."

The couples eyes widened as they saw small tendrils snaking their way through the grass, all connected to Yahns' still relaxing body.

"Yahn, just what are you doing..." Dominee said, uncertainty coloring his voice.

"I've been pent up for a while, just one go at it simply isn't going to do for me. These will just make the process easier." Yahn rolled himself over again, regaining his footing.

Dominee looked back towards Ayus. The hyena had a massive grin on his face.

"Is that so? I guess another round wouldn't hurt then, never seen a dragon with extra equipment like that before." Ayus sounded genuinely impressed.

Dominee felt himself getting aroused by the situation, wondering if the tendrils would taste similar to the dragons hefty rod. In any case, there was only one way to find out.

The tendrils gently wrapped around Ayus, hoisting him into the air. Holding him aloft by his limbs, the hyena found it difficult to maintain his balance.

"Relax, I won't let you fall." Yahn cooed, pleased that they had finally come around to his way of thinking.

The dragon was clearly ready for a round two, the pulsing spire of dragonflesh poking out of its sheath once again. Dominee felt the coiling tentacles wrap around him, softly gripping his fur. When they lifted him up, he relaxed, trusting Yahn to hold him. A bit too relaxed, even, as Dominee suddenly had alternating views of the sky and the ground. He felt his stomach suddenly inhabited by butterflies, until Yahn adjusted his grip on him.

"Sorry, it takes a bit of coordination to use these properly."

Ayus was slowly getting used to being suspended midair, even as the dragon maneuvered him into the position he wanted. Another tendril slithered its way into his field of vision.

"So Yahn, just how many of these do yo-" His query was silenced as Yahn took the opportunity to plug his maw with the tendril. Leaning in close to him, he gently spoke in the hyenas ear.

"As many as I want to, as small or large as I want them." Ayus felt his arousal growing as he let his mind run through the sheer number of opportunities one could have with that many flexible limbs. He felt a light prodding at his rear entrance as the tendril began to slowly muzzlefuck him. Yahn began to hotdog his rod between the hyenas pert cheeks.

Dominee had settled with allowing the tendrils to hold him aloft in the air, no longer feeling insecure in their grip. He felt one slither along his back until it popped into his field of view. Yahn allowed him a brief moment to examine the tip of the tendril, before slowly sliding it into his waiting maw.

The dragon adjusted himself, and his grip on the hyena, lining himself up before thrusting himself into Ayus. The hyena sputtered a bit around the fleshy plug embedded in his mouth, not expecting the sudden intrusion of his bowels. Yahn built up a rhythm with his tendrils, pulling Ayus back onto his shaft as he shoved his length into him, and sliding him off as he dragged himself out. The hyenas inner walls were tight, but not enough to cause issue.

Dominee felt another of the dragons tendrils wind its way up his leg, feeling its way towards his rump. It found its target soon enough, pressing in lightly against the wolfs abused rear entrance. He sucked in air through his nostrils as it slowly parted his innards, feeling its way deep inside him. The dragon was not unaffected by this, the wolf felt the tendrils begin leaking their essence into him, making further penetration easier.

Yahn grit his teeth, the sensations from his tendrils, and the squirming hyena on his cock were wonderful feelings gently pulling him towards his finale. Ayus felt the dragon stretching him wide open as his breeding rod was thrust deep into him, before leaving an empty void inside him as it was dragged out. The tendril in his maw was leaking a tasty lubricant, enabling it to penetrate deeper into his gullet.

The wet noises emanating from the trio only turned them on further, as they felt the inevitable approaching rapidly.

The dragon adjusted his angle again, his toe claws digging into the soft earth to obtain better grip as he thrust into the hyena. Dominee felt a familiar tightness in his nethers building, as the tendril inside his maw began to almost make him gag on the sheer length of it. Yahn began to crane his neck down towards the hyena, noticing the hyenas unattended tool bouncing with every thrust he took into him. As the rhythm they had built up increased further in tempo, the hyena felt the dragon latch onto his rod, intent upon milking it for all it was worth.

Ayus felt his body begin to tremble as his second orgasm of the evening overtook him by surprise. Feeling the warm fluid move through his rod, before begin eagerly lapped down into the dragons throat, every drop caught in the dragons muzzle. Dominee felt his balls tensing yet again as the tendrils hit a particularly sensitive spot inside him. He saw stars for a moment as he was being angled towards the pair. He bucked ineffectively into the air as he cried out around the fleshy tendril in his mouth, spraying the duo below him with his seed.

It was all too much for Yahn, this time he felt a flood brewing inside him, his orgasm beginning to turn his legs into jelly. He felt his body pump through every tendril, into every waiting orifice that he had plugged with them, feeling the sensations through each fleshy extension of himself. He flooded the couples maws with seed, and Dominees' rump, adding to what was already there. They both gulped as much as they could down, before Yahn removed the tendrils, coating their faces further with seed. Following directly behind the tendrils, Yahn felt himself begin to pump himself into the hyena with almost pained thrusts, feeling the eruption yet to come.

When it finally did, the hyena moaned out in sheer pleasure as he felt the dragon began to empty his load into him. Yahn felt his walls clamp down on his rod, milking him of every drop of seed until his bowels could hold no more. His legs gave out underneath him, and he flopped onto his side even as he scrunched his hips in an effort to pump into and out of the hyena, riding out the massive wave of his orgasm. Yahn allowed his tongue to hang out of his muzzle as he felt the intense afterglow flow through him. He lowered Dominee to the ground, tendril still encased inside him, before fading out of consciousness.

As the last few spurts of the dragons voluminous peak died down, Ayus spoke up.

"So... think he's a keeper Dominee?"

Dominee panted for a moment, licking his chops clean of the tendrils delicious milk.

"Eh, maybe. We have plenty of time to think about it, though."

The pair chuckled and watched the purple evening clouds roll by, listening to the dragons loud snoring.


(Authors note'. As always, I hope you enjoy this short piece as much as I did while writing it. Leave any comments, critique, or suggestions below!)

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