Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 1

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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With the new Tournament for these Uninvited Guests starting up the first two fighters are maybe some of the strongest listed amongst their ranks. The small, but powerful Anna is scheduled to take on the beautify and towering monster of a fighter Harley. Who will win in this fight and who will be left panting in the first match of this tournament to set the mood for all others? Read on and find out.

This is a continuation of the cliff hanger at the end of "Tournament on Monster Island". This will be the second tournament story set up after the first. It was a lot of fun to write, and keeping with my new-found rhythm of writing I got all 4,000 words done in a single day over the course of a few hours. A pretty well established work day, if you ask me and just in time for the holiday. I hope everyone enjoys it!

Also fights were determined by Random Name Selector.

Anna (c) annathehyena

Harley (c) hindel

Uninvited Tournament 1

It was probably for the best that Tassia had handled the talk with Sumethil, if this smaller hyena had done it then she would have been much more aggressive and far less nice. Also it wasn't really Anna's place to have to deal with setting up the tournament it was just simply her place to put down these pretenders that weren't given her the proper foot licking that her being there warranted. The idea of acting in this way just made her smile, trying to tighten up her attitude when around others only for the sake of throwing them off their game and getting a real fight out of them. Sure anyone could throw a punch, but to this yena if they weren't pissed off then their attacks weren't real, and didn't have feeling and intention behind them. A spotted hyena, not even that tall, but able to roll with some of the biggest fighters out there thanks to her spunky personality and never give in attitude. There was only one thing that Anna ever looked for in a fight and that was to see if the person facing her was able to break her, and if they weren't then they clearly weren't worth her time. As she looked on at the scaled ladies that stood behind their hostess she could find quite a few that she'd like to test out, but knew that having them try to break her would be something far more difficult than simply beating fists together in the attempt of trying to take someone down, if there was one thing that this girl had it was a great level of resilience that she could boast about to most.

As the hyena girl gave off an easy giggle at the idea of any of these girls trying to take her on the soft laughter drew the attention on the island queen that looked on at her clearly. An easy tilt of her head drove this dragoness to consider this yena first. It was hard to tell if she'd met this one given the number of people that she had to keep track of on a daily bases, but the fact that she felt something was funny made this blue and yellow dragon lift a hand to point at her. The more she looked on at her the more she realize that she did know her, not having met her before but instead knowing the reputation of this girl as being what was known in the ring as a "firecracker", something that didn't look like much at first but had a huge level of explosive force behind it if people are careless enough to take the fighter at face value.

"You, you're Anna, aren't you?" She spoke out easily, eyes quickly turning to on her, but the yena only crossing her arms over her c-cup breasts covered in a black lace bra to match her black thong, "You're going to be first."

Those eyes then turned to locate her a partner, it had to be someone that she knew could match up with the reputation of this girl, someone that could handle that force once it did burst out without getting burned right away. At first she saw scales in this crowd, something that drew her curiosity, but as that view widened over this lady she could quickly notice that she was very easily one of the monsters that sometimes ventures to the island. Monster Island was a place where monsters could live and fight in safety without the general people trying to blow them up, or whatever it was that people did these days, but that didn't mean that all monsters lived there. Some monsters chose to live amongst people, those that were able to, and function in society. She'd met this one before, a species known as a Zinogre that was known for it's fast and heavy combat style, a perfect match for someone like Anna that was likely to tear down anyone that she felt was less than worthy, which was pretty much everyone unless proven otherwise. The sight of the monster girl standing there in her dark fur, grey underfur that covered her belly, her mound, and even those large and perfectly shaped breasts was matched up well with the dark grey horns that came from her mane running down the length of her neck, sets of horns rising out of the fur itself as those ears folded back from the sudden focus on her. The wide tail that ran down from her rump trailed the ground, covered in spikes alone either side all the way to the tip and set more like a paddle than anything else, but it did lift and then slam down against the sands.

"Harley, welcome back. Yes, the first match is going to be held between a fighter with a reputation strong enough to reach these shores, and a ferocity powerful enough to break them. Small, but never weak, the first fighter of this uninvited tournament is going to be Anna. The second fighter, a strong monster able to withstand some of the most powerful attacks I've seen so far. A proven terror with a body to astound and amaze. The beautiful, busty, beast that's clashed her fury against these beaches before. Ladies, I give you Harley the Zinogre." She announced the two well, watching them as they turned to face one another, already set and prepared to fight while the other furry ladies moved to get out of the way. Even Sumethil chose to step back from them towards her steps, knowing that this fight was going to be one of the more mobile ones, and giving these girls all the space that they needed in order to feel each other out and strike one another down. It was going to be a fight to remember, one that made her almost feel bad for having it be the first, but there were any other matches to come and she was going to make sure that each of them had the level of tension that this one did.


"So I'm supposed to fight you, huh?" The hyena smirked easily at this far more busty girl, looking over here carefully while moving to crack her knuckles in the direction of the dark furred monster, "I was hoping for my first fight to be a challenge, but I guess you'll do as a warm up"

While Anna spoke out clearly to this girl, trying rile her with the sound of confidence and insults, the monster already started her approach, easily walking towards this girl with a careful gaze as she was expecting this fight to go the same way that most of her others went. Harley was expecting a full on charge, but what she got were insults and put downs. As she got closer to the yena that hand quickly reached out, wrapping fingers around Anna's neck in order to lift her up. The size difference between them was something to behold, not the tallest opponent that this hyena had ever faced but absolutely a proving to be out-muscles in just a clear few seconds. The hard movement of that choke only lasted a little bit while the girl was lifted into the air and quickly slammed back down into the surface of the beach, driving the yena to bark out easily before being released. Her mind already accepting what had happened and moving to roll to the side in order to get back to her feet again, a roll that gave her the opportunity to just barely avoid the sudden impact of that spiked-lined tail that crashed down where she used to be. The quick push to her feet gave this spotted hyena the time she needed to get just enough space between them in order to re-access the fight.

OK, that just happened, this girl wasn't going to get upset, but she didn't need to be. She was fighting for real, and fighting for keeps. Sure Anna knew that this was a sex fight tournament, a kind of fighting that she didn't exactly care for, but if it meant proving her dominance over the other ladies that she tended to spend her time with then she was going to demonstrate exactly what they already clearly knew about her, that she was "yeen" as she tended to put it. If this monster girl wasn't going to be playing around then she was going to be either, moving in quickly to close that distance in the attempt to avoid that tail, figuring that if she was closer then the canine looking creature would have a harder time winding back for any hard hits with that spike covered appendage. Instead what she closed in on was what could only be described as a living meat grinder, spikes of bone rising from the shoulders in a line, from the elbows, from the tail, and even from the neck all the way up to the horns that reached out forward from her head. The sight of it was something that could intimidate most, but Anna wasn't going to back down from a little bit of decoration and flare not when she was here to fight. With a lift of her knee the yena would go in for a fast and hard attack, aiming to try and cause some damage right at this start in order to try and break this girl down, when the knee landed she could hear the grunt coming from that Zinogre, the blow clearly having some kind of effect against that strong and muscular body. The attack did its job, though, and opened this girl up for a nicely delivered punch aimed straight at that jaw line, a hard blow that cracked the head to the side quickly while forcing the monster girl to step sideways just for the sake of not falling over. The sight of the impact landing so well forced the hyena to grin deeply at her, a grin that remained when the burning look of anger from Harley turned back at her.

It was pretty clear now that for a smaller yena Anna seemed to have quite a bit of strength about her. The feeling of the stinging still rang well in that monster's jaw while she growled down at her only to listen to the returned tone of the hyena's own growl to reach back up towards her. If Harley wanted to stay in this fight then she was going to need to get some decisive attacks in, and that meant that she was going to need to land a few well place punches and holds to do the damage that she needed in order to wear down that body. Seeing the girl already coming in for another hard strike this Zinogre would counter her approach with a fast and hard charge inward, pressing her curvy body downward so that she could press her spike covered shoulder directly into the hyena's stomach, forcing a loud snarl from those lips just before Anna was lifted up off of her feet and then slammed back down at the monster's feet. Her body was undamaged, but those spikes did leave a bit of bruising to the girl's abs, a hand reaching to grip them while she moved to try and pick herself up in a hurry, not wanting to continue to be at the feet of the monster for long given the bad position that would leave her in for other following attacks, those attacks that came in quickly with the feeling of that foot lifting immediately into her side as she was moving to stand, lifting her into the air just before her figure went right back down into the sand again. Anna needed to recover and while that dark furred beast came in again with another attack her feet quickly moved to plant under herself, lifting her figure up with the fast approach in order to make her own sudden strike, even if it was a bit desperate.

The advantage that Anna had over many others was the simple fact that she didn't scare the same shame, or honor as the others tended to at times. When the much taller creature closed in on her that leg lifted quickly, aiming it in a quick rise so that as Harley closed the distance the shin of her foot would plant directly into that naked slit. A loud cry of pain was forced from her, coursing out of her lungs with the loud and deep growl, her hands moving down to that slit to grip it only trying to step back away from the girl while her shaking legs worked to try and regain any level of control. This opened the Zinogre easily for her attack, giving the yena a quickly closing opportunity for a follow up attack. Hands reached up around the back of that monster's hand, gripping hold of the horns that were reaching back from the neck only to make sure that she didn't get away, the handles that were provided by this girl seemed like quite the convenience given the purpose for why she was using them. With her knee coming up quickly into that stomach she'd planet a well placed attack time and time again against her, driving that pain home and forcing this girl to soak it up as the deep snarl echoed across the sands from the yena's breath. The final movement of this smaller body wasn't another knee, but instead a hard and well planted headbutt to come down into the middle of Harley's skull for the sole sake of forcing a loud yelp from the dark furred girl while that yena's head passed right between those forward facing horns in order to land clearly on their goal. With a heavy and harsh impact.

The strike of the headbutt was what forced Harley down to her knees, her eyes clinched and her hand gripping her own snout in pain just as the other hand lifted to try and push Anna back the best that she could, but this spotted hyena was ruthless and wouldn't be deterred from kicking this busty girl's ass in order to display her power over this tournament. With the monster forced down to a knee Anna's would come up once again, aiming to strike clearly into that face, it was only with luck that Harley had already put up a defense of pushing the yena back otherwise that would be it for this fight, but thanks to that one hand position she was able to keep the shorter creature at bay, feeling her lifting her leg up and pushing off with her knelt foot in order to give the zinogre a full body shove backwards that forced the yena to once again find herself on her back in the sand. She wasn't going to stay down like before, though, her body twisting quickly away from the monster to avoid any attacks that never came while still kicking herself up to her feet, keeping herself in the position she needed so that she could once again be standing just as the taller fighter was once again. Harley was playing catch up now, she had been this entire fight, but she needed to get Anna pained a bit if she was going to force her into those more sexual positions. At this point it wasn't that Harley really wanted to get Anna that way, but that was how these fights were ended. Those eyes locked onto the hyena, watching her, studying her, and soon she'd charge in once more looking for another hard grapple against Anna's smaller body.

Harley had already proven to have longer arms than the yena girl, and if she could use that to her advantage then she might be able to earn a real advantage in this fight that wasn't her getting her butt kicked the entire time like she'd been doing so far. This zinogre couldn't just reach her hand out, though, she needed to use some level of tactic here and while that tail once again came into effect in a high swing it did force Anna to either lean forward or get her head smacked, and once that leaning happened the monster girl had the opportunity that she needed in order to stretch out that arm, taking hold of the hyena so that she could quickly pull her into a right hug, crushing those massive tits against her body before leaning backwards, pulling the girl off of her feet and into a full suplex that left Anna's face hitting the sand hard. The yena's face stung from this, the arms having released her in order to add more power from the force of gravity itself on the way down, but even while Anna felt herself in pain, those hands quickly pushed against the surface of the beach to bring herself right back on top of Harley's body, feeling her own knees coming down on those biceps so that she could pin her down to the best of her ability under the weight of her entire figure before a few more fists were launched down against the side and front of that face, jerking the head from one side to the next with the powerful blows that can only come from someone like Anna launching the fury of her attacks downward with merciless impacts. Anyone that might have said that Anna was weak was quickly proven wrong, and while the daze and battered movements of this monster girl she found it harder and harder to think of a counter the longer that this went on, leaving her at the full mercy of the hyena who had clearly already won this fight, the sex that followed would just be icing on the cake to help humiliate the first of what Anna was going to consider many of her victims in the next few days.


Anna had her on the ropes, this monster girl was down for the count and now was the yena's time to be able to make the strike that she needed in order to finish off this match. The easy and dark grin came over the spotted face of the hyena while she lowered herself down the length of that body. If this girl was going to have to limit herself to doing sexual things in order to get her opponent off then the least that she could do would be to see just what kind of abuse this strong and tall body was able to handle. The ball of her fist lifted quickly into the air while the other hand moved to press down on those hips, wanting to keep them in place just before the swinging motion of her knuckles came down quickly and hard against those cunny lips. The force of the hit jerked that monster body arching her back in a deep and loud groan of pleasure while yena only chuckled lightly at the sight of her. The lifting of her hand draw a string of cunny fluid still attached to her knuckles before that string was flattened against her fist once more when it came down again, another hard jerk of that body and another loud cry of pleasure from the being who's body shook with a delightful cry of pleasure that echoed through the waves of the ocean. Already Harley was panting just from the cross of pleasure and pain and when another hard impact hit her slit for the third time her hips lifted, fighting against that grip that held them down only for the spotted girl to quickly pull at the side of the dark furred monster's body, flipping her quickly over onto her front and allowing those large breasts to crush down against the sands.

Anna had a plan, one that was going to work no matter what, and with that deep and dark smile that rolled over her lips she quickly moved to hook her leg around the length of that tail, even now only finding her limb reaching down to about half way while her arm reached further in order to pull against it, taking full control over that spike covered appendage. If this fight had proven anything it was that this tail was very flexible, and while she held it in her hand the monster girl found herself too worn out to push up against the weight of the yena sitting on the small of her back. Even in this helpless state Harley still tried to struggle, tried to reach back behind her in hopes of causing the spotted yena to fall off, or get pulled off somehow, but when that tail was folded back downwards her bottom the real reality of what was happening here drew her attention with quickly widening eyes and a gasp. Her hips trying to fight it but soon those longer spikes at the tip of her tail started to press against her lower holes, one sinking quickly into her tight puckered rear as the other crushed down against her own cunny. Anna's plan was to rock the tail tips back and forth, causing that tail to fuck both ends at once and while they were curved towards on another that placed the tips of both to rub right along that very delicate g-spot right between the two holes, forcing a deep and sizable moan from the helpless monster that was once again at the complete mercy of this terror that was dominating her entirely. The shivering feeling of that body showed that there was only so long this dark furred girl was going to be able to withstand such an assault, but with nowhere to go all she could do was try and endure it, something that was proving to be far more difficult as time went on.

The loud moans soon formed into quivering shakes of her body while she tried to resist, tried to fight back, but every motion that she made, every inch that she tried to gain was quickly slapped back down by this quickly growing victory from the yena. Harley's teeth ground, her eyes clinched, and her body tensed up hard at the feeling of her own tail being used against her like this, one of the very few cases of double penetration being used in a match in order win it in a one on one fight against two females. It was a spectacle to behold, the sight of this smaller girl sitting on the back of the taller and far stronger creature, and while the sound of those moans and cries called out easily into the air, they only grew louder before finally the dark furred monster would lift herself just enough to cry out in absolute defeat, feeling the pincer-like spikes of that tail doing their work finally and driving her to gush her juices hard out into the sand, soaking down to join the fluids of so many defeated here on this beach before her, but she wouldn't be the last either. Even as her staggering moans grew far more silent, it was clear who had won here today, the yena standing strong and triumphant, proud of herself by trying to play it off like it wasn't that big of a deal even while she moved to step away from this zinogre just for the sake of giving her the room she needed to recover a bit while the spotted yena turned herself towards the attention of a certain spotted feline that would also have a match in this tournament eventually. Even while Anna sought comfort in the arms of this lynx the two looked back at the panting and well used monster who was working to remove the tail from her own cunny while Sumethil moved up towards Anna to give her a quick congratulations.

"Well done. Not many could have pulled that off with Harley. We'll have to keep an eye on you for the rest of the tournament." Their hostess said in an easy smile, quickly moving away to figure out not only who would be fighting in the next round, but where they would be doing so at.

Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 2

**Uninvited Tournament 2** "Ha!" The rude burst of faux laugh poured out over the crowd while they moved to spread like the red sea, parting away from the white tigress that stood there with her arms crossed and a roll over her eyes. Her laugh was...

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Commission: Heads of Cerberus Chapter 1

**Secret World** The easy yawn that came over his lips temporarily shut out the sound of the booming headphones that he kept over his ears, a hand came up to try and muffle his own mouth to prevent onlookers from looking down at the roof of his mouth...

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Commission: Tournament on Monster Island Part 22

**Tournament on Monster Island Part 22** In the last few days they had started this tournament, they had managed to bring about to a single island the strongest, quickest, most agile, and most beautiful ladies of scale from across the planet, each...

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