33 Floors Part 3

Story by Darryl the Lightfur on SoFurry

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When the elevator stalled, Mathieu knew that he would simply have to walk up the other 30 floors to the top of the building. It was not something he particularly liked nor did he know what Hiram Serra, the lion whom he had contracted out for this job had in store for him at this building. This morning, he believed that he would be the first person to step inside this newly-completed building and yetthe building itself had been completed long enough for shops to appear inside, a live band to give a performance and God knows what else awaited him on the higher floors.

When the door of that aforementioned stalled elevator opened, Mathieu could see the most beautiful cat-woman imaginable, in a marble-floored room. She was every man's dream and Mathieu saw no reason as an umarried bachelor as to why he should not have her as a girlfriend, quite possibly a wife in a few months. For he entered the mayoral race as a bachelor and in his years as mayor of Bien Faisant, he was never married. The fox was too busy in his duties as mayor of the city to even think of having a girlfriend. Everyone simply needed the fox looking out for the city's welfare too much for him to have much of a personal life. And yet here he was, being charmed by this beautiful cat who approached him.

"I know what you're thinking and rest assured, once this building is complete, you can marry me, if that is your desire." she said in the kind of dreamy, syrupy voice that males of every species dream about. "But Hiram Serra is a very crafty lion who has on the upper floors created some of the most bizarre things you could ever imagine in a building. And this is so much more than a building. It's a metaphor for life itself."

While Mathieu was indeed seduced by this cat-woman's beauty evident even through the modest red dress she was wearing, he was still confused by that comment. "What exactly do you mean?"

"Don't you see it? This mockery of the Chrysler Building has 33 floors- in the Free and Accepted Maosns there are 33 degrees. The lead apron he gave you, which you're still wearing now is more than a safetuy measure- it is a reference to the apron that any Initiate tothe Masons wears as he begins his ascension. So your trek to the top of this building is a spiritual journey as well, deep into your psyche."

"And even now there are people who seek to stop you from making it to the top, people who would try and stop Hiram Serra from completing his very important duty of completing this tower."

Back in the lobby where the concert had taken place...

"Where is Hiram Serra? Where is the mayor? I know the mayor was with you at some point" the vixen said, her voice reeking of an evil as she addressed the members of Murphy's Law. And all she got was silence from the members of the band, who just a few hours ago were busily entertaining the masses in the lobby.

Finally Johnathan the eagle spoke up "We know where they are but we can't tell you. You wish them ill, you want to stop the building of this tower. But it is important not just for the city for the tower to be completed, even at the top floor but for the maturity and development of its citizens."

"That tower is nothing but pure evil and it must never be completed. It must be torn down and I don't care if there are people inside. And I don't care how many people I have to kill to see this tower sabotaged," the evil vixen said, pulling out a knife. "And I can start with you."

Violently, she stabbed the eagle in the stomach, killing him almost immediately. Her entourage of male fox attendants also pulled out weapons of various sorts on the band.

"Now I want to know where they are. I want to stop them, Matthew, Marcus, and Lucas. You've already seen what happens to those who resist me. Do you want the same to happen?"

"Young woman," Matthew, the human said "we will forfeit our lives to protect this tower. And while you may have more experience as a killer then we do, you will not test our resolve. If we must die, then that is what shall happen."

Soon, Matthew died as well, as one fo the attendants shot him in the head.

"Let heaven bear witness that you are shedding innocent blood," Marcus' final words were as he was clubbed to death. The lion died bravely and with no remorse.

And then time came for Lucas the bull to die and he was as brave and courageous as his friends as the evil vixen ordered his death, remarking that his time had come. But in spite of their ability to hold out, eventually an elevator was found which would lead up to the higher floors. However, someone had cut the power and none of the elevator cars would work. So the vixen and her wicked companions would stay on the first floor until a solution could be reached.

Back to the third floor, "Go now, Mr. Barnette. You are no longer an Initiate but are training to hopefully become a Master as Hiram Serra is" the cat-woman said taking off his lead apron. "You must now go up the tower and complete this test. There will be trials and tribulations ahead and people will try to stop you at every turn. They are murderous and they will kill you if you fail. I needed to stop them by turning off power to the elevators."

"So what am I to do now that the elevators are broken? Are there any stairs at all in this building?" Barnette asked wondering when this torment would end.

"There is a way but it is not the most safe. In order to reach the top of this tower, you must climb up the elevator shaft itself. Further up, you will meet others who will help you along the way. I know you and Hiram have become seperated but rest assured, you will meet again." That was the kind of advice that did not help Barnette in his state of bewilderment. He would have to climb up the elevator shaft, which was a very dangerous proposition- what if the elevators started working again, he'd get crushed to death underneath the metal. But there was really nothing he could do. If what the cat said was true about people following him with murderous intentions, he would hav to continue his climb up a building that seemed itself alive and plunging him deeper and deeper into insanity. Nothing about this bizarre tower made any sense whatsoever. How could this be more than a construction project but spiritual advancement? And why the references to the Masons?

These were questions which bothered the fox as he pushed the button for the elevator and saw the cable which he was to climb up to the top of the tower.

33 Floors- Part 2

As soon as Serra and Barnette opened the door, the lion and fox were greeted by the raucous shouts of people gathered to watch a band perform in the lobby. Based on what was shown on the drumheads, the name of the band was "Murphy's Law". This band was...

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33 Floors- Part 1

Mathieu Barnette was not the kind of fox to be satisfied with the small things in life. He wanted things which were large for the town of Bien Faisant and as the city's mayor wanted to bring great talent in architecture and the illusion of bigness in...

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A Coyote's Last Days

The coyote looked around for any of the other animals with the accursed dark fur- those would be the ones who all but eliminated his people in wars that had spanned the decades and centuries beforehand. He was just a victim as was his entire people of...

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