Chapter 15 (Wendell)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#15 of First Steps

After I handed Todd the papers I was writing on, we split up. There's stuff I need to get too. I go to a store that's downtown. There, I use the two hundred dollars that I saved from birthday money and got what I needed: spray paint, paper, grappling hook, sneezing powder, backpack, and a jug of gasoline (had to go to the gas station to fill it up though).

The plan I had set up for Todd involves climbing up to the side of his house to his bedroom window. So I take the short walk there. By now, Todd probably has what he needs and is on his way there too. It takes me a few minutes to get to Todd's house. Or it was Todd's house anyway.

I take the grappling hook and put it in the garbage bin that was outside of the house, leaving the lid open. Hopefully, he'll just look in there and notice it and doesn't try to go in another window. That's too risky.

As soon as I set it in there, I change direction and head for my house. On the way there, I pass by the Zuma arcade and remembered why I bought sneezing powder (it's a bit complicated but, it'll make sense eventually). I walk to the end of the alley, open the dumpster and spread a bit of powder inside, then close the lid.

Alright, I think I have all of the pieces of the puzzle together. I head to my house. My revenge there is simple. I go around back and crawl into my bedroom window. This is probably the last time I'm ever going to do that, since I'm leaving at around midnight to head straight to California.

I reach underneath my bed and grab a marker. I slowly walk up the stairs. When I go into the living room, dad's on the chair asleep. That idiot always goes to sleep there. I slowly creep in there and go to dad. He's wearing his favorite white dress shirt. It'd be oh-so terrible if something were to get on it.

I take the cap off the marker and write on his shirt. I'm not worried about him waking up since he's THE heaviest sleeper in Knoxville. I write on his shirt: FUCK YOU, BITCH! I put the marker back on and head towards the stairs again. This time, something terrible happens: I run into my mother in the kitchen. Neither of us scream, but neither of us say anything.

"Wendell?" Mom whispers.

"Yes. What do you want?" I whisper too, though I'm still pissed at her for not sticking up for me.

"I could ask you the same thing. What're you doing here?"

"I had some last minute business to take care off."

"Let me guess: picking on your father more?"

"He's not my father."

"Well, what about me? Are you going to do something to me?" she sounds nervous. Honestly, I didn't plan anything against her. Mostly just dad, I mean Richard. After all, mom may not have done anything to me, but she still could've prevented that bad shit from happening.

"Yes. I am." I go up and hug her. Then I whisper: "I'm sorry about the way things turned out." And incase you don't get it, I've forgiven her.

"I'm sorry too," she says back, "But if it makes you feel better, I'm going to divorce that man soon." Really? Now this is news! I wish I was here to see the look on his face when she says that to him. He's going to explode!

"Mom, can I tell you something?"

"Always. What is it?"

At first, I choke on the words, but she deserves to know what's happening. "I'm... leaving. Tonight."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to see Angie."

"But, she's on the other side of the country."

"I know, but, since neither me or Todd have a place to live, we're going to her since she said that she and Jani would let us stay there."

"Oh. Am I ever going to see you again?"

"I'm sure you will." I say, and it's true. Between my mom and dad I'd rather see mom visit us. I hug her (for probably the last time) and then release her.

"By the way, what did you do to him?" Mom asks.

"I wrote a message on his shirt."

"The one he's wearing?"


"But, isn't that one his favorite?"

"Exactly why I did so on that one."

"Nice one." I walk back to the stairs leading to what used to be my room. That's when I start to get teared up in my eye.

"Bye." I tell mom, "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too." We give each other one last hug and then I walk back down the stairs, grab a Tranquilizer gun and then climb out the window. I look at my watch. Todd must be over at the arcade by now, hopefully having the attention of the cat trio. So I start walking there.

When I'm about to turn a corner, I immediately throw myself back to the side of the building. Those cats are right there, heading to Todd right now! I peak my head around the corner to make sure they're a safe distance away. When they're far enough away, I start to slowly walk behind them. Part of my plan involves messing around with those shitheads.

I've been following them for about 5 block but eventually we reach Zuma. They head down the alley, while I stay out of their view. I lay down on my belly, reach up and, without making noise, remove the brick. Sure enough, there are three darts there, which means Todd's surely here.

I hear a sneeze. That's my cue. I grab the three darts and put them in my gun. I peak my head around the corner. Allan opens the dumpster and his little henchmen take my foxy out of there.

I think I can make out what Allan is saying: "You listen to me, gay boy. You better not EVER mess with us ever again. Furs like you need to rot in the ground like all the other homos in this world." Is that a... he's holding a knife to Todd! I step around the corner and come into view.

"Uh... Allan?" Ray says. I take a step forward.

"Allan?" Steele has a nervous look on his face. I point my gun to them

"Tell me if this hurts." Allan says to Todd.

"No!" I yell, "You tell me!" I pull the trigger three times, hitting them all in the neck, leaving just Todd unconscious. I hurry up and run to him. "You ok?"


Me and Todd have been cuddling on the park bench until around 11:30. I plan on us leaving at midnight. Plus, what's great is that Todd for sure wants to go. Besides, it'll be great seeing Ange. I haven't seen her in a long time.

I think that Todd falls asleep because he snores a little bit. I smile. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I almost don't want to wake him up. Ohwho am I kidding? I'll let him doze for another few minutes.

I start thinking about how our lives are going to change very much once we get to LA. We're eventually we're gonna have to get our own place there, plus we're going to eventually have to get jobs. But, everyone knows that furs like me and Todd are very accepted there. Just not as much here.

I start thinking of Bruno. He's one of the greatest friend someone could ask for. I mean, sure he has his drinking problem, but he'll eventually get over it. I don't know if I'm going to see him again. I decide to call him real quick. Surprisingly, he answers on the first ring.



"What're you doing calling at this hour?"

"What're you doing? Because you sound wide awake right now." If you could hear how he sounds right now, you could tell he's not even tired.

"I'm just getting ready for bed." he sounds nervous.

"No you're not." He's obviously lying.

"Yes I am."

"Bruno, what're you doing? You better not be drinking again."

"I'm not! I'm just... getting ready for something."

"Bruno! Do you have the lube yet?!" Is that Sarah's voice?!

"Bruno? Is that Sarah?" I ask.

"Yes. It is." Bruno says. I did not want to hear that, but I have to focus on what I called him for.

"Bruno, I called you because there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Los Angeles."

"Oh, when are you coming back?" That question really hits me. It's going to be hard leaving this place. And one of my best friends.

"I'm not." Is all I can say.

"What?" That's when he starts talking serious.

"I'm not coming back."


"My cousin needs us right now and since there's just too much to deal with here right now, me and Todd are just going to leave." After I say that. There's silence. That was probably the hardest news to ever give someone: that you're leaving and not coming back.

"Well... uh... I'm gonna miss you, bro." Bruno finally says.

"I'll miss you too. But, don't worry. This isn't the last time we're ever going to talk to each other. Plus, you and Sarah can always visit us."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Hey, it is ok if me and Todd come over to your place to say goodbye. Because after that, it's going to be a long drive to get there."

"Sure." We both hang up. Todd's still asleep on my lap, still being so cute. I gently play with his ears.

"Todd. It's time to wake up." I whisper. I get his arms wrapped around me in response. Cute. Well, apparently, there's no fighting it. Unfortunately, I left my SUV back at Todd's house. So I pick Todd up in my arms and carry him there. He's not really that heavy, despite being the same height as me.

When we get there, my car is still parked there. Thankfully, I have the key. I put Todd in the passenger seat, and then myself in the driver's side. I start it up and then drive towards Bruno's cabin. Once we get there, I shake Todd's shoulder and he gets up.

"Wendell? What's happening?" he asks in his tired voice.

"We're gonna say hi to Bruno and then we're gonna leave. Ok?"

"Alright." We open our doors and then close them. I go up to the door and knock. Sarah opens the door.

"Hey. What happened to you guys?" the Dalmatian says.

"We got caught up with something." I say.

"No, I meant, why did you call Bruno and say you were leaving?"

"Well, Todd's parents kicked us out. And when my cousin called me, I told her and she said we can stay with her." I'm I going to have to explain this to everyone today?

"Oh, well, come in, Bruno wants to talk to you." She motions for us to come in. Bruno is sitting on his couch, playing some kind of video game. It takes another couple minutes for him to die, but when he does, he stands up, grabs something from under a cushion and walks to me.

"Hey." Is all he can say.

"S'up?" I ask. He hands me an envelope.

"Take this, it'll help you get to LA." I open the envelope and there's a ton of $100 bills in it.

"What's this for?"

"It'll help pay for gas and food and probably water too."

"Bruno, where did you get this?"

"I've been saving it up for an emergency for several years." Several years? I thought he always spent every penny he ever got on video games, booze, and hot dates.

"And, you're just going to give this to me?" There has to be some kind of a loophole in this. "Isn't there anything you want me to do in return for it?"

"Just one." Oh boy, here it comes, "Visit us, sometime. You know? We've been friends since elementary and it's gonna suck without you."

"I know." I embrace him. It'll be sad with Bruno not around. But, he's pretty much my only other friend in this awful town. Soon enough, Sarah and Todd join in for a group hug. This is where reality hits you, that even though you've touched so many people's lives, you know that eventually, life sends you down another course.

"So, you're gonna message me once you get there, right?" Bruno asks.

"Of course. We may be miles apart, but we're still gonna talk." I say.

"Ok. Good luck, you two. And it was great getting to meet you, Todd."

"Thanks." Todd says, "It's been nice to know you too." The two of them hug.

"Bye guys." Sarah says. With that, me and Todd head out the door and back to the SUV. As we get on the road, me and Todd glance back at the cabin one last time, we wave them goodbye and we head on the road.

"Hey, before we get on any highways, we need to stop for gas." I say as I'm driving.

"Ok." We pull up to the gas station towards the middle of town. I tell Todd to stay in the car. I go over and put some gasoline in the car. Usually, I only put in about fifty buck every time. When it hits 50, I take the pump out and then go inside to pay for it.

I hand the husky behind the counter the money I owe and then walk back out. When I do, I run into a Vixen. Hold on... that's Daisy! I haven't seen her in forever.

"Daisy?" I ask.

She looks up. "Wendell?" she still has that nice accent.

"Yep. What're you doing here?"

"I came here to get some soda. What're you doing here?"

"I can to get gas."

"Oh. Is Todd with you?"

"Yes. The thing is..." the words get caught in my throat, but she deserves to know. She's a friend, "Me and Todd are leaving Knoxville and I don't see us coming back."

She just exhales heavily and says: "Ok. Where are you going?"

"Los Angeles. We're going to see my cousin, Angie."

"Really? Well, tell her I said hi."

"I will, and umm... I'm gonna miss you."

"You will?" She looks surprised.

"Yep. I mean, you've been as great a friend as Bruno has."

"Well, thanks." She smiles, takes a marker out of her pocket and then starts to write on my sleeve.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

"Well, when you get to California, let me know. It would suck not being able to see a friend." Daisy gives me a hug and I walk back to the car, "Bye, Wendell!"

"Bye, Daisy!" I open the driver's door and turn the key.

"Who were you talking to?" Todd asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I saw you talk to some girl and she gave you her number."

"Dude, that was Daisy."

"Oh. I haven't seen her since one of our dates. What'd she have to say?"

"She just wanted to give me her number so she can talk to us when we get there. Just like Bruno." I explain.

"Oh. Alright. I'm ready." he says.

"You sure there isn't anyone who you want to speak to one last time?"

"No. I'm good."

"Positive? This is your last chance."

"It's ok. Let's just go to California."

"Alright, if you say so." We turn onto a main road. When we are stopped by a stop light a few minutes later, I take out my phone. "Here, get on the GPS and look up directions to Los Angeles."

"Ok." Todd takes my phone and starts to tap on it. The light turns green and I move forward. "It says go on I-40W and head west and in about... 31 hours, we'll be there."

"Thanks, but we're not driving for 30 hours straight. We'll need to take breaks every now and then and also take turns driving and stop for food. Point is, it's gonna take us a couple days to get there." Boy, do we have a crazy adventure ahead of us. I take a few more roads to get to I-40W. After I drive onto the highway, I speed up and we head west.

Chapter 16- "A New Possibility"

Natalie pulled up outside of the house soon after Light sent Nadine home with the Note. For this plan to work, she needed to have it for a couple of days. Which should work considering her part of the deal was that she could use the Death Note to kill...

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Chapter 14- "A New Plan/Late Entry"

Light woke up the next day and headed downstairs for breakfast. All night, all he could dream about was what Nadine had told him. Watari is a Japanese name, which seems pretty obvious now that Light thought about it. If Watari knew L for most of his...

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Chapter 14 (Todd)

Right now, it's about 9 at night. Normally, I'd be resting in bed, getting ready for whatever it is that the world has to throw at me next. Instead, I'm in a convenience store with a list, a set of instructions from Wendell, and $200, while he's doing...

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