Special Parole Conditions
#2 of The Re-Education Facility (Mind Control/Hypno Themes)
Special Parole Conditions
Hello, folks, and welcome to this story, which is a sequel to The Inspection commissioned by
Heru - I hope you have a good time, and I look forward to your comments! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!
Director Crocker's office was located in a kind of a tower, hovering above some of the enclosed exercise yards and forming a kind of an axis around which the different sections of the prison extended like the spokes of a wheel about the centerpiece that was the administration block with the Director's personal realm on the top.
It was a large room, shaped like an octahedron, the walls made of specially coated glass that allowed him to see out but for nobody to see inside the Director's office. His desk was located on the center of the room, with his cozy chair and the table only populated by his computer terminal and nothing more on sight - the drake enjoyed the simplicity, and it would ensure he had neither overt distractions nor encouragement for sloppy behavior by allowing things to stack up on his des. Flatscreen monitors were fixed upon arms that protruded from the ceiling and offered viewing angles either from the desk or from a couch specially located to one side - where the screens could be turn to face to with the click of a remote button that could also darken the windows should the Director of the prison wish to lie down on his couch and enjoy a little show from any of the live feeds they offered, or to observe a fresh cut from the Editing Department, always busy at work producing new items for the online consumers of their business.
Today the screens, at least for the moment, only displayed the Federal eagle logo of the prison. The Director was even dressed up in a neat three-piece suit, all propped and prepped for posterity, as was the office as well. Three different kinds of bottled water were being served, as well as tea, coffee, assorted fruit and vegetables, best suited for the guest's tastes. The drake was all smiles, ever the courteous host, pouring drink, nudging condiments and treats over to the grey and white rabbit's reach, making sure the chair had been adjusted so that they could stay at a comfortable eye level while discussing over the dragon's desk, should that be required.
The pleasantries had soon been exchanged between Director Crocker and his guest, a Mister Roscoe, whom was a rabbit of about thirty years of age, still almost boyish, lean, bespectacled, which was perhaps to be expected, and appearing somewhat ill at ease in the grey suit he was wearing, of such make and quality that the dragon could even be made to suspect that he had not chosen it for himself. He was quite tall, and of course the long ears only added to the effect, though very thin as well. He sat awkwardly in the chair, with one leg folded over the other, and had a cup of coffee in his paw and an oat biscuit in the other, while the dragon assumed his position on his throne-like seat and watched his guest carefully.
"Now, Mister Roscoe," the Director enunciated. "I have read your...letter of introduction several times, of course, with the attached correspondence and the other files of interest, but before we proceed in any other manner, I would like to hear you to explain your situation in your own words, and how that would relate, really, to the manner in which we might be able to assist you in your..."
The dragon gave the rabbit a look, and smiled.
"...predicament," the scaly finished his sentence.
The mild-faced rabbit barely flicked an ear.
"As you surely saw in my notes, at the age of 10 I entered precocious puberty," the rabbit said in a quiet, measured voice, "investigations failed to find any particular organic cause besides some unknown form of congenital, idiopathic hyperactivity of the hypothalamus in producing gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which in turn means that my body is constantly producing very large amount of sex hormones."
"Hmmmyes," the dragon nodded his long snout up and down quickly, "the files were extensive."
"Yes," he said, "which has led to its share of problems, over the years, but especially in the past few years, while my work has become more and more involved, the difficulties caused by my...issue...have grown insurmountable..."
"As you know, my current position as the head researcher of the company I represent is a very responsible, and time-consuming one," the rabbit explained, "as the head of development for several very important projects...my increasing trouble in controlled my problems has been leading into...difficult situations."
The dragon flicked his ears down compassionately.
"I can only imagine," he mused.
"My sex drive is basically endless," Mr. Roscoe stated. "Without regular, and frequent orgasms, the tension simply grows insurmountably and makes it impossible for me to concentrate on anything but my body's need to get off."
The Director nodded again, in understanding, while his own tenting erection was starting to threaten to poke at the underside of his desk while he still attempted to maintain a sense of professional detachment to the whole issue at claw.
"Do I need to assume that every...intervention has failed?" Crocker questioned.
"Yes," the rabbit replied.
"Chemical, biological...ah...social?" the drake proposed.
"Hormone agonists, anti-androgens, hypnosis...electricity..."
The dragon's brow quirked.
"I don't think I saw that on the file," he mused. "May I...inquire?"
"The release of the orgasm is the key for giving me a brief reprieve from my...tension," the rabbit stated, "a particularly crafty urologist suggested that inducing orgasms and ejaculations via electric stimulation of the prostate gland might offer a solution to produce a rapid relief."
The dragon had to swallow. While the idea sounded fantastic to him, the rabbit did not seem too pleased.
"And did you...attempt this?" he rumbled.
The rabbit shrugged.
"It was attempted but it was not found to be a viable method of control," the rabbit said. "The relief produced was very short-term, due to the instant nature of the climax. The lack of buildup meant that the body did not have time to acclimate to the sexual cycle and hence the resulting plateau lasted mere minutes instead of the...relief a sexual act of normal duration can bring."
"Hhmmmmyes," said the dragon whose mind had drifted away into various imagined applications of such interesting technology. He'd have to try to get in touch with whoever had suggested that sort of relief, and see if they could adapt something for use at the facility...hmmmyes indeed.
"Biochemistry cannot help me, apparently" the rabbit said. "Every possible chemical intervention has a side effect profile that is quite intolerable under any circumstances. It is the medical opinion that nothing short of stereotactic radiosurgery to destroy part of the hormone-releasing tissue of my pituitary gland could have a permanent effect on my...condition."
"And I assume that is not something you are keen to...pursue?"
The rabbit put his cup down onto the small service tray next to his cosy chair and then tapped his temple with a finger.
"This is my livelihood, Mister Crocker," the rabbit said, "my work happens here. My ideas, my creation, my...everything, it's here."
He gestured again, dramatically, even.
"This is where it all happens, and to have several grays of radiation put into my brain to cause what is possibly critical damage, however widely distributed...it is not acceptable. It is impossible to fathom as an option, no matter how precise the technique is purported to be."
The Director rubbed his scaly palms together while nodding.
"Yes, that is understandable."
"I am in charge of a 100-million dollar project to find a new cancer treatment using a particular tumor necrosis factor, and if my own brain is going to end up necrotic and take that work away from me...I would not be able to...to live on like that," the rabbit continued his monologue. "There is too much at stake, way too much, not just for me, personally..."
"Many concerns indeed," the dragon noted kindly. "Would you care for another oat biscuit? Our private on-site bakery produces them, aren't they fantastic?"
The rabbit snorted.
"I would like to talk business, if possible," he said, "I am slowly getting...somewhat tense."
The dragon looked at the strategic angle of the rabbit's knee, which would be more than enough to obscure the sight of a rock solid erection from prying eyes, if the dragon wasn't positioned in a way so as to allow him to see the rabbit from the side and from above, which really negated the effect of the rabbit's attempt at being demure. The drake really had to resist licking his lips imagining that swollen lapine pole at full mast, hidden only by a hint of expensive fabric over the rabbit's thigh.
"Ah, yes..." the dragon smiled politely. "Yes, I understand. Would you need a....ah...a break? Perhaps?"
The rabbit shook his head.
"Let's press on," he said, "I want to hear what you could offer to ease my troubles. I think I'll be good for...perhaps fifteen minutes or so before I will be too distracted."
The dragon wanted to inquire whether it really did function like clockwork, the rabbit's overactive balls, that was, but he held himself back again. Perhaps he could sate his own not so professional curiosities later on, in due time.
"By all means, Mister Roscoe," the Director smiled, "I assume you have been briefed to a degree about our work here, but if you would like me to give you the basic...points of the groundbreaking work we do at our correctional facility."
The rabbit flicked his ears quickly.
"You do work with behavior modification using various behavior denial and behavior encouragement techniques for conditioning as well as chemical behavioral adjustment therapy employing a mixture of pheromone compounds produced from synthetic cultures."
The dragon chuckled, his tail tapping the floor cheerfully.
"That is the..harsh, scientific way to put it, of course," he mused, "though the actuality is of course...much more spectacular."
"I have viewed some of the material produced by your enterprise," the rabbit said. "It seemed rather uninhibited."
The dragon smiled conspiratorially.
"Would you like to see it for yourself?" he stated. "Of course you will see it during the tour, but in fact...let's see..."
He'd been waiting for this moment, and only had to activate his computer screen and to click open the window he'd set up for the occasion when he was to make his move.
"Yes..it is now 12:15...so we have...an interrogation gone wrong...or is that good...wolf and wolverine fun...there is a bear bondage scene going on, a dirty teacher scenario with a raccoon and a Doberman, a rabbit slut being fucked with a carrot...pardon me...heh..."
He glanced from the screen to the rabbit, who seemed to be even more uncomfortable than before. He was sitting in a kind of a slouch on the armchair, his legs tightly crossed as if that would keep excessive blood from flowing into his genitals.
"...a prison snitch being punished in the showers...you'd be surprised how popular that scene is, practically all of our performers have taken part in one role or another at one point, our clients simply just can't get enough of shower gangbangs and bukkake..."
The rabbit let out a little sigh, but seemed to try to keep himself under check for the moment.
"Hmm,yes, maybe that..." the dragon said.
He made a few taps on the computer and one of the screens above the desk turned so that anyone sitting on the guest seat could have a good view on it. There was a brief flash of the text "INPUT-DIGITAL-LIVE FEED-0521X-RAW" before it was replaced by a slightly angled view of what appeared a relatively barren shower room. Several of the showerheads spewed water down and created steam on the background, while the focus was on a cougar sandwiched between a malamute fucking his ass while yipping and grinning, and the cougar was leaning against the groin of a lion whose cock was obviously gobbled down the cougar's throat. Around them, several muscled, wet men stood with boners in their paws, stroking way and yelling obscenities at the fucking trio while the hunks seemed to be waiting for their turns at either end of the squirmy-tailed cougar getting it at both holes at once.
"Heh, yes..." the dragon stated, the same image visible also on a smaller window on his own computer monitor as well as the HD feed in its perfect sloppy detail on the large display above his head, "...the shower gets almost constant use...and that's just the set. You should see what happens in the off-duty showers...hah!"
The rabbit's eyes were transfixed on the screen. The feed was muted for the moment, because the dragon didn't want it to get too distracting with the noises of flesh slapping together. He seemed to have underestimated the effect the visual stimulus only was able to give for the lapine, however. His ears were in constant motion and one paw was clutching onto the armrest, those big footpaws dangling back and forth. it looked like he was holding breath, though in fact he was breathing somewhat heavily, audible, even, easily picked up by the drake's sensitive ears. He could smell arousal, too, a kind of a musk that wasn't perhaps as potent as the pheromone-rich type put out by dragons or various canines, for example, but nonetheless a pleasant tickle on the back of his nose. It certainly did not alleviate the dragon's own erection, throbbing in his own fine pants, but for him it was just a good feeling, not something all-encompassing and eventually dominating as it was for the rabbit sitting uncomfortably in front of him. The dragon knew that the rabbit, no matter how mild-mannered, gentle and...clean he appeared on the outside, could be reduced into a sex-crazed lunatic within minutes, it seemed, if things would progress at this pace, if he didn't get the only antidote that alleviated his...pressure, and that was to get off, and hard.
"Perhaps..." the dragon clicked an icon to close the video feed, and the screen went back to showing its bald eagle logo, "...a small break?"
The rabbit let out a stifled gasp, and squeezed his lips together.
"Eh...perhaps that was too much," the dragon said, "I do apologize if I have brought on discomfort for you."
The rabbit let out a hiss.
"This happens...all the...fucking time," the uncomfortable-looking male rubbed his muzzle quickly.
"Should I give you a moment of privacy?" Director Crocker asked cheerfully.
The rabbit gave him a jerky nod of agreement.
"Perhaps you could point me out to the...hmm...men's room?" the rabbit stated as he made a move to get up.
"I could," the dragon replied quickly, "or..."
The rabbit stopped half-stride and stood there, by now not even bothering to try to hide the burgeoning erection on the front of his pants as he looked at the dragon, flustered and shifting his weight from one large footpaw to another.
"Or I could have a trustee or two come over to help you..." the dragon stated matter-of-fact, "I can assure you, they are discreet and very, very well trained..."
There was nothing dainty about the Director's expression while he looked at the uncomfortable rabbit in front of him on the other side of the desk. He could both see and smell that the guest was already sweating, too, his shirt starting to stick to his back, even under that light grey coat he was wearing.
"To take the edge off, eh?" the dragon suggested again, sweetly, "though I do not have to warn you that once we would enter into the facility itself, things would be very sexual indeed...it would be a shame if you'll be unable to enjoy the presentation because of your...condition..."
"It's..." Mister Roscoe muttered, "it's...very..."
"I do understand you are uncomfortable, and there are a few things more distracting a man can know than the urge to spill their seed into a tight butt or a talented maw..." the dragon spoke up, "and surely to provide you with the relief you need...would be the most polite course of action from me..."
The rabbit's paws flexed against his thighs, as if he was resisting the urge to cop a feel of his groin with its inviting, warm, musky length that the dragon measured by eye to be considerable in size.
The dragon decided to make the choice for the rabbit's sake, and touched the key of the intercom.
"Post Five?" he spoke.
"Yes, Director?" came the clipped, quick reply of a low, rumbling voice.
"Could you please send Ty and Cash to my office at once?" the Director said. "Thank you."
"Roger, Chief,", the voice replied. "Post Five out."
The dragon looked up to the rabbit and smiled.
"Come, Mister Roscoe, let's sit down, it will only be a short wait," the Director said.
The scaly walked about his desk and then headed over to the seating group of the leather couch and the two armchairs nearby, overlooking one of the one-way windows that showed a view of the exercise yard for Block B. Crocker sat down onto the couch and splayed his arms over the backrest, smiling invitingly to the rabbit who had stayed behind.
"The chairs are very comfortable," he stated. "Do come over, it won't be long now, they should have been dispatched immediately. And they certainly know I do not like to wait, heh."
The dragon smiled cheerfully, though the rabbit did not seem to be very much in the mood for mirth. He walked over to the chair indicated for him, though his gait remained awkward because of the sizeable bulge on the front of his pants. The brush of bare cock against fabric must've been sheer torture, the dragon thought, and found out that the idea was rather exciting. Maybe he'd have to suggest such a thing for one of the videos, to the marketing department...show a bound hunk getting their cock teased over and over again to the brink of an orgasm until they were begging for it...and he knew many very talented beggars in their repertoire of performers...
"Just another moment," the dragon mused as he heard the rabbit's butt shuffle around on the leather of the chair, "this sure can feel like a long wait when you know what you are getting in only a few short moments..."
He was no longer bothered by showing his own arousal, and rubbed his own swollen shaft through the hem of his coat while he watched the rabbit fidget about. He seemed about as pent up as the inmates on the stage of their induction when they were made to wear chastity devices while being constantly stimulated erotically, to drive them almost crazy with their pent-up lust that they would soon learn to release with one another, when finally given the chance to thanks to the wicked construction of the system within the prison. The rabbit should be lucky, thought the drake, that the admin block and the Director's office were both outside the hermetically sealed facility where the pheromones were constantly being pumped into the air stream by the carefully controlled computer system ensuring that everyone was getting exactly their due. The sight of the rabbit's desperation for sex was quite erotic for the dragon, and he was sure that the effects of the eventual release were bound to be spectacular.
He thrummed the leather backrest idly for a few a moments, until the melodic "pling" of the elevator told him that the entertainment had finally arrived. The rabbit too turned quickly to look over towards the silver-colored doors sliding open, to reveal the occupants of the elevator whom stepped out into the office as soon as the coast was clear.
They were both tall, toned men, a jaguar and a wolf. both with well-developed bodies and the gait to match that. When they walked, they showed their bodies off, with a definitely swing of tails, shoulders and hips. They matched their steps as they approached, neither of them wearing nothing more than a thick leather collar around their necks and matching black and white jockstraps covering their considerable bulges. Though the wolf certainly was the winner when it came to body mass and bulk, the jaguar looked especially fearsome, considering the tribal tattoo that covered much of his chest and even his neck, with one curl reaching all the way to the corner of his muzzle. Crocker knew that it was a gang tattoo, one signifying quite the high rank in such an organization - but that meant nothing in this place, especially once their earthly notions were slowly taken away and replaced by the mysterious microcosm that existed inside the walls of the prison itself.
Despite their appearance, their expressions were...muted, that could perhaps be the word the dragon always thought when he came face to face with their inmates. These two trustees had been serving there for years before the experiment had started, and were some of the first men to be inducted into the new order of things in the prison, with very promising results, the dragon thought. Their eager submission into the protocol had made them into fine examples of what the system could produce, even if outside the walls they had been guilty of horrible things that meant that the current law dictated they would never be allowed to step beyond the prison walls.
"Ah, there you are!" the drake greeted the incoming men with his usual courteous smile. "Do come over here, we have a guest today!"
The paired hunks approached in their steady gait, displaying the full deliciousness of their muscled bodies during the short way from the elevator over to the sitting group where the dragon and the rabbit were waiting. The rabbit looked at the sight of the two muscle studs in awe, the dragon could tell - perhaps they were out of his usual league, even if the rabbit himself wasn't bad looking. He certainly was not muscle-bound nor particularly dominant when it came to his usual physical demeanor - but the dragon knew that true dominance resided between one's ears, not in the size of one's muscles.
"This is Mister Roscoe," the dragon nodded towards the rabbit, "he is our guest, and he needs the same kind of courtesy you pay for me, boys. How about you greet Mister Roscoe and then ask him what he would desire from you. You are to be at his full disposal."
The two replied with crisp "Yes sir"'s from both of them and moved over towards the rabbit seated in his armchair. There was plenty of room in front of it for them to kneel down side by side, which allowed them to face the rabbit and to let the drake get a very good view of their butts lined by the black straps of the elastic jocks they wore as their only garment, and even those were more designed to tease than to actually give any actual sense of modesty to them. The rabbit surely had great joy with the sight of their swollen sheaths and churning balls in their packets, as much as the dragon who was more than happy with the familiar yet permanently arousing vision of their tight, muscled butts on display, complete with the tails that now craned up just a hint as if one could only turn them a little to the side to reveal the hidden gems beyond their protective fuzzy arches.
"Enjoy," the dragon smiled to the rabbit, toying with his erection while he watched the rabbit ogle over the two muscled hunks in front of him, kneeling in their submission.
"Good day, sir," the jaguar murmured, head bowing in greeting, "I am Ty."
"And I am Cash, sir," the wolf demurred in turn to the seated rabbit. "Are you here to play with us?"
The rabbit's ears bounced, and his head jerked up to look at the dragon, whom simply smiled.
"Well, they are very playful boys, so calling it playing seems more than appropriate, is it not?" the dragon stated with a smirk over his long snout."It seems to have stuck."
The wolf made a show of sniffing the air and glancing over to the jaguar, to whom he smiled, and the fierce feline grinned back to him.
"I think he definitely would like to play," the wolf spoke to the jaguar cheerfully.
"Oh yes," the jaguar replied in kind, "look at that big boner...bigger than yours!"
The wolf glanced down to his own groin and then back to the rabbit, and licked his lips.
"As long as it wants to play," the canine rumbled, his own tail beginning to wag.
"What kind of games would you like to play, Mister Roscoe?" Ty the jaguar questioned from the rabbit seated in front of him.
"We like all games that bring pleasure to the participants, especially to you, of course, as our master," the wolf added.
"We know many games..." Ty added in a sultry purr.
"Both for you to watch..." the wolf stated, as he reached a paw to brush against the jaguar's arm, which only added to the purr and the smirk from the cat, "...and to join in..."
"What would you like, Mister Roscoe?" the jaguar repeated.
"As long as you don't hurt them, you can do anything you like with them," the dragon mused, seeing the rabbit''s slight indecisiveness still, "they'll even mop up the floor afterwards if you get particularly messy...hah..."
"We are members of the cleaning detail, too..." the wolf stated with a grin of his own.
"F-fuck," the rabbit groaned.
"Would you like that?" the wolf murmured.
"We are no strangers to that either..." the jaguar added.
"Boys, present," the dragon commanded.
They moved as one, turning into each direction so that they met side by side again, but this time with their butts facing the direction of the rabbit. They were still kneeling, but their tails were raised and they wriggled their rumps in synchronised motion while looking over to the dragon whom enjoyed the sight of the sexy show.
"Present, down," the dragon added.
The two males leaned over onto all fours, getting their weight on their knees with their muzzles touching the floor while their butts rose higher and higher along with their raised tails, to let the rabbit stare upon the curves of their asses and the very much of a revealing angle it offered down their ass cracks, jockstrap-pouched nuts and their wrinkled, puckered holes on full display.
"A lovely pair, aren't they?" the dragon smiled. "I've trained them personally, actually..."
"I..." the rabbit stared at the double buns of joy in front of his eyes, "I...I think I'd like..."
"Anything you like," the dragon smirked. "They'll be most obliging, you'll see."
"I...I need to get some head," the rabbit grumbled. "Quick..."
"Ah!" the dragon trilled. "A classic little afternoon pleasure in the office...very good, very good!"
He chuckled and trilled, and snapped his fingers.
"Boys, belt detail," he snickered.
The two trustees moved swiftly, back to their knees and then shuffled over to the rabbit whom was still seated, but suddenly got two pairs of paws upon him. The two smiling inmates began to stroke paws over his thighs and his his belly, closing in on the attractive bulge upon his belly pushing out the waistline of his pants.
"We like playing with you," Cash told the rabbit.
"You smell nice, Mister Roscoe," the jaguar purred.
The rabbit breathed faster and faster, feeling the paws move all over him at once, and he seemed to have trouble keeping his hips from flexing into the eager touch roaming about his body. The two attractive males stroked him and made his cock throb wildly, sending his pent-up balls into an overdrive of desire in a space of what could've only been a few seconds, but for someone who basically lived from one nut to another, it still seemed slow.
"Such a big, nice package, too.." Ty stated, rubbing his paw over the rabbit's bulge.
"Love bulges," Cash leaned over to kiss the part of the mound that was the rabbit's balls.
"Awwfuck!" the rabbit groaned, his hips jerking upwards towards the contact with the muzzle.
The nimble fingers were quick to open the rabbit's belt, to unzip his pants, then to tug insistently on waistbands, even with the help of a muzzle or two - to finally uncover the rabbit's manhood. It was a pink cylinder, rather thick and perhaps six or seven inches long - not a massive tool, but the strong musk and it's obscene swollen arousal made it very attractive for the happily panting pair who observed it with joy.
"Ooooooh!" Ty went, the sound bizarre coming from the muzzle of the ex-gangbanger, now staring down at the rabbit's dick and the fuzzy balls.
"Hhmmmmhhhhhhrr..." the wolf rumbled too.
The rabbit looked down to his crowded groin and grabbed one head on each paw, to force both of them down onto his crotch. He moaned at the feeling of nosepads and lips touching his cock, hot breath, spit, chin fuzz, everything stroking upon the rabbit's painfully hard erection. The stimulation made him groan and mumble under his breath, the pleasure finally bringing at least a hint of the pleasure he needed to clear his mind with.
Director Crocker watched the display with pleasure, not the least because the two inmates' butts were on such a nice display while they went down on the rabbit, lapping and mouthing over his junk. The rabbit was huffing and puffing and kept his fingers firmly on the two guys' neck scruffs to keep them exactly where he wanted them to be. He seemed to have no trouble accommodating two muzzles playing with him, as well as paws rubbing his belly and even dipping between his legs to stroke at his churning full balls.
"Ffuck....hhmhmmhh...fuck..." the rabbit's rumblings became louder and less controlled while he was obviously enjoying getting the two men playing with his junk in what must've been one of their favorite games to play with a dominant master. Their tails were swishing eagerly, showing their pleasure at the act they were performing, giving the rabbit pleasure with their maws while the dragon contented himself with simply watching for now.
"I'm sure you'll feel much better soon," the dragon mused as he nonchalantly unzipped his own fly and dug out his hard, ridged drake-cock, letting its long shaft to pop into view and inflict a deep musk into the air that was already reeking of the rabbit's sweat.
"We're all men here," the Director stated to the rabbit as he began to stroke himself slowly.
The rabbit didn't seem to care that he had a voyeuristic audience of one dragon while he got played by the two trustee inmates. A tugging finger there, a tongue here, it was really a fantastic myriad of sensations, so much better than just jerking himself off. Even that could become a chore if you had to do it at least once an hour to keep himself from feeling unpleasant, no matter what a natural act it was, a male giving himself pleasure in such a way. The two eager muzzles and two pairs of paws on him seemed infinitely better, especially since he could simply grip their neck fuzz and let them go at it, two huffing maws and tickly fur and playful rumbles and giggles from the two big man-sluts toying with him.
He wanted more, though, greedily, powerfully, with the fervor his naturally supercharged body made him to need these two men at this very moment.
"I want a blowjob," the rabbit rumbled harshly," I need to bust a load."
"So pick a muzzle and go at it," the dragon chuckled, "or sample a rump of your choice, they are kept tight, clean and willing at all times when they are on duty..."
"Hhmmmm...I like thick cocks in my butt..." the wolf mumbled against the rabbit's crotch.
"Oh yes..." the jaguar purred. "Love getting filled....hmmmrrr..."
For a little moment, the rabbit seemed to contemplate the possibility of fucking either of the tight, round rumps he could see swinging in the air every time he aimed his eyes over to the two hunks' rears, before a thought seemed to dawn upon him.
"Right..." the rabbit grumbled raggedly, "wolf, on the couch...uh...ass facing the boss."
Cash looked up from the rabbit's groin and smirked.
"Uh...you got a plan, Mister Roscoe?" the wolf smiled lustfully.
"You fucking bet," the rabbit growled.
"What about me, Mister Roscoe?" the jaguar murred needingly. "Do I get to play too?"
"Yeah," the rabbit snorted as he began to get up from the chair, "you, on top of the wolf, facing the boss dragon guy."
"Heheh, sandwich, I like it!" the wolf was already crawling up to his feet so that he could move over to where he had been told to go.
"Looks like you've got something you'd like to try..." the dragon smiled as he watched the wolf approach, followed by the rabbit and the jaguar.
"I'm so sick of jacking off," the rabbit snorted, "I wanna do something fun for once with someone who doesn't get fed up with fucking all the time..."
The dragon smiled, and even shuffled a little to the side to make some extra room on the couch when the wolf climbed over to it.
"That's what we are trying to help you to do, Mister Roscoe," the Director stated with a smirk.
The rabbit, somewhat clumsy with his pants around his knees, but managed to get over to the couch, with the grinning wolf already looking up to him with his tongue lolling out of his muzzle.
"I get to taste you again now, Mister?" the wolf asked.
The rabbit gripped himself and cock-slapped the wolf's muzzle, causing himself to moan and made the wolf rumble and yelp.
"Oh, Mister..."
"Suck that cock," the rabbit stuffed himself into the wolf's muzzle quite abruptly, up to the balls so that his sheath was kissing the lupine's spread lips.
"Come on, Ty, do like he told you to do," the dragon told the jaguar while his own eyes were already falling over to the wolf's jutting rump now only a foot away from him on the couch.
The jaguar did as he was told, swinging himself up over the wolf so that his thighs straddled Cash's shoulders, putting his own musky crotch over the wolf's neck. He laid down flush over the wolf's muscled back, knowing that he would be able to carry his weight without trouble. Only a muffled "umph" told that the wolf had taken him up, and the cat purred as he faced his regular master now, muzzle resting near to the base of Cash's tail.
"Well isn't this a fantastic sight," Crocker commented as he reached out to first tousle Ty's head furs and then to pat the wolf's butt with his paw all the while Cash took it in the muzzle from the rabbit who kept bucking ruthlessly into the convict's warm, slippery maw. The dragon watched the rabbit's raptured expression for a moment before he looked at the purring, smirking jaguar, and curled his fingers under the jaguar's collar.
"Come on," he said as he guided the cat towards his cock with a little tug, "suck your daddy's cock, boy."
The jaguar leaned down quite willingly and engulfed the tip of the dragon's pointed cock into his purring maw, letting his tongue run a circle about its thick length. He let out a moan around the meat in his muzzle, both from the cock now inside it, and from the rabbit's insistence on grabbing his tail and pulling on it repeatedly.
"Hmmm there you go..." the dragon sussurred, "suck that thick meat..."
The jaguar's eyes were closed, taking cock like the pro he was, even under the tugs and slaps from the rabbit who seemed to have a lot of frustrations to unleash. He face-fucked the wolf mercilessly and played rough with the jaguar's ass, spanking the jockstrapped rump and giving the tail the occasional tug, too, when it seemed to swing in front of his view of the jaguar's pink little pucker-hole. He seemed to be quite taken by the sight, too, for before much time could pass, he moved his paws from the more than docile enough wolf's jaws and to grab pawfuls of jaguar-butt instead.
"Oh you're gonna love that..." the dragon grinned, "been there, done that...hahah..."
The rabbit gave him barely a look before he groped the jaguar's buns apart and buried his muzzle under the obediently raised tail to put his muzzle between the cat's rump cheeks and breathe in the clean musk of a male almost as horny as he was himself, breeding the wolf's muzzle eagerly while sampling another's ass for his pleasure.
"HHmhmhmh..." the jaguar murmured sloppily around Crocker's dick, his eyelids fluttering as he felt a warm breath tickle his buttlhole.
The drake grinned and patted the jaguar's head furs, liking the feel of such an eager tongue over him. The jaguar was all moans now that he was having his ass eaten out by the rabbit who didn't seem to get enough of either of the two males now under his control. The wolf didn't seem to have trouble being used like a hole to fuck by the rabbit to stick his cock into, and the jaguar never missed out on an opportunity to have a cock, a tongue or fingers playing with his butthole. Seeing the rabbit's muzzle buried in a butt reminded the dragon that he too had an equally useful pair of butt cheeks and a hole at his disposal as well, and without further ado he slipped fingers into the wolf's ass crack to start playing with his taint as well.
"Good, clean hot boys who do anything you ask them to do as long as they get one of their holes stuffed..." the dragon mused, feeling the jaguar swallow a mawful of copious pre-cum and creating such delicious suction.
The rabbit ducked up for air, sucked in a breath, and gave the dragon a heated look.
"...hhmhhhyeah..:" he growled before slipping into action again.
In sync, all four males moved together, to find their sexual pleasures together. The dragon got his cock sucked by the jaguar whose ass was eaten by the rabbit who in turn bred the wolf's muzzle, and the wolf's butthole was teased by the dragon's clawed thumb drilling into his muscled wrinkler and sending lovely pulses of pleasure all through the wolf's groin. It created a moaning, creaking, tail-slapping contraption of pleasure, with muzzles and buttholes being freely filled by needy males. For the dragon it was an everyday joy, something to be enjoyed for what it was, while the rabbit seemed to have no concerns about taking everything he could and knowing that he could get away with it. He fucked the wolf's muzzle, balls slapping against the wolf's chin and reminding him what kind of a creamy load he was going to get in the not too far future.
"Hmmhhhmm...hmmmh..." the rabbit could be heard slobbering against the jaguar's ass, while the wolf underneath both of them let out gargling moans.
"Let it all go..." the dragon cooed to him, "shoot that load...get that tension out...just imagine a few boys like this of your very own...always ready to open their maw or spread their holes for you...every time you need to bust ah...ah yes...ah load..."
Crocker pulled the jaguar's muzzle down on himself so that his saliva gushed over the thick, sensitive ridges on his cockbase, a sensation that was sure to make his entire shaft jerk and for that lovely heat to finally grow into its crescendo.
The dragon cummed first, surprising enough considering the rabbit's situation, letting his cum shoot directly down the jaguar's throt in several quick spurts. The increasing musk in the air was easily picked up by the wolf, whom had a finger burrowed deep into his butt, and combined with the submissive pleasure of sucking cock, his own cock erupted into his jockstrap and stained it with thick wolf-cum all the while he still kept taking dick into his maw.
His orgasmic moans were more than enough to put the rabbit finally over the edge. He slammed himself in to the balls and made sure that every single drop of his seed was sucked out by the wolf's muzzle. His hot moans and the growls, his tongue poking aggressively at the jaguar's tailhole made the pleasured cat to reach his own submissive climax, brought on by the tongue in his ass and the sweet dragon cum already swimming around in his stomach.
Their shuddering sex machine finally creaked into a halt, both of the masters slumped on the couch with one large muscled boy to cuddle each of them - Cash nuzzling the dragon's neck while the jaguar had taken his turn at the rabbit's cock, nursing upon the tip a little with gentle licks while he stayed crouched on the armrest of the couch in quite the feat of acrobatics for someone his size.
"So..Mister Roscoe..." the Director stated, "have you come to a decision whether you might like to house some of our special parole inmates...providing you some services?"
The rabbit's expression was that of perfect calm, now, in contrast to his earlier antsy scowl.
"When can they move in?" the rabbit asked.
The dragon smiled.
"I'll have the candidates on the show floor in fifteen minutes, for your inspection," the Director mused. "At your leisure, of course."
The rabbit glanced down at the jaguar who was licking his wilting cock with hi eyes open and purring quietly, and then looked at the dragon.
"I think I'll be ready by then," the now somewhat disheveled rabbit said.
Thank you for reading! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to your feedback!