A Glimmer of Light in the Void:Chapter 5

Story by Mouseinwolvesclothing on SoFurry

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"Thanks again Mabel for taking the twins to the Pokécenter. I would have done it myself but I'm kinda not allowed 10 yards away from my bed without a whole emergency room on standby." Jayne said while graciously accepting the twins Pokéballs from the old nurse.

"It's notta problem child. Gotta keep this withered heart pumping somehow; Am I right?" replied Mable with a few audible thumps of her fist against her chest.

"Sure, just don't try too hard grandma or you might wind up here with me "Jayne rebutted humoring the friendly old lady with a few token chuckles that sounded only half-faked.

"Bah never gonna happen. I'll clock myself out of this infernal plane first!"

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?!" I hate how she does that. One moment she's on my good side and the next she says something vaguely insulting then I want to toss the old hag out of a 12 story window. Jayne fumed with tight fists and clenched teeth, obviously holding back her temper.

"I'm only teasing dear, grow a sense of humor." The old bat was giggling like a mischievous school girl as she picked up my chart to glance over it.

"Umm I thought you were off duty" Mabel was lucky that she even heard Jayne since the girl did have a habit of mumbling when she was uncertain with her words. Stupid aging process!

Mabel stiffened before guffawing loudly, face flushing with embarrassment "You're right! Old habits do die hard I guess. Good news for me doncha think. Anyway I think I'm going to leave now, catch ya on the flipside as the kids say these days I think.

Now this did actually tickle Jayne to full childish giggles "Please never say that again granny. See you later and thanks again." Jayne called out to the women's retreating back.

"I've told you a thousand times I'm not your granny and didn't I already say don't mention it?" The next statement was mumbled under Mabel's breath. " I'm just glad the blue one had enough sense to flee when he knew the fight that they were in was lost. Still astounds me that the little guy carried the red one's unconscious body all the way from the forest to the hospital's entrance while dodging attacks before passing out himself. Still rumors have a tendency to blow things out of proportion, especially in here where there isn't much to do. Still up in the air if anyone actually saw anything." The door to Jayne's room then shut with an audible click, leaving the girl alone with her thoughts in silence.

"Finally" Jayne whispered under her breath, refering to the old lady's penchent for wanting to gab over nothing in particular to anyone within speaking distance.

At first Jayne did nothing but stare at the Pokéballs in her hands for a few minutes before sighing and muttering "Lets get this over with" before enlarging and tossing them to reveal the heavily bandaged Plusle and Minun that appeared more miffed and frustrated than in pain; the reason for their current mood became immediately obvious to anyone that could understand the Minun's mumblings of "All it took was a single Tackle. Not three. Not even two for the both of us. Just a single Tackle to wipe us out. I can't even-" Jayne's angry voice chose this moment to pull them from their individual thoughts.

"Alright you have three seconds to explain why you two are acting like well...the only descriptor i can think of is two totally different people." A look of panic flashed on both the rodent's faces before faked confusion took it's place. "Don't give me that look! Mom told me everything about your 180 behavior change You-" she pointed to 'Herbie' "-have become solitary and timid almost overnight. Not to mention this weird extreme over-protectiveness for Amber that spawned almost overnight. And another thing: You gotta stop fleeing or becoming distant like your wishing to be anywhere but with her when she gets with reaching distance or surprises you with a hug/ kiss. It's killing her on the inside man! You know how paranoid and schizophrenic she is... Mom also says you've been so well behaved it's creepy!" Jayne's every word seemed to hit the Minun like physical blows.

"My acting wasn't that bad...was it?" the answer was but a barely heard whisper to Steve and xe was sitting right next to the guy. Poor Trevor looked so beaten down that Steve wanted to comfort him but froze like a deer trapped in a pair of head-lights when Jayne's assault focused on xem.

"Dad says you're in the same boat. Says your acting is a bit better but the second you think his back is turned you flip the script and become seemingly depressed. You're being way too quiet and thoughtful when you're normally on the other end of the spectrum; no matter what's going on in your life." Jayne laughed hollowly for a few moments before continuing "It's funny that you guys thought you were fooling anyone with those half-assed attempts of acting. Even before the out of character brawl seeking thing. News flash: no one's buying it."

"Busted..."Steve and Trevor grumbled simultaneously with defeated slouched shoulders.

"Now explain your behavior before I give you your second ass kicking for the day and I call Mom and Dad to dish out your third and fourth." finished Jayne with a scary glare and crossed arms. 'Herbie' and 'Amber' shot Jayne a confused look resulting in a eye roll and her grumbling "You know what I mean."

Trevor turned to Steve and whispered "I think she wants us to do that silly interpretive dance thing that Pokémon have to do in situations like these"

"I know what she wants" Steve replied through gritted teeth, glaring at the girl who had been talking high and mighty to them both. To say that the girl's current attitude pissed him off was an understatement. Getting talked down to by a mere child was one thing Steve wouldn't endure without a fight, but hadn't yet figured out how to zap the bitch without divine punishment being brought on him...that and listening to the girl's rant again when time re-round backward like last time when she was attacked would just piss him off more. "and in response I say: Fuck. That."

Trevor saw the look on Steve's face and his heart skipped a beat;nit was the usual look Steve got when xe was about to do something that xe knew was impulsive and stupid "Steve...whatever you're thinking of doing I can already tell you it's a VERY bad idea."

"Fuck what you think! I'm tired of this cloak and dagger shit! We should've done what I'm about to do from the get-go." Steve by now had xyrs mitts on Jayne's laptop.

"What are you-?"began Jayne but was interrupted when a sharp yell suddenly tore from Trevor's throat when revelation struck Trevor dumb like a mallet.

"Steve no!" Trevor shouted out as he attempted to tackle the Steve. But the Plusle had apparently expected it since xe hit the deck, causing the Minun to sail overhead and into the adjacent wall.

The poor bastard was knocked unconscious instantly.

With that obstacle out of the way for the time being: Steve calmly sat in Jayne's lap gripping the pretty pink laptop with bunches of cute stickers nearly covering the exterior, opened a new word document, and began typing.

"When did you-?" Jayne's words faded into nothing once she began to read over the Plusle's shoulder. In the end this is what she read:

The place we are now isn't reality: more of a sequence of memories that imagination fills in the missing gaps. Just a illusion created by your subconscious created to protect your mind from Darkrai's nightmare attack that happened about two weeks ago and two days ago.

When Jayne was done reading she took a moment to glance at the Plusle staring at her with an expression mixed with complete and utter seriousness, hope, and anticipation.

After a lengthy staring contest the girl drew in a intake of air before replying "I know."Steve was understandably positively floored but before he could even begin thinking of a response Jayne continued "A girl can take only so many feelings of deja vu and un-explained feelings of 'no that can't be how this thing works' and to have that thing change before her eyes before denial fails and acceptance kicks in." Jayne started to giggle a bit to herself like someone who knew something juicy that the other person in the conversation didn't "Hell I would have to be pretty dense if I somehow didn't figure it out after the first few times stuff like this happened." Steve was confused when nothing happened for full minute, that is until the door suddenly opened and in comes Dr.Wisecraft dressed in nothing but a black speedo -stretched to its seams with the massive object it was trying but failing got hide- carrying what looked like a slice of cake.

Trevor chose this weird, awkward moment to wake up from his nap. Though still half unconscious Trevor seemed to process the awareness needed to comprehend the current scene unfolding in front of him since his nose started to bleed. But seemed to think he was dreaming or the sight was too much for him since Tre immediately clonked out again...which was probably for the best considering that he could barely keep his dick in his metaphorical pants when he saw the doctor fully clothed.

Not that Steve would have noticed, considering xe was just steps away from turning into a rabid animal. That judging from the slack jawed and hungering look in xyrs eyes: it clearly wasn't cake that he was after. Poor guy nearly fainted when on some unspoken order Dr. Wisecraft came close enough to stick a piece of the best cake Steve ever tasted in xyrs wide open and drooling mouth before gently forcing xrys mouth closed again. Steve was nearly reduced to tears when the wonderful vision disappeared in a sudden burst of confetti and birthday party noise makers.

Meanwhile Jayne who was reduced to hysterics that forced her to roll around on the bed while she clutched her sides in seemingly agony . "You should have seen your face! I've never seen Amber with that gross but at the same time extremely hilarious expression Hahaha!"Once Steve returned to xemself, xe swore vengeance and wished many vile things to befall the girl and her family while passing the time that it took for Jayne to calm down...which didn't happen until after the time it took Trevor to wake up again, Steve to explain the situation and what broke Jayne.

Finally the girl calmed down again "OK OK sorry about that, it's been awhile since I had anything to interact with besides myself and fake people. That and add in the lengthy amount of time I spent in isolation in a cabin and you can probably understand while I'm a little vulnerable to sneak attacks of hysteria." Jayne took a moment to wipe away the tears of joy from her face before becoming all business again "Anyway who are you two and how did you get in here? All I know is you're not figments of my mind."

I'm Steve and the one pouting next to me is Trevor.

Steve chuckled when he felt a paw slug xrys arm, Trevor didn't say anything though since the previous action and angry glare burning a hole into Steve's skull sort of spoke volumes.

Jayne thought for a moment before shaking her head "Nope don't know you guys"

_ We met very briefly before...all this happened, so I'm not surprised that you don't remember us. You may remember that Trevor broke that amp that is currently sitting in the left corner of this room._

Recognition flashed across Jayne's face before she aimed a scowl at a cowering Trevor " Now I remember you guys. With an impression like that I'm actually surprised that I forgot...that and Mew embarrassed the shit out me when she suddenly dropped THAT bombshell" Jayne appeared to be pondering on something for a moment before saying "Weren't you a guy though? You've also didn't answer why or how you are even here."

Yes I'm 100% guy back in reality. Cresselia and Mew thought it would be best to disguise us with costumes as people you trust so we could quickly and gently convince you that the dream world you're living is a lie and get you out. It's because of those two manipulative cunts that we were forced to go spelunking inside your head because they were too impatient to wait the year it would take for you to wake up. Sorry about the breach in privacy by the way.

Jayne first shrugged then said "No need to apologize. I know how those two are: They both claim that they know humans operate and what's good for them when they know diddly squat."

_EXACTLY _ That response was said by both agents loudly verbally and roughly typed; causing Jayne to start giggling again that luckily stopped after several moments. _ _

A few minutes of a companionable silence occurred as everyone absorbed and accepted the information presented to them as fact; that is until Trevor started typing again.

I'm just curious so humor me. Was our poor acting the only reason you guessed we weren't apart of this world?

Jayne chuckled briefly before replying "Didn't fool me for a second since you've suddenly stopped following the script. Like for example I knew something was weird when the twins didn't help Gunther keep those birds off me or when Herbie didn't greet me the same way Amber done when she accidently shoved the respirator tube down my throat. Small instances like that were very big red flags when you've been stuck in this loop as long as I've had. Didn't help that I get the same itchy brain feeling I get when Mew and Cresselia try to use telepathy when several strangers suddenly decide to go sightseeing inside your head. What I'm trying to say is with my rambling is: you had alot of things working against you."

"So using disguises was pointless" Trevor grumbled angrily while Steve made plans for their next Thanksgiving bird for not foreseeing what was now absurdly obvious at the get-go if they took any amount of time to think everything through first.

Another moment of silence "So I assume you guys are done with your mission?"

The pair shook their head as Trevor typed No. Cresselia let in a large chunk of the nightmare attack in here when she first linked a part of our minds/souls or whatever to yours. We have to take care of that before we are allowed to leave or it will most likely drive you batshit insane.

Jayne read this and groaned dramatically "So that's why you guys picked a fight...you were training for a battle with the thing that tried to kill me earlier"

Both agent's mouths gaped in surprise and almost audibly spoke their question before simultaneously face pawing. Steve was the one that was quick enough to type it out "You remember that?"

"Of course! Something that terrible is extremely difficult to forget" Jayne used both her index and pointer fingers to put emphasis on the word 'forget' "But guys ,fighting that thing as you are now is impossible!"

That's what the training is for responded Trevor which only caused Jayne to do another dramatized teenage groan before she replying "Fuck you don't get how terrible this is! ...which I don't blame you because it's not your fault but still! Fucking bitch of a bird didn't do her homework at all..."

Trevor bashed on the keys angrily Spit it out already!

"OK fine no need to break another one of my things Mr. Prickly Ass..." mumbled Jayne as she shot a quick glare at Trevor before sighing and saying "Herbie and Amber are strictly Contest Pokémon. Both of Herbie's and Amber's owners babied them so much that their bodies are basically as fragile as a newborns. The moves you guys do know were either taught by TM or given to them when they were hatched. It's why Dad has to borrow a Pokémon when he goes into actual combat at work while Amber stays at home."

The happy mood Steve and Trevor had been under the influence of was immediately deflated by this piece of news."

"What self respecting man participates in bloody contest. Guy is even in the military!" While Steve fumed and growled obscenities under his breath : Trevor chuckled a little before saying "Well not every guy is a barbarian Steve, some people actually take jobs like that because they have no other choice and not because they get a thrill from combat." Trevor used this same moment to change the topic of discussion:

I'm assuming judging from your earlier comment of 'being stuck in the loop' that you have no control of what happens in this world besides bringing about the occasional fantasy?

"Correct and even fantasies are hard to create because this is the first ever dream I had and I'm not really the most imaginative girl." Jayne read the next incoming words oozing from Trevor's raised eyebrow, answered with a eye roll with one of her own and said "There is a limit to being a self taught musician. The extent of my knowledge is copying other people's work and choreograph a dance number. I'm no composer but I want to be as soon I'm not hospitalized for the rest of my life."

Trevor seemed satisfied with this answer but Steve picked up the baton from there Am I correct when I assume you can't leave this world?

Jayne winced as if a sudden bad memory crept into her mind "Not totally true but might as well be. I tried only twice to escape. First was during the first re-experience of a particularly bad memory which was when I realized all of this was a dream. The next was when I felt Cresselia's presence in my mind but couldn't hear what she saying. I won't attempt again because if I do this illusion breaks down and I get swallowed up into series of horrible nightmares whose grip becomes tighter with each tussle."

Both rodent's had a look of sheer shock and amazement on their faces before Trevor slowly typed "So all this time you've been consciously aware and making logically-based decisions while your subconscious keeps everything around here going and stable. That's impressive, not many people -let alone a teenage girls- have this much control AND can handle the mental stress of it all.

Jayne started laughing again "You're giving me way too much credit. Fear is just a extremely good motivator when you want to run away from your problems. All I did was provide myself with a escape besides...all this isn't gonna last much longer"

_ _ Trevor took a moment to type out What do you mean?

Jayne shrugged "You just said so yourself: the mental load of all this-" Jayne done a circuliar motion with a finger to indicate what she their surrounding when referring to 'all this' "-would be overwhelming to anyone who consciously and subconsciously created it. What I mean with my previous statement is: I will only able to complete this one last run before everything in the illusion and the mental barrier I created crumbles from the stress that Darkrai's attack is applying constantly. Hopefully I can complete my own mission before then." When Jayne didn't elaborate Steve asked the question on both their minds.

And that would be?

Jayne became kinda sheepish began to blush a little "It's stupid...something you only see alot of movies and anime ..." Jayne became silent again as she hid her face in her pillow until two paws were placed on both her shoulders as if too comfort her. When Jayne finally glanced at them, she notice both appeared very worried as they pointed towards the laptop screen. _ You can tell us anything. We deem this area a judge free zone._

Jayne began her characteristic high pitched giggling again as she wiped away her tears "You guys are alright, you know that?...Fine you win. I'll tell, but honestly? You guys can probably guess if you try hard enough." Steve groaned dramatically as he pointed to the "Just spill" line.

Jayne sighed "Fine. Oh and fyi? there is no need to be jackasses about me staling. Well to put things simply: I kinda sort of lost the will to live after everything was taken from me. I know it's just grief and everything... but it's been -if the time frame that I've been out is still correct- almost a full month since the incident that tore my heart out and I still can't eat or close my eyes for more than two minutes without screaming."

Jayne rolled her eyes and made a hand puppet gesture with her thumb and fore finger "Blah blah blah insert more morbid garbage here." Jayne chuckled hollowly before continuing "The only reason I couldn't stomach ending it all is for Hamleck's, Herbie, and Amber's sake. Besides: even if I did kill myself then I wouldn't be able take my revenge on the few people that destroyed my life. Won't bother telling you who or what they did. No point because you either read it already or will possibly get a front row seat...Damn I'm rambling again, sorry...Anyway my self-assigned mission is to let go of some things. Both my vengeance, the things that I lost, and find a new reason for living since -thanks to Cressilia and Celebi- I'm getting a second chance."

_ I haven't read anything hinting at you having any sort of animosity towards anyone besides Darkrai. Your vagueness just makes me even more curious. Judge free zone remember?_ Steve wrote while Trevor fought back the curiosity from Steve's lie from showing up on his face.

_ _Jayne shrugged "Figures they would omit their involvement. I guarantee if you ask they will blame everything on the Dark side and they had no other logical choice. Still not telling though."

Everyone appeared to have ran out of things to say so they all relapsed into silence as each became lost in their own thoughts...that is until all three jumped when someone knocked politely on the door to their minds before a voice that they all instantly recognized spoke:

"Sorry for being a naughty kitty but I just couldn't resist listening in as a fly on the wall. Nice job Tre and Stevie, you guys certainly work fast." a soft tutting noise then a sigh could be heard before the voice continued _"Jayne what have I told you about fibbing?" _

Pumped with the news that they now had guidance Trevor swallowed his hate for all things Legendary and feline long enough to give Mew a reply filled with cheer "The girl kind of left us with no choice; she's smarter then you guys gave her credit for...or at least she would be if she wasn't lying about something for literally no reason" this statement was said while two pairs of eyes began firing heated glares at the guilty party member in question.

"I'll take that as a compliment" Jayne muttered sheepishly and was in the process of edging herself away from the spark throwing rodents when a sudden thought hit her oh hey why can I hear them talking!?

"Jayne, to answer your question I'm using Steve's and Trevor's connection with you as a way to bypass-

Steve startled everyone with a dramatized groan "Mew do us a favor and skip the techno babble. I really don't want my headache evolving into a migraine" As if to prove that this was fact the Plusle was rubbing xys little red paws against xyrs temples.

Mew was silent for a couple of brief moments before a audible finger snapping noise was heard as Mew triumphantly-more excited about figuring out an easy explanation- cried out "I hacked Jayne's brain so we can speak to each other with our minds!"

"Thank you" Steve replied with a happy sounding sigh of relief.

Trevor coughed into his paw to bring the focus to him "I honestly don't give a damn about the who, what, when, or why behind you talking to us again. But I'm sure you will tell us anyway because it's the only way you can look smart." Mew's furious reply was lost when Trevor loudly said "But before you bore us to death with that: I want to know what is it we are being lied about." Jayne opened her mouth but immediately shut it when Trevor's glare focused on her again "From you Mew please, since the source apparently can't be trusted" Jayne's face immediate with sadness and regret.

"Aww don't look so down Jayne! Instead take pride that you actually had the rare chance of having these two completely fooled. Heck even I haven't had that pleasure and I've lived millions of years!" a ghost of a grin flashed across Jayne's lips before she hide her face with the arms hugging her legs protectively to her chest. "Anyway everything Jayne said is reasonably truthful except the fact she wasn't actually aware of all of this being one big dream until you told her what your names were. Those few words were all that was apparently all that was needed to jog her memory and allow her to make the connections needed to figure out her situation."

Trevor nodded "That actually sounds remotely possible since it matches the very little that I know about the human brain"

"Glad it makes sense to someone" growled Steve with a huff.

" I'm not done. The other lie was that she has any sort of awareness beyond your guy's current environment nor has she ever tried to escaping. Fear is the motivator that is stopping her from trying and it's potent enough that it would be pointless to ask "

"I may not know what will exactly happen but I have an really good idea. Not interested." Jayne was shivering underneath the blankets despite the fact that it was in the middle of early Spring and it was a rather warm day.

A chuckle escaped from Steve's throat as he replied "Don't worry I can't blame you. Trevor and I've seen more than one example of what Darkrai's power can do to people. The fact you survived an attack of that magnitude for even a second in impressive enough "

Jayne was positively beaming behind the wall of arms and legs.

Trevor surprised everyone with an uncharacteristic loud over dramatic groan while grumbling under his grumpy sounding huff "Still there goes my idea of using the girl as a radar to hunt for the Shadow"

Everyone chuckled awkwardly at this, appearing not really sure how to react until Steve broke the silenced that followed "Why choose to lie though? What did the girl have to gain from it?"

_ "Simple. She just-"_ Mew began before Jayne interupted.

"Don't tell them that!" Jayne nearly shouted while her face began flushing with embarrassment.

Mew wasn't even in the room and the trio could just sense her confusion as she said "What in the world is wrong with wanting to impress people you just met JJ?"

"Nothing, when done right." grumbled Jayne as embarrassment clashed with rage.

Steve's and Trevor's current expressions matched Mew's confusion "Well why go through the trouble of impressing us? No offense to you or anything, just that adults -especially cops and agents- are really hard to impress due to life experience."

Jayne took a brief moment to laugh hollowly before sardonically replying "Oh please, I'm not an idiot for one. Ever since I met you guys you've been like plastic fake. If being sick like these has any benefits then it's the ability to tell when someone is putting on a mask for someone else's benefit. Call it a super power if you will. I get that I'm part of a job you want nothing a part of. But damn it! there is really no need to treat me like a toddler that needs constantly watched and shielded or don't feel the glances of pity and a hint of loathing when I've done literally nothing to offend you besides exist."

The entire room was absolutely silent as they absorbed the full ire of the offended teenager and searched within themselves for a reply through the surprise freezing most brain functions until Steve began laughing as he launched xemself atop Jayne's head to give her a massive noogie with both paws as xe almost shouted "You perceptive bitch!"

Meanwhile Trevor tapped his chin thoughtfully and said "So you basically lied to get even with us for lying to you. Lesson learned, we won't lie to you if you don't lie to us. Agreed?"

Poor Jayne was currently in near hysterics thanks to Steve switching tactics after realizing that small paws didn't give a good noogie and deciding to instead tickle the girl silly. "HA HA STOP YOU BITCH! I would like that Trevor! HA HA!"

A few sniffs interrupted the trio's moment "I surely wasn't expecting that reaction *siff sniff* It's almost beautiful." The sound of someone blowing their nose startled the trio a little but remained silent until Mew returned "Thank you for the tissue dear. Moving on; The real reason I chimed in with my two cents is because I have an idea for a solution to the most recent monkey wrench in the operation that I think you might enjoy immensely."

Trevor and Steve appeared extremely uninterested and doubtful with Mew's words but still simultaneously replied "Go on."

"Since they are now currently useless and I've figured out an alternative, let me ask you this: do you guys want to ditch those disguises?"

"YES!" shouted Steve and Trevor again simultaneously, now sounding like excited children as they jumped to their feet.

"Aww I kinda like them this way" Jayne threw in while easily picking up Steve to toss in the up and down in air like doll.

"Jayne I WILL make your life a living hell if you don't shut the fuck up and put me down right this second!" Steve shouted

Mew giggled before replying in the most cutesy baby voice that would make even those that had 0 sensitivity to those type of voices wince "Aww whose an adorable lil mousy! You are! yes you are!" Human, kitten and even a blue-tipped mouse Pokémon managed to laugh over the red-tipped mouse's feminine squeaky voiced curses, screams, and promises of vengeance.

When laughter sort of died down Trevor coughed to grab everyone's attention "Joking aside: How long will this process take?".

"I'm getting to that but first allow me to explain a lot of new developments and why we didn't forsee alot of the issues that are kinda making the misson difficult/impossible for you guys to perform. For one I like to clarify that Cresselia and I did buff the Minun an-"

"We don't care!" shouted the rodent duo with over dramatic groans and all while Jayne hid a grin brought on by the pairs impatient anxiety.

"Fine...l'll just skip to the strange occurrences has been brought to my attention just today. The first popped up when I panicked and tried to pull you guys out just before Steve spilled the beans."

Trevor and Steve look at each other with matching confused stupid expressions before Steve piped up "We didn't feel that at all."

"Understandable considering something is making it impossible for beings to exit Jayne's realm once they enter. We think the perpetrator is Darkrai's sentient attack"

"Caught like a fish in a net...a three for one catch would sound juicy if the shoe was on the other foot" mumbled Jayne while biting her lip.

_ "Exactly but more on that later. Right now there is a more pressing issue. But first a question: Jayne has it gotten harder to remember things that have happened and are events starting to impact you more emotionally? You are probably by now having doubts that this whole conversation is just a dream?"_

Jayne's eyes became wide "Now that you mention it...Yes about everything! But how could you possibly know that!?"

"Simple. The psychics on standby here have observed that some of Darkrai's attack energy has taken residence in your brain."

_"_HOLY SHIT!" Exclaimed the three (technically) humans whose panic and terror were quickly mounting to hysteria.

"Don't panic, relax, and listen. It hasn't done anything of note yet besides Intel gathering and tried making everything here more realistic. Nor will it do anything.

Confusion quickly replaced the groups mixed emotions as they all simultaneously replied "Why not?"

"And please dumb it down for us that haven't had the pleasure of eating a dictionary or taken college course on quantum mechanics" Steve grumbled , the note of begging in his voice made next to impossible not for Trevor to try to soothe the male/female with a hug while Mew and Jayne had another laugh or two at Steve's expense.

"I got your back Stevie. Think of this darkness as a parasite. In fact that's exactly what this darkness is since all it wants to do is feed. it's just unfortunate for us that JJ's fear is it's food and it puts her out of commission. It's only job is to buy the other side time and have fun while doing so.

"So what reason could it have for targeting my brain?" asked Jayne

"I'm getting to that. Remember how we first observed that each loop takes 4 days to complete?

"Yeah...why?" Trevor answered suspiciously

"That information is no longer true thanks the parasite copying all the unnecessary memories Jayne didn't want to relive, forgot due to unimportance or they were deleted by the brain to free up space or simply just doesn't want to remember. To put things the easiest way possible; Thanks to the Shadow's meddling it will take a full two months before the next loop. This change was brought into effect as of a few hours ago. the bastard is also using bits and pieces of Steve's and Trevor's knowledge to make everything even more realistic."

"Which means that the fucker knows that we are here" Trevor's expression may have been stoic but the slight waver in his voice revealed the agent's fear of the danger that the couple were now in. _ _

"Exactly. Eventually if nothing is done then we could be looking at the Shadow having full control Jayne and quite possibly you guys too. To stop this from happening we need to shift its focus elsewhere or simply fight it and kill it even more ASAP then usual. Probably not what Darkrai was aiming for or ever expected was in his power : but I'm sure it will tickle his pickle if he ever found out. "

No even smirked at Mew's little joke much to her disappointment.

"Great I totally think it's rad that I'll become the first ever zombie in existence" Jayne's tone was thankfully oozing sarcasm.

"Not on our watch" replied three voices, all of which sounding equally as determined as a Primate is furious.

"You probably noticed I hinted that we have a time limit. Two months is pleeeeeenty of time"

"All in favor of hitting Mew when she gets here say 'I' " suggested Trevor





Trevor turned to face Steve with an eyebrow raised while saying to xem "You said 'I' twice"

Steve grinned really really really big as he replied "You point?" In that singular moment to Trevor finally noticed that Steve discarded the metaphorical mask they both had long decided to don during jobs for the safety of themselves and others. The mask did carry a small bit of their personalities to a certain degree but not enough besides tiny flashes of what they wanted you to see past the stoicism and heavy barriers. Ever since a few weeks ago -the time period where they had first taken that godforsaken job that got them into this mess- this mask somehow gotten stuck on the both of them even sometimes when it was just them alone together without either one of them noticing.

Now it was if Steve was flashing his junk at Trevor on a public train in a declaration of a challenge that could only be interpreted by the two of them.

Took a brief moment for Steve to receive the responce that he was waiting for and it wasn't the outward 'I should have saw this coming' shake of the Minun's head nor was it the small awkward grin on the Minun's fixated muzzle. The true answer to Steve's challenge was the blush slowly creeping on xyrs poor hubby's face.

"I like you." Jayne stated while scritching the red tipped mouse's ear's resulting xem to chirr before xe paused to briefly take notice of the sounds that he was making. Normally this realization would cause the Plusle/human to complain and move away from the girl's administrations. Instead the realization just made the noises grow louder in volume and the Plusle becoming nearly a puddle in Jayne's hands.

" Can we not hit the poor defenseless, adorable kitten?... unless of course it's hitting on in THAT way. Tre-Tre I'm looking at you while I say this."

"Not. In. This. Lifetime. Even if I was immortal. You might want to take note that if you so much as lay a digit on my body over on that side I'll be coming at you with a chainsaw."

"Meanie...Hey I didn't even say I was going to your side yet!"

"It was implied" came the bored sounding reply from everyone in the hospital room.

...Moving on...Thanks to the new difficulty curb for this mission we really have no choice. Oh and don't worry about being attacked on this side thanks to the large number of Ditto copies of myself that are now flying around... an explanation you didn't ask for but I'll think of it as your punishment for dissing me. Repeatedly I might add! However my power will be so severely limited -so Jayne's mind won't explode from sheer awesome overload-. I will only have the power of an Abra until Jayne's mind gets used to my presence. Meaning I will only be able to offer advice and my amazing personality."

"In other words she'll be completely useless housecat whose only real purpose is to tip us over the edge of insanity" Trevor whispered to Steve who immediately began giggling and nodding vigorously in agreement.

Mew must have heard the exchange cause her next words had a drop or two of venom within them "BTW don't use the AI because reasons that are way too complex for me to explain. Just know that very bad things will happen! Celebi has been busy turning you guys into Light Ones while you've been away from your bodies. Don't even think about giving me no lip about that either because it's been put on delay for way too long! Once she is done I'll come over with something to change the rest of you guys that I'll be working on before making my début in a couple hours. Hope you guys like needles cause that's how I'll force the changes."

_"_We fucking hate needles" pouted Trevor and Steve.

"GOOD! I'll see you in a couple hours my princesses, so you will have to make do with my imaginary hugs and kisses until I get there." Everyone winced as they felt the door to their individual mind's being slammed.

All was silent before for about a minute before Jayne randomly said aloud "I really hope Mew was kidding about that last part."

Trevor walked over to the up until this point forgotten laptop and typed two simple words:

She isn't

A Glimmer of Light in the Void:Chapter 6

So I feel like a total shallow bitch for misjudging Steve and Trevor. When Mew finally cut four way call, I was left internally cursing my luck of being forced to entertain the two stoic stick-in-the-muds and mentually fortified myself from being...

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A Glimmer of Light in the Void:Chapter 4

Well I obviously survived the whole bird incident or those other diary entries on my computer would've never been made...well unless you're reading the words of a spooky ghostie. Wuhooohoooo best plot twist eva! wuhooohooo Anyway joking aside: I've...

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A Glimmer of Light in the Void: Chapter 3

Unbeknownst to anyone one of the two Pokéballs on Jayne's bedside table had been shaking violently and would occasionally glow like fireflies for a few seconds before going out. This oddity had been going on ever since the room became vacated since...

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