Pizza Delivery!

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Pizza Delivery!

Todd peeked over the note and instructions for the pizza delivery he had before looking up at the address on the apartment. It looked good so far, so he gave a series of quick knocks. Lessee, one Vicki... his thought interrupted as the door opened to reveal the likely Vicki herself. The chubby arctic vixen wearing a bathrobe that looked like it was almost falling off her broad curves. Making the smaller Todd gulp a little as he stammered a moment, trying to not stare at the cleavage that was nose level to him.

"Er, one pizza delivery for a vix... Vicki!" he mumbled out. He looked down to see that the robe's belt made it barely cover her lap, those shapely thighs revealed so high... He looked up to her big smile as she looked him back over. He guessed he was half a foot shorter, fennec to her arctic as well as lean and lithe to her pudginess. Her eyes seemed to be wandering down, and he realized where she was looking as he adjusted the pizza box to cover the tent in his tight slacks. "Uh, heh, one meat lover's special with extra sausage for ya?"

Vicki just grinned, "That sounds quite right there. Now I just got out of the shower, so I need to get my purse. How about you come on in so you can avoid this summer heat now." Her long tail curled along Todd's legs and making him shiver a little despite the heat outside. "Erm, we're not really..." But before he could finish answering she already left. Well, OK, just this one time.

He peeked in curiously, the living room was simple and uncluttered. A large overstuffed sofa and coffee table in front of a modest TV. A few pictures along the wall. Nothing too out of place as he set the pizza down on the coffee table. He briefly wondered where she had gone before Vicki returned with a large glass of ice water and her purse. "Here you go, since it's so hot outside, now let me get that payment for you, hon."

She dug through her purse, making Todd blush more as she set out a few condoms and a small tube of personal lubricant while she asked him what his name was. He answered as she seemed to concentrate on her purse, making him wonder if she was listening, although he was finding himself equally distracted by her leaning over. That loose robe hugged her ample curves as he realized how close he was to her. Her scent rich and warm, and also hinted with another familiar scent that made him gulp a little. A tinge of heat wafting from those inviting curves as he squirmed and pawed his feet nervously into the carpet.

Vicki hummed a little, swaying her hips in a slow little dance before the nervous, squirming Todd. "Well, hum, let me see, oh my, I might not actually have enough to cover this pizza. Perhaps we can figure out some way to work out a payment together..."

Todd scratched behind his big ears a little as he bit a lip. "Uh, an alternate payment..." he sipped the cool water, trying desperately to cool down the heat that was boiling in his lap. Her scent just seemed to get that much stronger when he took a deep breath, finding that relaxing technique broken by her inviting scent. Especially when she turned around to press closer to him. "Let me see now, what else could I do to help pay for this."

"Well, uh... we, we could take a credit card..." Todd stammered out as she nearly pressed into him. His nose inches from her cleavage, smelling the sweet scent of her perfumed shampoo from her thick fur. Her warmth so close to his thin fur as he tried desperately to not look down.

"Oh, we could, but there's be no fun there. I'm certain there would be an alternate form that would be much more enjoyable for the both of us, and not take two weeks to post..." She gently grasped Todd's paw, lifting it up to settle on her cleavage to his surprise. A shiver rushed up his spine as his tail fluffed out in nervousness. And his arousal felt like it might just give in right there to his embarrassment.

"I... I don't think I could... er..., " he couldn't think as she gave his hands a squeeze. The soft robe hid very little of the ample breasts beneath. He could feel the dampness of his precum in his lap as she helped fondle herself with his hand, and the scent of her heat was unmistakable now. Her 'argument' was pretty potent even as the silliness of the scene played through his mind. There was always the joke of the lucky pizza delivery boy finding a nice, slightly older lady, but, that didn't happen for real, did it?

The quiet purr and nuzzle on his ears answered yes, yes it did as he moaned and whimpered. His ears were so sensitive as her tongue traced the inner curves of them, making him give in to the pleasure as he reached his second hand up to cup her heavy breasts. Nearly resting his nose between them as he shuddered and sighed, feeling the vixen's delicate nibbles on the tip of his ears as his tail lashed urgently. He suspected he would soon just cum right now at this rate, and tried to stifle a giggle at the thought of what a poor ending that would be to his intimate little rendezvous.

Vicki hmmmed at the little sound, nosing the smaller fennec. "Is something wrong?" She asked, while a hand slipped around his waist to pull him closer.

Todd shivered and squeaked a little, blushing pink in his ears, "oh no, er, I was thinking how wonderful you felt, I almost could have, just, er, finished, right then and there."

Vicki's fingers tickled along his tailbase, eliciting another groan from the younger male, "well that wouldn't be fun, we have a lot, nicer, things to do first." Her hands guided his down her robe, to help unravel the belt holding it up. The subtle curves of her lap revealed as Todd's eyes widened and watched her disrobe. He soon found holding back the swelling of his knot was getting very tricky now.

"You seem pretty hot and bothered right now. Maybe we should get you more comfortable too." She smiled as her fingers started to unbutton Todd's button up shirt. More of his slim chest and thin fur was revealed as his tail wagged faster then he thought was possible. The hint of dampness on his lap was blatant now, precum oozed messily into his pants as he shivered. His heart was pounding as he nearly fainted with lust, watching the lovely woman begin to strip him down. While her robe spilled down her voluptuous curves, revealing the broad pink nipples peeking from her soft breastfur. His eyes traced down the curve of her soft tummy, to peer upon the plump mons and wet folds that was the source of her heated scent. A whimper escaping him as his knot started to blossom at that sight, so full and inviting and ready to be stuffed by his arousal.

Todd's shirt was soon pulled free, revealing his slim chest, and helping show the blatant bulge in his pants even further. Her fingers stroked the bulge as he whimpered softly, panting in deep breaths to try to keep himself under control. Her fingers deftly unzipped Todd's pants, opening the button to show off the slick wetness his precum has left in his underwear. His arousal strained at the fabric as his knot bulged the base of his sheath, making him whine softly with lust. She just purrs at the attention she got, leaning in to kiss his chest and admire his desperate arousal as she giggles, "so you were happy to see me!"

Todd shivered as she traced the pointed tip of his arousal with a fingertip, wet and slick with his precum, while her other hand began to pull his underwear down. Freeing the stiff erection to twitch lustfully, slimy and glistening with his pre as a little ribbon splashed onto her feet. She murmured about how very happy he was to see her as she helped guide his underwear and pants free, letting him see how wonderfully heavy her breasts were when she leaned over. Breathing in her heat tinged scent eagerly as he awkwardly brushed her hips, stroking her thighs with gentle strokes and loving how soft her thick fur felt.

Vicki pressed closer to Todd, leaning in to kiss his neck and wrap her paws about the newly stripped fennec. Helping to guide him to the couch as he shuddered, he was already half thrusting at her wet folds, teasing his slick arousal along her inner thighs. She giggled and kissed his whiskers "naughty Todd, no making little cubs quite yet. This time at least." She winked and giggled at his pink ears, her hands teasing down his chest and belly to fondle the eager arousal of the smaller male. "Just relax too, you're not going to enjoy yourself if you're this ready, when we start."

He blushed a little more and nodded, eyes half closed as his tail furiously slapped against the couch, watching her open up one of the condoms with a practiced tug. Starting to tug the slick, snug latex over his crimson erection with delicate brushes, making him shiver as his eager cub-maker was trapped in snug rubber. They both had to wait a moment to let his knot recede before the condom could be fitted beneath it, but it gave Todd a chance to catch his breath finally. He took a moment to look over the pretty vixen before him, guessing she was late twenties to his early twenties. And wonderfully luscious as he reached up to cup her breasts, stroking the lovely, large nipples delicately. He had always heard the jokes about the perks of his job, but he never guessed they'd be this nice!

Finally the translucent material was pressed just into his sheath, to fit his knot as well once it blossomed again. Vicki tenderly dripping some of the sweet scented lube upon the already slick rubber before she suddenly turned around. Lifting her soft rump to suddenly settle on his lap, leaving the smaller fennec to hold her as she giggled. "Just tell me if I get too heavy for ya... otherwise, relax and enjoy your little 'tip' here..."

He pressed his muzzle to her shoulder as her hips slid down his belly, her legs spread over his thighs as her hands guided her body down upon his lap. She was true to her word, careful to keep her weight from being too much as he felt his arousal soon kiss upon those plump, wet folds. The heat lovely even through the thin condom, making him arch his back and settle back on the couch. Her tail tickled his belly as she wriggled herself down, engulfing his eager maleness finally as they both quietly moaned. Her weight was heavy but not too much as he felt her settle upon him, engulfing every inch of him into that heat filled cunny, feeling incredibly hot and smooth around him as it rubbed with each little motion.

Todd trembled as he joined Vicki in mating, rolling his hips as best he can under her rump, watching with delight as she lifts herself up just an inch or show. Letting him see his arousal buried in her wet folds before they settled once more upon his sheath. A quiet gasp from both again as they began to work out a rhythm together. The fennec arching his hips up as she lowered herself down, before rolling back against the couch when she lifted up. A gentle squelching of the lube and her arousal slick flesh gliding back and forth as Todd clenched his eyes in pleasure. He could barely notice the condom, buried in the warmth of her body as he nuzzled at her neck. His hands awkward around her belly before she lifted them up to encourage squeezing her breasts.

Vicki shivered around Todd as he happily followed her instructions. He pinched at her nipples as he started to quicken his pace. His breath panted into her hair as he kissed where he could on her neck, adding little nibbles while he moaned softly for her. His hands squeezed gently but firmly to aid her rolling pace as he cried out softly with pleasure. The wet, snug warmth that was gliding up and down his arousal was quickly building in pleasure, his knot throbbing and blooming, tugging at her inner folds. He knew he wasn't going to last long, his pace starting to fall apart as he bucked with the rapid urgency canids are known for. Her heat scented body begging to be filled with his virile seed.

Both cried out when his knot finally stuck, unable to tug back past her inner folds as he clenched his toes. Feeling her start to squeeze and ripple as her moans grew louder, he pressed his muzzle to her neck firmly. Panting and squeezing about her breasts and waist with his hands, his lap quickly bucking and jerking, feet helping bounce him beneath her weight. She was getting heavier as her support relaxed, but he didn't care. He had a very sexy lady on his lap, very eager and willing, and he was gonna spill his seed any moment into her. His knot jerking and flaring, twitching urgently as he felt the sharp tickle deep in his lap.

Finally he nipped her neck, holding with a playful growl as he gave in. Thrusting in quick jerky tugs with his knot before he finally pushed himself as deep as he could, squeezing tight to her larger, plump body. Feeling the hot rush of pleasure rush up his spine as his arousal twitched triumphantly, gushing his cum into a fertile female. Well, if it wasn't for the condom to hold all his virile semen back, trapped in the swelling tip as he yipped and gasped and trembled under her warmth and weight. Loving her loud little gasps as she rolled her hips on his knot, those plump folds spasming and milking the bulging knot as a few drops of her sharp scented girl-cum trickled down his sheath. He felt like he was going to cum forever as his prick jerked and throbbed with gush after gush of seed into the tip, finally simmering down to a few finally trembles as he relaxed his firm nip on her nape and rested against her back. Knotted firm and deep, and panting with sated lust as she rolled her hips for a few more moments to ride out her orgasm, moaning with each motion she made. And every thrust upon his spent arousal was making him whine in time with stimulation, his tail wagging and toes curled with satisfaction.

Finally she leaned back gently with him, supporting herself up a little more as she got comfy. "You OK under there, hope I didn't get too heavy with ya." She asked, though he was too melted to care.

"Oh goodness, that was... wow..." He licked his lips, panting and leaning back into the couch, staring at the incredible sight of her full rump settled on his lap. Knowing he was knot deep in her, tied up for a while. Loving the wet slickness trickling down his sheath of her musky pleasure, knowing he sated her heat for a little while at least. He giggled and squirmed as she leaned over, making her folds squeeze about his condom wrapped arousal in new ways. Squirming himself on the couch to her quiet moan as she grabbed something from the table.

She leaned back and then gave another quiet moan as he tried to relax. Perking his big ears as she hummed and murmured, "Oh wow! This is good pizza! Where did you get it?"

Todd just giggled and blushed, replying, "er, well, I made it myself actually, it took forever to find where to get those pizza boxes."

"Ooh, a lover and a cook! I think I should marry you on the spot now! And where'd you get the cute outfit?"

Todd flushed more, his old pizza delivery suit from his high school job years ago as he said, "er, just, uh, had it around love." He giggled, listening to her enjoying the pizza he made for his girlfriend.

Vicki was nearly purring, "mmmm, I think we need to do this again sometime. Dinner and a show, wonderful way to spend an evening and surprise your love. I hope it wasn't too awkward, but I always wanted to do this to someone, but never had the nerve to do it to a random pizza boy."

He grinned and held his girlfriend close, enjoying the intimacy of being tied with a lover, "Oh definitely! Although, it might be cute if there was a pizza delivery girl sometime as well..."

Vicki giggled, offering him a piece of pizza as the two snuggled in, Todd already blissfully daydreaming of his girlfriend in a cute little miniskirt as he invites her in...

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