Club Toilet Slut

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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He was just having a nice drink and minding his own business, but the appearance of a proper slut tiger seems to be swaying the wolf's mind into another direction...

Club Toilet Slut


This is a fun quickie for avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2 Aaron Blackpaw , who loved this premise and wanted to see it realized. Hope you find it interesting as well, and I look forward to hearing your comments!

Have a good read!


Aaron was down about two thirds into his second whiskey, sitting about at the bar counter at the Butt(on)Hole Club, when he first spotted the guy, chatting up a spike collar-wearing cougar some distance away.

The tiger was tall, quite beefy by the looks of it, wearing a leather harness and leather chaps that were of the kind that were open on the back to display his ass quite openly, with that swinging, striped tail naturally drawing attention into the sight of a man-butt on display in such a blatant manner. The leather cuffs on his wrists completed the look, one of the paws resting sassily on his hip while the tiger chatted to the stern-looking cougar, the type to wear huge biker boots and lots of spiked leather and Top Gun sunglasses even while indoors.

Prick, Aaron thought and chortled out some whiskey-scented air from his muzzle. The cougar was puffing out his chest and obviously listening with interest to the tiger's attempts at coming onto him - he singled out the tiger as an obvious slut, who despite his physical size had the demeanor of a limp-wristed, tail-raising bitch when it came to attracting men he wanted to fuck him until he was yowling with pleasure at being filled up to the brim with spunk.

Aaron rolled his snifter in his paw and watched the little courting ritual going on. The cougar grabbed the tiger's arm and said something that made the tiger shake his ass a bit, his tail swinging bout so that he could rub it against the cougar's leather-clad leg. The tiger must've been all purrs and smiles and slutty eyes, he thought, even if he couldn't see anything but the back of his head. The cougar's ears were flicking, too, seen over the top of the tiger's own head, from this vantage point for the daddy wolf enjoying his drink in the crowded, leather-scented, musky hardcore club.

Watching the loser cougar toy with the tiger was more entertaining than the go-go dancing foxes on the little stage, even if they were shaking asses and raising tails and receiving lots of hooting attention from the crowd looking at their every sensual move. The wolf didn't really like twinks all that much, preferring his fuckholes to have some more meat around them, for extra springiness. At least twinky foxes squeaked pleasantly, he thought, as he took another sip from his whiskey.

A few yards away, the cougar seemed to have lost the battle - the tiger's demeanor had changed into more prissy teasing, rather than the kind that was advertising that his ass was open for business, like some fucking gay neon sign. Right now the cougar's ears were flat, and Aaron was sure that he was scowling under those aviator glasses the cougar was wearing with such pride.

"Heheheh," he laughed aloud. A bear daddy sitting nearby with a little otter twink on his lap gave him a curious look that was retorted by Aaron with such an ugly glare that the bear obviously decided that it was not a good idea to try any other interaction with the easily pissed off wolf.

The cougar stomped away from the tiger and left him on his own on the dance floor, to survey the meat market on his own now after a fail with the cougar. The tiger's tail kept flicking about, though it seemed to manage to avoid hitting any nearby patrons with some sort of a remarkable innate radar action. Aaron knew that he himself would not have been quite that considerate of them - some of the guys in this club would be clad to have such a rough leather wolf give them even such a casual smack. Maybe the tiger, too...he thought, watching the tiger continue his survey with curious eyes. He turned to face in the direction where the black wolf was standing, and he could see that the front of the pants he was wearing composed of a kind of a leather codpiece that contained the tiger's groin, but left his thighs open before the leather resumed on the chaps he wore. The legs were beefy and spoke of a great, juicy ass, springy and perfect to fuck...even thinking about it was making the wolf's cock bone up in his sheath and slip out in a musky lipstick mode, momentarily, for now, while his arousal solidified.

Aaron finished out his drink and put his snifter down onto the bar counter before he wiped his muzzle on the back of his paw.

"Want another one?"

The speaker was the bartender, the big tiger who seemed to wear a leather harness every time the wolf visited the club. He was the exact opposite of the other tiger Aaron had been observing - everything from the way his arms moved, to his tail, to his general demeanor and looks told him that this guy was a proper real daddy tiger, not a prissy lil' bitch in an overgrown striped muscle body like the one seeking for some cock on the fringes of the dance floor even now.

"Naw," Aaron said. "Gonna hold off for a bit."

"Suit yourself," the tiger rumbled and picked off the glass from the counter to be washed away later on.

Aaron continued watching, following the tiger like a smart missile on its way to blast a terrorist cell hideout. His cock pulsed against his belly in his tight leather pants and made them feel tight, the sensation good on him, though it did remind him that he really would've preferred to dip his dick into something fleshy, nice and tight, whether it was a pussy or a nice tight asshole under a tail swinging from the surprise of having something so thick jammed in there. Add a few nice moans and a whimper, and the wolf was in for a good time whatever hole he happened to be fucking, knot deep.

He was deep in his sexual thoughts for a moment, and when he retuned to the present, he thought for a moment that he'd lost the tiger from his sights. Aaron let out a displeased grumble and had to scan the entire club floor before he noticed the bare butt tiger again, now heading in the direction of the men's room.

His decision was made in a flash and he quickly crossed the dance floor, not caring for the little bumps along the way, his ears echoing with a few surprised rumble and a yelp from having been tail-smacked or nudged by a big wolf on his way across the floor. He reached his destination just after the tiger had disappeared through the door, and he was quick to follow, pulling the swinging door open.

The smell was pungent, an ever-present mixture of piss, musk, sweat, leather and industrial grade detergents, and a helping of latex rubber as well, making it a heady place that itched his nose. The lights were of the blue kind to deter anyone from trying to shoot drugs, annoying for anyone who didn't want to shoot up drugs in a stinky toilet.

It was relatively quiet, the music dampened by the wall. A few guys were taking a leak on the urinals lining one wall, the sinks to other side, a couple of cubicles lining the other side.

He spotted the tiger, on one of the urinals and minding his own business for now, that damn tail still swinging around and he wasn't even shaking it.

Aaron stomped over to the tiger and pressed himself against his back, savoring the scent of sweaty cat and the tensing of the muscles in the guy's body upon feeling the leather-wrapped hardness of a wolf's erection push against the small of his back while the leather wolf leaned close to the tiger's ears and hissed.

"Once you're done with playing with that small pickle of yours, come into the far cubicle, bitch."

He stepped away almost immediately, but not before he heard a sudden, aroused gasp come from the tiger. His cock pulsed against the front of his leather pants on every step he took, adding to the stimulation, when Aaron crossed the room, slapped the cubicle door open, and squeezed in.

He waited, and it felt like minutes would've passed, even though it likely wasn't more than thirty seconds, when there was a tentative knock on the door.

He pulled the door open and there was the tiger, looking expectant and perhaps a bit hesitant, and oh so craving for a good cream-filled hot dog in his rectum, judging by the hopeful eyes.

"Get in," Aaron grumbled.

The tiger pushed in, and when Aaron grabbed the door to pull it closed, he could see that a horse washing his hands on the sinks could see through the wall mirror that the tiger was disappearing into an already occupied cubicle. The black wolf saw that the horse was grinning knowingly, in the split moment it took for him to close the door and to turn the handle into the locked position.

There was very little room and he could smell the tiger, heated, mixed with leather, and definitely arousal.

"Bend over the fucking toilet," Aaron said.

He was not going to have patience for preliminaries - no tongue in muzzle, no cock-sucking, no scissoring fingers into an eager slut-hole in preparation of the puckered anus into receiving its meaty visitor. No, he was beyond waiting and decided to skip everything of the sort.

"And good," Aaron said, grabbing the tiger's striped rump to give it a hard squeeze, "Don't even have to pull your fucking pants down."

"Heh," the tiger purred, assuming the ageless position of presenting his rump for a supreme dominant male, back bent and his legs spread for leverage while his hands took purchase from the cold porcelain reservoir of the toilet seat.

Aaron unbuttoned his fly and pulled out his cock, hard, musky and knotted, so that the halves of leather and the buttons pressed onto his shaft under his knot. He let out a growl at the sensation, but didn't mind it - instead he just spat onto his palm and spread the spit onto his shaft, snarling at the feeling of applying his makeshift lube onto himself.

"Gonna be rough on you, slut," the black wolf grumbled to the nameless tiger, "gonna make sure you're shitting puppy juice for a week."

"P-please..." the tiger hissed, shaking his ass wantonly.

"What a fucking bitch," Aaron stated, adding a bit more saliva on himself.

He decided that it was enough - if the tiger was as big of a slut as he advertised himself to be, he ought to be able to take it like he was - raw and only barely lubricated. He hunched forward, knees colliding onto tiger knees, leather on leather, and pushed his thick, blunt tip into the warm, white furs of the tiger's ass crack, seeking for the little hole he wanted to make into not so little a receptacle for his dick.

"Hhmrrr..." the tiger purred, head hung down, ass pushing back to meet the contact with the wolf's erection.

Aaron gripped the tiger's ass hard with his free paw and pushed, slamming against the fleshy pucker underneath his tip, trying to get in. It felt slick and the tiger must've made sure he was already wet and ready under his tail, even without any additional lubrication applied. Good, Aaron thought. He liked it when sluts kept themselves ready for action.

"Ffffffuck..." the wolf barked out and bit his teeth together in an attempt to keep the noise down a bit, even if most of the clientele of the club wouldn't mind of someone decided to commandeer a toilet cubicle for a brief encounter with a friend. Call it a gentleman's understanding ,the wolf thought, tail swishing against the cubicle floor while he tried to find purchase at the tiger's hole.

He pushed, a concentrated scowl on his muzzle, and nudged through, the pucker yawning open without too much resistance for the thick canine pussy rocket starting to try to slide in. The tiger's tail did the kind of leaping the wolf expected from his bottoms, and he rumbled and harrumphed, his ass obviously getting stretched well by the cock sliding into his ass.

"There ye go fucker," Aaron announced, enjoying the feeling of the tiger's hole clenching down on him, "take ye daddy's cock."

The tiger didn't answer, he simply bucked his hips backwards to force another inch into his chute. That told enough for Aaron, whom decided that any kind of gentle entrance seemed pointless when it came to this particular big ass fucker. He gripped the tiger's leather-clad hips with both of his paws and pushed hard, sliding most of his cock in at one go, sending the tiger into a fresh frenzy of grunts and moans at getting his ass buggered.

The black wolf grunted with pleasure and began to drill the tiger at full speed right away, his groin slapping up a storm against the tiger's leather butt. His sloppy hole sucked his cock right in and felt like a good hot flesh glove on the wolf's pent up erection, the perfect kind of a receptacle for Aaron's pent up lust after having his boner cooped up in his leather pants for way too long. He fucked away hard, and his shaft made slick noises while it slid through the silicone-lubed hole of the tiger, whom was still trying to clench it occasionally in rhythm with the wolf's thrusts. Mostly it felt like it was involuntary, his insides getting well-pummeled by the thick blunt wolfcock intending to put a good big steamy load into the tiger's open all hours rear.

"Slut..." Aaron grunted while his hips continued hunching, bending over the tiger so that he could drool against his back and neck, "bitch...fucking tail...rrraiser...ass bandit...cock sleeve..."

His insults became more imaginative while he fucked harder and harder, his knot punching against the tiger's hole, feeling the slippery joys that awaited past that once tender, now simply tenderized pucker. Aaron would have loved to sink it in along with the rest of his shaft, but he knew that getting tied to such a bitch under such condition was not the best of ideas. He didn't want to get caught there, even if it likely wasn't going to cause him too much trouble. He just didn't want to spend all that time playing nice to the tiger by letting his knot go down instead of simply yanking it out of the tiger's asshole. They could get awfully prissy if you treated them like that...and he preferred to have the tailholes come back to him for seconds, preferably while still gaping and leaking his juices.

His horny thoughts only made him fuck the tiger harder, causing him to buck hard against the toilet seat he held onto for his dear life, his body rocking while the wolf continued to thrust into the tiger's sloshing striped rump-pussy. He was still relatively tight despite being pounded hard by a thick wolf-cock, and obviously experienced enough to know how to take it properly up the ass. His purrs and moans sounded good, and made the wolf sure that the slut was enjoying getting fucked just as much as he should after soliciting his butt in public in the club like that. Obviously he didn't want to leave the club without getting his nightly fix of solid man meat and ball cream on the rocks.

Aaron pumped himself in and out, pressing harder and harder against the tiger's crack and hole with each thrust, twisting his hips so that he could put more weight onto his knot, to stimulate himself more, to get the tingling started up properly all the way...sending him to bite onto the tiger's neck when he bust his load.

The tiger yowled, relatively quietly, but he couldn't keep all of it down, either, making so much noise as he was while getting squirts of hot wolf cum inside his ass. Maybe it was that, the bite, or the general feelings of submission that set him off, but his hole and tunnel began to clench even more than before while Aaron kept shooting seed into his rump, and he was sure he could smell the telltale scent of feline cum spreading into the microatmoshphere of the stinky toilet.

That really settled it, Aaron thought, the tiger truly was a bitch.

He stayed in the mount for only a few moments once his cock stopped its natural breeding actions, and pulled out with an obscene, pleasant slurp that sent cum dribbling down against the tiger's taint and his balls. The tiger let out a sigh as he felt the cock slip away from his asshole, and Aaron watched the pink hole yawn and leak for a few moments, before his gates finally pushed shut.

"Hmmmrrr..." the tiger was purring still.

"Down, bitch," Aaron grunted.

The tiger's ears flicked curiously and he looked at the wolf with tired eyes.

"Move," Aaron said.

He forced himself to stand over the toilet seat, legs on either side, spread quite wide but not uncomfortable yet, and with the tiger standing with his back to the door now, a reversal of their positions from earlier.

"Down," Aaron told again.

The tiger didn't hesitate getting on his knees on the grimy floor, which put his muzzle in line with the wolf's still hard, cum and lube-glazed cock bobbing in front of his nose. Aaron winked, smirked, and grabbed his shaft, giving it a couple of tugs that milked residual spunk from his hole and sent it hanging down in a goopy, stretchy drop from his piss slit.

"Open wide!"

The tiger did as he was told, just a moment before Aaron's bladder relaxed and his hot, golden whiskey piss began to flow from his full bladder and into the willing open maw that was now going to serve another purpose after the tiger had been loaded with the wolf's cum. Now that they'd gotten started on that road...well, thought Aaron, he might as well give the tiger a serving of the other stuff as well.

The tiger's eyes fell closed and his paw gripped on the wolf's shaft, taking over at keeping it in place while he continued gulping down the black wolf's rancid cocktail flowing into his muzzle in a thick, musky stream from the rumbling lupine.


Thank you for reading! Hope you had a good time reading, and I look forward to your comments and other feedback!


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