Dog Gone Day - The Cafe (Male)

Story by TorrentTantrum on SoFurry

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The true story begins.

Then welcome to you, sir. Let me provide some background for you in this story.

You live with an extended family, friends and loved ones all sharing in a 2-story home, in a rural neighborhood 4 miles out from the city. It gets rather quiet sometimes, but the people you live with keep things interesting; your mother, grandfather, sister, and your best friends, Ray and Tanya, help to get you through the grind of the day-to-day.

Some rumors have been circulating lately; perhaps, less rumors, and more unfortunate incidents; about people from out in the city going missing for days, weeks, even months. Some aren't even seen again after they go missing. Those who are, they all act quite different: more aggressive, lashing out at those around them, and having rather odd food cravings. Other times, people who go missing _are _found...but as carcasses. It's unsure, many times, who the body even belonged too, even after extensive DNA testing; most of the bodies are mauled beyond recognition. It's speculated that this has some form of link with the increase in wild animal attacks lately; people reporting vicious, blood-curdling noises at night, from all the way in the nearby forests none too far off from your neighborhood. There's even a few people that you know who've gone missing as well. it's become so commonplace, officials tend to mark people as legally dead after they disappear. No one goes searching for those who go missing anymore.

As for you, you sister and yourself have been enjoying some one-on-one time at the local cafe, out in the city. Your sister has a very respectable job: she works supply over at a nearby auto-body shop. She provides them with the materials, they make the cars, and everyone goes home happy. Your job isn't as glamorous as hers, but it's a good living, and you make due with it.

She puts down her macchiato, smiling at you. "So, you like the coffee here? I know it's a bit fancy, but I wanted to treat you to something nice for once." She waits on your response.

You can usually respond in one of three different ways. In some scenarios, you may only have 2 decisions, but in most other cases, these are your choices:

*Moral Decision * - If you want to get cliche, this is the "Good" option. This generally involves a positive or "heroic" action that can alter the story for the better...usually.

Neutral Decision - It's exactly as it says; this option can mean either abstaining or remaining indecisive. Sometimes a good idea, sometimes not.

*Aggressive Decision * - This option can spice up the story, but can, obviously, lead to things coming back to bite you in the ass.

Each decision, when presented, can drastically alter the story. No one decision is always the best one, and sometimes the story might demand some tough choices. Be warned: this story has many endings, whether they're good or bad depends on how you see them. There are no right and wrong choices. Note, however, some decisions can have much more abrupt ends. Choose wisely.

Now then, what do you say to your sister?

Complement the coffee. Say it's good.

You think it's alright, but not great.

It tastes disgusting. Refuse it.

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