The King's Favour
#1 of Raunchy King Smaragdos (Master/Slave Themes)
The King's Favour
Hello, dearies!
This is a story sponsored by Heru based on my idea (he wanted butts!) and with a contribution of characters by
FoxyJ to whom I owed some writing, and who wanted to see a fox and a black panther...and hence this...synergy was born, with quite the interesting results, I think! I do hope you enjoy the story, and I look forward to your feedback!
Best of my thank to my commissioners, and of course, to all my readers! You keep on rocking and nudging me on when the world gets rough. Cheers for that. A bit, serious thanks to you all.
It was another humid day in the realm of King Smaragdos, the clouds hanging high, the rain not yet to come, but it would soon enough, as it always did with clockwork precision on a certain hour that the town criers would announce well in advance so that the peddlers and pedestrians roaming the streets would have time to collect themselves into a shelter from the pouring rains.
In the royal palaces, overlooking the town far enough so as to prevent the stench of the streets and sewage to enter the noses of the nobles inhabiting the grand houses, the very own charade of running the court took place. Pages ran around, taking messages, carrying notes, cool drinks, fans, the servants bustling about in their own chores, the courtiers, in their fine dress, holding important and frivolous conversations in the grand hallways opening onto the gardens, the doors still unbolted before the rain would come .
In the counsel chamber, the leading courtiers, bishops and ministers were crowded around the table, lit with dozens of wax candles, their flames flickering a little under the fanning boys whose task was to propel air onto the necks and faces of the many nobles discussing the affairs of the realm in heated tones. Even their apparel, the wigs and the jewellery and ruffles they were could not make them a match for the grandest of them all, however, poised upon his own great seat on the end of the room, not by the table, but beyond it, to symbolize the King's all-reaching power, overseeing it all.
King Smaragdos was a black panther of great stature, tall, broad-shouldered, muscled from hard physical work he did upon his personal preference, to project a presence of strength and vitality, a far cry from the lumbering fat kings of the past decades of rule. No, Smaragdos was young, oozing masculinity and power, not only in his physical shape but his demeanor as well. He walked with a confident step, and dressed simply, unburdened by the capes, kilts and layers upon layers of brocade that his courtiers insisted on wearing as per the latest fashions. The King's position was to remain beyond such frivolities, so thought King Smaragdos, although he too wasn't without his own sensualist pleasures when it came to them material possessions made possible by him being the autocratic ruler of this land.
His green eye, infamous for gleaming like cut emeralds, roamed the room, judging the postures, reading the motions of the lips keenly, with honed skill, sniffing out the overall scent of the room for the mood of the men who ran the more mundane affairs of his realm. No treachery could go undetected when the King held his court, and he would sit there for hours, listening, weighting in, sometimes adding his own word, though mostly content to simply remain still and let out the occasional rumble.
Today the King wore a cloak of sorts, light, tan cloth wrapped about himself, with his arms resting upon the throne's great supports, shaped liked paws, to symbolize his great power, shown with claws, while the black panther's own were safely sheathed. He sat upon his throne upright, steady and inquisitive, a feat of strength his stature and constitution allowed for him. Servant boys, swathed in silk, swung great ostrich feather fans over him on either side, to bring cool air upon the King's brow and make it comfortable for him to remain in his position for many hours.
There were other perks, too, as provided by one of his precious servants. Today the duty had fallen for a foreign fox called Nisabu to take onto the special duty of entertaining the King whil he held his court.
The fox had entered the wooden structure beneath the throne before the counsel had been admitted into the chamber, allowing him to settle onto the padded platform accessible by a trapdoor of sorts from the base of the platform, behind the great curtain that lined the back wall and allowed messengers to pass and whisper messages to the King's ear without interrupting the proceedings of the counsel. It also let the likes of Nisabu to take upon their place before the King settled onto his throne. A servant in the counsel room would tap the platform with their foot or the like to signal the king's presence, and that was the sign for Nisabu to pull a bolt and slide the bottom of the throne's seat away to expose his work for him.
It would be perfectly dark there, in that little space under the throne, the fox upon his padded bed, but he did not need to be able to see to know what there was to do for him. The oval-shaped opening, its rims padded with leather and horsehair so that it was still as comfortable to sit as before, while also letting the crevice of his rear to drop below within the reach of the fox's long muzzle, his head resting on the bed.
The musk hit him first...fragrant, masculine, a combination of natural oils and scents mixing into such a heady state that it would always make the fox almost whimper as he inhaled the first noseful of the King's virile essence directly from its source, in the hidden folds of fur, muscle and skin under the panther's tail. His dimpled bottom, the crack, the base of his tail, his round, full testicles, all of them dangled within inches of the fox's lips, presented for him for the service expected of him.
With reverence, with trembling paws and a throbbing erection of his own, Nisabu touched fingertips over the black-furred rear and felt the firm muscles, so pliant and alive under his pads. The King's rear was a gorgeous sight, a pure flare of muscle over his hips, with the long, curling tail and strong legs to come with it, a rare, fantastic show for anyone lucky enough to see it in all of its glory. Nisabu could see little, but he felt a lot, his fingers tracing the curves of his King's posterior, a touch not allowed for but the precious few, and the fox happened to be one of them.
Above him, in the room the King addressed the court, his voice steady and unwavering, no signs of the fact that at the very time his humble servant fox was fondling his buns with his respectful fingers. All the fox could know of this was a little vibration of the muscles beneath his fingers, the tone carrying all the way down to his core. He needn't hear the King's words, his other kind of presence was enough, and made the fox's tail wag softly.
The King was already growing aroused. He could smell it, a change in the musk permeating the small niche under the throne, for the fox to lay in. The scent grew deeper and varied, a dark, heady aroma as rich as the male who produced it as well.
The King spoke again. Unhurriedly, opinionatedly, letting his ministers hear his mind while the great ruler spoke in deep tones.
Under his tail, the fox swallowed. His maw had grown so wet, he ran the risk of drooling over his cheeks. The sexual musk emanating from his King's private body parts had him under its spell, and by now the fox had learned to be a willing recipient of his grace.
He massaged onto the King's feline rump cheeks while his lips tentatively touched the great shapes of the feline's balls, giving each of them a series of sweet little fox kisses. Nisabu enjoyed their weighty feel upon his lips, thrilled in his gentle little mind about the act that such a sensitive part of the King, the man whose realm's very future was dependent on the function of these delicate nuts, that the King allowed his loyal servant to present them with his soft attention. The furry skin covering them was very clean and warm, and had a distinctively masculine taste while the fox worked them slowly over with his tongue, making sure that he would not miss an inch of skin with his perpetually wet, slick appendage.
King Smaragdos was a very constrained man. The sigh he gave upon having his balls licked and toyed with by a talented tongue he passed through his nostrils in a slightly hitched breath that was hidden from the ears of his counsel by the constant swish of the fans operated by the shirtless, strong page boys with their tools.
Nisabu began to kiss under the black panther's balls, those delicious, sensitive gonads now resting upon his nose while he dwelled behind them. His lips found the firm base of the King's cock, the thick, hard root telling him that he must've already been out of his sheath and throbbing with his masculine need. The fox's own cock pulsed as he imagined the King's prodigious manhood, with its long, purple length, the thick head and the numerous pointy barbs covering the shaft and providing an endless variety of sensation to touch. He felt blood pulsing against his lips, through the tender skin of the King's underbelly, and he remained there a long time, to lavish that hidden part of the nobleman's body with his joyfully given service.
What was an argument about the new drydock, when a soothing, wet tongue slid through your ass crack? The King remained serene, even through the heated pleads of the Admirals and the complaints of the exchequer, unhappy that so much gold should be placed on such a singular venture. The King's nerves could never even have a chance of being frayed when at the same time as he listened, the obedient fox under his throne would lap up and down through the valley of flesh between the King's ass cheeks, seeking further musky joys to be found in the secret crevice presented for him to take and lavish with his loyal services.
Exotic, too. They rarely got foxes in this kingdom of the feline kind, and hence, the red-furred servant was quite the eye-catcher with his lean limbs, his bushy tail and perky eyes, not to mention the knowledge the King and a few choice individuals knew of the talents of his muzzle. It was not a surprise for Nisabu's fellow servants, some of whom were envious of the fact as well, that the fox was often requested by the King to entertain him during events he considered to be especially stressing, such as this particular kind of a counsel meeting when bickering about money was always on the agenda.
Taxation...bah...just to have a tongue taking its first, tentative taste of the King's tailhole and lingering there, going in lazy circles around the furred circumference of his deeply furrowed pucker, the fox moaning with delight, the King's fingers curling and tightening a tad upon the armrest of his greatly ornate throne, the lad centering in on his most sensitive, precious opening. He had bathed meticulously and was nothing but clean, and hence, the tongue moved boldly, sliding over the feline's taint and into his warmth unhindered by any balking in Nisabu's part. Just another service for his adopted King, the ruler of his body and soul, for whom he was ready to do almost anything. His own erection pulsed, but touching the King and bring him pleasure was more important than his own pent-up desire for getting off. Just to touch the be given that privilege...the knowledge that even now, powerful men were talking about war and money and...field irrigation, while the King, his mind concerned with many things, could at least enjoy the unquestioning services provided by his very own Nisabu.
The fox didn't even know whether the nobles knew that the King employed such a distraction to keep his mind sharp and focused during their meetings. There were many whispers, of course, also when it came to the King's own numerous peculiar tastes, but the hidden structure of his throne and its ability to accommodate a fox underneath it seemed to remain secrets of the innermost circle of the court, both when it came to the nobles and their servants. The fox liked it to stay that way - to have even more competition, of servants vying for the honor of pleasuring the King, that would mean that the King's interests might be piqued and he might actually find he preferred someone else...that was an abhorrent thought for the little fox, who liked nothing more than to serve the King loyally and to the best of his abilities. Licking and touching him as he was, toying with his balls, feeling the strong pulse of his blood under his tail, the clenching of his puckered hole, so tight and inviting for the fox's nose to press upon it to feel its warm kiss on his own cool, wet nosepad...apparently a thrilling feeling, that contrast, for the hedonistic male who employed the fox for this very purpose.
Still he sat on his throne, the King, his hard, proud cock resting against his belly, concealed by the folds of his robe while he listened to the endless bickering of the counsel take place under his watchful eye, all the while the hungry vulpine muzzle tongued his rear.
The sun disappeared and the rain washed over the city and the surrounding countryside, seemingly endlessly thrumming upon the many weathered copper roofs of the sprawling palaces. It beckoned activity, now that the cool air could wash the dank heat away from the corridors and rooms, giving many noble cats a reprieve from the exhausting warmth that sapped away their strength and energy.
In another splendid room, the King had retired for a little afternoon refreshment, of drink and fruit and the beautiful motions of a tribal dancer to amuse his eyes as well as the other senses. The King sat upon a fine , sturdy chair, surrounded only by his fanning boys, the kitchen servants, and lining the walls, half a dozen armored members of his bodyguard, to ensure the King's safety even in these rather private quarters he occupied now.
By the King's feet sat Nisabu, on his own haunches, a bowl of fruit resting over his lap, paws holding the bowl steady. His pleasant, soft eyes, the boyish curve of his muzzle and the languid, gentle motion of his tail brought comfort for any a nervous King, including the one who reclined upon his chair and watched the skilful movements of the dancer, a lean cheetah who employed two blunt-tipped spears in his routine. He moved without need for musical accompaniment, the rhythm within his mind, upon his body, in the swing of his tail, almost hypnotic to view for any a discerning eye.
"Beautiful, isn't it, Nisabu?" the King addressed the fox in his resonant, deep voice.
"Oh, yes, " smiled the little fox from his crouched perch by his King's seat, his habitual place, "very much so..."
The King watched the performance for a few moments more before glancing down at the servant on his feet, smiling anew.
"Are you even watching, Nisabu?"
The fox seemed to be blushing, now, his ears drooping a little in quite demureness.
"I am, yes...when not watching you, my King," said the fox in a shy whisper.
"Is that so?" the King murmured.
"Oh, yes, yes sir!" said the fox, seriously. "It is...difficult to look away from you, my King..."
The black panther laughed, his eyes shining like the most precious emeralds in firelight.
"Such a sweet tongue you've got, Nisabu," King Smaragdos winked at his loyal servant, his
tail flicking about cheerfully while the fox seemed to blush even more, and the dancing cheetah performed a particularly wild spin, the spears turning corkscrews through the air.
The fox giggled, well aware of the bold double meaning beyond the King's words. It had been his explicit command to have Nisabu to take care of him during the straining meeting, and now that the King finally got to relax in his relative privacy, it seemed natural for him to bring the fox along as well. Serving his fruit, pouring his wine...the fox felt happiest when he was providing for the King, and the King's courteous grace at receiving all this attention never failed to make Nisabu feel important and needed. To stand out in such a way among the many, many attendants to the King was quite the honour, the fox knew, especially for someone of foreign blood such as he was. That spoke of great trust and affinity, and the small vulpine was sure to make his best to ensure that the King would never have to doubt his dedication for serving the King's every need.
The King, his eyes still lingering upon the movements of the dancer, extended one of his relaxed legs and smirked.
"Why don't you come and sit here on my knee, Nisabu?"
"Y-yes, sir?" the fox asked. That was a rare honor indeed.
"Do come here" the black cat patted his knee. "There is a spot right here for you."
"Oh...oh yes sir!" squeaked the fox. He placed the bowl of fruit down onto the floor by the throne and then, carefully, tentatively, and with respect, climbed onto the spot that had been reserved for him. The black panther was easily large enough that a small man like Nisabu could easily settle down over one of his ruler's firm thighs, covered in but the fold of a robe that the King wore for modesty, not for warmth, for the stifling weather made sure that there was no such need inside the stone walls of the palace. The fox's tail wagged and he looked shyly at the great King, his shiny eyes, the intelligent curve of his lips, the occasionally flicking ear reacting to the soft, shuffling noises made by the dancer's bare footpaws touching the floor upon his landings from the daring leaps.
The fox balanced himself onto the King's knee and sat there, smiling quietly as he enjoyed the knowledge that his presence there surely must've pleased the ruler, for King Smaragdos was purring even now, just a little, while his long tail gave the occasional cheerful flick. Nisabu longed to press his ear against that broad chest so that he could listen to them from the source, but contented himself with simply sitting there, his own legs dangling off those of the King, quietly watching the master of the realm enjoy the show and the gentle weight of his servant.
"That's better, isn't it, Nisabu?" spoke the King, after a long quiet moment.
"Yes, sir!" the fox's ears perked. "It is very fine to sit here, to look at you and the dance, sir!"
"Oh yes...the throne may offer the best seat in the palace indeed..." murmured the King. He raised his great paw and tousled the fox's russet head furs, making the little fox let out a soft noise upon feeling those thick fingers stroking along his skin.
"Oh, sir..." whispered the fox, his eyes fluttering shut as he enjoyed the big man's touch.
"You like that, don't you?" murmured the King in his smooth, purring voice.
"Yes, sir..." spoke the fox, eyes now closed, his world in the warmth and scent of the black panther.
The King stroked his paw slowly along the fox's slim neck and his back, all the way to the base of the softly wagging tail, and up anew, tracing the young male's body with a fond, possessive touch. He thrilled in the feeling of the fox's submission for him, the sheer physical power over the fox, and not only with his strength, but the resolution of his character and manhood as well. A few of the servants could claim such complete, utter devotion, and the King found it to be...refreshing, in many ways. It was a joy that the fox had decided to stay in the court and to provide for the monarch, in all the manners he was able to.
With a low rumble, the King's paw fell lower and cupped the top sides of the fox's buns, whatever he could touch that wasn't planted over his own silk-covered leg at the moment. The fox's tail swished rapidly against the King's arm, and his blush deepened, a little 'yip', a breathy one, being the result of the black panther's fondling touch upon his rear.
"Oh you like that don't you?" murmured the black panther. "Like your King touching you?"
"Oh yes sir..." whispered the fox, "yes...oh yes...hmmmm..."
The King chuckled - not a mocking, cruel laughter, but one of fondness and amusement at the very outward displays of pleasure coming from his sweet young servant. He thought such genuine devotion was nothing to be ashamed of, it made the fox happy, and gave the black cat, too, a sense of comfort, in a way.
"You are a comely lad," the King susurrated, "and so happy to serve your King?"
"Hhhmmmyes..." the young fox's rump wiggled back against the King's bold grab upon his rear, "it is a...pleasure...sir..."
The King withdrew his paw, much to the fox's regret, but only to feel the fox's slim belly and down onto the front of the loose trousers his servant wore. The fox's stiff erection could be felt against his palm, firm and heated, complete with its exotic canine knot bulging with sexual energy. The young man moaned under the touch and pressed onto it, wantonly, his tail beginning to wag once more.
"Oh I can feel it is, Nisabu..." the cat spoke, "you must be enjoying yourself a great deal..."
The King's other paw took one of the fox's and placed it lower down on the very same leg the young man sat upon, to press his fingers against the thick tube of his own erection, perfectly hard and ready, drooping, really, upon the King's fleshy thigh from its sheer weight. The discovery of this familiar arousal made the fox shiver again, his tail rustling softly against the silks of the King's fine robe.
"Are you ready, Nisabu?" whispered the King.
"Yyyesssir..." the fox panted.
"Show me," the King commanded.
The fox dropped onto the floor and unhesitantly undid the cord holding his trousers up, letting them fall so that he could step out of them. His tail swung temptingly while the King watched with rapt attention, his cock surging with delight as Nisabu gripped his ankles and leaned forward, tail hiked up alongside to present himself for the black cat's scrutiny.
Such pleasure, purred the King in joy at the sight, the perfect round buns, the white taint, the tail swinging above them all, the roundness of the young man's testicles, only the smallest glimpse of the forbidden depths of his anus hinted at in the fuzzy crevice under his tail. The lusty sight was made even more so by the King's knowledge that his guards and the fanning boys on either side of the throne could gawk at the very same sight, likely in envy as they knew that only the King was allowed to touch and otherwise sensually enjoy the fox.
"Are you ready?" the black panther questioned again.
"Yes, my King..." the fox moaned, bent over for the viewing pleasure of the King.
The black panther untied his own robe and let the hems fall to the sides to reveal his muscled, dark body, the standout part being of course the purple of his stout cock, which had gained some extra hardness during the fox's display and now stood almost directly upright from the musky groin of the aroused monarch. His cock glistened with pre-cum that had already oozed out, adding to the potent musk that the fox could smell, even while not facing the King, who still sat there, his legs spread and planted firmly onto the floor for balance.
"Come, then...come, Nisabu," said the King. "Let's see if this warrior truly dances with his pole as well as you do..."
The King smirked, and was sure that the fox's ears would be turning burning hot for the remark. He didn't mean to bully the youth, no, it was simply a compliment hidden in a little outburst of crude humor,meant for their mutual benefit. It certainly ensured that the fox's tail remained upright over his perky rump while he backstepped towards the King once more, until the black panther could effortlessly pick him up from under his arms and set the fox onto his lap.
The cheetah danced, spinning and twirling through the air while the King pressed the fox down upon his groin. His huge cock pressed onto the softly furred valley of Nisabus' rear, the massive member making its nest between the blushing fox's butt cheeks and pressing flush with the fuzzy rump, the servant's balls and with that barbed, vicious tip tickling already at the fleshy gates of the slim fox's hole. The contact made the fox sigh as well as shiver, a deep motion and sensation going through his spine that swished his tail about the youth's waist, out of the way of the warm contact between him and the King's body in their public congress. Unperturbed, the King's shirtless servant boys continued to fan him with their feathers, all the while the great cat embraced the fox jittering over his lap, his own strong hips already making little bucking motions to drive himself against the fox's rear.
""Such a beautiful man, isn't he, Nisabu?" the King murmured, his chin easily pressing over the top of the fox's head while the servant sat upon his lap, the gleaming green eyes still upon the dancing tribal warrior.
"Yy.yess sirr..." moaned the fox, his hips cupped onto each huge paw while the King rocked onto his willing servant, barbs raking through fur and onto the tender skin of his taint, "oh...yyyess..."
The King let out a purr, feeling the fox's needy movements, and thrust anew, his tip leaking even more wet musk over the servant's taint.
"You need to be filled..." the King whispered into one of the fox's heated ears, "you are in heat, Nisabu..."
"Yesshh..." the fox answered, "yes, my k-king..ah..."
"Shall I?" murmured the cat, his grip on the fox's hips becoming more firm.
"A-as you desire...m-my King," the fox whimpered.
"Guide me in," King Smaragdos spoke.
He lifted the fox by his hips, simply enough that one of the dainty paws could slip between their bodies and catch the black panther's slick erection and to push it towards its ultimate destination, the sweet spot under the fox's tail. Nisabu moaned loudly at the feeling of the barbed tip stroking onto him, and with the King's paws holding him up, as soon as the great cat allowed the fox to fall, his own weight began to bear him down onto the King's tool.
"Hush, Nisabu..." the King rumbled, his cock jerking and spitting out pre-cum into the fox's tight rear, oozing heat upon the servant's delicate insides he was keen to invade," enjoy..."
The fox was completely relaxed and ready, having washed and anointed himself for the eventually that the King would like to use his rear at a moment's notice - not an uncommon occurrence to happen, and hence to be prepared for it was part of Nisabu's varied duties. The sweet oil applied into his rear truly came to be needed, now that the thick length of his King and master's cock pressed through the fox's clenching anus and thrust deeply into his rump, the black panther pushing the fox down until all of his length was imbedded within the fox's talented asshole.
The fox trembled against the King's chest, muzzle agape and eyes closed, his legs hanging loose while he stayed impaled upon the cock in his ass. The black cat let out a purr of approval, feeling the suckling heat of his servant's guts, and simply allowed the fox to sit still, savoring the sensation of taking another male as his own for the moment. His rump was still upon the King's hips but his insides were alive, applying such delicious grips and fondles about his thick length that it was difficult to stay put and not to simply rut the fox's ass until cum would spray deep into his guts.
All in due time, thought the King, letting his eyes linger upon the comely rear of the dancing warrior for a moment...its firm curve...that agile evoking sight if anything, and made his own lust burn even deeper, The ideas...oh yes...such a sweet rump to conquer...even if the fox was so warm and comfortably stretched around his straining member.
"Ride, Nisabu," the King whispered lustily into the fox's lopsided ear," let's see how much you can take..."
The sweating fox began to rock his hips back and forth, effectively stroking the King's cock with his body, from within his own, slow, heaving motions as he took the King under his tail. The black panther's breathing became a constant battle between a rumble and a purr, the hot huffs landing almost uniformly over the softly yipping fox's neck. Nisabu tried to be quiet so as not to interrupt the show, but it was simply impossible to keep it all inside him, not when the girthy feline member split him open and burrowed into his body with the lusty strength of a King breeding one of his willing body servants.
"Your ass is a marvelous, tight fuck" the King rumbled rudely into the fox's ear, making him moan in approval of the compliment.
"Yyyeess...! moaned the fox, "you are so...l-large..."
The King bit softly on the fox's neck scruff and bucked his hips up to let the servant feel his strength, the ability to lift the man up almost by the sole means of his cock alone, imbedded deep within the fox's slippery rear. He hunched upwards several times to tease the canine's tunnel with his barbs, dwelling into his bowels and letting him feel the heat of his balls digging into the fox's oiled taint.
Henceforth the public fuck continued, the King taking his servant in the full view of his private court, thrusting leisurely into the boy's rump while the fox whimpered and moaned in earnest, completely in submission to the physical pleasure of being taken. Nisabu's own cock bounced up and down against his belly, a constant slap slap slap that made many an ear flick about the room, while the servants and courtiers tactfully turned a blind eye for their King's indiscretation.
The black panther was remarkably composed, even while thrusting into the fox's ass and using his paws to lift him up and down over his pole. He made few sounds, low and deep, and was mostly content with gnawing at the boy's neck and making him whimper under the sensual assault upon his servant's ass. The noises the fox made were not of pain, he knew, no, instead, it was sheer pleasure, the kind that made him grip his own knees while he was ridden up and down on the King's lap.
They continued until the King's movements became erratic...less controlled...the need overtaking, and he slammed the fox down several times before the cum began to flow, thick, deep spurts filling the fox's rear with his heat. This increase in the pressure within Nisabu's warm, silky rear made his own cock jerk and spew cum onto the floor in front of the throne, the fox going entire rigid in the King's embrace while he too spent himself in many spurts brought on by the King's own essence flowing so copiously into his rear.
"That was refreshing," the King stated after a few moments, his whiskers moving under the draft generated by the servant boys on either side, both of them, any keen eye could have noticed, sporting considerable bulges in the loincloths they wore to preserve their modesty.
"T-thank you, sir," murmured Nisabu, his butt full of the cum he so craved, his King's true favor put inside him for safekeeping.
"Hmmmmrr... " purred the King, just, as he watched, when the war dancer finished his performance and stood there in front of the ruler, panting after his own exertions and bowing down, his spear poles held dramatically on either side while he presented himself for the King's scrutiny, a handsome, yuong, strong man with grace to his movements and wearing only a cup of leather over his own member, secured into place with dark leather straps over his tan-shaded body.
That was a piece of apparel he would not mind seeing his Nisabu in, either.
Perhaps he'd ask the warrior to demonstrate, thought the King, as he pet the fur on the fox softly crouching upon his regal lap.
Thank you for reading! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to your comments! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!