A Mouse’s Downfall, A Dragon’s Rise to Power

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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Hello again everyone, this was a story I made in a trade with draconicon which features his mouse crime lord and my dragon in his mercenary style. I hope you all enjoy this, cause I know a certain "someone" already has...

The dragon sighed heavily as he closed the door to his latest hotel room, dropping his black duffle bag and making his way over to the large bed in the room, shuffling out of his coat as he went and throwing it across a chair before falling flat onto the soft covers. He laid there for nearly a minute to relax before rolling over onto his back, stretching out as best he could, and pulling out his phone as soon as he was done to check the latest news feeds. And what he saw was exactly what he had expected after the debacle he had just finished unfortunately participating in.

"Stupid raptor, can't believe you had me running over four of the largest populated stars in this sector trying to find the guy that stole your girlfriend. Lucky I only broke one of your arms before giving you up to the cops."

He shook his head again as the thoughts once again flashed across his mind, grumbling more under his breath before sitting up and activating the holo-view on his phone for a bigger screen to work with. Scaled fingers flicked across the glowing yellow monitor as he searched through more news and information feeds, trying to spot another possible contract in the bunch for something easy after the headache he had just went through, but finding no such request instead went to his secret mercenary site for anything with a good payout.

"All that effort and not getting anything for it but a headache and wasting more of what little resources I already had. Now I gotta try to make it back, likely with jobs I'm not going to particularly enjo-... Hello there."

The screen paused in place as he stared at one of the contracts in the feed, unusually larger than most of the others, nearly taking up half the screen. That was very out of the ordinary for the site and almost immediately made the black and red-scaled male think the contractor must have had a small fortunate at least to afford the size on the, admittedly, swindling website. His eyes scanned the image of a well-groomed mouse in fancy red clothes before looking over every detail of the contract itself.

Multiple Mercenaries Wanted

Greetings all you harbingers of pain and death,

I am in need of some particular sets of skills for several different tasks that I need to have done as soon as possible. As such, I am welcoming all mercenaries to come to me and see if they are fit enough for any the things I need done. So please stop by my ship on Resaldo of Sector 82 if you think you are worth my time. And fair warning, at least half of these contracts carry the risk of death, I've already lost a fair number of my crew to each of them, which is why I'm turning to you all.

Yours Truly,

  • The Man in Red

The dragon, Necross, had to re-read the last part in order to make sure it was real, not believing that the actual Man in Red had posted a multi-contract request, and personally at that. He knew of the fortune and power the surprisingly small mouse had, and for him to actually go to this trouble meant he had some really difficult and, more than likely, very well paying jobs on his hands. The very thought of a chance to not only get back what he wasted on the last job, but a lot more to boot, made him grin wickedly.

"Well well well, lady luck must be smiling upon me today it seems. Maybe I'll finally get the chance to trade my sub-par craft in for something better looking, even if it does still run and serve its purpose."

Necross couldn't help chuckling as he stood up, stretching out again before slipping his fingers under the waistband of his shorts and underwear, pulling them away and pushing them down, letting them fall down to his ankles before stepping out. This was the best way he liked to relax after a contract, stripping down to his bare scales and enjoying the freedom of not having to wear clothes before checking each and every piece of his gear, a task now more important when preparing to handle a task from the Man in Red himself.

"Hehehe, this will be one of my most interesting adventures that's for sure."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"My my, the famous Shadow Fire. When I put out those contracts, I didn't expect someone of your caliber to show up. Then again, I suppose that last contract with the raptor didn't pay very well, did it?"

The dragon flinched at hearing that last part, wondering how the Man in Red could know something like that when it was only a week ago and several sectors away. He stared back across the large wooden desk in front of him to the mouse, wearing a white mask and dressed in a suit of red like his namesake, and while Necross thought that it was a nice look for the shorter male it really made him think of nothing but those fancy masquerade balls he'd sometimes see on video feeds. But instead of letting that remark mess with him, the dragon just gave a smirk in return, not wanting to show the other any sign of weakness.

"Don't know why you know about that, and probably don't want to know either. But yes, I got nothing out of that but a headache and wasted resources. Then imagine my surprise seeing someone like you offering up multiple contracts, the more infamous _Man in Red_certainly would be quite the opposite experience from that dinosaur."

He couldn't really tell, but Necross could have sworn that he saw the rodent's cheek slide back a bit, and that made the dragon feel a little more relieved at possibly gaining a little respect from the male by respecting his notoriety as well. While he might have looked like it with his large size and reputation, Necross wasn't really a bad guy, or at least he didn't view himself that way. The dragon thought himself more of a guy just taking whatever life through at him, and found that being a mercenary fit his strength and skill set the best, so he chose to run with it until something better came along. Plus, it did have benefits at times, like getting to meet someone as powerful as the mouse across from him.

"Are you trying to gain respect by playing on my fame dragon?"

"Not as all, it's simply the truth after all. You're famous in my line of work, among many others, and infamous in the rest of society. I'm not really someone foolish enough to try and manipulate one of your status, I try that and more than likely I wouldn't be leaving this ship alive."

Necross watched as the mouse looked back at the file given to him by the mercenary, a self-kept thing that contained about every detail and action of his work almost down to the letter, a product that came from the dragon being a little too meticulous and obsessive-compulsive for his own good. He sighed inwardly at some of the trouble his bad habit had gotten him into in the past, quite a few handful of jobs getting more annoying than they should have been, he just hoped the mouse was impressed with the file unlike some of the other contractors he had shared it with.

"Be that as it may, your skills at least meet the expectations I am looking for, unlike some of those other wannabes that came before you. In fact, I think there might be a perfect job in here for someone like you."

The mouse sifted through several folders he had lying next to him on part of the desk, looking at each one of the tabs before he settled on one and pulled it from the stack, sending it spinning across the desk towards the dragon with the flick of his wrist. Despite being a little surprised by having a file suddenly thrown at him, Necross still managed to catch it by dropping his hand down on the folder. He picked it up slowly before opening the simple thing to view its contents, giving a brief look over the image of an orca on the first page and some of its information on the other pages, most of it being possible sightings and clues to his possible whereabouts.

While it wasn't his first contract in dealing with people as targets from dangerous individuals like the mouse, and really unlike the raptor he just finished with, what really surprised him was how much info they already had on him. It was more than he was used to from other contractors, and it certainly got him thinking about how connected the Man in Red must have been, a thought that actually made got him to shiver slightly at just what he could do.

Whether or not this is an assassination or a hostage taking, this is definitely a lot of detail. If this guy has this good of an information network it's no wonder he knew about the raptor and my lack of pay for the job.

"That is Cornell Olliso, an old... acquaintance of mine. We have tracked him down to one of the populated moons in Sector 64, the coordinates are in the file so you shouldn't have trouble locating it. He has sensitive information about both me and my activities, among other important intel, so I would prefer you bring him back alive if possible."

"As long as a few possible bullet wounds is alright with you, if he's classified as a Level 4 in the threat category, it won't be a cakewalk even for me. But I do have a decent enough recuperation tank in my little craft, so really it should just be a scar or two by the time we'd get back here. That being said, though, I'll do what I can to make sure he's brought to your feet alive."

"Excellent, and if you manage to do this job well, Shadow Fire, then you can expect to be rewarded for your efforts, enough to forget about not getting anything from your last one. I might even have a few other contracts for you again if you really manage to impress me with by getting Cornell and bringing him back alive. Just be careful dragon, he's already managed to evade my grasp for several years now and killed a number of other mercenaries before you, he won't be as easy a target as the one you had back on Zenoa."

... Now I'm really getting creeped out by this guy. He knows way more than he should.

"Again, you scare me with how much you know. So with that, I think I had best take my leave and get this job started."

He saw another twitch of a cheek on the rodent's face as he stood up and turned to leave, which he was thankful for since now he wouldn't have to be weirded out by the mouse again, who seemed to have resumed his own work as the dragon made his way out the door and into the hallway. That left Necross to try and find his way back out on his own, however, something that was much easier said than done considering he had never been inside such a large-scale ship before. And this predicament only could when considering the fact...

"Really shouldn't have drank so much before coming here, now I have to go and there's not a freaking bathroom in sight."

It took almost twenty minutes before Necross actually managed to find one, after numerous dead-ends and asking nearly a dozen people of the surprisingly very diverse crew for directions, and by that time the urge had increased greatly to the point he almost ran through door mark as the "Lavatory" to keep from wetting himself. He walked up quickly to one of the urinals, the one right next to the stalls, and shuffled his shorts and underwear down a little until the waistbands of both were around his thighs, revealing his cloacal slit and a small portion of his hidden cock. The dragon sighed in relief as he relaxed his inner muscles, letting his shaft throb once before the tip erupted in a stream of hot clear liquid, the color not a shocker considering how much water the dragon had before he arrived on the planet.

And due to the amount he had drank, Necross was left to relieve himself for nearly a full minute before the flow began to slow, ebbing down until it was a few droplets he had to shake off the tip of his still stiff cock. He sighed once more in before taking a step back and pulling the level at the top of the urinal, letting the water cascade down along the inside of the porcelain fixture and washing his fluids away. However, just as he was reaching down to pull his shorts back up, he felt something rub against the side of his arm, making him flinch on reflex before remembering that there shouldn't be any dangers inside the ship of... his newest client he supposed.

The dragon turned his head to look at what had touched him and saw it was a tail, the one typical of any rodent, thin, hairless, its pink flesh swishing back and forth before sliding back through a hole in the stall that Necross hadn't noticed before in his rush. Just above the hole was the words "Glory hole" with an arrow pointing down to the open space, just as a means to prove exactly what anyone might have concluded its purpose to be.

Well that's interesting, though will everyone I've seen so far being male I'm sure it's a welcome relief. And surprisingly it's a rodent inside, guess there must be more of them besides the Man in Red and that rat butler of his. Considering I'm about to travel across nearly 20 sectors, this will be my last chance for at least three weeks, so let's see how good a cocksucker the slut inside is.

Necross grinned at the thought of feeling another mouth after so long, his cock throbbing again for an entirely different reason as he saw the smallest hint of an eager tongue slip into view from inside the hole, more of his shaft slipping free from its warm home as he turned the rest of his body to face the stall next to him. A single step was all it took before his bared hips were almost flush with the steel wall, and his cock clearing the slightly larger than usual hole and peeking out the other side for whoever it was on the other side, slowly hardening on its own as more was still to come out.

And before he could even attempt to utter a single word, he felt the upper portion of his shaft engulfed by a warm maw, the underside immediately being attacked by a smooth, eager tongue. The sudden act had Necross murring softly in seconds as the sensitive double row of spines he had running below his cock were rubbed against again and again, which had him wondering how many felines the slut had serviced to be familiar with how good those things felt to have scrapping over warm flesh. Not only were they skilled with their tongue, but whoever this slut was, they really knew how to multi-task as the dragon felt the head bobbing, suckling on his cock as it grew harder and longer between those open lips.

Mmmph, definitely eager and skilled. Wherever that mouse found this slut, he sure is lucky to find someone like this. Wish I had found him or her first.

Not to left out of the action himself, Necross drew his hips back as he felt the slut's lips slide back up, feeling the eager little thing following along with it, before thrusting them forward again and sliding now over half of his throbbing cock into the warm muzzle around in front of it. He could feel the slight pressure around his cock as he helped to stuff himself deeper into that welcoming orifice, his tip dribbling a few drops of pre as the slithering tongue rubbed up against his spines again and now some of his ridges as they passed inside to spread those lips even further apart, and the dragonhood still hadn't been fully exposed yet.

His chest heaved slightly as he growled, his own lips curling back into another grin as he slid back again and thrust himself into the slut even further, feeling the tip of his cock hit the back of the rodent's throat, the dragon not surprised when he didn't feel even the slightest bit of a gag reflex as he rolled his hips back and forth to feed his cock through the hole over and over. And it also quickly became apparent that there were quite a number of, or at least a few recurring, crewmembers that were packing it where it really counted, cause Necross almost immediately had that throat tighten and swallow around the head of his cock once he start to thrust himself that far back.

Heh, guess you really are a keeper slut. Just how long have you been done this to be so eager and_talented_ on taking it down the throat like this?

Not that the dragon really cared about that, the fact he could have a warm mouth sucking him so well after over a mouth of nothing but his own hand and his ship's "collection" and just before another three or so weeks without it, was enough for him at the moment, his cock now standing fully hard and exposed. The sixteen inches of dragonhood, with its spines, ridges and slowly inflating knot stood proudly in the open air on display as it slid itself back and forth through the glory hole, stuffing the rodent maw to the brim with the behemoth of a cock.

The inviting tightness and warmth of the throat around him made Necross rumble pleasurably in his chest, cockhead dripping even more, almost constantly as his hips thrust forward to meet the eager bobbing the slut used on his or her side, swallowing the copious pre and around the cock to only further arouse the dragon. His thrust grew more erratic as the seconds past, the eager slut beyond the steel wall suckling him too well, his knot growing quickly and soon reaching its full size, the over five inches of girth wider than the muzzle being stuffed by the rest of dragonhood.

Nnngh, almost ready to bust. Looks like you're be getting what you wanted any second now slut, better enjoy the musk and cum of a dragon, it'll linger in your head for days after this.

Barely managing to restrain himself, Necross forced back his instinct to thrust his knot inside the maw before him, likely getting himself stuck in the glory hole in the process, and reached down to wrap his fingers around the space behind his knot, simulating a tie. The sudden pressure behind his throbbing knot was the last bit pleasure the dragon needed to go over the edge, his cock and body shuttering in pleasure as he climaxed. He throw his head back, biting his lower lip hard enough to draw blood to keep from roaring out as his cock throbbed violently inside of the rodent's mouth and throat, its tip erupting in a veritable cascade of white as it unloaded shot after shot of thick dragonseed straight down the eager submissive's throat.

And not wanting the slut to miss the taste either, Necross pulled his hips back a few inches, letting more of his cum flood the slim muzzle as his cock withdrew itself, giving the tongue a nice coating of its gooey surprise as the tip slipped out past the rodent's lips. He felt his cock give one last parting spurt of seed as he pulled it out of the glory hole, and he could imagine the look of the cum string stretched out across the eager slut's face. True to his word, the musky scent of dragon sex had filled the lavatory during their little fun, the thick, heady smell a wonderful aroma to Necross, making him grin and growl in satisfaction as he stuffed his cock back into his pants.

The dragon turned to leave without saying a word, feeling it wouldn't do much anyways considering he wasn't a part of the crew, and gave one last look to the glory hole as the sounds of swallowing were heard just past it before walking back to the entrance again. He made it just to the threshold before he heard another sound from the bathroom, a voice speaking in a low, but still hearable tone in the empty room.

"Definitely hiring him again."

Necross stopped dead in his track as he registered that voice, the voice of the slut that had drawn his attention and just eagerly sucked his cock with the skill of an expert. It was the Man in Red inside of that stall, the same proud mouse that had become his newest employer for however long he needed a skilled sharp shooter. The dragon couldn't believe what his earfins were hearing, but there was no denying it, the mouse he had just taken a job from had just sucked him off and swallowed his generous load, and seemed to be eager still for even more. That last train of thought lingered in his mind, and slowly, his lips spread into another, more devious grin.

Perhaps you're not as eerie as I thought you were mouse. Hehehe, this is very interesting indeed...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Unnghh, man, the only downside to space really is that it's so freaking big. These long trips can be really boring without any company, or any good company anyways."

The dragon sighed again as he watched the watched the starry expanse of space pass by as his ship traveled at light speed, the sight always getting boring after a few hours of seeing nothing else, which only served to make trips seem even longer. Setting the ship back into auto-pilot, Necross swiveled around in his chair and quickly stood up, stretching out some before looking at the state of his craft. He really didn't like how run-down it had gotten, dust on some surfaces, exposed wires in some places, and now really low resources after not getting to refuel or restock anything since before the previous contract.

Least the recuperation tank is new enough it doesn't need worrying about. Speaking of which...

Having little else to do, Necross slipped out of the cockpit of his ship and moved into the main body again, shuffling around some of the debris and tattered couch he had set up to get to the back of the room. The dragon looked at the large glass flask, the light of its green liquid content casting a glow across his face, something he wish he could change to a better color at times since it wasn't very pleasant in his opinion. And floating inside of the flask's liquid was his newest hit, Cornell was stripped of his clothes and his arms and legs bound together, making it seem as if he was kneeling, a sight the dominant black-red dragon always enjoyed to see.

The trails of blood still oozing from the half dozen bullet holes across the orca's body, however, wasn't as nice a sight, and made him think of the eight healing patches he had on his own body for the injuries he took from the other male's knife and claws. That was one of his weaknesses, his scales were soft and skin-like, so they offered little defense for him when compared to some of his brethren with their tough, armor scales. It was times like this that he did find himself more than a little envious of that trait.

But I guess it isn't something I can change, so I just gotta live with it. Not all bad so long as I don't run out of these patches or break this tank anytime soon.

Letting the thought die off there, the dragon gazed at the helmet his captive was wearing as he floated in the recuperative fluids, watching him squirm weakly in against his bindings as he was eyes and ears continued to be assaulted with hypnotic images and messages, ones of his own design created in his ship's mainframe computer. And to Necross' delight, the squirming had changed from those fighting against the brainwashing, into those of someone who was starting to enjoy it, if the large cock standing out from between the orca's legs was any indication. He stared in amusement as the shaft throbbed and twisted around in the tank, the prehensile nature a surprisingly interesting new thing for the dragon to see, considering he had never seen one up close before, or ever for that matter.

While he would love to do this with anyone he captured, Necross had a specific reason to do it with Cornell, a hunch he had come up with after meeting with the _Man in Red_and subsequently getting blown by him in the bathroom. He figured that if the mouse would ever do something like that, then that pause he gave when first talking about the orca might have been connected to it, and that could be why the mouse wanted him back alive so badly. Now it was time to see the results of his conditioning program and what all Cornell had shared with his computer.

"Hey Alister, once you make sure we're still on track, could you share the info our new friend here has given you in regards to Salla?"

Of course, sir. That will not be a problem at all. According to the coordinates sent by one of his men, we well be meeting with him on Travuneer in Sector 88. Since that is the case, it will take a few more days to meet with his ship once we get close to Resaldo again.

The news that is would take even longer to meet the mouse than he thought it would be was both bad and good news for Necross, bad because it was that much longer he had to go and it would use up almost all of his remaining resources he had on his ship, but also good because that gave him more time to acquaint himself with Cornell and the information he provided Alister while under hypnosis. Turning away from the flask and his aroused captive, the dragon walked back across the main body of his ship, taking a seat on the couch and leaning back along it, spreading his arms across the backrest. He gave one last look over his shoulder to the squirming male before looking forward again at the wall across from him, gazing around the large portion that made up its monitor, and while he might drown his boredom away with some random television show, other ideas were running through his mind as he turned the screen on with his remote.

"Can't be helped I suppose, just make sure we don't run into any trouble along the way back, we really don't have enough fuel or food to go much longer than that. Now, onto what Cornell gave you about Salla, were my suspicions correct?"

Almost immediately, the screen lit up to display the data Alister had gathered from the orca in the background, letting Necross read along with what his ship's computer system had gathered from the orca as he spoke.

Yes, they were. The Man in Red, or Salla, as his real name is, was more than just an acquaintance of Mr. Cornell here. From what he shared, the orca had accidentally stumbled upon the mouse during one of his so-called "urges". He was paid handsomely to keep quiet about the submissive tendencies of his boss, and also was regularly used as a sort of prostitute to satisfy future urges. However, they apparently had a bit of a falling out and Cornell fled from the ship, with Salla trying to capture him ever since. There is further data on different scenarios and fetishes that they had engaged in, and it would seem that the rat, Sollon, is also a participant that tries to both hide and sate their boss' urges whenever they show up with a variety of machines and tools.

"Interesting, very interesting. He must have had another of those urges after dealing with me and other big mercenaries. Heh, a real hidden slut this one is. Now let's see what all I can use to get an advantage over the little guy. Oh, Alister, do a full data and program download sequence, if I'm right we might be getting a much larger new ship than I first thought."

Right away sir.

And if I'm wrong, well, then it won't really matter to remain in this ship...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"I suppose I should thank you for letting me use your ship to examine Mr. Olliso, Shadow Fire."

"Not a problem, the repairs from the damage your ship sustained has drawn quite a lot more people to your place than usual. And I recall you saying that the orca had info on you and such, some I would imagine you'd prefer others not hear."

"That would include you, too, dragon."

"Hehe, don't worry. Once I show you to the guy, I'll excuse myself to the cockpit and occupy myself with the news or something. There's nothing in it for me except death, to hear whatever it is you two discuss."

"Precisely. Definitely one of the smarter people I've dealt with in a while."

Necross chuckled inwardly at that, smirking to himself as he guided the small mouse over to his modest ship, the landing plate coming down automatically as they stepped under the raised cockpit. He stepped onto the plate just as it touched down on the ground, walking up the sloped surface with the mouse right by his side, once again dressed in the red suit he was seen in previously. Considering the time that had passed and everything else, it made the dragon wonder how many duplicates of that same suit the mouse might have to always be in it like he was, not that he had room to judge since he wore the exact same coat with every contract.

Once they had stepped into the loading small loading area of the ship, Necross walked over to a door on the side, which slid upon as he got close, and gestured for the mouse to enter first. Watching as Salla stepped through, the dragon followed suit, letting the door close behind him as his long tail slipped through, and letting the lights of the main room flicker on from their presence. With the room illuminated, its lone occupant could be seen kneeling in front of the flask he'd been kept in until then, with his hands and feet bound together behind him, and eyes covered with a blindfold as a gag kept him silent, just as the dragon had left the orca.

No longer needing the dragon's guidance with his person of interest in plain view, the mouse made his way around the tattered couch and across the room, muttering a few remarks about how rundown the ship appeared as he stepped up in front of Cornell. Necross watched in amusement as Salla looked the male up and down, circling him slowly as if judging a piece of livestock or property, a thought only further amused him for how accurate it could be applied to the situation.

"Well done dragon, you brought him back alive just as I had asked, and no worse for wear either. Now if you would allow us some privacy, I would like to have a nice chat with Mr. Olliso here."

The mercenary chuckled and nodded, going around the few pieces of furniture in the room to get to the sliding doors of the cockpit, giving the two a little wave as the entrance opened, letting him step through and closing after his tail slipped in. That left Salla alone with his former crewmember, the orca still bound and kneeling as the mouse continued to look over him, a slight blush forming across his cheeks from the fact Cornell was in nothing but a pair of underwear, before he managed to cover it as he walked back over to stand in front of the bigger male.

His lips parted again into a typical cocky smile as he reached forward, slipping a finger under the blindfold and gag before pulling them back and away, letting the blindfold fall to the side as the gag fell around his neck to show the orca's full face. The mouse couldn't help secretly liking the fact that his old friend didn't look any different even after all the years since he'd last seen the orca, and he watched with a firmer smile on his face as his captive shook his head, blinking his eyes a few times before they settled on him.

"Of course that dragon would have also been working for you, certainly found someone more skilled than those other punks Salla. Too bad he's kept a stupid gag in my mouth the whole ride over, would have tried to bribe him with the dirt I have on you."

"Now now, I can't believe you'd say that Cornell, and after all the fun we had together."

"Do you mean in the field or under your tail?"

"Crude Cornell, very crude. You know, I really did like you, and not because of your help with my urges. You were always so strong and skilled, one of my best men, it's a real shame you had to go and run like that. And after all these years, I've forgotten exactly why it was you left."

Salla gazed down over his old "friend" through his mask, his eyes looking the bound male up and down as he leaned forward on his cane. His muzzle stayed in a pleased smirk even as he thought about just how much of a shame this really was, to have to go through all this trouble and more than likely having to ultimately silence such a well-built stud of an orca. But alas, that was how business went the mouse supposed, wondering just how best to accomplish the task. Maybe he could get the dragon to do it for him, and then offer him a few more contracts, he was certainly skilled enough to handle a third of the rest of jobs still to be done without a problem. Salla was still thinking about a few more things when Cornell's voice interrupted his train of thought.

"Would you like to hear one more thing before you silence me Salla?"

"Oh? I hope this isn't some attempt to get me to spare your life after all of this Cornell."

"There's no need for that with you. I just wanted to say... Think fast!"

The orca sprung before Salla could even react to what he had heard, the large right leg suddenly sweeping out from under Cornell at him, kicking his cane out from under him and throwing him off balance. The mouse barely even managed to fall forward for a second before he was half-tackled, half-pounced upon, pushed across the open space until he was pinned up against the wall and held up by his wrists as his legs were pushed flat by a beefy thigh, surprising Salla by how fast Cornell was despite his size.

"Mmmph, the heck are you pulling here Cornell? How did you get out of those cuffs like that?"

"Simple, I never locked them to begin with mouse."

The crime boss' eyes widen as he turned to see Necross had slipped back into the room, and was walking up to the both of them with the same cocky smirk and posture Salla knew all too well, since they were the same ones he made use of on a daily basis. Realization hit him then, he had been double-crossed, and not just by the mercenary he hired, but the target as well. His mind raced as his eyes flicked from Cornell to Necross and back again, trying to figure some way out before it was too late. But before he could come up with anything decent enough to work against the much larger males, he was suddenly overshadowed by the giant dragon, getting more and more agitated by the sudden turn of events against him. The only thing he could do for the moment was trying to talk his way out of this mess.

"You really don't know who you're messing with dragon. If you think you can get away with this you're mista-"

Necross didn't give him time to finish before he leaned forward and grabbed at the waistband of the mouse's outfit, flexing his muscles as he gripped onto the fabric tightly and gave a hard tug, getting rewarded for his efforts with the satisfying sound of Salla's pants tearing at the seams and falling apart in ribbons onto the floor. He then reached up before the mouse could speak and batted the mask and hat away from the rodent's head, revealing his shocked and flustered face, something that honestly aroused the dragon as his hand reached down to the side of his pants and pulled up something for his newest "guest" to see.

In his hand was a small glass cylinder filled with water, and inside of that was a small, blue, squid-like parasite that he had managed to "persuade" one of his suppliers to give him. He knew from the collection of intel given by both Cornell and Alister that Salla had a strange liking for parasites, and he could tell that the mouse had noticed the little thing swimming around inside as his eyes locked onto it, following as it moved while his mouth tried to form words. Necross imagined he couldn't focus his thoughts after having been stripped and unmasked before having the object of one of his secret fetishes presented to him, and that gave him the opportunity that he needed.

With Salla's eyes following his movements, the dragon knelt down in front of the pinned male and grabbed onto the rodent's small sheath as his other hand unscrewed the cap of the container with the flick of his thumb, sending it flying off onto the floor as he pulled it closer. Ignoring the slight struggle and panicked sounds of his captive, he held the cylinder above the opening of the mouse's sheath as his fingers rubbed against the surprisingly big balls below it, before tilting it sideways and letting the water and its squirming parasite to slip out over the entrance.

The effects were immediate, with Salla's body flailing about as soon as he felt that tiny creature fell through the opening and into the depths of his sheath, the slippery creature swimming in what water managed to fall and stay inside the furry home as it went deeper in search for a way to get inside of its new apparent host. As if guided by its parasitic instincts, the tiny squid swam down to the mouse's limp shaft and pushed itself into the small urethra, wet and slippery skin allowing it to worm itself down the tight passage and further into the squirming rodent. And as Necross watched the mouse's struggles intensify, he knew that the parasite had found a way inside and its unique properties would begin to take hold.

"Alright, you can let him go now Cornell. Now no matter how much he struggles, he can't get away from his fate, the ship is locked down, com systems are cut, and that little parasite seems to have already gotten into him. With that, he's all but ours now."

"If you say so, sir."

The dragon watched as his new pet nodded and released the pressure and hold he held over his former boss, taking a step back to join him in watching as Salla crumbled to the ground in a heap, his body twitching and spasming as one of his most intimate parts was invaded. And as much as he would have enjoyed to simple watch the display longer, Necross knew that there was still a bit of time before his "little friend" worked himself all the way to where he needed to go, and figured that telling the mouse his new fate would just add to the humiliation now with everything in place. He took a step forward and grinned as he snaked his tail down and around Salla's neck lightly, lifting him up shortly after until they were face-to-face with each other, the strained, panting look on the mouse's white face sending a shiver of arousal.

"Looks like your wildest dreams are about to come true little mouse, soon you'll be little more than a cock-sucking, cum-guzzling slut for me and Cornell."

"Unnghh, w-what have you done to me dragon? What was that parasite for?!"

Necross couldn't help but be a little impressed by how the small male could still manage to sound cocky despite the situation he was in, and the one he would soon to be in too, but that was exactly what currently thrilled the dragon. He let the rodent slip through his coils of his tail and slump back onto the floor as he turned around, facing his barely dressed accomplice and giving him a nod, both smirking to each other as the dragon stepped away from Salla and began to speak again.

"Since everything has somehow managed to fall into place, I'll be happy to tell you in your last minutes of clarity Salla. To put it simply, this is a takeover mouse, and that little bugger I just shoved into your sheath is what will seal your fate in this plan. That parasite is a serula, a rare breed found only in the marshy regions of the uncivilized R83 moon in Sector 30, and they are infamously known as the lust parasites for the special aphrodisiac-like secretions they produce through their skin when in contact with something, such as a host."

He turned around just in time to see Salla's eyes widen in shock after hearing exactly what had just entered his body, but that realization came too late for him as merely a second later his body shock violently as he convulsed, the first batch of the serula's bodily secretions had finished being absorbed and enter his body streams just as Necross had calculated. The dragon watched in growing arousal as the unwilling host panted and twitched on the floor, groaning in embarrassment as his cock began to stiffen and peek out of his wet sheath, and allowing his shamefully small endowment to be presented for the two larger males to see.

"Heh, still as pathetically tiny as ever I see Salla."

"I will admit Cornell, after seeing how surprisingly big his balls were, I had my doubts about how underendowed he was. But he really is a measly four inches, and not much girth to speak of either, no wonder he's such a secret slut. Something that small will never be useful for anything but humiliation."

Necross couldn't help but chuckle at the small package, watching as it throbbed and bobbed in the air as the mouse continued to groan and roll over the floor, leaving little droplets of pre in his wake as his body continued to absorb more fluids from the serula. He figured the parasite had managed to dig itself so deep inside of the mouse it would be impossible for it to come free again until one of them died, and even then he doubted that Salla would ever be the same if the little thing died before him. The thought of breaking the smaller male so badly that he could never recover thanks to the parasite made the dragon's cock throb in lust, its tip finally slipping out of his cloaca and into his shorts.

He was just about to turn his head to look at his new pet as the orca in question slipped forward past him, his underwear gone as that unusual tapered cock slipped out of its own genital slit into the open air, already half-hard and dripping pre in arousal as he closed in on the writing male. Necross smirked at the excitement and choose to watch for the moment as the black and white killer whale got close to his prey, pushing the half-dressed mouse onto his back before lifting on of his large, sweaty feet into the air, and brought it down to "stomp" on Salla's little cock. The force made the mouse grunt and groan in pained pleasure, his hips unconsciously bucking up against the sole before he could stop himself, and barely managing to look up at his former crewman through half-lidded, glazed eyes.

"That's it boss, feel the pleasure coursing through your veins. Dripping, white hot lust flaring up inside you, now let your inner slut out again and submit to Master Necross."

The dragon chuckled at the orca's words, amused and aroused at the sight of such a hung, well-muscled stud grinding his foot against the pitiful excuse for an erection as his own bobbed eager at its full 12 inch length, and yet he still focus of the submission onto him. That earned him a good filling himself as a reward in his master's mind, once everything was said and done of course. Cornell continued to rub his foot against the dripping mousehood, letting it become soaked in pre before he pulled himself off and made his way around the now moaning rodent, turning to offer the slicked up sole to the horny crime boss as he steadied himself with one hand against the wall.

"Now is the time slut, say you will submit to us and I will let you worship my foot and clean it of your slutty pre-cum and then choke on my cock like back in the ol' days."

Despite himself and his confidence, Necross waited with baited breath for the mouse's reply, it was a crucial moment for everyone. He knew the drug made from the serula's secretions was strong, so receiving doses directly from the parasite should be even more potent in their effects, making this one move the orca was doing so important. It would either make or break his plan to break Salla into a lustful frenzy and getting him to relinquish his power. However, instead of actually replying, the rodent remained silent as his pink, hairless hands reached up faster than Cornell could react and grasped around his, surprising both of them at the suddenness and making them fear the plan had somehow failed and he was about to fight back.

Instead of trying to attack, however, Salla thrusted his face straight into the foot that was presented to him, burying his cheek and muzzle into the wrinkly skin, moaning in pleasure as his tongue slipped out to drag along the pre-soaked sole to the relief and excitement of the dragon. His plan had actually managed to work, and now all he need to do was finish breaking the mouse and he would be set. Necross looked up from the moaning rodent to his pet, the thrilled and slightly embarrassed look on that black and white face only arousing the dragon further, his cock now fully extended and mostly hard in his shorts.

"If that ain't a yes, then I don't know what is Cornell. Let him finish cleaning your foot and then we can really get into the fun. Throw him over the back of the couch and we can stuff him from both ends."

"Mmmph, sounds fun sir. My cock is just itching to stuff his throat again, been way too long."

It took Salla less than half a minute to clean the orca's foot of sweat and pre, and Necross in the meanwhile had slipped off his coat and dropped his shorts and underwear, leaving them in a pile as he stood in all of his naked glory in front of his equally naked orca and the still half-dressed mouse. The dragon gave a nod to Cornell as a signal, the muscular whale pulling his now spit-slicked foot away and reaching down to pick up the fallen crime lord, his claws extending as he finished his master's work by tearing the shirt to shreds. He grinned in excitement as he carried the lithe, twinkish rodent across the room to the couch, dropping the still writhing male across the backrest and pinning him in place as he hopped over the furniture to stand in front of the helpless and horny slut.

"Time for me to keep my end of the offer. Get ready for some big, fat orca cock you pathetic excuse for a crime lord."

His cock throbbed in the air as he settled down on couch, his knees pressed hard into the cushions as he gripped the back of the mouse's head, pushing the eager and drooling maw around his thick shaft. Necross couldn't help but grin just as enthusiastically as the orca, watching him so easily dominate his one-time boss despite having been just as eagerly taking dragon cock under his tail a few days prior, making him all the more pleased to know his specialized hypnotic coding had worked out perfectly. He admired the sight of an orca stuffing his cock down the throat of mouse for a few moments longer before he couldn't hold himself back anymore, his toeclaw-tipped feet stomping roughly against the floor as crossed the short space between him and the lust-addled pair, smirking once more to himself as he stepped up behind the moaning and gagging mouse. He reach forward and took hold of the small male's hips, his hands squeezing on the large, rounded cheeks that were more typical of rodents and their rumps, licking his lips as they parted under his touch to reveal a loose, twitching pucker.

Heh, such a slut. Even his tailhole is so well-trained it looks like it's just begging to be filled by the thickness of a real male. Guess I better give it what it has been craving, though I doubt even this looseness will take me dry.

With that thought in mind, Necross snaked his tail under the couch, shuffling it about as he groped and kneaded those soft, white-furred cheeks in his hands, enjoying watching Cornell stuff his prehensile cock down Salla's throat as his tail searched for the bottle of lube he kept underneath the furniture for his alone times. Eventually his tail bumped against it and he quickly dragged the half-empty bottle out, bringing it up to his hand and unclicking the top open, before unceremoniously up-turning the bottle and letting the slippery goo drip down over his throbbing dragonhood. Necross twitched at the feeling of the cold stuff, never liking when he couldn't take the extra time to warm it up, but he supposed the mouse would barely even be able to tell the difference right now with how lust-crazed he had become.

His other hand left the raised rump to slowly stroke the light blue lube evenly across his cock, despite this being a somewhat forceful takeover and domination, he still wasn't interested in breaking the mouse's tailhole on the first chance to have it. The dragon chucked the bottle as soon as his shaft was completely covered, and once more took hold of that invitingly round rump, spreading the cheeks even as they bounced from the force of the orca pounding away at its owner's short muzzle, and growled softly in lust as he slid his cock forward until the tapered head kissed against the loose pink hole.

Time for you to experience the feeling of a real male stuffing your slutty tail Salla. I hope you enjoy it 'cause this'll be your new life from now on.

Necross grinned, almost evilly so, as he thrusts his hips forward into his victim, spreading the mouse's tailhole wide around his cock as he slide in, drawing a gurgled moan from him as his cock slid in nearly ten inches on the first thrust. Despite how loose the hole seemed at first glance, it still wrapped around his thick cock pleasurably, making the dragon murr in satisfaction from the warmth and tightness before he started to pull back out again. He watched in amusement as Salla's back arched and he groaned in pleasure as his inner walls were rubbed by the spines and ridges as they were pulled back, making the hole clench down harder in response and making the dragon lick his lips in anticipation of getting knot deep in eager, warm confines.

His hips drew back until just the tip of his cock was left inside before they slammed forward again harder than the first time, stuffing the crime lord's tailhole and making both males groan happily as the mouse threw himself back against the spire of sexual flesh, his hole growing hungrier by the minute as his lust continued to grow from the parasite's influence. Necross chuckled lightly as he repeated the process, sliding his hips back and forth as Salla began to push himself back to meet each thrust, only to move forward again to stuff his throat with Cornell's proud twelve inches of orca cock, the three of them slowly falling into a rhythm where one end was stuffed as the other emptied.

The dragon watched his pet as he repeatedly slammed himself into the eager rump before him, spreading it a little further and sliding that much deeper into the mouse as the orca managed to easily hilt himself deep into the muzzle with every thrust. He couldn't help but be a little impressed by how strong and powerful the marine mammal was, thick, rippling muscles flexing under the taut black and white skin, nostrils flaring as he grunted with each movement of his hips. He had really gotten himself a prized test subject for his hypnosis helmet, and now he was almost perfect with how skilled and obedient his new self was for his master.

Mmmph, you know, I think I'll give you a little reward just for being so good and sexy, my little orca.

Necross reached forward with his non-lubed hand and took hold of Cornell's head, gripping on the smooth skin and grinning to his pet as their eyes met, before he pulled him forward and leaned in to kiss the male deeply. His tongue flicked out between their lips to invade the orca's maw just as his cock slipped in to the thirteen inch mark, his forming knot bumping against the matted cheek-fur as he roamed around inside of the other's mouth, soon finding his tongue and intertwining them together as he tilted his head and locked their lip forcefully. He growled into the kiss as their rhythm changed, his pet getting distracted and light-headed at the sudden show of affection, their cocks now mutually stuffing and emptying both ends of the mouse at once as they used him like their personal toy.

Their lips remained locked for the longest time as their kissed each other deeply, tongues sliding back and forth between each maw as their hips slammed harder and faster into the rodent between them, arousing the dragon all the more at how perfect his plan had worked. He had truly corrupted both Cornell and Salla, and was about to take over the latter's entire organization overnight, the thought alone managing to make his knot swell to its full five inch girth again as he rutted his contractor's tailhole mercilessly. The hole was stretched so wide by his cock and its ridges he doubted that anymore under a foot in length would ever be able to make the mouse moan this much again, and he was about to get stretched even more as the dragon let broke the kiss and took hold of those plump rumpcheeks again, his lips parted in a wide grin as he pulled himself out again.

Time for you to learn your place properly Salla, you're no longer the crime boss everyone feared, but a slut free for everyone to use as they see fit.

He paused for the briefest of seconds before he gripped tighter around those wide hips and pushed forward again, his cock slamming in hard and fast as he speared himself inside of the mouse, the force ramming his engorged knot heavily against the stretched hole. Necross grunted and rumbled in his chest as the knot pushed in harder, spreading the mouse almost to the point of breaking before all resistance fell and he slipped right in, locking the two of them together as he threw his head back in a triumphant roar. His cock throbbed violently as it unleashed shot after thick, gooey shot of dragonseed deep inside the mouse's tailhole, causing a literal flood of cum within the smaller male, his stomach beginning to distend by the sheer volume of what was being pumped within him.

The dragon's orgasm lasted for almost a minute straight, and it left him feeling like he was on cloud nine as he came down, panting for breath as he looked at the down at the two in front of him. Cornell had apparently climaxed as well, his breath ragged from his own powerful high as his flexible shaft lay dripping across Salla's stained and equally panting muzzle, his eyes still glazed over from the parasite inside of him even though it was obvious the mouse had came as well from the wet feeling Necross had around his feet. Seeing the two of them having enjoyed the experience just as much as he did gave the dragon a very satisfying feeling, but there was still one more part to be played to seal the deal all around.

"Hah... alright Cornell, time to mark this mouse as our little slut. Ready?"

"Of course, sir. Been looking forward to it from the start."

Necross smirked at the orca, who returned the gesture as he shifted himself back up and held onto the base of his cock, the prehensile length curving to point straight down at Salla from above his head. At the same time, they both sighed heavily as their bodies slumped and their inner muscles relaxed, letting the dragon and orca begin to properly mark the mouse in their mixed scents. Cornell's shaft throbbed again in the air as he relieved himself, Necross' own cock doing the same as he started to fill the slut with another bodily fluid, his knot locking everything inside as the two bigger males drenched the crime lord inside and out with urine...

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


"Heh, that's the spirit pet. Plow that slut hard so he stays nice and loose for the both of us, and eager for the rest of the crew too."

Necross grinned as he sat behind his dark polished desk, watching his orca pet rutting their former boss's tail for the third time that day, the sight of both moaning males lost in the thralls of lust somehow never ceasing to amuse or arouse him. It had been nearly two weeks since he had corrupted Salla and seized control of the former crime lord's position and everything associated with it, the large ship and its crew, along with the vast riches and incredible technology within it as well. He couldn't help but be pleased with himself at how well things had turned out, and how much better it was soon going to be.

"Sir, I've got the reports you asked for."

The dragon turned to see Sollon standing next to him, the rat butler looking back and forth between him and his old boss being pounded into the floor. He looked a little antsier as he did that, not that one could blame him considering the new order and rules he had established between the four of them. Necross smirked as he looked the brown rodent over, his clothes having been stripped off and hung up as soon as he entered the off, leaving his slim build in the open and showing off the shiny metal chastity cage his sheath was trapped in. The slit on the top dripped with a trail of pre as those strangely large testicles, a trait he was surprised to see shared between the two, dangled in the air, even bigger than they would have normally been.

He took the tablet handed to him and looked over the screen and its contents, additional information requested about the serula parasites, which made him grin at the realization that as long as the bug was alive inside and pumping out its secretions, the host would continue to have great difficulty thinking as large quantities of blood was cycled away from the brain and towards the cock. The mouse would still be able to think and respond to requests, but the combination of the parasite and his own chastity cage would effectively make his new position as the ship's slut a permanent one, exactly what the dragon had wanted to hear. And the rest of the information on the tablet were the rest of the rearrangements and organizational changes that Necross had been making since his takeover.

"Excellent, well done Sollon. As a reward, you can get under the desk and worship my feet like your kind is meant to."

"...yes sir, right away sir."

The rat quickly dropped to his hands and knees at his new master's words, scurrying under the large wooden desk and almost immediately bathing the dragon's large feet and toeclaws with his tongue, a soft moan echoing out as the whip-like tail swayed from side-to-side before it slipped out of view altogether. Necross murred softly as his feet were attended too, his cock throbbing in the open air under the desk once more as he recalled just how easy it was to break the rat after he had snuck into the ship with Salla, his background of coming from a dimension where his species were as low as can be making it a simple task to bend the male to his whim... and then some. But those were thoughts for another time, there were still other things he would have to attend to first before he could indulge his utter control over the three hapless males, despite how much he would prefer that.

Ready to jump Alister?

Always sir, do you have a destination in mind?

Hmm, how about Veamias in Sector 47? I think there are a few old friends back that way that'd be more than happy to "reacquainted" with us.

Hehe, yes sir. I'm sure Jackson and Travis will be in for quite the surprise when they see us coming in again, and be quite eager to join the crew after a visit to the new Conditioning Chambers.

Indeed, order the crew to set up the portal. We don't want to keep those two waiting any longer now do we?

No sir, I'll have them right on it.

The dragon couldn't help but admire how much more advanced Alister had become since integrating him into the new vessel, combining the base computer aid with the ship's brain scan and mental control technology to create a pseudo-A.I. telepathically linked with him, which allowed him to control every aspect of the ship as he desired without even lifting a finger. As he felt the ship shutter slightly in preparation for the portal jump, Necross sighed softly and relaxed in his seat, thinking lady luck had truly been smiling upon him.

Cops and Convicts

Cop or Convict? for Necross by Draconicon Axel smiled as he stepped up to the stage that looked over most of Bantan Park. Usually, the view was dominated with the trees and lakes and the open grassy areas that made the park such a lovely place...

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The Problematic Policeman Part 2

The Problematic Policeman: Part 2 for Necross by Draconicon There wasn't much to do on Wednesdays, at least for Axel. The bat didn't have to participate with the general interrogations, squad room briefings, or anything else at the police...

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The Problematic Policeman

The Problematic Policeman for Necross by Draconicon "Thanks for being so available for this, Axel. The department appreciates it." "No problem, dad. Just, uh, what's the issue this time?" The bat squirmed a bit in his seat. Not so much...

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