Anything Dragons Story 3: Indigo Plateau Turns White

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like you can't judge a pokemon by its cover, as seen in this little story commissioned by FA: Txeptirea involving a gastly and a charizard.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Indigo Plateau Turns White for Txeptirea by Draconicon

Drogo snorted a puff of smoke as his Raichu opponent collapsed. The Charizard shook his head a few times, dismissing the defeated pokemon as it was taken back to its pokeball. The dragon set itself as the two humans started their banter again, tuning it out as he prepared himself for whatever was coming next.

Despite his win, he still had some injuries. The Raichu had gotten in a thunder attack before he went down, and his wings were still feeling it. Drogo stretched them, flexing them to find what he could and couldn't do. He winced when he tried to flap them, and he knew that flight was out. At least he could still swing them, though; the hard material along the upper ridge of it could still be used as a weapon if needed.

The Charizard glanced at the other trainer's belt. If Drake was using him already, then that meant that the challenging trainer couldn't have too many pokemon left, as he was usually the finisher. He saw four on one side of the trainer's belt, one on the other, and one in his hand.

Hmm, another electric type, or water? Maybe rock. All three would have a chance of doing serious damage, but he was ready for them. Whatever type advantage that this challenger brought out, Drogo could take it. He wasn't known as the ultimate dragon by Drake's enemies for nothing, after all.

He braced himself as the ball was thrown, pulling the fire up in his throat to be ready. The light flashed...

And out popped a Gastly.

Drogo choked on the fire in his neck as he stared at the gaseous pokemon floating before him. It was a tiny little thing compared to him, and he knew from personal experience that Gastlys always evolved by level 25. That meant that this thing had to be weaker than him, yet it seemed completely confident as it floated on the other trainer's side of the arena. Drake laughed behind him.

"What are you doing, Damien? Do you really think something that pathetic is going to win against Drogo?"

"Don't put my pokemon down, Drake. Geist here is more than a match for any of your dragons."

"Ha! That thing is worthless. Maybe if you'd trained it more -"

"Geist, plan C!"

The Gastly darted forward immediately, moving at a surprisingly high level of speed. Drogo kicked himself off of the ground, flying to the side as he pulled his fire back to his throat. He opened his jaws wide, tracking the ghost with his head, before letting out a powerful jet of flame.

The audience in the arena gasped and ducked away as the air temperature rose rapidly. His own scales started to gleam with sweat, and he landed with a hard thump. Glancing around, he saw no sign of the ghost pokemon in the fire, so either it had been consumed, or -

A glimpse of purple was all the warning he got, but it was enough. The dragon jumped backwards as a ghostly face launched itself from the rocks below, only barely avoiding getting licked by the poisonous tongue that the pokemon had. He glared down his snout towards the ghost, and unleashed another flamethrower.

The air burned again, and he swore that part of the arena wall melted from the sheer heat of his fire. Drake shouted something at him, but he couldn't hear over the roar of the flames, keeping up the burning heat by dragging his head from side to side to cover more of the room and bring the ghost down.

He was panting when the stream finally faded, and most of the ground - and part of the challenger's box - was on fire. The bit of grass that grew among the sand burned and left the air smokey and hazy, and there was no sign of the ghostly pokemon.

Where is he?

A sudden chill went over the dragon as he felt the tongue. The ghost had been beneath him in the ground again, he realized, and as it came out, its tongue - with all the poison and chilling nature that came with it - dragged between his legs, over his balls, and -

"My, oh, my, folks. It looks like Geist has given Drogo a bit of an erection. Now THAT is what you call a perverted poke-"

Enraged by the commentator's words, Drogo roared out a blast of heat at the speaker. The others shorted out, but it was too late. His cock continued to rise out of its sheath, driven out by the weak toxins in the Gastly's spit. He groaned, as walking was now much more difficult, and fought the urge to blush at being so utterly exposed.

Before he could take his revenge, the pokemon disappeared into the ground once more. The Charizard immediately got on the move, spinning from side to side, blowing fire at the ground below him, anything he could think of in order to keep the ghost away.

It seemed to work, at least at first. He heard several gasps and groans of pain as he kept dodging and moving, and the ghost didn't come back out of the ground. Slowly, his erection began to subside -

He roared as a suddenly lick crossed his ass, leaving it tingling from the ghost's toxic tongue. Drogo leaped forward, but slipped on sweaty feet as he landed on the hot ground. He fell on his back, his cock soaring back to full erection as he faced the emerging pokemon.

"Go on, Geist! Get him!"

Like hell!

Drogo opened his mouth, readying one more flamethrower, but the ghost pokemon was that little bit faster. It darted down, underneath his fire blast, and somehow slipped...into his cock. The Charizard stared wide-eyed as the gasses of the ghost pokemon slipped into his urethra, heading further and further into him. It was like a cold tingle, while at the same time leaving his cock throbbing harder than ever as it received a bigger dose of the chemicals that it had been licked with.

By the time that he was standing up again, the tingle had spread to his whole body, from his overheated feet to his head. Drogo closed his eyes, shaking his head from side to side as he tried to overpower the ghost, but now that it was inside -

Hello, hello, hello, Drogo.

Get out of my head, you stupid ghost!

Not a chance. Not when you have such a lovely, sexy body. I haven't had something like this since the time I possessed a Machamp.


Mmm, maybe a little. But not as much as you're about to be.

Drogo looked through a lens of purple on the world, and he watched as his hand started moving towards his crotch. He reached out, trying to grab it with his other hand, but his wrist erupted with a purple band, pulling it back. Others popped up, like manacles around his wrists and ankles, showing the control the Gastly had over him.

His stubby fingers wrapped around his cock, and he groaned, roaring in frustration as Geist forced him to hump his own hand. The tight grip made his cock throb, and more than a few audience members gasped in shock at his lewd behavior.

"Drogo, what are you doing?! Get back to fighting!"

"Heh, don't even bother, Drake. Once Geist has control, there's nothing that the other pokemon can do."

Drogo was starting to realize that, as he was made to 'dance' from side to side, doing a shimmy-shimmy move that shook his ass back and forth, even going so far as to spank it with his free hand, before thrusting against his hand. Shimmy-shimmy, spank, thrust. Shimmy-shimmy, spank, thrust. Each time he moved, his face got redder as he was more and more aware of how he was looking in front of everyone.

Stop it! I swear, I'll forfeit, just get out of me!

Why should I do that? I'm having fun, and there's not really any way you can stop me.

Geist danced him all the way across the arena, making him wave his ass towards innumerable male fans of the dragon trainer, before he came to a stop in front of the female fans. He was made to grin at them, his hand over his cock as it dribbled and throbbed.

What are you doing?!

Oh, finding as many ways as I can to embarrass you. But you'll - LOVE - it!

As soon as Drogo heard the word 'love' in his head, he felt an orgasm hit him. He arched his back, roaring and spitting fire as he was forced to cum on command, his seed splattering over the wall dividing the arena from the front row seats. The women screamed and ran away, shouting their distaste of the dragon and how he must have been a pervert, and how much Drake must have been a pervert for his pokemon to be like that.

Disgrace me if you must, but don't make my trainer part of this!

But that's part of the fun. Besides, we have so much to do...and that tail of yours looks very fun.

Drogo didn't like the sound of that, particularly as he was forced to bend over with his ass facing the largest remaining bit of the audience. His tail went up, and then started curling around, the tip gradually moving closer and closer to his rump. It wasn't until Drogo felt the heat of his tail-fire near his hole that he realized what was going to happen.

He clenched up, but after getting licked by the Gastly back there, it was no defense. The fiery tail slid in without any resistance, and his insides were warmed to the brink of his tolerance. Drogo gasped and growled, his cock throbbing and dripping relentlessly from the pressure and heat back there. His tail tip was 'cooking' his prostate, and it tickled, almost, sending pleasurable tingles through him non-stop.

And then it started thrusting.

The Charizard gasped and grunted as his ass was violated, the cameras around him showing his hole stretching and his cock throbbing on the big screen. Drake was shaking on his trainer box, trying to aim his pokeball down at Drogo to stop the fight, but with Geist inside him, the pokeball wasn't allowing a return. The dragon was completely stuck and unable to defend himself, unable to escape.

Thought I was weak, didn't you? Do you know what level I am? can't be...

Can't be that high? Wrong. I'm all the way up level 70, dragon.

Drogo gasped. The thought of the little ghost being not just equal to him, but more than ten levels ahead? It seemed utterly impossible, but yet -

Don't worry. You'll - LOVE - all this new attention.

His cock throbbed again, spewing a load of cum all over the floor, and over his belly.

You'll - LOVE - all the commercials and battles with this new reputation.

Another load, this one going in the air as he was forced to roll over, and landing on his face as it came back down, the tail never ceasing its thrusts.

And you'll - LOVE - it when everyone sees you for the slut you are.

The word repeated itself in his head almost constantly, and his cock went crazy. Drogo screamed as his body was taken to the edge of what he could take, a stream of white lasting for a full minute shooting from his cock as he was pleasured to the brink of insanity. His body was caked in his own seed, the smell of sweat and cum all he could smell as he lost consciousness. The last thing he felt was the gas pushing out of his cock, and his body being taken back to the pokeball. He'd lost, humiliatingly, and he'd never live this down.

The End

Anything Dragons Story 4: Invitation to Incest

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