Chapter 2

Story by Melena The Mansion on SoFurry

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#2 of Werewolf Village (Yiff)

Then disaster struck. I was never told about rival werewolf ‘gangs'. Guess they didn't think it was important. The first night, one had burst into my room and attacked me, I managed to hold him off long enough to hit the emergency bell. As he readied for the killing blow an arrow hit him right in the head. A group of werewolves lead by S. ran down the hall, twenty others burst out of their rooms fighting. Another one got into my room and had his back ripped open. Within the next thirty minutes the fighting had spread to the entire house. At the end of the fight, I had my leg opened up, my arm almost ripped off and other wounds, all hideous. Only 15 of our men and women had died. We only killed 25 of theirs.

"What the hell were they doing?" I yelled as I entered the lounge.

"They were trying to capture territory. It doesn't happen often, but it does last long. Maybe a week, for now stay in werewolf form and be on your guard. Lessons are over until they leave." She said angrily. Seeing as there was nothing to do, I got dinner and starting working on reinforcing my windows.

It was worse the second night. I being unable to fight for long had to find a safe place to keep my energy, I was fighting again, I just didn't know when.

It wasn't until the sixth night I got to fight. I asked about weapons, S. said "we ARE weapons." During the day I snuck out and got a majority of the swords I keep at my house. I no longer consider it my home. On the last night everyone was using their claws and teeth, except me. I was using my Trademarked duel 2-handed swords. No one messed with me again. Not that they ever did, but people were weary of me, after the fighting had finished.

"Where did you learn to be so vicious?" S. asked me after I entered the lounge.

"I've always been vicious; I've just never had a chance to let that part of me take rein, until now." I said whipping around to face her.

"Could you possibly teach the others some of the skills you have? Like using two, two-handed swords at the same time?" she said, her face paling.

"I could try but it takes a long time to learn how to use them. There are some mystic abilities as well. Any magic users left?" I asked coolly.

"I'd have to look around, but there might be." She stated after clearing her throat.

"I'll have two classes, one for mystics and the other for everyone. I'll take 45 people each class, two classes a day, one for each, until they know how to do everything. Ok?" I explained with a sneer.

"Ok, I'll even pay you if you wish." She said as she regained her composure.

"$50 a lesson sounds more than fair to teach 45 people." I said with a more predatory tone.

"I was going to offer $90 for each lesson." She said coming to realize she may have more experience at being a werewolf, but I could still beat her.

"That's still more than fair," I muttered to myself. "Deal. Now about times?"

"How about 7:00 to breakfast and 12:30 to 1:30?" she said shivering.

"Sounds fine to me." I said as I walked out of the lounge.

As I walked back around our enclosed courtyard I began to calm down. It wasn't her fault she was afraid, it was mine, I couldn't hide my anger from her and she finally realized I was more vicious than any other werewolf could be. And I was turned making me vicious by nature and cruel by choice. We had captured five other werewolves. None had lasted more than a minute with me, I thought they were strong willed, my mistake. I can sense how strong a will is if I know the person. S. had to be the strongest will I've ever seen. However a letter I received in the last year shows I was wrong. The letter read:

Dear Mnayin,

I regret the day that I realized you were in fact a stronger and better werewolf than me. Even though inexperienced you are perhaps the most fearsome werewolf I have ever turned. Even After the long lessons about controlled sexual release you always had a hunger for... a darker side of it. As I write this I am thinking back to what had happened. I will share with you what happened because you are a friend. I broke, I had seen some fearsome werewolves in my time, but you take the cake... beef cake that is. I regret to say I was not as powerful as you think. I may have been your mistress but you were easily more powerful than me. I think it is time I gave you more than S. for my name. Saheli Signh is my full name.

Truly Your Friend,

Saheli Signh

I was touched, she had written that to me only a year ago. Anyway at the time I didn't know. When I was calmed down, I entered the lounge again, this time she wasn't there. When I got to my room, there was another note on the nightstand, it said that the lessons I was teaching were to begin on Monday. Since Monday was tomorrow I had gone through half the day figuring out what to start with. I had decided that the lessons for everyone was techniques and for mystics to increase their natural speed.

As expected almost everyone caught on very quickly with the techniques for duel two-handed swords. They'll need practice, but they'll be able to use them. After a brief lunch, I was setting up the mystics lesson in the driveway. As they showed up I realized there was only forty of them. Guess weekly lessons for them would be better. Oh well, that means less money for me to earn. The lesson was horrible, no one got the first step correct. At the end of the lesson I changed the practice to getting the first step down in time for lesson two. When I got the money I put it in the bank. Then I started planning the second lesson for duel two-handed swords.

All the level one techniques were excellent, I was, however, dreading the second level. Let me explain why, Level one sword techniques are very basic. Level two is so amped up it's kinda hard to get it on a first try. It took me three tries, then again I wasn't a werewolf back then. As I took the time to explain one of the simpler level two techniques, I noticed every face was studying very hard. Again they all got it on the first try.

Then my small lunch break. Now the mystics turn. Almost everyone could channel the energy but only a few could channel it into their body in such a way they enhanced their speed. At this point only one select person stood out amongst the others. She was shy, withdrawn, and had a slightly lower potential then I did. In fact all those qualities made me want to just fuck her like mad every time I got close to her. I held back ever so slightly because I couldn't let that anger show again. I suggested she be given special lessons because of that fact.

"She's one of the most powerful people I have ever met." I explained excitedly.

"That doesn't exclude her from basic lessons before advanced." Saheli said angerly, but it did.

"You don't realize what she's capable of!" I roared with defiance.

"But you do? Prove it, I'll give you the lesson time of one week if she isn't able to perform the hardest move you know in that time she'll be basic to advanced like everyone else." She said rather coolly.

I gave her daytime lessons. She seemed to work better in the day then at night. It finally dawned on me. She wasn't a werewolf at all. I confronted her the next meeting we had.

"You weren't a werewolf all this time, how'd you hide it?" I asked curiously.

"I've trained to become a werewolf hunter but they kicked me out of the school so I sought refuge in a house, I never knew werewolves lived here, once I found out I figured they'd realize someone new was among them and try to find out who, so I switched my sleeping to daytime and adapted to the night and no one really found me out until you did. Please don't send me away like the school did." She pleaded sadly.

"I wish I could make that choice but it's not up to me if your kicked out or not. However if you still want to be part of this house you'll be earning your keep soon. That is when you'll be found out. I'll talk to the mistress of the house and see if you can earn your keep during the day. People will think you've taken sick and it'll be less noisy for a few days then they'll figure it out. My suggestion, tell the mistress first and let her decide if you don't I will." I said with a grin.

The night after that I was called down to the lounge again. I had a feeling what it was about but I figured I'd play dumb for a little while and let her figure out I'd told him to tell her.

"Did you call me" I asked as I entered the lounge.

"Yes, did you know there was a non-werewolf here?" Saheli asked calmly, too calmly.

"Mistress that's unheard of isn't it a non-werewolf finding a werewolf hideout." I said kind of interested.

"Well not anymore, it's also the same kid I gave to you to teach those advanced lessons to. She explained his past to me and you know what, I'm gonna let her stay but you gotto turn her and teach her werewolf stuff before you teach her anymore techniques." She said again too calmly.

"Oh really? What past would that be?" I asked trying me best to act surprised.

"Her career of being a..." she started.

"Werewolf hunter." We said in unison.

"How did you know she was a werewolf hunter kicked out of his school?" she asked surprised.

"She told me first. Let me make two things clear I will not turn her without his permission and she is under my protection and care." I said before walking out of the lounge. I caught her masterbating when I went to tell her the news.

Werewolf Village (Yiff)

I might have been able to lead a normal life. Had it not been for that incident. I guess a little "back story" would help. My name is Mnayin S'Kopa. My mom, Alyys S'Kopre, and my dad, Vinchenze Costa, were normal Dark Elves. Well when i say normal i...

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