The Big Shot

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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Dirk learns that he should be careful about what he looks at, otherwise he might get just what he wanted.

Commission for JimmyWuff

Paul © Mog Moogle

Dirk © JimmyWuff

The Big Shot

Commission for Dirk Pawz

by Mog Moogle

The sound of the crowd blurred in cheers and jeers like the bright lights of the arena. Shoes squeaked against the well polished hardwood as flurries of red and black, and white and blue jerseys vied for control. The timer on the scoreboard counted down above the lit up fourth quarter indicator. The home team score was forty-five; the visitor score forty-four.

The backboard thumped as a haphazard shot bounced toward the shortest player on the visiting team. The doberman in the power-forward position managed to snag the ball on the rebound. He glanced up at the timer and saw it two seconds away from the buzzer sounding. He moved his paws into position on the ball, jumped to make the short field goal and-

-the world went black.

The roar around him faded into a ringing in his ears. The last sound he could discern was the buzzer. His eyes slowly cracked open and he tried to shoot up from the ground, but a paw on his chest pushed him back down.

"Easy, now," he heard as he closed his eyes again. "You took an elbow to the temple. You've been unconscious for about ten minutes."

"Unconscious?" he muttered and opened his eyes again to see who was talking to him.

He was laying on a gurney while a otter with a blue uniform top stood over him. He watched the otter pull a pen light out of his breast pocket and shine it in his eyes. The doberman grimaced at the sudden assault on his iris but managed to keep his eyes open.

"Can you tell me your name?" the otter asked.


"What day is it, Dirk?"

"Friday? The 23rd, isn't it?"

"24th, but close enough. Do you know where you are?"

"Truman arena. The ... the game! Did we win?"

"Yeah kid," he heard from the far side of the room. Dirk glanced up to see his coach, a scruffy tiger in a team hoodie with a bit of middle-age pudge on his tummy. "Your replacement free throw shooter sunk both of them. We're going to state because of you, kid."

Dirk closed his eyes again and sighed in relief. His thoughts that the team had been let down at the last second were assuaged. The sound of the EMT working on him unfastening the restraints on the gurney drew his attention.

"You probably have a mild concussion," the otter explained. "I don't think you'll need to have a CT scan, but I would like to release you to your parents so they can keep an eye on you tonight."

"They're ... out of town." Dirk looked up at him and sighed. "Family emergency. Probably for the best. Mom, she wouldn't do so good seeing me get hurt."

"I got a few Seniors on the team over eighteen," The coach said. "One drives his own car to all the games. I trust him, I'll ask him if he's okay with driving you back. If you need help, he can get it a lot faster than we could on the bus."

Dirk watched his coach turn and walk out of the little room they were in. He reached his paw up and touched the knot on the side of his head and winced. He thought to himself that it would definitely be tender for awhile. He felt the otter's paws wrap under his arm and he sat up with his help. The EMT helped him to the floor since his feet couldn't reach the ground.

"How's your vision? Any blurring or clouding?"

"No," Dirk replied.

"Feel like you can walk okay?"

"Yeah, I think so." Dirk looked up at the taller otter. "Where's the locker room?"

"Out the door, to the right and the hallway runs straight into the visitor locker room."

"Okay, thanks." Dirk stepped out and turned to the lockers. As he walked into the open room around a small privacy divider his teammates greeted him with some cheers and compliments. His pride swelled a bit at the attention. He noticed the coach in the little side office talking to the starting center.

Dirk saw the tall rabbit look out the window at the short doberman and nod his head. He shied his gaze away and tried to hide the hint of embarrassment creeping up on him. He suspected the coach was talking about Paul since he was the only one that would drive to the games even if they were two hours away like this one.

He was an imposing figure, to be certain. He was much taller, especially with his ears, muscular, fit, fast. The varsity MVP in football and basketball every season. Dirk had worked very hard, (at his father's behest,) to make the varsity team. The first year he'd made it was this one, his Junior year, but Paul seemed to teem with raw ability. There was a lot of speculation that he'd go to some prestigious university on a full ride scholarship.

Dirk made his way to the locker he'd stowed his duffle bag in. He sat it down on the bench and unzipped it to put his basketball shoes away and pull out his hoodie to throw on over the top of his jersey, but was interrupted before he could pull it over his head by the tall rabbit walking up to him.

"Coach says you need a babysitter for a bit."

"I ... wouldn't call it_babysitting._"

Paul chuckled and shook his head. "Relax, I'm teasing. Short guys are fun to pick on," Paul joked and elicited a subtle snarl from Dirk. "You shower yet?"

"I ... uh, usually don't shower until I get home."

"You're not getting in my car all sweaty."

"I don't really have any soap or towels with me."

"You can use mine," Paul said as he sat his own duffle bag beside Dirk's and unzipped it. "I normally use two towels, but I can make do with one." Dirk watched Paul pull a fluffy bath towel out of his bag and hand it to him. "Don't worry; it's clean."

He tried his best to conceal some small disappointment that he wouldn't get to inhale the masculine rabbit's musk as he was drying off. Shaking his head to knock the thought from his mind, he took the towel and sat it down on the bench. He looked up to see Paul peeling his jersey off and those pesky latent desires he'd just rid himself of came flooding right back.

Paul stripped himself to bare fur standing right there beside him. He piled his jersey and shorts on the ground under the bench near the support post bolted into the concrete floor. Paul's fur was sleek and black from ears to toes. He had on white cotton briefs instead of a jockstrap like Dirk. And then his gaze stopped there.

There was a well defined outline of Paul's sheath against the front of the fabric. It was much more defined than his loose fitting shorts revealed. The thought occurred to him that he it might just be a big cup, but they were common store brand tighty-whities that didn't look like they had a pocket for the protective equipment. Dirk swallowed hard as he saw Paul's thumbs slip under the elastic band and pull them back until his cotton tail slipped from the small opening in the back.

They slipped down over his toned flanks and then to his knees. Dirk glanced back up to see if the bulge was hopeful imagination or reality. What he saw was beyond anything he'd ever fantasized about. It was thick, _very_thick, and almost four inches long with no sign of arousal and he had a pair in his black furred sheath that'd make a stallion jealous.

"You commin'?" Paul asked, but it barely registered to him.

"Just about," Dirk replied without even realizing it.

He felt the rabbit's paw ruffle the top of his head roughly and heard the big rabbit chuckle. Dirk looked up at Paul's face and splayed his ears back with a terrified expression at his mistake. Paul had a coy smirk, as if he knew that he had something to be proud of and it wasn't the first leer he'd gotten from a 'straight' guy in a locker room.

"Don't doddle too much," Paul told him as he turned his back to the doberman, "I want to get on the road in about fifteen minutes or so."

Dirk watched as he walked away. He knew that disrobing at that instant wouldn't be the best idea while there were other teammates around. He decided to move closer to the showers and he attempted to conceal himself behind a locker row while his imagination deliberately turned toward unarousing thoughts.

The technique of his free throw, the math assignment due Monday, Paul's buldge, the new shoes he wanted, that huge sheath, math assignment, gorgeous rabbit balls, basketball, hot toned body-

Dirk shook his head. He considered what he should do and concluded he could just wrap himself in the towel. He pushed his shorts and jockstrap down and wrapped the towel around himself as quick as he could. He took a glance around to make sure no one was looking then tried his best to shove his visible arousal in a position that the towel would best conceal.

Though not entirely satisfied he'd succeeded, he resolved that maybe he could just use the cold water of the shower before it warmed up to help him the rest of the way with his problem. He took his jersey off and turned toward the showers.

Since he never really paid the showers much any mind when he got in a strange locker room, he was a little alarmed when he saw that they were set up like a mass shower with pipes lining the walls of a small square room and no individual dividers like at his home school. The only plus side was it looked like the two others in the shower were finishing up, but Paul was standing in front of the shower head completely dry except for his palm testing the water. Dirk swallowed hard and stepped in a few spaces down from the big rabbit.

He was about to turn the water on when he heard Paul say, "You gonna run back and forth for soap?"

Dirk sighed to himself and eased over the two shower head distance until he was standing right beside the rabbit.

"Watch yourself," Paul warned. "It's not like the sowers at school. This stuff comes out scalding hot."

"Great," Dirk said sarcastically as yet another plan was shot to pieces.

"Yeah, I normally like them hot, but not scalding."

Dirk turned the handle on the water to the coldest setting and was greeted with a spray of steaming hot water like Paul had said. He stepped back so avoid any more of the spray as he waited for the cold water to catch up to the hot.

"You going to shower with that towel on?" Paul asked as he eased under the cascading spray.

Dirk's cheeks heated so much that it drew attention away from the hot mist that hung in the air. He looked around the shower, and one of the other two had thankfully left. The last besides he and Paul had their back to him. With a sigh, he loosened the towel and pulled it away.

Nervously he glanced at himself as the fabric pulled away from his body, then sighed with relief as most of his arousal had been overtaken by embarrassment and he was left with an easy to dismiss minor flagging. He stepped to the side and hung his towel on a hook beside the shower then eased under the stream himself.

Even though he'd let it run for awhile on the coldest setting, it still wasn't as cool as he'd like for the situation. He closed his eyes and looked up at the spray as it started to pour over his fur. He tried his best to let the world fade away and wash down the large drain in the middle of the tiled room. He was almost successful when he felt something nudge against his shoulder.

He opened his eyes and looked over to see Paul offering a bottle of shampoo. Dirk took the bottle from him and noticed that the rabbit was standing back from the water a bit with a soapy froth on his head. His eyes were closed as he washed, so he was confident the rabbit wouldn't see him.

Dirk took a quick look around the shower and noticed that it was now empty except for he and Paul. He swallowed hard then started drinking Paul's figure once more. The water had laid the sleek fur flat against his body. All of the chiseled features of his muscles were even more noticeable. Everything about him tickling his concealed fancies.

As if Paul sensed that he was being admired, the large rabbit turned slightly to his right as his soapy paws slid down to his abs, and then lower and scrubbed around his sheath. Dirk watched as his paws moved up and down the lovely bulging mass that barely contained the size of Paul's unaroused member. Paul's paw soaping the wash caused the lather to partially conceal the sleek black fur.

Dirk's ears and cheeks burned hotter than the uncomfortable water. He couldn't help but imagine his own paw rubbing Paul in that gentle and attentive way. Dirk's own member stood fully erect as his body and mind betrayed and overcame his willpower. He wouldn't have been able to peel his eyes from the big rabbit if he wanted to.

Suddenly, Paul removed his left paw from his sheath and gripped around the base tightly with his thumb and index finger. He moved it up to the tip, back down and then repeated. The flesh encompassing Paul's malehood visibly throbbed in his sheath. Then, on the return from an upstroke to the base, Paul pulled the opening back around the head of his pink tip.

Dirk grunted out of reflex. It didn't really even register for the doberman but it was audible enough to echo in the tiled room even over the two running showers. He watched Paul move his fingers over his tip and tweak it with aid of the soap as lubricant. Then he heard a shrill whistle.

Dirk blinked as the noise brought him back to his senses enough to pull his focus away from Paul. He looked at the floor toward his feet, but there was a very obvious obstruction. He couldn't believe he'd let himself do that. Then he heard Paul clear his throat. He felt his heart sink.

Looking over and up at Paul, taking special care not to let his gaze drop to Paul's midsection again, he saw the tall rabbit looking down at him with an expression he'd describe as a leer and a knowing smile on his muzzle. The rabbit threw him a wink which caused the small doberman to go wide-eyed.

"If you don't start scrubbing, I'll have to leave without you," Paul said and then chuckled. "Something tells me that would disappoint you."

Dirk shook his head and turned away from Paul. He nervously opened the bottle and squirted a copious amount of soap on his paw pad. He scrubbed himself as quickly as could, partially to get his mind off Paul and partially because what the large rabbit had told him was absolutely true.

He didn't know how he'd live it down. The most popular jock in the whole school caught him staring at his dick in the shower. He just knew that by the end of the school day on Monday he'd be the laughing stock of the entire school. He tried his best to scrub away the shame of it and let it run down the drain but it stuck to him like glue.

He was rinsing the last of the soap from his fur when Paul turned off his shower and left him alone. Dirk sighed and leaned against the wall as the water cascaded down his body. He knew he should have been more careful, but there was something about how Paul was that drew his attraction and fueled his lust.

He shook the water off his head before turning it off. Picking the towel off the hook, he dried himself as best he could with the towel, still leaving his fur slightly damp when he wrapped the towel around himself and walked out in the locker room. Dirk glanced around and noticed that the rest of the team had already departed for the bus.

He sighed scooped up his clothes beside the door to the showers and walked back toward the bench where his duffle bag was. As he turned down the row of lockers he saw Paul standing there beside where his stuff was with a foot up on the bench as he was lacing a dark leather boot.

Dirk swallowed hard then walked past the big rabbit and sat the shampoo bottle down beside Paul's bag. He took the towel off and put his jockstrap on as quickly as he could before his body would allow any more embarrassing moments in front of the rabbit. He slid his shorts up and threw his hoodie on over his head.

Paul picked up the bottle and Dirk's wet towel and tossed them haphazardly into his duffle. He looked down at the doberman and chuckled. "It's a little chilly outside," Paul told him. "My car doesn't get very warm. You going to be okay in just that?"

"Yeah ... I-" Dirk looked up and saw that smile again. He splayed his ears back and shook his head. "I'll be fine."

"Okay," Paul said before slipping his arms into the sleeves of his letterman's jacket and pulling it over his shoulders. "Hope you got your fill, pup. I don't plan on undressing anymore tonight."

Dirk winced at the clear indication that Paul wasn't going to forget that he was staring at him much harder than was hetero-appropriate. Dirk watched Paul swab the inside of his ears with the corner of his towel and then throw it in the bag and zip it up. Dirk followed suit, zipping up and throwing the strap over his shoulder and followed the rabbit out.

When Paul opened the side door where they came in, a blast of cold Autumn air hit Dirk. With his fur damp it cut right through him. Luckily, it wasn't a terribly long walk to the red muscle car parked under one of the lights of the arena parking lot. He followed Paul to back of the car where Paul opened the trunk and put his duffle bag in and held the deck lid up for Dirk to do the same.

After closing the trunk, Paul walked around and got in. Dirk walked to the passenger side and waited for Paul to pull the pop lock up. As he was settling into the bucket seat, Paul pulled out a little knob on the dash and pumped the accelerator four times. He keyed the ignition and after a few cranks, the engine reluctantly came to life.

Dirk listened as the lobe of the idle seemed to struggle, and he wondered if Paul's big pretty car that looked brand new inside and out was just for show. He saw Paul push the knob in about half way and the engine stopped sounding like it was starving and it wasn't working so hard to keep running. He'd never seen anyone start an older car, since his parents drove the newer models and hadn't had anything carbureted since he was just a pup.

Paul eased the knob down a little farther and gave the accelerator a quick pump that caused the whole car to torque to the side. He looked over at Dirk and chuckled a bit. "First time in an American Muscle car?"

"My parents drive a little hatchback, so ... yeah." Dirk looked around the interior at the real leather bucket seats and rear bench, the high polished wood trim on the doors and the immaculate dashboard without a single speck of dust.

"My dad owns a car restoration business. We've been building this car since I was eleven." Paul gave his car an affectionate pat on the dashboard. "Been driving almost every day since I was fifteen. He got it for mom in '72 when it came out. She didn't like it, so he made it a project car for me."

Paul reached over toward Dirk, and the little doberman eased back in his seat as he blushed. Paul hit the button on the glovebox and it dropped open. He pulled an 8-track tape and closed the box. With a flick of his paw the tape spun around and he pushed it in the large port on the front of his tuner. He cranked the volume knob and a bell began to toll over the car speakers.

"I'm afraid I don't know much about cars."

"There's really only a few things you need to know. Sit down, shut up and hold on." Paul pushed in the clutch with his left foot, slapped the shifter up into gear and stomped the accelerator. The engine roared and then Paul dumped the clutch as Dirk was thrown back into his seat.

The doberman grabbed the door and the side of his seat as he saw the nose of the car lift up to where he would have sworn the front tires were off the ground. The sound of the engine coupled with the squeal of rubber burning into the asphalt and the car shot forward. He laid his ears back and gritted his teeth

Paul ran it to the red line and then slapped it into second gear without taking his foot off the gas pedal. Half way through second gear, he let off the accelerator and the G-force subsided.

"Shit!" Dirk yelled without releasing his death-grip on the leather upholstery.

"I think he likes it," Paul said and laughed.

Dirk whimpered softly as looked back behind him at the huge white cloud lingering under the large light where the car was parked. The parking lot was mostly empty. Fortunate for Paul he thought since he had no doubt that would get him in trouble. He exhaled in a long sigh as he looked back out the windshield.

Paul was easier on the gas as he pulled out onto the road, then turned off onto the highway. He eased up through the gears until he was comfortably in fourth and cruising toward their home town. The street lights grew fewer and fewer until the glow of civilization was replaced with oceans of stars above them in the clear night sky.

"Your car is fast," Dirk said softly as he looked over at Paul, "and loud."

Paul nodded his head then reached down beside his console and lifted up on a red T handle. He turned it forty-five degrees and the rumble of the engine became a deafening roar. It drowned out the modest speakers playing the guitar riffs with no problem.

"What is that?" Dirk yelled over the loud sound while cupping his ears.

"An exhaust dump," Paul explained before lifting the handle again and turning it back to its original position, quieting the engine. "It opens dump valves right behind the headers. Gives me a bit more power when I'm running her at the strip."

Dirk uncupped his ears as the flow of exhaust was directed down the pipes through the mufflers out the back of the car once more. He looked over at Paul as the rabbit looked out the windshield with a smirk on his face. His gaze drifted down his chest and to his lap. Paul's legs were spread so that he could easily manipulate the third pedal on the floor of his car and the bulge in his jeans was very obvious.

"Guess you didn't get your fill, eh?" Paul said, which snapped Dirk's attention to the rabbit's face. "I don't know if a little guy like you could handle what I've got." The comment would be taken as boastful by most, but it was assured confidence coming from Paul.

"No. I, uh, I don't like ..." Dirk swallowed hard and looked away, speaking into the door panel, "I'm not that way."

"You're going to have to try a little harder to convince me than that," Paul glanced at him with a smirk.

"Really, I'm not gay. I like girls, I just never seen one like that."

"No, you misunderstand," Paul chuckled. "You're going to have to try harder to convince me you want it than just some quick glances."

"But, but I don't-"

"Tell me how bad you want it. Tell me how much you'd love to have my cock inside you while you moan."

"Look, I'm not gay. I ... don't want ..." Dirk tried to formulate a response that didn't make him sound like he was buried deep in the closet while peeking out while the star player was getting dressed, but was having little luck.

Paul smiled and took his foot off the gas pedal. The car slowed as the exhaust rumble faded, then Paul turned off the highway onto a small road that ran between two large cornfields. He drove up the road until the highway was well out of sight and pulled his car over on the dirt shoulder.

Dirk felt his heart sink. He didn't know what was going to happen, but he suspected he was about to be thrashed by this much stronger Senior. The lyrics Hell's Bells on the black 8-track didn't help his sense of foreboding.

He watched Paul moved the shifter to neutral,set the parking brake, unfasten his seat belt and get out of the car. The big rabbit walked around the front and stood at the passenger side door and rapped his knuckle on the window.

Dirk nervously pulled up the door handle and the door opened a crack. He looked up at the rabbit who stood in contrast against the blanket of stars even with his black fur that he could see a smirk.

"Get out," Paul said firmly.

"But, but I, I-"

"Little bitches don't get to talk back," Paul eased his fingers in the top of the door frame and pulled the door open. "I told you to get out."

Dirk fumbled nervously with his lap belt buckle while trying not to take his eyes off the looming figure less than two feet from him. It finally clicked and the restraint went slack, but Dirk still didn't want to move. Paul reached in and grabbed his arm around the tricep. Dirk shrieked as the rabbit effortlessly picked him up from the seat and stood him up outside the car. His ears splayed back and he grimaced, expecting to feel the heavy fist of Paul's other paw to impact him at any moment.

He felt the large paws tug him to the side of the door and turn him around, pinning his body against the car. Paul held onto his arm and pushed his weight up against him. The cool metal and glass against his hoodie radiated through his fur to his skin, and seemed to cut deeper into his very core. Then something happened ...

There was a rough throbbing pressure against his bobbed tail. Dirk let loose and audible whine which caused the feeling to intensify, and after a few moments he felt it again. Paul's massive paws moved to the flanks of his rear and he felt his feet lift several inches off the ground. The throb was no longer on his tail, but firmly between his cheeks.

"Tell me how bad you want it, bitch," Paul's heavy voice rang in his ears, fogging the red paint on the roof of the car as the steam wisped through the night air.

"Please don't hurt me," Dirk begged, his overwhelmed mind still not grasping that the season MVP behind him wasn't what he assumed the star jock type should be.

"Oh, make no mistake, it's going to hurt." Paul ground his hips against Dirk's rear and pushed the denim covered tip of his confined erection as deep as the clothing barriers would allow. "It's the kind of hurt you dream about when you're alone in bed at night. The thing that makes your fur matted with your own cum. The thing you pray for but hope no one will ever know about. But you're only going to get it if you beg for it like the little bitch you are."

"I ... please, I'm not-"

"You're lying to me," Paul interrupted, "but worse than that, you're lying to yourself. Stop lying and tell me you want my cock in your ass."

Dirk swallowed hard as the true gravity of the situation impacted him the the subtlety of a train wreck. Paul wasn't going to beat him up, he wasn't going to spread rumors about him, he was going to fuck him and all he had to do to make it happen was ask for it.

Suddenly Paul eased off the doberman and eased him gently back to the ground. The pressure under his tail that was simultaneously terrifying and blissful slipped away. He felt Paul's paws release him and heard the heavy leather boots on the rabbit's feet shuffle back.

"Of course, if I'm wrong and you really don't want it, you can climb back into the car and I'll drive you home." Paul's words made his heart sink. "You can crawl back into the closet and pretend you don't want a real man taking you and making you his." Then it dawned on Dirk that the real reason that it made him feel bad was he now again had a way out of the situation. He once more had control and could back out like nothing had ever happened ... like a coward.

"I ... I want it," Dirk whispered, barely audible over the rustling cornstalks that the autumn had turned golden before their harvest and the music leaking from the car.

"You want what?" Paul said in a tone that demanded a more concise answer.

"I want your ... cock."

"I'm pretty attached to it. I don't think I can give it to you," Paul said which caused the doberman to look over his shoulder at him with his ears still splayed. "I know your type, I know what you want. Ask for it. Ask for it in the way you really want to ask for it."

"I want you ..." Dirk paused and swallowed hard once more, "to fuck me."

"Why should I?"

"Because I want-" Dirk stopped himself and faced his head forward as he felt his legs instinctively spread a little wider and his short bobbed tail lift, "I need it."

"Why do you need it?"

"Because, I'm ..." Dirk channeled the growing need emanating from his depths and spreading through his body. "I'm ... a bitch, and I need your cock in my ass."

"Yes you are," Paul said as he pulled Dirk's basketball shorts down to his thighs, "and for the rest of the night, you're my fuck toy. I own your ass, and I'm going to use it until you're so full of cum you can't walk without leaking."

Dirk moaned and bowed his back, pushing his bare rear toward the rabbit. He heard Paul chuckle as he felt the large paw of the rabbit reach between his legs and cup his duo of balls in their rust-colored fur sack and caress them with a tenderness that seemed like it would be impossible for the strong rabbit to muster.

Dirk felt his fingerpads leave his sack and trace their way up the crack between his cheeks. His body quivered as the calloused skin brushed his sensitive pucker. His muscle reflexes were to tighten his buns at the curious sensation, but his inner lust soon overrode that instinct and he relaxed and widened his stance even more.

Paul probed his opening for a short time before the tip of his finger pushed up against the virgin tailhole. Dirk tensed and relaxed, trying to control himself but his breathing was becoming erratic and his tongue lolled out of the corner of his muzzle. The large rabbit was patient as he waited for the the inexperienced bottom to calm enough that he could explore further.

Dirk felt Paul steadily applying more and more force against his tailring until the resistance gave way. He gasped sharply at the sudden feeling, a slight tinge of pain with an impulse to repel the invader gave way under the big rabbit's gentle ministration. Paul seemed just to know how to move the fingertip against his muscles to relax him, and soon it was an incredibly full feeling that Dirk hoped would never subside.

Unbeknownst to the doberman, Paul hadn't even worked his way to the second joint on his finger. Paul leaned in and pressed his muzzle against Dirk's cheek and grunted with a longing that sent tingles through the dog's entire body.

"Tight, virgin bitch," Paul hissed. "Going to need to do some work before I can get in you."

Dirk yipped as Paul withdrew his finger suddenly from his tailring and stepped over to the open door. He reached in and pulled the front seat up and pushed the back forward. Dirk watched curiously as Paul stood up and looked at him.

"Get in," Paul instructed. Dirk reached down to pull up his shorts but Paul stopped him. "No, leave them like that. I like it when a bitch bares his tight ass at me."

Dirk's cheeks and ears heated with blush as he began to shuffle up to the door. He peered in the car at the rear bench seat and then felt Paul lightly push on his back. He crawled in head first until he was up laying on the bench with his feet dangling out of the open door and then felt the car shift as the large rabbit crawled in behind him.

Dirk tried to adjust himself and ease his body more onto the seat but Paul held him down. He took the hint and let his legs drift apart, feeling his cheeks spread wider with the angle. Paul worked himself over him and down until his muzzle pressed against Dirk's rear. The doberman quivered as he felt the hot breath of the rabbit against his pucker.

"I think the little bitch is in heat," Paul grunted as he nipped Dirk's cheek around both sides of the elastic band of his jockstrap.

Dirk moaned at the feel of the rabbit incisors skillfully pinched his soft flesh enough to cause a stimulating pain, but not to bring blood. He enjoyed Paul's nibbling, heavy breathing and occasional nuzzle, but what came next sent him to places he'd never been. Without any warning, Paul's large flexible tongue pushed past his tailring and lapped at his silky walls.

The front of Dirk's jockstrap strained against the doberman's doggy cock and the leather seat below him as the invading tongue wormed around inside of him. His eyes went wide and he let out a long sultry moan as his cock twitched with nearly every movement of the large rabbit's practiced attention, pre soaking through the cotton pouch and dampening the outside of his scant undergarment.

Paul pulled his tongue out and pushed it in again, seemingly even deeper than before. He slurped at the pink pucker of Dirk's opening which radiated pleasure from his tailhole all the way to his ear and toe tips. The much larger rabbit's tongue was even wide enough to press against his prostate in a way he'd never experienced in his own exploration of his body.

Dirk felt a nearly uncontrollable urge for release, but the tongue wasn't enough to get him there. He tried to worm his paw under his belly and began to rub his erection through the course cotton that concealed it, but Paul let out a very dominant grunt with his tongue still deep inside him which caused the doberman to jump slightly. Paul pushed Dirk's paw away from his member and withdrew his tongue to give his cheek another bite, but this one was firmer and announced in no uncertain terms that the rabbit was in control.

Dirk whined at the denial of his own stimulation in a way that made him sound like he was a pup begging for his mother's milk. He heard Paul chuckle after he released his skin from his teeth. Dirk quivered all over and pushed his rear back toward the rabbit. "Please ... I need ..."

"Your body _almost_seems eager enough," Paul said as he eased his body fully up onto the bench seat and behind Dirk, "but you're still not very convincing when you say it."

"I need you to fuck me," Dirk said with without hesitation. "I need you to fuck me like a bitch. I need you to own my ass, make me your fuck toy."

"So you're ready to be my little slut?"

"Yes!" Dirk moaned and pushed his rear back against Paul's hips. "More. Please."

"Good," Paul said as he pulled his hips back and unzipped his fly, fishing his erection out through the opening in his briefs without even bothering to take his pants down. "I like it when my little bitches beg for it."

Dirk felt as Paul pushed his hips forward and lined up the tip of his member, pushing between his cheeks and spreading them even more than his submissive position had already. He could feel the heat of it against his spit cooled tailring, and every beat of Paul's heart seemed to make it briefly swell even larger than it was.

He looked back over his shoulders with a little bit of concern. This was much bigger than Paul's finger or his tongue. Much bigger than anything he'd ever tried putting in himself. The thought that it was going to split him in two was quickly replacing the pent up desire, but what he could discern of Paul's face in the darkness reaffirmed that he had already made his choice and the decision was no longer his.

Paul rocked forward and the tip spread his muscle ring a bit, and then another rock and a bit more, and then more still. Dirk gritted his teeth and gripped the leather seat tightly, burring his face in the side panel. The stretch was starting to get uncomfortable when the flared glans suddenly popped in. Dirk yipped and clenched his muscles as tightly as he could. A burning pain seemed to encompass the invading rabbit in his backside.

"Too much! Too much!" Dirk cried between whimpers.

"Just relax," Paul said in a tone that seemed uncharacteristically soothing given their encounter to this point. "You're not the first virgin I've broken in. The worst is over and in a few minutes you'll be begging me to breed you as hard as I can."

Dirk looked back at him. Paul's eyes were closed and there was a big smile on his face. Despite the discomfort he felt, it was obvious the rabbit was enjoying the feeling. He felt the rabbits paws rub his cheeks with a tenderness that helped dispel his fear.

The pain did start to subside a bit, but as soon as it did Paul would ease forward and it would renew. Dirk tried to pull away, but the tender paws rubbing him wrapped around his waist and held him still. He whined as Paul inched a little deeper, but something was beginning to change.

The pain faded a little faster and didn't come back as severe. Agony turned to curiosity as the biggest dick he'd ever seen on a guy slipped farther into him with only spit to aid its descent. Before the painfulness dulled completely, Dirk felt the fur around the rabbit's sheath brush against his tailhole. If it weren't for the incredibly full feeling, he wouldn't have believed it was actually all the way inside him.

Paul eased back a little and then worked slowly back to the hilt. It still wasn't pleasurable, but the pain was almost gone. As if testing the waters, Paul eased back a little further and then slowly hilted again. One inch, two inches, three inches.

Dirk's whimpers and grunts started to turn into murmurs and moans. Something had changed once again. The uncertainty was being replaced by sheets of white bliss that blanketed his mind. The transition was phenomenal and Paul seemed to know just when to move a little faster. The little doberman couldn't help but wonder how many 'straight' guys in the shower that had eyed the big rabbit ended up in the same position he was in.

Dirk again noticed his member twitching at the fullness in his tailhole as Paul rubbed him in all the right ways. He wanted desperately to wrap his paw around it and work out that climax that had been taunting him since Paul's tongue was in his tailhole. He did have the presence of mind to ask, "Can I please paw?" to the one in charge.

"No," Paul answered to his dismay. "Trust me, little pup. It's going to be a whole lot better this way."

Dirk whined but accepted Paul's decision. He felt Paul pull nearly all the way out of him and his tailring tug against the flare of his head. Paul then pushed all the way back in and pulled back out to the same point, causing Dirk to moan. The pain was now absent, and Paul seemed to sense it.

"Oh, yeah. Tight little bitch. Your ass feels amazing."

"It ... it's not mine anymore," Dirk said with blush filling his face.

"Mmm ... that's right," Paul laid a firm smack on Dirk's cheek with an open palm. "And I'm going to enjoy using my tight little puppy ass."

Paul shifted his grip on Dirk and ground up against his rear. He pulled out to the tailring and slammed back in. Dirk yipped at the sudden increase in pace, but it quickly turned into lustful moans. Paul slapped his hips against the pert cheeks over and over. The feel of it coupled with the lyrics of_Givin the Dog a Bone_ over the speakers drove home that the big rabbit now owned him.

The feel of Paul's jeans against his furred rear and the full length pumping in and out made the it all the more intense for the doberman. His shorts down to his thighs, the big rabbit fucking him through the backless jockstrap, all the while without even bothering to remove a shred of his clothing. It made Dirk feel like he really was made to be Paul's bitch, and that was more arousing than anything he'd ever experienced before.

The big rabbit leaned over Dirk and slid his paws up his chest, putting more of his weight on him and changing his angle of attack. The change in the pressure on the doberman was incredible. He moaned louder as Paul grunted and increased his speed even more. The length of his strokes got a little longer, and the doberman's tailring that had been reluctant to release him entirely finally gave way and the head of Paul's member slipped out and pushed back in.

Dirk was moaning and panting almost uncontrollably. The feel of being completely taken was driving him wild and his member contained inside his jockstrap leaked copiously. It wasn't very long before his elusive climax came rushing toward him.

His balls drew up inside him and the tip of his cock oozed out thick cum in an orgasm he'd never felt the likes of before. His tailring constricted and released over and over as more cum seeped into his underwear, but the constrictions of his muscle ring didn't deter Paul in the least. In fact, the big rabbit fucked right through the doberman's orgasm, enjoying the tighter feel the whole time.

By the time Dirk's pulsing member had been milked of everything he could offer in the orgasm, his eyes were rolled back into his head and his tongue dangled from his muzzle while he panted. He could hear Paul grunt but it was barely audible in his fuck-drunk state.

"I love it when I make my bitch cum," Paul hissed as Dirk struggled to stay conscious. "My little bitch want an assload of my cum now?"

"Mmnph," was about all Dirk could manage.

"Beg for it, pup."

"Pleash. Mmmn ... cum in your bitch," Dirk forced out the reply to Paul's demand.

Paul grunted and pushed himself as deep inside the doberman's ass as he could go. The girthy member expanded as it pulsed and Dirk felt warmth radiate from deep inside him. He closed his eyelids as the rabbit twitched on top of him.

As jet after jet of the rabbit's seed poured into him, Paul pulled his length back and slammed it down again. Dirk yipped as the dull thuds became wet squelches. Paul moved in and out of him while his balls emptied into his newly claimed bitch. After Paul's member was spent, he gave a few extra thrusts for emphasis. The big rabbit finally eased his weight down on top of the doberman and stopped his thrusts.

Dirk's consciousness was slipping away when he suddenly felt Paul lift off him and pull out. Dirk opened his eyes and meekly lifted his head to look behind him. He saw Paul pull up his basketball shorts over his rear. Paul even took time to adjust them to where they'd be a comfortable fit before pulling the doberman's legs up into the car and pushing him up onto the seat. Paul then settled his rear down into the space he'd just made in a sitting position.

Dirk worked himself into a sitting position, but his whole body felt wobbly and there was an undeniable soreness in his backside, but it was very pleasant. It was as if it was a gift; a memory of the big hunk of maleness that took his virginity.

He eased his legs off the bench seat and onto the floorboard of the drivers side, sitting up like Paul. He looked over at the big rabbit who was breathing heavy, but seemed to be getting it under control. Dirk felt the need to be close to him so he scootched over a bit, but was surprised when the rabbit put his arm out and stopped him.

Paul put his arm up around Dirk's shoulders and pushed him down until his muzzle was against the stain his own orgasm had left on the leather. Dirk whimpered softly as he tried to look up at the rabbit as best he could while being held down.

"Clean it up," Paul instructed.

Dirk put his lips against his own jism and gave it a quick lick. He'd experimented with the taste of his own cum before, but this was mixed with the spark musk of his jockstrap and the black leather. After a few licks, he felt a tug on his hoodie and raised his head up just in time for Paul to put his paw on the back of it and pull him toward his still erect member standing out of the fly of his jeans.

He pushed him down until his lips were against the tip. Dirk wasn't able to really process what was happening before he found his muzzle open and Paul's cock against his tongue. The taste was similar to his own cum, but the musky tinge of the actual flesh in his mouth was undeniable. It was also more sharp, and the thought of where it had just been was turning him on again. His own previously flagging erection was drawing his jockstrap tight.

Paul's girthy member spread the doberman's jaw as his head eased down, but his elongated snout allowed him to accommodate the entire length. When his lips butted against Paul's sheath, the rabbit scritched his head lightly while he sat there awhile, but it was soon made clear the rabbit wanted a little more.

"Suck," Paul instructed.

Dirk closed his eyes and gave the rabbit cock an experimental slurp. He heard Paul let out a long groan. Dirk couldn't help but smile around Paul's member as he slowly began to bob his head lightly on its length. Though he was inexperienced, (and he felt it probably showed,) he continued working nonetheless.

He started moving his head up his length to the tip. His tongue brushed over the opening of Paul's shaft. The flavors and sensations from his initial were amplified tenfold. Dirk moaned around his head and that caused Paul to gasp. Dirk smiled again at the thought of giving the rabbit so much pleasure.

He would have been content to lap at the tip for awhile longer but Paul pushed his head back down again. He eased off the pressure once Dirk was all the way down Paul's shaft and Dirk took the hint to work back up again. Before long, he was in a steady rhythm moving his muzzle up and down the big rabbit's girthy length, taking a little additional time on the tip to lap at it with his tongue.

Paul started to buck up against the doberman's muzzle on his way down while pushing on his head, steadily increasing the pace. Dirk felt Paul's cock pulse and throb on his lips and tongue and loved the contrast to the feeling of it doing the same in his backside.

Dirk was surprised when Paul suddenly stopped bucking against him and lifted him off with a gentle push on his shoulders. The doberman looked down at the erection and then up at the rabbit with an expression of mixed desperation and confusion.

"Don't worry, pup. You'll get plenty before the night is over." Paul stroked his head affectionately. "I think I about got you where I want you in how much you want my cock."

"But, but I ... I don't understand."

"Simple," Paul said as he worked the erection back into his fly in a way that looked like it'd be terribly uncomfortable, but Paul didn't seem to flinch at pinning the beast up, "we're running late as it is. After the party, I'll take you home and we'll fuck on your parents' bed."

"Wait, party? What party? My parents bed? We can't do that!" Dirk exclaimed.

"Yes we can," Paul paused to zip up his fly. "The after game party. We're going to the state championship because of you. Can't very well miss your own victory party. Now get back up in the front seat, and keep your butt clenched tight. You get cum on my leather and you'll be licking it clean again."

"I can't go to a party like this! I've got ..." Dirk blushed furiously and frowned, "I'm full of your cum, and my breath smells like your dick. What will the guys say? They can't ... know about this."

"Don't be silly," Paul chuckled and slapped Dirk's thigh. "Just tell them you're my bitch. Most of them will be jealous."

"There's no way I can do that."

"Well, you better keep that butt clenched tight, like I told you then," and with that, Paul leaned up and got out of the open passenger side door.

Dirk sat there for moment completely taken aback. How could he possibly go to a party with all those teammates and keep anyone from finding out that Paul had just reamed him and pumped him full? He looked up when he heard the drivers side door open and watched Paul get in.

"Hurry up, kid. We need to get going."

Dirk huffed and made his way out and up to the front seat. After putting it back so he could sit in it again and settling in, he looked over at Paul with a small scowl.

"Don't be like that," Paul chided, "You know it's going to be worth your while after the party. Next time my cock's in your mouth, since you've been a good fuck toy, I'll let you swallow a load of my cum."

Paul ejected the 8-track from his player, swapped it out for another in his glovebox and hit play before he key his ignition. Dirk blushed a bit as You Shook me All Night Long began playing over the speakers.

He sighed as his blush intensified and he squirmed a little in the seat. He hoped the damp spots seeping through the front of his shorts would dry before they got there. He huffed again as he tightened his cheeks as best he could to keep the same dampness from appearing on the other end. He knew one thing for certain, the wildest night of his life was just getting started.


My submission for Heat 12. It didn't make the cut but now I can share it with all you fine critters. The spiritual successor to _Turnabouts_ set a few years after that story. Hope you enjoy! **Expectations** **by Mog Moogle** The otter brushed her...

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The Dawn of our Age - Teaser - 2

**The Dawn of our Age** **Teaser - 2** **By Mog Moogle** "Gandhi tower, this is Tango Charley Won Zero Tree, _USS Destiny_ requesting departure," Harold Townsend said into the microphone on his headset after he received confirmation his ion drive...

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SoFurry Uploader Flash Fap Fiction

When He has Me by Mog Moogle He was taking off his clothes. It was one of those nights. I knew no foreplay would be forthcoming. Work had drained that from him. His annoying mother that never liked me was getting on his nerves. Tonight, he was going...

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