Merciful aliens

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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#13 of Supernatural

Do you think aliens are just a figment of the imagination?

Once you step over the line and start to believe, you are in for a ride that will change your life.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Merciful aliens

** There was a stealth spaceship floating somewhere near the Planet Earth.**

Inside the spaceship, an alien was talking to a computer on the wall, "Gideon, lock the target."

From the computer screen, the alien saw a yellow fox.

"Target locked. Target name is Miss Joey, age twenty, body structure is similar to us. She is an anthro fox which also means that her stamina is much better than a human, and is easier to modify."

** The yellow fox has a long, bushy tail. Small eyes and nose but she has muscular thighs.**

"Any other targets that match the conditions?"

Gideon scanned the area for a while, "Negative, nowadays hard to find a teenager who is still a virgin. Do you want me to scan elsewhere?"

The alien knit his brows in thought. "It's ok, beam her up," at last he sighed. He thought it would be easy to find a virgin teenager, and yet he took two hours only to find one.

Gideon released a light and Joey disappeared from the screen, "Transported. I suggest you change to a human or anthro form first before you see her."

"Thanks, Gideon," the alien turned off the computer and left the room.


Joey was standing alone at the hallway wagging her bushy tail unconsciously, she wagged her tail whenever she felt nervous. It was ten o' **clock** when she was studying Computer Science at home, but suddenly a light engulfed her and now she was here. There were no windows, the hallway was narrow and very bright. The wall and the floor were made of metal. She approached the wall and knocked on it gently, then she stomped the floor. "Weird, what is this place? Some kind of modern prison?" She was curious to know what happened.

"Don' **t be afraid, we*' *ll let you go if you cooperate with us,"** Joey turned around slowly and saw a human. Upon his arrival, she felt her heart began to race. Her eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his messy brown hair down to his worn combat boots two sizes too big.

"What do you want from me?" Joey asked** , there was an uncontrollable note of fear in her voice.**

"Your womb," the stranger answered calmly. ** The closer he came, the better Joey could view him. His eyes warm, a range of soft colours.**

Suddenly Joey recalled what she saw on the TV. A girl was secured on a table, and then a group of aliens began to impregnate her. Soon some alien babies crawled out from her pussy and she died painfully!

Joey was stiff with terror, "' **t** do that... **to** my womb...I' **ll die..."** she regarded him closely.

"** I don't know what you're talking about but we won't do that thing...whatever you're your womb. **** Don *'* t worry, we just want to borrow your womb for a while *. F* ollow me *, you can call me Mr Alien, we already knew your name and your background."*

** Joey brooded for some minutes. "I am abducted by alien!" she thought and tried to flee.**

** "Joey, before you run away, you better look at this," Mr Alien flipped a switch to open a small window.**

** Joey's eyes popped with amazement. "Please correct me if I'm wrong, but is that the Planet Earth?"**

** Mr Alien chuckled, "This is Starship Force, you can jump out from here but I don't think you're able to swim back to your planet."**

Joey had no choice but to follow Mr Alien. He led her to a room and pointed at the screen, "She refused to cooperate with us."

From the screen, Joey saw a pregnant horse struggling and screaming** , *"Let me go! I don't want to give birth to alien babies!" her belly began to bulge. First her belly bulged like the size of honey dew, then the size of watermelon. Finally bulged like there were two watermelon buried inside her stomach and eventually * exploded ***! There was a huge POP sound, flesh and blood flying in all directions and some spattered on the screen.*

"That is sick!" Joey turned and wanted to vomit, he saw a basin and began to vomit.

"If you cooperate with us, you won' **t die.** Struggle and your DNA shall begin to burn and eventually kaboom," ** Mr Alien passed a towel to Joey.**

Joey cleaned her muzzle with the towel and threw into the trash can. "Are you sure that I won't die if I help you? Are you going to invade and conquer my planet and enslave us?"

"** We're not going to do that because we're the good aliens. Since w *e' *re all men and can' **t make babies, we need your womb to create babies for us.** Help us voluntary to minimize pain."

"What if I say '** no *'? *** And why chose me? ***"*

"** are girl," Mr Alien explained as best he could. "Should you reject us, we'll still continue with our plan...but then you'll either lose your womb or life, ***"* he pointed at the screen with a smile.

Joey vomited again. "** Alright, I agree to help you. So how're you going to impregnate me? **** Rape me until I **** got babies?"**

Mr Alien scratched his head in perplexity.

Suddenly Joey could not restrain a cry of amazement. "How can you tell that I'm still a virgin?" ** she could feel her ears standing stiffly upright.**

Mr Alien paused for a moment as one who marshals his thoughts. His grim, deep-lined face had become even sadder and graver.

"We...err...can...scan...your body..." he said at last.

Joey scowled, with heavy, threatening eyebrows.

"Pervert aliens! Did you scan us every day?"

"** Of course not. **** This way. You can choose a method *, we've the technology. This place is very advance and I'm sure you'll find comfort here," *** Mr Alien shifted hastily to a new subject. Luckily Joey did not ask further questions.**

After they left the room, an alien walked out from a secret door. "This fake video did scare her," he giggled and deleted the fake video.

When Joey open** ed **** the door ***,* the bathroom wa** s **** on the right **** and there **** wa ***s an arch where* she enter** ed **** to the main bedroom. **** The **** floor **** wa ***s made of white grayish marble,* the bed and curtains we** re **** Asian **** style. There **** wa ***s a white blanket with some colored points, and* the bed size wa** s queen with tow pillows. **** She exulted softly, completely spellbound by this room. Mr Alien turned on the air-cond and soon the room was filled with perfume which would only affect non-alien species.**

"This is awesome!" Joey clapped her paws with amusement, and then jumped onto the bed. This bed was so comfortable, she never wanted to get up anymore.

"Method one, let us ejaculate into your womb. Method two, we' **ll inject** our sperm directly into your womb. Anyhow, l** ater we *'* ll 'repair ***'* your torn hymen. Are you listening?"

The main purpose of the perfume was to calm Joey down. Gradually she showed signs of becoming quieter. Now she no longer felt fearful, her eyes were bright with interest.

Joey stopped rolling on the bed** , "Repair? This sounds crazy, **** doctors said you can't repair torn hymen. ***"* She rose and sat up in bed, listening.

"Don' **t underestimate our technology. Now, select a method**** , you've plenty of time to roll on the bed. ***"*

Pouting like a child, Joey asked, "Wait, what' **ll happen to my womb after this?"**

"** No **** worry, you still can give birth to normal **** anthros **** after this."**

Joey knitted her brows in deep thought. She was abducted by the aliens, she must help them in order to go home safely. She looked at the alien, and he laughed reassuringly. "He doesn't look like the bad guys," she told herself.

Joey thought for a long time and finally she said** , *"Err...can explain the second method? I don *'**** t want to be raped by strangers."**

Mr Alien flipped a switch and the curtains parted slowly, "** I'll explain during the process *. Trust me, it' *s not painful after all."

"** OMG! I can see the blue planet! **** I *'* ll select the second method."**

"Please lie on the bed and relax, and don't roll anymore, for now."

Mr Alien took out a syringe - it was about ten inches long - and placed on a table. "Are you going to use this..." Joey's voice was strained as she asked the question.

"Yes, this will be injected into your womb directly. So you want to change method now?" Mr Alien asked, with something of a smirk.

Joey was chilled with fear, "No, go ahead." She told herself that this was much better than raping by some aliens.

Mr Alien stood in front of a computer table and clicked a button. Joey could see a small device lowered down from the ceiling. He clicked another button and the device began to scan her belly. "Now I' **m finding your womb," he explained with a smile.**

Joey looked at Mr Alien thoughtfully like a master chess-player who meditates his crowning move. He operated on the computer for a while, when he was satisfied, the device was pulled up to the ceiling again. He then approached Joey with a blue pill and a glass of water. "Swallow it, it will modify the structure of your womb so that you can give birth to our species. Don't worry, the effect is not permanent."

Starring at the pill, Joey said, "This is the biggest pill I've ever seen," she opened her muzzle and swallowed it, then he passed the empty cup to Mr Alien.

Mr Alien drew a diagram to explain his theory. According to him, the pill needed a calm environment to work properly. "Now relax and wait for a few hours. Your womb will kaboom if you don't calm down. I shall return after one hour, press this bell if you need me."

Joey answered calmly, "I'm grateful for your frankness, Mr Alien. Do you have...anything for me to pass time?"

"See that kiosk? Just ask it, later rubbish can be thrown into that 'basket'."

After Mr Alien left, Joey stood in front of the windows and stared at the blue planet. The Earth's technology was so outdated, there were many satellites and yet none of it was able to detect this huge spaceship. She approached the kiosk, "Hello, can give me some comic books?" "Certainly, Miss Joey, please describe them."

" speak..."

"Don't underestimate our technologies. We helped the ancient people to build the Wonders of the World."

"That's new," Joey began to describe the comics.

In less than five minutes, some comic books appeared on the rack. "This is amazing!" Joey picked up the comics and returned to the bed.

One hour later, Mr Alien came to scan Joey's womb again. "Still not ready yet. I need to shave your pussy and breasts fur now, please come into the washroom."

Joey blushed and entered the washroom with Mr Alien, "Can I do this by myself?" she asked shyly.

"Sure, but get a pair of glove first. Later, brush this onto your furs, don't bath after that. I'll give you back your lovely furs before you go home," Mr Alien handed a small bottle to Joey and explained carefully. "See you later."

Joey waited until the door was closed, and then she retrieved the gloves from the kiosk. She returned to the washroom, sat down on a stool and spread her legs like 'M' shape. She poured some liquid onto her fox fingers and began to rub her pussy fur. " itchy..." she purred.

Soon the pussy fur dropped to the floor, exposing the slit. At that moment, Joey did not feel itchy anymore. She began to rub her chest fur with the liquid, and felt itchy again. When the breasts fur dropped to the floor, the itching also stopped. "Now I can't roll on the bed anymore."

Ten minutes later, Joey's tummy did not feel good, she quickly touched the bell.

Mr Alien scanned Joey's belly carefully and nodded, "Fear not, your womb has changed structure. You feel painful because the structure is incompatible with your body. Now lay on the bed, I'm going to start the operation."

Joey lay on the bed slowly. Mr Alien approached her with the syringe on his hand. "See the white liquid? It is our sperm." He brushed something on her fury belly gently, she did not know what that was but soon her belly was numbed.

"Wait, you said that you've the technologies. Why not use your own sperm to create babies?"

"We tried, failed, never succeed."

"Next time you should go to the Earth's hospital."

** "If we go there, we'll end up in Area 51. I'm going to inject now, you can close your eyes if you're scared. Please don't move, you'll die if the needle is broken."**

Joey closed her eyes** , **** she did not feel any **** pain on her belly. **** But when the needle reached **** her womb, **** she **** developed a pained look.**

PPPFFFF...suddenly Joey farted! It was the alien's turn to look surprised. Mr Alien almost broke the needle, luckily there was no nasty smell.

"Sorry, I fart whenever I feel painful."

Mr Alien began to pump the liquid into her womb. "This will take about two minutes, let me know if you want to fart again."

When the syringe was empty, Mr Alien slowly pulled out the needle from her womb** , "Done, now you must eat a lot."**

"I don' **t feel hungry. Now what? Wait for** another nine months?"

At that moment, a guy entered the room, pushing a table of food and stopped in front of the bed.

"Now eat and wait. With our technologies, you don't need nine months, may be one hour only."

Joey looked at the food, it looked delicious but she was not hungry. She caressed her soft belly and she could feel her womb was full of sperm. She never made love before and this was a new sensation to her. Now she did not feel tummy pain anymore but she had other weird feelings which could not be described. "I'll become a mother in another hour?" Suddenly she recalled the sci-fi that she watched, all girls were killed by the aliens! What would happen to her? Would this alien kill her after she gave birth for them?

Joey could do nothing but lie down and sleep** , soon she felt hungry. She finished the food in less than ten minutes but still not enough. **** She pressed the bell and Mr Alien entered the room with the same guy. **** Suddenly she noticed her belly began to bulge. Her belly bulged like there was a honey dew inside her stomach ***, and her breasts size also increased.* Another table of food was pushed into the room. After she finished the food, her belly bulged liked the size of a watermelon, her breasts became E-cup and even worse, her slit parted automatically.

"What happened to m** y body ***?* Is my stomach going to explode?" ** Joey was shaking with emotion.**

"Fear not, this is normal, you' **re feeding the babies**** ," Mr Alien's soothing words subdued Joey's fears.**

Joey began to fear again when she witnessed her cunt hole opened automatically. She tried to close it but in vain, finally the opening was as wide as the size of a tomato. She could see her good-shape hymen! "Mr Alien..." she looked a little pale and strained.

"As for your vagina, birth involves getting a baby's large head through the pelvic opening. As part of this process, the body starts releasing a hormone called relaxin during pregnancy, softening the cartilage connection at the pubic bone called the pubic symphysis," ** Mr Alien explained the problem clearly by analyzing it point by point.**

Joey looked thoroughly surprised at Mr Alien's narrative.

"Mr Alien, I don't understand medical terms," she sighed.

"In short, your womb is getting ready. When the babies crawl out, they won't stretch your birth canal anymore," Mr Alien explained his meaning shortly but clearly.

Joey looked down, "So small?"

"For now, yes. But it'll get larger automatically when the babies wants to crawl out."

Soon** , Joey's belly bulged beyond descriptions, she could not sit on the bed anymore, she must lie down and wait for the moment to come.**

"Drink it, you won' **t feel so painful** later. ** Please spread your legs like 'M' shape, ***"* Mr Alien turned on a flashlight and held it in front of Joey's sex.

Joey drank the water and tried to relax. She looked up at the vaulted ceiling of the bedroom and studied the fresco of constellations.

Another ten minutes later, "I...felt...something...inside..." Joey panted. Her cervix began to part and her vagina also spreading wider. She felt like someone was opening her inner parts with force.

"Relax, you don' **t need to do anything, just let them come out automatically.***"*

** Inside Joey's stomach. A small baby opened her eyes. She saw a small beam of light. Slowly she crawled towards the light. The cervix blocked her way but she managed to open it easily. Squeezing her tiny body through the cervix, she reached the vagina. That place was soft and smelt so good, she licked and poked around as she was crawling out.**

** Another baby also opened her eyes and finding the exit. She also saw the light and began to crawl out. The cervix was still opened wide, and thus she could go through it without any problems.**

Joey was surprised to see a head pop out from her pussy, and then a small baby crawled out. Thanked to the water, she did not feel so painful, she only felt a sharp pain when the baby torn her precious hymen. "Congrats, it's a girl!" Mr Alien announced happily.

Covering the baby with a towel, Mr Alien hugged the baby and put on Joey's chest gently. He t** urn ***ed* the baby' **s whole body toward** her** , chest to chest. *"Joey, you need to milk her because she can't suck yet," he remarked. * The baby smelt the milk and **** opened her tiny mouth. She never done this before and did not know what to do. He positioned the baby's opened mouth beneath her left nipple and she began to squeeze her breasts; the milk was shot into the baby's mouth directly. This might not be a good and right way but still effective. When the baby burped, he took down the baby carefully.**

Another small baby crawled out and this was a girl again** , **** Joey used the same method to feed her ***.* It only took ten minutes for the babies to crawl out, and she did not suffer great pain. Her strength was exhausted and she fell back on the pillow.

"The medical effect is over, that's why you feel very tired by now."

Indeed Joey felt exhausted, she closed her eyes and began to sleep.


The next day.

"How do you feel?" Mr Alien entered the room and asked gently.

Joey stared in amazement.

"Why am I still here?" she asked.

"We hope you can help us one last time. Do you want to try the first method?" Mr Alien answered with a polite smile.

Joey looked at Mr Alien in a singular way.

"Really last time? Alright, same method," she replied.

Mr Alien laid his hand upon the fox's shoulder. **"Yes, then you can go home but you must not tell anybody about us *," *** he said.**

"Ok, I' **m ready to start now**** , ***"* Joey said after an interval of silence.

"Wait, although you' **re an anthro and your stamina is much greater than a human, you still need to rest now**** , ***"* Mr Alien gave a whimsical smile.

The same guy pushed a table of food into the room.

Joey smiled and rubbed his paws. "I know, eat and sleep. Can I take a shower?"

Mr Alien nodded and smiled. He left the room happily.


The next morning, Joey finished the food and was readied for last round. This time another two female babies came to this world.

Mr Alien smiled and rubbed his hands.

"Thanks, now we' **ll repair your hymen, womb and furs. Your womb** shall be cleaned so that you can give birth to normal anthros** , ***"* he said.

Joey gave a gesture of relief and closed her eyes for them to repair.

"Joey, I'll give you a small gift now. Thanks, you're our first friend from Planet Earth," Mr Alien murmured.

When Joey opened her eyes again, she quickly checked her body. Her breasts and vagina were covered perfectly. She caressed the chest and pussy furs lovingly.

Mr Alien was smiling at her. "We're sending you back to your house on the same day and time, so that nobody noticed your disappearance.** Remember don *'* t tell anyone about us."**

"I presume** d **** aliens **** we *re very...bloody and scary, but you' *re not** , ***"* Joey said thoughtfully.

Mr Alien smiled amiably. "** Not all aliens are merciful. **** Ciao!"**

After Joey disappeared, Mr Alien's transformed into...nothing! Now his body was transparent and could transform into any species!

A light engulfed Joey and she was standing at her bedroom again. Still ten o'clock, she sighed and continued to study. To her surprised, her memory somehow has evolved. She could memorize the page by reading it once only. In less than ten minutes, she memorized the whole text book.

With this new skill, she managed to earn Double Degrees easily. This small gift was only a tiny token of Mr Alien's gratefulness.


Later Joey married with a white fox and he loved her very much. When she turned thirty, she already had a girl who looked like her and a boy who looked like her husband. She always told the kids not to hate or afraid the aliens. "Not all aliens are bad," she told them. Her small eyes twinkled with pleasure.

Joey never told anybody about the aliens. She would not forget that scary and exciting adventure** , and the comfortable bed.**

The end.

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